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The pond was wonderful fun, however we sat around for 3 years and thought about it before we actually picked up the shovels.  We started by getting out the garden hose and laying out the basic shape we wanted.  We had hot pink spray paint on hand to paint the shape onto the grass.  Then came hours of digging and leveling.  Gary put a large shelf at each end of the pond for the plants to rest on, and there's also the obligatory large rock for all the toads and frogs we were hoping to attract.  We bought an 8'by6' pond liner and anchored it with retaining wall block.  The reading material we had suggested that you fill the pond two weeks before adding any plants and an additional week before adding fish.  The fountain was added about a month later.  It is absolutely relaxing to close your eyes, listen to the babbling water and make believe you're sitting beside a the middle of the week.  That's as good as it gets.

The pond is crescent
shaped.  We kept the depth at 18 inches.  The ground surrounding the pond was covered with black plastic and pea rock.  We then layed patio block around the outside and a tiered planter on the left side.

Everyone pitched in to help spread the pea rock around. Eventually, the fella who delivered the rock brought his family by to see the pond.

What was really amazing, the lily and cattail wintered over the way they were supposed to....duh! They're back in the water now and doing fine.  Maybe it was just beginners luck.

We also have a ramp and and upper and lower deck.  Our goal is to fill the yard up with 'stuff', over the next few years, and by the year 2007 we'll have a yard old folks can mow *G*.

The insert of the completed pond, shows some of the detail of the fountain.  The bear and cubs are too cute.  The flower beds behind the pond are perennials (poppy, purple cone flower, shasta daisy's, delphinium, lupine, bee balm, sweet william, hollyhock, and painted daisy's.
The pond plants include:  water hyacinth, miniature cattails, purple and pink water lilies, a cana and water lettuce.

Below, you will find a site index along with other homesteading links

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Flower Friends

Garden Paths

Garden Walls

Flowers for drying

Perennial Blooms

What are perennials?

Our Pond

Pond A, B, Cs

Pond Maintenance

Pond Fish

Pond Plants

Pond Resources

20 years of remodeling

The House in the beginning

Kitchen Part I

Kitchen Part II

Kitchen Part III

Our Patiodoor

NerdMom's Home on the Prairie

NerdMom's Home and Garden

PicketFence Community Pages

Heartland Community Pages

Baby Theme graphics

Friends Theme graphics

Bee and honeycomb Theme graphics

Garden Gate Theme graphics

Iris Theme graphics I

Iris Theme graphics II

Motif Theme graphics

Picketfence Theme graphics

Quilt Theme graphics

Violet Theme graphics

Water Lily Theme graphics


PicketFence Edu - Homepage help

Picket Points

Lite In The Attic - A PicketFence Publication

PicketFence Contests

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PicketFence Community Leaders

PicketFence Graphics

PicketFence Webring

Updated October 10, 1998