Date and place of birth: January 26, 1971; Moscow, Russia
Marital status: Single
Citizenship: Russian
Home address: Ryazansky prospekt, 72-2-109,
Moscow 109542, Russia
telephone: (+7-095) 377-1682/219-8128
e-mail: /
Working address: State Institute for Applied Ecology,
Pyatnitskaya St. 44/3, Moscow 109017, Russia
tel.: (+7-095) 951-9269 / 953-3919
fax: (+7-095) 951-8900
Environmental Science, Environmental Management, Mathematical
modelling of processes in geosystems
1997 - 1998 Master of Environmental Management.
European Postgraduate Course in Environmental
Management (EPCEM).
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
1994 - c.t. Postgraduate PhD student. Speciality: geophysics.
Moscow Institute for Applied Geophysics.
Dissertation: "Mathematical modelling of transfer
and transport processes in geosystems".
1988 - 1994 Master of Science in physics and engineering.
Speciality: experimental nuclear physics.
Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics,
Moscow State Technical University.
1998 European Environmental Policy Division of
Directorate for International Environmental Affairs,
Directorate-General for Environmental Protection,
Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the
Environment, The Hague, The Netherlands.
1998 Wetlands International:Africa, Europe, Middle East.
Wageningen, The Netherlands
1993 - c.t. Head of Laboratory, Research Scientist.
State Institute for Applied Ecology,
The Russian Ministry of Environment and Natural
Resources Protection, Moscow.
1995 - 1997 Teacher; Network Administrator.
Engineering College of Metrology and Quality,
1.Conversation English Course. University of Amsterdam,
The Netherlands. 1997. Certificate.
2.Bioavailability of Organic Xenobiotics in the Environment.
NATO Advanced Study Institute. Jesenik, Czech Republic.
August 1997. Certificate.
3.Soils and Global Change: Carbon Cycle, Trace Gas Exchange, and
Hydrology. NATO Advanced Study Institute. Toulouse, France.
June 1997. Certificate.
4.GIS for Environmental Studies. GIS Market Support Association
Course. Moscow. 1996. Certificate.
5.Applied Programming Course. Moscow. 1996. Qualification
6.Geoinformation Systems for Natural Resource Course.
Moscow State University. 1994. Certificate of Attendance.
Public participation and public access to environmental
information: Dutch experience and its application for the Russian
Federation. European Environmental Policy Division of Directorate
for International Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Housing,
Spatial Planning and the Environment, The Netherlands, 1998.
Framework for an integrated land-use plan for the Pripyat region
(Republic of Belarus). Interdisciplinary research project.
Wageningen Centre for Environment and Climate Studies, Wageningen
Agricultural University, The Netherlands, 1998.
Mathematical modelling of transfer processes of rockets fuel in
soils, surface waters and vegetation. Moscow Institute for
Applied Geophysics, 1996-1997.
Environmental Impact Assessment for Altai region (Russia).
Preparation of potential solutions for planners and
decision-makers. State Institute for Applied Ecology, 1995.
Application of GIS-technique for mathematical modelling and
regional environmental monitoring. Methods, algorithms, programs.
State Institute for Applied Ecology, 1994-1996.
Development of plant growth and crop production models.
Algorithms, programs, model calibration and testing. State
Institute for Applied Ecology, 1994-1996.
Preparation and analysis of environmental information,
mathematical modelling of transfer processes in soils, surface
and ground waters. Within the framework of continued project for
development of the ecological monitoring system for Kurgan
district (Russia). State Institute for Applied Ecology,
Simulation of radioactive isotopes spreading in the geosystems
from the Accident at the factory "Mayak" (South Ural region).
Model, algorithms, programs, graphical interface. State Institute
for Applied Ecology, 1993-1994.
Project co-ordinating; team management; intermediation in the
international project; organisation of international conferences
and workshops; translation; presentation; information finding,
collection and distribution; file archiving; preparing and
chairing of meetings; looking for financial sources; logistics.
Hardware: IBM PC AT;
Software: MS DOS, Windows, UNIX, Fortran, MsOffice, CorelDraw,
DataBases, Clarion, GIS, Internet, Web Design.
Through the whole period of employment - development
and testing of applied Fortran computer programs for
physically-based models.
LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE GRADE: English - fluent; Russian -
mother tongue.
PARTICIPATED CONFERENCES: about 15 national and
international conferences and workshops.
1.Polarisation in p+p interactions at 4.2 GeV/c. Journal of
Nuclear Physics, vol. 55, N 11, 1992, pp. 2945-2952 (with Amelin
A.I., Drutskoi A.G., Kiselevich I.L., and other).
2.Modelling of pollution transport and transformation in river
basins for ecological monitoring. IAG publications, N 81, 1996
(with Motovilov Yu.G.).
3.The dynamic model of plant physiological processes. IAG
publications, N 81, 1996.
4.Plant growth model as element of space distributed model of
processes in geosystems. Annales Geophysicae, Supplement of
Volume 14, 1996 (with Motovilov Yu.G.).
5.Estimation of landscapes pollution in regions of rockets stages
fall. Annales Geophysicae, Supplement of Volume 15, 1997.
6.Modelling of plant growth and productivity for SVAT systems.
Annales Geophysicae, Supplement of Volume 15, 1997.
7.ECOMAG-river basin hydrological cycle model on the basis of
landscape units: application for northern watersheds. Proceedings
of the third International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and
GAME, 1997 (with Yuri Motovilov).
8.Framework for an integrated land-use plan for the Mid-Yaselda
area in Belarus. EPCEM report No 1998/3. Wageningen Agriculture
University, 1998 (with S. Innanen, A. Koc, and other).
HOBBIES: reading, travelling, computer surfing.
REFERENCES (recommendations are available on request):
Dr. Ir. Adriaan Oudeman
Directorate for International Environmental Affairs,
Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment,
The Hague, The Netherlands
Ms. drs Yvonne M.H. Kleintjes
Wageningen Centre for Environment and Climate Studies,
Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands
Evgeny S. Dmitriev
Director of State Institute for Applied Ecology, Moscow, Russia
Academician of International Academy of Information, Professor
Yuri G. Motovilov
Head of Department of State Institute for Applied Ecology,
Moscow, Russia
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