by Casey
One simple rule applies: If it isn't nailed down it's yours!
JEWELRY:If it's shiny it's probably expensive!
Since you have impeccable taste, you may as well "go for the gold"!
When it comes to earrings, take only one from a pair!
(People need to cling to the hope that the missing one will eventually turn up.)
Just keep it stashed away until you're ready to let them "find" it -
with their vacuum cleaner perhaps?
Hours of fun are possible with these!
"Who says I won't fit!"
"What's that?
You say you NEED these pieces?"
PAPERS:Ones with lots of writing work best, like school reports,
and actually serve a dual purpose.
You get to perfect your tearing & shredding skills
and the student gets additional writing or typing practice!
FURNITURE:It's very useful for manicures but try other surfaces for a change.
Examples: Edges of carpeted stairs, stereo speakers,
wicker hampers, and on it goes.
Besides, won't people be happier if you stop clawing the item
just short of disintegration and move on to something else?
It may not seem very interesting NOW but just stick around and watch
when someone tries to use the T.V.!
Time for your best "Who me?" face!
(And if that doesn't work, just PURR - the louder the better!)Remember:
The best cat toy has a person on one end!
And the world is your toybox! (Or is it your litterbox?)
Whatever - the world is yours!