I was saying to Jeff -
a wildlife sanctuary!
Yes - those words again - coming
from inside the room with the view and the computer. Why didn't I
just leave him alone? He has the home theater -he is content - why
can't I be. But maybe, just maybe we could see a bat...
I want a bat - I know they are
out there and we have a little place they could move into. Every
other creature has. I thought of putting up a bat house
but I know that most people are unlucky with bat houses (unlucky in love?)
We have the water needed to draw them, we have the yard & fruit
trees to draw them (look at our garden & ponds!).
So what more do we need???? I will keep you posted about the bat
Birds - aren't they beautiful?
In my mind's eye I would see all species of birds as they passed through
on their way to South America and the tropics for the winter. They
must go through Florida - mustn't they? The first year we put up
a bird house tree - Jeff built them & I painted them. Take
a look... (And don't forget use your BACK button to return!)
It was an idea before its time.
Oh, some creatures moved in - a snake skin was found on a perch outside
the loghouse (by the way - I told Jeff no perches but he wouldn't listen)
and many wasps have taken up residence in all of the homes. Once a dove made a nest in the Beak Inn's outdoor feeding area but a snake came and had him some scrambled eggs one fine day. Then
one day (as Jeff predicted) the dead tree fell over and smashed all the
birdhouses. One more excuse for Jeff to put in another palm tree.
I guess birdhouses wouldn't have gone over so good so close to the ponds
anyway. So now, as before, the birds take up residence in the nearby
trees, drink & bathe in our stream and partake of our food, both natural
and in feeders. The thing is - I only see the same birds year round.
There is one cardinal family who comes in about this time and then the
usual Mockingbirds (FL state bird), Blue Jays and doves. We have
had 2 crows here for the last day or 2 and the other day a chickadee (I
think he was - he let me get real close but he was so fat - I may be wrong)
took up lookout on our lemon tree. I think he was a scout.
He is gone now. I want to see the painted bunting, the blue bird,
something. In the spring we had a robin. Robin Redbreast.
Where I am from (Pittsburg, California - DON'T GO THERE) the robin was
the sign of spring. There we had yellow winged black birds and red-winged
black birds and all kinds of swallows and other birds. Even hummingbirds.
They say they have them here in Florida. But I sure haven't seen
one - they must live with the bats!
We do have squirrels. I love
little squirrels. When I was little I had to go to Golden Gate park
to see a squirrel (they had buffalos too - how weird). But today,
after 3 years of longing, I am proud to say I have 3 squirrels partaking
of the feast at my feeders. I love to watch them run along our cement
block fence. It is so cute!
One last pix before I go of a couple of critters I spoted on our swing last year (Jeff built it & I painted it - hint - waterproof after you paint - not before!) - Tori, our granddaughter (she was 1 then - 12/96) and Tuff, one of our Yorkies sharing a kiss in the winter sunshine!
Well, this is the end of this page
for now. Please visit my other pages & make a wildlife habitat
for your own wild animals - we must preserve the earth - we are the stewarts
of it you know. Check out the National
Wildlife Society and become a member - I can't wait till my grandkids
are old enough for Ranger Rick - next year they will get the Big Backyard.
Speaking of magazines - a really nice one is Birds and Blooms, I subscribe to this and for my mother-in-law in Pt. Huron, MI and my best friend, Virginia, in Portland, OR. It is such a beautiful production and almost everything in it is reader contributed. You can buy it at Barnes & Noble or Borders - or e-mail me & I will get their 800# for you. (By the way I am not related to the publishers!) It is worth a look-see.
Another cool place for birders to visit is Birding on the Web.
Why not take part in a cool newsgroup about birds.
Come back and visit. Want to see some of my favorite wildlife books - come this way!
While you are waiting to see my pixs (first batch didn't come out so good - need new equipment or professional photographer) stop by Stan & Karen Westfall's site-Nature's Flightline and see what a REAL photographer can do to nature. Just pet the bunny & he'll show you the way (what is that in his ear???)!
Drop us
a line!