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This picture was taken at the hospital. My mom did NOT "style" my hair.


Here I am, still in the nursery.

Here's my great uncle David and Aunty Ruth.

Aren't I a sweetheart when I'm asleep.

Here's Great-Uncle Tommy.

He loves me!

My blanky - peek-a-boo!.

Here's Daddy and Me

This is my Great Grandmother, Nana.

I was named Mary after her

This was taken after my baptism.

Gramma loves me.

My Nonnie Shiela holding me When I was first born.

Here's Mom and Dad and Me.

This is at the church.

Here's I am crying again, (I cry a lot). That's my Great Uncle Vin, my Great Auntie Eileen and my Gramma.

This was taken at Jimbo's after my christening.

Here's my Great-Aunt Anne and Me. I was very little.

St. Jerome's Church. The priest let us take our picture on the alter. That's my cousin, Anna and her mom, Aunty Kim. My Godparents are Uncle Mike and Great Aunty Anne.

My Baptism. I was very good at the church.
There were lots of other babies crying.

Gramma and Nonnie and Nana said that I was the very best!

Feb 26th I'm wearing a hat and sweater that my Great Grandmother, Mary made.

Time to go to sleep. Good Night.

I still like my swing.

This is my Great Grandmother, Nana. I was named Mary after her!


This is a picture of my beautiful baptism party cake.

Here's my bunny outfit. It kept me warm all winter.

I like to fall asleep on daddys shoulder.

OH! Wow! Look at all the pretty colors and funny toys.

Here I am in my crib. I have so many things to look at!

This is my cousin Anna and me. I'm a month older than Anna. Our Daddys are brothers!

I'm the flower girl!
OH! Excuse me! I just love my bath time.

This was taken in May. I laugh a lot now instead of crying.

I'm on Nonnie's and Gramma's Deck!

Excuse me, but I have to take care of my baby doll now.

Where's my dinner! I want some applesauce too, please

I like my new jeans!

Who is that pretty baby?

Catching up on my reading!

Hi! Just wrestling with my toys!

Mommy said that my hat looks like Gilligan's.
Who's Gilligan?

Here I am with my Aunty Kathy. We have lots of fun together.

Here I am with my mommy!

This is Nonnie's favorite picture of me.

This picture was taken when I was 10 months old and everyone said I was getting big.
I like my yellow dress and having my picture taken.

I finally figured out how to get this foot in my mouth.

And this one is my Pigtail hairdo.

This is my Alfalfa hairdo.

YUM !    I like this spaghetti.
It's much better than baby food.
I need a bath when I'm done!

Look! I found my belly button!

Here's Daddy and me.

And here's Auntie Kathy holding me. I love to be held.

Just a few more months.     I'll be running around the house.
Pitter patter, pitter patter ...

I was getting around pretty good.
I could almost walk when this was taken.

And mama thought that she had trouble then, ha ha!

  Keep scrolling to see my Halloween 2000 pictures ...

This is my Minnie Mouse costume.

This is my cousin Anna's costume.     She was Bugs Bunny.
She didn't like her costume.

Her mommy is my Aunty Kim.

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