This is a Spiritual Teaching written with purpose. This has been written to help Mankind understand their relationship to the Beavers, Trees and Rivers or Waters of Life. At this time we are loosing the only fresh waters we have on Earth, through pollution and a total disregard for life. Water is so precious and many on Earth are dying because of our lack of Respect for this life source. I could tell you all of the problems arising with water, caused by Mankind but you watch or hear the news and know. This Spiritual Teaching is so that you might remember how and why you need to LOVE WATER and PROTECT it, and the relationship of the natural beings that care for water. Maybe you will learn from them and share your understanding with others. Time for NOT acting in LOVE, is Up!
I will write more about the Beaver at another time. There are other writings that will teach you about water, such as, the Morning/Rising Teaching and for more on the tree, the Tree Teaching. I will write more on the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, one day too.
The Beaver (Amisk, Castor), is the Sacred Teacher and Great Spirit, that teaches Mankind about Purification, Protection, Provision and Perseverance. The Beaver has been given the Sacred Rite to Regulate and Dam, the Flow of Life. Beavers were to direct the flow of life and purify the spirit of life, through the waters of life. Water flows through the Veins of Our Mother the Earth, pumping Life, and connecting all the Children of Earth in Consciousness. Rivers are trees of life, laying store, to provide for all life. Trees are the Standing Rivers of Life, that move the waters of the Seas and Earth, up into the Sky to fall as rain, purifying all life, and Forever reminding everyone of their Father God's, Reign over All Living Things. Through the teachings of the Trees, standing and laying upon the Earth, Mankind can come to understand the Cosmic Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. The Beaver, Trees and Rivers of Life, share a Soul, and need one and other, to keep the natural rhythm and flow of life, harmonious. Mankind can choose to share in that Soul or be dammed.
To regulate the flow of life, our Sacred Waters, the Beaver has to work persistently in the force of much opposition from human beings, to fulfill their purpose given to them, by the Creator God. They were given a great responsibility. The Future of All Life, depends on them to Provide and Protect, the water of life that flows through their territory, which they direct in tribute to their relations, along the rivers of life, that flow to the Sea. By backing up a stream, causing sand and silt to settle, the Beaver, through its activities of building dams, stabilizes stream flow and purifies the Waters of the Trees of Life. All Rivers are Trees of Life that provide for All Living Beings. The Beaver builds up the banks of the rivers with enriched soils, preventing erosion, causing more productive flood plains. Allowing for greater abundance of life around the area in which they build, Beaver dams are basically natures water purification systems and soil enrichment projects. Beaver dams are harmonious to all the life around them (except some humans), providing food, water and spiritual wisdom for all in their domain. Unlike the building of dams by Mankind, for commercial purposes, that destroy All Life down river, by flooding hundreds of thousands of acres of wilderness without a thought for life. Mankind took for themselves the sacred rites, that the Creator gave to the Beaver, and began to dam the lives and limbs of others, for material gain, waging war against the Great Spirit of the Beaver, for a thousand years (Beavers became extinct in Britain in the thirteenth century). The Beaver that shared everything with everyone, willingly, was pursued for their luxuriant and thick coat of fur. The history of the fur trade is Mankind's story of greed and extirpation. This civilized excuse for destruction in North America, is called Nation building. Had not the fashion industries decision to shift to the silk trade, take place, the Beaver would have joined the very long list of Sacred Life, that Mankind seems bent to destroy.
Yet the Beaver are survivors who have held true to their Spiritual Convictions, and true to their love for the Earth, never compromising, always holding to the Natural Order and caring for the Flow of Life. Over and over, Mankind has tried to move, remove and blow up the Beaver's dams. With Perseverance the Beaver will return to the original place they started to build, and reconstruct their destroyed homes. Some dams are over a thousand years old, and have been cared for by successive generations. Beaver are told when and where to build these dams, which lands to flood, where to find trees, sticks, and other natural materials (some dams were found made of coal), and are provided all that is needed to carry out their duty, of directing the flow of water. They do not question the Creator's Will, taking their task to heart, mind, body and soul, knowing their purpose. With all of their Being, the Beaver know the quest they were given and that all they do, has a great purpose in the Order of Life. This is the reason for the Beaver's great persistance and why they will return time and time again, to the place they were building, when Mankind tries to move them. If you knew without a doubt, that the Creator gave you purpose, would you not do all you could to fulfill His Will?
Water is the Flow of Life. Water is essential to All Life. From the Water of the Universe, All of Life descended. Water is the Elemental Spirit of The Creator God. Water is the Creator's first conscious thought, and from that thought All Life, Springs Eternal. In the Beginning was the Deep, the Eternal Spirit of God the Father and Creator, who dreamt all life into being. Every living thing, consciously took form from the living water. Whatever the Spirit of Water decides to be, it becomes. One day the Sea, became Sky. This was a separation of consciousness, as the Creator commanded them, so they obeyed. The Dominion of the Sky was separated from the Sea, with Earth as the Heart of All that matters, and as matter, took form (Terra/Tara formed), as the dry land Rose and Appeared between them. From the Sacred Belly and Water of Earth, all Life was born and came to matter through love.
Living beneath the dome shaped water, are all Beings that live under the protection of the Sky (Elder Brother) as spirit helpers of the Earth and are the Dome Minions of God. The first level of consciousness is the level of Earth on which you eat, sleep, sit and walk The second level is the sky the level of the consciousness of Mankind, which begins at the top of our heads, where the beginning of our thoughts for Heaven on Earth, are formed. The third level of being, which is the consciousness of spirit or spirit level, is known as the window of universal consciousness and indicates the fixed placement of the North Star, Sol of the Son of God, who gives direction to everyone when they are living on Earth. All people who dwell under the dome sky, were to follow the path of the Sun, Sol/Soul of the Creator God. They are reminded by whose light they are guided by day and whose protection they are under by night. All people in the Northern Hemisphere are guided by the constancy of the North Star through the night and the continuity of the Sun traveling east to west through the day. The orientation of the rising sun, from the direction of Enlightenment, indicates to all spirits, to consciously and in beauty follow the Path of Light set out by the Creator God. When observing the North Star the Native People of Earth are reminded of the stability given to them through the fixed position of the North Star in the Universal Order of Life. These are the gifts which were to governed the lives and actions of All People. The Beaver have never wavered from the path of light given them by God, which is why they are still invested as the Teachers and Spirit Guides of Consciousness for Mankind.
Water is the Universal Solvent, having the power to dissolve things in a Just manner. Water can wear down the hardest surfaces and weaken structures much greater than itself. Water can move mountains. So can a Beaver. Both of these Spirits share the spiritual understanding of force through directed pressure, and know when to apply a soft gentle drop, to mold and sculpt, for a greater design or purpose. The Spirit of Water knows a gem cannot be polished without rubbing or humans perfected without trials. While the Spirit of the Beaver, shows humans that through persistence, purification is possible. Water can transform into many forms, mist, ice, crystals, and rain. When it rains, the Spirit of the Sky, shows His ability to reign over His entire domain, capable of Resurrecting Life, Sustaining Life, Transforming Life and if need be Withholding Life. Water is life's greatest medicine and as the First Medicine Teacher, taught all medicine people the first natural law of medicine. "Whatever has the power to heal you, has the power to kill you". Water can sustain all life, for humans cannot live without water, longer than three days and as the Great Flood taught everyone, water has the power to take all life.
When we look into the Sky we see the colour Blue. When we look at the Waters of Life, the Sea, we see the colour, Blue. We know the Sea and the Sky are one and the same. We understand that when the Light of the Sun changes, so does the colour of Blue. When you hold water in your hand, it has no colour. It is clear. To get the colour Blue, you need Light. Light is Knowledge, which in Time, becomes Wisdom. The Sea and the Water of Consciousness, reflect Light. The depth of the water, changes the colour of Blue perceived. The same with the water called Sky. The deeper your understanding, the deeper your level of consciousness or the depth of your perceptions. Having a depth of perception and understanding the heights of aspiration, that flow from the Rivers and Trees of Life, comes the beginning of your understanding of the Tree of Knowledge. Knowledge when used properly, becomes Wisdom. Knowledge and Wisdom are very Powerful. Water and Consciousness, make all things (even electricity), Powerful.
If water contains too many suspended materials, for example, those that make heavy poisons, simplified, called pollution, they cause very little too grow, and darkness begins to envelop all life. The same thing happens when you dam the flow of life. Damming Rivers, causes death to all the life that use to flow down river. For control and false power, Mankind dams rivers and changes natural things, out of all recognition. Hydro Electric Power is one example and is made with Water. Mankind is now selling every kind of Water, thinking wrongly that they have that right. Water is a great Power. Water was the First power and will be the Last power! Filled with the Illusion of False Power, and feeling free to continue with the thoughts of selling water, a Gift from the Earth, to Her Children, violates natural and sacred laws, and will bring damnation to Mankind's eternal soul and destruction to All Life! Mankind needs to change, and learn to flow once again under the Creator's direction and according to His Holy and Natural Will, before the Time of Purification or Re-alignment(whatever you want to call it).
The Beaver, Trees, and Mankind, have been given filtering systems, for purification purposes. The Beaver through the dams it builds, purifies Mankind's thoughts through Spiritual Teachings of Consciousness, elevating and directing our thoughts and purifying the lands that provide life, far a field. The Trees through osmosis, and photosynthesis, give us oxygen and purify water, becoming the Pillars that hold up the Sky, taking water from one level (sea) of the Universe, purifying it and placing it on another level (sky), once again, for the benefit of all life. Mankind has been taught many processes, such as prayer, smudging, purging and forgiveness, for purification purposes. Mankind was to teach one and other, to protect and respect All Life, so Life could grow Greater. All Sacred Beings of Light; the Beaver, Tree, Rivers, and Man/Woman, were given all the tools and guides necessary to live in Harmony with all life and all were given purpose, by the Creator God. One was not to interfere with the purpose of the other! Learning about the Will of God, allows evil thoughts to be filtered and purification to take place, so one, isn't dammed for all time. Like the water or sky held in your hand, your vision Will become clear, when you follow the Will of God.
The Sun/Son through warmth, gives strength to shelter life, and the soil on which you stand is the culture that sustains life and allows your family tree to grow. The Rivers of flowing water that lay upon the Earth are the Trees of Life. They are the sparkling veins of our Mother's Sacred Body that sustain Her and All Her Children, the Flowers/Flow Ers of the Tree of Life, connecting All Oneness through Her Spirit of Love and Caring. The Rivers of Life flow into the Trees of Earth giving them nourishment and strength. The Trees of the Forest, Great Spirits of Earth, when studied, convey to us our relationship to all life. Each Tree holds a thousand smaller universes, each fashioned after the greater universe, holding the teachings of sacrifice and sharing in their branches, through Oneness, and through the potential of each seed, which can become a forest, if allowed to grow unheeded, making millions of sacred beings. Through the conveyance of this knowledge of life, the true beauty of trees and rivers, can be seen and understood by all. Likened unto the Trees, the Rivers of Life which descend from the Sacred Mountains flowing out to the Sea, provide shelter, sustenance, and wisdom, thus becoming Living Trees of Knowledge. These trees when flowering and flowing, bring forth the fruit of life, making life harmonious and sweet.
Cutting down all the Trees, shows the ignorance of Mankind and will stop the waters of Earth from rising into the heavens, flooding more and more land, once again causing destruction to life on Earth. Only in following the Principles of Life and the Laws of Creation, learning how to Respect the natural flow and rhythm of life, will Mankind, survive along with water. Water is Sacred! Life is Sacred! Water is Sacred to Life and Limb. To deny water to any living being, is to deny one life, and brings death to a soul.
From the Sea of Consciousness in the East, where golden beings descend, such as the Beaver, who reflect the knowledge of the Creator God, generating concepts and ideals of God, to the Outer Circle of Life, through all the Rivers of Life flowing to the Sea of Tranquility in the West, All Oneness, are to learn along the Path of Light and the Path of Life. We need to listen to the dictates of the Creator God and realize that we are to move with the flow of life and not against it. When the Rivers flood, move! When the Beaver changes a river, as is natural, move! Rivers are greater spirits than we, and have the right/rite of The Way. They know God's thoughts and we humans, are to obey. We do not own the land, but share life upon it. We do not provide life. We share in the life of all others. The Great Spirit of the Beaver, Trees, and Water are to be Protected by each and every One. They have given you life, now you are to help them live. Deprived of the activities of the Great Spirit of the Beaver, the Trees of Life would be bare. Think and Act in Love for All Life. "Dig your well before you are thirsty", so you might be able to stand under the Tree of Life as Flowers of Knowledge and eat freely of it's fruit, so you might enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Drink deeply from the natural Wells of Water and of Life. Peace!