Fun Facts:


Sass is a three year old girl with an attitude. She likes doing anything as long as she is with us.

Sass, not your run of the mill girl. She likes taking it easy. Here she is relaxing after a hard day in the field. This is her "Don't bother me look."


As a pup she was always sooooo sassy, that she kept her name.


She will jump into your arms from a sitting position.


More about my pet:

She answers to Sass, Sassy, and if you are real good she will ROOO.


Sass lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (The Great White North). She has her natural mother and two other Vizslak living with her. Also two Old English Sheepdogs, one German Shorthaired Pointer and three cats.  The whole lot adopted my wife and I.

She likes sleeping in bed with my wife (after I wake up) ... under the covers.





Neat Links:

- Jumping into my arms

- Hunting

- Swimming

- Saying HI to guests

- Cats

- Long runs in the field

- Going to the vet

- Short runs in the field

- Short walks

- Short swimming time

- Being alone





Email Sass!

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