Well, my name is Kristine (as you've probably gathered). I'm 19 years old. I am currently in my second year at university. I was going to major in physics, but then I realized that this was impossible, so now I'm thinking archaeology. Why archaeology? Who knows? It seems interesting. I won't make any money, but it's not like physics was going to earn me the big bucks either.
Anyway... what was i talking about? oh yes... me! Well, I am interested in mostly everything, except maybe sports, although I do take martial arts classes. I started out doing Sun Hang Do, but for various reasons I decided to switch to karate. So far I'm only a red belt (that's just the second one). When I'm not studying (haha, riight... studying) I spend my time reading, drawing, sometimes painting (although I suck at it I never really give up hope that i might one day paint something good), and wasting time on the internet. I also do origami, am teaching myself calligraphy, am trying to learn about herbalism, and tons of other stuff that has left my mind at the moment.
What else? Oh yes... I am a student Simon Fraser University, which is located in British Columbia,
. Naturally, being Canadian I live in an igloo and say "eh?" every three seconds.
If you want to know more about me I can be found on ICQ; my number being 17717995. There I'm called "starfire*".
Well, thats all I can think of to say right now. If there are any glaring spelling mistakes on here anywhere, please let me know, 'cause, well, it'd be nice if i could at least appear like a spelling enabled person.