O P I               Hotels in Jeruselem


What is OPI?  
SOS Important Numbers  
TAXI Taxis  
The Phone System  
The Bus System  
Kashrut in Israel  
English Media  
M Searching for Your Friends - OPI's for Men  
F Searching for Your Friends - OPI's for Women  
GenRe General Resources
Filename: books.gif Torah on the Net  
Universities: Israel and Abroad
Flight Information

As I wrote regarding restaurants, an excellent website that lists everything any tourist needs to know, including hotels, restaurants, museums and much more, is: www.infotour.co.il  Once you enter this site, simply choose the city within Israel you are interested in and then click on the list on the left side of the page. This site is in English.

However, I will give you an extensive  list of some hotels and their phone numbers to save you some time.

Note: I am not necessarily recommending those in the list or deleting others intentionally. I am just bringing you a list which was made available to me.

Crowne Plaza 658-8888
Dan Pearl 622-6666
Holyland 643-7777
Hyatt 533-1234
King David 620-8888
King Solomon 569-5555
Laromme 675-6666
Moriah 569-5695
Paradise 655-8888
Park Plaza 658-2222
Renaissance 659-9999
Shalom 675-2211
Sheraton Plaza 629-8666
Tirat Bat-Sheva 623-2121
Windmill 566-3111
Lev Yerushalayim 530-0333

What is OPI?     Important Numbers     Taxis     The Phone System     The Bus System 

    Kashrut in Israel     English Media     English Radio     Restaurants     Hotels

Searching for Your Friends - OPI's for Men        Searching for Your Friends - OPI's for Women

General Resources   Torah on the Net   Universities: Israel and Abroad   Flight Information

Marco Island Hotel