O P I Torah on the Internet
Here is a list of some of the best Torah sites on the web.
The main portal for Divrei Torah is the site http://www.shamash.org/tanach/dvar.html This site has links to Shamash Divrei Torah, Virtual Jerusalem Torah, Project Genesis Torah, Chabad Torah, OU Torah and the Shema Yisrael Torah Network.
Another site that has a lot of Torah from Rav Joseph Soloveichik zt"l and Yeshiva University is Yeshivat Har Etzion's site at http://www.vbm-torah.org/learn.htm
If you have Real Player, than you can watch and hear Torah audio and video on http://www.613.org/
It is worthwhile visiting the actual site of the Shema Yisrael Torah Network at http://www.shemayisrael.co.il/. Besides having great Divrei Torah, this site also has features such as "Put a prayer in the Kotel" and "Dear Rabbi I have a question". Their Divrei Torah is broken up into categories: The Weekly Torah Portion, Daf Yomi, Chofetz Chaim, Pirchei Shoshanim, On- Line Reading Room, Children's On-Line Reading Room, Torah Organizations, The Aishes Chail Password Protected Women's Corner, Jewish Outreach, Forums, Special Education, Mishna Yomis, Halacha Yomi, The Mall, Music Section, British Torah Network, South African Network, French Net, Intl. Synagogue Network, Worldwide Mikva List, Intl. Jewish School Network, and Intl. Jewish Burial Society.
The Project Genesis site at http://www.torah.org/ does not have a large menu, however it does have Torah on the weekly Torah reading from Rabbi Yissocher Frand.
If you enjoy Chabad, you can visit them directly at one of their main sites www.chabad.org .
Two Jewish News sites are www.ou.org and www.virtualjerusalem.com .
If I forgot anyone, please write to me at: opisrael@hotmail.com
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