Future Projects
The relations between culture and nature is "by nature" global and multidimensional. That´s why EcoCultures works from an interdisciplinary approach, seeking to develop a series of programs and centers interrelated among themselves (threaded with methods of EcoCultural Management):
- Sustainable Health Program, promoting health based on the integration between society and its enviroment through traditional and popular health customs;
- Center of Ecological Traditions, of sustainable development and cultural promotion through the reimplementation of ethnological traditions with environmental value;
- Ecocultural Educational Programs, to train on forms of integration between bio- and socio-diversity;
- EcoCultural Parks, public and private spaces for reforesting with local species of ancestral use;
- Sustainable Self-Employment Programs, to create space for the development of new micro-business and self-employment based on own cultural and natural resources;
- InterCultural Center, place of promotion of cultural and ethnic integration, intercultural conflict solving, and international cooperation on local ecocultural resources;
- EcoCultural Centers. Integral space for interdisciplinary coordination and local development based on the revaluating of community techniques and conceptions promoting the environment.
And there are more present and future projects!
If you want to participate, or just want some information, please contact us to: