My Dolphin Poems
These are some poems I wrote about dolphins. Please do not take my poems or use them in any way. It takes alot of effort to write them and I would not like people taking them and using them for personal uses or putting them on their web pages. So please respect this rule and don't take them. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the poems!

(All poems are my property and not to be used without my permssion)
The Day The Dolphin Came

As I sit on the bay,
On a clear moonlit eve,
I cry in pain.
I am an outcast,
Of those who love me.
I know no one.
And so I dwell in my sorrows.
Till a touch so soft and healing,
Not physical but internal.
I look into the gentle face
Of the dolphin.
Never have I felt such joy!
Happiness rings in my soul,
To watch the dolphin
Jump and play.
She swims to me,
Looking at me with gentle eyes.
I touch and at once,
My soul is healed!
I now know I am not alone.
I have a friend,
Who is always near.
I can now face those
I could not before.
I am whole again!
The day the dolphin came.

by  Lizzie

Eternal Rainbow Sea II by Christian Riese Lassen

As a dolphin swims in the sea,
A human dreams he could be
A dolphin.
In the gentle seas,
The dolphin lives in perfect harmony,
While man live a life of greed and jelousy.
If only we could see,
The way a dolphin lives to be.
Humans could learn from the dolphins,
And live in perfect Harmony.

by Lizzie
Dolphin Dance

The dolphins dance upon the waves,
Like carefree souls enjoying their day.
They dance and twirl and spin.
And are ever smiling a cheeky grin.
To see them so strong and free,
Brings out the dolphin dance in me.

by Lizzie
Cry For Freedom

A dolphin is born away from the sea,
In a place called captivity.
Here he will live in pain.
He will do stupid tricks for no gain.
He will long for the sea,
Even though he has not seen it.
He will dream for the freedom,
Which he will never live.
For he was born to die,
In the barren walls of captivity.

by  Lizzie
Swim Free

To swim with a dolphin,
Is the best feeling in the world.
Just one look in his eyes,
You feel as though you've
left your worries behind.
To swim with a dolphin,
Is to feel free.
Just you and him
in the deep blue sea.

by Lizzie
I Long To Be Free

I long to be free,
From my world of captivity.
I want to taste the fresh sea air.
And sink in the deep blues
of the sea.
Right now I have to work for my food.
I have to please human audiences,
And jump through hoops.
Can anyone hear my plea?
I long to be free!

by Lizzie
The Dolphins Cry

Deep within the oceans of the earth,
We swim in ever puryfing water.
Our lives are made of truth, love and peace.
No hate will enter our minds.
We live in peace,
helping those in need.
And bringing hope to those who need it.
Yet there is a race that have no peace.
They slaughter one another,
Unlike us who enjoy our lives.
And then they kill us.
Rip us apart from our families.
Pollute our only home.
What can we do?
We call to them,
But they still do not listen.
They do not hear our cries.

by Lizzie
Mystic Prophecy by Christian Riese Lassen
( All poems are Copyright Lizzie 2000)