Pieris -to- Snakeroot
Botanic Name |
Family Name |
Dutch Name |
English Name and where Indigent |
Toxic Parts, Substances and Symptoms |
Type and Degree of Toxicity |
Counter Measures |
Pieris japonica | Ericaceae | Pieris | Pieris | ??? | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Anagallis arvensis | Primulaceae | Rode Pimpernel ; Guichelheil, Gewoon of Rood | Pimpernel Scarlet | Probably all parts contain a saponine= cyclamine. This causes gastrointestinal inflammations and blood-clotting. In large doses may be LETHAL! | 4 | 3, 4, 7 |
Pinus spp. | Pinaceae | Denneboom
; Den, (alle soorten) |
Tree (all species) |
Needles & also water they have soaked in | 6, 7 | ??? |
Pittosporum tobira | Pittosporaceae | Pittosporum ??? | Pittosporum ??? | ??? | 1, 7 | ??? |
Prunus x blireiana Andre | Rosaceae | Sierpruim (Prunus) | Plum, Ornamental | Seedkernels contain cyanogenic glycosides (amygdaline) . Leaves bast and flowers, another one (prunasine). They cause hydrocyanic/prussic acid to be released in the bloodstream. Is one of the fastest toxins known.. Blocks the breathing of the cells (cytotoxic anoxia), GET MEDICAL HELP FAST !!! | 4, 7 | 3, 4 Get medical help FAST!!! |
Plumbago indica | Plumbaginaceae | Mannentrouw Plumbago | Plumbago | ??? | 6 | 2, 3, 4 (for safety's sake) |
Poinsettia pulcherrima Grah. (see Euphorbia pulcherrima) | Euphorbiaceae | Kerstster | Poinsettia | see below | ditto | ditto |
Euphorbia pulcherrima | Euphorbiaceae | Kerstster
; Kamerplant, Inheems in Z.Amerika |
; Indoor Plant Indigent in Mexico and tropical S.America |
Seeds and "The milky sap is as sharp as a wolf's bite", and may be VERY TOXIC. This is true for all Euphorbia species! | 4, 5, 7 | 2, 3, 4 If external contact wash with MUCH water; if eyes rinse abundantly and contact eye doctor! |
Toxicodendron quercifolium (see Rhus) | Anacardiaceae | GifSumak | Poison Ivy | see below | ditto | ditto |
Rhus radicans or Rhus toxicodendron or Toxicodendron quercifolium | Anacardiaceae | Sumak, Giftige Tuin(wilde)plant | Poison
Ivy Poison Sumac Outdoor Plant |
Yellowish milk which is NOT soluble in water! Eczema-like swellings and blisters! | 5 | Get medical help! |
Lactuca virosa, closely related to L. sativa=common lettuce. | Compositae | Gifsla | Poison Lettuce Indigent in M. and E.Europe | Milky sap contains sharp and bitter tasting lacton-compounds (lactucine, lactuci-acid, lactucopicrine, lactucerol); the triterpene: tarxasterol and a badly known alkaloid. Plant has intoxicating/stupefying properties. Animal symptoms: dizziness, heavy sweating, excitation. Death can occur through cardiac arrest. Concentration of toxic substances is strongly dependent on temperature and location of plant. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Phytolacca americana | Phytolaccaceae
(well represented in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of America and S.Africa) |
Karmozijnbes, Amerikaanse | Pokeberry; Pokeweed | All parts especially roots and unripe berries contain a saponine-like substance, oxalic acid, alkaloids (phytolaccatoxine) | 4 | 2, 3, 4 |
Punica granatum | Punicaceae | Granaatappel | Pomegranate | ??? As the fruit is edible for humans. | 6 | 2, 3, 4 |
Papaver rhoeas L. | Papaveraceae | Klaproos, Gewone | Poppy | All parts, especially the milky sap. Alkaloid= rhoeadine, rhoeagenine, narcotiline, protopine, berberine, magnoflorine. A hydrocyanic glycosid is also present. Plant is most toxic during flowering and growing of seed pods. | 3, 5 | 2 (Strong black tea!) 3, 4. |
Papaver somniferum | Papaveraceae | Papaver,
Slaapbol |
Poppy | All parts especially the unripe seed pods contain some 25 alkaloids: morfine, noscapine, coedine, nacrotine, papeverine, thebaine, narceine, laudanosine, cryptopine, xantholine. | 4, 7 | 2 (Strong black tea) 3, 4 |
Papaver nudicaule | Papaveraceae | Papaver, IJslandse Kamerplant | Poppy, Iceland Indoor Plant | All parts, especially the milky sap. Alkaloid= rhoeadine, rhoeagenine, narcotiline, protopine, berberine, magnoflorine. A hydrocyanic glycosid is also present. Plant is most toxic during flowering and growing of seed pods. | 3, 5 | 2 (Strong black tea) 3, 4 |
Papaver orientale | Papaveraceae | Klaproos
; Papaver |
Poppy, Oriental | All parts, especially the milky sap. Alkaloid= rhoeadine, rhoeagenine, narcotiline, protopine, berberine, magnoflorine. A hydrocyanic glycosid is also present. Plant is most toxic during flowering and growing of seed pods. | 3, 5 | 2 (Strong
black tea) 3, 4 |
Solanum tuberosum | Solanaceae | Aardappel | Potato | Yellow green berries are toxic | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Scindapsis aureus ; Scindapsus aurea ; Raphidophora aurea |
Araceae | Scindapsis ; Scindapsus ; Sirih, Bonte |
Pothos ;
Marble Queen; Devil's Ivy |
Calcium oxalate crystals | 2 | 2, 4 NOT 3 |
Primula vulgaris | Primulaceae | Sleutelbloem ; Primula |
Primrose ; Primula |
Probably all, mainly flower stem and calyx contain a chinon (primine) and saponines; mainly primine causing persevering and itching skin irritations (erytheme, urticaria, blisters). Some people, presumably also cats get a nettle-like reaction even in merely the presence of the plant. | 3, 4 (for some) | 2, 3, 4 In case of external contact wash skin IMMEDIATELY with alcohol, |
Primula praenitens Ker-Gawl. | Primulaceae | Sleutelbloem, Chinese | Primrose, Chinese | See above | ditto | ditto |
Primula obconica Hance | Primulaceae | Kegelsleutelbloem | Primrose, conical? | See above | ditto | ditto |
Ligustrum japonicum | Oleaceae | Liguster | Privet | Especially the berries containing colouring agent: liguline (toxic to the smallest veins). Leaves and bast containing tanning substances: glycosides (syringine; ligustrine). Bast contains bitter substances (syringopicrine; ligustron). There are fatal poisonings known of children after eating the berries. | Berries 4, rest 3 | 2, 3, 4 |
Ligustrum texanum | Oleaceae | Liguster | Privet | See above | ditto | ditto |
Ligustrum vulgare L. | Oleaceae | Liguster, Wilde | Privet, (Wild ???) | See above | ditto | ditto |
Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk. | Oleaceae | Liguster, Haag- | Privet, Hedge- | See above | ditto | ditto |
Prunus domestica | Rosaceae | Pruim ; Kwets |
Prune | Seedkernels contain cyanogenic glycosides (amygdaline) . Leaves bast and flowers, another one (prunasine). They cause hydrocyanic/prussic acid to be released in the bloodstream. Is one of the fastest toxins known.. Blocks the breathing of the cells (cytotoxic anoxia), GET MEDICAL HELP FAST !!! | 4, 7 | 3, 4 Get medical help FAST!!! |
Prunus x effusus Schneid. | Rosaceae | Prunus | Prunus | See above | ditto | ditto |
Pyracantha spp. | Rosaceae | Vuurdoorn (alle soorten) | Pyracantha (all species) | Seeds(hydrocyanic glycoside: amygdaline), roots and leaves (hydrocyanic glycoside: prunasine). It is improbable that intact seeds will be digested, and rest of plant contains only minimal quantities. Birds eat the fruits without ill effects. | 3, 5 | 2, 3, 4 Do not let young kittens chew the berries.! |
Ranunculus spp. | Ranunculaceae | Ranonkel | Ranunculus | Only the fresh green plant. Not poisonous as soon as dried as in hay. | 3, 5, 7 | 2, 4 Do NOT make them vomit! |
Abrus precatorius | Papilionaceae | Paternoster boon ; Paternoster erwt | Rosary Bean ; Rosary Pea | Beans/Peas contain poisonous protein: Abrine, which is related to ricine from the Ricinus communis (Castor Bean) | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
Helleborus niger | Ranunculaceae | Zwarte Nieswortel ; Kerstroos | Rose, Christmas | Heartglycosides: helleborine AND saponisides: helleborine, helleboreine; etheric oil: protoanemonine. Effects same as Helleborus foetidus (Bear's foot). | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 Get medical help FAST! |
Helleborus orientalis | Ranunculaceae | ??? | Rose, Lenten | See above | ditto | ditto |
Ficus elastica decora | Moraceae | Rubberplant Kamerplant | Rubber Tree Indoor Plant | ??? | 5 | ??? |
Ruta graveolens | Rutaceae | Wijnruit ; Keukenkruid | Rue ; Kitchen Herb |
Slightly toxic in very big quantities | ??? | ??? |
Lolium temulentum L. | Graminae | Dolik ; Raaigras |
Rye Grass, Awned Darnel Grass, Annual |
The alkaloids: temuline, perloline and norloline are mentioned but some authors say the presence of temuline is caused by a fungus (Endoconidium temulentum). Poisoning seems to affect the central nervous system, but has become rare as the seeds of grains like oats and barley have become more effectively purified nowadays. The plant itself rarely occurs in the fields because of selective weed control. | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Cycas revoluta | Cycadaceae | Cycaspalm Sagopalm Vredespalm | Sago Plant | ??? | 4, 7 | 2, 3, 4 |
Saintpaulia spp. | Gesneriaceae | Kaaps viooltje Saintpaulia (alle soorten) Kamerplant |
Saintpaulia (all species) Indoor Plant |
All parts probably slightly toxic because of an alkaloid. | 3 | 2, 3, 4 |
Tragopogon pratensis L. | Compositae | Gele morgenster | Salsify; Vegetable Oyster ? |
Seeds are reputed to contain toxins. | 6 | 2, 3, 4 |
Anagallis arvensis | Primulaceae | Guichelheil, Gewoon of Rood ; Rode Pimpernel |
Scarlet Pimpernel | Probably all parts contain a saponine= cyclamine. This causes gastrointestinal inflammations and blood-clotting. In large doses may be LETHAL! | 4 | 3, 4, 7 |
Euphorbia fulgens | Euphorbiaceae | Wolfsmelk, rode snijbloem aan lange takken met lancet- vormige bladeren. Inheems in Z.Amerika |
Scarlet Plume: Euphorbia, indigent in Mexico and Latin America, Cut red flower on long stalks with lancet-form leaves | Seeds and "The milky sap is as sharp as a wolf's bite", and may be VERY TOXIC. This is true for all Euphorbia species! | 4, 5, 7 | 2, 3, 4 If external contact wash with MUCH water; if eyes rinse abundantly and contact eye doctor! |
Brassaia actinophylla Name probably out of date, should be : Schefflera actinophylla |
Araliaceae | Schefflera | Schefflera | ??? | 2, 5, 7 | 4, 7 |
Chrysanthemum maximum | Compositae | Grootbloemige Margriet | Shasta Daisy | Some sources mention these Chrysanthemum species giving no further particulars.See therefore Chrysanthemum vulgare, Common Tansy | 3, 5 | 2, 3, 4 |
Clematis virginiana | Ranunculaceae | Virginiaanse Clematis | Sheep Laurel ;
Dwarf Laurel |
Probably all parts contain ranunculine which can release the toxic protoanemonine! The skin-etching protoanemonine causes a gastro-intestinal inflammation, with serious belly cramps, followed by diarrhoea and general swelling (oedema). Deadly after big doses. | 4, 5, 7 | ??? |
Pistia stratiotes | Araceae | ??? Drijvende waterplant Tropen en subtropen. | Shell Flower Floating Waterplant Tropics and subtropics | ??? | 2 | 2, 3, 4 |
Artemisia schmidtiana | Compositae | Alsem | Silver Mound | Etheric oil containing thujon: big doses toxic. | 4, 7 | 1, 6 |
Prunus incisa Thunb. | Rosaceae | Kleinbloemige Japanse Kers ; Fujikers |
Japanese Cherry ; Fuji Cherry |
Seedkernels contain cyanogenic glycosides (amygdaline) . Leaves bast and flowers, another one (prunasine). They cause hydrocyanic/prussic acid to be released in the bloodstream. Is one of the fastest toxins known.. Blocks the breathing of the cells (cytotoxic anoxia),GET MEDICAL HELP FAST !!! | 4, 7 | 3, 4 Get medical help FAST!!! |
Click here to go to:
English name unknown | -to- | Aquilegia |
Aquilegia | -to- | Bird of Paradise |
Bird of Paradise | -to | China Berry |
China Berry | -to- | Devil-in-a-Bush |
Devil-in-a-Bush | -to- | Hackberry |
Hackberry | -to- | Kaffir Lily |
Kaffir Lily | -to- | Monstera |
Monstera | -to- | Pieris |
Snakeroot | -to- | Yew Tree |
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Updated last on 05/08/99 23:09:05 by Hans