Some of My Passions in Life
- Romantic Weekend Getaways to Carmel or the Wine Country
- Exotic Travel Destinations...relaxing in the Seychelle Islands or climbing up to
Macchu Picchu
- Lively Debates on social problems
- Reading exciting deep sea adventure novels
- Thinking of new business ventures
- Discovering great ethnic restaurants
- Camping with friends in Yosemite
- Having a picnic around a European castle under a full moon with a warm breeze at
midnight overlooking a shimmering lake with someone special munching on lobster and sipping champagne
- Scuba Diving or snorkeling in Australia's great Barrier Reef
- Being involved in non-profit ventures to help underprivileged communities &
- Watching a live Yanni concert
Things I Still want to this Lifetime
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Try These Activities |
Accomplish These Feats |
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