
The iframe is a very useful little tool. It's greatest attribute is that it's an HTML file that can be called up within another HTML file. That is helpful when you have information that you want to have appear on multiple pages. Not only can you save file space by not repeating the information within each individual HTML file, but if it's information that may need updating or changing, you need only edit one file.

The purpose in creating this page is to help Yahoo!Group moderators install WebRing SSNB coding onto their Groups page to PASS the checker, display the navigation code, and be active in any WebRing. Thus, the remainder of this tutorial will focus on how to use it in Yahoo!Groups. But if you found this page through visiting the Home(page) Improvements website, I'm sure you'll figure out how to adapt it for your own use.

First thing you need to do is create the file. If you need tips on creating an HTML file, click the Entry Page link below, then proceed to the Beginner's Menu. Those pages will walk you through the steps of creating the file. Remember to use a light background with dark text and links in this file, since that combination tends to work best with the default layout of WebRings and looks best with Yahoo!Groups.

Enter the SSNB JavaScript into the file, placing it wherever you wish amongst other text and information. The file can be as large or small as you like. The Yahoo!Groups character restrictions do not apply to your file.

Save the file and take note of the full URL. Next, you need to make the iframes reference in the website, or in our example, the Yahoo!Group.

  1. In the left column of options, choose "Management"
  2. In the Group Settings section of Management, select "Description and Appearance"
  3. Click the "edit" link associated with the "Description"
  4. Copy the iframe code from below, install it, change the each of the values between the quotes, then save.
Where you see "URL" enter the URL of the file you saved earlier. For the width and height, you can use either a percentage (such as 95%) or a fixed pixel dimension. Remember that a fixed dimension could cause some browsers to scroll horizontally or vertically, depending upon the individual resolution settings of the user. A frameborder of 0 will help the file blend into the page, whereas a border size will set it off somewhat. The closing tag is very important. After saving, you can return to the homepage of the Group to view your setup. You can return to the description edit page and adjust the settings as you see necessary. And whenever you edit the file, it will be reflected on the Group homepage. If you go to site management and test the membership(s), you'll get a PASS for SSNB.

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Last Update:
7:30 PM 3/21/04