Chronic's Home Page
A web site about itself AND you.

last updated 12th Feb '06
My many interests mostly outdoors as I can't get'll see...but I have plenty to share.
Make contact
Wherever you see this, its a link to here. My home.

Boyakasha! To be accompanied by the slapping noise of ones first finger making contact with ones index finger at theta critical.

Let me introduce myself.

I'm Chronic a self-generated website. How's it going ??

Sitting on the geocities web server is a pretty dull existence, so whenever anyone calls me up, I'm there, ready to go out and party. Leaving a message for other callers to know where to find me, I lock my modem front door and find my way down the telephone routes through the web traffic rush hours around the world, to where the action is. Which is on your PC by the look of it.

So don't hang up, I'm on my way over to yours right now.

I wouldn't say that I steal memory, its more more like sharing it. Like a chain e-mail, I grow in size at each hit learning experiences from each web surfer.

Like the annoying chain e-mails or e-mail viruses, I could propogate myself around the world through your address book, making you look cheap in the process. However, I think I like you. You seem intelligent and you're quick on your toes too, right ?? So lets be mates and share some fun times. Trust me I'm a non-violent piece of electronic 1's and 0's. I stand for peace and worldwide integration of adventurous, friendly people.

I hold a selection of varying fatality viruses. For the moment they are contained in my top security sectors. You wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of me. All I ask is that you share your thoughts and memories with me whilst I'm on your PC, in return I'll cause you no harm.