< Gardening Girl's Web Page Help I've been thinking, recently, that I really ought to share my sources of great HTML or Java help. : ) Here's a link to the site that I first got HTML help from, and I highly recommend it: NCSA - A Beginner's Guide to HTML Home Page Here are two sites for Java; the second, I've not really had a good look at yet: Java Script for the Total Non-Programmer - a tutorial Java Home Page Also, AOL has a free web page maker that is wonderful, but one has to be signed up with AOL to get it. : ) It's AOLPress, and it's like a word processor in its ease of use - I love it! Just go to "Keyword," and type "AOLPRESS". You can download it from there. A trick I've learned, is to use my AOLPress, web page maker, to help me make my pages for GeoCities. I cannot send the pages via ftp, but I still like to use the AOLPress to make my pages and then copy and paste them to GeoCities. I still have to upload all my graphics to GeoCities, and I have to do a little extra work on my pages after I paste them onto my GeoCities Advanced File Manager. It's definitely worth it, though, because AOLPress writes all the HTML for me! : ) I just want to say that I was learning HTML and doing it the hard way before I discovered this trick! : ) Honest, I really can write all this HTML for these pages - I do know how. : ) I'm just using the lazy woman's way, because it's a lot faster! ; ) Using the AOLPress to create image maps, or other new things to me, has really helped me to learn how to do it by reading the HTML that AOLPress creates, too. If any of you would like to look at a fantastic selection of house image maps, visit The Mouse Pad. Vikimouse has made some wonderful, image map houses, and she lists the code you need to type (Java) right next to each house! What more could you ask for? I hope this helps any of you needing help with your web pages. : ) Good luck! The Gardening Girl The Gardening Girl's name and web pages are copyrighted. Gardening Girl is in no way responsible for messing up anyone's web pages but her own. : ) The lovely Disney tune you hear, "A Whole New World," is from Laura's Midi Heaven. Thanks Laura! : ) My gorgeous graphics are by: and by Pick GeoCities! Home / Queen Iris / Iris Care / Iris Growers / Sweet Nectar / HTML Help / Vegetable Garden / Pruning Tips / E-mail Me / Please, sign my guestbook. / Would you like to view my guestbook? GeoCities - FREE Home Pages! / Picket Fence Community
I've been thinking, recently, that I really ought to share my sources of great HTML or Java help. : ) Here's a link to the site that I first got HTML help from, and I highly recommend it:
NCSA - A Beginner's Guide to HTML Home Page
Here are two sites for Java; the second, I've not really had a good look at yet:
Java Script for the Total Non-Programmer - a tutorial
Java Home Page
Also, AOL has a free web page maker that is wonderful, but one has to be signed up with AOL to get it. : ) It's AOLPress, and it's like a word processor in its ease of use - I love it! Just go to "Keyword," and type "AOLPRESS". You can download it from there. A trick I've learned, is to use my AOLPress, web page maker, to help me make my pages for GeoCities. I cannot send the pages via ftp, but I still like to use the AOLPress to make my pages and then copy and paste them to GeoCities. I still have to upload all my graphics to GeoCities, and I have to do a little extra work on my pages after I paste them onto my GeoCities Advanced File Manager. It's definitely worth it, though, because AOLPress writes all the HTML for me! : ) I just want to say that I was learning HTML and doing it the hard way before I discovered this trick! : ) Honest, I really can write all this HTML for these pages - I do know how. : ) I'm just using the lazy woman's way, because it's a lot faster! ; ) Using the AOLPress to create image maps, or other new things to me, has really helped me to learn how to do it by reading the HTML that AOLPress creates, too.
If any of you would like to look at a fantastic selection of house image maps, visit The Mouse Pad. Vikimouse has made some wonderful, image map houses, and she lists the code you need to type (Java) right next to each house! What more could you ask for? I hope this helps any of you needing help with your web pages. : ) Good luck!
The Gardening Girl The Gardening Girl's name and web pages are copyrighted. Gardening Girl is in no way responsible for messing up anyone's web pages but her own. : )
The lovely Disney tune you hear, "A Whole New World," is from Laura's Midi Heaven. Thanks Laura! : )
My gorgeous graphics are by:
and by
Pick GeoCities! Home / Queen Iris / Iris Care / Iris Growers / Sweet Nectar / HTML Help /
Vegetable Garden / Pruning Tips / E-mail Me /
Please, sign my guestbook. / Would you like to view my guestbook?
GeoCities - FREE Home Pages! / Picket Fence Community