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Here Danny and Mary picking basil.

Grandma and Nonnie grew it on their deck.

Danny likes the way it smells

Isn't Danny a Sweetheart!

He's such a good boy!

Here's Theresa in her Halloween outfit.
She's getting big, 6 months old now.


Look at all the candy we got trick or treating!

Mary was a princess on a pink unicorn
Danny was Batman!

Here we are with Daddy, the prisoner!

Daddy took us out for Halloween.


We had our birthday party at a bowling alley!

Here's Danny bowling!

Nonnie came to our birthday party too!

Here she is holding Theresa!

Here's Mary opening gifts with Courtney.

Aunty Kim and Anna came too!

Everyone had a great time!.

That's all the pictures for now but stop by again soon to see the latest pictures!

Thanks for visiting!

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