Healthy Eating & Treatment of Animals
The following notes I took at a Bronte Creek conference. The speaker's name was Ben, who works with Joseph Pace. The information should be very accurate and is also included in a book they wrote together. Yeah, I know it's a lot, but believe me, it's worth reading. It'll make you think, I guarantee it!
- we figure it's easier to start again on a new planet instead of fixing ours (ie. possible to live on Mars?)
- if we give it time, the earth will heal, but not without our help
- eating has more effect on the earth than anything else
- we change the name of animal products so we won't feel as guilty ie. pork instead of pig - pork isn't an animal?
- 1 pound of the pork we eat takes 7 pounds of grain (a pig eats 7lbs of grain for every lb)
- on 1 acre of land: 20 000lbs of apples, 40 000lbs of potatoes, but only 200lbs of beef
- it takes 4 acres of land to feed a meat eater; 1/2 acre or less for a vegetarian
- 500 000 000 animals slaughtered anually in Canada, in USA even more
- 77% of Canada's grain supply is used to feed livestock which will be slaughtered
- many wells contain harmful bacteria from agricultural companies
- 1 cow produces as much waste as 16 humans
- you can't get the same nutrients from veggies, etc. if fertilizers are used
- animal products could be considered as a fuel by-product
- McDonald's: Murder, Money, Mind Control!!!
- China is trying to copy North American lifestyle (ie. fastfoods) - the more meat you eat, the richer you are - NOT!
- an average American in a lifetime will eat 21 cows, 14 sheep, 12 hogs, 1400 chicken, 1000lbs of other birds. You save these, plus 1 acre of trees each year if you're a vegetarian
- chickens are no longer considered animals, they are a commodity. They have been genetically altered and have no real life
- 500 000 000 broiler chickens are killed annually
- only contact farmers have with them is plucking out the dead ones
- average chicken lives 41 weeks instead of 10 years, yet is expected to grow
to grow to it's full size
- many chickens have heart attacks, 90% of chickens in US have cancer, many kill eachother, 70% are conscious when killed
- always kept indoors in tight-fitting cages
- layer chickens: there are 19.6 million in Canada and produce 6 billion eggs a year
- their day is only 12 hours long (artificial lighting), therefore are forced to lay eggs twice a day instead of once
- there are 4 layer chickens to a 16x18" cage and peck eachother to death. To prevent this their beaks are cut off. Many have osteoporosis. Why not bigger cages, more freedom?
- quality of meat is not important - gets thrown in chicken soup, nuggets; male chickens are thrown out and used for fertilizer worth 25 cents
- 16-20 million pigs in Canada that live 6 months, yet supposed to live 20 years
- pigs are bruised, kept inside, their tail is cut off so they won't chew on them because they're kept too close together
- pigs are as intelligent as dogs
- their noses are broken with crowbars to control in trasportation
- in US, 30% of pigs have ulcers, 80% have pneumonia
- mothers have no contact with their piglets, they are stripped from their mother when born
- "forget pigs as an animal, treat as a machine for more profit" - NOT!
- cows and pigs are castrated without any anesthetic when babies
- 75-100% are confined
- they produce 3 times as much milk as natural and since they are milked so often they get infections. Government allows a certain amount of puss to get in the milk
- when they die they become dogfood or ground beef
- they spend no time with their babies who are not allowed to drink any of their mother's milk (this offers immunity for them)
- they live 6 years, impregnated every year in order to produce milk
- "red veal" are not confined
- "white veal" are kept indoors and fed very little water (because they would eat more!)
- in 1951 21% of people were farmers, today only 4%, yet there is more farm space then ever before
- there is more labour on organic farms, which creates jobs
- in slaughter houses, people can't move, often not allowed a washroom break, nothing!
- people get cut often but have no time to clean their wounds, therefore blood gets on meat
- when most animals are transported to slaughter houses, they go without food or rest for up to 72 hours and sometimes freeze to the sides of the trucks
- cows live 14-16 months out of 20 years because this is the most economic time, otherwise they would eat more than would bring money
- they are unloaded from the truck, put on a conveyor belt, a metal bolt is shoved in their skull to knock them unconscious (often missing), get hauled up by back legs, eviscerated
- the cruelty is removed from Canada's Criminal Code. Why? Aren't they animals too?
- slaughter houses use water in a day enough for 20 000 people
- (advertisement): "Last year over a million people left the same suicide note: 'Shopping List: butter, eggs, mayo, ham, bacon, chicken'"
- there are 300 trillion cells in our body
- we get energy from what we eat
- you're made up of what you eat, and what you eat stays in your body
- 50% of cancers are diet-related
- Canadians eat twice the amount of fat they're supposed to
- animal products contain over 30g of fat
- fibre is very important but we only consume 1/3 of the required amount
- free radicals are cells that cling to healthy cells and destroy them - animal products are loaded with these; also with chemicals, pesticides (which is also sprayed on cattle)
- plants have zero cholesterol, way fewer chemicals and pesticides,?li>
- Canada's #1 killer is heart disease - comes from eating more meat
- in US, cases of 18 year olds having heart attacks have been reported!
- by reversing your diet you reverse heart disease, therefore expensive transplants might not be necessary
- the more dairy you have, the more chance of breast cancer
- the more fat you have, the greater risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer
- in Iceland, meat is consumed in very large amounts. On average, their lifespan is lower, also have the highest rate of osteoporosis
- we take antibiotics but we become resistant to them since they are also in animal products in large amounts
- eat a variety of veggies and lost of fibre
- milk is only for babies (they're mother's milk, not cow's milk). We are the only species on the planet that consumes another specie's milk. So is that natural?
- many healthy athletes are vegetarian
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