Leslie Radwan - 11/20/99 22:59:46 | Comments: I will be creating a new website. When it is done, I will be adding links to this site. I have not been able to update this site... More to come. |
Joshua Spencer - 06/12/99 16:09:33 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/bizgood My Email:Joshua Spencer's Home Page | Comments: I found your website most informative and interesting. Please do keep the great work. |
Nick Moscovitz - 02/02/99 19:34:43 My Email:zabayone@ix.netcom.com Your favorite educational websites: http://www.askanexpert.com/askanexpert/ | Comments: Your insights and views about teaching and learning in general, and in special education in particular deserve a prominent acknoledgement. I will reccommend your site to others, and I hope that you will continue to work on this site, to develop it into a ynamic educational resource. Very inspiring. |
michael Birnbaum - 09/23/98 13:41:13 My Email:mbirnbau@falcon.lhup.edu Your favorite educational websites: teacher talk | Comments: this is a nice place for teachers to visit! |
- 06/16/98 23:12:19 | Comments: |
- 06/16/98 23:12:15 | Comments: |
Millie DelToro - 06/15/98 14:48:49 My Email:bunkums@hotmail.com | Comments: Great resource for both students and educators. Your site gives direction and focus. |
James Stankus - 06/04/98 21:37:20 My URL:/Athens/Oracle/5761 My Email:JStankus@csi.com Your favorite educational websites: http://dove.mtx.net.au/~punky/world.html | Comments: Hey, great web-site! I like the way you put your student's interests on the web! |