Big news! I can finally, after a horribly long time, get in and edit this page again! In the meantime, I have become a GRANDMA!!!!!

Please look on Jen's Page to see photos of my beautiful grandson!

Jen's Page

These are my three teenagers,
Jennifer(17 on the right),
Jessica(16),and Jacob(13).

This is Jes in January '99

This is Jake at Easter of 99. (14 yrs. old)

This is Morgan at Easter. (2 yrs. and 7 months)

This is Mason at Easter. (19 months old)

This is all five of my
kids together, for once.

A new one of all 5 taken in February of '99.

This is my whole family
(well, I'm 4 months pregnant with Mason)

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Please come again soon!