??? (English Name
unknown) - Aquilegia
Botanic Name |
Family Name |
Dutch Name |
English Name and where Indigent |
Toxic Parts, Substances and Symptoms |
Type and Degree of Toxicity |
Counter Measures |
Anagallis coerula | Primulaceae | Guichelheil, Blauw | ??? | Probably all parts contain saponine= cyclamine. This causes gastrointestinal inflammations and blood-clotting. In large doses may be LETHAL! | 4 | 3,4,7 |
Andromeda glaucophylla Link. | Ericaceae | Lavendelheide | ??? | Diterpenes (e.g. andromedotoxine) |
4, 7 |
3, 4, 7 |
Andromeda polifolia L. | Ericaceae | Lavendelheide | ??? | Diterpenes (e.g. andromedotoxine) | 4, 7 | 3, 4, 7 |
Asclepias spp. | Asclepiadaceae | Knolzijdeplant
Rode Zijdeplant |
??? | Suspected of being toxic by presence of cardiac glycosides | 6, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Asclepias incarnata | Asclepiadaceae | ??? | Asclepias; Milkweed, Swamp | Toxic | 6, 7 |
2, 3, 4 |
Asclepias quadrifolia | Asclepiadaceae | ??? | Asclepias; Milkweed, Four Leaved | Toxic | 6, 7 |
2, 3, 4 |
Asclepias syriaca | Asclepiadaceae | ??? | Asclepias; Milkweed, Common | Toxic, contains cardioactive compounds | 6, 7 |
2, 3, 4 |
Chelidonium majus L. + cultivar Ch. laciniatum Mill. | Papaveraceae | Gouwe, Stinkende | ??? | Stalks and leaves and esp. ROOTS | 4 | 3 ONLY after vet's advice |
Chrysanthemum vulgare (L.) Bernh. | Compositae | Boerenwormkruid | ??? | Mainly the stalks and the leaves contain an etheric oil (Tanaceton or thujon) causing irritation of the mucous membranes and the kidneys, and injuries of the liver. | 3, 5 | 2, 3, 4 |
Ligularia tangutica Mattf. | Compositae | ??? Kruiskruid | ??? | See Senecio tanguticus (English name unknown to editor) | ditto | ditto |
Momordica elaterium L. | Cucurbitaceae | Springkomkommer, Spuitaugurk | ??? | See Ecballium elaterium (English name unknown to editor) | ditto | ditto |
Oenanthe aquatica (I.) Poir. | Umbelliferae | Watertorkruid | ??? | All parts, especially the roots contain polyacetylene compounds structurally related to cicutoxine (see Cicuta virosa)(Hemlock, Water) | 4, 7 | 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
Oenanthe spp. e.g. O. fistulosa L. O.lachenalii O.croccata L. O.pimpinelloides L. | Umbelliferae | Torkruidsoorten: Pijptorkruid; Zilttorkruid; Appeltjestorkruid; Beverneltorkruid; enz. | ??? | All parts, especially the roots contain polyacetylene compounds structurally related to cicutoxine (see Cicuta virosa)(Hemlock, Water) | 4, 7 | 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
Pedicularis palustris L. | Scrophulariaceae | Moeraskartelblad | ??? | All parts, especially seeds contain glycoside: aucubine. Gastrointestinal inflammation, diarrhoea and brain hemorrhage are theoretical possibilities. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Pedicularis sylvestris L. | Scrophulariaceae | Heidekartelblad | ??? | All parts, especially seeds contain glycoside: aucubine. Gastrointestinal inflammation, diarrhoea and brain hemorrhage are theoretical possibilities. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Poa aquatica | Graminae | Liesgras | ??? | (see Glyceria maxima)(Ornamental Grass) | ditto | ditto |
Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All. | Liliaceae | Salomonszegel, Veelbloemige | ??? Solomon's Seal | Berries. Insufficiently known: cardiac glycosides (in unripe berries) with Digitalis-like effects; saponines (in seeds) and sometimes an atrachinon. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
Scabiosa succisa L. | Dipsacaceae | Blauwe Knoop | ??? | (see Succisa pratensis) | ditto | ditto |
Scilla maritima L. also called Urginea maritima Bak. | Liliaceae | Zeeajuin; Zeeui | ??? | All parts contain a cardiac glycoside (bufadienolide) Var. with red bulbs is 40x as toxic as the one with white bulbs. | 4 | 2, 3, 4 |
Succisa pratensis Moench. | Dipsacaceae | Blauwe Knoop | ??? | Experiments with cattle gave them serious inflammations of mouth and tongue | 5 | 2, 4 |
Urginea maritima Bak. | Liliaceae | Zeeajuin, Zeeui | ??? | All parts contain a cardiac glycoside (bufadienolide) Var. with red bulbs is 40x as toxic as the one with white bulbs. | 4 | 2, 3, 4 |
Acacia berlandieri | Mimosaceae | Acacia ??? | Acacia ??? | ??? | 7 | ??? |
Robinia pseudoacacia | Leguminosaceae | Acacia, Valse / Witte Robinia | Acacia, Black; Locust, Black; Locust, Yellow | Mainly bast of trunk and branches/twigs contain toxic proteins (phasine and robine) as well as glycosides (robinoside, robinine, acacimine), tanning substances and an etheric oil. Same effects as ricine (see Ricinus communis, Castor Bean) | 4, 7 | 2, 4 only after medical advice: 3 |
Adonis flammea | Ranunculaceae | Kooltjesvuur | Adonis flammea | Probably all parts contain more than 10 heartglycosides: A.o: adonitoxine, cymarine, strophantidine. Glycosid: ranunculine. Alkaloid: magnoflorine. The sap of the fresh plant is biting and very bitter, so poisoning is relatively rare. If eaten anyhow it is quickly FATAL! | 2, 4 | 2, 4 Get medical HELP fast! |
Adonis pyrenaica | Ranunculaceae | Adonisroosje | Adonis Rose ??? | See above | ditto | ditto |
Adonis amurensis + A. amurensis var. pleniflora | Ranunculaceae | Adonisroosje + Adonisroosje, Gevuld | Adonis Rose Pheasant's Eye | See above | ditto | ditto |
Adonis annua | Ranunculaceae | Adonis, Herfst- | Adonis, Autumn | See above | ditto | ditto |
Adonis vernalis | Ranunculaceae | Adonis, Voorjaars- | Adonis, Spring | See above | ditto | ditto |
Adonis aestivalis | Ranunculaceae | Adonis, Zomer- | Adonis, Summer | See above | ditto | ditto |
Agapanthus africanus | Liliaceae | Afrikaanse Lelie; Agapanthus | Agapanthus; LilyoftheNile | Seeds ???: | 3, 5 | 3, 4 Don't let Cats play with the seeds! |
Aglaonema modestum | Araceae | Aglaonema | Aglaonema ??? | Calcium oxalates | 2 |
2, 4 NOT 3 Wash affected external areas thoroughly!!! |
Agrostemma githago L. | Caryophyllaceae | Bolderik, spec. als Tuinplant de var. 'Milas Purple Queen' | Agrostemma ??? esp. as Garden Plant the var. 'Milas Purple Queen' | Whole seeds less dangerous than broken, chewed or ground seeds. inflammations of the intestine, cramps,excessive salivating, diarrhoea,haemolysis, and paralysis of the central nervous system. Worst case: cardiac arrest in a few hours.Saponine - sugar compound = githagine glycoside. | 4 | 2, 4 NOT 3 |
Allamanda cathartica | Apocynaceae | Allemanda, Kamerplant | Allemanda, Indoor Plant | Alkaloids glycosids All parts purgative.Alkaloids glycosids All parts purgative. | 4, 5 | 2, 3, 4 |
Prunus amygdalus | Rosaceae | Amandel | Almond | Seedkernels contain cyanogenic glycosides (amygdaline). Leaves, bast and flowers, another one (prunasine). They cause hydrocyanic/prussic acid to be released in the bloodstream. Is one of the fastest toxins known.. Blocks the breathing of the cells (cytotoxic anoxia), GET MEDICAL HELP FAST !!! | 4, 7 | 3,4 Get medical help FAST! |
Amygdalus communis also called Prunus dulcis see below | Rosaceae | Amandel, Bittere | Almond, Bitter | See above | ditto | ditto |
Prunus dulcis Webb.; there is also a cross between P.dulcis Webb. and P.persica Batsch., called Prunus x amygdalopersica Rehd.with pink flowers with a dark heart. | Rosaceae | Amandel, Bittere | Almond, Bitter | See above | ditto | ditto |
Aloe vera | Liliaceae | Aloe | Aloe | ??? | 3, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Alyssum | Cruciferae | Alyssum; Schildzaad | Alyssum | ??? | 4, 5, 7 | 2, 3, 4 and Wash! |
Amanita spp. Amanita muscaria, Amanita pantherina, Amanita phalloides, Amanita rubescens | Amanitaceae | Amanieten;
Vliegenzwam; Groene Knolzwam |
Amanites; Toadstools | Not all of the amanites are poisonous, but it's better to be on the safe side | 4 | 2, 3, 4 |
Amaranthus spp. | Amaranthaceae | Amarant | Amaranth | ??? | 3, 5 | 3, 4 if external WASH! |
Amaranthus caudatus | Amaranthaceae | Kattestaart; Amarant | Amaranth; Love-lies-bleeding | ??? | 3, 5 | 3, 4 if external WASH! |
Hippeastrum spp. | Amaryllidaceae | Amaryllis; Ridderster | Amaryllis | Lightly to VERY TOXIC plants containing in all parts , but ESPECIALLY BULBS , alkaloids (lycorine, hypeastrine), which can cause stomach and intestinal inflammation, quaking, convulsions and death. Hippeastrum equestre Herb. has been proven to kill humans within 2-3hrs. after ingestion. | 3 to 4 | 2, 3, 4 GET MEDICAL HELP FAST!!! |
Amaryllis spp. | Amaryllidaceae | Amaryllis, (NIET de in de handel bekende, deze heet eigenlijk HIPPEASTRUM) | Amaryllis (NOT the one sold as such, that one is called HIPPEASTRUM); Naked Lady | ??? | 3 | 2, 3 |
Prunus virginiana | Rosaceae | Vogelkers; Virginische Kers | American Bird Cherry, Black Cherry, Wild |
Seedkernels contain cyanogenic glycosides (amygdaline) (blauwzuurglycosiden). Leaves bast and flowers, another one (prunasine). They cause hydrocyanic/prussic acid to be released in the bloodstream. Is one of the fastest toxins known.. Blocks the breathing of the cells (cytotoxic anoxia), | 4, 7 | 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
Podophyllum peltatum | Berberidaceae | Mei appel; Eendenpoot | American Mandrake; May Apple; Duck'sfoot; Hog Apple (Iowa) |
Unripe fruits sometimes cause purging. Ripe fruits are least toxic. Resin from rhizomen, roots and leaves is toxic, and may cause serious inflammation of conjunctiva and cornea, and ulcerous dermatitis. One fatal poisoning of a human has been documented. | 4, 5 | 2, 3, 4 If contact is external WASH! |
spp. e.g. Anemone pratensis; Anemone apennina;
Anemone coronaria L.; Anemone hupehensis Lemoine; Anemone
nemorosa L.; Anemone ranunculoides; Anemone vitifolia
Buch.; Anemone x hybrida Paxt. = hybrid of A. hupehensis and A.vitifolia; Anemone x hybrida Paxt. = hybrid of A. hupehensis and A.vitifolia |
Ranunculaceae | Anemoon
soorten, zoals: Anemoon ; ItaliaanseAnemoon; Tuin- of Knol-Anemoon; Anemoon??? Bos-Anemoon; Gele Anemoon, Anemoon, Wijnbladige; Anemoon, Herfst-; |
Anemone species like Anemone ; Crocus, Wild; rest of English names not known yet! ??? |
Glycoside = ranunculine from which develops protoanemonine which is an irritating substance causing first central enervation later on central nervous paralysis with damage to the kidneys as a side effect.. Its taste is so bitter that animals mostly refrain from eating lethal doses. inflammations of digestive channel and kidneys, accompanied by vomiting, cramps, diarrhoea, bloody urine, and collapse. In very rare cases: lethal after an advanced paralysis of breathing. | 4, 7 | 3, 4, 7 |
Lolium temulentum L. | Graminae | Raaigras; Dolik | Annual Darnel Grass; Awned Rye Grass | The alkaloids: temuline, perloline and norloline are mentioned but some authors say the presence of temuline is caused by a fungus (Endoconidium temulentum). Poisoning seems to affect the central nervous system, but has become rare as the seeds of grains like oats and barley have become more effectively purified nowadays. The plant itself rarely occurs in the fields because of selective weed control. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Prunus armeniaca | Rosaceae | Abrikoos | Apricot | Seedkernels contain cyanogenic glycosides (amygdaline) (blauwzuurglycosiden). Leaves bast and flowers, another one (prunasine). They cause hydrocyanic/prussic acid to be released in the bloodstream. Is one of the fastest toxins known.. Blocks the breathing of the cells (cytotoxic anoxia), GET MEDICAL HELP FAST !!! | 4, 7 | 3, 4 Get medical HELP FAST!!! |
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Aquilegia | -to- | Bird of Paradise |
Bird of Paradise | -to | China Berry |
China Berry | -to- | Devil-in-a-Bush |
Devil-in-a-Bush | -to- | Hackberry |
Hackberry | -to- | Kaffir Lily |
Kaffir Lily | -to- | Monstera |
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Pieris | -to- | Snakeroot |
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Updated last on 08/10/99 14:01:58 by Hans