For more links to individual cat/cat owner sites, please be sure to see my links at Kitty's Lynx I.
Cat Organizations, Clubs, and Associations
The International Cat Association - TICA Homepage. American Cat Fanciers Association - ACFA Web Site. The Cat Fanciers Association - CFA Homepage - world's largest registry of pedigreed cats. Internet Cat Club - Many good articles and links. Canadien Cat Association/Association Feline Canadienne - CCA/AFC Homepage. Cats United International - Huge site - lots of info and links. Feral Cat Coalition - FCC Homepage, excellent source of information about feral cats, what some people are doing about them and what you can do. Cats Protection League - Loads of cat information.
Cat Health
Acme Pet Cat's Health Bulletin Board - An excellent site for health information. Cornell Feline Health Center - FAQs, Cat Care and Health Concerns topics, etc. The Cat Care Clinic - The Cat Care Clinic is a full service hospital and outpatient facility exclusively for the treatment of cats. The Feline CRF Information Center - About Feline Chronic Renal Failure. The Cat Consultant - FAQ's, free e-mail consultations. Feline Fibrosarcoma - Sylvia's battle with cancer, very educational.
Cat GraphicsIf you are looking for some cat graphics then check out these fine sites.
Beware of Cat! - Lots of cat graphics here including animations, backgrounds, etc. CatStuff - Backgrounds, bars, etc., etc. Also many links, cat stories, cats, cats, and more cats!! A very nice site to visit even if you aren't looking for web graphics! Cats 'n' Kittens Designs - Another nice selection of free cat graphics for your web pages.
Cat HumorNeed a chuckle? Then don't pass over these links!
Miscellaneous Cat SitesThese are very nice feline sites that don't quite fit into any of the other categories.
Cats Magazine - Site owned by the monthly magazine.