Structural Inspection

Items Inspected

Foundations: (If all crawl space areas are not inspected, provide an explanation.)

Items Checked: Slab-on-grade or Pier & Beam, Performing Intended Function:
Shows Problems or Excessive Movement, Further Review Recommended by a Structural Engineer if needed.

Grading and Drainage:

Comments: OK or Needs Service

Roof Covering: (If the roof is inaccessible, report the method used to inspect.)

Comments: Composition, Wood Shingles/Shakes or Clay Tiles
Observed: From on Top, From the Ground thru Field Glasses Status: OK Normal Wear or Needs further review

Roof Structure and Attic: (If the attic is inaccessible, report the method used to inspect.)

Comments: Sheathing and Bracing OK or Needs Service
Type of Insulation_______ Thickness___________

Walls: (Interior and Exterior)

Comments: OK Inside and OK Outside

Ceilings and Floors:

Comments: as needed

Doors: (Interior and Exterior)

Items Checked: Latches at Catch Plates as Designed or Needs Service


Items Checked: Lost Vacuum – has moisture and/or Stains between Glass Panes or No problem noted.


Items Checked: Chimney & Cap, Damper & Flue, Gas Valve, Artificial Logs, Hearth, Mantel and Lintel Face

Porches, Decks and Carports: (Attached)

Comments: as needed



Roof Inspection from Ground Through Field Glasses

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