1) Family name: Megapodiidae
2) Scientific name: Leipoa ocellata
3) English name: Malleefowl
4) Subspecies survival status: Extinct in
some places, endangered (the species has disappeared from much of its former
range, especially in the east, and even in undisturbed habitat appears
to affect populations. Population may have declined by >1% per year
for the last 10 years.
5) Former distribution:. Mallee regions
of southern Australia including south-west New South Wales, north-west
and central-west Victoria, most of South Australia, southern Northern Territory
and south-west Western Australia.
6) Current distribution: Extinct in Northern
Territory, northern South Australia and far south-west Western Australia;
the rest of its range is much fragmented.
7) Habitat: Woodland, usually that dominated
by malle eucalyptus but also occurs in Mulga Acacia and other sclerophyllous
associations. Density is correlated positively with rainfall.
8) Reasons for decline: Clearance
for agriculture (confirmed), high fire frequency (confirmed), competition
with exotic herbivores, particularly sheep (confirmed), possible rabbits,
goats, cattle and kangaroos, predation by foxes (speculative) and cats
(speculative), inbreeding as a result of fragmentation (speculative), hunting
for food (speculative). In agricultural regions Malleefowl are eliminated
by habitat clearance and may not persist in habitat fragments of less than
500. In uncleared habitat many chicks and some adults are taken by
foxes and sometimes by cats. It is not known whether predation is
affecting long-term recruitment. Chicks that survive predation often
starve, particularly in habitat supporting exotic herbivores. Fire
causes local extinction and it may be 15 years before habitat is suitable
and at least 40 years before maximum destinies are attained. Hunting
for food may have affected some marginal populations in the past.
9) Conservation reserves on which subspecies
occurs: Buddigower Nature Reserve, Coolbaggie Nature Reserve, Gouldburn
River National Park, Ingalba Nature Reserve, Loughnan Nature Reserve, Mallee
Cliffs National Park, Nombinnie Nature Reserve, Pilliga Nature Reserve,
Pulletop Nature Reserve, Round Hill Nature Reserve, Yathong Nature Reserve,
Billiatt Conservation Park, Innes National Park, Yellabinna Regional Reserve,
Murray-Sunset National Park, Hattah-Kulkyne National Park, Wyperfeld National
Park, Little Desert National Park, Big Desert Wilderness Area, Bronzewing
State Fauna Reserve, Wathe Flora and Fauna Reserve, Wychitella Flora and
Fauna Reserve, Fitzgerald River National Park, Cape Arid National Park.
10) Public land on which subspecies occurs:
State forests and uncommitted Crown land in all states.
11) Other land on which subspecies occurs:
Fragments of habitat on private agricultural land, Aboriginal land, in
South Australia many heritage agreement areas.
12) Is knowledge about subspecies adequate
for objectives and actions to be defined accurately? No.
13) Recovery plan objectives: a) To stabilize
population levels. b) To control foxes, cats and rabbits in mallee lands.
c) To establish a fire management program that will ensure the conservation
of the species within its existing range.
14) Actions already initiated:
New South Wales: a) Detailed research
on the breeding biology was carried out in the last 1950s by CSIRO Division
of Wildlife Research. b) Surveys were conducted of densities on reserves
in the early 1980s by the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service.
c) Detailed experimental research has been carried out on chick survival
in the late 1980s by the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service.
d) Experimental work on food preferences is being conducted by the New
South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. e) Fox baiting is
being conducted in Malleefowl habitat by New South Wales National Parks
and Wildlife Service. f) Active mounds are being monitored by New
South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. g) A breeding
colony has been established at Dubbo Plains Zoo in collaboration with the
New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service.
South Australia: a) Surveys have been conducted
in the Murray Mallee and baseline densities of active mounds established
by the South Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. b) Monitoring
of active mounds by the South Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service
is continuing. c) Experimental work on fox predation is being conducted
by the South Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. d) Co-ordinated
rabbit and fox control program in and around Bakara Conservation Park.
Victoria: a) Detailed research on adult
home range and density was carried out at Wyperfeld National Park in the
early 1980s by Monash University with assistance from Operation Raleigh,
the Department of Conservation and Environment and the Australian Trust
for Conservation Volunteers. b) The feasibility and efficiency of
thermal detection of active nests by airborne scanners is being investigated
by the Department of Conservation and Environment. c) Extensive annual
monitoring of breeding densities is being carried out by the Mildura Office
of the Department of Conservation and Environment.
Western Australia: a) Surveys of active
mounds are carried out annually at Eyre Bird Observatory by the Royal Australasian
Ornithologists Union. b) Numbers of Malleefowl present in Dryandra
State Forest are monitored to determine the effectiveness of a fox control
program by the Department of Conservation and Land Management.
National: Fox and rabbit control programs
using genetically-modified organisms is being investigated by CSIRO Division
of Wildlife and Ecology with funding from the Endangered Species Unit of
Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service.
15) Actions required: a) Maintain or initiate
active fox control programs, particularly near small reserves. These
should be followed by monitoring to test their effectiveness. b)
Study the effects of timing and frequency of fire on the species, particularly
its ability to recolonize isolated patches of habitat that have recovered
from fire. c) Prepare a mallee fire management plan that takes account
of the requirements of this and other threatened species. d) Further
validate and perfect monitoring technique using heat sensors on aircraft.
e) Survey suitable habitat in Western Australia from the air to establish
a baseline from which subsequent population trends can be assessed.
16) Organizations responsible for conservation
os subspecies: New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service/Dave
Piddel, John Brickhill, South Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service/Peter
Copley, Victorian Department of Conservation and Environment/Bill Emison,
Ian Sluiter, Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management/Tony
17) Other organizations and individuals
involved: Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service/Endangered Species
Unit, CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology/Hugh Tindale-Biscoe, Monash
University/Joe Benshemesh, Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union/Eyre
Bird Observatory wardens, New South Wales Department of Agriculture and
Fisheries/Terry Kern, Malleefowl Preservation Society. Archie Vann.
18) Can the recovery plan be carried out
with existing resources? No.