Hot Shot of the Week
Skills Game
by Steven Mellor

Well... not too much action at the skills game.  Partly due to the fact that about half the people in the league were occupied elsewhere.  So this week, there was no stand out hot shot... however some highlites of the game are...

Well first off it was a rain game, slippin n slidin, people landin on theirs asses numerous times

Brad and Gonzo workin as playmakers with some sick stick handling and quality goals

Pat got smacked around a little by mellys slap shot.. both in net and in the shoulder... sick slapper from the point on Em.

Speakin of the lone lady at the game..  Emily provide some quality goaltending in Game 2... but like usually.. she let some slip by five-hole..

Brennan had some dece goals n settin me up a few times.. not to brag but that last goal was pretty sick w/ the whack outta mid air...

My nemisis Nips had a good day in net.. Dennis had a good spill on his head and strong D like usual

and Melly put on some moves today n sniped out a few goals of his own

                                                         Until the next game...