The Ballad of the Great Holiday
Once upon a time
When chocolate bars were a dime
And a bottle of Pepsi was only a nickel,
From the Gods came the revelation
That humankind needs a vacation
Else our brains will soon be in a horrible pickle.
Shall it be a holiday?
Or a day to praise and pray?
And just when should come the festive scene?
Shall it be winter time?
That season most sublime?
Or in summer time, the season of green?
Now the Gods knew what I'd like,
A chance to ride my bike,
Without which I'd surely become demented.
Whatever the time or season,
Whatever the rhyme or reason,
So Cycle Across Maryland they invented.
Now it doesn't matter to me
What the time or place might be
As long as I've got a bike to ride.
Any holiday's fair
As long as my bike is there,
For without my bike I couldn't abide.
At Christmas time we'll eat
And pig out on too much meat
Resulting in adipose tissue galore.
In Lenten time we'll fast
But Lent not long doth last,
So we'll still be fatter than before.
So, folks, what can I say?
There really is only one way,
And it really is not all that very hard.
Just join me with your bike!
We'll ride wherever we like!
And we'll soon be rid of our excess lard.
We'll ride in sunny weather,
When the Gods have their act together,
Regardless of what the calendar may say.
Sometimes we'll ride in the rain,
Although it's a bit of a pain,
For bike riding's the best kind of holiday!