So polluted is the very air we breath, that literally nothing remains untainted. It
impairs the health of, not only the humans, but effects all living things, be it vegetation or
animal life. Even property such as buildings and structures suffer from the likes of acid
rain, not to mention the havoc caused to the protective ozone lair high above earth.
There is ample evidence, that air
pollution is responsible for countless premature deaths among the human population,
immeasurable suffering in terms of lung diseases, various forms of cancer as well as
growth retardation, to mention but a few of the tragic consequences of being forced to
live in a chemical laden atmosphere. Even relatively minor nuisances such as burning
sensations in one's eyes, throat irritation, bouts of asthma, or for that matter, mounting
numbers of birth defects, can scarcely be belittled in defense of progress. The evidence
is for all of us to see. Stunted trees barley able to survive make up our forests and
parks, while grime covered and rapidly eroding stonework turn buildings into slum
properties. The many causes of air pollution are no mystery, nor are the answers to this
most pressing of problems. The means to tackle them, while costly and not always
politically convenient, do exist. Indeed, a fair number of governments as well as a good
many responsible industries, are doing their utmost to minimize, even to eliminate the
emission of dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere. One must bear in mind, that air
pollution recognizes no borders and that our planet is the only one we have.
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