Our Christmas in Alaska!


Since we couldn't all be together this 1999 Holiday Season, we'd like to share some of our Christmas with you - our friends and family. We hope that our smiles will bring joy and good will to you as well...

Merry Christmas from Stephanie & Neil

Christmas Eve at the Moor's


Our Host - Allen

Our Hostess - Phyllis


Grandma Kay with Tyler




The Rest of the Gang at the table (clockwise from left):
Modicas - Sandy & Tony, Freesia & Julio; and Julia again. That's Garth & me in the kitchen & Phyllis cruising on by...

Julia and Garth

Christmas Morning at the Koeniger's


Grandma Mary with sons Steve, Jerry, and Neil.
Doxie girls Hilde and Heidi especially enjoyed snuggling their 'Mom' Mary again...

And Finally...
Christmas Dinner at the Moor's


A wonderful ham dinner with all the trimmings!!
Our Chefs and Dinner Coordinators par Excellance:
The Moor's: Allen, Kay, and Phyllis!!

Wishing You & Yours a Happy New Year!
Love to All from
Neil & Stephanie
Mom & Dad           Grandma & Grandpa


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