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Cat Facts
These facts are taken from
numerious booksand websites.
Some of the many good book I have
read are:
Cats for Dummies - A very
good book!
Is your Cat Crazy by John C
Wright (about a cat therapist).
Feeding a cat table scraps
can lead to a begging cat, which can be very
annoying. Table scraps also are not good for your
cat because they are not nutritious like their
cat food is. Cats do not need table scraps as
treats to make them happy. Feeding a cat treats
specifically made for cats is a good treat and is
a lot better for them then table food.
Make sure to feed your cat
every day at the same time so it can be on a
schedule. Make a time that you will be able to
meet every day - like after work so they know
when their food is coming. Cats do not like to
have a fluctuating schedule.
Cat's can not taste sweets
so don't bother giving your cat a taste of your
sweet treat!
Do you have chlorine in
your tap water? If so let it sit for 24 hours
first. This chlorine irritates the sensitive
parts of your cats nose.
If you can, leave food out
for your cats at all times. Cats will graze, eat
a little at a time at different parts of the day.
All of my cats always have bowls of food out and
they are not overweight.
Try not to feed your cat
milk. Cats do love milk but it is not nutritious
for the cat. Feeding your cat too much milk will
cause diarrhea. If you give your cat any at all,
make sure it is a SMALL amount and you do not
give it to them often.
A cat has approximately 19
million nerve ending in its nose - a human only
has about 5 million.
Are you allergic to cats?
You ARE NOT allergic to their fur, rather a
protein in their saliva called dander. People
believe they are allergic to the fur because they
have reactions after they are pet but this is
because the cats release this dander onto their
fur and when you touch it, it flies around the
room causing you to have a reaction.
A cat's eyes shine at night
because of a reflective layer called tapetum
lucidium. This layer contains small crystal like
reflective properties.
A cat depends on their
sight more then a dog does.
Cats have been thought to
be colorblind but a recent study says that cats
can see red, blue and green. No one my cats loves
it's red laserpointer!
Never ever give chocolate,
any people medicine (ie. Tylenol), chicken bones
or chips to your cat. Chocolate has a high amount
of caffeine and can kill your cat. Any medicine
that is not meant for cats should NOT be given to
cats. Chicken bones and chips can get stuck in a
cats throat or the sharp pieces can rip parts on
the way down. This is not a good thing to let
your cat eat.
Common houseplants that are
poisonous to cats are the: English Ivy, Iris,
Mistletoe, Philodendron, and yew.
Litterbox Problems
Never hit your cat, or rub
its face in it's urine if it has litterbox
problems! A cat will refuse to use the litterbox
for many reasons. Here are some:
A cat will not use a
litterbox that is close to it's food. If both are
in the same place, move the food a place well
A cat wants to have a
easily accessible place to get to it's litterbox.
It does not want to have to go all the way down
the steps to the basement, if it's an older cat.
Do not put it in a spot where people run past it
all day. They want privacy just like YOU do! They
also want a spot where it will give them a lot of
escape options. If your cat does not have a clear
view of its surroundings, it may be less apt to
use the box.
Praise your cat when it
does use the litterbox. Never yell sat a cat when
it goes in a place your disapprove of it, and
then plop it in it's litterbox! The cat will
associate the litterbox with BAD.
Do not put the litterbox in
a place where there are loud noises, or it has to
go past loud noises to get to it.
Play with your cat in the
wrong places it does eliminate. The cat will
start to associate these places with play - not
Put a carpet runner down
under the litterbox. Some cats will go next to
the litterbox because the carpet feels good under
their feet. A carpet runner will give them a
distinction between the good sandy feeling and
the cool, flat feeling of the carpet runner.
Use clumping litters - cats
have been shown in studies to prefer this because
it feels like real sand.
Some cats will NOT use a
covered pan, others love them.
Clean that cat pan EVERYDAY!
I don't know how to stress this. Would you like
to go pee in a toilet filled with your's and
everyone else's? I didn't think so. Your cat
doesn't like it either. If you don't like it, you
can always buy the cat littler box that is
automatic, but last I saw it ran around $170 US
A cat's tail provides the
cat much needed balance. A cat moving his tail
will provide a counterbalance that complements
the rapid nervous system.
A cat's normal body
temperature is an astounding 102 degrees
You have probably noticed a
cat can climb a tree easily but has a heck of a
time getting down. This is because a cat's hind
leg muscles can easily push the cat upwards.
Coming down, the cat's claws curve the wrong way
and it's hind muscles are practically useless.
A cat has more bones that
are loosely connected in it's spine then a human.
This is one of the reasons a cat is more flexible
and you can see this in it's stretch.
A cat has 245 bones in it's
body. When they get older, their bones fuse
together and the number of bones their body
contains drops.
Cat's do not always land on
their feet. This is a myth. Many cats that drop
from high places will break their bones so make
sure you cat is safely away from balconies and
windows that are open.
A cat will spend nearly 30%
of it's life grooming itself.
Some coat colors are linked
to the gender of the cat. Most calicos are
females, and most orange cats are males.
A cat's ear acts like an
echo chamber. It can hear high frequency sounds
such as noises from small rodents and other prey.
This is one reason a cat can hear their owners
footsteps from 100's of feet away and will meet
you at the door by the time you open it!
A cat's hearing is one of
the best in the animal world.
Taking a cat's stool in for
a fecal check will spot all worms but the
tapeworm. The only way you can find out if you
cat has a tapeworm is to examine it's stool. If
you see a white moving rice like worm, it is a
tapeworm. These are very hard to catch. Your vet
will have a pill to remove them and they will
pass within 2-3 hours. (Trust me - I know!) A cat
with worms will have FOUL smelling, runny stools,
bad breath, a bloated stomach and may eat a lot
of food to try to get some of the nutrition the
worm is taking. If you think your cat may have
worms, take the stool into your vet to have it
checked and always take notice to your cat's
stool in case a tapeworm shows up. Worms are
dangerous and could kill your cat by robbing it
of it's much needed nutrition. My cat Sasha, had
all the symptoms above. We took in two fecal
checks that turned out negative. Then once I saw
the worms I said something to my vet about seeing
the rice like worms and she knew right away what
it was. My cat up until then had not gained
weight and was eating a ton. 2-3 hours later she
passed an 8 inch tape worm - I kid you not! I
also made sure I took her in within 4 weeks for
another pill to make sure that it didn't have any
eggs that hatched. If your cat has worms, make
sure that after you first treat it, you treat it
again about a month later. If you think your cat
has worms and your fecal check is negative, ask
your vet to give your cat a pill to kill
tapeworms. They are hard to see so you may never
see them. This way if you cat does not pass any
worms, you know it is ok.
Garlic will not kill your
cat's worms if it does have them. Their are over
the counter medicines to kill worms but it will
only kill one type, and there are many types out
there. You should bring in a stool sample with
you each year when your cat gets it's checkup/booster
shots. A stool sample should let you know if you
cat does have worms and what type they are so it
can be properly dewormed.
Tapeworms come from fleas
and eating mice/rodents with the parasite.
Other Facts
A cat sleeps for 16-18
hours a day. Must be nice, huh? During this time,
a cat is still alert to its surroundings. This is
why most cats will wake up before you enter a
A male cat wil reach
adulthood slower then a female. It takes a male 9-12
month to reach full growth capacity and a female
will take 5-8 months.
am adding new facts every day. I am not a vet and can not
give medical advice. I obtain these facts from personal
experience, the internet and books. I do have three cats
and I am letting you know some of the facts I have
learned (the hard way) to try to make it easier on you.
Please be patient as I know all the categories are not
filled yet. If you have a question or comment, please
contact Sp@rkles .