A Garden Friend recently raised some questions about problems she was having in her Garden. As a result, I decided to add this page to address these concerns. From time to time, when a Garden Friend has a problem or a question I will use this page to respond to them. I am no "expert" by any means, but I will do my best to answer each question as best I can. When I don't have an answer, I will try to refer you to someone who can. So here goes.

The first question refers to problems with hydrangeas. Hope planted a hydrangea in her yard and was unsure if she had planted it in the right spot. Well, Hope, I don't know whether you you planted it in a sunny or a shady spot but my reference sources state that hydrangeas prefer light to medium shade, although the big-leaved hydrangea can handle almost full sun.

Should you need to relocate it, hydrangeas can be planted in the early fall or late spring, with fall being the prefered planting time.

The second question deals with slugs and snails. Hope stated, "I have had problems w/slugs & snails. I have put out killer for them but it is never ending. Can you give me any suggestions. Well, Hope, There are many different things which you might try. However, I won't deal with them here. Instead please go to Garden Pests and Problems.

February 1999

I wish to thank those Garden Friends who emailed their questions to me. I apologize to those who did not receive an answer from me. I have decided to discontinue this portion of my site due to time constraints. I received so many questions that I found I was spending so much time researching the responses that I had no time left to do any of the projects that I want to include on my site.

The original intent for starting my own web site was for fun and to give myself a creative outlet for my thoughts and ideas. Of late I found that I wasn't having much fun anymore and my creative juices were drying up. So after much soul searching I decided to shut down this feature of my site. Please visit my site again to enjoy the resurgence of my creativity and share in my thoughts and ideas. Please use my guestbook to add your comments and suggestions. Or email me if you desire. Thanks again to all my Garden Friends, NormGnome.

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