Welcome to

The Coven of

the Sylvan Glade

Again welcome to the Coven of the Sylvan Glade. We are a new organization located in the upper Ohio Valley areas of West Virginia and Ohio. At this time the coven consists of three, a powerful number. This site is the official site for the coven, not that we expect many fakes to pop up on the net. It started as a site for myself to describe what I had learned and am still learning about Wicca and Druidism. I am a new practitioner, and know many people who are VERY confused about Wicca and Druids, so I decided to create this site. While I was looking for graphics and backgrounds for the site, 2 people I met online and I formed a coven; hence the site as you see it now.


It is the purpose of this site to inform others about the coven and it's members, and to dispel the myths created over time and by ignorance that have sprung up about Wiccans and Druids. We are a new coven, and this is a new site, so there is not much information as yet, but like the coven, the site too shall grow.


History 101

Common Myths

The Coven Members

The Words and Works of our members

Suggested Reading (for those who are interested in learning)

Worthy Links This page will grow as I find more good Wiccan, Druid, and spiritual sites on the net.


Acknowledgements: special Thanks go out to Soniat1133 for the great graphic at the top of this page. Greensprite, also known as, Greenfairy - a true friend to pagans everywhere. The net, which makes this possible, and Geocities for hosting the site. And all the pagan and nonpagan friends who've lent their time, and support and friendship. And to you, for coming to check out this great new site.



LLFII (Elfie)

By the way, we have a guest book, please sign it, we would like your comments.

The guest book is located in the Geo-Guide banner at the top of the page.

If you would like to view our guestbook just click here.




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