Below is a list of links to other sites on the Internet that we have found to contain valuable information on Missing and Stolen Horses.
Some are places to list your missing horse, some contain information that may include addresses for Auctions and Slaughterhouses, and some have tips for preventing horse theft.
If you have a site you feel would benefit others by being listed here, please contribute your site's URL to us and we will add it to this list.
This is an interactive site! We gladly accecpt assistance from others!
The following Links list Missing and Stolen Horses, and have helpful information on them.
Note that the links following red balls are in the Missing Horse Webring:
The Stallion Station Comments:This is an excellent site, with listing and pictures of missing and stolen horses. The site also includes tips on preventing horse theft. This site states that they will list any horses submitted.
The Texas Horseman's Directory Stolen Horse Report
This site states they will list for free, a description of your stolen horse for 3 months and then delete it if they are not notified to do otherwise. They also will add a link to your horses page for photos if you have a page .
Illinois Horse Online Comments: This site will list Stolen/Missing/Tracing for horses, and has tips for horse theft prevention resources. They will put a link to your posted message if you have a webpage with your horses picture on it.
Equine Info
Comments: This site will provide free listings, updates, tips and recovery resources.
Baltimore Horse Country's Missing Horse Page Comments: Very useful information, like how to contact your state Dept. Of Ag, what may happen after your horse is stolen, how to prevent theft and many links to other sites. Free listing with picture for stolen and missing horses
HorseNet Comments: This site will list your missing horse in a bulletin board format. It seems to be frequently visited, so it would be a good place to list it. You also list it yourself, so you would not have to wait for the site master to do it.
Missing Pet Network Comments: Another great list-it-yourself forum. They will also post a photo.
North Carolina Horse Industry Comments:Very good site, with many tips and information on how the Internet can be used to help you find your horse. Also has a good sized list of links.
Horse Previews Magazine Comments:Another guestbook type format. This link brings you to the listing page, from there you have to click on "form" to go to the form to fill out. They will link to a page with a picture on it.
Horses Online Comments:Real time posting of Missing and stolen bulletins, plus they will post a (60k limit) GIF or JPG.
Horse City Comments:Helpful link listing processing plants that process horsemeat.
Saber Farms Comments: A discussion board for posting missing, stolen and lost horses only. The ad is free, and will be maintained as long as necessary.