litter due 7/7/03 

Multiple BOBs Ch Schneiderhofs Armand TC OFA H/E

Ch Schneiderhofs Amanda V Wycliff


Multiple BOBs Ch Schneiderhofs Armand TC OFA H/E Ch Schneiderhofs Black Sabbath HIC ROMpts OFA H/E/C Ch Schneiderhofs OJ of Madeira TC ROM
Schneiderhofs Mood Magic ROM OFA H/E
Ch Scharos Leading Lady V Chablis OFA H/E 2x Sel Ch Scharos Spellbinder ROM OFA
Scharos Fiesta TC ROM OFA
Ch Schneiderhofs Amanda V Wycliff Ch Schneiderhofs Highlander HIC ROM OFA H/E/C FV MV 2xSel Ch Hoheneichens Flag ROM/C
Kasandens Cracklin Rosie ROM pts OFA
A/C Ch Schneiderhofs Silent Night HIC ROMpts OFA H/E Schneiderhofs U-Two V Chablis TC HIC OFA
Schneiderhofs Whisper TC HIC OFA H/E






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All graphics on this site are owned by Schneiderhof German Shepherds.
Nothing from this site may be used without the prior written permission
of Nancy Schneider & Schneiderhof German Shepherds.
Copyright 1998.