Welcome to my Guestbook!

Ronda Pounds - 08/26/00 03:16:15
My URL:/cd_franks_elementary
My Email:pounds@ipa.net

We would greatly appreciate your consideration of our site for your award. We have worked very hard and as with most sites, we are still developing everyday. Our site services Margaret Daniel Primary (Kindergarten & First Grade) and C.D. Franks Elementary (Second Grade - Fourth Grade) THank you, Ronda Pounds

Cynthia Cavanaugh - 05/29/00 17:52:43
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/cavanaughc/
My Email:rags2@penn.com

A really great site, I will recommend it to my friends.

Jerry Smith - 09/26/99 00:27:28
My URL:http://www.ghosttownsusa.com
My Email:jerome.smith@ibm.net

Greetings, such a fantastic site you have designed and created, with a wealth of information visitors can enjoy each and every time they return. Great awards you have, I hope I can win one. Cheers! Jerry

Dee Cato - 07/16/99 05:41:24
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/turnaroundprogram/index.html

Hey, Y'all!! I had to say it, because I am from South Carolina with a huge southern accent. I feel at home with your site. I love the outdoors, and I love horses too. I have alot of friends that tour the rodeo circuit. I am chicken myself, but I like to watch (he he)! Thanks to you guys for the wonderful award and complimentary note. I give this site and the people who built it an A+. I only wish that we lived closer to your ranch. I would love to bring my students to see it. Maybe, one day, we w ll get to head up your way. Take care. I'll be back to check you out again real soon, ya here?

Cat - 06/22/99 16:43:15
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~billybleue
My Email:billybleue@hotmail.com

Hi! Love your philosophy about dreams, I'm also a firm believer in them. Keep on living them to the fullest! Great-looking horses by the way!

William Holland - 06/19/99 21:49:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/Outlet/3033
My Email:wholland@freewwweb.com

Very nice web site. It took a long time to load but worth the wait. I'll be back from time to time to check you out. Perhaps I'll try some of the recipes. Bill

Rick - 06/17/99 01:33:12
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Rickpats/index.html
My Email:feature@casstel.net

An excellent site!!! You have done a wonderful job. I am very impressed. Keep up the great work. I would also like to invite you back to my page and get yourself listed in the Friendly Pages. You certainly qualify for it. Take care.

Laurie - 06/09/99 23:47:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/darlinsden
My Email:lauriedarlin@webtv.net

This is a wonderful page!! Love the photos and the web design!!

Lindy Jo Jones - 06/09/99 06:27:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/5818
My Email:lindyjo@geocities.com

Just stopping by to tell you I enjoyed your site very much. I used to live on a ranch and owned and showed quarter horses. Your site reminds me of how much I rever and enjoy the beautiful wonderful world of horses. Great site and you did it all in noteb ok too!
Warmest wishes to you and your family.
Lindy ...*smile*

ANGELA CRANMER - 06/09/99 02:44:11
My Email:ALCR708@AOL.COM


Marie Johansson - 06/08/99 18:26:46
My URL:http://hem2.passagen.se/marie4st/
My Email:marie4st@hem2.passagen.se

Hello! Thanks for writing in my guestbook! I can see that you like horses ;o) Thats what not hard too see ;o) You have a beautiful homesite!

LaDonna Claywell - 06/08/99 01:04:02
My Email:claylee@ne.infi.net

Nice site

Tom Berry - 06/07/99 15:18:11
My URL:/heartland/bluffs/2207
My Email:TBerry@Exchange.ML.com

Hi! Thanks for inviting me over to look around! You have a great site - I enjoy horses too but its a safe bet I've never owned a Kentucky Derby horse! Good luck with your ranch and best wishes to your famiy!

Joni - 06/07/99 05:46:04
My URL:http://members.aol.html/kustomtack/index.html
My Email:KUSTOMTAC@aol.com

Howdy!I was here the other day checking out your site for my award and tried signing your guest book and it wouldn't work so thought I would try it again. Great site and thanks for giving us a great place to visit! For those of you looking for great horse tack come on by and check out my stock. I also do several different crafts. So come on by and please sign my guest book as well. Thanks!

Gayle - 06/06/99 00:20:34
My URL:/RainForest/Andes/5272/
My Email:mayatime@bigfoot.com


Very nice pages! Loved your horses. Thanks for having me.


Gayle - 06/06/99 00:20:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Andes/5272/
My Email:mayatime@bigfoot.com


Very nice pages! Loved your horses. Thanks for having me.


Twilight - 06/04/99 21:57:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/3368/
My Email:twi_33@hotmail.com

Great Page! Enjoyed my visit!

Burnie Bragg - 06/04/99 09:48:59
My Email:bnkbragg@ne.infi.net

Classy,wonderful site Jim.

Burnie Bragg - 06/04/99 09:48:33
My Email:bnkbragg@ne.infi.net

Classy,wonderful site Jim.

Al Isham - 06/02/99 21:27:55
My Email:aisham@ne.infi.net

Great web page! I can almost smell the horses.

Jim Cooprider - 06/02/99 19:12:34
My URL:http://www.oklahoma.net/~buttons
My Email:buttons@oklahoma.net

What a great site. Being from Oklahoma, we love horses also. However, I rode one a few years back up in the Teton Natl Park and I promised God if he would just get me back to the ranch, I would never ride again....so far I have been true to my word. It is a nice place on the internet and is a breath of fresh air.

Jim Cooprider - 06/02/99 19:11:34
My URL:http://www.oklahoma.net/~buttons
My Email:buttons@oklahoma.net

What a great site. Being from Oklahoma, we love horses also. However, I rode one a few years back up in the Teton Natl Park and I promised God if he would just get me back to the ranch, I would never ride again....so far I have been true to my word. It is a nice place on the internet and is a breath of fresh air.

Jim Cooprider - 06/02/99 18:26:35
My URL:http://www.oklahoma.net/~buttons
My Email:buttons@oklahoma.net

What a great site. Being from Oklahoma, we love horses also. However, I rode one a few years back up in the Teton Natl Park and I promised God if he would just get me back to the ranch, I would never ride again....so far I have been true to my word. It is a nice place on the internet and is a breath of fresh air.

Jim Cooprider - 06/02/99 18:26:24
My URL:http://www.oklahoma.net/~buttons
My Email:buttons@oklahoma.net

What a great site. Being from Oklahoma, we love horses also. However, I rode one a few years back up in the Teton Natl Park and I promised God if he would just get me back to the ranch, I would never ride again....so far I have been true to my word. It is a nice place on the internet and is a breath of fresh air.

Jim Cooprider - 06/02/99 18:17:31
My URL:http://www.oklahoma.net/~buttons
My Email:buttons@oklahoma.net

What a great site. Being from Oklahoma, we love horses also. However, I rode one a few years back up in the Teton Natl Park and I promised God if he would just get me back to the ranch, I would never ride again....so far I have been true to my word. It is a nice place on the internet and is a breath of fresh air.

Joni - 06/02/99 00:28:19
My URL:http://members.aol.com/kustomtac/index.html
My Email:KUSTOMTAC@aol.com

Great site! Thanks for letting me know about you! I'll be sending you my award and have applied for yours! Thanks for giving us a fun place to visit! For any of you looking or interested in great hand braided nylon horse tack or crafts with a western flav r come on by and take a look when you get finished visiting Jim & Norva. See Ya There!

Pat - 06/01/99 23:48:30
My URL:/RainForest/Canopy/4029/
My Email:pmc@iname.com

Hi, A most impressive site...well designed and presented, with interesting content... Cheers! Pat

Pat - 06/01/99 23:47:14
My URL:/RainForest/Canopy/4029/
My Email:pmc@iname.com

Hi, A most impressive site...well designed and presented, with interesting content... Cheers! Pat

Pat - 06/01/99 23:45:46
My URL:/RainForest/Canopy/4029/
My Email:pmc@iname.com

Hi, A most impressive site...well designed and presented, with interesting content... Cheers! Pat

Pat - 06/01/99 23:45:27
My URL:/RainForest/Canopy/4029/
My Email:pmc@iname.com

Hi, A most impressive site...well designed and presented, with interesting content... Cheers! Pat

Pat - 06/01/99 23:44:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/4029/
My Email:pmc@iname.com

Hi, A most impressive site...well designed and presented, with interesting content... Cheers! Pat

Pat - 06/01/99 23:42:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/4029/
My Email:pmc@iname.com

Hi, A most impressive site...well designed and presented, with interesting content... Cheers! Pat

Pat - 06/01/99 23:41:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/4029/
My Email:pmc@iname.com

Hi, A most impressive site...well designed and presented, with interesting content... Cheers! Pat

Pat - 06/01/99 23:40:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/4029/
My Email:pmc@iname.com

Hi, A most impressive site...well designed and presented, with interesting content... Cheers! Pat

Pat - 06/01/99 23:40:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/4029/
My Email:pmc@iname.com

Hi, A most impressive site...well designed and presented, with interesting content... Cheers! Pat

Nancy - 06/01/99 23:37:50
My URL:http://nca.virtualave.net
My Email:getcountry@aol.com

Just wanted to let you know you have a beautiful site and your horses are magnificent. Maybe one day I'll learn to ride. *S* Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work. ~Nancy

Nancy - 06/01/99 23:37:38
My URL:http://nca.virtualave.net
My Email:getcountry@aol.com

Just wanted to let you know you have a beautiful site and your horses are magnificent. Maybe one day I'll learn to ride. *S* Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work. ~Nancy

Nancy - 06/01/99 23:37:24
My URL:http://nca.virtualave.net
My Email:getcountry@aol.com

Just wanted to let you know you have a beautiful site and your horses are magnificent. Maybe one day I'll learn to ride. *S* Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work. ~Nancy

Nancy - 06/01/99 23:37:05
My URL:http://nca.virtualave.net
My Email:getcountry@aol.com

Just wanted to let you know you have a beautiful site and your horses are magnificent. Maybe one day I'll learn to ride. *S* Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work. ~Nancy

Nancy - 06/01/99 23:36:45
My URL:http://nca.virtualave.net
My Email:getcountry@aol.com

Just wanted to let you know you have a beautiful site and your horses are magnificent. Maybe one day I'll learn to ride. *S* Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work. ~Nancy

Nancy - 06/01/99 23:36:28
My URL:http://nca.virtualave.net
My Email:getcountry@aol.com

Just wanted to let you know you have a beautiful site and your horses are magnificent. Maybe one day I'll learn to ride. *S* Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work. ~Nancy

Luuk Francken - 05/21/99 06:58:12
My URL:http://come.to/luuk-francken
My Email:francken@capitolonline.nl

Nice site, nice horses and yes, I won't suggest riding lessons to my wife........ Yes, you have won my award!! Greetings from the Netherlands (Holland to you?), Luuk Francken

Penny - 05/14/99 01:05:56
My Email:vpcls@aol.com

I forwarded your new URL to all my address list. It is alot easier. Thanks.

Rob - 04/30/99 15:09:00
My Email:robjarrell@hotmail.com

Jim, your page continues to improve. Of course I voted for your site afterall my picture is included. Let's take a picture of Jake, one of newest additions to the ranch.

- 04/28/99 15:33:55


Thelma Smith - 04/28/99 12:09:48
My Email:ts502@aol.com

I received this site from Penny, it is really neat you guys, I enjoyed it very much! Thelma

Penny - 04/28/99 04:53:56
My Email:vpcls@aol.com

This is real nice. It is especially fun because it actually belongs to someone I know. Very Good Jog. I'm impressed. Of course I voted for it and plan to send it all my friends.

Bradley Thomas - 04/26/99 21:38:29
My Email:BThomasPT@aol.com

Jim: Kudo's to you....site keeps improving every time I hit it. Good work sir. Hope my vote helps. ttyl ~Brad T~

Katie Mckim - 04/23/99 14:09:39
My Email:ktmc1@webtv.net

Jim, this is truly fascinating! You've done a great job. I really enjoyed looking around. I'll be checking back.

Walt&Shirle Mcvicker - 04/21/99 14:46:31
My Email:wsmcv@ne.infi.net

Enjoyed reading your site! Can't wait 'till our summer picnic this year. Please,don't let me forget it this time--I was not notified,for some stupid reason,last year. (Probably due to the slow ponies @the post office!!!!!!!!!!) So don't forget me???? Gotta go--seeya next Tuesday!SAM

Robert J. Paar - 04/21/99 01:48:33
My Email:rjpaar@ne.infi.net

Pretty neat, Jim! Congratulations.

Debbie Oswald - 04/12/99 12:07:39
My Email:sleepy2@ne.infi.net

Wow, GREAT job, Jim this is first rate!! I AM impressed!!

Doctor Don - 04/12/99 11:27:18
My Email:sleepy2@ne.infi.net

Howdy Partner! I jest got dun a-readin' yore Web Page and I gotta tell ya it wuz most entertainin'. Made me want to go and rustle up some chili and set by the campfire and listen to the doggies. I got a little liquored up and wuz a-cleanin mah pistol and dang if I didn't shoot mahself in the foot. Well, Adios Amigo Happy Trails- Doctor Don

Donna - 04/12/99 01:29:32
My Email:dhimes@gte.net

Great page. It's interesting and I really enjoyed your pictures. I could also play asteroids all day. Looking forward to your updates.

Tedri & Asasha - 04/12/99 00:31:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/9349
My Email:skilzz@geocities.com

WONDERFUL site! I really enjoyed my visit. Thanks for putting our award on your front page, we are truly honored. Keep up the great work and get some more pic's! :>)

user363833 - 04/11/99 23:01:15
My Email:user363833.@com

This is a very good and interesting website !!!!!I love horses and just about everything pertaining to them.

Rosemary - 04/11/99 22:58:04
My Email:ROSE451356@aol.com

Very nice Jim............

Rob - 04/08/99 18:22:43
My Email:robjarrell@hotmail.com

Jim, your page is looking better everytime I log on. I know you'll be adding pictures real soon. Keep up the good work. See ya soon.

Bradley Thomas - 04/08/99 02:27:59
My Email:BThomasPT@aol.com

Nice work! I love the GBU midi opener. Maybe you could get Clint to pose with Norva! I'll talk to ya 'bout riding lessons for our girls if that's a possibility. ttyl......(impressive page!)

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