Men In Black the Movie! How much fiction how much fact!
Please bear with me. I'm having a little fun with this
one! I'd say in doing a trained self assessment I'm at about
a 70% accuracy today so don't expect complete accuracy. I'm
doing this for the fun of it.
When I first saw Men In Black the Movie, I told my closest
friends,"You know, that movie is the closest to the way
things really are here on Earth that Ive ever seen." Some
smiled. Some gave me a strange look and others just knew
I was right!
You know, being a psychic is very strange.
I've learned to trust my life to my intuition. When I board
a plane I ask the plane if it's going to crash. If it is
going to the plane will tell me and the same with cars,
motorcycles etc. Now that is weird but it's also true. But
I and my family are only safe if I ask each time I board a
mechnical contrivance. My father and grandfather could talk
to machines and get straight answers to so it must be
hereditary. My uncle forgot to ask in 1942
so he crashed his plane. But he is the only one who died
forgetting to ask. He was really cool. At about 20 he went to
the local airport to watch planes take off and land. One of
the pilots came over and talked to him. he said,"Would you
like to pilot my plane?" My Uncle said "Sure!" My uncle took
off flew around and landed the plane with the owner on board.
The owner said,"Wow! That was the best 3 point landing I've
ever seen. Where did you learn to fly?" My uncle said,"That
was my first time in the air." The owner nearly died. But
this was normal for my uncle. He was a natural pilot. He
was a natural at anything mechanical. No one could compete
with him because he wasn't even in the same league with most
people because he was a totally intuitive mechanic and pilot
and truck driver and sailor. Everything was intuitive. Every-
thing was natural. He was really cool!
Getting back to Men In Black I'd say realistically there are
a minimum of 10,000 non earth born humans at any given moment
walking around on Earth. Since some don't walk that is not
entirely correct. But it's in the ball park. There are also
several million humans that have been trained to interact
with these non humans. Of these 100 thousand humans are
adults and fully trained to interact with the visitors. The
rest are trainees from birth to 22.
At this point I also
should say at times there are 100,000 non Earth born visitors
on earth at a time. They use technology to screen their
appearance from those who don't know and would die of
fright or have a psychotic break because of knowing the truth
Another very strange tidbit of information I'd like to
share. The earth has been blown apart about 5 to 10 times
since 1950. The reason you don't know about it is the
Galactic Time Protectors simply change time back by stopping
the blasts before they happen after they witness the blast.
They have the right to do this because after Maldek, the
planet our Asteroid belt was before a surface thermonuclear
war obliterated it to an asteroid belt the Galaxy would not
allow any planet in our solar system to have a
non interference
agreement in effect in regard to nuclear weapons. Because of
having to save Earth 5 to 10 times from destruction most
Galactics who know about this have a generally low opinion of
humans. Wouldn't you if you were them? Anyway, we will be
allowed to extinct ourselves but we won't be allowed to nuke
the planet. Also, don't worry too much about all the species
that have gone extinct the last 4 centuries and the 40 to
80% more of the flora and fauna to go extinct in the 21st
century because if we extinct ourselves Galactic timekeepers
will like Noah save all species using time travel. So if
us humans are really stupid enough to go extinct by 2700
by 2900 all species we drove extinct will be returned to
earth by time manipulation. This won't bring us back just
the dumb creatures.I personally think this is poetic justice!
While I'm on an ofbeat subject I'd like to speak of
Galaxy Quest which has to be the funniest movie I've seen
in a very long time. If you haven't seen it you've got to.
I had a very strange experience while watching Galaxy
Quest when they brought in the Octopus people. This is
because 9 ft purple octopus people is a real species that is
much more intelligent than humans. They are not as described
at all but they live over 1,000,000 years. (This would be
comparable to 80 years in present day humans. Millions of
Years ago when I was sent to rescue the survivors of Maldek
who are our present day ancient ancestors that predate
Atlantis, Lemuria and even Mu I was incarnated into that
species. When I was living in Hawaii in the late 80's one
of my relatives from that period time traveled from millions
of years to visit me as a modern day human. At first it was
difficult for me to communicate but then as he talked of
visiting all the bodies I've worn in the millions of years
since I could finally deal with it. Then it got really
interesting. He told me to continue what I was doing in
this life because I might be successful in helping along
with millions of others to prevent the permanent extinction
of earth born humans. I was very greatful for his wisdom.Like
I said, it may not be in your best interests to take every-
thing serious that I say today unless it suits you.
More and more humans will
conscioiusly interact until most humans are capable of this.
The reason it is done this way is to prevent the collapse of
all Earth's religions, Governments and businesses. In this
way the Galaxy can continue to enjoy the quaint and archaic
Earth and its peoples. We are also guinea pigs for millions
of galactic experiments from medical to anthropological.
New!!! January 14, 2000
Fred's Believe it or not!
I asked God if I could soul travel to visit him in the
center of the Galaxy around 1969. In 1970 He gave me my
wish. It started in a cabin in Yucca Mesa in the high desert
of California. I had a cold and had gone to the desert to dry
out my sinuses in the very dry air one weekend. I retired
early alone in the cabin and woke up about 2am to urinate.
When I walked to the bathroom I tried to turn on the light
switch but my hand went through the wall. I almost died of
fright right then. I tried it again same thing. I realized I
was not in my body. I did not urinate because I knew I would
wet my bed because my body was not in the bathroom, I was.
I forced myself to walk back to my body. I looked at it
and felt ill. I had read one has to lay back down into ones
body into the same position one is lying or meditating so I
did that. Within a few seconds after my body and I merged
my body shook violently from shock. I was
so terrified I immediately packed up my things and drove home
to San Diego in my car.
As I drove away I said to God,
"You nearly scared me to death! Please give me a good
experience." Withing two months God granted my request. I
woke up in the night and sat up in bed. I was connected still
from the hips down but separated from the hips up. I turned
and looked at my body sleeping peacefully. But then something
I still can't explain happened. Another me wearing the same
pajamas as I and my body were walked in the door of my room
with the most angelic expression on its face. It proceeded
to lay down into me and then we laid down into my body. I
felt a Peace I had never known before. I WOULD NEVER FEAR
One can know
something theoretically but to experience it firsthand one
is never the same. Never again could someone tell me death
was the permanent end. From that moment on I could only
feel sympathy for anyone who believes death is real. For
I witness before God and before you THERE IS NO DEATH!!!
It is my belief now that God wanted to frighten me off
from Astral Projection. What I began to do instead is called
bilocation. This means to be in 2 or more places at once.
Walking around outside my body completely separate was way
to scary for me. Being 2 or more places at once I found
much more bearable. However, after 10 years of travelling
this Galaxy I came to another paradigm shift. I realized
experientially that time and space weren't real. I realized
that since time and space weren't ultimately real one was
already anywhere or anywhen one wished to be. All one need
do is know it!
Remember, all this didn't come overnight.
It was a long painful and wonderful process.
I am sharing
all this with you to lesson the pain and terror in your lives
For a few of you I am giving you hints at safely travelling
in your soul bodies. Conscious soul travel is not for every-
one. One must have the right disposition, abilities and
motivation. I am very grateful for my experiences to God and
to all the amazing and wonderful beings that I have met
throughout this Galaxy and thousands of others.
I am
writing this today because the energy beings in our sun
recently came and spoke with me. They are the most evolved
beings I have met in the Solar System. Thirty years ago
I first met them when I was directed there by the energy
beings on Venus. Then the Solar Energy Beings prepared me
for my journey into the Center of the Galaxy in the 70s.
This last week the Solar Energy Being came and visited
me. They showed me what it was like for them to help me.
They showed me how dark and polluted my aura and soul body
was when I arrived in the sun. They have been observing my
spirit work for my whole life they said. The reason they came
this week was to tell me to tell all of you that if you wish
to soul travel please invoke them here to Earth so they can
prepare your soul bodies for Galactic, multigalactic and
interdimensional travel. They said to tell you that your only
protection from the lies of Earth media is in the safety of
knowing you are an immortal soul. The time wars and others
within this solar system and beyond have no affect on your
souls. Take refuge in your immortality. That is all that's
real anyway.
The first time you read this I hope you are entertained.
The second time you read it I hope you are enlightened
by it. The third time you read it I hope it becomes
important enough to practice some of the ideas in your
The beginning of the Multigalactic Philosophy of Set In Stone
Hello! My name is Set In Stone.I am basicly human like you except I was born in the Galactic Core. If you have already
read my introduction to you on Fred's Poems page under
the title button SET IN STONE then you know of me already.
If not I am either a fictional or non fictional charactor.
You be the judge. I am from a planet in the Galactic
Core that I will refer to as Galactic Center. I live
in a different time continuum than you do in that time
passes much faster where I live which you can corroborate
with any physics or astrophysics practitioners or students
that you know. I compensate for this fact by the compression
or expansion of both time and space as the need might
I also realize that as many physisists and
masters on your planet already know or directly experience
that both time and space are relative truths whereas
Being (waking state) and Non Being (sleeping or inactive)
are the only complete truths. Since most scientists
on your planet still tend to not directly experience
life this way they are at a distinct disadvantage
in dealing with the adult civilizations of this and
other galaxies who do perceive reality in this way.
So representatives from adult civilizations in this
galaxy and others have the most success in
dealing with those on Earth who can experience life
in this way. This limits their useful contact to children
and the experientially enlightened few who are capable
of experiencing life in a context that knows the universe
in a way in which both time and space do not really
exist. It is a Galactically universal language that
all beings who are considered Galactic adults must
become competent in.
In this form of universal language
and perception there need be no use of words or sounds.
Since time and space do not exist in this language all
thoughts and feelings join and are aware of each other.
Nothing can be hidden in this adult Galactic language.
Since no bodies or planets or cultures exist in this language
there is nothing to fight over and no disagreements.
There is only perfect communion of all life in whatever state
of consciousness it is in. There is no elevation of man over
beast or tree or planet or star or rock or time because none
of those exist because time and form don't exist in this
multigalactic, multidimentional language of galactic and
multigalactic adults. The evolution of mankind is leading
towards this language. For without the capacity for this
language humanity will destroy themselves and all life upon
earth within three hundred years.
Some say it will be on
New Years Eve 1999 when Nuclear missiles are launched because
of y2k. Some say it will be from other causes at other times.
Nevertheless, your technologies will destroy you eventually
because your governments can't trust each other.
Even a six year old child can see this until he is rationalized
out of this way of thinking by a concerned parent. So the
best long term hope for earth is to encourage all to be
capable of oneness of heart and mind with this galaxy and
the whole universe.
In the struggle for food and shelter
and clothes that most of mankind endures this may seem silly.
However, from millions of years of Galactic experience and Galactic history
that I have seen first hand as well as studied about for about what
would be equal to 900,000 years on earth I can tell you from first
hand experience that attaining oneness of heart and mind with your
sentient planet earth and the rest of the sentient stars and
planets of your Galaxy as well as all the other sentient stars and
planets of every galaxy is probably the only thing that will
preserve life on earth past another 300 years maximum. Only
the understanding and trust of all life on earth by all other
life on Earth can help you now. I understand about the feed-
ing patterns of animals as well as humans. However, the
respect of all humans and respect for all the rest of life
on earth by all humans must
be attained so all of us in the galaxy can be motivated to
help all on Earth become galactic and multigalactic adults.
The Universal language is addressed by all humans in their
dreams. For this reason contact is initiated with all
world leaders by off world leaders in their dreams. Though
it may be culturally offensive to the humans of Earth
it is thought by those who were not born on Earth that
the extinction of all life on earth is much more offensive.
And since they see the only way to prevent the extinction
of all life on earth is to communicate through dreams
and visions they feel they have no other choice.
Viewed in this context the language of NO Walls No Secrets will make more sense to the average earth born human.
All humans who can read or write any language on Earth
have been contacted in dreams and visions by off worlders.
The goal has been to elevate enough humans to a state of
consciousness where they would not self destruct en masse
like a young teenager who is not yet ready for adulthood.
The other thing that has disturbed neighbors of Earth
is that the No Walls No Secrets universal language
is basicly a language suited to priests, ministers
and shamans and therapists rather than military and
political leaders. Because of this paradoxical problem
public contact with Earth born humans has been prevented
by first the military, then the politicians and now by
Earth's business interests who are afraid of a change
in the Earth's economic paradigm.
There is also some
resistence from the major religions of the Earth who
are worried of the exposure of extra terrestrials
and how they influenced sacred texts and their content.
Even if the extraterrestrials motivation was clear in
domesticating wild humans, this information could cause
severe identity crises in millions of religious people
in all the major Earth religions.
However, to extra terrestrials all this is seen as a
tempest in a teapot. They would say, "What is the point
of being worried about all this if your race is extinct?"
They would say,"Survive first and worry about all these
details later." Although on your behalf I must say that
if I were and Earth born human I can see how firmly held beliefs
that were questioned or dislodged could cause individuals
who were not mentally strong to self destruct mentally
or physically or both. However, in the end one must
see to it that ones race survives even if some self
destruct. It has always been this way in all galactic
cultures that wear physical bodies. It is quite likely
this will stay true for millions and millions more years.