1) Family name:
2) Scientific name: Gallirallus sylvestris
3) English name: Lord Howe Rail
4) Subspecies survival status: Endangered
5) Former distribution:. Lord Howe Island,
Mt. Lidgbird, Mt. Gower
6) Current distribution: Lord Howe Island
7) Habitat: Palm forest sites in the lowlands.
8) Reasons for decline: Predation in the
lowlands by pigs, dogs, cats and people, together with disturbance to the
habitat from pigs and goats, but the major threat today is from the introduced
Masked Owl.
9) Conservation reserves on which subspecies
occurs: Unknown
10) Public land on which subspecies occurs:
11) Other land on which subspecies occurs:
12) Is knowledge about subspecies adequate
for objectives and actions to be defined accurately? No
13) Recovery plan objectives: Unknown
14) Actions already initiated: Unknown
15) Actions required: Unknown
16) Organizations responsible for conservation
os subspecies: Unknown
17) Other organizations and individuals
involved: Unknown
18) Can the recovery plan be carried out
with existing resources? No