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Tell me what you want to see on this page. One idea I had was to dedicate this site to pump guns and the players who use them. Or I could make this a general purpose page on which people could list tournaments, big games, classifieds, etc. The later probably being regional to Michigan/Indiana/Midwest. Either way I would like to include a forum, classifieds, and a chat room. Tell me what you think or give me some ideas at

My old mission statement:
This web page is going to be a personal web page dealing with all things paintball (especially in Michigan). I plan to include links to other great paintball web pages and all the helpful information I can provide. I am familiar with a wide variety of paintball equipment and types of play. I'm an experienced player and I hope I can be an assistance to those seeking information on the kickass sport of paintball.

Click here for an old pic of my equipment.
Click here some more gun pics.

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