Woofs & Welcomes to the Dog Agility Page! I'd wager 99% of dogs like agility, and 98% of those LOVE it!! It's really strange…dogs get to run stretch, jump, and humans have a blast running around telling them what to do. Though this page doesn't tell a whole lot about how to teach (it's better to go to a professional), it does tell of some of the obstacles on any given obedience course.
All are followed by a 'hardness' rating. One Star * is the easiest, Five ***** is hardest.
- Jumps *
There are several types of jumps. Most are just regular pole jumps, some are broad, some solid bottoms, some not. The height of the jump depends on the height class of the dog. These are the easiest thing on the course, but most numerous.
- Open Tunnel **
This tunnel is the open tunnel - just strait across, same height. It usually has a turn in it so the dog can't see the end. The terriers and herding dogs really seem to like this.
- Closed Tunnel ***
The tunnel has the same entrance as the first one, but has fabric at the end so the dog has to push his way out. Terriers are obsessed with this!! It really simulates "going to ground." This can be difficult to teach.
- Weave Poles *****
The Single hardest to teach! Poles are set up and the dog must weave in, out, in, out through them. This can take a year or more before a dog weaves perfectly and quickly.
- Pause table/box *
This is to prove your dog isn't just running amuck, but under your control. The dog has to jump on the table or in the box and either sit or lay down for five seconds. If your dog has been obedience trained this is a pretty easy part of the course.
- A Frame **
So named because it is an 'A' shape - like this: /\ A Dog must climb up the top then back down. It has ruts on it for a dog to grip.
- See-Saw/Teeter-Totter ****
This is another hard obstacle. Like a Child's teeter-totter, it moves under the dog. The dog must learn when to pause to get the see-saw to move, and it can be scary for them to have the ground move.
- Dog Walk ** - **** (depending on size of dog)
A catwalk, but this is a Dog sport… shaped like _________ So the dog is up higher then you. It is
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hard for some dogs, especially the larger ones, to keep balance. This is a time saver for small dogs, and a time slower for big ones.