1) Family name: Pandionidae
2) Scientific name: Lophoictinia isura
3) English name: Square-tailed Kite
4) Subspecies survival status: Endangered
5) Former distribution:. Scattered records
from all mainland states suggesting a nomadic situation with preference
for open forests, lightly-wooded foothills and timbered watercourses.
Generally absent from treeless inland and from heavier forests and cleared
pastoral or agricultural lands. It is possibly seen most often in
west Australia including south island areas such as kimberly, Arnhem Land
and on Divide in the interior.
6) Current distribution: Unknown
7) Habitat: Coastal and subcoastal areas,
in eucalypt forests and woodlands, along wooded watercourses and mallee,
sometimes hunting over adjacent healths and scrubby areas.
8) Reasons for decline: Recovery is slow
from any losses, such as those which result from habitat destruction, the
depletion of food through forestry and pastoralism, illegal egg-collection
and shooting.
9) Conservation reserves on which subspecies
occurs: Unknown
10) Public land on which subspecies occurs:
11) Other land on which subspecies occurs:
12) Is knowledge about subspecies adequate
for objectives and actions to be defined accurately? No
13) Recovery plan objectives: None
14) Actions already initiated: None
15) Actions required: Unknown
16) Organizations responsible for conservation
of subspecies: None
17) Other organizations and individuals
involved: None
18) Can the recovery plan be carried out
with existing resources? No