Welcome to my Guestbook! If you have time, might you view it too?

Debra Reed - 12/08/00 18:50:36
My Email:debra_reed@hotmail.com
Do you own a Havanese or two?: No
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: Yes
Does this page need anything?: No
Do you like the over-all layout of this page?: Yes
Do you like Havanese :-) ?: Yes

I live in Houston, Texas. I don't know of any breeder's here in Houston. I don't know really how to go about finding a Havanese pup, but hope you can help me. I live in a household of four adults. Two of them are my children. Boy 21 and girl 20. Then there is my husband and myself. We all work during the day. We had a dog before when the kids were younger. The only thing is when we moved to another house, the dog was able to get out of the hole in the fence. That dog was a lovely Golden Retriever. We all enjoyed him but now we would like a house dog and the Havanese breed seems to be perfect for our environment. Thanks! Debra

Mary Lou Novak - 11/20/00 14:15:08
My Email:mlvak@aol.com
Do you own a Havanese or two?: one
What are their names?: Joli
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: no
Do you like the over-all layout of this page?: yes
Do you like Havanese :-) ?: Of course!

I'm looking for screensavers picturing Havanese!!

Deneene Burgin - 09/18/00 06:58:09
My Email:deneene88@hotmail.com
Do you own a Havanese or two?: no
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: no,my friend is buying one and I will be her groomer.
Does this page need anything?: not that I can tell
Do you like the over-all layout of this page?: yes
Do you like Havanese :-) ?: yes,I had never heard of them until yesterday and they seem just wonderful!

Thank you for having this information avaliable.It has helped me,so I know what type dog my friend is getting and I look forward to meeting her new baby,and building a relationship with him.Thanks again Deneene

Bernie - 03/09/00 21:17:47
My Email:92736@msn.com
Do you own a Havanese or two?: yes 1 boy
What are their names?: Bungee Jumper
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: maybe
Do you like Havanese :-) ?: the greatest

We own a white 8 year old boy that is the best dog ever. If you can send us an email with information

Victoria - 01/27/00 23:42:21
My Email:victoria.king@tenethealth.com
Do you own a Havanese or two?: no, I would like to
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: YES Does this page need anything?: no
Do you like the over-all layout of this page?: It is wonderful


Jennifer - 07/17/99 02:45:03
My URL:http://www.sixfigureincome.com/?82789
Does this page need anything?: is fine

Nice page

Clint - 05/04/99 19:53:48
My URL:/petsburgh/zoo/4497
My Email:thunder-storm@geocities.com
Do you own a Havanese or two?: No, I am owned by IGs
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: NO!
Does this page need anything?: You've done a great job!
Do you like the over-all layout of this page?: Definitely
Do you like Havanese :-) ?: Yes, even the name.

Clover, you've done a great job on this site. I especially like the 'stop the puppy mills' page. We definitely need to shut them DOWN!

Ebbe Toft Jensen - 04/13/99 18:27:27
My URL:http://home1.dknet.dk/t_jensen
My Email:t_jensen@post1.dknet.dk

Hi After surfing on the Internet, I found your homepage. I find it very nice and creative. I hope you will take a look on my homepage and sign in my guest book. Greetings from Tønder, Denmark

- 03/03/99 01:13:07


Warren Schoenecker - 02/21/99 14:18:39
My Email:wks@ruidoso.org
Do you own a Havanese or two?: Yes, one
What are their names?: TAyelor Maid Alice
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: No, possibly adult
Does this page need anything?: Less Dark Colors
Do you like the over-all layout of this page?: YES!!
Do you like Havanese :-) ?: :-) :-) :-)

The very finest, most loveable, etc. etc etc...

Mary - 01/19/99 23:02:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me2/area51land/index.html
My Email:Believe111@aol.com
Do you own a Havanese or two?: Nope..have everything else, tho!
What are their names?: N/A
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: No
Does this page need anything?: Looks pretty good to me!
Do you like the over-all layout of this page?: Yup
Do you like Havanese :-) ?: I love all dogs

Very pretty site, Karen. Keep up the good work,

Sandra Block - 01/19/99 21:15:58
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/2639
My Email:sandrablock@iname.com
Do you own a Havanese or two?: 2 males and 8 females
What are their names?: Uno Gizmo, Topper, Beryll, Lilah, Bella, Catty, Funny, Josy, Melody and Holly
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: no
Does this page need anything?: no its ok
Do you like the over-all layout of this page?: yes
Do you like Havanese :-) ?: yes...of course!!!!!

Hi! Very WELCOME to the WWW. Nice to see a new Havanese page...and what a great, very informative page...keep up the good work!!! Lovely greetings from "Sandra´s" and "von Ajaccio" Havanese! Bye Sandra

Sandra Block - 01/19/99 21:15:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/2639
My Email:sandrablock@iname.com
Do you own a Havanese or two?: 2 males and 8 females
What are their names?: Uno Gizmo, Topper, Beryll, Lilah, Bella, Catty, Funny, Josy, Melody and Holly
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: no
Does this page need anything?: no its ok
Do you like the over-all layout of this page?: yes
Do you like Havanese :-) ?: yes...of course!!!!!

Hi! Very WELCOME to the WWW. Nice to see a new Havanese page...and what a great, very informative page...keep up the good work!!! Lovely greetings from "Sandra´s" and "von Ajaccio" Havanese! Bye Sandra

Sandra Block - 01/19/99 21:10:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/2639
My Email:sandrablock@iname.com
Do you own a Havanese or two?: 2 males and 8 females
What are their names?: Uno Gizmo, Topper, Beryll, Lilah, Bella, Catty, Funny, Josy and Holly
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: no
Does this page need anything?: no its ok
Do you like the over-all layout of this page?: yes
Do you like Havanese :-) ?: yes...of course!!!!!

Hi! Very WELCOME to the WWW. Nice to see a new Havanese page...and what a great, very informative page...keep up the good work!!! Lovely greetings from "Sandra´s" and "von Ajaccio" Havanese! Bye Sandra

Angela Starke - 01/19/99 19:13:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/lane/5500
My Email:Angela.Starke@t-online.de
Do you own a Havanese or two?: 7 Havanese females and a Shih-Tzu male
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: No, but I am also showing and breeding Havanese
Does this page need anything?: Your page is great.
Do you like the over-all layout of this page?: Yes, it's lovely
Do you like Havanese :-) ?: Of course. We have Havanese in Germany since 1980 and since I saw the first dogs I liked them and now I have my own Havanese since 7 years.

Nice to see a new Havanese homepage. Congratulatios! We also have a homepage since December 1998. So I know how many work it is. Best greetings from Germany. Angela & her My Charming Havanese.

Ragamuffin - 01/18/99 16:30:43
My URL:http://www.icenter.net/~mckay55/
My Email:mckay55@icenter.net
Do you own a Havanese or two?: two
What are their names?: Mitzi and Rags
Are you looking to buy a puppy?: not for a while but I adopted a cyber Hava-pet
Do you like Havanese :-) ?: Just like Cuban cigars are among the best in the world ; so is the little Havanese

Hi Clover, It was so nice to see Havanese Unlimited up and running. Of course, I liked all of it but some things are especially interesting. I really enjoyed the short story of how Havanese got their colours and the intriguing reference to Shavanese. Keep up the g eat work. Woofs, Wiggles and Wags from Rags

Gaby Fell - 01/18/99 07:03:17
My URL:http://members.aol.com/FellLorenz/welcome.html
My Email:FellLorenz@aol.com
Do you own a Havanese or two?: 6 havanese
What are their names?: Gizmo, Fleur, Jedi, Candy, Chicco, Aristid

Great page you've started here,very informative, excellent layout.I will be back from time to time to see if you have added anything.Greeting, Gaby.

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