The pond is alive with frogs! Everywhere you turn are beautifully coloured frogs. They tell you a bit about themselves. If you want to add to my pictures just e-mail them to me as attachments and I'll add them if I can. I'm Speedy, the fast moving frog. I'm a red eyed green tree frog. My name's is Smudge. I'm is a strawberry poison arrow frog. Poison arrow frogs have bright colours to warn off predators. A good thing too, because these are the most poisonous creatures in the world! One tiny drop of our poison can kill a herd of deer. We are named such because the native people of South America tipped their arrows with our poison.
Meet me, my name's Dipper, I'm a Spring Peeper. Whenever you hear him he goes "peep, peep". As you can see I'm in the Pond as frogs are amphibians which means we spend part of our life with gills (as a tadpole) and part with lungs (as a full grown frog). .
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