Published By G.P. Putman's Sonsa, member of the Putman Berkey Group, INC.
Published by Harper San Fransisco
The Associated Bible Students Association
Published By Healthy Healing Publications
Published By Paradise Publications
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This book is what we have based our "Attaining Healthy
Spirituality" articles on. Leo Booth uses himself as an
example of what a religious addict is and how by the
grace of God he came to understand how he was using his
religious position as one abuses a drug or alcohol. How
does one identify religious addiction or abuse? This
book shows the signs to watch for and the steps to take
to overcome religious addiction and abuse and how to
replace them with a healthy relationship and view of God and spirituality.
ISBN# 0-87477-703-8
Price $12.00
by John Temple Bristow
Written by Dr. John Temple Bristow, a Disciples of Christ
Pastor in Seattle, Washington, this book is, as Letha
Dawson Scanzon, co-author of All We're Meant to Be, says: "A convincing case for equality of the sexes
based on the very passages that are all too often used
as proof texts to uphold male dominance and female
subordination...For any person who reveres scripture but
who struggles with traditional interpretations of
passages concerning women and who fears that a device
for equality between the sexes is a violation of Biblical
principles, this book is a MUST!"
Price $10.00
ISBN# 0-60-60 1063-8
AND THE SON by The Jersey City Bible Students
For anyone who believes that Christ's divine nature
means he is God's Only Begotten Son and our savior...but
NOT God himself, this book is it. Especially interesting
is the study of how the church doctrine creeds have gone
from the very first being Unitarian to semi-Trinitarian
and longer to finally completely Trinitarian and the longest of all.
Note: Page 56 is, from our viewpoint, in error in which
it quotes Psalm 83:18 as: "That you may know that I am the
LORD and that is my name", when it should read: "That
you may know that I am Jehovah(Jah/Yah/Yahweh)and that
is my name". Contrast to 1 Corinthians 8:5-6 which
reads: "There are many gods and many lords, yet to our
there is actually one God" and "Whose name is Jah
Jehovah and he alone is the most high" -Psalm 83:18 & 68:4.
Copies of this booklet are available for 50 cents a
piece upon request by writing to:
P.O. Box 1644
Union, New Jersey 07083-1644
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NOTE:(warning) pages 26-29 deal with themes such as
Hypotherapy that are conflicting to Bible principles and
thus you may wish avoid and/or delete entirely.
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An Antediluvian Fantasy
Revised By Jim Rizoli
Jim Rizoli has been deeply involved in Bible research for the past twenty-five years. He was also involved in a Bible study ministry for most of that time and has used his knowledge and understanding of the Bible to personally help many people. When he came into possession of the original Angels and Women book it was as if he found a treasure that's been hidden for many years. Feeling that the republishing of this book would be of great spiritual value to many people, both young and old, he gladly accepted the challenge before him. You, the readers of this unique novel, will reap the benefits from this adventure back in time.
P.O. Box 458
Northridge, Massachusetts 01534
Price $10.00
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