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Hello and welcome to Babyz Design! Babyz Design is run by Meg who was formally involved in the petz community! Here @ Babyz Design we have alot of really cool things that you can do! Babyz 1st Christmas will run year long because Christmas is a spirt that should be held all throught the years! Note: You will not find traditional things here...like adoption centers and pageants, because you can find them anywhere. What this site is trying to do is to make the babyz community a little more different and a little more fun.

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Last Update:

*We are looking for sister sites! If you are interested please e-mail me ASAP!

*We are holding an Awards ceremony called
Babyz 2000
If you are interested in participating go to the Babyz 2000 page TTYL!

* We are keeping this site small for awhile to cut down on the work so we are not forced to close again!

~Alrighty we have been getting lots of aplications to be sister sites, but we haven't been getting e-mail for the other stuff so please e-mail away!!!
*NOTE* I am going to florida for a week so updates might be scarce! Please do not e-mail me about it!

*Tip of the Day*
Babyz might be more tempted to eat somthing if their brother or sister does!
~Want your tip here? e-mail it to me!~

Link to Us:
BabyzDesignLink.jpg (5729 bytes)

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Our banner!