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Are you tired of having a great R/C car or truck but no one to race?????

So were we, so we banded together to create a track amd start an R/C racing scene in southern Maine.  Interested?  We hope so.  Follow the links above for information on how to come out and race with us.

There is already a wealth of informaiton on the web for people interested in R/C cars and trucks, so we will not duplicate it here.  If you are new to the scene and what information on what it takes to get involved, please go to our links page and follow one of the hyperlinks there. 

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We would like to express our appreciation to the American Legion in Scarborough for graciously agreeing to host our track on their land and for allowing us to use their facilities.

©1999 Justin Andrus
All rights reserved.
Designed by: jwa
Last modified: 03.11.99 by jwa

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