Devil-in-a-Bush -to-
Botanic Name |
Family Name |
Dutch Name |
English Name and where Indigent |
Toxic Parts, Substances and Symptoms |
Type and Degree of Toxicity |
Counter Measures |
Paris quadrifolia | Liliaceae | Dolwortel, Eenbes |
Devil-in-a-Bush | Especially rhizomen and berries contain insufficiently known saponine-like substances (paridine, paristyphnine) | 4, 7 |
2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
Clematis virginiana | Ranunculaceae | Virginiaanse Clematis | Devil's
Darning Needle; Devil's Hair; Dwarf Laurel; Sheep Laurel |
Probably all parts contain ranunculine which can release the toxic protoanemonine! The skin-etching protoanemonine causes a gastro-intestinal inflammation, with serious belly cramps, followed by diarrhoea and general swelling (oedema). Deadly after big doses. | 4, 5, 7 | 3 |
Pothos aurea (syn.of Scindapsis aureus) | Araceae | Scindapsis; Scindapsus; Sirih, Bonte |
Devil's Ivy;
Marble Queen ; Pothos |
Calcium oxalate crystals | 2 |
2, 4 NOT 3 |
spp. such as: Dieffenbachia amaena D.bowmannii Carr. D. imperialis Andre D.maculata (Lodd.) D. picta D.seguina (Jacq.) Dieffenbachia x bausei hort. Chiswick |
Araceae | Dieffenbachia Kamerplant | Dieffenbachia;
Dumb Cane Indoor Plant |
Juice contains raphides = very sharp needle-like oxalate crystals. Also sharp-tasting substances like saponines, the alkaloid aroine which stronly resembles coniine. Hydrocynanic compounds have been found in young leaves especially. | 2, 4 | 2
(very MUCH), NOT 3 without MEDICAL advice, 4 |
Digitalis purpurea L. | Scrophulariaceae | Vingerhoedskruid | Digitalis Foxglove | All parts, especially leaves are more toxic before flowering than after. Seeds. Mostly heart glycosides (especially: digitoxin, gitoxin, gitorin, gitaloxin), saponaglycosides, flovonoglycosides, and tanning substances. Cultivated varieties may be less toxic than wild ones. Content of heartglycosides (0.1 - 1%) varies with place; season; and time of day. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST |
Cornus spp. such as: Cornusalba L.; Cornus sanguinea L.; Cornus mas L. |
Cornaceae | Kornoelje soorten zoals Kornoelje, Witte Kornoelje, Rode Kornoelje, Gele |
Dogwood species such
as: Dogwood, White Dogwood, Red Dogwood, Yellow |
Fruits of C.alba L and C. sanguinea L. contain small quantities of glycoside: aucubine which is possibly toxic. Fruits of C.mas L. certainly are NOT toxic. | 5 | ??? |
Dracaena spp. | Liliaceae | Dracaena soorten Drakenbloedboom afkomstig uit de Canarische eilanden Kamerplant | Dracaena species
indigent in the Canary Islands Indoor Plant |
Contain resin (saponines and possibly alkaloid), which can cause stomach ulcers | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Podophyllum peltatum | Berberidaceae | Mei appel; Eendenpoot |
Duck'sfoot ;
American Mandrake; May Apple; Hog Apple (Iowa) |
Unripe fruits sometimes cause purging. Ripe fruits are least toxic. Resin from rhizomen, roots and leaves is toxic, and may cause serious inflammation of conjunctiva and cornea, and ulcerous dermatitis. One fatal poisoning of a human has been documented. | 4, 5 | 2, 3, 4 If contact is external WASH!!! |
Centaurea cineraria | Compositae | Korenbloem | Dusty Miller (Another "Dusty Miller", Lychnis coronaria, is not toxic) | ??? | ??? | ??? |
Dicentra cucullaria | Papaveraceae | Hollander's broek? | Dutchman's Breeches | Especially the roots contain up to 0.8 % alkaloids | 4, 5, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Alocasia spp. | Araceae | Egyptische waterplant | Egyptian Waterplant ; Caladium | ??? | 2, 5 | 7 |
Colocasia esculenta (syn.Colocasia antiquorum) | Araceae | Kladi (Indon.) | Elephant Ear;
Taro (Pacific Islands) |
Some varieties contain oxalate crystals | 2, 6 | 2, 4 NOT 3 After medical advice eventually purge |
Ulmus spp. | Ulmaceae | Iep; Olm |
Elm Tree | ??? | 5 | Wash! |
Claviceps purpurea | Clavicipitaceae | Moederkoren = harde blauw-zwarte spoor- vormige kapsels van een schimmel op de aren van vele granen en grassen. speciaal: Rogge. | Ergot of Rye = hard spurlike blue-black fungus capsules on ears of grain and grasses especially: Rye | Contains the TOXIC alkaloids: ergotamine, ergotoxin, ergometrine. Get patient IMMEDIATELY to Doctor or VETERINARIAN!!! | 4 | NO FIRST AID FOUND! |
Eucalyptus spp. such as: Eucalyptus globulus spp. | Myrtaceae | Eucalyptus soorten: zoals: Gomboom Koortsboom |
Eucalyptus species:
such as: ??? ??? |
Eucalyptus oil is used in medicine and in pharmaceutics (perfuming soap) | 3 | 3,4 |
Euphorbia helioscopia L. | Euphorbiaceae | Kroontjeskruid | Euphorbia ??? | Seeds and "The milky sap is as sharp as a wolf's bite", and may be VERY TOXIC. This is true for all Euphorbia species! | 4, 5, 7 | 2, 3, 4 If external contact wash with MUCH water; if eyes rinse abundantly and contact eye doctor! |
Euphorbia polychroma Kern. | Euphorbiaceae | Kleurige wolfsmelk | Euphorbia ??? | see above | ditto | ditto |
Euphorbia lathyris L. | Euphorbiaceae | Kruisbladwolfsmelk, inheems in Z.Europa | Euphorbia ??? indigent in S.Europe | see above | ditto | ditto |
Euphorbia peplus L. | Euphorbiaceae | Tuinwolfsmelk, inheems in Nederland en Belgie | Euphorbia ???, indigent in the Netherlands and Belgium | see above | ditto | ditto |
Euphorbia myrsinites L. | Euphorbiaceae | Rotsplant, borderplant: blauwgroen, liggende dichtbehaarde stengels, lichtgroene bloemen. | Euphorbia ???, border (Outdoor Plant) . Blueish green thickly furred stalks, light green flowers. | see above | ditto | ditto |
Euphorbia pseudocactus | Euphorbiaceae | Wolfsmelk | Euphorbia ??? Indigent in Natal/S.Africa | see above | ditto | ditto |
Euphrasia officinalis L. | Solanaceae | Stijve ogentroost | Euphrasia ??? | Contains glycosides(e.g. aucubine), an etheric oil (0.15 - 0.17%); bitter substances(3-8%); and tanning substances. It is a medicinal herb which may only be used under expert guidance and in extremely low doses. It can cause SERIOUS damage in higher doses. | 4, 5 | 2, 3, 4 If external contact wash with MUCH water; if eyes rinse abundantly and contact eye doctor! |
Lycium europaeum | Solanaceae | Boksdoorn | European Box Thorn !!! | All parts contain hyoscyamime in small quantities. Red berries NOT to be eaten by children. Effects like Hyoscyamus niger(Henbane), but not as strong. | 3-4 | 2, 3, 4 |
Fallopia convulvulus (L.) A.Lõve | Polygonaceae | Zwaluwtong | Fallopia ??? | Different -partly unknown- bitter substances; causing liver damage, and fagopyrine-like subst. Eating of uncooked leaves may cause photo sensibility. Blood urge to face and ears, skin stains, damage to liver and kidneys, and burning eyes may also occur. In Fallopia convulvulus a naphtalene derivate (emodine) and a flavonoid (rutine) have also been found. | 4, 7 | Give the patient MILK. Keep him out of sunlight until photosensibilitizing substance has disappeared from body. |
Cuphea hyssopifolia | Lythraceae | Lucifersplant | False Heather | ??? | 5 | ??? |
Veratrum nigrum | Liliaceae | Veratrum | False Hellebore | Especially the roots contain a great quantity of alkaloids (a.o. protoveratrine, germerine), suppressing heart and breathing functions. | 4 | 2, 3, 4, |
Veratrum viride | Liliaceae | Veratrum | False Hellebore | see above | ditto | ditto |
Ficus pumila | Moraceae | Ficus pumila Klim/hang plant met kleine niervormige blaadjes Kamerplant |
Fig, Creeping Indoor Plant | ??? | 5 | ??? |
Ficus lyrata | Moraceae | Ficus lyrata Vioolvormig blad Kamerplant |
Fig, Fiddleleaf Indoor Plant | ??? | 5 | ??? |
Ficus benjamina species | Moraceae | Ficus bejamina alle soorten. Kamerplant |
Fig, Weeping Ficus benjamina all species Indoor Plant |
??? | 5 | ??? |
Prunus pennsylvanica | Rosaceae | Vogelkers | Fire Cherry | Seedkernels contain cyanogenic glycosides (amygdaline). Leaves bast and flowers, another one (prunasine). They cause hydrocyanic/prussic acid to be released in the bloodstream. Is one of the fastest toxins known.. Blocks the breathing of the cells (cytotoxic anoxia). GET MEDICAL HELP FAST !!! | 4, 7 | 3, 4 Get medical help FAST!!! Don't let CATS play with seeds! |
Linum crepitans Dumort. = Linum usitatissimum | Linaceae | Vlas | Flax | Especially young germinating plants, flowers, seed husks, seeds. As linseed is used as feed for cattle, normally not dangerous to cats. Cooking removes hydrocyanic toxicity. | ??? | ??? |
Mirabilis jalapa | Nyctaginaceae | Nachtschone Wonderbloem | Four-o-clocks | ??? | 3, 5 | ??? |
Digitalis purpurea L. | Scrophulariaceae | Vingerhoedskruid; Digitalis | Foxglove; Digitalis |
All parts, especially leaves are more toxic before flowering than after. Seeds. Mostly heart glycosides (especially digitoxin, gitoxin, gitorin, gitaloxin), saponaglycosides, flovonoglycosides, and tanning substances. Cultivated varieties may be less toxic than wild ones. Content of heartglycosides (0.1 - 1%) varies with place, season, and time of day. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST |
Digitalis lutea L. | Scrophulariaceae | Geel Vingerhoedskruid; Digitalis | Foxglove, Yellow Digitalis | see above | ditto | ditto |
Plumeria acuminata (rubra) | Apocynaceae | Kemboja (Indon.) | Frangipan(g)i | White milk sap is used as a very strong laxative | ??? | ??? |
Prunus incisa Thunb. | Rosaceae | Fujikers; Japanse Kers, Kleinbloemig |
Fuji Cherry; Japanese Cherry, Smallflowered |
Seedkernels contain cyanogenic glycosides (amygdaline) . Leaves bast and flowers, another one (prunasine). They cause hydrocyanic/prussic acid to be released in the bloodstream. Is one of the fastest toxins known.. Blocks the breathing of the cells (cytotoxic anoxia), . GET MEDICAL HELP FAST !!! | 4, 7 | 3, 4 Get medical help FAST!!! |
Delphinium ajacis L. emend. J.Gray | Ranunculaceae | Ridderspoor, Tuin- | Garden Delphinium | All parts especially unripe fruits and seeds contain the alkaloid delphinine and other alkaloids. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help! Keep warm when necessary |
Pelargonium species | Geraniaceae | Geraniumsoorten | Geranium species | ??? | 5 | ??? |
Ginkgo biloba | Ginkgoaceae | Ginkgo biloba | Ginkgo biloba | Toxicity is doubted as nuts are edible, and extract of leaves is smart drug for humans. | 4, 5, 7 | ??? |
Gladiolus species | Iridaceae | Gladiool ; Zwaardlelie |
Gladiolus | ??? | 3, 5 | 2, 3 , 4 |
Gloriosa superba L. G.simplex L. | Liliaceae | Gloriosa, Kamerplant. Inheems in tropisch Afrika en Azie | Gloriosa, Indoor Plant. Indigent in tropical Africa and Asia | All parts especially the tubers contain alkaloids (e.g. colchicine and related substances). VERY TOXIC to humans. 3 drops of the milky sap from tubers killed a dog within 15 minutes. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help EXTREMELY FAST! NO PURGATIVES! |
Clematis virginiana | Ranunculaceae | Virginiaanse Clematis | Gold Withy Gold Worthy |
Probably all parts contain ranunculine which can release the toxic protoanemonine! The skin-etching protoanemonine causes a gastro-intestinal inflammation, with serious belly cramps, followed by diarrhoea and general swelling (oedema). Deadly after big doses. | 4, 5, 7 | 3 |
Laburnum spp. like Laburnum anagyroides Medik. Laburnocytisus adami Schneid., Laburnum x waterii Dipp. | Papilioniaceae | Goudenregen ALLE SOORTEN |
Golden Chain;
Laburnum; Locoweed;
Alkaloid (cytisine) ALL parts are toxic, but especially flowers, seeds and roots. CATS are less likely to ingest fatal doses, because vomiting occurs immediately.. | 4, 7 VERY TOXIC!!! | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help VERY FAST!!! |
Euphorbia lathyritis | Euphorbiaceae | Wolfsmelk ??? | Gopher plant Gopher Spurge | Seeds and "The milky sap is as sharp as a wolf's bite", and may be VERY TOXIC. This is true for all Euphorbia species! | 4, 5, 7 | 2, 3, 4 If external contact wash with MUCH water; if eyes rinse abundantly and contact eye doctor! |
Cissus rhombifolia | Vitaceae | Cissus ??? | Grape Ivy; Indoor Plant |
??? | 5 | ??? |
Helleborus viridus (or viridis) | Ranunculaceae | Wrangwortel | Green Hellebore Chrisroot Christmas Rose | Presumably same as Helleborus niger(Christmas Rose). VERY TOXIC | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
Grevillea spp. | Proteaceae | Grevillea Zilvereik |
Grevillea species (??? English name) | ??? | 1, 5 | 3, 4 |
Click here to go to:
English name unknown | -to- | Aquilegia |
Aquilegia | -to- | Bird of Paradise |
Bird of Paradise | -to | China Berry |
China Berry | -to- | Devil-in-a-Bush |
Hackberry | -to- | Kaffir Lily |
Kaffir Lily | -to- | Monstera |
Monstera | -to- | Pieris |
Pieris | -to- | Snakeroot |
Snakeroot | -to- | Yew Tree |
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Updated last on 08/05/99 22:54:09 by Hans