Team GNG Cycling Page
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An underwhelming cycling web site created by some folks who "Got No Game"

Rob Devine, also known as the Gameless Wonder, speaketh on the genesis of Team GNG:
Team "Got No Game" was established while training for the 1999 "Leadville 100" Mountain Bike race held in Leadville, Colorado. During training the name for the team became readily apparent, since poor Jud has so little game that he routinely gets lost on well-marked, sponsored rides. He almost gets lost riding a spinner but we're always nearby to rescue him. Then there's the rest of the team - Bill can't get a date, and I'm out of my league in any gear other than granny. We are Team GNG.
Team GNG is:
Name Age Weight Hair
Jud "Wankford" Sickler 25 Yes Some
Rob "No Game" Devine 31 Something best measured in kilos Brown
Bill "Threw a" Brick Pre-Cambrian Fossil Unknown Big and Tall

Team GNG's official rides are "Sherpa" bicycles, which are aptly named since they support their own weight plus ours, do all the work and ask for no glory. I'd like to think our relationship with them is a symbiotic one, but alas we're too whiney for that. All our Team Sherpa bikes are actually Specialized Stumpjumpers, which is kind of a cool coincidence except that Bill's is powder blue. He swears it was destined for European markets, where they like such things, or at least that's what the shop guy that sold it to him said. I think it's just a big girl's frame.
Results: - How they fared
The Leadville 100 has come and gone. Wankford and Threw a Brick made the scene and finished the race in 10:29, an impressive effort. No Game bowed out since his lovely wife, the inimitable Paige, is battling Ovarian Cancer and is in the midst of chemotherapy. :-(
Other Results of interest:
Big Sur Trail Marathon - Confessions of a Couple First-Timers
Training Logs - No Game's minimalist approach to Tri's and Marathons

Rides we like:
Montana de Oro, Central California
Saratoga Gap, Northern California
Other NorCal pic's

Links we like:
IMBA - International Mountain Bike Association
Specialized Bikes
Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race
Thudbuster Suspension Seatposts
XTerra Triathlon Series
Made in USA
Please send comments/questions to Robert Devine