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This is now an archive page. If you want recent journal entries after 5-17-07 go back to index page and click on journal2.
These pages are dedicated to the enlightenment of all beings Everywhere and everywhen. These pages are dedicated to ensuring the beneficent survival of the human race on earth and as we move out to terraform and colonize other planets and dimensions. May all our efforts ensure the beneficent survival of all our children's children's children's children.
What is Enlightenment?
It is Being just being with joy!
It is understanding ones place in the universe-
It is understanding that one is kindred with everyone and everything Everywhere and Everywhen-
It is understanding that Kindness, Wisdom and Compassion and Joy Is and Are the true nature of all awareness everywhere and everywhen-
It is understanding that all fighting and competition is superficial only and never the true and ultimate basis of life in the universe!
Will Life on Earth Survive?
These pages are a part of an electronic campfire in which we can share the stories necessary for our survival.
Whenever life touches your heart
That is God
personally loving you
Amazed by you
intrigued by you
interested in you
loving you
The following is a true ancient Asian saying:
The path or way that can be thought of or spoken of
Is Not the True Path or the True Way
given this:
the true path and true way can only be directly experienced
Enlightenment comes unexpectedly
Like lightning from the sky
Everything Changes
Nothing is ever the same again
(the following was directly translated to English from ancient Sanskrit by a friend of mine)
Thoughts that turn the mind
Certainty of death
Precious human birth
The nature of the mind is emptiness and luminosity
The three effects of these thoughts are: Bliss, Clarity and No Thought
note: the following is my reaction after meditating on the above Ancient Sanskrit Buddhist translation directly to English
Acceptance of the Void
The void is unknowable
Therefore many fear it
The mind cannot grasp the Void
Fear dissapates when the mind realizes
that the Void is Primal and Unknowable
Acceptance of the Unknowable nature of the Void
allows the pilgrim to have Peace in the Unknowable
Peace in the Unknowable can be like standing in the heart of the Primordial Creator - - -
The Unknowable
September 25th 2006
I have known the Unknowable
I have been the Unbeable
I have heard the Unhearable
I have seen the Unseeable
But no man can see God and Live!
So I staggered having seen God
No longer exactly just a man
Burnt but still living like a Redwood tree
In shock to be alive
Amazed to still be walking
Understanding I was dead
Compassion was what he said to me
Teach compassion to all life
Be compassionate to yourself, he said
All around you is you
Be compassionate to life everywhere
For you all are me
So I staggered from the shock of it
Rendered senseless from the power of it
Moving forward from the meaning of it
Wondering what was next for me
Note: I use stream of consciousness when I write. It might not seem as organized as you might like. However, as a psychic I have found I can get more useful information out to help lives and save lives in this way. Thanks.Note:As an enlightened being I believe that I have an obligation to give the best truths I know that moment. If I don't have access to very many truths or answers on a given subject then I try to formulate useful questions so you can find the answers yourselves as the truth is an ongoing and everchanging process. Basic truths don't change but many detail truths are constantly changing.
Note to the reader: Most of the time what I write about is 100% factual in that I am speaking about things that I know something about. However, as a writer I have also decided to give myself creative license to postulate ideas as they appear in my consciousness, feelings and mind. In this way I enhance the creative process. I'm sorry if anyone feels disturbed by how I am enhancing my creative process. However, for the creative among you I'm sure you will understand how and possibly why I am enhancing my creative process by doing this. Then when I reread what I have written I am re-inspired and it again stimulates my creative process further and further and further. The creative process is always inspired by asking questions. The only really important thing about this is: Are you ready for the answers that come from asking serious questions?
Two Books I recommend
May 17th 2007
The first book is written by and old friend of 27 years. It is called "Synthesis Remembered:Awakening Original Innocense" by Charles L. Moore,JD,STB. He was once District Attorney of Santa Cruz and then a Catholic Priest. He is one of the most intelligent people I've ever met with an IQ above 200 and who speaks fluently over 20 languages. He has travelled all over the world and led tours of people to England, Scotland, Ireland, Israel, and Egypt. He is a known authority on the Standing stones of England, Scotland, Ireland and Brittany in France and a variety of other things on earth. His book is called "Synthesis Remembered:Awakening Original Innoccence". My interpretation would be that this book is a synthesis of many different forms of religion and philosophy known around the world presented in a way that unifies them all.
My wife and I went to see him present his book to the public during one of his book signing events. The next book is one of Charles Moore's research devices that my wife greatly likes. It deals with the 26,000 year cycle of the earth circling the Galaxy. Since the date 12-21-12 is a significant date in regard to this, this book might be useful to you. This book is called "Lost Star of Myth and Time". It is written by Walter Cruttenden
Snow Melt in Antarctica
May 16th 2007
The above address talks about snow and ice melt in 2005 in Antarctica. Please paste if interested
Dust from Asian Deserts affects California
If you paste the above address you can see how asian dust is affecting and polluting california climates as well as read about it.
While I was in Los Angeles county for my wife's college reunion I noticed the air was so bad I was coughing and and I couldn't see very far. It was about the same time as the above pasted photo that goes with article was taken around april 15,2007 showing Asian dust coming on shore between Mexico and Central California.
note:The date on the yahoo photo off the dust was april 15, 2007. However, at the Christian Science monitor it was given as 2001. I don't know which is correct or even if there is another more correct date.
May 15th 2007
As a precognitive psychic I'm writing this. When I look now into the future with all the changes on earth beginning both by nature and by people I see as of today the tilable land moving northward to Portland, Oregon and will be tilable up into Alaska by 2100.By that time large ships will travel north of Alaska and Canada during most parts of the year moving large amount of both people and goods. Except for water from desalination along the coasts there will not be enough rainfall south of Portland, Oregon to grow crops in the open. There will still be greenhouses south of this point where water is used hydroponically and recycled, however, to conserve it.
There will be great migrations of people away from where there is no water. You will begin to see this sort of thing over the next 10 years in Australia where people will have no economic choice but to move near the coasts where there will be potable water from desalination, otherwise there will be No water at all. This sort of thing will happen mainly near the equator at first but then spread in pockets northward as it is doing now for us living in the States.
By the year 2200 most of the United States will either have no water or too much water or wind to grow crops. Too much water is just as big a problem as no water. Too much wind is just as big a problem as no water or too much water. This is because too much water simply washes away completely all the topsoil so nothing can grow at all. Too much wind dries out the land and and makes droughts turn into dustbowls.
There will be many migrations within the U.S. during the next 200 years. Most of the migrations will be during the next 50 to 100 years, however. Though the very wealthy will still be able to live anywhere they want, the average person will find it necessary for survival to move away from all the droughted areas and to buy food mainly from local farmers markets to avoid the high costs of transportation of food when gas is 10 dollars a gallon or more. People will recycle clothes more and make their own clothes more then too just as a matter of basic economics. During these times smaller growers of food and small cottage industries will better adapt to all the changes. The stock market will reflect this too as co-ops and consortiums of small businesses join the stock market in order for group survival to progress. The larger monopolies and corporate giants will begin to falter between 2050 and 2075 because they will have difficulty adapting fast enough to world changes. When changes begin they tend to move forward in exponential ways.
One of the biggest changes will be around 2020 that will begin exponential changes will be when the last glacier on earth melts. This will be much like when you or I have a drink in a glass with ice on a summer day. When the last piece of ice melts we all notice just how fast that drink heats up. Around 2020 this sort of effect will occur all over earth at that time.
There is another date that might create earth changes or major water movement. For some reason I can't picture or see what happens around this date. It is the end of the Mayan calendar on 12-21-12. Astronomers can tell you it is a very serious alignment of all the planets with the central core of the galaxy which happens only once every 26,000 years. So even though this is predicted I can't really see what happens then. Maybe that is a blessing because if it is as serious as some people think then I'm grateful I'm not having to deal with that. I have an agreement with God to only see what I really need to see. I made this agreement when I was overwhelmed seeing to much all the time about age 25. I am very grateful that God Granted my wish in such an efficient way.
Creating a Better Future
May 13th 2007
Since I am a lifelong precognitive psychic I have now had 59 years in learning how to prevent serious accidents before they occur. As long as I am feeling good about being alive it is relatively simple to prevent serious accidents. The easiest way to prevent an accident that is foreseen is to not be there when it occurs. Sometimes not being there when it would have occured prevents it entirely. Sometimes it is just me or those with me who were saved.
Many times I will see a serious car accident for example or even a very serious near miss before it occurs. When I was younger I would work very hard to change time which causes a large expenditure of energy. Now what I simply do is wait 5 minutes before I start driving. Many times I will see the accident that I avoided along the way. Other times I will see the cars along the way that would have hit mine and thank God for these gifts.
However, there is another class of accident. For example in 2002 there was a nuclear war that was prevented on our present timeline. On the other timeline, North and South America all pacific lands and all of China and most of Russia for 20,000 years didn't have healthy DNA. The people of that timeline around 7000 AD got permission to create a 2nd timeline which we now live on.
Then there is a third class of accident. This class of accident is a single nuclear warhead under 10 megatons. Though my seeing such an accident is often prevented by the seeing of it, sometimes it is better to write of it in order to change the future more significantly.
Though this usually changes the future, there is a law of cause and effect. So when the future changes though I can see general tendencies I can't always predict the consequences of saving lives.
For example, I was able to save the lives of my exwife and my stepdaughter in 1985. However, there were many long term consequences from that that I have always been totally unprepared for. The laws of cause and effect aren't always pretty.
I am saying this for others who are precognitive psychics. One does not always understand the karmic consequences for saving lives. Therefore, it is very useful to feel a strong connection with the Creator and to ask the Creator before changing time. After all, the Creator gave us all these gifts.
The Relics of Saints
May 13th 2007
I know a little about Relics in both Catholicism and in Tibetan Buddhism. For example bones of Saints are often placed in or near a mantle or altar in new Catholic churches worldwide. This is especially true in Europe where the bones of many saints were available over the last 1500 years or more. This is supposed to Sanctify those churches with the bones of the holy being present there.
In Tibetan Buddhism there is an emphasis in "becoming of one taste" with the Saints. This is done by actually taking in blessings sanctified salt from the bodies of Tibetan Saints. In this way one literally becomes of one taste with these Saints. I have been honored to do this on multiple occasions, especially while travelling through Dharmsala and in Bodhgaya during the Kalachakra with the Dalai Lama and 500,000 others there in December 1985.
Even in Catholicism the Sanctified body and blood of Christ is taken into the bodies of the faithful in the form of sanctified wine or grape juice as the blood and the wafers or crackers as the body of Christ. So in this sense both Catholicism and Tibetan Buddhism recognize the importance of becoming one with the sanctified saints of their religions.
Note: I write at my journal site about whatever is on my mind. Whether it is spiritual or whether it has to do with our mutual survival on earth it is all about the ongoing search for truth and enlightenment wherever we are.
It's All About Funding
May 13th 2007
When the cold war ended so did major funding for the U.S. Intelligence agencies and the American and World Military Industrial Complex. President Eisenhower warned us about what would happen if the military industrial complex built up during World War II wasn't disbanded when he left office.
Now we live every day with the nightmarish life of a World Military Industrial Complex that totally runs amok all the time.
If you have ever seen the movie "Wag the Dog" you see now in action every day the basic idea of the movie in action in the news. Even keeping too few American soldiers in Iraq and making them stay so long that many of them get Post Traumatic STress Disorder is a part of the "Wag the Dog" plan. How does it work? Answer: Keeping soldiers in Iraq who already have PTSD or who are otherwise unfit for duty let alone battle creates new terrorists in Iraq who see their families killed, maimed, beat up or insulted by confused American soldiers. "Wag the Dog" in order to create enemies for our intelligence agencies to get funding for hunting down.
Eisenhower was right! Because of the acceptance of torture and random wiretaps it could be any of us soon that will be tortured or killed by this system in action that has totally run amok!
Hug Yourself!
May 12th 2007
I'm a lucky guy! I have a wife who loves me and kids who think I'm a good person. My wife tells me how wonderful I am and how greatful she is to be with me almost every day. I tell her how greatful I am to be with her and to have such a good life. But not everyone is as lucky as I am.
I have learned to walk around encouraging myself to be a good person. The best way I personally have found is that I wake up every morning and say either out loud or in my mind: "May all beings attain bliss and the cause of bliss. May all beings be free from suffering and the cause of suffering. May all beings never be without the supreme bliss that is free from all near and far all grasping and aversion." When I say this prayer it is intentionally for all beings that have been, are now or will be in all universes.
For me, this is not only hugging myself but also hugging all the selves of God throughout infinite time. I find it to be the most freeing and liberating moments of my life when I do this. I find this to be the single most empowering thing that I can do.
It does not end wisdom. It does not end discernment. It is simply a realistic experience of the permanent end of suffering of all beings in any time or space in the infinite universe. If all beings in the universe gave this prayer would it manifest? My answer would be: YES!
It has already manifested for some. It will manifest for all the others in the future! All beings in their own times will be FREE! All beings in their own times will end their own suffering! MAY ALL BEINGS ATTAIN BLISS AND THE CAUSE OF BLISS!
Is the Neocon philosophy antinationalistic?
May 12th 2007
Wolfowitz thought up the Iraq invasion. That is widely known. He is now ahead of the World Bank. That is also universally known. If you or I look at how this war was run it is obvious to a child that it was never waged to win this war. This leads me to ask what was the real goal in this war? It looks pretty obvious to me now that the answer mostly has to do with war profiteering and oil. Terrorism is given lip service but if anyone was really serious in dealing with terrorism and not other things then the war would have been won and the money would not have been wasted , nor would all the lives!Thereforee, if one folloows the money one can easily see who profitted from this war. It is big corporations like Halliburton and security companies like Blackwater. The other people that benefitted is those that wish the United States to be indebted to them. If you look at what it has cost the United States to wage this war and you look at the price of gas. And you look at the forclosing houses, and you look at all the fires caused by global warming and firefighters who need the money just to live then one begins to see the United States beginning to unravel. In whose interests is it to see the United States unravel as a nation? Just follow the money trail to the multinational corporations of your choice. Follow it to all the people the United States government is now in debt to.
Defenders of the Race
May 11th 2007
In the times we now live in there are many problems all over the earth. Whether the problems are terrorism, global warming, poverty, AIDS or whatever they are people who work for the beneficial survival of the human race through all of this I would call "Defenders of the Race". What I mean be this is that they are defenders of the LONG TERM survival of the human race of Earth. Without Defenders of the Human Race we will not survive here on earth. So Each defender of the Human Race becomes priceless to the long term survival of human beings whether they be on earth or are colonizing other worlds or dimensions. So if you want your cultures whatever they may be to survive then it is also in your enlightened self interest to wish all human cultures to survive. Otherwise, none of us will survive in this drastic time of Global Warming. If we don't do whatever it takes to survive as a human race now Nothing else will matter.
May 10th 2007
I just realized a way to end Islamic terrorism. It might take 20 to 50 years but I have no doubt it could be successful. If you look at the problem it is caused by 12th century tribal patriarchal thought. In other words men want to be able to abuse women in all the traditional ways i.e. keep them pregnant without their permission, take all their money and spend it without their permission. If they complain beat them up or kill them and then tell people they went somewhere else. In other words life as usual in tribal life for thousands of years in patriarchy.
So the long term solution is equally interesting. Educate these women. when they grow up and have families give them micro-banking loans to start businesses. In other words empower women in terrorist countries with education and then business loans. When women are empowered in this way it will begin the end of terrorism because they will begin to teach their children both boys and girls to become empowered with an education and then to start their own businesses. Within 100 years 90% of all terrorism would end.
Chaos is the friend to Islamic terrorism. The education and empowerment of women ends terrorism permanently.
Culture Clash!
May 10th 2007
Down through the centuries cultures have clashed for thousands of years. Each clash is a test of what each culture is made of. Usually during that clash both cultures are forced to change to survive. We have watched even during the 20th Century many aboriginal cultures clashing and being assimilated into the new world we all live in fairly unhappily. Now we see the unhappy assimilation of the Islamic world into the rest of secular humanity. Since we have less than 1 billion people Islamic and the rest something else it is not rational to believe that Islam will be dominant at any time on the world stage. In fact, I would say that all organized religions are on the decline for a variety of reasons. There will be many desperate people trying to stop progress and feeling threatened in a variety of ways worldwide. However, in the end I believe we are now witnessing the end of organized religions. There is a trend more and more toward individualized beliefs and secularism. There used to be a general feeling that religions were almost like science and unquestionable. However, both religion and science on all fronts are being questioned and I think rightly so. If neither religion or science prevents the extinction of the human race and all life on earth then what good are they?
Travelling in a Clear Sphere
May 9th 2007
Please paste if interested
I was very interested in seeing this picture of a child "walking" across a body of water in a clear sphere(probably made of plexiglass or some other form of clear plastic. It reminded me of Arcane in the Green Sentient Sphere in future Earth after all humans are gone(turned into light or left the planet to colonize other worlds). Though it doesn't seem very safe to me the idea intrigues me of being able to walk on water inside a plexiglass sphere. One would have to have both a well designed plastic sphere and a good escape device to avoid drowning, suffocation, or overheating and exhaustion if problems arose. Other that those problems it looks to be a rather fun idea of running around on a lake in a sphere of plastic. It is sort of like Jesus walking on water. I think we will see more of this kind of thing, if only in China were legal litigation and suits are rarer than in the United States.
Just Because Millions of People Believe in Something Doesn't Make it True
May 9th 2007
I remember being in my late teens or early 20's. I was weighing in my mind if I wanted to be alive if there was no God. I decided that a life without meaning was worse than no life at all. I decided that without a God to bring meaning to life that I didn't want to be alive. So at that point I believed in a Creator God with about 90% of my beliefs. I decided to negate the other 10% on the grounds that if I believed that there was not a God I would not choose to live.
At this point I have changed a lot from the person that I was then. I have no problems with people who believe all sorts of things. Where I draw the line is when someone wants to force me to believe like them. That is a point where someone may die. Because even though I will tolerate other peoples beliefs who are peaceful and tolerant of others beliefs I have no tolerance at all for people who demand on pain of death that I believe like them. In a situation like that most people on earth would go down fighting to the death to defend what they choose to believe.
Freedom of Religion or freedom to not have a religion needs to be a basic right for all people on earth. Without this basic right there will always be wars and terorists. Yes, it is true that those who want to force others to believe like them will be killed or kill themselves eventually. Those who will be left will believe in freedom of religion.
It is important that all reasonable and logical people on earth see that there are in the end very few people who want to kill everyone who doesn't believe like they do. I would have to say that at most there are about 500,000 people on earth of all religions that believe like this to the point of enforcing their beliefs with a gun. In the end all these people will either be killed or kill themselves. I suppose there is another scenario that one of these might get nuclear weapons and it could be bad. But even this eventuality leads only to the extinction of all humans on earth and nothing else.
So in the end there is no permanent solution possible with people on top who want to kill everyone who doesn't believe like them. This is only logical and reasonable. To think otherwise one has to be insane!
Coming Home?
May 9th 2007
As the soldiers begin to come home to stay this year and the next it is important to have a watchful eye. There is a story my father told about a man I knew as a child. After fighting all the way from Anzio to Germany during World War II, he was one of 3 men left alive from his company of soldiers. On one occassion after returning home to the U.S. someone said the wrong thing to him. His response was: "I could kill everyone here and not bat an eye. Leave me alone!" They did. Because he meant it.
The soldiers who have seen their comrades blown up and had to kill to survive are internally wounded whether they were physically wounded or not. Many people will die at 1% to 5% of their hands here in the United States in the next 50 years or so. Wives,children, relatives and friends will die. It is important for all to be aware of what they have been through and to be watchful when they have serious breaks with reality. Many will seem perfectly normal because it all hasn't sunk in yet. One to five or more years from now it may and then watch out! Many of these men and women are ticking time bombs and all should be prepared the way people had to be after World War II, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm and Now Iraq and Afghanistan.
What is Real?:Carry Water, Chop Wood
May 8th 2007
I would much prefer to tell everyone that everything is wonderful and everything will be okay. But that would be a lie and not compassionate to any of you. Things can be okay if enough of us are wise, right mindful, reasonable and intelligent in enough of our thoughts and actions. That is the reality. So I write the way I do to scare enough of you into actually becoming enlightened. It is almost like I am showing you the dead corpse of the human race in the future and I am saying look at what will happen to all of us and our children if we do nothing. Get Busy. Have Fun saving us. Because in any survival course a good instructor will tell you that those who survive take an interest in their survival. Those that don't die and or go crazy. In real survival situations any good instructor will tell you this.
So don't panic! Just take an interest in your survival and if you can have fun inventing ways for you and as many others to survive while preserving the planet for future generations to live on too. Those that don't do this simply won't be around anymore within 300 years. That is the sad truth. So take an interest in your long term survival and train your kids to do the same. What you think, where you live, what you do and even what you believe in and teach your kids will create the future for all. Have fun teaching them the important things. Spend time teaching them how to think their way out of bad situations.
I was always taught, "Prepare for the worst and expect the best." This way you will always survive anything!
Saint Germain=Padmasambhava+Merlin?
May 8th 2007
When I was in India in 1985 and 86 for 2 months in India, 2 months in Nepal and 2 weeks in Thailand I was wondering if Merlin, Padmasambhava and Saint Germain were all the same soul. I found many similarities in their attitudes and teachings. In fact, I came to the conclusion that Merlin and Padmasambhava both lived in about the same time. So it is possible that they were the same body, Padmasambhava while he was young and Merlin when he was old.
There was another factor here. When Padmasambhava is described he is described with a pink or rosy complexion which perfectly describes a northern european complexion. Also, when I saw the melted rock footprints of Padmasambhava at Rewalsar, Himchal Pradesh, India, about 5 hours by bus from Dharmsala, they were exactly the same size as my size 14 Vasques Cascade boots that I wore then for hiking the Himalayas then. I remember that the monks gave me quite a look when my boot exactly fit the melted print into the rock of Padmasambhava. At that point the sky turned purple violet and violet lightning started to crash from the skies. Since I had asked Saint Germain whether Padmasambhava was also him I accepted these events as Saint Germain saying "Yes!". I realized then that Padmasambhava must have either had very big feet or been very tall like me so the size 14 feet would be in sync with his size. Since I'm 6 feet 4 1/2 inches tall it is quite likely that Padmasambhava was over 6 feet tall as well.
May 6th 2007
Please paste if interested
If you get the cable channel Sundance on TV that is put on by Robert Redford then you can also get all the Green programs he is showing at various times during the week. I find them very encouraging and informative because they tend to be helpful documentaries of movers and changers in the Green world from all over Earth. The more knowledge one has about not only what is wrong but on how things are usefully and practically being changed for the better the more useful world citizens each of us becomes.
The Impermanence of Physical Life
May 5th 2007
One of the meditations that is said to take one to enlightenment is the meditation on the impermanence of physical life. Many yogis for thousands of years were advised to sit and meditate on a human body decomposing. Since this happened a lot in India yogis could do this easily as many human bodies were left and simply decomposed on the streets and byways of India. Even when I was there in 1985-6 I saw dead bodies in some of the streets not cared for. I also saw many many lepers with noses and fingers gone. It was just one of the ways of old India. I haven't been there in 20 years so I don't know if this is still true.
Today I was praying and crying because of my mother. My mother was diagnosed with advancing senile dementia in fall 2001 about the same time as 9-11. So we had two horrors to deal with as a family then. When she put a plastic bowl on the electric stove and then turned the stove on and then prayed for 24 hours as droplets of plastic bowl on fire ran down the stove we were grateful when we discovered her that neither she or her neighbors had died in a fire. This was October 2001. by early December 2001 we had placed her in a senile dementia-alzheimers facility even though she didn't want to go. There simply was no choice because of serious liability at this point. Since then she had gone through hundreds of personality changes until last November she didn't know who I was or who her grandson was who took care of her the last 5 years before she was forced to go to a care facility for totally incompetent people with senile dementia or alzheimers.
I find I just can't cope with going to see her because she doesn't know me so there is no connection at all. It is bad enough that she is insane. I don't need to go there too.
I realized today that dealing with my mother is my forced meditation on the impermanence of life. At first in 2001 when I put my mother there I used to visit her once or twice a week. Then I realized it was making me a little nuts too. So I reduced my visits to what I could do and still stay balanced enough in my everyday life. I finally realized that this whole situation was so very insane that I had to think of my family that was still okay, my wife, my son, my 2 daughters because basically my Mom was gone. She was just a body that used to be my mother. But wasn't my mother anymore. If you haven't been through something like this it is impossible to understand unless you have.
In our culture we hire people to take care of the alzheimers and senile dementia patients. One reason we do this is so more members of the family aren't driven insane or to suicide because of witnessing a family member going through this. It is too awful to describe more. It is either the most awful thing you will ever experience in your life or close to it!
Changes in Lifestyle can Slow global Warming
May 5th 2007
The likelihood of enough people to change their lifestyles to do much to affect global warming is negligible. This is because most people on earth are struggling for survival day to day. Are they going to die to affect global warming? No! The only people who can do anything are the richest 20% to 30% of the world. Will they? Maybe a little. Will legislation help? Not really! Because people will always find loopholes. People have worked very very hard to get where they are. Are they going to give up all they have struggled and worked so hard to get? The answer is "No!" They will find ways to get around whatever problems arise.
The only answer that might be viable might be a 2 to 3 dollar rise in gas per gallon worldwide. Though it might destroy many economies it might be the only answer long term to global warming. The alternative to this idea likely will be 600 to 900 degrees on earth within the next few thousand years.
This much of a rise in Gas prices worldwide would force introduction of Wind and solar and alternative fuels in a way that actually might reduce global warming long term. This idea might actually create a world in which some humans could survive for thousands of years or more.
1/2 of Earth's Population within 300 years
Saturday May 5th 2007
As a responsible precognitive psychic I must say here that there IS No solution possible at present that will prevent the loss of 1/2 of the present level of humans on earth. There is only one caveat or exception but I don't believe that anyone will do it. The one exception is If and ONLY IF all above ground civilization is dismantled including all buildings roads etc and if all humans live underground and above ground is Only for recreation, Farming and Air travel and water travel. This is the only exception to a minimum loss of 1/2 of the population of earth within 300 years. To do nothing or little in regard to Global warming will create temperatures for a time on the surface of earth between 600 to 900 degrees within several thousand years. This could be temporary, or permanent as it is now on Venus. As a responisible precognitive psychic this is my assessment.
My Experience with Cults
May 4th 2007
I must first say that I was raised in a cult. When I was a child in the 50's I wasn't allowed by my parents to even tell people what my cult was. I had to say, "My religion is similar to Christian Science" since everyone or most everyone knew what that was. However, what I didn't tell people was that Christian Science and several other competing religions and cults had attacked my religion and taken away the use of the mail for about 10 years. Their reasoning was that since Mr. Ballard did not ascend into heaven like Jesus did that the cult was a fake and should lose the use of the U.S. Mail. However, I think the whole thing was basicly ridiculous and smells of religious persecution which is actually quite common in the United States if you aren't Catholic or a basic protestant variety. Anyone who is a member of something other than Catholic or protestant religions knows EXACTlY what I'm talking about. Religious freedom in the United States is basicly a joke! People disapear all the time who aren't mainline Christians and no one is found responsible. This is just normal life in the United States.
When my cult and I parted ways when I was 21 it was because I found my cult to be too close minded and hypocritical. However, when I looked around in my 20's I found ALL religious organizations in the United States to be too close minded and hypocritical for my taste. So I turned my attention to Comparative Religion in College. In fact my best friend has a degree from UCLA in Comparitive Religions and History and a Masters as well.
By comparing all religions to try and find one that actually made some sense my friend and I started gravitating toward mysticism and then toward Tibetan Buddhism. This was because these things actually made logical sense. We both also thought that many aspects of Native american Shamanism also made sense. This did not mean that we stopped believing in Jesus. It was just that we discovered that what Jesus actually taught 2000 years ago had very little if anything to do with modern day Christianity. I don't know if Jesus was alive today that he would accept ANY of todays Christians as being his followers. That is a fact! So my research led me to believe that Christianity as it is practiced today is a factionalized bureaucratized abomination of what Christ actually taught. So if I am a real follower of Christ I cannot support what I consider after study to basically be blasphemy in todays adulterated forms of Chritianity. If you are a serious Christian then you need to go back and study who Jesus really was and how far all of todays churches are from that now!
I can remember what is now a fairly strange experience looking back on it. I had been working building a house in Northern California and decided to ride the BART that went under the San Francisco Bay on my way back to San Diego where I lived at the time. It was 1979. As I waited to change BART trains to go under the Bay. As I was waiting there two nice looking ladies walked up to me and started talking to me. Since I was 31 years old and still a fairly nice looking 6 foot 4 inch guy this didn't surprise me. One of the girls asked me to come listen to her play in her band. Since I was divorced and presently single and travelling alone in my cabover Truck camper I decided to go here her play in her band before I returned to San Diego.
I found the address. It was a mansion across the street from UC Berkeley. It was very large and there was a stage and about 20 to 30 tables at which many diverse people sat waiting for the band to play. These people called themselves the Creative Community Project. They were a group that ran through farms and did a second cull of the vegetables that they gathered for the poor after the initial farm workers had harvested the best out of the fields. Then the band played and sure enough there was the girl that I had talked to singing and playing bass guitar. I had a start because sitting at one of the next tables was Eldridge Cleaver, the founder of the Black Panthers. I wondered what he was doing here.
After the band played the girl I had come to see came over to the table and invited me to a weekend in Boonesville north of the Bay area where they had what they called a ranch that was supposed to have a lake or something. I didn't want to go because I had to get back to my 4 year old son who was staying with my parents but finally she talked me into it. I wanted to take my truck camper but she said there wasn't enough parking so I had to go on their school bux. I said I didn't want to pay 50 bucks to do this and so they waved the fee. I guess now they wanted me to become a programmer of people because I was very savvy of this sort of thing. However, I really liked this girl even though I started to feel like this was sort of a strange situation.
Though they called themselves the Creative Community Project, they actually were the Moonies recruiting conscripts for their religion. The only reason I got away after that weekend was that I was too big for them to physically fight and I had their number that they were not what they said after the first day in Boonesville.
Because of my personal experience with cults I was not as naive as most people there and saw through all the Mazlow types of psychological conditioning they were doing. I had seen all this before many times in the almost 10 years since I left the cult I was raised in. They were trying to make me become a programmer since I tend to be very psychologically savvy. However, I wasn't interested in anything that took away people's basic free will. I had lived through enough of that myself growing up. So even though they got very mad at me I wouldn't back down and they had to let me go.
Later that year a lady who was one of my roomates said she was abducted by the same group for 3 months and finally had to jump out of a moving car and run from them in downtown San Francisco. So I guess I was lucky to be as big and strong and as resolute as I was to just say "no!" and get a away with it.
By 1979 I had had it with all cults because I had joined another cult similar to the one I grew up with in 1977. By 1978 I was asked to leave because "You believe you have a direct connection with God." My response is that if a person doesn't have a direct connection with God they have no business being in ANY religion. So needless to say my friends and relatives have laughed a lot about that!
Potential Realities
May 3rd 2007
What is Real? You and I could have a philosophic conversation about this that could span days, weeks, months, years. But, even then it would only be theory. However, I can say also that it is my personal experience in life after studying various forms of science and enlightenment and how they interelate that:Anything is Possible!
Most people do not have the time or the inclination to do with their lives what I have done. At 17 since I had almost died of whooping cough at age 2 and then childhood epilepsy between ages 10 and 15 decided by age 17 that the most useful thing I could do for myself and all life on earth was to become enlightened. Did I become enlightened? The short answer is "Yes!". However, enlightenment is totally different than I had imagined. The other thing I have realized is that enlightenment is like growing up, one never stops growing up!. Likewise, once one starts down a path of free thinking and enlightenment one never stops becoming enlightened!
So from a state consciousness that is not theoretical at all for me but a direct experience I would like to speak. First: Earth is not a planet but a intersection of many dimensions. I asked a physicist who taught college if this was a better explanation of what earth was than being a planet according to physics and he said, "Yes".
Once one realizes that earth is an intersection of many dimensions and that one example of these intersecting dimensions would be like all the tv stations on earth and much more intersecting in a device and that device is you and me. So from this example we each have thousands of channels of perception to tune into including our own channel which we each can broadcast.
So it is a matter of preference or accident, however you want to look at it what we do by accident or intentionally each moment 24 hours a day.
Next, if we take both the actions, intentions and thoughts and feelings of all sentient life on earth and realize that each feeling, thought, intention and action of each sentient being on earth affects us then we have a beginning point from which to understand the TRUE dynamic of what is happening on the multidimentional intersection called earth that we all are a part of at the present.
My particular specialty as an enlightened being is called resonance. By this I mean that I have experienced moments when I can surf the waves of consciousness of all life on earth in a way which benefits all life on earth. In some ways it could be said that I wait like a cosmic surfer for the "perfect Waves" of consciousness to form resonance to benefit all life on earth.
Experiencing life as I do allows me to connect with all life on earth at times in a very very special way.
At present at this website I try to wake up enough people so that they can join together both outwardly and inwardly to create a multidimentional earth that life can stand to live on and experience joy, peace and happiness upon. I hope to work in concert with all of you to attempt to create a heaven on earth.
There is no doubt in my mind that this is possible. With enough motivated beings it can then become probable. With even more beings (say 33% plus of all beings) it will begin to physically manifest much like the 100th monkey story.
For those who haven't heard this story I believe it took place either in the 1970's or 1980's in Japan. There are islands off Japan in which many monkeys live. It is my understanding that there or ten or more of these small islands on which a specific breed of monkey lives. Since the monkeys are protected they are fed sweet potatoes by the rangers who protect them. The sweet potatoes were thrown from boats onto the beach so the rangers might not be bit by the monkeys as they struggled for sweet potatoes. One day a female monkey got tired of the sand in her sweet potatoes that ground in her teeth as she chewed her sweet potatoes. So she dropped the sweet potato in the ocean and the sand fell off and then she ate it. At first she was persecuted by the other monkeys for being different. But then she taught her children to drop their sweet potatoes into the ocean too. Finally, their little friends emulated her children until around 30% of the monkeys on that island started washing their sweet potatoes in the ocean too. Now here comes the amazing part. When 30 percent of the monkeys washing their sweet potatoes suddenly went to around 100 percent on the first island, all the monkeys on all the islands suddenly started washing their sweet potatoes even though they hadn't seen the monkeys on the first island do this!
It is possible if enough beings on earth become enlightened and consciously change their thoughts and behavior toward creating a heaven on earth it will happen! It can happen if enough of us simply DO IT!
No Ground War outside the U.S. is sustainable
May 2nd 2007
The war never really was about terrorism or terrorists. It has ALWAYS been about oil. However, any economy that is based solely upon oil in 20 years will not survive. As a psychic I can make that statement and have it resonate. Since no groundwar whether it is in Afghanistan or Iraq is cost effective in maintaining energy for the United States or the free world then other means must be found to create a viable future.
If a serious war against terrorism must be fought outside the U.S. then it must be very targeted with cruise missiles selectively used against terrorist bases and hellfire missiles targeted against terrorist havens but without U.S. formal military bases on those soils that are perfect targets for terrorists. The terrorist war needs to be fought more CIA style and less tanks and heavy armor. Tanks and armor are not only expensive they are perfect targets for terrorists. They drain our countries resources and kill our formal soldiers.
Though I'm saddened by the thought I realize now that a mercenary army worldwide funded through the CIA might be the only way to keep terrorists for the main out of the United States.
If any of you have seen the movie "Swordfish" I think you will see in real life a lot more of that kind of U.S. Mercenary in action worldwide. It is the sad but true fact of life now.
Still, the most useful movie in understanding what is really going on worldwide in regard to oil and terrorism is "Syriana". The future wars will look a lot more like Syriana and Swordfish than anything else I think.
Collapsing Colony Disorder
May 2nd 2007
Please paste either or both above articles if interested
It is my thought that the problem with bees is overmanagement. There is something called natural selection which allows species to survive. Mankind has now overmanaged bees to the point where they cannot adapt much like most dogs have been overmanaged so much they couldn't survive in the wild. The same is true with bees.
I believe the solution would be for beekeepers to go out into the wild and find bees that have not been tampered with for thousands of years. Then begin with a healthy wild colony and manage those wild colonies and multiply queens from a wild colony base. Cloning of animals also causes problems in the long run like this as well. People are the same way. The wildest closest to the earth will always do the best in surviving without large civilizations for example without electricity or motor vehicles or planes. This will be one of the groups on mankind that will survive this century and the next.
The other extreme that will survive will be the very knowledgable who are survivalists who can function within a society with electricity and also are educated to survive without electricity, motor vehicles or planes or motorized ships.
If you aren't in one of these two categories don't expect to survive the next 2 or 3 centuries because what is coming is a very drastic change to the world we live in now.
When all the Glaciers on earth melt by 2020 the heat will increase unbelievably. Strategies for survival for all on earth will have no margin for error at all. One slight mistake will result in deaths of thousands to millions at a time. This is a sad but true statement.
If all glaciers on earth are gone by 2020 as is now predicted my estimate of a loss of 1 billion from our present amount of humans is greatly unerestimated. The loss I realize now could be as great as 2 to 3 billion by 2100. I'm sorry to report this but in order to make sure that some survive I must.
Icecaps melting 30 years ahead of schedule
May 2nd 2007
Please paste above article if interested
The real problem with ice caps melting completely by 2020 as is now seen will happen is that as long as there are ice caps to melt we will be fairly okay (at least in the temperate zones on earth. However, when all or most glaciers and ice caps are gone then the heat buildup on earth will exponentially increase. It is much like when you have a glass with ice with your water or soda. As long as there is ice it stays fairly cool but then watch how quickly your water or soda heats up if the ice is gone. The same is true of earth!
Remember, the north pole once had an average temperature of 74 degrees farenheit. It took over 1 million years of ferns from the north pole to the equator to absorb enough CO2 to bring the north pole back to like it was in the 20th century when I grew up. Though there has been ice now at the north pole for thousands and thousands of years within 20 years from now that will not be the case!
Next:Potential Futures
May 1st 2007
I saw 'Next', the movie with Nicolas Cage and Jennifer Beil today. I was amazed at how accurate in some ways his abilities were in regard to how potential futures were depicted. Like the Charactor, Chris, in the movie, I too, as a precognitive psychic practiced as a young man potential moves as he did on Liz so that I would get one that worked especially if I knew it to be a pivotal relationship for me and the lady in question. Like Chris in the movie I also whenever I sense danger or unclarity use the methods he used to find what would lead to a safe future or at least the safest least difficult future for me and my family and friends and all mankind for that matter.
Though it might be possible to walk through battle situations with a S.W.A.T strike team like was showed in the movie, this kind of thing would be unlikely. This is because when precognitive senses kick in they are random like a heart breathing or lungs breathing or blood pumping. It is so very deeply instinctual it is not really linear in any way so it can take some time to translate what one is experiencing to make it useful. That time can be moments, days, or weeks since these kinds of abilities are instinctual like coming up for air if one is drowning in the ocean.
For my abilities, at least they don't protect my heart from breaking, and in most cases they don't necessarily predict things like the stock market or stuff like that. However, if a precognitive psychic feels real danger either short term or long term, abilities sometimes kick in that are 100 to 1000 or more times normal. It is very much like a 5 foot tall woman lifting a car off her son when the jack fails when he is under the car. In emergencies there is no limit. Sometimes it is also said, "One with God is a majority!"
December twenty-first twenty-twelve
written April 25th 2007
I was watching a program on the History Channel on the Mayan Calendar. I had been having a conversation with my wife wondering what was the date of the end of the calendar. The answer came on this program and it is 12-21-12.
Some believe this is the day of the second coming. However, Mayan hieroglyphs predict something more like what happened to Atlantis. If the story of Atlantis was also the story of Noah's Ark in the Bible then the right time to build your Arks is about 2010 to be ready for 2012. It turns out that every 26,000 years the solar system does one rotation around the Great Central sun in the Center of our Galaxy (or giant Black hole if you wish to be scientific). This particular day, 12-21-12 signifies that day which causes a realignment of earths axis.This also causes a specific alignment of the sun and the planets of the solar system. This might also cause floods, eruptions, earthquakes and other events not seen for the last 26,000 years or it just might be another date on the calendar. I guess in the end it is whatever you believe.
The Comedian
April 25th 2007
The family had gone to bed. I stayed up to watch The Daily Show because John McCain was the guest. I felt sort of bad for John McCain. Because I'm 59 I understand how awful Viet Nam was.More men my age died over there than any other. I can't imagine what he is going through because of another Viet Nam, Iraq. One can see his torture at losing his popularity. The public feels he has lost his integrity. What has really happened is that all those years of torture have finally caught up with him through the potential of us losing the war in Iraq. I hope McCain can get his mojo back but I think the thought of any thing that reminds him of the awful end to Viet Nam is impossible for him to live with.
Anyway, back to The Comedian. After The Daily Show I was feeling pretty bad for McCain and starting to look at him as a very late showing Viet Nam War casualty PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and wanting to be cheered up. So I channel surfed through the HBO Channels and found a comedian doing an hour that I recognized. His routine followed what would happen if all the smart people that design and make stuff (everything from computers to cell phones and electricity and lights and all that suddenly died. He mentioned that when there is a power outage he usually just sits there and waits for someone to fix it. Since my Dad was an Electrical Contractor, my Dad and sometimes I was the one people called to get their lights back on, so I totally understand people like this.
He mentioned that if all the smart people who make all the complicated things suddenly died like in a storm or drought or earth changes or whatever that it wouldn't be long before people would be moving back into the caves and (after they exhausted all the bullets into themselves and bears and any other animals that scared them, that they would move back into the caves and defend themselves with sticks.
As I listened to this comedian it reminded me of college dorm discussions of the 60's and 70's of young students trying to find solutions to what they perceived were the real problems they might face. HOwever, this time I was struck by the chord he hit with his audience. A part of them realized just how close we all are to various kinds of oblivion as a world culture, because of religion, because things just change way too fast for people to cope in any sane way, because of whatever. Things just are way to nuts to continue like they are for very long. I hope to God the checks and balances of our Democracy kick in soon. We have had a pretty good thing here in America since 1776. I hope people just don't get so incredibly greedy that it all blows up in everyone's face within a few days some time in the next 5 years.
I look at what is happening in the housing market that is caused by flexible interest loans. The people that made these loans wanted commisions but there really was no real accountability by anyone, either by the loan givers or the loan getters. Both may have thrown our nation into the beginnings of another Great Depression. I hope not. I hope the world keeps us afloat. But if not, get ready!
April 24th 2007
I don't write to upset you. I write because I am a responsible precognitive psychic. It is as if you are sitting on railroad tracks and don't know it. All I'm doing is saying to you, "I hear a train coming and if you don't get off the tracks you will be headless and legless." and you are saying, "You vile man. All you are doing is scaring me! I want to stay here where I'm happy." And then I say, "Then you will die and you will watch your children die. I'm sorry you won't listen. Goodbye!"
That is pretty much how I see the problem. All I can do is to say to you. "God has given me the gift of FUTURE SIGHT. I'm just trying to be responsible in how I use it to save enough humans so we all don't have to go extinct.
20 years from now the weather will not be like anything earth has seen in thousands of years. Those that prepare will at least have some of the basics they need to survive. It doesn't mean that everyone who prepares will even survive. But at least they will have a chance at survival. There will always be unknowns. Some who make changes to survive will die in the process. The best way for us that believe in God is to pray. When one prays one often activates ones highest and best instincts and so has a better chance of making good decisions long term. So pray, meditate, think, go out in the forest and meditate. Take long walks and contemplate what to do. Walk along the beach. Spend time talking to those you love about it. Take your time deciding what it is you must do for yourself and your children and their children.
April 23rd 2007
GIGO meant when I was programming computers in the late 60's "Garbage In Garbage Out". What this meant is that if you wrote a garbage program or had garbage data all you would get is garbage out the other end. It was a cautionary message for both programmers and data handlers.
In the context of today worldwide newspapers, TV, Internet give out about 10% of real news in comparison to what was given during the 1970's. Oh Yes. We have tons of jibberish that is basically meaningless to our ongoing survival. But it is much like singing songs or playing songs to calm oneself while going down on the Titanic. To make matters even worse we are given worldwide today about 5% of what we were given even in the 1950's. Data content on long term survival gets shabbier by the year. Not enough is being made of peak cheap oil in 2007 to 2010. Not enough is being made of thousands of peoples lives in the Arctic Circle and the Australian outback being destroyed. The canaries in the mine are dying! What are you and I going to do about it? Do we stay in the mine only to be poisoned like the canaries or do we quickly make a change and get out and save ourselves. The biggest problem is that there are almost 7 billion of us and we all better start figuring out a way to survive real soon because goldfish bowl earth is getting too messed up for even the human goldfish to survive anymore without major changes.
I'm also concerned that the uneducated are going to preyed upon worldwide by the unscrupulous wanting to just make a buck on global warming. On one hand I suppose this is inevitable but I find it very unfortunate because it will just make the preyed upon react in anger to REAL changes that are necessary in the future for everyone's survival.
A New Breed of Polar Vehicle is Needed Now
April 23rd 2007
I was thinking as I was waking up this morning about what kind of new vehicle was needed so snowmobiles didn't sink into the melting ice and permafrost. Though all this might become a moot point of the price of gasoline keeps going up, I was thinking that if one combined the characteristics of a snowmobile with a jet ski that also had an electric winch that three or more of these vehicles could tie together for safety and travel either ice or melting permafrost and survive the ordeal. Though the vehicle I envsion is more for thin ice, another type of vehicle could be designed for travelling over melting permafrost. (An ideal permafrost vehicle would be a light weight tank tread vehicle like a snowmobile with small tank treads on the front for stearing.)
However, back to my primary idea for Inuit hunters and arctic travellers in general. This Idea was to build a vehicle that would combine the qualities of both a snowmobile and a jet ski with an electric winch. By having three of this type of vehicle roped together the other two could then pull out the vehicle that had broken through the ice.
Another idea is to plastic trash bag ones feet and legs up to the hips underneath ones travelling garments. In this way even if the snowmobile broke through the ice one wouldn't necessarily get frostbite because ones legs wouldn't get wet, just cold. Then with a waterproof container with extra leggings or pants socks and boots one could then move on without frostbite just by drying off the plastic bags and leaving them on feet and legs in case ones feet got wet again. In the meantime one could dry ones wet pants and shoes if possible.
Another modification that could work temporarily for a snowmobile in danger of sinking into the ice. By securing foam floatation devices that would be enough to float ones snowmobile in an emergency to prevent ones snowmobile from sinking one could assure oneself that at least the snowmobile wasn't going to sink even if one had to go for help on foot or on a friend's snowmobile. Then if one took along an electric winch and also a backup hand winch one could winch the halfway sunken snowmobile out of the broke through ice. By driving one or more ice pitons into the ice one could get enough purchase to winch carefully ones snowmobile out of the ice. However, if ones snowmobile was running in order to give power to an electric winch it would be better. Also if one had a long power switch cord it could be a safety device in case one or more of the ice pitons gave way so one wouldn't necessarily be impaled by the force of an ice pitons giving way under the high tension of an electric or manual winch.
So until combination jet skis with good flotation characteristics combined with the snow and ice maneuverability of a snowmobile go into mass production, people who live in the arctic are going to have to modify their snowmobiles for flotation and equip them with ice pitons and winches to get them out of jams from sinking through the ice.
Also, the following might have already been done but this is another idea. If mylar was sewn into a backpacking tent it would be much warmer and not much bulkier to carry than a standard backpacking tent. I have heard that there is not enough snow to build igloos. However, by sewing a mylar liner into a backpacking tent it might greatly help staying warm at night as long as one still got enough fresh air to breathe in the process. Another idea is a mylar covering or liner for your below zero sleeping bag so one could stay warm enough in the arctic without a snow cave or igloo while travelling or hunting.
Though right now it is the northern arctic dwellers and secondly the Australian outback that is most drastically affected by Global warming soon it will be our turn in more temperate climates of the northern hemisphere.
However, even now where I live in Coastal California the droughts are beginning and rainfall appears to be dropping in Central California and in Southern California they are in Full Drought. Even in February while visiting a cousin there was a brush fire within 10 miles of his home. Friends had to evacuate their horses and themselves to his corral and themselves to his home. Though fires are common in Southern California, a fire in February at least a brush fire is relatively unheard of. The fire season usually begins in May or June and lasts until October or November. However, now in southern California one can see a fire almost any month.
Quality of Life
Sunday April 22nd 2007
If Global warming and Ice ages weren't a reality in the Cycles of Earth how many people could exist with quality of life for say, millions of years with a viable culture? I would say the answer to that question would be about 1 billion people. In other words they could have good food to eat, good medical care and a normal happy life and would live on the surface of earth.
How many people could earth support that may not have quality of life but would still be alive for millions of years with a viable culture? I would say that about 3 billion people is the maximum sustainable amount of humans indefinitely that live on the surface of the earth.
How many humans could have quality of life if they All lived underground and only recreated and farmed on the surface? I would say the answer to this is about 10 billion people if there were no surface structures above ground level at all.
Finally, what is the maximum amount of humans that could theoretically be maintained on earth for millions of years if they all lived underground with no surface structures at all? The answer to this is that 12 to 14 billion very unhappy people could be physically maintained for millions of years on earth in a constant emergency situation. However, the life span would be under 25 years of age on average.
At present on earth I would say 80% to 90% of humans on earth presently DO NOT Have quality of life. My personal definition of quality of life would be: good and safe food and water, always available good medical care and basic freedom from being attacked, raped, killed or stolen from at any moment. Another component would be a place to get out of the weather and to be able to start a family and capability of good family relations and good friends.
So even though many people try to help the homeless and victims worldwide it is always unfortunately tokenism in that it is not possible to help everyone because earth cannot maintain this many people under ANY circumstances for more that a century or two. Scientifically that is a given. Any intelligent person knows this. For ANY humans to survive global warming and the severe weather coming the population of earth will inevitably be thinned out. If you want to be one of the fathers or mothers of the future of the earth or better said the parents of the future humans of earth then You must begin to move to areas that will allow both you and they to survive. It is true that if you have precognition like I do then you could live anywhere and just leave a day or two before those places get wiped out. However, most people don't have these kinds of gifts or most likely if they do have them they have had no reason to develope them for survival yet! So most people will just have to be very logical and rational about the whole thing to actually BE parents of future humans who survive into the future whose children basically colonize many other planets also in the future.
My Next:
The Conscious Refinement of Both Present and Future Timelines
Saturday April 21st 2007
I'm looking forward to the movie "Next" in which Nicolas Cage can experience 2 minutes into the future.
Though sometimes that is my experience too, for me at least it is any time including this moment. My belief is that God gave me this gift and made sure I stayed alive, balanced and taken care of so I could help mankind survive the next 1000 to 5000 years. At this point in my life that is my belief. At other points in my life I was told that this was what was coming but I did not always believe my teachers. It wasn't really that I didn't believe them I simply took the attitude that I'll have to wait and see. Sometimes, one gets a hunch but one has to wait to be more sure of things. That was true of me.
However, now, I'm fully convinced that this is one of the reasons I'm still alive, "To speak truth and Wisdom through this website."
Those that are gifted enough will experience the truth of what I am saying.
Those that are already gifted will be encouraged to do what God has brought them to Earth for.
Those that are young at heart will be inspired by what I have written and have amazing visions and dreams
that will teach them what they need to know.
As an evolving spiritual being it is important to develope compassion for all beings. AFTER developing right mindful compassion for all beings then it is time
To Know
To Dare to Do
And to Be Silent
Most of what God has guided me to do throughout my life, no words were spoken. God simply showed me what to do with the supernatural gifts he has given to me and to Thousands to millions of others here on earth.
The one thing I really want to share is that
If one is Really With God
And God Wills something to be done
Through that person or situation
Then Nothing can or will Stop it
That is what I have learned in this lifetime. It is a very powerful and Awe inspiring lesson!
1 Billion people may be affected by rising oceans this century
If you are interested in reading about this please paste this article. This article connects with my assessment as a psychic that the world might lose up to 1 billion off the present levels of populations on earth. Most of the people will be poor, unable to read and generally uneducated.
Anti-Psychotic mood Altering drugs are Dangerous and Sometimes Fatal!
April 20th 2007
I was listening to a newsperson on CNN today who said that drugs like Paxil, Zoloft, Prosac and several others were so dangerous that up to 4% of people should never take these drugs because they will tend to kill themselves or others.
Think about this for a moment. Why would drugs that make 4% of the millions of people just in the United States they are prescribed for Suicidal enough to act and or homicidal enough to act. Even a 1% chance of a drug causing someone to suicide or homicide is enough for me to never take that drug or make sure no one in my family ever took that drug who was under about 80. My mother has to take something like this for older people with senile dementia or alzheimers. However, my mother is going to die from Senile dementia and recently she put someone in the hospital so what are they or we supposed to do in her facility? However, I still believe that functional human beings should NEVER be given drugs that might take away their conscience like they did to the mass murderer this week!
The Energy Sources of the Planet are the Basis of the World Economy
April 20th 2007
Whether one looks at food transportation to your local grocery store or processing of food or even the growing of food, with out a cheap energy source like oil and all its products and byproducts the world economy stands still. The value of your car and even your home is reduced considerably if there is no energy source cheap enough an useful enough the world economy grinds not to a stop but back to the 19th century with wood, coal and steam and streams and oceans being the main form of mass transportation of all goods. This would drastically alter our present day lifetyles. Please contemplate this because we have reached the end of cheap oil worldwide. It is generally agreed by most researchers into the subject that all oil after 2010 will be harder to pump and of inferior quality to what oil is being pumped now. So not only will the price start to increase with or without China and India but the quality of what is being pumped will tend to decrease.
Is the world ready to totally convert to wind and solar? Well, if not, get ready to function like the Amish. Start buying their horses and buggys and wagons because that is what's coming if we aren't ready when gas reaches 10 dollars a gallon in the United States within 10 years from now!
Desalination:The Future?
Friday April 20th 2007
Paste the above article if you are interested in Santa Barbara, California desalination operations now in place and operational.
I have lately been reading about the problems of drought in the Australian Outback. Also, in February I visited my Cousin in Orange county California. He said that they had only 2 inches of rain since June. They might have had 1/2 inch since then. However, normal for Southern California is about 10to 12 inches so it is a problem especially in creating wildfires in such a 100 year drought.
The Australian outback is another place where the drought is reaching 100 year or more epic proportions. I woke up this morning thinking about Wind generation and ways to get desalinated water from the ocean to the outback. I could see two possible ways to accomplish this while minimizing power output to accomplish this task. First, near most oceans there is fairly constant wind so wind generators could accomplish the task of power generation for the desalination. Second, transporting water whether desalinated or still saltwater might be accomplished through long distance gravity feed. Since, the main problem with desalination is the incredible power output necessary to boil the water to separate distilled water from the salt I began to think of new ways that might work.
One idea was to build a barge the size of a football field and tether it to a long pier going out into the ocean. Then pilings could be driven into the ocean along the sides of the barge. The barge could then be filled a few inches deep directly from the ocean. However, the barge would have enough fiberglass enclosed foam flotation so that this would not sink the barge. At high tide the barge would automatically be attached at that high tide point to the pier pilings. As the tide dropped the barge would stay suspended. This way it would only be exposed to the waves at high tide. Over the top of the barge would be like a plastic or glass greenhouse on a slope. This would create solar distilation which could be collected on one end of the barge and then pumped using the wind generated power up to whatever elevation would cause a gravity feed of the long distance pipeline to whatever location it was intended for. There could also be small solar powered pumps that could lift small pipes of water each when the sun was out. There could also be boilers powered by propane or natural gas if it was available. In this way distilled water could be piped wherever it was needed using this method. By taking advantage of both wind and solar power as well as passive solar distillation it could drastically increase the overall generation of distilled water over the course of a year.
Instead of a barge one could also build a large tank to do the same thing at waters edge on land and using the power from wind generators and solar arrays pump the salt water into the onshore tank to passive solar distill and boil through propane boilers or natural gas boilers into potable water. Then the water could be pumped up using small solar powered pumps and pipes as well as wind generated pumps to the desired altitude to supply water inland through gravity feed
The advantage of the barge on a pier would be that the barge could be opened up on both ends to let the waves themselves clean and wash the salt buildup inside the barge away from the solar desalination process.
more advancements on original idea.
I was thinking that instead of a barge one could just use floats or buoys. Resting on these floats or buoys would be plastic or plexiglas or even flexible plastic sheets set on an angle. In this way one could cause in a small football field or less sized space a greenhouse effect to cause controlled evaporation causing the sun to increase heat upon the surface of the ocean under these plastics covered areas. In this way in direct sunlight water would tend to condense up on the plastic and run or drip in whatever way the top plastic slope went which could end up into a floating tub the size of a swimming pool. From the protected swimming pool size collector for the distilled water it could then be pumped up to the desired altitude and into what might look a little like an enclosed top smokestack of the kind used on power plants. This would gravity feed into a long distance pipeline to the desired water users. By creating basically automatic distilled water generation that mimics cloud and rain production over oceans and bodies of waters one reduces the power generation necessary to distill ocean water into potable water.
In order to make the above idea work really well the plastic above water would have to have a relatively good seal against the water so that outside air didn't reduce the "inside greenhouse temperatures too drastically and thereby reduce too greatly the natural evaporation effect caused by the sun.
The disadvantage of this last idea would be during storms. Storms with winds over 35 to 50 miles per hour could reduce this collection system if it was on the ocean to rubble. So practicality in the end has to be the primary building material of any long term project.
Another idea
A catholic priest and lawyer, who is a friend of mine since 1980 has long experimented in his home with water collection from his roof. He made all his downspouts end in recycled wine barrels. Then he cleaned out an old septic tank that had been unused for 20 or more years and funneled the excess water into it. Then he put goldfish into the water in the tank that could live on any algae or other plant life that could grow there. In this way no matter what your water system company or well does you would have water to drink or use or boil no matter what your water system or well does that might last several months to keep you alive even if all other sources are gone. And any fish that get big enough you would have food to eat even if all other food was gone for several month as goldfish keep growing if in large enough water tanks or pools. One thought, however. You must keep cats and raccoons especially away from the fish or they will be gone. One way to do this is to put chicken wire above the pools so the cats and raccoons and even dogs can't get to the fish.
Since the priest-lawyer likes the taste of soft water that one gets only from rainwater. He collects rainwater in wine barrels, the excess of which goes to the fish tank. So from the wine barrels he takes a kettle of water from the barrel and boils it on his stove to make sure it is potable. Then he puts it into bottles in his fridge and always has soft water to drink.
More on Desalination
I continued to think about this problem of cheaply converting saltwater to distilled water. The best Idea I came up with is to use 8ml. Black plastic to cover pool size holes dug into the sand above high tide level on the beaches. In this way wind and solar could pump the saltwater into these pools dug by backhoes or bulldozers. Then portable greenhouses put over these saltwater pools to solar distill. Hundreds of these solar distilleries could be dug and lined with black plastic with portable greenhouses on top to solar distill water. Instead of cleaning the salt off the black plastic one could either recycle the black 8 ml plastic or walk it out into the ocean to let the waves clean off and dissolve the salt deposits. The other alternative would be to harvest the salt and sell it as a byproduct of desalination by bending the 8ml black plastic to break the salt deposits off into containers for resale.
As long as propane and natural gas or fuel oil of any kind was available at an affordable price boilers could be built and water distilled quickly even though it would tend to be expensive to convert. Like my other ideas the water would be pumped up to a height to acheive gravity feed. In other words the height of the top of the pipeline would have to be at an altitude higher than where the water would end up in altitude in order to use gravity to push the water there. This idea is to eliminate the need for powerful pumps like those used on the american Canal in California when water has to be pumped over mountains to reach Los Angeles County. On that canal basically a whole river is pumped at all times over the top of a several thousand foot high mountain through large airtight pipes.
Instead of several big electric pumps to acheive altitude of a river size volumne of water, instead one could use hundreds of little pumps either solar powered or wind powered to the desired altitude for gravity feed water to the location the pipeline of water was built to serve.
After writing all this I realized I probably should research what Australia is already doing in regard to desalination please paste above article if interested.
My Family Meets Ling Rinpoche:January 1986
written April 18th 2007
I would like you to experience with me some of the darshan of the story. Imagine you are working as a fire lookout 6 months a year. You own a business too. However, because the fire lookout job is only May through October or thereabouts depending on the weather and rainy season. One day in September or early October 1985 while I was alone at the lookout 10 miles from the nearest human being on top of a mountain, a powerful Tibetan Diety said to me, "You will be leaving for India on December 10th". I went home and told my wife. Since she was used o me knowing things before they happened she said, "Where is the money coming from for this ?" I said, "I don't know. But if I or we are supposed to go it will come." It did from a completely unexpected source. However, it wasn't enough to pay to hire someone to run our business, make car payments etc too. So initially we gave the idea up. Then in the first week of December I had sort of given the idea of going up (even though we had a one month visa for India already). We were walking down Haight Street in San Francisco with my mother and friends and family.
My mother saw a special deal on 2 weeks in Hawaii and wanted to go into the travel agency to check it out. I went in to protect her from any unscrupulous salespersons. However, to my surprise I saw that this place might have what I was looking for too. I asked the travel agent whether he had discount air fares to Asia. He said, "We are the main travel booking agent for all the universities in the Bay area". I asked immediately how much 5 open ended 6 month tickets by way of Bangkok, to Kathmandu and to return would be. He said,"6000 dollars but you would have to leave before the 11th of December." I said, "We'll take them". I knew the disadvantage was that I couldn't cancel these tickets but in my heart I knew we would use them.
Within one week we were on our way on board a JAL 747 to Tokyo. It was 11 hours to Tokyo. Then I think it was either 5 or 7 hours to Bangkok and another 5 or 7 hours 2 weeks later to Kathmandu. Tokyo was enough like Canada or Europe to feel like I was still in the Western World. However, Bangkok was very different because almost no one spoke English, there were almost no cars made in America and I couldn't read the street signs or anything else.
I remember asking God if my family and I should stay longer in Bangkok or go immediately to Bodhgaya to meet a friend of ours we met in Santa Cruz, California. He was going to be at something called the Kalachakra there, we found out. I got it strongly that we should go to Kathmandu and rent a car or take a bus to the Indian border and then a bus to Bodhgaya. We did all these things and met our friend Geshe Lobsang Gyatso (who has now passed on in the U.S.). We called him Geshela which means (Dear Spiritual Friend). It takes about 20 years or more to become a Geshe. Geshela had started in Kham province as a six year old and was discovered by Lamas and taken to Lhasa. I think Geshela was born in 1932 so if he was still alive he would be about the age of the Dalai Lama.
After I and my family and 500,000 others had received the 4 day initiation from the Dalai lama we travelled with Geshela and friends by train to Varanasi to visit the Buring Ghat and the Ganges. Then we travelled to Agra by train to visit the Taj Mahal. In New Delhi my stepdaughter got Deli Belly (a little like Montezuma's revenge) so we decided to get her up into the mountains and out of the tropics so she might get well quicker. So we travelled by train and then bus to Dharmsala, where the Dalai Lama lives (at that time along with about 10,000 Tibetan Refugees who have made their home there and had started along with the Swiss and Europeans and Americans a Tibetan boarding school for Tibetan Refugees so they wouldn't lose their culture. Also, many Tibetans had started various businesses there like Hotels etc. We soon met a Tibetan mountain Guide that was a very good friend of Geshela at the Kailash Hotel. We needed more room because of our large groupd so we moved then to the Green Hotel. It was February and then there was no heat in the rooms and we were at about 6000 feet and so it got down to 20 or lower at night. So we bought a Kerosene cook stove so we could boil and sterilize water and also heat our large room in the Green Hotel so we wouldn't freeze to death during the night. Also, we cooked noodles, rice, tea and many other things while also heating our room enough to survive. Outside were 5 feet tall (if they stood up) Silver and black monkeys. We were told never to go into the forests at night as these big monkeys were stronger than a man and sometimes carried off small children and pets and ate them. So we made it a point of not wandering the forests at night. We never had trouble with this type of monkey as there weren't very many of them more then 2 or 3 that we saw at a time. They seemed to have a demeanor a little more like gorillas than monkeys. Whereas there were sometimes smaller monkeys other places. The smaller monkeys were actually more problematic because even though one might scare off a little one, one might then be attacked by about 100 and be bitten many times or die. So one had to be very careful around large groups of monkeys. You didn't want to have monkeys get food out of your hand. It was better to just throw food 10 feet or so, then hide the rest of the food from sight and watch them fight over the food.
I'm trying to set the scene a little so you know you aren't in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. Along with this many people wore native Tibetan dress both men and women, especially those older than 40 years old. Remember this was January 1986. When people arrived from Tibet everyone male and female had very long hair. Except the men usually had it braided sometimes with red ribbons. Because they grew up in Austere conditions they were very powerful and unafraid in demeanor even though they usually were uneducated formally in any western sense. I found them amazingly strong, compassionate, and adaptable. They had to be adaptable to survive in over 8000' climates without electricity for the most part.
One of the friends of Geshela, who had been a monk until he had Geshela carry his robes while he cared for his parents until they passed on, spoke excellent english because he was a mountain climbing guide for westerners. Eventually, he spoke such good english he was a translator for the Gyuto Tantric Singers from Tibet while they toured the United States and I believe Europe. He eventually came to live in the United States and married an American lady. One day he came to our room at the Green Hotel and told us to follow him. I had come to see him as a very well connected Tibetan fellow and asked my family to follow along with me and him. He wouldn't tell us where we were going as he said it was a secret. After 2 or three miles we were getting tired at that altitude so we stopped to rest. I said, "How far is it from here?" He pointed to a house made out of rocks with a slate roof that had been quarried nearby. I said, "Come on, kids, it's only that far. You can see it from here. They agreed and we walked the next mile all curious what our friend was bringing us too.
As our friend knocked on the door a monk came out and smiled. He welcomed us inside and on a table in the middle of a room sat a Lama that we were told was Ling Rinpoche. We were told he had been sitting there in the lotus position right hand raised in teaching position, Maitreya style, with his left hand sitting in his lap relaxed. We were told he had been sitting like this for 2 years. I asked if he were still alive. They gave me a look smiling and said his body isn't deteriorating but his isn't coming back. I experienced something in that room that I will never forget, because Ling Rinpoche was neither alive or dead in a medical sense. In other words his body was NOT putrifying even though it had been sitting on this table in lotus position for 2 years. I could experience his blessings (darshan) being projected into me and my family from whatever heaven he was in. I would have to say that this was one of the most amazing and unforgettable experiences of my life.
Later that year I was reading a book on Tibet while I was camping on Castle lake near Mt. Shasta California and I read that this is common with the most highly evolved lamas. Next, what happens is that their bodies at some point, possible within 3 years after reaching a heaven state of consciousness, is covered with wax to look exactly like the lama did while still alive. Then the body is placed in a Temple or Gonpa for a long time. I remember seeing these wax images life size in Gonpas but had no idea that they contained the real body of the high lama inside. I was given salt relics to be empowered by the physical and spiritual aspects of Ling Rinpoche. I also shared these empowerment relics with family and friends. Within the next day or two we also met Trijang Rinpoche who had reincarnated and was then about 4 years old. He banged a metal Dorje (Thunderbolt symbol) on top of each of our heads. He hit me so hard I worried I might pass out. However, I just laughed because of the general amazingness of what we were experiencing. I also could have visited the main Tibetan Oracle. However, I decided that I was so psychic already that it might unbalance me. I still feel I made a good choice. I was told most Oracles aren't psychics by nature. This seemed very odd to me but then I don't know any culture that has this Oracle tradition that exists anywhere today except in Tibetan Culture. Geshela did something he called MO that used a single normal dice for divining things. Each number had a specific meaning so sometimes he would roll the single dice several times in succession while writing down what each roll meant.
It is my understanding that the Body of Ling Rinpoche was the Regent in charge of Tibet until the Dalai Lama came of age. I felt very honored to have this experience. It greatly changed my life in ways I don't fully understand even to this day.The only word that describes the change is: Amazing!
sundancechannel.com green programs
April 17th 2007
Though I have studied Global Warming reports and looked forward into time regarding strange weather for some reason I hadn't combined the fact that we are now peaking in oil production between 2007 and 2010. The majority of researcher agree on this one fact. So all of a sudden it occured to me in a sense of horror that oil prices will skyrocket during some of the same years that weather will begin to seriously degrade the quality of life of most people on earth. This horrific thought showed me that Wall Street isn't really the market of earth. Petrodollars are the market until we shift to other energy sources fully enough. I began to see the need to own several acres of land and good water rights so one could go back to the land and farm for ones own food. Global warming and Oil peaking is appearing to form a perfect storm that will reall affect us all by 2015 to 2020. Though the changes will be gradual there is sort of an inexorable quality to these initial changes. In other words the first changes in depletion of oil supplies and therefore the extreme rise in oil price and global warming simaltaneously rearing its head could easily create a worldwide Great Depression much much worse than the one in the 1930's.
10 years from now:Havoc?
April 18th 2007
If you read the article above this one then you have some background of what I wish to say. I thought more about the perfect storm of Global Warming intersecting with skyrocketing prices for oil which is inevitable by 2015 to 2020. I believe that when gas goes above what would be now 6 to 7 dollars per gallon that the average person would have to begin to drastically alter their lives and that food might raise by 25% to 50% in price because of shipping. Local produce might be a way to avoid these extra costs. Kerosene for Jets would skyrocket too and make airline tickets basically unaffordable to all but the most wealthy. Farmland with water rights and real water to be able to pump would also be priceless. However, preparing for all this as a culture right now is the only way to survive these problems en masse. At between 8 to 10 dollars a gallon I believe the stock market would collapse because most consumers would be forced to make their own clothes and grow their own food to survive that experience. However, when this is combined with Global warming it makes it even worse.
I believe that police and fire stations nationwide and worldwide need to think about their own power generation not only for emergencies like with gas or diesel generators but also through wind generators where possible, solar for lighting, river generation and even ocean wave generation where possible. All emergency vehicles need to be multi fuel with electric motors that can also be plugged in. This way when gas and diesel climbs above 7 to 10 dollars a gallon, as it eventually will, there are backup transportation and rescue options. Horses and corrals and even hay and oats for horses or even horse drawn wagons might be useful when gas gets above 10 dollars a gallon.
I sense NOW is the time to set up the infrastructure because when the stock market collapses from oil above 10 dollars a gallon there will be no financial infrastructure to create these resources then. So they need to be in place within 5 to 10 years.
I had been looking 20 to 50 years so the collision of present peaking cheap oil production and Global warming hadn't really occured to me earlier. I also see that since jets would be too expensive to fly much that maglev trains powered by wind generators could whisk the population back and forth across the nation at speeds of 300 mph or more. So by utilizing wind and wave and river power and using solar for lighting I think life wouldn't have to change into complete chaos if everyone starts to get busy now.
Creating a Better Future
April 19th 2007
It is my belief that I and many other visionaries are creating a better future by speaking about what we see now and what we see coming in the near and even distant future. It is my experience that the future can be changed for the better. For example, all our ancestors did the best they could to make a better future for all of us now. We, have the obligation with whatever abilities we have to now make a better future for all who come after us. This is why I take the time as a precognitive psychic to try to gather all I believe will help to make a better future for all life on earth.
It is my belief now that there really wasn't much more anyone could have done in the last 30 or more years than was done. A threshold had to be reached where enough scientists agreed that there was a real problem in order to get to the next step for the average person on earth. We now have the beginning of a consensus forming of creating technologies to help stablize the weather and bring back some kind of normalcy. However, that is unlikely to occur no matter what we do now for at least 300 to 500 years. So the net result is that there likely will be only about 300 million people or so left out the other end of this. The good news is that all our work likely will save the human race from extinction. The bad news is that the population party of humans on earth is over at least for this next thousand years or so. When I look into the future 500 years from now most scenarios leave less than 500 million humans on the planet. Some scenarios have technology and some don't. I personally believe technology could allow us to keep some quality of life.
There is only one scenario where we could actually maintain 5 billion to 7 billion and have quality of life but I don't see that actually happening because it would mean that all buildings and roads would have to be torn up on the planet and absolutely everyone would have to live underground. IN this way all the surface would be dedicated to parks and farmland. Even though using this last way could also allow up to 13 billion people on the planet, with that many people there would no longer be quality of life. Remember, it is possible, once again to have quality of life for 5 billion to 7 billion ongoing on earth for even millions of years but ONLY if they live underground with all above earth surfaces of earth becoming either parks, open spaces or farmland. All cities and towns of all sizes would have to be underground as well.
Also, it should be known that to go forward and to do nothing eventually creates a planet that resembles Venus at about 600 to 900 degrees farenheit average temperature. So only an extreme effort of all mankind leaves about 300 million alive after 300 to 500 years.
Water: Too Much or Not Enough for U.S.
April 17th 2007
Paste above article if interested
The above article speaks of how water will be the major problem in the US because of Global Warming.
Wherever you choose to live, please think about either whether you will have enough water for drinking and bathing and washing clothes and dishes or whether water will simply wash you and your homes away during the next 50 years. Those that want to survive the next 50 years must consider these things.
Imagination is more Important than Knowledge
Monday April 16th 2007
Of all of Einstein's quotes this is my favorite. I have a 3 foot tall photo of him in my office with this quote on the base. Knowledge is what we learned in the past. From that knowledge we can extrapolate the future. From that extrapolation we can imagine into being what we all need to survive for the future.
For example: Global Warming
We are beginning to see the problem of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. If I look forward into time as a precognitive psychic I see many many people have died. As many as 1 billion in 50 years off our present world population. Though I am sad for the people who will die I also know that all life is in the end about balance. Without a balance of people and resources there will only be suffering for most. If we as a world people really care like we say we do about all people then we must act as a world people much differently than we are doing.
The inuit people in northern Canada and Alaska are losing 5000 years of knowledge. For those of you living in more temperate climates I don't know if you could imagine this. Imagine that you and your ancestors have an unbroken line of knowledge through both actions and storytelling that goes back to when your ancestors walked across a land and ice bridge from Asia. Imagine that both you and every male ancestor you have known healthy enough have built igloos to hunt every year. Now imagine there is not enough snow to build an igloo so you can survive the cold frigid winds. In these temperatures and winds a tent isn't really enough so you would freeze to death. Now imagine that the ice you depended on isn't thick enough so you and your relatives are falling through on your way to the hunts for food for your families and friends. Many are getting frostbite or dying because of this thin ice. Imagine that your homes on the coast are sinking into the quickly melting permafrost.
If you were one of these people and all you had known was this for thousands of years you would feel crazy and prone to suicide or just trying to go on with your way of life and dying by freezing to death by falling through the ice or not being able to build and igloo while hunting.
You and I probably live in more temperate climates. Guess what? We're next!
Everything is just barely beginning to change for us. Right now it is more entertaining than anything else. We watch the weather Channel and CNN about more tornadoes, more Hurricane Katrinas, more flooding and more droughts. But soon it will be whole cities of wooden houses blown away!. Soon it will be whole cities abandoned because of no water in droughts. Soon it will be no crops because of late snow storms, or too much rain or too much drought. It is coming. What will we do? Get busy figuring out how to create ways first for you and your families to survive. Then get busy figuring and and beginning to build what the world needs to survive long term!
Thoughts Become Things
Sunday April 15th 2007
I can remember being told as a 3 to 5 year old, �What you put your attention upon you become.� At the time, being that young, this concept was equally as wonderful as frightening. I remember thinking, �What happens if I think bad? Will bad things happen?�
So even as a child I realized the importance of being disciplined in my thoughts if I didn�t want literal chaos in my life. Looking back from this vantage point I might think, �Gee, that was a WHOLE LOT to lay on a child.� But from a more long term perspective I can also see it saved me a whole lot of time waiting to learn this POWERFUL truth. Some people never learn this. It is quite obvious from the complete chaos of their lives. Many people who don�t understand this are gone by age 30. However, you will find many many people who are over 70 or 80 who fully understand the truth of, �thoughts become things�. If you don�t know anything but this one truth you can save your own life and the lives of others.
Obviously, tonight, my wife wanted to watch "The Secret". People who aren't metaphysical or New Age that I talked to about it didn't like it or said, "It's just a way to make money. However, I think the way I would talk about it is that the Secret is an entry level into enlightenment. As a child it wasn't "Thoughts become things" that I was taught. It was, "What you think, you become", or "As a man thinketh, so is he." So for me, "Thoughts become things" is an entry shorthand way of saying it. After thinking about all this for another 50 years I would just say that, "We all are everything" Time and space is an illusion because "We all ARE everything everywhen". Yes, "Thoughts become things" but "we are those thoughts and we are those things". That, I would say is the enlightened way of saying it after thinking about it for 50 years. And, because we are those thoughts and those things we need to be compassionate towards those thoughts and those things because the universe is us. Why not be kind to yourself?
The Problem of Being Faithful
April 15th 2007
I can only speak about this problem as a man who has been faithful to his present wife Since 1995 when we married. It hasn't always been easy. But from my point of view it has been necessary. For me, being faithful has been difficult since I was about 30 when I began my second marriage. I had been faithful to my first wife, but we were only together 4 years. She was only 21 when we married and too young to really have done that and made a marriage work.On the other hand I was 26 and marginally ready to be married and totally ready to become a father. However, now we are very good friends and she tells me the stupidest thing she ever did was to break up with me and divorce me. Though it was a very difficult 2 or 3 years when we broke up because I was suddenly a single parent of a 3 year old son with sole custody, in the long run it was a very maturing and sobering experience and it forced me to grow up in any ways I hadn't yet before that experience. My son now is grown up and married and will be 33 this year. He has always been one of my best friends and during my second divorce, he, more than any other saved my life.
When he was a teenager he got into Celtic Runes. Then later he found that the Tarot was more detailed and useful in divining the future and choices. He tells me this is based on the basic synchronicity of life. When I broke up with my second wife he threw the tarot for me and found that if he didn't stand by me through it that I might not make it. Whether this was true or not he made sure I stayed alive through my divorce in any way he could even though he was only 20 or 21 when that happened.
He stayed fairly neutral in regard to not taking sides between his stepmother and I but he remained totally firm in advocating me to take the steps to remain alive and well.
So, if you have been paying attention, I was faithful to my first and third wives but not to my second. I suppose I could make all kinds of excuses but in the end I must say it was not excusable. At the time, my second wife said to me when we got together, "I know you are not ready to get married again. You are still pretty confused from your first marriage, but I think you will be within 2 years. I would say I was ready within 5 years of that day but by then I think the damage had been done because by then we had been married 5 years. Back then, we were California Cosmics and lived a sort of groovy life on the coast and in the Mountainous area of Mt. Shasta. My second wife,(at first), thought it was "cool" to share her wonderful husband with a few select women so they could experience how "wonderful" I was. However, looking back now I see all that as a pretty bad idea for all of us. So, when 5 years into our marriage my father died I had given up extracurricular activities "so to speak" but little did we both know the damage had already been done. So when my father passed on and my wife wouldn't stop saying bad things about him I became secretly very passive aggressive about her putting down my father after he had passed on. The combination of her talking bad about my Dad and my previous extramarital affairs that she was aware of at the time "or within a month or two of them beginning" doomed our marriage. Even though our marriage lasted from 1980 until 1994 I would say then end of our marriage was a sure thing when my father passed on in 1985. I don't think my 2nd wife realized what a serious mistake it was to put down my Dad in my presence. Because she had two children from her first marriage and I had my son from my first marriage neither of us wanted our children to experience a second divorce. Unfortunately, it happened in 1994.
Now I would like to digress for a moment back to my yound adulthood. Well, I basically went steady with three different girls from 1964 when I was 16 until I was 21. I had other girlfriends too, just not while I was going steady with each of these three girls. The first steady was 21 when I was 16. She taught me a whole bunch of stuff and put me way ahead of the curve for my age then. My second girlfriend went to Los Angeles State University and was 18 when I was 17 and still in high school. My third steady girlfriend went to college in Michigan so I only saw her during the summers. Unfortunately, I guess I fell in love with her. HOwever, since she was very religious, she decided she wanted to be married to me but remain celibate. I didn't find out about this until we had gone steady for 2 years so this was awful as I was ready to wait until marriage but a celibate marriage wasn't going to work for me as I wanted children. So we broke up. However, I was so in love with her that I couldn't live without her so I became suicidal.
Rather than commit suicide I heard a song that said, "If you can't be with the one you love, Love the one you're with". So I took that to heart and loved about 25 women or more during the next few years. (I made sure beforehand that none of these women were the slightest bit interested in either celibacy or being virginal.
I felt totally betrayed by the old "only go out with the girl you are going to marry" kind of rules. They had only almost gotten me killed by suicide. You cannot imagine how betrayed by life I felt at the time. I didn't get over thoughts of suicide completely until my son was born. I knew then that no matter what, I could never kill myself as long as he needed me to be his father.
However, what I did not understand (at that time)is that I had learned as a young man to survive by becoming addicted to love as a way of staying alive and not committing suicide. Along with this I revered women. In fact one could even say I worshipped women. Before I was married the first time, this put me in great demand among women because I would always treat a woman right. However, this combination was not very good for a married man with kids.
So in my 30's whenever I didn't feel good about myself I would look for a woman to worship me while I worshipped her. This is a very bad dynamic to be experiencing if one is married with children. So I began to isolate myself from desireable women because I knew that if I started to flirt with a woman it would not end there. So in my 40's I learned that the only way not to "begin the hunt" or to begin the "chess game" I had to break the cycle before it started by not flirting. It is sad because this takes a lot of joy out of life but it is the sort of monastic stance that one who decides to be there for ones children no matter what must take.
Transitional Times
Saturday April 14th 2007
There have been many transitional times in the last Century or so. There were the Roaring 20's in which partly because women got the vote they started to smoke and feel freer in bed (at least in the western world). Then there was the Great Depression when many starved and a few rich jumped out of high windows. The answer to this was the Security Exchange Commision and the WPA putting the jobless back to work building dams and roads. Then there was World War II which drastically changed everything. Then there was the free speech movement starting in Berkeley and then the anti-War movement which was mostly against the draft and there was a movement of my generation of baby boomers to find a way not to nuke the world out of existence. Part of the answer was flower power. In other words trying to actually treat ones brother and sister anywhere on earth as ones friend or relative. This had mixed results but it did prevent nuclear war (at least so far).
Now we live in totally new transitional times. Though terrorist acts started in airliners and such in the 60's and 70's by Muslim radicals this sort of thing peaked in 9-11. It is my belief that within 100 years or so most muslim radicals will be gone for much the same reason that the Black Panthers are gone. Movements come and go based upon the needs of the moment. I think there will always be terrorists and anarchists of one persuasion or another. But most of this anger can be traced to culturally induced and generally accepted child abuse practices within many cultures worldwide. As money and education replaces child abuse I think in the main we will see most terrorism go on the wane. Because mostly terrorism's root cause is poverty, ignorance and hopelessness.
Future Winds
Friday April 13th 2007
First of all, 13 is a power number and powerful good luck not bad luck unless you consider Jesus and his 12 disciples which equals 13 bad luck. I have noticed that many people consider things that are only powerful as evil if they are ignorant. Power is like a car. In the hands of competent people power can be good, like the power of a car or truck or plane. In the hands of the incompetent it brings only death and mayhem.
I woke up this morning dreaming about the future of winds. I saw people who had what looked a lot like motorcycle helmets on but shaped differently and tied to tethers alongside major hiways during these over 100 mph winds so they didn't get blown away and die.The tethers were located alongside major roads about every 100 yards sort of like the way emergency phones are located now on major freeways. These tethers were either very heavy cement blocks with 1" to 2" metal loops sticking out to tether into in high winds or they were 2" metal rods driven into the ground with pile drivers 10 to 20 feet with a 2"metal loop or loops at ground level to clip into with rock climbing like carabiners the kind the rock climbers use only even more heavy duty.
In this time, (probably 50 to 75 years from now) in the midwest or deserts, alongside roads there are these kinds of emergency tiedowns for cars, trucks and people as well as motorcycles and bicycles. This is for emergency protection from extreme high winds that could sweep a car, human body or any animal away to death or maiming.
Animals will slowly adapt to these changes. burrowers like all rodents(including rabbits) will create burroughs in the ground available for these high winds. Coyote's, wolves and bears will dig caves and burroughs into the ground as well.Birds of prey will migrate away from high winds and sense when they are coming or if they are in them will find protected nooks and crannies to hide into until they pass. Creatures tend to be fairly adaptable. Those that don't adapt don't survive. The same with people.
The helmet is specifically designed for high winds. There is a primary tether to the hips and shoulders of the person and a secondary tether to the top of the helmet so the winds don't rip the person's head off. Some of these tethers have hand and feet loops so people don't get beat to death flapping against the ground in above 150 to 200 mph winds. I also saw other innovations such as cement bunkers inset into the ground every 1000 yards so people could stay out of the wind almost completely and if necessary clip into the walls of the cement bunkers. These bunkers were evey mile or so alongside of roads. They are meant only for severe emergencies as vehicles at that time are designed for winds to mostly hold them against the ground by using aerodynamics. However, we all know once winds gust above 75mph to 100 mph and say any vehicle is either travelling against the wind or having the wind gust across the vehicle from one side or the other many problems can arise.
The other problem that can arise is when rain, snow, sleet or the worse, hail hits a car or person while travelling over 100 mph. Under these conditions a person or persons would likely tether the vehicle to remain inside and hope flying glass didn't injure the person or persons if there was hail.
Experiments in wind tunnels in the United States and Europe have or will be conducted to see how much wind a person or vehicle tethered to the ground can withstand without serious injury.
Another problem is that when precipitation arrives in such winds water, wind or snow or hail can do very strange things. It might be important to be wearing a full face helmet when any kind of precipitation arrives at above 100mph so one can still breathe if they are without a vehicle or shelter to weather the storm. effectively when out in the open. Surviving in a hail storm of anything bigger than 1 inch diameter hail is unlikely if one is in the open and unprotected by some kind of shelter.
China is a Corporation
April 12th 2007
China is not a democracy. China is not a communist state. It is for all intents and purposes now, a corporation whose job it is to maintain all other corporations within it. The problem with this is no corporation is accountable the way a person is. If a person makes a mistake they can go to jail. There is accountability. However, within China there is no such accountability for the decisions being made other than from the Chinese people directly. So as a result the ecology and water quality and natural resources of China are being plundered in a way that will eventually cost millions of Chinese lives.
I call it the Corporate Colonialism where the Western world and anyone who wants something made cheaply without regard to the people who will make the goods quality of life, go in and do it without regard to the ecology. whatsoever.
Please paste above article on china's food problem if interested
A good example is the pet food that has been contaminated and is killing pets in hundreds of brand names throughout the US and Canada. Though the contaminated grain has been traced back to China no one is being held accountable for the problem in China and probably won't be. In fact, such problems kill thousands of people in China every year because no one is being held accountable for these deaths and these are human deaths not just pets as in the United States but thousands of humans of all ages. Problems like mislabeled foods that are really poison as a way of making profits for unsavory people are a commonplace. This kind of thing is normal in China. It is not normal here because we have checks and balances. China doesn't have checks and balances. So don't be surprised when another Mao Tse Tung rises up when people start dying from all these problems past a certain point and tears all China a new one. At this point, it is not IF but WHEN?
note:As a lifelong precognitive psychic I do not mean that a literal Mao Te Tung will come and recreate a communist state. I mean it in another way. What I mean is that if the Chinese burearocracy does not move fast enough for the real needs of the people of China and the world then someone very strong will rise up spontaneously and change everything. Will this be good? It's hard to say. If things move too slowly for the people and the ecology of China and the world things will drastically change
What is really difficult is that if this change starts occuring, the world outside of China needs to stay out of it! Otherwise this change could unstablize the whole world within 100 years. The reason for this is that the combination of small and large wars and retaliations and Global warming could create a situation where the human race would go extinct within 300 years. Radical weather changes will get ever more radical for the next 300 years and if people don't prepare for the changes they all will be wiped out! What I'm saying here is that for the first time in human history not getting it right WILL create extinction of all humankind!
How to Create a Civilization
April 9th 2007
A Civilization exists because the majority of beings within a civilization either actively support the civilization or passively put up with it. Without this dynamic a civilization does not long exist.
Take earth, for example. Today's humans were genetically engineered for strength and endurance and not for intelligence or longevity. However, humans are beginning to self select for longevity and intelligence just like their off world humanoid ancestors. The humans of today started as a slave race that was used for mining earths resources and taking them off to other worlds. Once the easiest of the resources were gathered and sent to other star systems the ancestors of the humans here today were left to fend for themselves. It was thought one of two things would happen: either they would go extinct or that they would evolve into a new species. The second of evolving into a new Galactic subspecies has occured.
The Galaxy looking at the suffering of many of our ancestors decided to "civilize" the species to lessen the group suffering of the species.
Since the basis of civilizations are ideas that groups agree to live by at least as an ideal, ideas were taught to some humans of earth by the Galactics so humans would take on these ideas as their own and move toward civilization of the species. This has now occured for thousands and thousands of years. The Galaxy is continuing to spread new and useful ideas throughout existing civilizations on earth to further enhance present day civilizations. This will continue to happen as long as any humans or any other species are alive on earth.
Easter 2007
I have seen the previews of a movie called "Next" that may be about people like myself who sense danger before it happens and get out of the way of the danger before it occurs. Since I have always been a physical risk taker since I was a child the ability to know just how far I could take things has been priceless and I consider it to be a gift from God. I presuppose that beings like Daniel Boone, Davy Crocket, and even Biblical charactors like Moses had this trait too in order to survive all that they went through as far as they took it. Anyway, if the movie is what it purports to me it demonstrate how people like myself protect both themselves, family and friends with this trait. Or in the case of this website I am trying to protect anyone who reads from this site from harm both group and individual. I believe that God gave me this gift to help mankind and all life on earth if they hear and believe to a much better life. However, the most valuable would be for everyone to find out what their gifts are and to develope them to benefit not only themselves but all mankind and all life on earth and beyond!
Future Airliners
April 8th Easter Sunday 2007
Many ideas have been pouring into my mind lately. I think clarity has increased because the energies of Easter being celebrated by so many in their own ways.
I was looking more into the future 50 years forward and beyond and thinking about how aircraft would take off and land when winds above 100 mph were so prevalent on earth. I realized that the easiest way would be for planes to take off a little like a rocket ship rather than on a runway if the winds were high. Take off couldn't be on time because one would have to wait for winds to die down but could usually be counted on within one 24 hour period. So if one were serious about flying one might have to wait on board or nearby until there was a lull in the winds. If the winds were above 75 miles per hour where one wished to land then likely it might be easier to design planes for splash downs into deep water lakes or oceans to absorb the impact of hard landings. Oceans would be problematic for landing because of the corrosive salt water effects on aluminum airplanes.
King Interlaken
April 8th 2007
King Interlaken is a hard charactor for me to talk about. There is a feeling that he may be a future incarnation of mine and that tends to make me uncomfortable in writing about him in this way. It is my understanding that I have already lived the lifetimes of Arcane and His Oneness. However, I'm not always sure how all this works either. There is a part of me that believes very strongly that God likes to live all the lives of all beings in the universe at once and that time and space are just illusions necessary for this exercise of God's pleasure or reducing emptiness or voidness or however one would put it. There is a sense I have that God's experience is that he/she/it experiences everything in all time and space in one amazing moment while at the same time consciously living out the life of all beings and inanimate objects.
If you are a psychic like me I have found that it isn't just beings, in other words, beings that have hearts and breathe either water or air or both that have consciousness. As a psychic I have experienced Rocks, Trees, plants, air, buildings, cars, planes, trains, and even bodies of water etc. etc. etc. have consciousness. Even though it might be a different type of consciousness than most humans ordinarily use it is still there.
Even in the Bible there are references to something in regard to Jesus like, "Even the rocks cry out his name." In my experience as a gifted person that statement is totally logical and from my point of view scientific.
Kind King Interlaken along with Elohar and Ragna live on the first timeline which ended I believe around 2002. King Interlaken along with His Oneness, the Galactic Sentience Overseeing everything and completing the final endorsement of the two time lines, along with Arcane, Elohar, Ragna and even Jonathan helping by providing data conversion like what one does in a newspaper when starting a business by notifying the area where the business will be functioning. Likewise, Jonathan notified Earth beings of this change through this website. So now, there are two timelines. The first timeline exists but on that timeline here in 2007, Asia, Russia, China, all Pacific peoples, North and South America, all those areas are uninhabitable by the sane and healthy because of nuclear fallout. Even Britain is uninhabitable somewhat because of this. However, Switzerland, and all parts of the Alps remain inhabitable. This was because of Switzerland's neutrality that kept it safe through a nuclear war.
Most of you, reading this now are on the second timeline. The thoughts of the planners of the second timeline were that if the nuclear war was eliminated from the new timeline then recovery from the extreme weather changes might be less horrifying for life on earth. I think so far this is the case.
The other thoughts of the planners were that without the rich cultures of civilizations like the United States, India, Russia and China it greatly weakened the strength of Earth to survive onslaughts from beyond earth that come thousands of years into the future. So with the two timelines it increases the possibility that earth's humans might never go extinct for millions of years as long as they colonize other worlds while maintaining earth's governments and ecosystems.
April 8th 2007
I was placing a postcard of Mt. Shasta on the bottom part of a picture of The Great Divine Director that I have had since High School Graduation at the "IAM" School when it was still in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I realized that it was important to tell all of you that Eridian,even though in Christian terms could be considered St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he is also seen by me as The Great Divine Director, who is considered by "IAM" students the Spiritual Lord of Earth. In the "I Am" way of looking at things both Saint Germain and Jesus are two of the Chohans under the Direction of the Great Divine Director who is also known as The Lord Maha Chohan. If you purchase a picture of The Great Divine Director from the Saint Germain foundation then you will get the general idea of what both His Oneness and Eridian actually look like. The most similar in look and demeanor are His Oneness, Eridian and King Interlaken. Arcane, Ragna, and Jonathan look very different in all ways than Eridian, His Oneness, and King Interlaken.
note: if this is your first visit to my website and are visiting my journal page first then you should know that Arcane, Eridian, His Oneness, King Interlaken and Jonathan are all charactors from different time periods that are different incarnations of the same soul that meet each other in various ways in my book and sequels through both technological and spiritually based time travel depending on who is doing the travelling. These meetings range from about 1,000,000 years into the future to about 50,000 years into the past of Earth.
To the best of my ability they are past lives of mine lived in the past, present and future. I have been a precognitive psychic and have been trained both religiously and spiritually at many points during my life. I see myself presently as a householder yogi one of whose missions is to enlighten beings who are ready for it and to entertain the rest who read my works. One of my other interests is in having people develope themselves by using writing as a tool for self empowerment and self unfoldment as well as self therapy, much like artists in many different disciplines including music do. end note
However, since Arcane, Jonathan, His Oneness, and Eridian are different incarnations of the same soul by looking at them you can see the similarities between them if you look close both in the fact that they are all between 5 foot 10 and 6 foot 5 in height with Jonathan being exactly the same height as me. At age 21 I was 6 foot 4 and 1/2. However, mostly now I just tell people I am 6 foot 4. My wife says I'm 6 foot 5. That's barefoot. However, if I put boots on I am many times 6 foot 7 inches because of some hiking boots. And I still like to hike a lot mostly by myself miles away from the nearest human being. (This gives plenty of opportunity for beings like Eridian, Saint Germain, Arcane( even though Arcane and Saint Germain are the same incarnation).
The easiest way I can explain all this is the following: In 1986 I was given a Phowa initiation by Lama Ayang in I believe Capitola, California (near Santa Cruz) on the Coast of California. He said that if the initiation really took we would start remembering the lives of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as if they were our own and had been formally accepted into the Mahayana. My understanding of this is that rather than becoming enlightened by rowing my own rowboat the bodhisattvas all join together and fly to their enlightenment in a 747 Boeing jet like experience. I found myself first terrified, then frightened and then with time finally accepted the fact that I had become at one with (Tibetans say "Of one taste with") beings like Buddha, Jesus, Tara, Padmasambhava, Saint Germain, as well as all the saints of all religions throughout the Universe both known and unknown. For many weeks after this initiation I spent my nights dreaming of their complete lifetimes and accomplishments. I found this overwhelming in many many ways. What I realized was that what Lama Ayang had told us had actually come to pass for me and that I have been accepted into the infinite Dharma of the MahaYana and Vajrayana of the entire universe.
Spritual growth is like a flower growing. When the flower comes up out of the ground, the bud is small but continues to grow. Then one day the flower opens and it takes your breath away completely in its awesome beauty.
But after the Phowa initiation I found that I had become like a redwood tree in a giant grove of redwoods so that even if I saw God and it burned me to the core I would survive like redwoods do in fires. If you have ever been in redwood groves you can literally walk into the center of burned out redwoods that still live hundreds and sometimes thousands of years after fires burned out their cores. The fire of seeing God is like this. So if God hasn't made you a redwood tree before you see him then your physical body will die. So be careful asking to see God before you are ready if you want your body to still be alive afterwards.
Future Mass Transit 50 years from now
April 8th 2007
I was thinking more and looking into the future of mass transit after rereading the next article. I can see maglev bullet trains like the one that broke the speed record for land based maglev trains in France recently. However, when winds regularly reach 100 miles per hour across plains and within 50 miles of any ocean or large body of water either tunnels will have to be dug or drilled or large metal reinforced cement cylinders about 15 to 20 feet in diameter will have to be installed so high speed maglev trains are not blown over in the fairly regular over 100 mph gusts of wind in many areas of the world.note:an idea I had later was that holes could be drilled in tunnel at the top or sides or both to keep the air fresh in the tunnel if there was a breakdown so people could breathe fresh air.Also, it would be nice for the maglev trains to be able to refresh their air sources so the the air inside the long tunnels might contain a lot of "electrified" air from the maglevs. Tunnels will also be used by motor vehicles that will be either fueled by alternative fuels or by wind and solar and other types of power generation not used yet and stored in very high electrical yield deep cycle batteries especially designed for electric cars and trucks. On some wind shielded paved highways there will be a type of light rail for cars and trucks so they have electricity available all the time.
So as people get closer to their homes they will have to separate from the electric light rail for cars and trucks and go on either battery power or some other combination of battery power or alternative fuels.
Very much like standing out in the open with golf ball size hail or bigger hail coming down, at above 100 mph per hour winds people simply blow away and die if they are not tethered to something solid like a tree or building or car. This would have to be considered if travelling on foot through areas that sometimes get these above 100 mph winds. Safety areas like those built for people waiting for buses will be built so people have refuge from the high winds when walking or riding a bike or motorcycle so they don't die from the winds.
In addition to high winds both extreme flooding and extreme droughts will flourish worldwide. Depending on the prevailing tendency of what is happening where you might then be on earth a variety of emergency procedures should be considered for those who want to survive.
50 years from now
April 7th 2007
I was looking forward through time while I was taking a shower and realized that 50 years from now most poor and or infirm people who are not aboriginal or survivalist in their thinking will have perished on earth. What will be left is survivalists that are middle class and rich and aboriginal survivalists who cannot be classified as poor because they are no longer a part of larger civilizations. The so called city poor who have not developed serious survival skills will likely mostly be gone.
The whole world will become much more like it was in the 1700's and 1800's. What I mean by that is the 1700's and 1800's in Europe and America. That's more what the world will look like except there will be things like vast solar arrays and vast areas of wind generators and many people will use the sun's light and heat to trap the heat in passive arrays like plastic water bottles that are exposed to the sun during the day and then insulated from the night in order to keep homes warm during the night by using the suns rays.
At that time most people will have moved away from low lying land near oceans and have moved away from plains areas where winds over 100 miles per hour have become common except for those who have moved underground to avoid the intense winds. Farmers on the plains will have all moved underground and learned to recess their crops down below ground level to avoid the worst of the winds. Green houses with unbreakable sheets of clear plastic will also be used to go crops hydroponically and other ways.
More on places to avoid settling for Future survival
April 7th 2007
begin quote"Do not be poor in a hot country, don't live in hurricane alley, watch out about being on the coasts or in the Arctic, and it's a bad idea to be on high mountains with glaciers melting," Stanford University scientist Stephen Schneider, an author of the study, told The Associated Press."end quote from above article
This is a lot like what I have described as a precognitive psychic in previous articles I have written on my journal page. I prefer personally, for the next 20 years or so to be living near a large body of water like an ocean. I have chosen the Pacific Ocean because I am at heart a Californian even though I was born in Seattle and have many relatives still there. It is very encouraging for me to hear my ideas being repeated by scientists now. It has been a long time coming.
Even though I suggest living within 10 miles of an ocean so that one always has access to water even in a prolonged drought elsewhere inland, I also recommend only living above 50 to 100 feet in altitude near that ocean. Otherwise I think it is very iffy. For example, Florida is mostly not above 50 feet in altitude. I would not recommend for poor people to live there unless they don't care whether they or their children survive the next 20 years. This isn't true for the middle and upper class who can easily pack up their SUV or motor home or get in their Lear business jet to leave before 200 mph storms arrive and inundate most of the state. Very poor people who want to survive must choose extremely carefully otherwise they won't survive the next 20 years.
The problem with fluorescents and hybrids
Simply stated, fluorescent lighting is not healthy for humans and hybrids are not healthy for the human body either. Let me explain:
First fluorescents pulse which is really annoying for most people. Second, fluorescents don't emit a full spectrum which is unhealthy for plants, animals and humans.
Next, hybrids, theoretically are a good idea. However, after closer inspection one realizes there are a lot of hidden costs to the buyer. First, the relatively short life of batteries(1 to 2 years) as well as maintenance costs well above the norm. That is not to say that (some) hybrids actually save money on gas. However, if you project the costs to the consumer in batteries and maintenance along with the fact that riding in a hybrid is just like (or worse than) having your cell phone or more like 1000 cell phones in call mode all over the passengers bodies all the time you are riding in the hybrid. It is sort of like if you want to have kids don't ride in hybrids and if you have hybrids don't tranport your kids in them. So that means, just like astronauts are told don't expect to have kids after you go into space, if you ride in a hybrid don't expect to have healthy kids or have your kids be able to reproduce well as adults if they ride in hybrids. So, I suppose the only people safe to ride in hybrids are those over 40 who don't want kids or don't have kids. These people would basically be like the astronauts. And I bet the astronauts wouldn't want there kids to be sterilized by going into space before they have kids either.
The problem is caused by something hybrid dealers don't tell you about. The reason I know about such things is that my Dad was an Electrical Contractor. Every electric motor while operating has a corona. The bigger the horsepower of the motor, the bigger the corona. If you have ever driven under a powerline and had your radio fuzz out then you have heard what a corona is. It is the same reason that people get cancers more frequently who live under powerlines carrying over 10,000 volts. It is the same reason that animals forced to live unders high tension high voltage powerlines tend to not live as long as other animals and many times die from strange illnesses including cancer.
So unless your bodies are shielded by a lead apron like the dentist puts on you to shield you from xray radiation so you don't develope cancer or go sterile on him you are being harmed by riding in a hybrid.I have given this some thought and if one developed lead shields to keep the corona from affecting passengers it would have to surround each electric motor on the side of the motor where the passenger compartment is. In this way one might stay healthy. Research would have to be conducted to find out long term results. However, don't expect auto makers to do this research to protect your life and reproductive capacity. Your health is being constantly degraded by even riding in a hybrid. Every hour in a hybrid increases your chances of a variety of cancers and immune deficiency illnesses.
So, if you want to buy a hybrid that gets 29 miles per gallon go get something like a Subaru Outback AWD or something like that that gets 30 miles per gallon and isn't a hybrid. Then, with this type of car you can survive all sorts of rain, snow and mud calamities and still get 30 miles per gallon and feel good about yourself. This way you won't jeapordize your family's health and reproductive capacities.
Write Something Positive
April 6th 2007
I showed my wife the following article from Yahoo and she said, "You shouldn't write about such depressing things unless you have a solution to these problems." My response is that the first thing one can do is to assess, each one for themselves whether their lives or livelihoods are threatened by these changes and whether it might be in their best interests short or long to move to a place that does (at least for the present) have enough water, jobs, food, etc. In the long run the world may or may not make the sacrifices necessary to regain our present climates, but logically, if you really understand human nature, even if, say 50% to 75% of the people of the world are capable of disciplining themselves to save the world the other 25% to 50% won't do it. This will cause most humans to die but some might live one long enough to see the climates come back to what they are now 300 to 500 years from now.
So, at least for now, please position yourselves and your families for long term survival to the best of your present knowledge. Stay informed, so you and yours will be among the survivors.
Climate Change Threatens Southwest U.S.
April 6th 2007
When I visited my cousin and his family in Orange County, California, he told me that they had only had 2 inches of Rain in Los Angeles and Orange County since last June. Since normal is about 13 inches I was concerned. The next morning we awoke to a lot of smoke flying overhead his house. A brushfire had started within 10 miles directly upwind of his house. He wasn't as afraid for his house but he was concerned about his daughter's and many friends. While I was there one set of friends directly in the path of the fire asked if they could keep their horses in my cousin's corral with his. He said "yes" but it was also good we were returning to the northern california coast so he could have room for his friends who were evacuating their house. A few days later I learned that his daughter's house was saved and the fire had burned right up to the fences of his friends corral and house. This was the first week of March 2007, a very strange time (in normal times at least) to have a fire like this in California(fire season is normally June through October in more normal years).
New report on Global Warming watered down report Scientists
April 7th 2007
Please paste above article if interested
Scientists in the above article complain that the recent Global Warming predictions were watered down by government bureacracies because they felt incapable of dealing with the truth.
The article states that the poorest in every country in both rich and poor nations will be the first to be harmed and to die from the changes.
I think the most useful way to look at this whole situation is that the human race treated the planet as if it was limitless instead of a limited and fragile ecosystem. Now, all life on earth will pay the next few hundred years until most people are gone and most life is dead. Then, if anyone survives it may slowly come back one day to what it is now. However, anytime there is overpopulation again in the far future Global warming or more precisely extreme climatic changes will result. I think that is the most useful way to look at it. The human race has unrelentingly violated the earth and now earth in order to regain some kind of balance again will in the process take out most of the human race. It is not useful to hate either earth or the humans that caused this because it is us and our ancestors for especially the last 500 years or so. Nothing any one of us could have done would have changed things much.
Now, if any of us survive the next 500 years, hopefully, the knowledge of what caused all this will help future civilizations to cope and to survive in better ways than the ones we chose.
9-11:Fact or Fiction?
April 4th 2007
I'm not sure I've tried this before or not so here goes. I'm going to try as a psychic to share with you about 9-11. Whether or not this is a good idea or not remains to be seen. However, as I was listening to the editor of popular mechanics talk about World Trade Center Tower #7 on CNN on TV, I decided to tune into what was really going on there then.
First of all, one cannot believe the news reports of any given country anymore. If you listen to reports from a variety of nations and sources you might just get the vaguest idea of some things. However, the most important things that have to do with your physical and economic survival you won't find out until it is too late. That is a given. To expect anything else is to be naive.
So, moving from that reality the world is based less on money that it is power. As one moves up the pyramid one sees this more and more clearly. Up to 1 to 5 million money is important. Beyond that amount in any one person's worth or bank account it doesn't really matter. Beyond that amount it is about varying degrees of power. If you haven't been exposed to the inner workings of people worth more than one millions dollars you would have no reason to understand this one fact.
However, understanding this then you can understand the following: What does Osama Bin Laden want?
He wants all corrupt governments in the middle east to collapse. He wants all Shias and everyone who is not a muslim who thinks like him to die and he wants all the rest of the world that doesn't convert to think like him to die.
What do the FBI, the CIA, the NSA want?
They want to be continued to be funded like they were during the cold war!
What does the World Trade Organization want?
They want all governments to be rendered useless except for their purpose which is to make as much money as possible for Corporations. The only problem with this is that Corporations are not people. However, stockholders are people. So I guess it would be useful to say that the stockholders of the world en masse by their existence brought about the World Trade Organization by accident. The World Trade Organization is a bunch of world economic power brokers that operate outside of democratically elected governments. The net effect of the World Trade Organization is to disempower local governments around the world, especially democracies in order to maximize profit taking by Corporations Worldwide.
At this point I'm not trying to say any of this is good or bad only that it is going on. If you don't like any of this then it is in your best interests to try to change it to something better.
What I am saying though, is that I don't think it was any accident that the World Trade Center which is often associated with the World Trade Organization was targeted during 9-11. I think you can draw your own conclusions from what I am saying.
Did Osama Bin Laden really make 9-11 happen? Or was it allowed to happen in order to create a stronger WTO and weaker democracies? Has the war in Iraq made the United States weaker or stronger as a democracy? Outside of drawing a line in the sand, so to speak I think you would have to say the United States is much weaker as a nation now than when this started in its standing worldwide!
Old Testament times
1:12 am pdt april 2nd 2007
The family and I had watched a movie I think is called The Nativity or something like that. Then I tried to sleep but couldn' because a friend might have to fly to Thailand to get his rotator muscles in his left arm repaired. I was worried about him because he is still a musician and hasn't retired yet and so I found myself praying for him. I knew he had broken his arm but didn't know about the other damage. So I got up and watched a program on the history channel of Saul and David's historical battles and stuf. Then a program on new historical findings on how Santorini erupting had to do with Moses and the Israelites leaving Egypt and how ripple earthquakes likely brought rust to the surface of the Red Sea which drove out the frogs after all the fish died from lack of oxygen. The frogs caused one plague then that caused a chain reaction of plagues. Then finally, the Santorini eruptions cloud descended Egypt into darkness for quite a while. The ice and fire is a natural phenomenon from an extreme eruption at that lattitude with the weather conditions present there.
The Dance of Life
April 1st 2007
Life is not static. It is always moving. I used to say to people "I don't want to give up my quality of life." However, if one stays still long enough ones quality of life just evaporates in the sun and wind. So then one sees that movement like breathing, eating and drinking water is necessary to sustain life. In the same way meeting people, making money, seeing new sights are also necessary for a healthy life so one is moving forward in all ways.
So in the end moving forward while maintaining as much harmony as possible given the way life really is becomes the goal.
What is Enlightenment Like?
March 31st 2007
Everything is now
Everywhere is here now
Every Time is now
Every child being born is you. Bless the child
Every being dying is you. Help them to the nearest heaven
Every being suffering is you. Bring them to bliss. Teach them
if they will listen. Show them if they will watch
Be an example for them to follow in case they notice
Teach right mindful compassion powered by the wisdom of experience
Teach compassion. It spreads like wildfire
spreading bliss through the universe like rain brings flowers
Shakespeare In Love?
March 30th 2007
My wife got a copy of Shakespeare in Love on DVD because she liked it. So the three of us sat down to watch it. It proved a little much for our 11 year old. She thought it was both boring and disturbing. We, however, thought it might help our budding artist and writer to see how Shakespeare(at least in the Movie) used all the pathos in his turbulent life to wind up with the breathtaking, Romeo and Juliet. I can remember some of the best things I have ever written in my life were when I was deeply in love, breaking up, or suicidal(early 20's) from unrequited love. In the middle of those feelings one feels things that one just doesn't feel at other times in ones life when one is simply in one rut in ones life or another. Only when we are blasted out of our ruts do we really see how(wonderful, awful, terrifying, amazing)life really is. Any rational person knows that one cannot stay blown out of ones rut very long without permanently snapping or dying. But those moments when one feels truly alive if one can just stay alive and keep everyone else alive too, are precisely when the seeds of true enlightenment are planted. If we survive, though those seeds take a lifetime to grow, in the end they are what bring enlightenment.
There is a Chinese curse: "May you be born in interesting times." This just means that interesting times are usually times of wars and extreme change which usually means a lot of death and suffering. However, those times also are represented by a Chinese Charactor that means simaltaneously danger and opportunity. Without opportunity there can be no progress and without danger there is no opportunity. Here is the paradox of life. Either be bored out of your mind or be scared out of your wits with opportunity. This seems to be the lot of us humans.
Somewhere in the middle of all that is Enlightenment. Always be looking for it or you might miss it like a quick butterfly or a lightning strike. With the thunder comes the realization either way!
Self Empowerment
March 30th 2007
What is self empowerment?
Answer: Self empowerment is:
Freedom of Thought
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Action
The freedom to create ones future
The freedom to feel empowered to think about what to create
The freedom to accept that one can create a better future
The freedom to begin to create a better future
The freedom to change ones mind at any point when one has a better idea
The freedom to try that new idea to see if it works
The freedom to try something else if it doesn't work
Self empowerment is about questioning authority
Self empowerment is knowing that each person is a free being
Self empowerment is find a way to be all that you want to be and more
Self empowerment is finding others who are self empowered and making friends with them
Self empowerment is joining with other groups of self empowered people to create large networks of self empowered people
Some self empowered people believe in God and some don't. If you are an open minded self empowered person you realize that even atheistic self empowered people should be honored. To be truly self empowered one realizes that the ideal is for all beings to become self empowered as long as they respect the needs of other beings.
Self empowerment can only really work well en masse when everyone's needs are respected. So in order to be both self empowered and respected one must respect the needs of all other beings that one comes into contact with.
Telepathic Conversation with my Mother's Soul
March 29th 2007
"You've forgotten me, Mother!"
"Yes. I have"
You have forgotten my father, Mother!"
"Yes I've forgotten him, too."
Mom said, "I am a very little girl now. Waiting to grow up,"
She said, "Soon, I will be reborn as Elohar."
She went on, "It is very healing to relive when I was a small child.
I had a hard life as a child, son. My parents were disciplined but poor.
My father went from being a methodist minister to cabinet maker. He was a dreamer. During the depression many times we didn't have enough food. The hinges on our doors were made out of leather belts, not metal. we warmed ourselves from a 50 gallon drum made into a wood stove. We were cold and hungry often. The 1930's were awful. Even the 1920's were difficult for us. The whole responsibility fell on my father of my mother and us three girls. He was very unhappy. His father died when my father was 8 trying to save my father's life. My father's whole life was a penance trying to be worthy in the eyes of God for his father's death. Life was difficult. Then when I turned 18 my father left my mother and never looked back. I had to work making hand bags to support my mother and I until the mid 1940's when mother could get social security. My older sisters got married so I was left supporting Mom until I married your father when I was 27 years old. So I had to be poor then support my mother until I married your father. Then I was relieved to be married to a good provider like your father. But he was the opposite of my father and that made it difficult in another way."
"Now I'm a little girl again and I can just dream and be taken care of without worry. Yes. I have forgotten you and your father. I'm sorry about that. Now I can heal all the scars of my childhood and growing up and having to support my mother. I'm sorry son. I know it must be hard on you but this is what I have to do now as a soul. Good bye, Son! You will next see me as Elohar in 1970. My love will be with you always even though my present body will never remember you, again. I love you son. Take care!"
Interesting article on mammals and dinosaurs
March 28th 2007
Paste above yahoo article if interested.
If you read the above yahoo article one possible reason for the way things went would be that if humanoids were present in one form or other, they would probably have an aversion to animals that weren't mammals. Therefore they would tend to kill non mammals first. This is just an idea. I propose this as a psychic that this could be one reason things were the way they were.
Being a precognitive psychic is a strange ability. I find that I sometimes can see earthquakes before they happen, like the Loma Prieto in 1989. I sensed the Tsunami that hit Indonesia before it happened but because I didn't live there I simply felt like I was going to die for several days before it happened and was relieved it wasn't me dying and simaltaneously horrified for all those who did die when I saw it happening on tv.As soon as the Earthquake caused Tsunami happened I stopped feeling like I was going to die. The other interesting thing is that the heaven realm usually stays dimensionally a greater distance from the earth dimension. However, starting one month before it stayed very close. I mentioned to my wife during that month that I thought many people would die soon because of the nearness of the heaven realms. I was right. In addition to sensing things before they happen I can also sometimes sense what has already happened. Though I might be accurate in describing the physicality for something that happened in the past I don't usually understand necessarily the cultural context for it, especially if it is more than 500 years ago.
The reason this last point is important is that since I actually lived through 1965 to 1975 and was 17 to 27 when that actually happened. When I see documentaries or even movies made now about that era I just usually laugh because at best they are caricature like, or like a political cartoons and have actually nothing in common with what was actually happening then. Ask anyone who was a part of the 60's movements and they might say similar things as me.
The best way I could describe what people my age thought was, "If our generation doesn't do something to change things we are all going to be nuked out of existence if we don't die in Viet Nam first!" That in a nutshell was how insane those times were. If some people chose to end their lives in many insane ways, if you read what I put in quotes that is why they died, whether it was in Viet Nam or drugs or fast cars it was the same. We all knew it was up to us to save the world or die trying. That was the given. That was REAL.
That we succeeded was a surprise to all of us. However, you can't imagine the disapointment we found in throwing the baby out with the bathwater so to speak. And many who burned bras and draft cards found they needed those things later, if they wanted to get a job and live.
Why I like Buddhism (especially Tibetan Buddhism
March 28th 2007
The following prayer I start my day with:
May all beings attain Bliss and the Cause of Bliss
May all beings be free from suffering and the Cause of Suffering
My all beings never be without the supreme Bliss that is free from all near and far
All Grasping and aversion
(three times)
All beings means all beings in all universes both inside and outside of all time and space
Suffering really is mostly about the way one views the universe. It is not really about physical or even mental infirmities."Free from all near and far---all grasping and aversion." This statement means all time and space and all beings are only one being. All beings in the universe and all places in the universe as well as all times in the universe cannot in reality be separated from each other in any useful way. So all forms of mental or emotional separation are inherently unreal very much like children playing roles and not actual in any way. Understanding there is but one being that is all time and space everywhere everywhen is the essence of why compassion towards all life in the universe is necessary because in the end all being is the one being and everything is the one thing or one being that everything everywhere is in all universes! The indisputable logic of this is undeniable if one calms down enough to really contemplate what is being said. With contemplation all other logics break down into this final way of viewing the universe and all being and all time.
Staying Alive for My Children
March 28th 2007
I feel haunted by so many people I know either dying or going crazy. The crazy is either alzheimers or senile dementia. In some ways death is much easier and a much more final thing. Senile dementia and alzheirmers is much more horrific because the persons you knew and loved become wierd strangers you never wanted to know so you are left with only feeling guilty no matter what you do. There is no satisfaction whatsoever in regard to these kinds of craziness, only loss and a feeling of guilt and wondering what you could have done differently.
Except for my Goddaughter who just moved out to live with her boyfriend I find myself worrying about my two older children who have come of age. My son, choosing to be a roomate to his ex-wife, and my daughter only 18, choosing to visit her boyfriend in Colorado for a week skiing.
Once I was a mountain Climber and an adventurer. Now I worry like my parents did about all my adventures only now it is about my children. I guess that is the way of the world. Though I have a motor home I don't use it much because I'm not interested in travelling alone much. If I was single it probably would be different. But then it was always easy for me to meet women (Not a good thing if you want to stay married and still have a 10 year old daughter at home). Being an adventurer is for single people who don't mind dying. However, once you have children, one has a responsibility to live on for ones children, hopefully at least until they turn 30.
Money is no longer a real worry for me. Praise God! I find I don't go make friends like I used to. When my father died in 1985 it so destroyed my life I realized I didn't want anyone else in my life that I loved that much to pain me that way so I stopped making friends that I would have to watch die or go crazy one day. I suppose it is a choice that leads to loneliness but it also seems for me at least to lead to longevity and good physical health.
My one last good friend broke his arm while skiing so I didn't have anyone to go skiing with last week. Bummer. I guess some people would say, "Poor Baby! You are 59 years old almost, and you still Ski! You still have friends that ski with you. Be greatful! Let it go!
My friend is about 56, a little younger than I. He said he hit the ground at about 35mph. I said that is too fast for our age and said I seldom ski above 30 anymore because I just don't like what happens to me above that speed if I hit the ground. A few years ago I hit the ground at about 30mph and lost a ski while somehow one ski stayed on and my body rolled with the one ski at high speed. At first I thought I had broken my neck because I had a headache for a couple of days. Nope. I was okay.
I have been skiing now since 1963. Dad had a pair of World War II Army skis with beartrap bindings and I used to ski in the wilderness of Big Bear in southern California near Palm Springs. Later I skied Mt. Waterman and Snow Summit in Big Bear. With my present wife I skied Badger Pass in Yosemite where we married at the Chapel. Later we skied together with our two daughters at Squaw Valley. But now, since Janet got smoke inhalation in Lake Tahoe from a fire there last summer I ski at Mt. Shasta mainly. My wife doesn't ski much anymore. My ex stopped skiing too because of her knees. I'm still sort of okay but sometimes my right knee acts up a little and I don't have as much control so I have to be careful when I ski now too.
My first wife and I bought matching cross country skis in Ashland, Oregon to ski Mt. Shasta. We found wonderful ski trails across the ice at Castle Lake and from Bunny Flats down to seven mile curve and of course when I was younger the Kilamanjaro route the snowboarders use now down shasta. Now, I find it easier to use the ski lift. It is a lot less work that cross country skiing. Also, if I want to I can ski alone at a ski lift and not worry at my age. Skiing alone cross country at my age can sometimes be problematic. A few years ago I tried skiing the Bunny Flat to Seven mile curve alone and got into a white out. Since I wasn't prepared to dig in (snow cave)until it passed I barely made it to seven mile curve and my car. I didn't want to experience that again.
So even though now I still can be an adventurere it is much more important to me for my kids sake that I survive my adventures. 10 to 30 years from now I might have adventures just so I don't check out too slowly but for now I'm still trying to keep it together for my wife and kids.
15 years old
March 27th 2007
I was once, unbelievably to my children at least, 15 years old. The year was 1963. It was summertime. I was up at shasta Springs for 2 weeks. I hadn't gone to the conclave when I was 13 or 14 because I wasn't sure I believed in God. I was sure I beleived now at age 15. However, I wasn't as sure about any religion in general. I just knew I believed in God and what worked to stay alive which was believing in God. This summer I had had my two broken teeth capped and I immediately noticed that both girls and women found me attractive now that I had caps on my two front teeth. Also, I had a southern California surfer tan which I suppose helped too.
There were two girls who expressed more than the others an interest in me. One I had known since I was a little boy and she was from Florida. The other I hadn't known as long was from Canada. Both had been raised in my religion. I had just freed myself from childhood epilepsy by invoking God into my body so my seizures that occured once every 6 months while I was asleep had stopped suddenly. I was still getting used to the fact that I was FREE and that God lived inside me instead of epilepsy.
These two girls seemed to be competing for my attentions. However, by then I had not dated anyone yet. HOwever, during the course of those two weeks they both years later said I kissed each of them or they kissed me. I guess I just wasn't ready or prepared for all this and so had blanked that memory out because it was just too much after getting over epilepsy and everything else happening in my life.
However, I do remember that when I started my sophomore year which where I went to school was the first year of high school, President Kennedy was shot while I was in Gymn class and died while I was in my next class, English. There was a beautiful girl named Gayle that sat behind me and I think the President dying made me realize just how short life was. Because of the assasination I was scared into asking Gayle out on a date.
I don't think I was in my body enough the summer before to remember anything much. I wasn't old enough to make too much sense of everything that happened. I think this sort of thing happens to many people who experience all kinds of things before they are really ready for them.
The Melody Continues
March 27th 2007
I dreamed last night about a girl I grew up with in the same religion. Though she was 10 years younger than I our parents thought we would be a good match. However, when my religion and I parted ways when I was 21 her parents quickly changed their minds about this. At age 26 I married as my then girlfriend was pregnant and I wanted my son to have my name. When I was 27 I was living in San Diego County and she asked me to give her a motorcycle ride. I did so but was surprised that her parents were in Europe and she was all alone. Since I was married and had a son nothing ever came of that but a motorcycle ride.
Years later she visited me and my second wife when I was about 40 and she 30. She was recently divorced and brought her beautiful 3 year old daughter to visit in Mt. Shasta City. I believe her mother had already passed on as well as my father. I knew my marriage was not long for this world but also realized that her religion was very important to her. Leaving my religion was something that I had barely survived so I totally understood. I recently spoke with a mutual friend from the religion we both grew up in. I suppose he shared with her this exchange so it would make sense then why I had this dream.
The dream for me was very healing as leaving my home religion has always left many tears in my soul. Though I understand it was a way for God to turn me into a very powerful adept for his uses, my personal experience of a lot of it could be termed as torture. This is why I identify with Moses so much. Like Moses I had to leave my home religion and culture. Like Moses I almost did not survive my trek across the desert without food or water. Like Moses I saw God the "I AM that I AM" and like Moses I have never been the same ever since. Like Moses I have always been a little lonely for my old religions friends, but also like Moses if I hadn't almost died in the desert I wouldn't have seen God and changed to become someone God annointed for his purposes.
The Departed
March 26th 2007
I watched The Departed on DVD last night. I found it hard to like ANY character played in the movie. Liking the actors was easy. Liking the characters they played was impossible for me. The lady who played the therapist I wanted to like and in the end I found her the most likable(which isn't saying much). However, I still give the movie an A for being well executed. However, it took me until 2 am to calm down after finishing it at midnight last night. It is a very disturbing movie that deals with both the greyness of both the criminal world and law enforcement. The greyness in this movie seems to overshadow law enforcement as much as it overshadows the criminals.
Custodian of Wealth
March 25th 2007
In 1994 I was going through a really terrible divorce and custody battle. I have always had a relationship with God where if I ask God for something he gives it to me. However, it always completely changes my life and is somewhat terrifying for me like living the Old Testament so I don't request things from God very often like this because I just find it too terrifing for everyday life.
Since I doubted that I would survive my divorce and custody battle I called out to God with every fiber of my being. I said, "God Help Me. I am ready to become a Custodian of Wealth. Please help me. Save me!
Though I didn't completely understand it at the time he completely changed me life and put me in a position of Custodian of Wealth. At the time it didn't make any sense to me. Now 13 years later it makes complete sense. As I was being changed by God into a Custodian of Wealth I thought I was dying as God was willing in 1998 when I got a heart virus. No, that wasn't the case. He was just forcing me to start this website because I had been afraid to publish my writings before. And also, he forced me to retire so that I had literally, an "Infinite amount of time for the leisure to Practice". If you are a truly spiritual person "Leisure to Practice" is how God works through us humans to change the world. So if God gives you "Leisure to practice" please honor his wishes for you to meditate and pray and to help people in whatever ways your talents or capacities lie.
God has made me both a visionary and a technician. He has shown me that "One with God is a majority". God has also shown me that for people like you and I there is literally nothing in an emergency that God cannot do through us. This is Not just theoretical this is actual experience! Sometimes emergencies arise and God impresses me with how powerful He/She, the being is!
When I asked to be a custodian of wealth I imagined that I would be a caretaker of physical wealth for God. Though that is also true now it was naive of me looking back at how I thought what it all meant. To God the true basis of wealth is unimaginable compassion and wisdom dispensed for free to all life everywhere. Yes, money is a part of this but actually not the most important part. What it is to be a Custodian of Wealth for God really is to be a really big pipeline from God that automatically dispenses whatever beings need on time at the right time. When you or I receive this what makes God REALLY happy is when we show grattitude in a totally natural way. So in the innosence of grattitude is the motor of God's infinite grace.
My daughter asked me to write more on Gaia and Merlin
March 25th 2007
The first part was written in december 2006 and the next is today March 25 2007
Gaia and Merlin
originally published here December 2006
Merlin heard in the distance "Life is changing everything is wonderful, everything is wonderful". This melodious dreamlike song was repeated in lyrics with different beats and music over and over again. After what seemed like an interminable time he finally realized that he had heard this ever changing ever repeating song enough and decided to wake up enough to figure out at least who was singing.
As he awoke, he realized he had been asleep for a very long time. His fingernails were several feet long as well as his hair and beard. His robes were faded and basicly rotting off him. His cave smelled dank out of use but his underground stream still flowed through just as before. He looked over at his magic board and it said it was now December of 2006 which was quite a surprise because when he went to sleep it had been only 800 or 900 AD. He heard the music and singing coming from his ever filling pool of Gaia so he realized that Gaia (the sentient being Earth) was summoning him from his deep sleep.
As he got up he was coughing a little and clearing his throat for the always interesting conversation that he had ongoing with his good friend and compatriot, Gaia, otherwise known as Mother Earth or even Mother nature. By the time he reached the pool of Gaia, Gaia was sounding like thousands of angels, fairies and elves singing her song of "Life is changing everything is wonderful, everything is wonderful". As he walked up the song faded and over the now background music of angels, fairies, elves and gnomes Gaia began to speak. As always Merlin was very honored and well loved by Gaia.
Gaia said, "Merlin, my beloved friend, did you sleep well?" Merlin cleared his throat and said, "My Good Woman Gaia it appears I have slept well over 1000 years. Why is this?" "Gaia said, "You weren't needed until now, Merlin." Merlin felt a little miffed and said, "Why is that?" She said, "Well. Most of the old ways were slowly forgotten until now and now the world is beginning to end all the species one by one." Merlin said, "That is horrifying!" Gaia said, "Not to me, Merlin. I have seen many more species come and go than you have. Just because any species exists for a time does not mean it can exist forever." Merlin thought better about what he really might like to say and said instead, "How about humans like me?" Gaia hesitated a little like she had been stung and said, "They appear to be committing suicide as a race and taking all others with them." Merlin said, "Can't you save them?" Gaia said, "That's not my job, Merlin. However, it might be yours if you so choose." Merlin said, "If they don�t believe in the old ways then what do they believe in?" Gaia seemed sad," I think a realistic appraisal would be that most people on earth now worship money more than anything else." Merlin started turning red, "But money is the root of all evil!" Gaia said, "Well. I don't know about that but at present it definitely is the death of all the species of plants and animals one by one."
Merlin continued to get angry, "Why did you have to wake up an old man to this. I think you have purposely awakened me too late. Why would you do this?" Gaia smiled and said, "I want you to lead a few of them to survive everything that comes. Many believe in many religions that all humans go extinct soon so that might happen to them because they believe it. However, I want some humans to remain in my new and renewed garden of earth after most humans are gone." Merlin said, "So I'm not supposed to save everyone just a few that you will choose." Gaia said, "Exactly"
March 25th 2007
Merlin said, "Please Gaia. Give me a little time to wake up and go outside and see how the world has changed." Gaia said, "Come back and meet me in 3 days, Merlin." Merlin said sadly "Okay." Merlin felt so very out of place. He was psychic enough to know just by the feel in the outside air that he had met his match. Just one look at how many people now lived on his very large Island(somewhere in Great Britain) made him very sad. Even the air smelled funny. He looked up at the sky and saw funny clouds that had big birds that made them. He looked closer and saw they were not birds but something man made. It gave him chills. He noticed right away the earth did not feel as alive or as healthy as it did when he was last awake. He noticed the people seemed more frantic than he had ever seen people unless they were at war. The average person seemed more intelligent, less physicaly healthy, in some ways more mentally healthy and in some ways less mentally healthy. However, one thing was certain. For all intents and purposes these were not the humans he once knew. They were all complete aliens to him. This would make his new job much easier. He sighed. All the real humans he knew had been dead for 1000 years or more. He would be able to have the distance necessary to do as Gaia wished. He sighed again that some of the Great Grandchildren, so to speak of his era would live on.
Eventually he returned to Gaia in his Cave. He stood over the pool of Gaia and she came. "Merlin!" she said, "What do you think, now?" Merlin said, "I'm sad all the old kinds of humans are gone." Gaia said, "Me too, Merlin. But we all must deal with what is rather than what was." Merlin said, "Unfortunately, you are right." Gaia said, "Can you save some of them for me?" Merlin said, "Maybe." Gaia said, "Maybe, is all I need from you, Merlin. Because maybe for you, is always 'yes'". Merlin said, "In this case you are most probably right." At this he managed a little smile." He said, "I'm glad humans won't go extinct." This time his eyes glowed a little. His magic was returning. The love between Gaia and him was growing again. He said a little crypticly to Gaia, "So our love will again infuse the future?" Gaia said, "Yes, my love." Merlin felt life returning to his blood. He felt fire return to his veins and arteries. He felt strength flow into his mind and heart and body. He was renewed!
As he walked out of the cave he heard Gaia say, "Save them for me, Merlin!" He said powerfully,"I will my love, My Gaia!" They both smiled as both knew now he would succeed!
As Merlin walked down the first dirt road a young woman with some kind of pack on her back said "Hi" to him. Merlin said, "Can you help an old eccentric man?" The woman stepped back but said, "Why are you dressed like that?" Merlin ever the crafty man said, "I'm going to a costume party." The young woman relaxed a little and said at a good distance, "How can I help you?" Merlin said, "I'm lost. I tried to find the party on foot and realized I don't know where I am." The young woman looked suspicious and said,"If you walk down this road to the paved one you can take a bus to Glastonbury, you know where the Tull is that used to be called in legendary times the Isle of Avalon." Since this old man was obviously dressed in costume as Merlin she added all this.
The old man smiled knowing exactly where he was now. It had all changed so much now. All the old forests had long been chopped down for many many reasons. Merlin asked possibly expecting the answer, "Do you know who my costume is supposed to represent?" The young woman said, "Of course. You have to be Merlin, the magician. Also, where are you from old man, I can't quite place your accent because it is so ancient and archaic. If I didn't speak gaelic I wouldn't be able to even understand you at all." Merlin thought fast and said, "I'm a linguist." Then he turned away and telepathed with her and made her think he was talking in present day dialects. She said, "Oh. That explains a lot. You've definitely mastered what people believe Merlin actually spoke. I've studied that in college. Are you one of the linguistic researchers?" Merlin said that he was and the young woman was very impressed. She wanted his research name but Merlin befuddled her mind a little with fantasies so she wouldn't suspect too much and sent her on her way.
As the young woman directed he found the paved road. He saw someone next to a little hut of some kind and asked them if this was where the bus stopped. The old woman said, "I can't understand you very well. Can't you speak good english?" Merlin looked at her, thought about it and said, "I'm in costume for a costume party as Merlin so I'm trying to stay in charactor." The old woman said, "That is very well and good but if I can't understand you I can't help you." Merlin again turned away and telepathed with this old woman. However, she wasn't fooled like the young woman and then she said, "Merlin, I have waited my whole life to meet you." Merlin turned and smiled. He said, "I have been asleep in my cave. Are you one of the ones I'm supposed to save?" The old woman cried with relief and said, "I'm old and I won't be alive more than 20 years more at best but please come home with me and save my chidren. We live in Glastonbury. We have all been waiting for you for generations. You are finally here." Merlin said, "I'm just waking up these last few days.
March 26th 2007
"What is your name?" said Merlin. The old woman said, "My name is Clair." and smiled at Merlin. Merlin said, "That is a beautiful name." Clair said, "Thank you. HOwever, here is our bus to Glastonbury." Merlin handed Clair a silver coin. Clair said, "This is my treat." Merlin looked uncomfortable at this but accepted her help.
He was a little unnerved by the Bus and the people. The people seemed afraid of him like he was a beggar or something and pulled away. He smelled a little more pungent than present day people as well. That was one of the ways Clair realized he really was Merlin, because of the herbs he wore to cover his pungence since bathing wasn't as regular an occurance in his times.
As the bus drove into Glastonbury Merlin felt very sad. Though all the new scientific accomplishments were everywhere he noticed the people didn't look happy at all. In fact they looked very stressed an unhappy generally. When Clair asked him to get off at her stop it took him a moment to catch up to the speed of things in this new present day. He got up suddenly like Clair had and got off the bus. The moment he was free of the bus it took off and the wind blew his beard and his long white hair.
Calling All Navigators
March 25th 2007
Calling all visionaries! If you are reading this and can understand what I am saying then you are in a class of people that spans people like Einstein, Galileo, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Isaac Newton. In not only reading but also understanding what I am writing about you are moving in the same direction as people like Einstein when he converted his Astral projection of himself on a beam of light in space into mathematics and formula which resulted in E=MC squared.
If you can see clearly and have the visionary ability to conceptualize, to visualize the future of mankind, then you have the ability like myself, to help save mankind from themselves.
Several months ago I wrote an article on how I liken my abilities very much like a passenger in a car or bus that tells the driver,"Slow down. There's an accident ahead." If the driver listens to me the people in the bus or car will not crash into the accident but likely will survive. If, however, the driver in the car (the You times infinity) doesn't listen then the passengers in the bus (all life on earth does not survive).
Very possibly, you like me have the ability to see into the future in one or more ways. For example, what I am really doing in all my web pages is changing the future, for I know in my heart that the future and the past are NOT static but ever changing. By subtly changing the future to a better one your children and mine will have much better lives and a REAL chance to not only survive but to have meaningful lives. Meaningful lives like mine and yours ALWAYS make the future subtly better for all. If there are enough visionaries like you and I then we can together make the future BLATANTLY better for all.
A blatent change was made in the future in the new movie The Last Mimsy. These kinds of changes are possible. In fact I consider myself altered by my ancestors coming back through time and altaring my life so that I would change the future also. I am doing that right now through YOU. In just reading this you are changing the future to a better place through your thoughts and dreams, through what you write, through the music and lyrics you write, through your art etc. Remember, just by reading what I write you are subtly changing the future to a better one for everyone!
Nuclear Weapons
March 24th 2007
I was listening to an NPR report on the radio in my car. As I listened to the discussion on the nuclear changes in the world and of how people all over the world are changing in their thoughts about nuclear weapons worldwide I realized as a psychic that new nuclear missiles that are presently being built around the world now have two purposes. One is to explode on the ground and the second purpose is to explode in the air before an antimissile missile hits it in order to create a EMP (ElectroMagnetic Pulse). This second purpose is relatively new and based upon the possible likelyhood that the United States might shoot down a weapon.
Among my generation of Baby Boomers that grew up during the Cold War just after World War II it is common knowledge that a single 100 megaton nuclear weapon if exploded 100 miles over the center of the United States or Europe or middle east, or China or Russia or any other nation on earth would end all electrical devices except those specially designed for the military to avoid such problems. Not only that anyone who was within 7 to 11 feet of anything metal or electrical would likely die immediately. This is one of the reasons that the Soviet Union collapsed because the Soviet intelligentia understood this one fact. Because if this happened no car, no truck, no motorcycle, no ship, no airplane, no electric motor, no radio, no tv, no computer would ever work again. Not only that all magnetic computer stored information would be gone. Only CD's, DVD's and Blue Ray discs would still be okay because they are non magnetic. All VHS and all other tape would be gone, unreadible. This would all happen within 30 seconds.
And remember this would happen to an area of with a radius of about 2000 miles.(in other words this would create a 4000 mile wide circle. This is what the real deterent to nuclear weapons really is, the understanding of this one fact. Add to this the knowledge that 5 to 7 of these strategically placed would temporarily send the human race back to the stone age for 50 to 100 years or more. Because at that point there would be nothing left on earth that operated with electricity that was outside of specially designed technology for various armies of the world.The above knowledge, I believe is one of the real deterents to nuclear weapons.
And yet, because of the fears of Europe, The United States, the middle east etc. an emp device set off above Iran 100 miles up is probably the most likely scenario if Iran continues to build nuclear weapons with the present Iranian government in power. This is because countries like Russia and others are selling Iran very high tech weapons systems and missiles that might make it impossible without great cost to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear missiles. Therefore, since Israel and the United States are very unlikely to accept Iran ever gaining nuclear weapons the scenario of an EMP might be a logical answer for them. What I would expect is that it would be declared a meteorite that created the EMP which may or may not be accepted by the G8 nations. Any way you look at it Israel and the United States are presently facing a very serious conundrum.
Drawing a Line in the Sand
March 23rd 2007
Thus far and no further! I would like to say here as a precognitive psychic that sees not only the news cycle but also what is Really going on in the past, the present and the future that it was vitally important for the United States and the whole free world to not let 9-11 go unanswered. All who wish to do these kinds of terorist acts will understand what a price they will pay in the future if they wish to continure acts like 9-11 anywhere on earth.
Like many people I have been very distressed at the harm done to the bill of rights and to privacy not only in the United States of but also in England, Europe, China and throughout the world. 3rd world people in all areas have been harmed in unmentionable ways throughout the world in reaction to 9-11. However, here I must also say that the Western world would have quickly declined into a very weak system if it had not reacted forcefully to 9-11 and other terrorist acts. However, now that the wars are waning somewhat into something new and unexpected I think it is time for the whole world to take stock of what is really going on and to bring back human rights into the forefront of all human activity on the planet. Wars always dehumanize and kill and maim unexpected people in many many ways. However, now we must bring back human rights to as many people as possible on the planet which might actually be more possible right now at the end of the first phaze of the terrorist war against the western world or more specifically, the terrorist war against anyone muslim or otherwise that does not share the extreme terrorist beliefs of Osama Bin Laden and his followers and imitators.
Survival 101
March 22 2007
I realized that I needed to share the following: What makes a quality and long lasting life?
A healthy belief in God or nature.
A feeling of kindness and compassion towards other beings
Also, the capacity to mentally and if necessary physically protect oneself or others from harm
A positive view of both health and excercise
A knowledge that every food has a drug like effect on the body and mind
Therefore a necessity to learn what is healthy to eat to survive and what to not eat in order to live a long life both for oneself and others
The necessity of refraining from all medicines and drugs that are not an absolute necessity for physical survival
A capacity to refrain even from pain killers if possible in the pursuit of longevity. In other words unless the pain is completely dibilitating don't use pain killers.
Whenever possible one should commune with nature to remain true to ones inner primalness
The view that all civilization is a necessary evil that doesn't completely address what is is to be human. The view that anarchy won't work either.
The understanding that politeness is the glue of all civilizations
The idea that one with God is a majority or One with nature is a majority(same idea)
The understanding that family is the real building block of humaness. Most other forms are but temporary and fleeting even though they have real uses for group survival.
Understanding that there are senses beyond the five and that prayer in obtaining the positive use of these gifts is useful to all beings on earth.
In Obtaining such gifts one must realize that these gifts are to bless all life not just for ones personal selfish needs and wishes.
What I Learned Growing Up
March 19th 2007
What is normal for a child growing up? The best answer I can give is from the point of view of a 7 year old child. Normal, from the perspective of a 7 year old would be what that child is taught by those he or she trusts with his or her life.
Moving from this point of view I learned that the religion I was being raised in was not one most people were aware of. I learned to tell people when they asked me my religiong to say, "It is similar to Christian Science" and to leave it at that if I could. I learned to only tell what I was taught to believe in to friends who I trusted with my life and my secrets.
Growing up in the 1950's in Los Angeles County, California it was simply not a good idea to reveal too much about your politics or beliefs if they weren't generally understood and accepted by the general populace.
My Father, was a vegetarian from 1934 and I would say he was on the "genius" side. However, his family of 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls was a very intelligent but very intense group of people. So, in his second marriage to my mother at age 30 (his first to a 17 year old lady when he was 21) he chose a very calm spiritual person very grounded in common sense. However, intellectually my mother was not a rocket scientist. But of all the people I have ever met in my life my mother was the most honest, and the most geniune and spiritual. No one even comes close to my mother that I have really got to know very much in geniune natural spirituality, compassion and caring for all life.
In this sense my mothers natural spirituality and amazing spiritual gifts including an operatic voice that literally spiritually blew people away in church for most of her life had a profound and lasting effect on me. Even now, as an 88 year old with senile dementia and not knowing who I am she puts the rest of the world to shame with his innate spirituality in action. I know she is slowly dying now with this illness but I am still amazed and impressed by her genuine spiritual love and kindness for everyone.
My father came to this religion through his first wife's parents. My mother came to this religion through her father who started out as a methodist minister.
My father read "Unveiled Mysteries" and "The Magic Presence" which are the first two books of the Saint Germain series in 1939 on a yacht he charted with his first wife and brother that took them to Tahiti and the Tuomoto archipeligo. I still have color movies that were taken in 16mm film and then converted into vhs tape in the 1980's and then converted by me to DVD of this trip. What is amazing is that the DVD is actually better in some ways than the original 16mm was.
My father married my mother in 1946 about 7 years later when he was thirty years old and she 26. They were together until he passed on in 1985 near Palm Springs, California. He was only 69 and I was only 37. There is never a good time at any age to lose a parent but since my father was always larger than life like a John Wayne it felt to my mother and I like we were on the Titanic and it was sinking. I did better than she did because I was married and raising three kids at the time. I did what I could but Mom was like a rudderless ship and moved back and forther between California, Oregon and Seattle and then back and forth between California and Seattle until 1992 when she moved near me in California. She always seemed to listen to my advice and then do the opposite. The only one she ever really listened to regarding decisions was Dad and he was gone.
Back to age 7. By that time I had learned to visualize. A whole lot of time was spent teaching me to do this. If I wanted something or a certain outcome I was taught to visualize the thing or the event coming to me in my life. I cannot stress how powerful this concept is, especially if used for good with a spiritual compassionate perspective. This one teaching has been amazingly powerful in my life.
Since I was taught to function as a Co-Creator with God it became automatic and only ebbed for a few years from ages 9 to 15 when I questioned God and religious beliefs of all people including myself. However, for me as most people, "There are no Atheists in foxholes." What this means to me is that when your life is in real danger we all call out for God's help whether we fully believe or not.
In order to survive I out of complete desperation to stay alive used fully the full power I had been taught in my parents religion and it saved my life!
However, even though I was convinced that God and religion worked I still was not fully convinced about the hypocricy I saw in all religions including my own. Because God had forced me to become spiritual and religious I was angry at the hypocrisy I saw all around. I thought to myself, "Why are all these people allowed to be so hypocritical? God doesn't allow me to be hypocritical?" This caused me a lot of anger at the time.
Now I don't worry about this because I have long since learned that, "For the very gifted God demands much more!" I have learned that if you are extremely gifted you aren't allowed to misuse those God given Gifts unless you are willing to immediately die as a consequence! However, when I was young I had to suffer a lot to learn all this because "To those God gives Powers complete obedience is demanded. The alternative is death!"
In my early 20's I began to identify with Moses for like Moses I had to leave my home religion and to almost die in the process in order to be initiated by God within an inch of my life! Coming out the other side of these initiations in my 30's was a very profound experience and still is!
I know I have been rambling along a bit but wouldn't you if you wanted to tell people that by 7 you were taught to invoke a force field shaped like a giant glass milk bottle to protect you from bad ghosts and stuff like that filled with what was called Violet sacred flame to burn away bad karma every night before you went to sleep. Wouldn't you be uncomfortable as a 7 year old telling people that you believed in Jesus but also believed that through reincarnation that it was your destiny to become like him? Wouldn't you be concerned in 1955 to tell people you didn't eat onions or garlic or meat because your religion told you not to. Wouldn't you feel strange to tell people that you never wore red or black because red was the color of hate and black the color of death? People in 1955 would think you very strange and possibly even dangerous. If it were 1970 in Los angeles it might be okay and people would just call you a hippy or something. But this wasn't true yet in 1955. In 1955 this was all just too wierd!
And then there is the angiogram in 1998 when the doctors told me I had the cleanest arteries of anyone they had ever seen and that they were jealous. I told them I had been a lacto ovo vegetarian until I was 32 in 1980 and that I was still about 95% vegetarian.
When I became initiated by Tibetan lamas some of them wished for me to eat meat at that time. I found myself more grounded and a little less spacy doing this. I also noticed I became more aggressive in business and life when I ate meat at all. I only agreed to eat any meat at all at the time because at that time I was a survivalist and believed the United States might collapse when the Savings and Loan Crisis happened from the Debts from Viet Nam. However, I didn't fully understand the Global economy and how it functioned at that time. Even in the early 1980's globalisation was beginning among Earth's nations.
I now only eat turkey, chicken and a little fish like shrimp and crab and stuff like that. However, I am still about 97% vegetarian. Over 50 it is very hard to remain healthy as a vegetarian. The people who do best with it over 50 have been vegetarians from babyhood as so have studied how to stay healthy and to create a healthy vegatarian diet.
Scientists seek odd solutions to Global Warming
March 19th 2007
Please paste above article if interested
As I was reading the above yahoo news article I began to think about how one could slow down global warming and I hit upon the idea of mylar sheets slowly towed across the sky by satellites. These sheets could be launched into space aboard the space shuttle as giant roles the length of the cargo bay of the shuttle. They could then be unrolled and be miles long. In fact one side could be covered with solar cells for generation of power while at the same time blotting out the sun to create a certain amount of shade per roll back on earth. If you are having a hard time imagining this then imagine a roll of mylar that would fit into the shuttle cargo bay a lot like a giant roll of paper towels for example. then the roll could be slowly unrolled until it was miles long. As the unfurled mylar miles long circled the earth it would create large areas of shade greatly amplified because of its distance into space. Many of these rolls of mylar could be distributed into space encircling the planet at many lattitudes especially over arctic regions which are presently the hardest hit regions by global warming. The mylar would reflect the excess sunlight away from earth. When the global climate returned back to a more normal one the miles and miles of mylar could then either be rolled up or allowed to enter earths atmosphere to burn up during re-entry.
he Last Mimzy
March 19th 2007
My family and I went to a sneak preview of The Last Mimzy today. It reminded me some of being sort of like Little Buddha in that it is set in Seattle and that there are elements of Tibetan Buddhism and Tulkus involved. Other than that it was about technology sent from the future to prevent future contamination from being permanent and destroying mankind in the future.
Though I disagreed with some of the premises on a scientific basis I found some elements of the plot very believable in that I believe that future man has always tried to bring forward the elements of especially the 1500's in Europe and U.S. and Canada and places like Australia and the Brazilian rainforest and many other aspects of life taken for granted from the 1500's until now. The freedoms of thought and actions in colonial lives where exploration, freedom of thought and action, newly found undiscovered regions etc. are unimaginably rich in terms of many many things especially for those living in the technocultures of the future when there are no forests, no rainforests, no polar bears, no whales, no big fish in the oceans etc. left on earth. Earth will likely become at least for a time a place where no one really wants to live. It will become for a time where all those who live will sacrifice their lives for a better future based upon different ideas than we have presently seen in action. AFter all, we all know NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION and only the STRONG SURVIVE. In the future this will become even more true than now.
Satisfaction in Life
March 16th 2007
When I look back at my life no career really brought me much satisfaction. What actually did make life satisfying was having and raising children and helping the people I met along the way in my life. That was what was really worthwhile.
The most satifying aspects of career I suppose was owning businesses and running them. The least satisfying parts of career were working for other people. The older I got the more unsatisfying I found it to work for others. This is because most of the people I worked for I didn't find to be more intelligent than myself so I tried to move back into my own business or most of the time after I was 30 I would simaltaneously own one business and only take temporary jobs during the slow parts of the year (usually less than one month). Also, since most businesses are feast or famine when one is making money in ones business one can usually make about 10 times what one can make working for other people. I have found there are few exceptions to this unless one is in a legal or medical profession.
If you have started or are thinking about starting a business it is important to size up your competition. Not doing this will end your business before you get started.
There is another low cost way to go in starting a business. First, keep your day job at least part time. Then try marketing different items and see what people want. The best way to make money and to increase your money is to give people exactly what they want when they want it. This is the surest way to get incredible repeat business because most businesses live or die by word of mouth of your customers. Next, tailor your business to the needs of you and your family. Unless you intend to hire 5 or 10 people or more you can completely tailor your business to your own needs and your customers needs. You can choose your hours. You can work 100 hours a week or 10 or 20 depending on your needs and the needs of your customers.
The next thing you need to know is that if you want to hire someone on the books for say 7 dollars an hour your real cost of hiring them could run you 12 to 15 dollars an hour because of accounting costs and health insurance etc. So one has to very seriously think about hiring anyone. If you are not sure whether you need someone full time then hire people on a temporary basis or through companies like Manpower or Kelly services. This in the long run will reduce your costs and you won't have to go bankrupt paying out for things like health insurance for your full time employees.
Not thinking like I illustrate in the above paragraphs will send most small businesses into bankruptcy very soon. So unless you are running your business as a tax writeoff like many wives do to help their husbands tax issues then you don't want to be doing this.
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
March 16th 2007
When I was thinking about writing this I wanted to Honor President Bush in what he and his people set out to do. However, when I searched my soul for the correct title it had to be the above one.
I think it is important to see that those who were once called the neo cons(neo conservatives) were very idealistic. They had very good intentions. I once said that as a psychic I could see President Bush becoming in time very much like Truman became.It has come true in the now. In other words after Truman dropped the A-Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki he became a persona no grata. He had done what he thought was necessary to save the United States and the world. However, the world was NOT grateful for nuclear weapons and their use.
Likewise, President Bush in attacking afghanistan and Iraq both saved and simlataneously lost the honor of the United States because of the basic lack of knowledge or planning of what our government was really getting into.
It is interesting to me how similar we are to Great Britain only maybe 50 to 70 years later. In the 19th Century Britain could do no wrong. They had India, Australia, Canada. But starting in World War I things started to go wrong until in world war II just surviving intact that war they were bankrupt and had to be economically bailed out by the United States.
However, if we, the United States, economically are wiped out by this war as Britain was during WWII who is going to bail us out?
Fundamentalism=hypocricy=a lack of integrity
March 16th 2007
Fundamentalism whether it is religious, atheistic, scientific or whatever is always by its very nature hypocritical. This happens because fundamentalism is always based upon such idealistic ideas and goals that it tends to create "The ends justify the means" which is where all tyrants and war lords always start.
Hand in hand with fundamentalism one ALWAYS will see mental torture of women and children, child abuse both physical and sexual etc. The reason for this is that people in fundamentalist movements tend to behave in somewhat irrational ways that mimick drug addicts. However, in the case of fundamentalism the drug is an idea or belief. There is a saying that goes something like, "Just because millions of people believe in something doesn't make it true." If you were ever raised in a fundamentalist environment as a child then you understand what it is to be brainwashed and conditioned to believe something. Sometimes, as adults we get angry and rebel and then we free ourselves. However, many raised in fundamentalist families die for their parents and relatives beliefs before they ever have an orginal thought themselves.
Because of religious fundamentalism being responsible for so much death and carnage today many young people are rejecting all religions as a natural reaction. They believe rightly or wrongly that religions are at the root of all wars. In understanding basic psychology this is a perfectly natural reaction.
However, even my somewhat atheistic father in law says, "There are no atheists in foxholes!" I totally agree with this too.
Who I'm Writing For
March 16th 2007
I write for people of this time. I write for people of other times past, present future. I write for beings some human some not of this galaxy and others who can benefit in some good way from these writings.
In the long course of my path to enlightenment both in this lifetime and others in the past, present and future I have discovered that I am Living Dharma. For those of you who don't understand that term I will say it this way. I have discovered over lifetimes for thousands and millions of years on this planet and thousands of others, in this galaxy and hundreds of others that I am a living emissary of the holy spirit both in reality and a recognized holy spirit emissary in thousands of religions in this galaxy and many others.
It is not really that important whether you believe any of this or not. The first part was just to reach those who have the senses developed to know of such things.
What is important is to realize that I will be 59 this year. I have found it very useful to respect people who have survived past 40. It is a miracle to survive past 25. It is amazing to survive past 40. It is unbelievable to survive past 50 and so on and so on. Most people who have survived past forty have had to learn many many things and to put them into practice to have survived that long. The way I have survived is by the grace of God. I have watched many many over the years die or lose it mentally or both. I would say the main reason I am still alive and relatively happy and healthy is that I have always put humans and all beings before money. In other words right mindful compassion towards all beings come first. Yes. I am a survivor but I am a compassionate survivor which means I do what I can at all times to help in a compassionate yet practical way all who I sense can benefit what I can do to help them by God's Grace!
How is Time and Space Travel Accomplished?
March 14th 2007
I asked if I could share this and got permission to share it in a philosohical way. However, since philosophy is the basis of all the sciences---
Space and Time are one thing. Since it would take an energy source like the sun to break time and space to change it one does it another way. First, the human mind can conceptualize visibly any place or time. Secondly, imagine time and space were a really giant mobius strip containing all visible galaxies. Imagine if a human being visualized a certain galaxy in a certain time. If that human understood the nature of the universe, he or she could go there in consciousness. Further, if that human was gifted in a certain way, he or she might go there even with their body as well as consciousness. Further, if that human was connected by certain technologies to his brain awareness he or she could take others with him to that time and space within this galaxy or any other instantly!
March 18th 2007
I believe that I always had the ability to project my consciousness into other times and places past, present and future. I'm writing this to show you that you too have latent abilities to do this as well.
First, I would like to ask you what memories and dreams are? They may be more real in a variety of ways than you might think. The ability to discern what is actual, what is metaphorical and what is processing and healing Is after all what allows some to become adults while some remain children at least in mind no matter what chronological age they may be. One of the first things to be faced as a person serious about consciousness projection and eventually (if one is gifted enough) to take their body to another place or time that is different than the one they presently live in is a thought that might be scary to some. TIME AND SPACE IS ONLY RELATIVELY REAL. Many cannot deal with this concept. In fact even I who know absolutely that time and space is only a relative truth play a game with myself which is that I pretend that time and space is real most of the time so I don't freak out with the insecurity of living with the truth. If I didn't do this then there would be no up no down and a feeling of constantly falling through space forever. Then when I need to travel time and or space to help or protect myself or others through my desires to help them I bend time and space to help and protect myself and others by God's Grace. In this way I act as God would have me since God has sanctioned me to be fully aware that time and space aren't obstacles to God manifesting instantly. Those who aren't mature enough to understand and live with this are helped and protected by those of us who have been empowered by God to be able to cope with the truth!
So what I'm saying is that just like driving a car and flying a plane or riding a motorcycle one must be very present and have an edge of fear concerning what they are doing in reality, one must also have this same seriousness if one is travelling time and space so one doesn't die. So only the serious minded should attempt such feats. All others won't survive or they will be scared silly and stop.
At a certain point of adeptship one will be initiated into an array of trillions of evolved being that spans thousands of Galaxies of like minded beings who like you and I are compassionate and helpful and for whom time and space is never a barrior. Once you are initiated into this compassionate array of trillions of Saints throughout thousands of Galaxies you will begin what I call Fearlessness. In other words there will be literally nothing ever to fear except fear itself ever again.
My path to this form of enlightenment came through Christian mysticism, SRF, Native American Shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism with many initiations with Tibetan Lamas in California, Oregon, and India and more contacts in Nepal and the Himalayas.
Your path could come in any of a myriad of ways completely different than my path. The one thing we all share is Right mindful Compassion towards all life in the Universe. We all share in the path of the ending of suffering and the bringing of Bliss to all the Trillions and Trillions of Beings throughout all universes.
March 15th 2007
Like Stephen Hawking I believe that mankind might not have much chance of surviving the next 10,000 years on earth the way things presently are. This is one reason why I philosophically gave the secret of time and space travel to you. This secret may allow enough of you to go to other worlds so the human race doesn't have to go extinct or spend the next 25,000 years as cave men and cave women just like we just did! Ice ages and extreme weather like the kind we are entering into kill civilizations and sometimes render species extinct. We could be one of these!
In some ways extreme weather changes could be speeding up. This actually is more of a good thing than a bad thing. If weather changes came more slowly it might end all technology and civilization because of the fact that there would be nothing big enough for all or most humans to rally around.
Here, I would like to say that as a psychic, if no changes further than we have presently made continue for 50 years, I would expect 5 to 10 hurricanes worldwide per year at 300 to 400 miles per hour. At least one of these would strike the U.S. between Texas and Washington D.C. What this would do is make living between Texas and Washington D.C. very difficult in the future. If one is within 20 miles of the Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico in any structure this could be very problematic unless one intends to evacuate one or more times a year regularly. Only structures reinforced with steel like concrete or mostly steel buildings could survive these kinds of forces. Riding out something like these one would want to be in a bathroom in a tub or other all metal lined rooms with no windows above 30 to 50 feet in altitude if one were within 20 miles of the Atlantic from Washington D.C. to Texas.
Fluorescent Lighting is unhealthy
March 14th 2007
I was listening to CNN today. The latest totally Crazy idea is to outlaw incandescent lights in the United States. There is one really big problem with that. Fluorescent lights don't give off a full spectrum of light, led lights are dangerous to look at for very long, and frankly Halogen lights hurt my eyes and everyone elses, especially when they are in oncoming headlights of a car or truck. Incandescent lights are usually a full spectrum light so one is looking at light that is a full spectrum somewhat the same as the sun. If you put a plant under no light but fluorescent in a room with no windows or access to the sunlight in any way it will usually get sick or die within 4 to 6 months. Though fluorescent might not kill humans it is likely that they will get sick more if they don't get any sunlight and only fluorescent light. Fluorescent light probably doesn't have vitamin D or anything else a human body needs to live. Don't outlaw incandescent lights unless you want to make people sick.
Also, many illnesses like epilepsy and others are made worse by fluorescent light. Fluorescent light and strobe lights can create seizures within seconds in some epileptics. Are you going to kill all these people or reduce their quality of life by making incandescent lights illegal. This whole thing is mostly a creation of people who want to sell more fluorescent lights and other people who haven't thought this whole thing through on humanitarian, medical and scientific ways. Let's save lives not reduce quality of life and accidentally kill people!
Why I Write
March 13th 2007
Mostly I write because I need to. I find like any real artist I'm compelled to do my art so I write. It seems writing is my therapy. Though my wife and I go to a grief therapist so we can continue our lives in a healthy way after losing so many of our loved ones to death, senile dementia alzheimers etc. I also write to know that I'm still alive and that I survived all the changes and traumas in my life. I have almost died on many occassions during my life so I write to tell myself I am still alive and kicking. My wife, family and friends are grateful for this. I am too, most days.
The Wounds
March 12th 2007
I'll be 59 in a few months
and I have many wounds
some healed some not
Physical pain
I sometimes can deny
My father taught me well
He said, "If you take enough pain killers
to end your pain
you'll be dead before your time
He was right
So I pretend physical pain is not there
unless it is life threatening
So I'm still alive and skiing
at 59
But my heart
That is a different story
by 21
I had enough heartache to die
so then I lived on to help others
I reduce their suffering with my love
I shower them with kindness
I live my wisdom and love
But some days my heartache
is too great for me to bear
If I'm wise I ask God
to take my heartache please
If I remember to keep doing this
I stay alive and help
If I forget
then I'll just be dust
like all the rest!
Figures Don't Lie but Liars always use figures!
March 12th 2007
The premise being defended in the above article is you can't travel backward in time. Please paste using edit function if you wish. I suppose on one level it isn't a lie. In otherwords if you travel backward in time you create another timeline because of any changes you make there create a slightly different now. In this sense I agree with the premise but I disagree in every other way!
You Can't get there from here! Ha Ha. I have noticed in my life that people will always quote science to divert people from the truth. I'm even sure somewhere there is a scientist that can prove up is down and right is left. I suppose the gullible will always be distracted from the real truths of life. I guess that is just another part of natural selection!
Though I was horrified by what I heard I was listening to NPR on the radio this morning. Research had been done on soldiers in battle in Iraq with post traumatic stress disorder. Most of the time they are given prosac, zoloft, xanax and other psychotropic drugs in order to cope. However, non military medical personnel say this is a terrible idea. As you can guess the main result is a lot of people with battle fatigue after taking these prescriptions simply walk into a portable toilet and blow their brains out with a government issue pistol or rifle. They are reported simply as killed in action. Though many are horrified by this and many parents sue the military after finding out about this, the military is well insulated against such suits. Hopefully, this isn't happening to one of your relatives, friends or spouses!
Multiple tours of duty for those who already have post traumatic stress disorder is possibly a death sentence. I have met many men over the years from the Viet Nam war era with post traumatic stress disorder. Many of them are homeless still and walk the streets because they are just too scary for polite company. Though this is very sad I suppose one way to look at it is that rather than wind up on the streets at home the rest of your life maybe some men choose suicide knowing what the future will bring because they too have met these homeless Viet Nam Vets.
The Life You Save May Be Your Own
March 7th 2007
Finding a way forward
many times is a chore
Even if your mind is screaming
Even if you've been wronged
Stop your mind from Screaming
Try to find the calm
For if you take a life
You cannot take it back
You must find a way
Forward into life
Even if someone
Has destroyed your dreams
You can still move forward
You can find another dream
It isn't always easy
Sometimes you can't go on
But if you can get up
one more time than you fall down
Then you will succeed
Your life will be your own
The peace you seek
can be yours
Enlightenment too!
just Don't give up!
Be Free!
Solar Cells instead of paint on cars?
March 5th 2007
I was speaking with a young gentleman at my daughter's schools science fair. He had built a 3 wheeled solar powered car. I mentioned to him that I thought all cars should be covered with solar cells so that they could generate power all the time the sun was out to be stored in batteries. That way power could be sold into the grid from peoples cars generated from solar. In fact, if a car is parked in the sun at home it could be direct wired into the grid and sell power directly until power meters run backward directly from the cars solar cells.
Another idea I just had would be a fold up wind generator that could be folded up from the top, side or back of a car. So when the car was parked facing a strong wind it could be charging the battery while parked. It could simaltaneously be solar charging if there was both wind and sun available at the same time.
March 12th
I was talking with my cousin in Southern California while visiting there and he thought the fan should be in front of the car so it could be spinning all the time the car was moving to generate electricity. Since an electric motor is also an electric generator such fans could be spinning all the time a car is moving forward. It could also be spinning even if parked and facing into a light to strong wind. If it were constructed like home fans with protection from fingers being cut it could generate wind power or it could turn itself on to cool the engine, depending upon what was needed!
Death or Enlightenment?
March 5th 2007 5:17 Am pst
I woke up in the middle of the night when I couldn't go back to sleep I realized I had to get up and write this. I really didn't have a choice in this lifetime. From the beginning it seems it was enlightenment or death. Having almost died several times before I was 15 both from whooping cough and childhood epilepsy as well as near death from taking physical risks like jumping off two story roofs, climbing 200 foot trees, rock fights with boys a half a block away, people threatening me with knives(at my throat) etc. I really didn't have a choice in the end. There would be no (normal) whatever that is, life for me. I always knew somehow that it was death or enlightenment. To be as intellectually gifted as I have always been combined with supernatural giftedness I always somehow knew that God would expect an awful lot from me. That has always proved to be the case. Normal was never good enough for God in relation to me. Whether one calls it God or Life or The Universe or whatever one calls it a lot was always expected of me in very unusual (to me) ways. At age 10 I remember thinking that all religious people were crazy. It's not really that this thought has changed in me that much. However, the real difference now is that I fully understand this craziness.
What I understand now fully is that LIFE IS CRAZY and that being spiritual or religious is a fairly good way to survive life. In the end I chose being spiritual because being religious always seemed too much like lying to myself. Because at heart I am a kind and compassionate scientist, being religious unfortunately means believing in fairy tales and I was too scientific for that. I understand that many people need something other than alcohol or drugs and that for them religion of some sort fills that need. However, for me, being a spiritual compassionate shaman of the 10,000 year ago ancient kind, (the kind that were the forerunners of all scientists in the world) is more my style. My kind have always been the ones of the tribes that helped saved their tribes from extinction, plagues, craziness etc.
Since my tribe in this lifetime is the whole human race my responsibility (and Yours too) if you wish is to try to take responsibility and to try and save mankind from themselves. It is our responsibility to enlighten mankind enough to survive Global Warming, overpopulation, the extinction of frogs and likely bees.
By the way I was thinking that one cause of bee die offs might be from cell phone towers and cell phones. I was reading something somewhere about Atlantis and one of the things said,(remember this was written) a long time ago(one or more centuries) was that Atlanteans were driven crazy by electronic communication through the air(which is something that we are doing now.
I also learned recently that frogs are going extinct all over the world because the pollution is having an estrogen effect on them and they are all turning female. When the frog population of an area turns 100% female they all go extinct. That is what is really happening!
Anyway, what I really wanted to say here is that compassion coupled with wisdom and logic and rationality is the key to human survival. I think all of you who have lived to be 10 or 15 years old at least have noticed that when something serious happens like an injury to a friend or relative it isn't the one who faints or who freaks out that saves the day! It is the one who can force themselves to remain rational and calm and be logical and wise. Likewise, the key to enlightenment is to be able to be calm, logical and wise in the face of anything. Sure, there are times when one has to run to survive. But after running and surviving then there is the binding and healing of the wounds both external and internal and there are the everyday things that need to be done like food, shelter, clothing, comforting, surviving.
What I'm saying here is that even if you are in the middle of another Hurricane Katrina or bad tornado or any other problem that you and yours face. Do what you need to do. Try not to freak out! Try not to faint. Save the day. Take it one moment at a time. Keep it together!
Things on earth are going to get more and more exciting and unfortunately that is not necessarily a good thing. But what is important is that you and yours survive all the excitement. Get ready, get prepared then go watch a comedy. Laugh. Because in the end Laughter is the best medicine!
Global Warming as a Human rights Issue?
March 4th 2007
It is interesting all the legal permutations in regard to global warming. Please paste the above article if interested.
The Horror of Senile Dementia
March 1st 2007
Note:My mother had her first syptoms of senile dementia in October 1999 in europe. I took her first to Clydebank and Ayr both near Glasgow, Scotland where her parents grew up her Mom in Clydebank and her Dad in Ayr. End note
By 2001 in April to October I said goodbye to my mother knowing she would never be my mother that raised me ever again. In December 2001 just after the horror of 9-11 we had another horror of institutionalizing my mother in a senile dementia and Alzheimer's facility, the best in our county.
Is this human container that was once my mother still my mother?
The answer is "NO"
Does this container deserve my compassion?
The answer is "Yes" but reservedly because I need my sanity to take care of my family
Have I learned a lot since 1999
Yes. I have learned things I never wanted to know.
I have learned that my mother became about 50 different people that I have never met before. I liked about 5 of these new people.
However, now it is hard because she is in a wheelchair and doesn't know who I am or who she is.
I have learned to protect my sanity around my mother
I watch many people who are crushed and who never recover by relatives that go through this watching their loved one become many strangers
This is a luxury that I cannot afford
Because I have a ten year old daughter, and a 17 year old and a 33 year old and two God daughters and a wife
I must live on and stay balanced for them
Regardless of what I feel
I must find ways to deal with the impossible
My mother is a ghost with my father in heaven
But her body is occupied by someone that remembers nothing
Someone who talks but remembers nothing
So I am no longer even a son
She does not exist. I don't exist. No one from then remembers me as a child
So those memories don't exist except in me now.
Being an only child with both father and mother gone now
In a certain kind of way the child I was is gone too
In another way I will live forever
Just like my mother and father
will live as long as anyone who knew them lives
or any stories or photos or memories of them remain alive
In anyone anywhere
March 1st 2007
I know this might sound pretty strange but again I feel a moral obligation unlike many people to speak the truth so the human race has a chance to survive all that is coming pretty fast now! First of all I don't classify myself as an abductee because my experience wasn't like I was an animal that aliens did research on with rectal probes. My experience was a lot different than that. I will give more than one explanation in the interest of both truth and science.
The most comfortable explanation for me and what I was told by the aliens(my descendants from the future) that visited me (consciously) starting in 1974. However, because I was dealing with time travelling (relatives?) it was understood uncomfortable at many points that they had even been there at my conception which made me feel pretty vulnerable and strange (at the time).
The next and seemingly logical explanation would be: Aliens (from our time at least and likely future humans) came to me and told me that they were relatives of mine and that one of the things they do in Time Wars is protect their ancestors from alteration of any kind.
It appears that in time wars an enemy has to only prevent a clan from surviving by eliminating the mating of a specific ancestor through time manipulation. The easiest form of time manipulation is to either kill or move through time to another time location both the father and the mother of a powerful clan of the future! This so radically changes the future that Time Wars are then fought with very serious consequences in our present and future!
The third explanation is the most cynical. People come from wherever and want to create a mark, so they tell this quaint past human that they are relatives from the future there to protect him or her. What is their real motivation? I suppose it is difficult for one to really know if not from that future time or place.
However, if one is as psychicly gifted as myself I usually know what beings intentions are whether they are human or humanoid. Humanoid would be a definition of what I would use for people not of this time we now live in.
So the question you might ask me is "Do I feel used?". I would say in answer to that question: "No. I feel protected. Whether they are family or not they protect me from harm. This is what I have noticed the most."
I don't live the exact life I might want to but who does? In my present life money is not the problem it once was up to 1995. Since 1995 I have been to Hawaii 3 times for extended visits, been 3 times to Canada for extended visits, been once 3 weeks in Europe including England, Scotland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and northern Italy and travelled in my motor home as far as Wyoming where we had an incredible time in the Wilderness including times in the Tetons, Duboise, Yellowstone, Cody, Colorado Springs, Santa Fe, Las Vegas Etc. So life is pretty good! Outside of almost dying and being forced to retire in 1998 life is okay!
Surviving Global Warming Now!
February 1st 2007
As a psychic I feel again tonight the moral obligation to speak once again to those who can and will listen who want to survive and who want their children survive Global Warming RIGHT NOW!
This is not talking about the future this is talking right now. If you and your children are interested in long term planning for surviving right now as I have said before, the best place to be for the next 20 years is on the coast on the Pacific Ocean if you live in the United States somewhere between San Diego continuing on up to where permafrost begins in this general region. If you live on the coast be sure to live at least 50 feet in elevation and within 10 miles of the ocean. The reason for the 10 miles from the ocean is serious potential drought. If you are within 10 miles you can walk and boil ocean water if you have to to carry water back to your home even if their is no gasoline or diesel available for your car. You also want to own at least one bicycle. Just like in third world nations it is easy to build a plywood platform with an extra wheel to make like a sidecar for carrying either people or groceries or water. You may think this ridiculous now but I think you underestimate how bad global warming is going to get how fast. Another thing you might want to own even if you just store this stuff in your garage for now. Get a small windmill if there is regular wind for a wind generator and solar cells or solar powered lights you can stick outside during the sun and then bring them inside for emergency lighting between 6pm and 10pm to midnight. Right now these things are just for emergency but after seeing what happened with that tornado in Alabama in FEBRUARY today(seems like May or June Tornados hit?) one has to start preparing for almost anything east of the Rockies if one isn't in the mountains or foothills.
The other reason the Pacific Ocean is a good place to be is that in an emergency one could always fish to survive a famine or drought where there is no diesel or gasoline to deliver food.
As a psychic if I flash forward 50 years everything has changed. It is no longer safe not only the Pacific but on any ocean bordering the United States. By then your children will want to know how to recycle their water through wind or solar power. Both urine and grey water will have to be recycled like on the space station. Hopefully fuel cells will be cheap by then to trickle charge water filtration for drinking, washing dishes and bathing. Special soaps will have to be developed and used to allow the water to be drunk after filtering the water. Distillation of water for drinking may or may not be practical. The safest places to be will have at least cement basements underground because at least once a year under 3000 feet winds will hit about 100 miles an hour. 200 mile an hour winds will hit at least 20 times a year throughout the great plains wherever there are no hills or mountains. So if one wants to live there houses will of necessity be built mostly underground with any parts above ground having 3 to 4 feet of earth piled on top of them with plants and lawn. 1 inch think airtight metal shutters will be needed to protect windows from breaking from the force of 200 mile an hour winds on any flat lands east of the rockies.
50 years from now no one will live within 20 to 50 miles of the ocean because of seasonal storms that could inundate land with storm surges, hurricanes and winds up to 250 miles per hour off the oceans. Some people will live on the backside of coastal mountain ranges 1000 feet up and dug into the hills with most of these domiciles being underground.
Farmers who live underground will still farm by using new techniques of protecting crops from high winds. About every other crop they plant will be successful because of new and radical weather variables.
It is possible that within 50 years 25% of the present population numbers of earth will have vanished. They will mostly be the poor of every country who won't be able to recover from serious weather changes. Most people will not die of the storms but of shock from loss of loved ones and livelihoods and missing homes, boats, vehicles, communities.
Just like the last 50,000 years those who have the will to adapt can and do survive. Those who don't, don't survive!
New Alien Technology to fight Global Warming?
March 1st 2007
Please paste above yahoo news article if interested. A member of the Canadian Government says we should use alien technology to fight global warming
However, though this is a valid and good idea let me tell you the real problem. You see, the U.S. and Russia and China and a few other nations do have access to thousands of alien inventions that have been perfected over the last 50 years or so. In fact this computer you are viewing this on is one of the alien spinoffs. However, in real practical terms neither the U.S. nor Russia nor China nor anyone else will save the earth from Global warming because they want to be able to use these weapons when war comes between the big nations. Because most people realize that it is not if but When? Will it be this decade or this century or the next. When will it come? So all the big powers will let the 3rd world and poor die rather than save us from global warming. This is the Realpolitik of now! And the biggest factor of all is in play. Overpopulation of earth!
To make this even more complicated the Galactic Government I believe as a psychic is interested in earth returning to a pristine state as it is a popular galactic park to visit like we visit Yellowstone or Yosemite. So from their point of view, we, the deer must become fewer for their park to return to its pristine state! You might think this information strange but as near as far as I can figure out from my life experience and psychic abilities this is the truth!
Also if you read my online book "Memories" with buttons on my index page you can read some of my past life experiences as Arcane and some of my present life experiences put into legendary format as Jonathan. It is not important whether you believe what I have written or not. What is important is that you find a way for you and your children and their children and their children to survive into the future with culture and technology intact. Even if you read what I'm writing as science fiction please save your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren from having to become stone age people again because of Global Warming!!!
More evidence of people's lifes changing because of Global Warming
February 28th 2007
An inuit gentleman who was hunting lost his feet because the ice normally thick enough this time of year gave way and he almost died, another victim of global warming. Please paste the above article if you are interested.
Genetic Memory?
February 27th 2007
In my early 20's I once had an experience of having the memory of a mouse being eaten by a saber toothed tiger. At the time I didn't know what to make of it other than when I was the mouse I had no concept of death only of sleep so as I died I thought I was going to sleep so I relaxed. Then I became the consciousness of the saber toothed tiger which lived on for some time and then died. Likewise, the saber toothed tiger had no concept of death and felt like it was going to sleep. Now I know that these somehow were genetic memories. Possibly an ancient ancient ancestor of mine killed the saber toothed tiger and ate it thus taking on the genetic memories of both the mouse and the tiger. Likely this happened thousands of years ago and lay latent until I for whatever reason accessed these memoris.
Likewise, I believe that after Arcane and His Oneness became the same person in the Time Pool over 40,000 years ago His Oneness' body remained and with his wife he then had more children. I believe I am descended from one of these children. And so I contain the genetic memories of both His Oneness and ARcane. I cannot prove scientifically and that probably is a good thing for me and my family as it is nice to be alive. As long as there is plausible deniability everything will be fine.
When I started studying with Native American Medicine men and Tibetan Lamas in the early 1980's I learned techniques through meditation to access genetic memories. However, if you are interested in doing this I suggest the following prayer.
"Dear God
Please only show me what is useful to me
in my present life
Please only show me things that I can stand
without going insane or losing consciousness
Please give me the sense to use these things
That you share with me to better not only myself
But also all mankind and all life in the universe
If you are going to do this please try this prayer even if you don't believe in God. I assure you your path will then be straight and true and sane and that you will help yourself and everyone else by doing this first.
Amnesiacs: For Good or Ill?
February 27th 2007
I have written before in my journal about the growing problem of amnesiacs. rohypnal or "roofies" is one type of amnesiac. Other types are used by the medical establishment to make patients forget particularly onerous medical procedures.
However, one can understand the negative influences of these prescription drugs loose on the populace. For example, I believe as an enlightened psychic that these drugs are regularly used on members of the military and clandestine branches of government like CIA,DIA,NSA etc. so their operatives can forget very sensitive operations. In fact I now sense that not only the operatives are made to forget but also in some rare cases everyone up the chain of command is made to forget. In this way even with a lie detector scan or even the new mri brain scans there would be no record or even need to lie. The operative or manager no longer even knows it happened.
So much for accountability. Now imagine a murderer. This murderer obtains first a one day dose of an amnesiac, then he commits a murder. After disposing of the body he takes the amnesiac. He may then know that person is dead from the news but he or she no longer knows he or she did it. Law enforcement is totally screwed in these kinds of cases that will start to come about first through hitmen or women retired from assasin squads of CIA,DIA,NSA etc as well as clandestine agencies throughout the world. No accountability. ZERO!
This from now on will be an ongoing problem on earth as long as amnesiacs exist.
How are amnesiacs dispensed to an operative? After an operation an associate takes the operative to a bar. Surreptitiously, the bartender slips an amnesiac mickey to the operative. He then knows nothing. Likely, neither does the associate except that he or she was directed to take the other operative to a specific bar. The bartender agent knows absolutely nothing other than who he is supposed to give the amnesiac mickey to. The bartender might not even know what he is giving to the operative.
Since I am a layman and not a doctor or a nurse I looked up the category of amnesiacs on the internet and wikipedia without success. However, I know they exist because of the street drug rohypnal "roofies" and the fact that a relative of mine was made to permanently forget 2 weeks that he spent in a staff pneumonia coma that was induced with drugs. As he was waking up after two weeks they gave him something to forget the previous 2 weeks so I know for a fact that such drugs exist. Then we were amazed that this relative recovered completely with no memories whatsever of those 2 weeks.
I believe that these drugs were first used of UFO abductees worldwide to get as much technical and cultural information on UFO aliens. In this way during the Cold War governments like the United STates and the old Soviet Union could somewhat control what information became public. This also allowed these governments to use alien technology against each other. The problem with all this is that even after the Soviet Union dissolved this information has still been kept secret from the public in all democracies that I know of. So even now who has access to all this knowledge? And how is it being used upon us all now?
The very Human problem of Sensationalism!
February 27th 2007
Sensationalism is rampant in all media. Sensationalism reminds me of someone who wants to have sex 24 hours a day. Like eating ice cream 24 hours a day it just isn't survivable. Along with sensationalism we find that this is a specific problem for all media whether it be newspapers, TV,Internet or Cell phone or magazine real or online. When one is addicted to sensationalism and most of us are in the western world except for those of us who have thrown away our tvs, cell phones, computers and moved to a monastery of silence or something like that, one is naturally distracted in an overwhelming kind of way.
Unfortunately, one does not usually become enlightened by being distracted 24 hours a day with sensationalism. Enlightenment usually comes from boredom, voidness, quietness. Enlightenment comes from being Empty. If one is fully distracted then it is likely that that one cannot become enlightened. However, I'm sure someone will espouse a way that they feel that one can become both distracted and enlightened simaltaneously.
However, I am of the old school of "carry water chop wood" form of enlightenment. This is the school of enlightenment before there was electricity and modern contrivances. In its simplest form it means to be quiet, take care of yourself and others and to be observant.
Sensationalism made me today to consider not writing at this website anymore. As an enlightened psychic I can see what people do with what I write. Though in the main it moves the human race toward ongoing survival for thousands of years and more, it also tends to cause its own form of sensationalism. When people trying to become enlightened approach any path to enlightenment in too sensationalist a way the path to enlightenment becomes more veiled and occluded. So the very intensity of sensationalism tends to confuse the person who is trying to become enlightened.
In my own path to enlightenment I have found that it comes slowly like a flower unfolding throughout ones life. Sometimes there are quick bursts of enlightenment but usually that is fleeting. In actuality enlightenment is much more wonderful and simaltaneously terrible than anything you can presently imagine. Because enlightenment in the end is the capacity to see EVERYTHING wonderful and everything terrible and not go insane from it. It is the capacity to keep your head cool and steady in the face of anything. THAT IS WHAT ENLIGHTENMENT REALLY IS! ENLIGHTENMENT IS SEEING ALL LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE AS YOUR CHILDREN AND HAVING THE REAL ENLIGHTENED CAPACITY TO TAKE CARE OF THEM IN A COMPASSIONATE WISE WAY WHILE THINKING OF THEIR REAL NEEDS FOR MILLIONS OF YEARS AT A TIME.
What is Real?
February 26th 2007
It is nice that I have been given a lifetime to among other things "Contemplate what is real". I'd like to share a little of what I've found. After I had almost died of both whooping cough at age 2 and then childhood epilepsy from ages 10 to 15, death was very real to me because I had almost died more than twice. It made me much more serious than most children as I grew up. I was watching 'Heroes' the NBC series on Monday nights. I like that this program depicts 'gifted' people as being all sorts of people. However, I would just like to say here that if most people were as messed up as a couple of them are on heroes they would not have likely survived to adulthood because of the laws of natural selection. If a gift or gifts isn't useful to ones survival in some way or ways people don't necessarily develope those gifts. When I come across a person like this for me it is like watching a person with both their arms handcuffed behind their back. I call someone like this a 'latent' but undeveloped individual.
I am always surprised because most people hide their gifts in order to survive in the western world, especially in a place like the United STates where people were often killed for being at all different in the eastern united states in the 1600's. So some of the fear of those days still exists somewhat in the united states. And of course this kind way of looking at things came over from Europe.
I find especially people with one or more advanced degrees tend to try to hide their gifts. You will find mind readers are often lawyers or politicians. You will find that those who can heal by laying on hands are often doctors and nurses. You will find that those who can heal at a distance like myself are often psychologists and therapists. Before my son was born in 1974 I was studying to become a psychologist. But after he was born I found I had to work to support my wife and son.
So 'what is real"? As near as I can figure out both time and space travel exists in the future and because of this it exists in both the present and the past as well. Those of us who are ancestors of those who live in the future are protected by those who live in the future of earth. It appears that there is more than one timeline for earth. Because of this if earth gets nuked or something else bad happens it is prevented retroactively through time travel. Though I can't prove any of this my experiences in life have taught me that what I am saying has a likelihood of 75% to 95% of being true. Since my existence as a human being on earth has only a likelihood of 95% or less being true then what I'm saying begins to come into focus maybe for you.
Everyone's life is based upon what they have been convinced is true by parents and teachers and friends and then what they have actually experienced themselves. All these factors lead me to believe what I'm saying here.
I'm not saying any of this to be liked or to be accepted by any of you. I'm saying this in the interests of the survival of the human race on earth long term.
One of the ways I supported myself when single and going to college 1971-73 was as a truck driver between San Diego and Los Angeles. I was able to return home by midnight when driving and in time to sleep so I could go to college the next day. As I drove to Los Angeles I often went into the minds of other people travelling in cars alongside me. Some people thought I was their own thoughts, some people realized I was there and were scared and told me to leave and I did. Others were like me and would have long telepathic conversations with me. If you are telepathic and find others who are developed you have a lot to telepath about if you can be friends. You compare notes so to speak. IN this way you grow in effectiveness and in power. It also increases your capacity to survive in many ways.
Ten years later I tried doing this again while on a freeway and was amazed how many more people now believed in esp and were using these abilities more.In other words the percentage of people who both believed in ESP and who used it was 2 or three times higher. The esp rise has been exponential since 1971 when I first started doing this regularly.
Starting at age 21 I wouldn't date any girl that I didn't have this magical esp component with. I think a lot of gifted people are like this. Gifted people tend to marry gifted people and then there are more gifted people. I believe this also is a survival trait in humans.
The kinds of gifts one sees in the United STates can be somewhat different than one might see in India for example. Though there are many common denominators religions and cultures change a lot who lives and dies in those cultures so the manifested gifts tend to be somewhat different along with the cultural attitudes applied to those gifts.
An Inconvenient Truth wins an Oscar for best Documentary
February 25th 2007 11:14 pm pst
I was watching when An Inconvenient truth won an oscar. Both before and since this incident today I was thinking what people worldwide could do that might make a big difference. If people are really serious about Global Warming if they were wealthy enough to own farmland (a minimum of 1 acre or more per person they wish to feed and access to water). Under these conditions it might be possible if the soil is fertile enough and the water clean enough to totally feed oneself and ones family. If on top of this one family made their own clothes as well as most other things they needed, generated through solar and wind their power, or river or ocean waves generating power and then recycled and filtered their water to use again and organically grew all their food and traveled as little as possible and became vegetarian if possible to prevent animal methane. In other words, "Live simply so that others may simply live!"
Each family taking responsibility in this way worldwide could Really make a difference.
However, what I'm most concerned about is people being forced by governments to do these things. People must do these things because they want to and not because any government is forcing them to. Otherwise rebels will be created and become anti-ecological terrorists. People must choose to save earth! Otherwise it just isn't going to happen. If it is forced the planet won't be Saved!!!
Iran Launches Missile into Space?
February 25th 2007
EMP? Why would Iran launch a missile into space unless they were testing to see if they could generate an EMP to knock out all electrical contrivances of an enemy by setting off a nuclear blast at the right distance in space. A likely target might be Baghdad or even more likely: Israel. Unfortunately, I think Israel sees also it is Iran or Israel. Only one will survive. My bet is on Israel looking at the last 50 years of world history.
February 25th 2007
Caveat: I feel a moral obligation to write this as a responsible Citizen of Earth--- First, Amadinajad of Iran's Statement paraphrased as "Our nuclear program now has no brakes or reverse" is an apocalyptic statement on the world stage. If we are to believe him then I think we are going to see one or more countries attack Iran to destroy all nuclear facilities. Iranians need to be aware that if they let Amadinejad have his way hundreds of thousands of Iranians will needlessly die of fast or slow nuclear radiation from these inevitable attacks by other nations.
You might be surprised to learn that the least likely to directly attack Iran will be the United States. Presently, in order these are the nations to expect Iran to be attacked by with missiles: Israel(in order to survive as a nation), Egypt and Saudi Arabia because after all they are Sunni nations and the most vulnerable big nations in the Middle east to Iran followed by Syria, Jordan and all the rest of the Middle east Sunni nations. What we are witnessing is the beginning of a very long civil war between Sunni's who follow Osama and Sunnis who don't follow Osama against ALL Shias led by Iran. The way things presently stand it is a fight to the death for preeminence in the middle east. The winner of this fight (when it ends, whenever that will be) will then take on the rest of the world as the de facto warlord leader of Islam. Any way you look at this it is not a very pretty picture for anyone!
As a psychic that can see both intentions and likely outcomes on the world stage I am writing this so that cooler rational heads can prevail so that the slow deaths by radiation poisoning do not poison the hearts of people in the middle east to the point that vendettas continue for thousands of years.
Coastal British prepare for Global weather changes
February 24th 2007
I was very interested in reading the above article on people in Britain, Holland and Italy's Venice preparing each in their own ways for big weather changes. Please paste above address if you are interested.
Global Preparations for severe long term weather changes are beginning in Earnest
February 24th 2007
I am very happy that more and more people are choosing to prepare for serious weather changes. The above article shows how serious people are taking all this in many parts of Europe. Even in Mississippi I heard that insurance companies like State Farm will grant no more insurance policies for homes and private property close enough to the coast to be vulnerable to storm surge. Though this will bankrupt and break the hearts of many it will ultimately save many lives. Though some will move towards despair and even suicide more lives will be saved than will be lost by being practical and moving to safer areas to live given the problems with Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods, etc. Floods, drought, winds over 100 miles per hour will become more and more common in many places on earth.
For example, I was skiing at 8000 feet on the side of Mt. Shasta and my wife and I saw several mosquitos trying to bite us in February 2007? I asked people in town if they had ever seen mosquitos in February before at 8000 Feet in the snow. They just looked at me in disbelief. But both my wife and I saw them and were completely amazed by the experience. (Normally, mosquitos start coming out of little pools of melted snow in June. So this really is a big thing for the Cascade mountain range.)
The Celestine Prophesy
February 23rd 2007
If you have a netflix account you can rent the movie The Celestine Prophesy. Otherwise you might be able to buy it at Borders or Amazon.com online. I had read the book when it first came out years ago now. I found the movie actually better than the book because of all the visuals. I remember as a very young man choosing to move toward intuitive enlightenment at least by age 17. I decided it was much more important to life on earth that I do this than commmit to any one career. So this was my commitment to life. Syncronicity or being in the right place at the right time was the path I chose because I was gifted enough to pull that off. Saint Germain would say "One million right decisions will take you to enlightenment". Being able to communicate with plants and all life in the ways depicted in the movie was a part of my early training.
Even this web site is a way to be in the right place and the right time not only for myself but to help you align with being in the right place and the right time for you and all that surrounds you. Whether you are religious or not, people on this path are all spiritual by nature and in this sense it is scientific and has been as long as man has been on earth in any form. Understanding your place in the universe is to learn how to always be in the right place at the right time all the time.
February 23rd 2007
As a psychic I feel I need to warn the world of coming changes. First, the United States, mostly because of extreme pressure from China and Russia, is unlikely to attack Iran by air to destroy all nuclear facilities there. Israel is also unlikely to attack Iran by air. If Israel attacks Iran it will use Nuclear weapons at present in a desperate means for Israel's long term survival. I think even China and Russia would understand this even if they were very unhappy about it.
However, this transitional time for the United States while the U.S. regroups and adapts to world changes and renews and reinvigorates its army and all military will make countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan,Eygpt and other Sunni countries very insecure. Expect them, if there is a vaccuum to hire a mercenary army to go against Iran. So in the present, even Saudi Arabia would likely welcome an Israeli attack against Iran to neutralize its nuclear facilities. Saudi Arabia might even secretly finance an Israeli attack on Iran. We are in a transitional and very dangerous stage of world history. There is a lot of subterfuge and secrecy. It has not been this dangerous since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Almost anything is possible.
Fred's Sayings
transcribed here February 22nd 2007
Everyone must save themself in the end
In desperation everyone must reach out for help
until they find it
(whether this help is God or just being practical is up to the individual)
One must think ones own thoughts
to attain enlightenment
YOU are the instrument of the unification
of all beings
Imagination alone
makes me realize
What can BE!
On Parenthood
February 21st 2007
I�m trying to understand something so please bear with me. Growing up I always thought of myself as a future father. There was really no concept that interested me more than being a father with children. I wasn�t that interested in being married. I just liked the idea of somehow extending childhood into adulthood by raising my own children. So even now at 58 I still have a 10 year old daughter at home. So now I have been raising at least one child continuously since I was 26. Mine, stepkids, god children. There has at least been one child under 15 that I have been raising continuously since I was 26. Nothing has given me the satisfaction of being a parent in life. Nothing else compares to it. People talk about careers. For me, making money is about taking care of my kids and seeing to their futures.
However, tonight I was thinking down a different track. This track took me to a place I did not like to be in. I looked deeper and thought to myself. Everything is chemicals, hormones. We are programmed to reproduce by these instincts. We receive pleasure from the act of reproducing. We are programmed by life, genetics, you name it to choose a mate that can most easily bear children. I found I didn�t like looking at life in this way but found what I was culturally programmed to think growing up even more strange than to see life as chemicals, hormones, and instinct.
In the past I tended to prefer to look at life holistically. For example if we look at a rose we don�t pull al the petals off it and all the leaves off it and then examine each piece like a cut up cadaver. Instead, we smell the rose and look at it and experience it in totality without destroying its essence by breaking it into pieces. Once it is broken into pieces it is no longer a rose. Unless of course one makes rose petal pillow stuffing which can preserve the essence of the original roses in a mummified sort of way. So that would be a mummified group of roses essence. Still in a sense holistic, I guess.
People have always told me that I make a good father because I have always put my children first.
At 21 I was excommunicated from my church. Because of losing the ability to contact 98% of my friends worldwide associated with the church I was raised in I considered suicide for several years. My parents worried that I would not stay alive. So when I was interested in a girl they encouraged this knowing that if I was interested in any particular girl likely I would choose to live while involved with that particular girl. When my live in girlfriend got pregnant when I was 25 and she 21, we married before my son was born. Though that relationship only lasted about 4 years I finally had a good reason not to off myself, a son. When I became a single father at age 29 I still had a good reason to stay alive. When I remarried at 32 a lady with 2 kids we became husband and wife to 3 kids instead of 1. Then I had another daughter and we got divorced. Then I remarried and had another daughter who is now 10. I just went skiing with my older daughter who is now in college at age 17.
So what is a parent? Is it hormones and organic chemicals and instinct? Or is it something wonderful and noble and altruistic and amazingly human. I think it is all these things. Because without good parents our whole civilization suffers.
Terror-Free Oil?
February 15th 2007
Please paste the above article if interested.
I think this is a useful movement to join. It turns out that Sinclair oil only buys oil from the U.S. and Canada. The end result of this movement might be to include solar, wind, ethanol etc into the mix and REALLY change things within a few years to keep weapons paid for by mideast oil out of the hands of terrorists.
more on the Protectors
February 15th 2007
note to reader:On my index page is a protectors button gui to click on to summon the Protectors page. If you read the first few pages describing the sentient female (by choice) robot Purple Delta 7 and Star Plasma Being Sargeant Mark III and human male living body that belonged to a human in galactic battle who was a battle companion in the Galactic Marines. So Sargeant Mark III has two forms he can occupy: first his plasma body that was born living in and on a Star like our sun or his reanimated human body donated by his friend who died in battle on far away worlds.
Purple Delta 7 is the most sophisticated diplomatic, medical triage and simaltaneously strategically fatal robot in the galaxy with enough firepower available in a few moments to take out the whole solar system if that was ever necessary. Such a weapon (Only) is used to protect Galactic Royalty from any harm from this galaxy or another and from any time. She is authorized to travel anywhere in this galaxy in any time past,present or future and to alter time to protect Galactic Royalty. end note.
Purple Delta 7 and Sargeant Mark III were summoned to His Oneness' chambers to actually get to know Jonathan better. Though they had protected him now since his conception by going back and forward in time,conscious physical contact between Jonathan, Purple Delta 7 and Sargeant Mark III was rare.
As they arrived His Oneness and Jonathan were sitting in a living room type of informal area. His Oneness and Jonathan rose out of respect for these two "lifetime bodyguards" or Protectors of Jonathan.
His Oneness said in Greeting, "Welcome Protectors!" At this all smiled and shook hands in Jonathan's eras greetings out of deference to him. His Oneness smiled and looked on proudly at these three as he had created their triune relationship as a benefit to not only him but to the entire galaxy both directly and indirectly. For Jonathan was a very useful tool to help maintain stability on earth by revealing information to stablize certain events that could potentially be life threatening to mankind. And to protect Jonathan the Protectors subtly altered time and space until those who might wish to harm the Galaxy's will gave up the idea on their own. If not, they just disapeared permanently from earth.
Such were and are the methods of the Galaxy. They are only different from the big nations of earth in the Galaxy's extreme subtlety, politeness and then only if absolutely necessary their firmness and finality.
Though Jonathan doesn't personally approve of many galactic methods he realizes it may be the ONLY way for humans on earth to survive long enough to colonize other worlds so the whole human race of earth doesn't go extinct. However, each being must decide for himself, herself or itself what decisions it must make concerning absolutely everything if that being wishes to be taken seriously by the galaxy.
His Onenes said, "I want to thank you two for the incredible patience and time that you have dedicated to Jonathan and his well being." Sargeant Mark III said, "We are honored at this assignment, Sir! Besides, for a Galactic Marine like myself or for an INfinite series sentient like Purple, I mean, Purple Delta 7 we have already outlived our battle life expectancies by 100's of years.
His Oneness smiled, "You both have a future way beyond your present awareness. I hope you know that." Purple Delta 7 and Sargeant Mark III both smiled as they had discussed their incredible luck at being both happy companions and being able to work together so closely and how their team would likely be used by other royalty and how both would receive the most amazing technical and other enhancements as they became available.
After the meeting Purple Delta 7, Sargeant Mark III and Jonathan confered together walking in the woods. Jonathan spoke first, "I'm not sure you know how very grateful I am for your help in keeping the human race alive by allowing me to share enough information to keep the human race alive until they can either stablize civilization on earth both culturally and technologically or formally terraform and colonize other worlds or both.
Purple Delta 7 who by now had mastered watching all television shows on earth and all websites simaltaneously 24 hours a day for several years now said, "I'm not sure of the consequences of the way you share information." Jonathan said, "I'm not as big a multitasker as you are so please feel free to share your insights with me." Purple Delta 7 said, "I'm not human even though I love humans so I'm not entirely sure my synthesized awareness would be useful in making decisions." Jonathan said, "Try me." Purple Delta 7 said, "Well. Sacrifices will always be made to keep the human race alive. Decisions have to be made that in the end cause many beautiful aspects of society to be run over much like beautiful children playing in the woods being run over by unexpected Semi Trucks down an invisible interstate." Jonathan nodded. "I feel bad about what it takes to survive too. As a child I didn't want to grow up and have to make awful decisions. I remember prefering suicide to making useful decisions. However, if those of us who have the intelligence and sense to make life on earth survive and better don't do something then we are not worthy of being humans and then the human race itself is not worthy of being alive anymore."
Purple Delta 7 had a look on her face that could only be horror. There was something awful she learned in that moment about raw survival that a likely immortal like herself might never have to face even in battle. Because even in battle she had her orders to follow and so the ultimate blame of anything she did could in her mind be passed up the line to someone else. However, here was someone who knew what he knew and accepted responsibility for it and was acting because if he didn't what was going to happen to his people in the long run? Who else had the kind of intuition and capabilities combined with the intelligence and free time to make a real difference? She knew in this moment he was right. She knew in this moment why His Oneness had chosen Jonathan. She knew in this moment why Jonathan like His Oneness WAS Galactic Royalty. None of this was by accident. She was both AWED and Horrified by this moment. It would take her some time to think about the ramifications of all this!
Saudi's are getting nuclear reactors from Russia
February 14th 2007
To counter the Iranian Shia nuclear threat to the Sunnis, Saudi Arabia is making arrangements with Russia to get their own nuclear plants and possible nuclear weapons.
Green Businesses need more encouragement
February 14th 2007
There are some companies in California like Google and some schools like Chartwell that have gone green and are trend setters for the whole country starting in California. However, Both businesses and schools need encouragement as reported in the above yahoo newsite above. Please paste above address to read if you wish.
It is Better to Live Alone With Good Ideas!
February 13th 2007
The full title should be:
It is much better to Live Alone Living Good Ideas
Than to join others with stupid ones.
I started watching a TV documentary special that was showing a real life church that practices polygamy in the western United States. Watching this reminded me of the lock step ideas of a church I grew up in (we did not practice polygamy ). However, some things were the same. What was the same was that I felt like I was listening to worker bees that all said and did the same things in lock step. There wasn't one original thought in the whole bunch
The only thing that sounded interesting was when the polygamist husband of two wives and 9 kids said, "Well. Look at the rest of the world. Look how well all that has worked out!"
It doesn't matter what religion or religions you are into. If you can't have an original thought or Better yet, "If your religion does not allow you to have an original thought" Then you better start thinking about what happens if you even accidentally break one or more rules. Your "Wonderful" religions may come down on you like a ton of bricks and drive you insane or kill you outright.
IN the end the only one you can really trust is God and you, Everyone else could potentially be a threat to your survival. If you can't think this way on any level then the likelyhood that you will have a long life is very small.
There is a rule that I have found almost always to be true: "If something seems to good to be true
That's not to say I don't believe in being grateful for what God provides. On the contrary I believe that gratitude is the motor of Life.
However, be very careful to the mechanisms that control and rule your lives. Like I said before, if you want a long and happy life it just doesn't happen when all the strings of your life are being pulled by someone other than you!
Giving oneself over to God is one thing but I personally think it is beyond a fools errand to let anyone come between you and God, especially a church or religion.
Of Global Warmings and Ice Ages
February 11th 2007
For this to be useful it is important for you to know that I am a life long precognitive psychic. My abilities seem to work best when there is impending danger so that I can see it before it happens and find a way to change it if possible. However, there is a secondary quality to these abilities that allows me to see deep into the past both here on earth and other places throughout this galaxy and other galaxies if I wished that.
Given all this I believe that human and humanoid colonies have existed unbroken on earth for approximately 7 million years. Before this there were studies of earth by humanoid and other spacemen since earth formed into existence who have studied earth from other places both in this galaxy and others and other dimensions.
You may say to me that scientists only have evidence of humans on the planet for about 40,000 to 60,000 years. For example, how much evidence do we have of cultures even 40 years ago let alone 4000 years ago. When some people talk for example of th 1960's who didn't actually live then I have to laugh because what they say wasn't at all like it really was. If you look at any era through a microscope what you get is a characature, a joke, not a reality in any way. No historic facts I read or witness of even the 1980's or before really capture what it was like for me or anyone else for that matter who actually lived through those times.
As you go back further and further in time I would say past say 5000 years there is so little left that making almost any statements about any culture is pure conjecture. Past 10,000 years things start to become vague indeed.
So here I would like to share what I see as a precognitive psychic about the past of humans and humanoids on earth.
The galaxy has studied earth and decided long ago it could not become a permanent cultural place and made it like a wild animal park. It has been like this for hundreds of millions of years a place for Galactics and others to come and visit and to study all the wild things here and most especially humans and humanoids who are (crazy enough to live here). One fact that most humans presently on earth don't know is that the planets colonized in the solar system were Mars and the planet blown up in a thermonuclear war that we now call the asteroid belt. It was well known that no culture could exist more than 10,000 to 25,000 years on earth without succomming to either global warming or ice ages. This was a given for Galactic Scientists from all nations within the Galaxy.
It was only when the cultures of the planet that became the asteroid belt blew up and killed Mars by blowing off its atmosphere that earth started to look good to the survivors. Especially after several chunks of the Asteroid belt killed most large dinosaurs around 65 million years ago did earth begin to really look good to those without a planet to live on. Sure, it was like a desert island in the sense that it had ice ages and global warmings but there is a saying, "Any port in a storm". This was the survivor humanoids of the Solar Systems "Any port in a storm". This was their desert Island in the Pacific so to speak. They were the survivors of the solar system with no place to go. The galaxy wasn't going to give them another place to go, especially after they had destroyed one planet completely and destroyed all life on Mars by the blowing off of the atmosphere of Mars by the destruction of the first planet.
So the survivors moved to earth and at first killed the large reptiles and fish to eat. Later they began to farm and develope a civilization here on earth. In time all the descendants forgot about the 10,000 to 25,000 year cycles of ice ages and potential global warming.
You may ask how many times have humans been through what we are going through now? The true answer is reached by dividing 7 million years by approximately 25,000 years. Of course this is only an approximation. By using a calculator I came up with approximately 280 civilizations. Now many of these civilzations didn't get as far as this one. I would say that is true of most of them. However, this civilization for whatever reason has many people who can remember what happened like me. So there is a possibility that we may be able to maintain technology, writing and civilization through this global warming so as to lessen the suffering of future humans from spending much time as cave men and the like. How many of you want your great great grandkids to be cavemen and women? I didn't think you would want that. So my goal here is to try to prevent all our great grandkids to not have to go through being cave people with no metal, no electricity, no forced air heating, no good food, no protection from bears,mountain lions, killer whales, sharks, bad weather, no food etc.
One way to prevent the loss of all culture, technology and creature comforts for those who want them is to spread this knowledge among enough people to develope cultural technologies and points of view that would be necessary for humans to come through all this with cultures and technologies intact. One way to do this would be redundancy. By developing books that are based on pictograms and placing them in libraries in all cities worldwide there would be a movement started to make sure that the 100 million to 500 million who are left before the Global warming tipping point is reached where the seas become alive again and the forests start to grow again have some way to reteach themselves how to read, how to grow food, how to do enough scientific research to survive well and especially how to prevent another global warming (there is no way to stop ice ages) only extreme global warmings. Global warmings are prevented by keeping CO2 under control on earth.
If these kinds of knowledge can be maintained and increased then possibly we can have a civilization that lasts millions of years like on many other planets in this galaxy and others. One of the ways for this kind of knowledge to be maintained is for at least a few humans to live as long as possible to maintain the knowledge and wisdom in their brains. In the past before writing, verbal memorization of all important stories and wisdoms were maintained in this way for thousands of generations of humans. It might be important to begin doing this again in case electrical generation of large tracts of earth gets wiped out for months or years by great storms. Because this would wipe out electrical grids and the internet and most phones in those areas.
For this reason, solar powered satellites beaming internet signals will be more useful than phone lines, fiber optics, and copper lines in the future. It will be far better to have solar powered computers with cell phone like capacities that can be mobile in case of extreme weather. For example if a flood or drought or extreme winds above 100 miles an hour occurs one could then take their solar powered laptop computer to another area. If the outside of all laptops eventually were coated with solar cells and if people had portable dishes that could both send and receive information from satellites anywhere on earth, civilizations could continue as long as both the satellites and the solar powered computers were working and that there were people who knew how to read. It might also be important that pictograms be available through the internet for people that don't or can't read. They might not be able to type communications but if shown how to access and use the pictograms they would be able to educate themselves to some degree.
In summary, the memorization of wisdom stories and the capacity to access pictograms through solar powered satellite accessed laptop computers might be the foundation of keeping culture and technology alive for millions of years.
Adapt or Die!
February 10th 2007
It has come to my attention by studying world affairs both business and news that the United States is moving into a very economically dangerous situation. The first problem is that we are losing so many jobs to China and India that our economic infrastructure in the United States is beginning to look like Swiss cheese or better yet a home overrun with termites. From the outside the U.S. might look good but if you look closer at how in debt out nation now is to nations like China if anyone of them demanded payment on their debt the United States economy could completely collapse. During Viet Nam we borrowed but then we had an infrastructure to repay the debt but now the home is full of economic termites because so many auto and manufacturing jobs have been outsourced. The vital jobs of our middle class have been outsourced and we actually can no longer really make good on our debts. The good news is that without the U.S. the economies of China and India would be in trouble to so it isn't PRESENTLY in their interest to forclose on our loans so to speak but that could change.
For example, Saudi Arabian private investments are at least 7% of the entire United STates Stock market's value. If all private Saudi investors got angry with the U.S. and withdrew their money from the stock market it would send us into a 1930's great depression within 6 months. So everyone needs everyone else until they don't or they don't think so. So all this requires good will from everyone toward everyone to continue working.
So if any large nation like China for example attacked us they would first collapse our economy by calling in our debts. So the first phase of any war with a big nation would be economic unless it was going to be a 5 minute blitzkrieg of nuclear missiles in which case the United States would ultimately lose because for example, China would still have at least 300 million to 500 million Chinese citizens left after such a strike and the United States would only have less than 100 million left. Do the math!
So basically speaking, in ANY land war with China now the United STates would eventually lose because of the poplulation factor unless all life was dead in China.If all life was dead in China then likely there would be no life anywhere in Asia or Europe and parts of Africa. So as you can see for any of the big nations war to the death is unthinkable because now in addition to any war we also have global warming.
So unless all the war resources of the world are now withdrawn on war and spent instead on Global Warming it is unlikely that any humans will be alive on earth within 1500 to 3000 years. Most of the information I can verify as a precognitive psychic as being 70% to 90% accurate. So the problems I have spoken of are very serious.
The System is Broken or Broken by the System?
February 9th 2007
I learned a lot in the 90's about legally divorcing when both parties will never agree on an important issue. Money and things haven't really been my issue, my 5 year old daughter in 1994 was for me the issue. What I learned I could fill volumes with. But some things I learned I would like to share as I have had 13 years to calm down from the awful truth that family law doesn't work or really protect anyone. I can only speak for California where I divorced but the real problem is that divorce law is based upon ownership. In other words who owns the car, the business, the possessions, the house, the kids? This is just a really crazy way to look at a family.
What really happens in a divorce if anything is contested is that a good percentage of ones possessions one way or the other wind up in the pockets of the attorneys and the courts.The sanity of the husband, the wife and especially the children are not protected. The likely result of this sequence events is suicide of one or more of the participants(husband, wife, kids)sooner or later or much later. Since justice is only theoretical and never actual the probability is that no one will be happy with the end result of the divorce,not the kids, not either of the parents, not the grandparents, not any relatives, not any friends, not the public. Oh, people may pretend everything is wonderful desperately trying to prevent the husband, the wife and the kids to stay alive but really that is actually all bullshit and everyone knows it. People just say a lot of really stupid things that don't really mean anything.
So after thinking about all this for 13 years now what have I learned:
That is what I have learned about divorce. Don't go through a contested divorce unless you want to see everyone in your family humiliated to the point of suicide.
In my case everyone stayed alive and is physically okay. Is everyone scarred for life in their hearts? Definitely. Is everyone a survivor? Definitely. We're okay. We survived.
What happened to me when I couldn't get full custody of my daughter to protect her (I eventually got joint legal custody) of a daughter that lived 7 hours away by car (9 hours now). This basically meant that I got to see my daughter from ages 7 to 13 9 to 10 weeks a years and talk to her once a week on the phone. I was lucky. It was expensive, both to get joint legal custody and to drive to see her. I was lucky. I could afford to drive that far once every month or two or so. When I couldn't get full custody I got angrier and angrier until I got a heart virus and came very close to dying. Then I had to retire to stay alive. The good news is that my present wife and I could afford for me to retire. The good new is that I have plenty of free time now but that's also the bad news. The good news is that God has rewarded me for fighting the good fight and sacrificing my life in the process. Glad to do it. My children are everything to me. My life( at least to me) is unimportant. However, many people tell me I am very important to them so I stay alive out of kindness to them. This is my life. Is yours that different?
25 Million Dollars!
February 9th 2007
Sir Richard Branson has offered $25,000,000 as a prize for anyone who can invent a way to take the CO2( Carbon dioxide) out of the air. For me, the logic would be elimentarily simple. First, CO2 is similar to H2O (water) in that they both have oxygen on board. So the logical answer could come from separating the O2(oxygen travels as O2 in its stable state) as peroxide O1 isn't stable unless stuck in water in the form you can buy it at a Long's Drug story and the like.
So logically, if one approaches the problem in this way one possibility would be a solar cell like device that instead of turning photons(Sunlight) into electricity would instead separate the carbon from the O2. For example, a passive device would be more desireable that an active device because an active device would require electricity to run and the generation of this electricity if not generated by solar or wind would create more CO2 than could be broken down into Carbon and oxygen. So how the carbon and oxygen are separated is just as important as doing it. Also, what will be done with the carbon once it is separated from the Oxygen? The oxygen could either be captured and sold compressed into tanks or released into the air for us to breathe.
Another hint about all this: What we are looking for is what all plants do naturally 24 hours a day. They turn Carbon dioxide into oxygen and give it back to us and keep the carbon in their plant bodies as I understand it.
More thoughts on Coverting CO2 to Oxygen and Carbon
February 9th 2007
I envision a device like two radio towers with wires and wind generating spinning devices places in a canyon where the wind always blows. So the very wind one wants to convert the carbon dioxide out of helps convert the energy to actually do it by generating electrical power from the wind while at the same time scrubbing the carbon out of the air electrically.
Carbon Scrubbers
February 10th 2007
I am a precognitive psychic. I remember being in real-time the charactor, Arcane in my online book Memories, 1,000,000 years into our future earth before this lifetime. I'm sorry I'm not the best writer but there it is. As Arcane I was shown this past of Earth we now live in on all timelines. When I think of the carbon scrubbers, the memory is of something constructed like two radio towers used for Radio stations all over america in the past. Two radio towers 300 to 500 feet high with many lines in between them. The two towers are at least 1 block apart. Spinning on the wires between the two towers are many mini wind turbines. Next to these wind generators are the carbon scrubbers which liberate the carbon from the oxygen which is allowed to flow free. These wind array powered carbon scrubbers are placed where the wind almost always blows in places like along Interstate 10 where it passes Palm Springs in California. The carbon falls from the scrubbers as microparticles of carbon that are so small that they sometimes carry on in the high winds for some time before they touch the ground. The Carbon scrubbers liberate electrically the carbon from the O2(oxygen). In the future people's favorite places to live on earth is downwind from a carbon scrubber after most plant life dies on earth and all the seas are dead. This is because natural sources of Oxygen are mostly gone then. Then oxygen no longer comes from the then dead oceans and the nonexistent forests.
Yes. Life does eventually come back to the oceans and the forests do eventually renew. But that only happens after 95% of the present level of population that is presently on earth has passed on from starvation and thirst because of the death of the oceans and most plant life on land and droughts. Only 100 million to 500 million people will be alive on earth when Global warming reverses and the oceans and the trees and farms slowly come back.
From Ask.com (a possible solution)
February 9th 2007
Solid oxide electrolyzers, such as electrolysis cells utilizing yttria-stabilized zirconia, can produce oxygen from Mars atmospheric carbon dioxide and reject carbon monoxide and unreacted carbon dioxide in a separate stream. The oxygen-production process has been shown to be far more efficient if the high-pressure, unreacted carbon dioxide can be separated and recycled back into the feed stream. Additionally, the mass of the adsorption compressor can be reduced. Also, the carbon monoxide by-product is a valuable fuel for space exploration and habitation, with applications from fuel cells to production of hydrocarbons and plastics. In our research, we will design, construct, and test an innovative, robust, low mass, low power separation device that can recover carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide for Mars ISRU. Such fundamental process technology, involving gas-solid phase separation in a reduced gravitational environment, will help to enable Human Exploration and Development of Space. The separation device will be scaled to operate with a CO2 sorption compressor and a zirconia electrolysis device built at the NASA Ames Research Center and the University of Arizona, respectively. Figure 1 is a diagram of the overall system, incorporating the three critical elements of compression, electrolysis, and separation. For the CO/CO2 separator, we envision a thermally-driven adsorption-based separation system that combines elements of TSA, PSA, and adsorption compression. One such possible system is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Four-step adsorption cycle for separation of CO and CO2. CO is produced at the feed pressure (e.g., 1 bar); CO2 product is expanded to a pressure determined by the requirements of the zirconia cell. Two beds are needed. The steps are as follows: (1) Feed step: the bed is fed with the CO/CO2 mixture. The bed contains a CO2 selective adsorbent, and CO is produced as product. Little CO is adsorbed. (2) Heating step: as the bed is heated, the pressure increases.(3) Blowdown step: CO2 at high pressure is allowed to pass into a storage tank at a pressure sufficient to feed the zirconia cell. (4) Cooling step: the bed is cooled prior to returning it to the feed step. Research needs for the design shown in Figure 2 are as follows: � The best adsorbent for the process must be determined. � Adsorption isotherms must be measured, both for pure components and mixtures. � Mathematical modeling must be performed to provide a solid framework for design. � The separation system must be constructed and tested. � System integration must be studied.
Hope Springs Eternal
1:10 am pst February 9th 2007
The human race is not going to end. It will find a way to go on. You and I may live on to see thousands of years of changes. But most will not choose to do that even if given the choice. I was experiencing moral support from angel friends this evening. I have been struggling with my mother slowly passing away from Senile dementia. She doesn't know my son and I anymore. The angels were sharing that my world isn't ending. It is just changing. And that not only is my glass not half empty but that it will be refilled with something amazing and new. I have been experiencing a feeling of falling through space and waiting to hit the ground for about a year now with 1 friend and 2 relatives having passed on and another friend with premature Alheimers etc. etc. But the other side of it is that I also realize that I'm not dying. One of my friends still has good enough health to ski with me. My 17 year old daughter is back in my life and snowboards with my when I ski. My 10 year old daughter thinks I'm a great guy. My wife just had a colonoscopy and she came through with flying colors even though she was pretty scared beforehand. But most of all I'm ALIVE and THE WORLD IS NOT GOING TO END, IT"S JUST CHANGING REALLY FAST!
Of Visions Quests and Dragons
February 7th 2007
In 1983 I did a vision quest of no water and no food for 4 days on the south fork of the Trinity River in Northern California 5 miles from the nearest dirt road in a bear wallow right next to the Trinity River. At the time I just wanted to know what direction my spiritual path should take. After 2 days of waiting the incredibly vivid visions began. I had been praying and meditating for two days interperced with naps with fasting without either food or water.
In one vision I became a very powerful Merlin like figure which I now associate with both Merlin who we all know well from King Arthur's legend.I also now associate this vision with Padmasambhava who was a very evolved Mahasiddha from Afghanistan who came up from India where he was practicing and melded Buddhism with the local Bonpo religions to create the modern Tibetan Buddhism and its 4 schools of Gelukpa, Sakya, Kargyu and Nyingpa (going from most recent schools to oldest schools). Gelukpa is the School of the modern Dalai Lama and he is considered the leader of all Schools by Tibetan Buddhists all over earth.
In the process of my vision quest in 1983 in addition to experiencing the somewhat awesome and terrifying vision of becoming a powerful Merlin like figure.
My vision quest was overseen by a medicine man I was studying with then. After 4 rounds in the sweat lodge I walked upstream to the bear wallow and spent the next four days and nights there. After the vision quest I walked (stumbled) the four miles back to the sweat lodge for another 4 rounds in the sweat lodge with them medicine man. So I was following an unbroken tradition that has existed for at least 15,000 years to 20,000 years of not eating or drinking while praying for visions to show one what to do next. Especially, when one tribe was starving or in drought or ill or needed help this was done by one or more members of the tribe. Then when the vision questor returned he or she shared the visions he or she was allowed to with the whole tribe to empower them all and make them stronger mentally and physically and spiritually. Many times the anwers needed to help the tribe survive came in this exact way. Vision quests are then about individual and family and tribal survival spiritually and physically.
Souls all around the universe far beyond our galaxy all need a quality planet to evolve on and unless this platform of soul evolution is protected it will be lost to all beings. It is important that as many of us souls as possible step up to the plate now to keep the human race alive on earth as we move out to colonize other planets and places and dimensions in this galaxy as well as others.
the second vision that I had was that I became a great Golden Dragon at least 50 feet high while sitting and maybe 100 feet long. As this great Golden Dragon I breathed out Fire on thousands of people but they didn't die or get injured. Instead they began to smile as they became enlightened by the Dragonfire. This was a very rewarding vision that for me has become real through my writing and also by my helping various people in my life survive various calamities both short term and long term.
I remember multiple lifetimes in Tibet, China, Japan and various other locations around the world. My last lifetime before this was to die as a 12 year old at Nagasaki in a nuclear blast. You might think this unfortunate. On the contrary this karma caused me to be born in Seattle, Washington since the karma of being killed by a foreign power in a battle is to be born and raised by that foreign nation. So I was blessed with this lifetime in the United States. Though this nation is much more materialistic in some ways than what I was used to in other ways it has allowed me the time and freedom to study and grow in amazing ways that I was not allowed in other lifetimes.
Of Dragon Kings and "Descendents of the Dragon"
February 7th 2007
I found the following information at the above site. Please paste if interested.
I was reading something online and it spoke of Dragon Kings as a part of the ancient religious traditions of China. In the process of researching more about this I found the following from the above site:
The Celestial Chinese Dragon is comparable as the symbol of the Chinese race itself. Chinese around the world, proudly proclaim themselves "Lung Tik Chuan Ren" (Descendents of the Dragon). Dragons are referred to as the divine mythical creature that brings with it ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune.
As the emblem of the Emperor and the Imperial command, the legend of the Chinese Dragon permeates the ancient Chinese civilization and shaped their culture until today. Its benevolence signifies greatness, goodness and blessings.
The Chinese Dragon, or Lung , symbolizes power and excellence, valiancy and boldness, heroism and perseverance, nobility and divinity. A dragon overcomes obstacles until success is his. He is energetic, decisive, optimistic, intelligent and ambitious.
Unlike the negative energies associated with Western Dragons, most Eastern Dragons are beautiful, friendly, and wise. They are the angels of the Orient. Instead of being hated, they are loved and worshipped. Temples and shrines have been built to honor them, for they control the rain, rivers, lakes, and seas. Many Chinese cities have pagodas where people used to burn incense and pray to dragons.
The Black Dragon Pool Chapel, near Peking, was reserved for the Empress and her court.
Special worship services took place there on the first and fifteenth of every month. Dragon shrines and altars can still be seen in many parts of the Far East. They are usually along seashores and riverbanks, because most Eastern Dragons live in water.
The Isle of the Temple, in Japan's Inland Sea, has become a famous stopover for pilgrims who meditate and pray to dragons. Both male and female dragons have mated with humans.
Their descendants became great rulers. The Japanese Emperor Hirohito traced his ancestry back 125 generations to Princess Fruitful Jewel, daughter of a Dragon King of the Sea. Emperors in many Asian countries claimed to have dragon ancestors. This made them so proud, that everything they used was decorated with dragons and described in terms of the dragon: dragon-throne, dragon-robe, dragon-bed, dragon-boat. Calling an emperor "dragon-face" was a supreme compliment. People believed that rulers could change themselves into dragons. For hundreds of years, Japanese emperors sat concealed behind bamboo curtains whenever visitors came. Anyone who dared to peek was condemned to death.
Everything connected with Eastern Dragons is blessed.
The Year of the Dragon, which takes place ever twelve years, is lucky. Present-day Oriental astrologers claim that children born during Dragon Years enjoy health, wealth, and long life.
Dragons are so wise that they have been royal advisors. A thirteenth-century Cambodian king spent his nights in a golden tower, where he consulted with the real ruler of the land a nine-headed dragon.
Eastern Dragons are vain, even though they are wise. They are insulted when a ruler doesn't follow their advice, or when people do not honor their importance. Then, by thrashing about, dragons either stop making rain and cause water shortages, or they breathe black clouds that bring storms and floods. Small dragons do minor mischief, such as making roofs leak, or causing rice to be sticky. People set off firecrackers and carry immense paper dragons in special parades. They also race dragon-shaped boats in water all to please and appease their dragons.
The Dragon brings upon the essence of life, in the form of its celestial breath, known to many as sheng chi. He yields life and bestows its power in the form of the seasons, bringing water from rain, warmth from the sunshine, wind from the seas and soil from the Earth.
The Dragon is the ultimate representation of the forces of Mother Nature, the greatest divine force on Earth.
The Chinese Dragon is often seen as the symbol of divine protection and vigilance. It is regarded as the Supreme Being amongst all creatures. It has the ability to live in the seas, fly up the heavens and coiled up in the land in the form of mountains. Being the divine mythical animal, the Dragon can ward off wandering evil spirits, protect the innocent and bestow safety to all that hold his emblem. The Chinese Dragon is looked upon as the ultimate symbol of Good Fortune.
Dreaming of College
February 7th 2007
I was dreaming last night of going to college last night. Since I have had total about 8 years of college that is not surprising. However, as I was waking I saw it would be a good thing for me to write about as it would be helpful both to me and possibly to you as well.
While I was last in college at one of the Universities of California-UC I noticed several things happening simaltaneously. The first was that it was a lot of fun learning from other students who were mostly 18-30 years old because I was at the time about 40. The second thing I noticed was that I was now competing with mostly kids who were straight A students from High school who tended to be people like High School Class Presidents, Valedictorians of their senior class or who at least held student offices and or were presidents of class clubs, members of sports teams etc. I found this very stimulating while at the same time running a business and raising teenagers and a new baby. My wife at the time was also attending the same UC. We found ways of doing it all because at that age one tends to be highly efficient because of the life experience garnered from raising a family and running one or more businesses.
But also while there I noticed something else. For me, at least, all the formal structural thinking tended to interfere with my processes that I valued most. In other words I found that thinking that was that structured interfered with my most intuitive thoughts and with being in the right place at the right time. University critical thinking started making me feel like I was an ant or honeybee rather that a free thinking Socrates or Plato or Lao Tzu or even a Buddha. I was disturbed by this because I had been convinced long before that the survival of society comes directly from meditative philosophical thought and that people who become to intellectual tend to separate themselves too much from intuitive more meditative thought and thereby interfere in that way with their survival as well as group survival. What do you think about this?
It IS possible that this is just me. It is possible that other types of people have no trouble in doing both. However, I believe that there is something to what I am saying here. In other words there is something seriously wrong with how colleges train minds.
I think the problem lies in training people to work in large corporations. This type of pyramid structure creates people who must fit in just like soldiers. It kills creative thought and tends to prevent really creative entrepreuneurs like Bill Gates and Steven Jobs. Free thinkers are the ones in the end who will solve problems like Global Warming. People who drop out of Harvard on a whim to start Microsoft are the ones who will change the world. People who create their own businesses will be the ones who survive Global warming. All the rest might follow. But remember, right now we need people like Bill Gates and Steven Jobs who are young to save us from Global Warming. We need people who find a way of getting rich by saving us all!!
Why Do I Write?
February 6th 2007
I write because I can. I write because I am moved to. I write because I believe that it can be helpful to others. I write because I have become a very wise person. I have found that almost anyone who lives beyond 50 years of age (I am almost 59) tends to be wise just to have survived that long. So I feel I have a lot of knowledge and wisdom to share if anyone is interested. I write because it is therapeudic and tends to heal me when I am able to get my true feelings out and about. I have watched so many people hold all their true feelings in because the felt they had to and then watched them slowly die of cancer or some other awful disease. Being fearless enough to write what I really think I will live longer than most people on earth. I already have.
February 6th 2007
If someone is trying to kill you
finding a way to survive is the only important truth
If life brings you quietude
use that time to contemplate truth
Then when life is difficult
you're newfound truths
and memories of quietude
will comfort you
and see you through
to a brighter day
When quietude comes again
give gratitude
for gratitude is the motor of life
when one is grateful and appreciates life
truly the heavens open up for that person
then take time to further contemplate truth
for then you may be clear enough to begin to become
a teacher of men, of women, of children
In this way the human race
hears new messages of truth
and of how to live
through anything
Psychic from Conception
February 5th 2007
I was watching the end of the TV show Heroes and was inspired to write this. I find this show in many ways demonstrates what many of us who are gifted experience (even though it is pretty hollywooded up). My experience was both very different and yet in some ways very similar to what happens to many of the gifted people in Heroes. I found no way to survive powerful gifts other than to find a spiritual path so that I could protect both myself and all other beings.
My first experience that in my memory at least that began all this was when I was between 1 1/2 to 2 years old in Seattle likely 1950. My Scottish Grandmother was singing to me in her scottish brogue "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" while I lay in her lap in a stuffed rocking chair so I guess it likely was around Christmas 1949 or 1950. While she was singing, Arcangel Michael and his Arcangel Band of Angels. (5 to 7 in all) appeared life size in the room with us. I don't know if Nana(Grandma) saw them or not. But I did. They all had shoulder length hair with nordic complections. The hair was different on each, Blonde on one light brown on another, dark brown on the next and Black on the next. There was no facial hair on any of them. As Nana sang they all smiled at me like I was one of them, like they would always be there for me all my life. I have experienced this ever since. This is why I'm still alive after all these years. IN this way my life has always been amazing.
I remember as I was learning to walk all the adults were very large to me. I remember hearing the thoughts of all adults and feeling frightened by most adult thoughts and feelings. I began wondering why adults never said what they really thought or felt. It took me until I was 15 to fully get that civilization was based on politeness and that if everyone said exactly what they thought and felt that everyone might kill each other and all civilization might cease to exist.
As I grew up I found that I generally was more sensitive and refined in many ways that most boys I knew. I would tend to fight less than most boys and generally was more of a gentleman and less crazy than most boys. I tried very hard not to harm anyone physically. I made more of an effort at this than most boys. Also, I was always very big and strong for my age and didn't want to injure anyone because of my strength and stature so I tended to be more cautious because of this. Almost no one physically picked on me because of my size unless they were much older and bigger than I.
When I was 10 I had a paper route and one Sunday Morning I delivered my papers on bicycle between 4 am and 6 am like all other sundays. However, on the way home I stopped and watched to dogs copulate. I had never seen this before. A very big dog was copulating with a very little dog and the little dog didn't like it. It was a very strange experience for me as I had never seen anything like this before. I went home and went back to sleep not thinking about all this. However, that morning while sleeping a black hand came to me in my dreams and strangled me. I woke up on the floor with my head in my mother's arms. She looked scared. She said I had a bad dream but didn't tell me I had had a seizure. I don't think she told Dad either because she was scared.
I had a seizure once about every 6 months at night during a bad dream until I turned 15. At 14 I realized I wasn't going to survive many more of these so I got religion and went to church 3 to 4 times a week trying to survive childhood epilepsy. At age 15 I used my religious training in invoke God into my body to protect me from harm. However, what really happened is that God after coming into my body brought with him very powerful supernatural powers that have stayed ever since and grown and grown and grown.
The first miracle was that I completely changed in appearance soon after this event and girls started falling in love with me. The second miracle was that my seizures stopped ever since. Forever or 44 years now since 1963. The third set of miracles was that I found that I had many different yet interelated psychic gifts. I was frightened by these gifts even as I was grateful for them as they kept me and friends and family alive on many occasions.
One of the many problems with all this was that I had a hard time protecting people from my protectors. It was as if I was a God Being that was protected by God and that average nasty people had better watch out because if they offended God bad things happened to them. As I began to realize this was happening I became frightened about this and tried to protect ignorant nasty people from being harmed by my protectors. Some times I quite college classes to protect people and if I couldn't protect some people sometimes I quit jobs so people wouldn't be injured by my protectors.
It wasn't until I was 32 or 33 years old and had met my first Tibetan Lama that I began to figure out better how to protect people from my protectors. By 33 I realized I was probably a Tibetan Tulku, a bodhisattva that consciously reincarnates to help end the suffering of all souls and to help bring all to enlightenment. But I suffered a lot before I came to this realization.However, when I began to be initiated by Lamas and to understand these kinds of things at this point I had no trouble invoking pure angelic beings to assist me protecting all beings from my protectors. However, I also knew by then that my protectors had had to protect me all those years growing up so that I could fully realize this completed "bodhisatva" state again.
It wasn't that I never did anything wrong in life growing up. It was just that I had a very different skill set than the average person because my my recent past lives since 1100 AD. For example, in this life I have watched many geniuses and validictorians kill themselves with alcohol, drugs, women etc over the years. I have realized in this life again that the most important skill any of us has is common sense and right mindful compassion towards ourselves and all beings in the universe. If one can be in tune with the universe to be in the right place at the right time intuitively while maintaining compassion toward themselves and all beings in the universe then THAT TRULY IS SOMETHING WORTH WRITING HOME ABOUT! That is what Jesus and Buddha and many amazing beings have done for thousands and thousands of years. However, reaching realizations is only the first step in putting into practice your realizations. I have heard many spiritual teachers talk about how within one spiritual message of a teacher there can be 50 different levels of comprehension.
A good illustration would be when you take your child to see a movie cartoon at a local theatre one notices that there are at least 2 or more levels that these cartoon movies are directed at. One level of jokes are directed at 3 to 8 year olds then there are slightly more sophisticated jokes for the 8 to 15 year old crowd and then there are the jokes aimed directly at the 15 to 100 year old crowd that make the adults howl with laughter. Spiritual teachings can be like this too depending on ones depth of comprehension of a given subject. Blessings to All.
Definition of soliloquy
February 5th 2007
definition: The act of speaking to oneself. Also:A dramatic or literary discourse in which a charactor talks to himself or herself or reveals his or her thoughts with out addressing a listener.
Example of soliloquy Shakespeare's Hamlet's soliloquy begins with "to Be or not to Be---" I was researching on ask.com for my daughter's homework when I found the above gem.
What is Reality?
February 5th 2007
You may think this is an odd question. But Reality I would have to define in relation to at least human beings as being "What each human being experiences from conception forward combined with how each human is conditioned by both their ongoing experiences and how they are terrified into believing different things by adults along the way." Now you may say, "Why did you choose the words 'terrified into believing by adults along the way'? I believe that reality 'especially' now more than ever must be defined in this way because of how fundamentalist parents whether they be religious or secular terrify their children into following their lead and in some cases if they don't follow their parents lead the children or young adults are either marginalized, verbally or physically tortured or just killed in cultures around the world.
In some ways I wish reality could be defined as what human beings experience without being terrified into believing but then that would negate all cultures.
Next I would like to say that every culture tends to be somewhat ethnocentric. Ethnocentric simply means that the members of that culture tend to think that all other cultures are inferior to that culture. Good examples of this are Russia, China, The United States, England and Japan. Though there are many such cultures, these cultures that I have mentioned tend to be the MOST ethnocentric on the world stage.
Therefore these cultures are also on a cultural level the least suited for Globalisation if that is ones goal. On a business level though this is an entirely different story. I'm just speaking culturally. Just look at the ethnocentric nature of American media. These days if something really bad happens on the world stage don't expect it to show up on American news.
For example right now 340,000 people are homeless from the floods in the capital of Indonesia and I have barely even heard anything about it on American television new. It is almost like it didn't even happen.
So Back to reality. When I write I try to negate most of how I have been terrified into believing things by any adults. I try to write of experiences that I have experienced in my exploration of Reality as a teenager and young adult on into middle age. My father taught me to be a 'free thinker' and a 'critical thinker' by the time I was 9 years old by debating with me many subjects. He sought to draw out my opinion whether he agreed with me or not. Yes. There were many walls we hit like when he told me I couldn't listen to rock n' roll because it was evil and ridiculous stuff like that. All that did was make me think my Dad was Passe' and old school and that he was just (out of date) and to be ignored on this level. But in the main he encouraged me to think for myself, to make my own decisions and to be a real 'free thinker' on any subject I chose. For this, I will always love and cherish my father. For this I believe is the single most valuable quality that he EVER instilled in me. For the capacity to be an innovative "free Thinker" has been the single most important quality that has saved my life and sanity and the life and sanity of many friends and relations throughout my life. The capacity to be innovative and to think in new ways and try new things has been the single most important thing that I share with my children as well! To always "Question Authority" is also one of the most important qualities as well. Because as we all know "Absolute power corrupts absolutely". The most wonderful people can all be corrupted by too much power. This is a really unfortunate truth! So learning to define reality yourself is the single most important factor in youre long term survival as a human being!
12 versions of the Truth
February 4th 2007
It is way to simplistic to say that there is only one version of the truth. Only a child in consciousness and a 3 or 4 year old at that can actually think that way and succeed in any way. For me to say that there are 12 versions of truth is also completely arbitrary. One could actually choose any number and possibly be right depending on the person. We are influenced in choosing our truths beyond the basic 3 or 4 year old truths by family, culture, religion and everything and everyone else we are exposed to growing up. There are basic secret truths, semi secret truths and public truths and none of them may do full justice to who we are or what life is at core. For those of us who survive past 30 the most basic truth of all is=Truth is survival, in other words if you don't do what causes you to survive then you don't. But ultimately, that is only one of many many other truths competing for our attention. For although (to survive past 30) truth IS survival it is also many other things if one wants to remain sane and integrated as a person
For example (Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind) is a very very basic truth. This leads all grown ups over 25 to realize: (If I don't change my dreams I will not survive because my dreams are or were too specific to actually have a practical chance of happenning in reality). So we learn the art of compromise in order to survive. Is compromise a lie or is it truth? Here we find ourselves back at truth is survival. So then we see that without some compromise we don't physically or mentally survive but if we compromise too much then we lose both our dreams and our minds.
Here we must (if we wish to physically and mentaly survive) constantly strive for two things (compassion and balance). Without compassion towards ourselves we become so hard that no one wants to be around us and the same is true about compassion towards others. People don't want to be around us if we aren't compassionate towards others as well. People in general tend to have difficulty being either compassionate towards themselves or others. The extreme version of not being compassionate towards oneself or others would be a suicide bomber that kills not only him or herself but hundreds of others. Each time we witness through the news this action we witness the death of civilization in microcosm. Witnessing the death of civilization in microcosm over and over one can only see that if this goes on long enough civilization itself will suicide. Logically and emperically this is an inevitable result.So in extreme form a suicide bomber is symbolic of the ultimate death of truth. Since beings cannot survive without enough truth it is like watching us all die for no reason.
In other articles I have written about how suicide bombing is not limited to Osama's followers. If all this goes on long enough we shall see Shia suicide bombers, Christian suicide bombers and even secular suicide bombers. Even though this may not start for 50 to 100 years I think this result might be inevitable if some other factor doesn't come into play that we all haven't considered yet.
Back to truth. Truth when we are young is simple: we have our own little child basic truths and then we have the scary truths of adults that are rammed into us by them scaring us by one means or another and demanding we buy into their truths. Are the truths adults give us superior? Not Necessarily. Adults tend to do what is expedient. In other words they do what is best for them. They might altruistically want to do something better for their children, but in the end they have to do what is expedient in order to just barely survive and to keep their kids alive one more day. So what is the truth in all this? Truth is Survival is what is taught which is important. But like I said before truth is survival doesn't lead to sanity it only leads to physical survival. Hopefully, as we mature we are all given enough time and good enough teachers to contemplate the deeper meanings of truth so that we can create better lives for ourselves and our children and our friends and relatives. If enough of us can grow in this way real truth can spread around the world and throughout the universe. This would be something REALLY wonderful and useful for all mankind (both those alive and those who have gone and suffered before).
Don't trust anyone over 30?
12:42 am pst February 4th 2007
I remember thinking like this. The logic was flawless for a generation like ours looking inward for answers. However, to survive beyond 30 one had to add an ingredient mostly lacking in the under 30's of my time. Sacrifice! Sacrifice for family, for friends, for country, for humans etc. etc. etc. Of course people over thirty back in the 1970's over 30 lied much more than people do now(atleast in the US) without even giving it another thought. It was just what people had to do to survive the Great Depression and World War II. Those who hadn't bent the truth were all dead. Only the resourceful had survived. Even the survivors were wounded.
But to my generation who lived in the truly golden age of the 60's and 70's life was a pretty amazing experience for those of us who survived it with both body and mind intact. Our generation was rich enough to be idealistic. Smart and numerous enought so people had to give us at least a second chance, a second thought. Some people loved us. Some people hated us and some people just killed us whenever they could.
To live past thirty one HAS to be crazy! The logic of that is inescapable. You can be idealistic and not trust anyone over 30 if you are under 30 but if you want to live to an old age you better get a little crazy because people over 30 just don't tend to survive without being a little crazy and sacrificing a lot for family, friends, money, fame etc. Have your ideals. Have your dreams. But most of all just remember for most of us the world doesn't suddenly end at 30, we just have to learn to cope and cope and cope some more and then we are 60, 70, and 80 years olds wondering whatever happened to the fun kids we used to be.
The Lobsters in the Pot
February 3rd 2007
The Lobsters=humans and creaturs of earth--- and the pot=earth and its atmosphere are in for it according the the United Nations IPCC report being released on Global Warming. However, what is important is not the report itself but what humans do about it. I have long considered humans like the lobster in the pot story. For those who don't know it a lobster if thrown into boiling water will jump out. But if that same lobster is thrown into a pot of cold water and then the water is slowly heated that same lobster will not know when to jump out and will be cooked. Which lobster are we? That is the real question. Humans together could fix this problem if they could join together like they did in World War II to face common enemies. However, if we all stay disorganized we and all our civilizations and all our technology and cultures will die. Which lobster are we???
Supercells and Florida and other Flat tropical areas
February 3rd 2007
I was looking at a picture of one of the areas in Florida devastated by the latest Weather supercell to hit there. It seems only logical to me if I lived in that area in either a mobile home or anywhere in Florida to install either a cement or fiberglass unused septic tank to use exclusively as a weather shelter. If one had a good weather alarm system installed one could then shepard the family or friends or just oneself into the the completely buried structure that could probably survive up to a 200 mile an hour plus burst of wind unlike any other wood and/or aluminum structure on the surface. It might be important to have a door that can seal out water under most conditions as well since one would be underground and need to also protect from storm water surges. So being aware of the elevation of the land and distance from the ocean or rivers or levees or lakes might also be an important consideration.
Another idea would be if you owned a sailboat or powerboat. I noticed that some of the people that survived the best during Hurricane Katrina were people on tied down fishing boats on the coast. Even when the 30 foot surge of ocean came in they tended to be among those on the coast who survived such things. So if one was worried about both very high winds and storm surges one might be able to ride it out in a boat with an enclosed cabin on board. If there was high wind it might be possible to dig a deep trench in which the top of the cabin was at or below the surface of the earth. Then if wind came it would tend to stay above the boat and not competely destroy it. And if water came the boat would float to the surface, hopefully with family and friends on board. Obviously, everyone has different resources but these are some of my survival ideas for those with specific resources.
Global Warnings
February 2nd 2007
If you paste the above article it talks about the health threats that are coming through global warming. It also says what I also have seen for some time as a precognitive psychic. It is very unlikely that humans will be able to stop or slow down the cumulative effects of global warming for at least several hundred years. Though as a psychic I do believe it is possible to eventually begin to reverse the effects of global warming now in progress it will likely be somewhat inevitable for those who survive ongoing to watch millions and then billions be extinguished over the next few hundred years directly from winds, Drought, snow and extreme hurricanes and extreme dust storms and extreme changes in temerature etc. However, it is my belief that eventually humanity will find some way to bring us back from the brink of extinction whether by colonizing another world and eventually recolonizing earth or by re-terraforming earth's climate to be like it once was in the 1700's or 1800's AD or some combination like that. So althought in the short run it might be difficult it is my belief that like other challanges of the past humans will find a way forward for at least some humans to survive on this planet or others.
February 2nd 2007
Since I have been a precognitive psychic for all my 58 years. The following is just my trying to be helpful.Water will be more and more a very scarce and precious commodity on earth at least the non saline (unsalted) kind. Because of this migrating to an area that is on the ocean with a river nearby above 100 feet in altitude (to prevent ocean surges, tsunamis, hurricane water surges etc.) is one way to assure plentiful water. Then even during extreme droughts one has a way to collect water from ocean or river in emergencies that can be then boiled or distilled as necessary. Because without water people tend to die depending on temperature between 2 weeks to one day(one day being temperatures above 120 degrees farenheit). So what I'm talking about here is how to survive the next 25 to 50 years before winds start to increase and the coasts start to become uninhabitable over the next few hundred years for anyone living above ground level.
Jesus Loves Osama?
February 1st 2007 1:48 pm pst
What? This title is showing up on Australian Billboards in Australia and put there by a Christian Church. It is my theory that the minister behind this has studied Zen Buddhism as well as Christianity. Because "Jesus Loves Osama" is a perfectly designed Zen Koan. What? You might say. Well. The purpose of a Zen Koan is to break temporarily your mind in order to move it to enlightenment. In this case enlightenment is a larger world view of reality. Does Jesus love Osama's soul? Quite likely. Does he love what Osama has done as a genocider? No!!! However, simply put the purpose of Jesus Loves Osama is to blow your mind and to break it temporarily to be able to access another world view. Because to admit that Jesus loves Osama is to also say that "Jesus Loves Hitler". Jesus loves Pol Pot. Jesus loves Idi Amin. Jesus loves Stalin. Jesus love Mao Tse Tung. Etc. Etc. Etc.
The good that will come from this is all the minds that will be blown in confronting truths and reality. However, I don't think most of the world is ready for Zen enlightenment.
Another thing that I'm not sure the Western world is ready for. The primary purpose at this time of Osama Bin Laden is to genocide all Shia and all Muslims that do not share his extreme view. In understanding this and knowing that Osama wants the whole middle east to become a single extreme islamic Caliphate under suriya law (Koranic priestly law) with all Shias and Hezbollah and Iranians genocided then one can finally comprehend the full horror for all Islamics at this time. Most of the western world is still too uneducated to understand this fully. Most don't understand that Osama has used the US to begin his plan of Middle eastern domination under his extreme views. The western world has en masse been too ignorant of his long term plans to get any of this. This is because the western world doesn't think like Islamics have thought for 1500 years. It is a complete cultural discontinuity!!!
May the Force Be With you
2:00 Am pst February 1st 2007
I was trying to sleep and realized I had to write this down. I remember when I was in my late teens or twenties. About 90% of me believed that there was a God or higher power and about 10% of me didn't. I pictured what it would be like if here was no God or higher power and decided that without God I would prefer to be dead. So right then I decided that I would negate the 10% doubt by just understanding that if there was no God that I would then logically choose to die.
Flash forward 40 years to now. I was going to sleep and going over those thoughts and realized deeply that I still agreed with these premises. I further realized that I consider people who don't believe in God or a higher power Inhuman. Oh, I'm very open minded and am kind to all people in person unless they want to harm or kill me. Even then I won't harm them unless I had absolutely no other choice and was backed into a corner so to speak in self defense. And even then I would defend myself supernaturally as that is always my first choice. Physical violence I find, at least for someone as gifted as I is usally never necessary because I can see what is coming way before it might happen and alter time and space in order to survive and to help others to survive.
However, all these thoughts bring another kind of dilemma, one of a kind of bigotry. In other words: "If I don't consider humans who don't believe or don't care if God exists as human then how can I have fond feelings toward animals who may not understand the concept of God or a higher power?" Yes. This is a conundrum. One one level I think, "Humans who don't believe in God should just commit suicide like I would have if I didn't believe in God." But then I think, "Well. Maybe they have found another way to cope with all the insanities of life. Maybe by deifying themselves they have solved the problem of not believing in God by believing that They are the God in their lives." And then I'm left with, "How is that really any different than my solution which was to realize subconsciously that I AM a God. Maybe not The God but at the very least a perfect microcosm of the infinite God made in His or Her or It's image. Yes. This is a conundrum. And "No" I don't have and answer for this question. However, it is funny just thinking this way gives me great peace in knowing there are others who realize themselves to be the God of their own worlds too, even though I also recognize I am only a microcosmic God of my own world and that there is simaltaneously and infinite God that resonates perfectly with me. Somehow this conversation and dialogue brings me peace and makes me feel less alone and part of a group of the enlightened trillions in the infinite universe.
Global Warnings
January 30th 2007
The above story that you can paste if you want to read it basically says that serious Global warming effects will arrive within 10 years. As a precognitive psychic they agree with my experiences. Everything is changing much much faster than I inticipated too.
I was watching a Nova program on PBS last night on tv. They were talking about 5 different major die outs of life last night and were postulating that at least some of the die outs came from suddne increases in carbon dioxide on earth. One of these, 250 million years ago was caused by many active volcanoes spewing out carbon dioxide into the air in Siberia. This caused a sudden shift in greenhouse gases. And this caused temperatures to swiftly rise in the Oceans. It turns out that oxygen only stays fixed in water at colder temperatures. When the water in the oceans got warm enough it all released into the air killing most life in the waters. With Oxygen gone Hydrgen sulfide bacteria in the oceans could then live in much greater abundance. They created hydrogen sulfide gas which killed all oxygen based life in the oceans and then released into the atmosphere by bubbling up out of the oceans which killed most land based life.
If this scenario is true then the only way to stop a long term scenario from eventually killing most or all life on earth would be some kind of national or international efforts to stabilize climates. It would work in some ways like humans have used fire departments world wide to control unwanted fire from destroying cities and homes. Creating an international effective system to protect the climate may be one of the few long term hopes of the human races long term survival.
My Path
January 29th 2007
I was watching CNN. A commentator was speaking about how YOUTUBE was going to start paying people for contributing videos. It got me thinking about my path somehow. If you want to know the most important things I've learned read "For the Gifted Ones 1-20-07" further down the journal page.
Here I'm going to speak more about what my path has been like for me. I guess my experience looking back on the last 58 almost 59 years soon in April it has been "The Long and Winding Road". If you read the Beatles lyric while crying then you get my life and how I remember it. Very Bittersweet. Was it all worthwhile. I guess it is a matter of opinion. I'm not sure mine counts at this point. Because long ago I wanted to do away with myself at 21 and personally haven't changed that opinion since. I have lived on to honor God and all beings with my kindness and compassion. I decided firmly and haven't changed my opinion that this world just wasn't worth staying alive in as an adult. I guess if you were a kid that had a decent life like I did it was okay but as an adult? Forget it. No matter what you have the suffering if you are a kind intelligent person is just too great to survive and feel good about it.
I guess if you hated everyone and really were sick about being a total bastard to everyone then you might like being alive and torturing everyone. However, as a kind and caring person I saw no way forward for me to feel good about my life so I chose to end it.
In the beginning of my life into adulthood I was a dualist. In otherwords I believed in good and bad even though I never believed in Hell as being anything else but what some people experience while on earth. For me, my personal hell ended when a friend of mine who is very gifted like me showed me how to live in a heaven realm right here on earth by having angels around me most of the time as protectors and friends and benefactors. I found since I could replicate heaven right here on earth that I did not have to commit suicide. My "Angels" have been with me and growing in number ever since. Many of my new "angels" are friends and relatives who have passed away and who continue to help those on earth from the other side.
In my early thirties I was introduced to Tibetan Lamas and native American Medicine Men. Through both of these experiences I became a non-dualist, and found it to be much more adult like and came to see being a dualist as childish and unevolved. I came to see things not so much as good and bad but like the weather. Is snow good or bad? Is rain good or bad? Is wind good or bad? In all of these situations one must ask for whom or what group? Otherwise saying good or bad comes up being ridiculous.
Instead I came up with another tried and true formula. All beings want to be treated with kindness and compassion. In addition to this all beings suffer with many of the same problems. It does not matter if these beings are human or animal or creature or alien from another world. All beings intrinsically need to be treated with kindness and compassion. Then I learned about the suicidal aspects of idiot compassion. Idiot compassion is compassion practiced without wisdom. Then I learned about Right mindful compassion that seeks the wisest way to help all beings. Then I learned about Tibetan Buddhism and of Becoming like an enlightened King so one could then benefit all beings in the Universe. Then I learned that to the truly compassionate and enlightened, time and space is no barrier at all to compassionate spontaneous accomplishment anwhere and anywhen in the universe. At this point most of the fear in my life dropped away and I became aligned with the infinite compasionate array of wise and kind and compassionate beings which spans all universes and all times and spaces. This was a major breakthrough for me and a blessing both to myself and all life in the universe. Though this manifested in a secret way. I am publicly speaking of this today to bless all life everywhere.
Though all the above is true it does not mean that I still don't have to deal with the problems of living in a human body on earth and trying to stay alive and balanced. It just means that I live in a state of Grace in many ways in which I have the Leisure to do spiritual practice to benefit all beings in an unlimited way. I worked my whole life to be able to do this. I was speaking to a friend recently and we were speaking about what we had tried to do in this lifetime. He is a famous musician and so he talked about how he wanted to make people feel more centered and at peace through his music. I spoke of how I wanted to Be at peace and have the time to generate inner peace through the leisure to practice. In this sense both of us had succeeded in our goals that we set as young men in our teens and early twenties.
I Live in the Future
January 28th 2007
I was a boy growing up in the 1950's and in 1961 I was 13. In 1969 I was 21. So for me, at least, anything after about 1975 IS the future and in a way inconceivable for the child in me. Sure, I am an adult and am theoretically at least capable of coping with anything. Sort of. Yes. I have the battle spirit to go on no matter what just like I was taught. To keep right on going like soldiers did in old revolutionary war movies with pieces of them blown off. To keep right on going until so many pieces are blown off until you at last, hit the ground. Those pieces, it turns out for me at least, are my friends and relatives dying around me. Each time one dies, a piece of me dies too. Most are irreplaceable and so it is much like pieces of my life and me falling away. Will I keep right on going? Of Course. That is what I was taught: to keep right on going like a good warrior until I hit the ground. I Live in the Future. Where do you live?
Global Warnings
January 26th 2007
Climate change wil bring about (at least in California) an extreme rise in the price of produce because of the loss of 80% of the citrus crop and a loss fo between 25% to 50% of all produce grown here because of the ongoing freezing temperatures late at night into the early mornings. This worldwide could cause extreme increases in the cost of food and increasing starvation as the direct result.
Where is the Germain War?
January 26th 2007
The Iraq War is likely the most mismanaged War in the History of the United States. It is as if it was being fought to benefit companies like Halliburton and to further the long term goals of Osama Bin Laden and the short term goals of Iran. Why is this? I believe behind this war is only money. If you follow the money you will see who benefits from this war and I am sure it has nothing to do with the average person in the United States. It is as if all the Daddy Warbucks corporations in the United States and world planned a war that would last several hundred years. My question is this: Are the Neo Conservatives really just the pawns of the Daddy Warbucks corporations of the world? Because that is what it looks like right now.
Aircraft Carriers
January 25th 2007
There are presently 2 Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups near Iran. The United STates needs 4 to attack Iran. If 4 battle groups are in the area one would know that Israel and Possibly the United States are so disgusted with Iran that they feel they have no choice but to attack by Air with Cruise missiles and planes nuclear installations. People who want to live should leave nuclear areas just in case as hundreds of square miles around each nuclear installation in Iran will become uninhabitable for hundreds to thousands of years if attacked by air in this way.
Power and Freedom
January 25th 2007
I had two very amazing experiences in the last month. In the first I saw Letters from Iwo Jima and I was very amazed. But along with this I saw a documentary about the Chinese people in present day China.
I would like to share the experiences I had. What I realized was that in both the movie Japanese soldiers and the documentary on present day China there was one thing that people had in common. No one from common man to leader or general was "free" in the sense that we take it for granted in the United States. Many had the ability to speak out their displeasures but none had a way of really changing anything unless they could get hundeds to thousands of people to join them in a fight to the death which they would tend not to do because of different cultural priorities than we have here in the United States.
The poorest person in the United STates with no job and no possessions still has something that many on earth will never have, "The freedom to do with his or her life exactly what he or she wishes. The opportunity to try anything legal in the United STates which is a LOT!
My whole concept of both what it was to be a Japanese soldier in World War II and what it is right today to be a Chinese citizen in China was completely changed by this movie and this documentary. Iam completely amazed that both things are completely different than I ever would have imagined! I have so much more to learn on this subject and didn't realize how ignorant I still am even though I have travelled to India and Nepal and Japan and Europe. I still have so much to learn even at 58 years of age!
The Growing Shia vs. Sunni War
January 25th 2007
The revolution that appears to be starting in Lebanon is not between Christians and Moslems but between the Sunni and Christian backed US supported government in Lebanon and the Hezbollah(Shia) Muslims.
When Osama Bin Laden's people blew up the most sacred mosque in all Shiadom they started (consciously) an all out war between Sunnis and Shias. The reverberations of that mosque being blown up will be felt for many hundreds of years if not thousands. When the Sunnis blew up that mosque they started a holy war between Sunnis and Shias. This will go on for a long long time. The only comparison I can think of would be if a protestant faction of Christianity blew up the Vatican. This would be a similar type of problem that Christians might recognize. However, because of the present more secular nature of the western world even that would not be comparable to the rage and anger of all Shias.
The blowing up of this mosque was only the first action of Osama Bin Laden of the genocide of all Shias. And because of American and European ignorance in a sense we ran interference in ignorance of this long term (hundreds of years) radical Sunni plan.
The psychology of the Iranian Shias is much more militaristic than most Sunnis. Most Sunnis by nature are more into being businessmen than being warlike. This is partly because of religious philosophy but also because of their history of the last 1500 years. Because the Shias have felt put down and tortured by the Sunnis rightly or wrongly they tend to have a tendency towards preparing for violence. Also, Saddams Sunni attack upon Shia Iran caused Iran to become more militaristic out of necessity. Over 250,000 Shia died in that almost ten year war.
Whether the US stays in Iraq or not one should expect Iran to try to end Israel and then it would try to take first Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and finally Israel. Iran through Hezbollah is presently trying to take Lebanon. Syria, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Egypt are very very upset.
The United States and Europe tend to be so involved in their own problems and guilt issues about the whole Iraq thing that they are not looking at all this suffiently. However, the United States must take care of its own debt and financial state or it will go bankrupt. In other words we cannot afford to do what we are doing and stay solvent. So the single most important thing that the United States is to pull back and retrench, to lick our wounds and to rebuild and to balance our finances. At the same time we need to rebuild our military resources because what is coming in the middle east is literally going to be a completely engulfing mideast war. Whether it will in the short run be headed off with cruise missiles or nuclear weapons or not it must be recognized that it will not end until all shias are gone or all Sunnis are gone. Since the middle east is 90% Sunni the Shias will be genocided unless they use nukes and missiles on the Sunni. This is the only way that the Shia will become preeminent.
But for now unless the United STates wants to become completely insolvent we must pull back and regroup.
Letters From Iwo Jima
January 23rd 2007
I went to see Clint Eastwood's award winning movie today. It was very moving. I'm not sure anyone either Japanese or American or even European or other have ever done such an amazing movie. Compared to this movie Flags of our Father's was totally formula out of the 50's with a great director. However, Letters from Iwo Jima brought me to peace. You see, I remember dying as a child by the nuking at Nagasaki and being very confused and frightened about the whole thing. Then I was reborn in Seattle, Washington to white parents who though they didn't fight in world war II.(My Dad was in the Marines from 1934-37 as biplane gunner and then built Libertey Ships in Seattle during World War II being a trained journeyman electrician). My parents married in 1946 after the war and I was born in 1948. However, all this lifetime I have dealt with a whole lot of rage and anger regarding unjust order in any society. In watching this movie my soul finally came to peace in understanding more what life was really like for Japanese soldiers during Iwo Jima and world war II. Free will didn't really exist for them in their culture and this comes out strongly in this movie. Survival was 100 times harder for each japanese soldier because it was literally victory or suicide. For the Japanese soldiers, surrender was never an option even though some found ways of surrendering. My compassion for the Japanese soldiers grew immensely from this film. In this present time of fundamentalist terrorists that we now live in this film is even more important. Because then like now it is a clash of cultures so deep that mass death could only be the end result.
Why Do Good?
January 22nd 2007
I found the above article and found it highly interesting.Here is a quote from the above internet forbes article:
"People may not perform selfless acts just for an emotional reward, a new brain study suggests.
Instead, they may do good because they're acutely tuned into the needs and actions of others.
Scientists say a piece of the brain linked to perceiving others' intentions shows more activity in unselfish vs. selfish types.
"Perhaps altruism did not grow out of a warm-glow feeling of doing good for others, but out of the simple recognition that that thing over there is a person that has intentions and goals. And therefore, I might want to treat them like I might want them to treat myself," explained study author Scott Huettel, an associate professor of psychology at Duke University Medical Center, in Durham, N.C."
Monday January 22nd 2007
Two of my biggest pet peeves in life are people who want to end the spanking of children and people who want to force everyone to wear seat belts
I can see why some people who have behavioral problems should be prevented from abusing their kids through corporal punishment. However, the story I would like to tell is what do you do if your kid say from walking age on likes to wander into the street in front of cars and trucks? Talking to them about them about not dying doesn't always work. There are many situations where not spanking a child will result in their maiming or death.
So what I'm saying is that in theory not spanking a child sounds good. However, most parents at some point will encounter situations where not spanking a child will cost the child their lives or hands or feet or other body parts or the death of a younger child. By the way I have been raising at least one child under age 15 since 1974. This means that I have had 33 years continuous experience with these kinds of problems. This is real time experience not fake theoretical ideas of childless college professors.
The seat belt situation is that since I'm a precognitive psychic I don't have accidents because I see them before they happen and prevent them. If I wear a seat belt it increases my risk of accident because it causes me to create an accident subconsciously. I think this is true of many drivers. Also, to force a little child into a car seat or seat belt when all they want to do is to move around causes all kinds of permanent neuroses that cause harm throughout the child's life, all for the 1 in 10,000 or better moment when the seat belt or car seat will actually be needed. So we imprison our children in these car seats and victimize them whenever they ride in a vehicle and make them nuts so the one time in 20 years that they might actually need a seat belt takes affect. It would be like deciding that because one might fall down the front steps one day that you would never go out your front door and stay in your house forever. That is how stupid the logic is to me. It is definitely another female type of thinking that is convuluted and stupid in practice.
At the same time I believe that women are much better communicators than men and that with more women leaders world wide we would have many less wars and nuclear confrontations.
I'm really amazed that people have bought into seat belts and now not spanking as both things are not practical in their negative affects in real life situations. In other words the medicine in both situations causes more harm than the disease if looked at in a truly practical long term way.
I can remember being 6 years old in 1954. My mother was learning to drive and so would do things like run over mailboxes. One time I was thrown into the front window and chipped a tooth but it was a baby tooth. Starting in 1950 from the time I could stand up I stood up on the back seat and held my father's drivers seat so I could pretend to be the driver. Some times he would go around a corner too fast and I would be thrown against a window but mostly this just increased the strength of my legs and my balance and increased my desire to become a car or truck driver one day. I think many so called advances are really regressions and are creating a race of silly people who cannot cope with death or anything. Death is real and we are all going to die. Not accepting this just causes people to be crazy and unrealistic and stupid. Life IS scary. To try to hide this fact just makes people ridiculous.
For the Gifted Ones
entered 7:34 pm PST January 20th 2007
Written while crying while watching The Legend of Weeping Camel
My heart breaks from what I have learned in these lifetimes
What have I learned?
In the end only kindness and compassion are valuable
All else is at best a waste of time
Is living worthwhile?
For me, living is only worthwhile as a kindness to others
For me, myself, I would prefer not to live and to suffer in human form
So I live as an act of compassion that their suffering might be less
I live so the platform of human evolution on earth might continue
and not go extinct
I equally live so that all the various lifeforms of earth continue
and not go extinct
The Heartbreak
It is a heartbreak to live in such a land of plenty
with so few who understand fully
the necessity of kindness and compassion
Without kindness and compassion
toward oneself and all beings
Life is only suicide, nothing else
Saturday January 20th 7:29 pm PST
Note: I was watching The Legend of Weeping Camel and found myself crying because of my mother's situation and my feeling helpless because I now completely see civilization's effect on ageing and dementia as evil. Civilization is an evil, however, it is a necessary evil that prevents complete chaos and death of the masses while causing unspeakable chaos and suffering to the few. Civization has nothing at all to do with justice. It only preserves most while causing unspeakable harm and suffering to the few. This is the reality of ALL civilizations. However, some civilizations do better than others at different specific things.
Saw Mom Today
January 22nd 2007
I finally talked to my son today about Mom's acting out and putting another patient in the hospital. My wife and I had been distraught a couple of days in grief over the insane incident. In talking to my son who had lived with Mom until she was 83 and took care of her I finally found the courage to go visit my Mom. The patients were in wheelchairs and someone was leading them in singing. I walked in and wheeled my mother into the foyer and sang happy birthday to her. She melted like a little bird and rested her head on my arm and said, "That's what I needed."
It is so very hard to go through this kind of thing and to watch your parent slowly fade out now since 1999 and in a facility since 2001 just after 9-11. Though it must be much worse for Mom in not knowing stuff. However, in another way it is unlikely she even remembers harming another patient because so many parts of her memory don't work anymore. I have to go on for my wife and children. They still need me. Though she didn't know who I was she knew she neeed to be sung 'happy birthday' to.
The Horror of Senile Dementia
January 2007
Last night I was notified by a nurse at my mother's facility that she had put someone in the hospital. They had failed to give her enough atavan and because she no longer knows who she is, who I am, who my son is (her grandson that lived with her until she entered this facility), and so she thinks she is 3 or 4 years old and living in Seattle where she was raised and hates boys and men because she is afraid of them just like really little girls tend to be. (At least before the 1950's. She was born in 1919. I notified the hospice since she is now close to the end (likely within 6 months) that she now needs an interdisciplinary approach to protect both her physical well being and others. I was able to share with the nurse and hospice people that it had been my mothers 88th birthday 2 days ago and on some level she knew it. My psychic friend Bobby Jean now in her late 70's or 80's as well reminded me that her mother and my mother's birthday were the same so we sang happy birthday to our two mothers(hers on the other side and mine mentally and spiritually on the other side). I had devised a plan to go sing happy birthday to my mother with out calling her Mom. I had tried to do that on her birthday and then the day after. I was not successful in this.However, on the day after her birthday she had put another patient in the hospital suddenly. I didn't feel guilty in any way, I just realized this was just one more real life horror movie to survive.
Dealing with real and very crazy issues like this there are No satisfying answers. Civilization itself becomes the instrinsic problem. In other times my mother would not likely be alive. In that sense it was a kinder gentler world where people as gone as my Mom simply did not survive. This would have been de facto much more kind to both my mother and her family that remain in horror of these ongoing events of the last 5 years. I can only imagine how much worse this kind of treatment will get over the next 100 years. I can only see how much more inhumane things are getting each day by trying to preserve life when it should not be preserved. It literally is becoming a world of Frankenstein's to the horror of us all.
My father made me promise before he died to never let Mom go into an Old Age Home. I promised. However, when the time actually came I realized that the only way I could prevent it would be to euthanize my mother. Since I am married with a family this was not an option. So as a consequence I must live with the consequences of not being in a position to carry out my father's last wishes.
My son cared for his grandmother the last 5 years she was functional to live in a home. However, when she left a plastic bowl on the electric stove and then turned it on and then prayed for 24 hours sitting next to it that the fire not spread to other areas we realized that she had almost killed herself and everyone else in her building. So at that point we had no choice but to put her in a senile dementia and alzheimer's facility. There is only one good thing that I can see about these kinds of facilities, they tend to create a wall between the relatives and the patients. This allows the relatives to have less chance of going either insane trying to take care of these relatives or going bankrupt trying to take care of these relatives. This is the ONLY good thing about the way things are presently done that makes any sense to me at all.
Elohar's life Begins
January 20th 2007
note: I'm writing this as a way to cope with the above issues I just dealt with in the above article. Though the following is likely all true, still one must realize there are many versions of reality. For example, if you were in a court room and there were 12 witnesses to a crime, you likely would get 12 different versions of the truth as long as those 12 witnesses had not spoken to each other and decided upon one version. So in this way the following is one version of the truth witnessed by me.
Beginning of Elohar's story
I, Jonathan Flow, do testify that the following is true according to my personal experiences.
My son, Star and his friend, Matt had been travelling in Europe with Eurail passes for a couple of months already. I planned to take Mom and my older daughter Aurora to Scotland, England, Germany and possibly Austria and Switzerland and maybe France with a motorhome rented in Munich, Germany. The time was October 1999.
Mom, Aurora and I had flown the direct polar route direct from San Francisco to London Heathrow Airport. Since my main goal was to show my mother and daughter where Mom's parents had grown up we transferred quickly to another plane bound for Edingburgh, Scotland. By the time we landed in Scotland we had been flying for about 16 hours (11 hours direct to London then a few hours laid over in London and then flying direct to Edinburgh). We all had serious jet lag and so rented a car and a room and tried to sleep a little. Nothing felt the same as the United States and so we all had difficulty sleeping. So after about 5 or 7 hours of not sleeping we got in our rental car and tried to explore the area. Which was somewhat of a mistake. Imagine yourself not sleeping one night and then getting up after not sleeping a night and then the next day trying to drive on the wrong side of the road and navigating roundabouts without killing yourself or other people. After two days of this insanity I decided to travel north away from the cities and populated areas to the Cairngorm mountains where the Scottish ski lifts are. After 5 days exploring Aviemore and riding ski lifts and exploring Loch Ness and Findhorn by Car we returned to Edinburgh and visited the fantastic Edinburgh Castle and explored Glascow and then Clydebank and Ayr where my grandmother and grandfather grew up respectively.We also visited Loch Loman. Remember'On the bonnie bonnie banks of Loch Loman'. Loch means lake
As long as we were in England and Scotland everything was okay. But when we flew to Germany and landed in Munich my mother began to become beligerant. I think she still harbored anger toward Germany since many of her friends died at the hands of German soldiers during World War II. Also, the German flight attendants and Munich Airport greeter seemed to be angry with us for having a Swiss German surname but not able to speak German. So we encountered many such problems at the airport after landing. But once we got into a cab after meeting my son and his friend there we had a nice talk with our turkish cab driver who took us to rent our 6 passenger motor home. Though it was not as big as I had expected I was very happy at the diesel 5 speed manual transmission as I knew this would be great on the mountain roads of Switzerland and Western Germany and Austria so I would be able to downshift and not have us die of brake failure on those steep unforgiving roads.
After playing on tramways and watching paragliders jump from the top trams stops we played our way through Austria and Switzerland. Mom became more sullen and wouldn't leave the motor home for any reason. At the time I didn't realize that she was in the beginning stages of senile dementia. All I knew was that she was making the trip sort of difficult for the rest of us. After 5 days of this my son and his friend had had enough so they jumped ship in northern Italy. I spend the next two days driving us back to Munich to get the motor home back in time. The second night I spend high in the Alps in winds to high for us to drive and not be blown over. So I pulled to the side of the road and we slept the night there.
I had a dream that night of sharp featured elves and gnomes of the Alps. The King and queen saw my mother, daughter and I. I noticed how much my daughter looked like the elven queen. They seemed to take my mother into their confidence and she smiled. After that dream it was like my mother was a stranger after the next morning. It was like my mother left that night and never returned.
It is my belief that this is the beginning of Elohar even though Elohar has told me other stories that could be equally true. According to one of Elohar's stories My mother was a previous incarnation of her. If this is true then knowing Elohar and Ragna as I do it is likely they took my mother's body and replaced it with a genetic duplicate. This is standard procedure for much of the work they do. They do this with their own bodies as well so they don't have to grow up and all. They just step in for the really cool historic stuff to change and to refine time lines. So I can imagine that Elohar would want to compare notes with Mom by regenerating her body to a youth of 25 so they could teach each other stuff.
Jonathan noticed the Awesome 5 landing in the California Coastal forest. He sort of laughed to himself of the cloaking devices used by future humans. Present day humans thought they were so advanced but by the year 7000 AD the advancements were literally "out of this world". Sometimes Jonathan felt uneasy like a "babe in the woods". All he really had was the feeling like he was a pet like a loyal dog sometimes in this context. He couldn't be entirely sure of the full motivations of Elohar and Ragna because of the completely different cultural context that they lived in. However, he was sure of one thing,'They saw him as family and greatly enjoyed his presence, ideas and thoughts.' It was as if their own culture brought them so much pain and discomfort that seeing Jonathan kept them sane. Jonathan thought that it had to do with the problems created by living with just "too much technology". Maybe it was like when Jonathan had seen a buck at a distance at sunset on a remote mountain road. Since Jonathan was downwind of the buck the buck had no idea of his presence. Because of this it was like Jonathan was in the presence of God, or at least a completely natural being as it walked over nonchalantly to a pond for a drink. Jonathan had never experienced anything in life as beautiful on a primal level as that one moment. "Maybe," Jonathan thought, "that is what they like about me. I'm a natural spiritual being. I can live in states of spontaneous accomplishment for periods of time just like other masters of the past. Maybe they feel the peace I'm able to generate naturally when I'm not interfered with in any way?"
That was about as far as Jonathan could think when the sperical blast of compressed air caused by the landing of Awesome 5 hit him in the face and he had to turn away quickly to avoid getting particles of dust in his nose and eyes.
As first Ragna and then Elohar disembarked he noticed they seemed a little different in their demeanor. Soon he saw why. Behind them coming out was his mother as she looked in about 1956. At first, Jonathan was amazed but then he fainted because what he thought was his mother was 88 years old and had senile dementia and was institutionalized so she wouldn't harm herself or anyone else.
As Jonathan came back to consciousness Elohar said, "Jonathan, I'm sorry we surprised you in this way but we thought it would cheer you up." Jonathan said, "It will just take some getting used to. Then this is my real mother?" Elohar said, "Yes." Jonathan said, "Then who is in the rest home?" Elohar said, "That is a clone put in by us in Switzerland in October 1999. Remember your dream of Swiss Elves?" Jonathan thought back and said, "Yes. It was like Mom left after that dream. She wasn't at all the same person after that." Elohar said, "That's because she really WASN'T the same person!" Jonathan woke up
Global Warnings
January 19th 2007
I may do many under this title with different dates. In watching the unusual ice storms hitting from Texas up to Main with 50 dead so far and the 125 mph winds hitting Europe overturning trains and destroying buildings I decided I needed to begin to write something called Global Warnings
I would like to preface by saying first off I am a precognitive psychic. I had an experience where I knew one month ahead of time when the 1989 Loma Prieta quake in California would hit. So I took my family to Maui and watched people die in that one live on CNN. The problem with being a precognitive psychic is that people won't usually listen to you anyway. And even if they do and their house is torn in half by that quake they won't talk to you again.
So what I'm trying to share here is that even though you may know what is coming most people won't listen to you anyway and even if they do they might blame you for what is coming even though all you are doing is listening really good to all the signals life is giving which most folks fail to do.
So knowing all that there are many factors in choosing to get out of harms way during Global warming. First, for the very rich when you see or sense danger in any way you can just hop a plane or train or car or truck and get out of the way of it. For those less rich and you see a trend in the long time weather that will end your livelihood or your lives somewhere then you should pick a new place to live and work where your livelihood is more guaranteed and your children and family will be relatively safe from harm.
During the next 50 years safety will be found near oceans above 100 feet in elevation(to avoid tsunamis) and if possible where rivers meet oceans. After 100 years have passed or more then it will be time to dig into the ground on property you or friends own at 5000 feet in altitude. The reason for this is that no one will be able to stand up during a lot of the year outside below 5000 feet. Winds of over 100 to 200 miles per hour will be normal except in mountain ranges. Even if one digs into the side of mountains one has to be careful of floods down the valleys. So one should only dig in several hundred feet up the side of a mountain and not deep in a valley.
All ocean going cargo transport will have to be done by submarine vessels as 100 foot swells and 100 mile winds will be pretty normal ocean weather. So submarines will be used to transport large items between continents.
A few years ago I though everything would change slower than it is already. I'm beginning to worry more that all humans might be wiped out by weather changes within 3000 to 5000 years or at the very least all technology wiped out by the deaths of to many technically educated people so technology and reading can't be passed on by enough people. Things are changing much faster than I ever thought they would.
Unfortunately, it is quite likely though not inevitable that half of earth's population will be gone in 50 years because of a middle eastern war and general war havoc and global warming all at once. Once again I will say that earth does not at present have the developed technology or the group will YET to slow down or to stop Global warming at present. However, if things get bad enough fast enough this could change fairly quickly when sufficient awareness and despair is harnessed into constructive action!
All home power generated by Solar in New Jersey home
January 19th 2007
The following article:http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070118/lf_nm/solar_home_dc_5
mentions how solar generates all the home needs during the year by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen and using the stored hydrogen to power fuel cells during the winter. It supplies enough power and heat for a 3000 square foot home completely.
I mentioned in an earlier article that I was fascinated by the idea of using DC current to split water into hydrogen and oxygen and did so unsuccessfully to increase mileage on my truck in the 1980's. Though I was able to feed both hydrogen and oxygen made on the spot by my 12 volt alternator and battery into my truck's carburetor,I was unable to detect any increase in mileage and finally gave up the idea. I think if this were done on a vehicle and then stored in safe separate storage tanks, one of oxygen and one for hydrogen that a duel fuel vehicle could be powered some of the time by hydrogen being mixed through fuel injection. The power to split the water down could come partly from solar panels built into the hood, trunk, roof and even sides of a car. In this way even when your vehicle was parked in the sun it would be splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen for storage and later burning by your duel or multifuel vehicle. The only byproduct of burning hydrogen and oxygen is water vapor.
The Second Cold War
January 18th 2007
It is hard to say exactly when the second Cold War started. Probably the easiest date to give would be 9-11-01. Though Russia, and China and the United States are all against Islamic terorists the United States responses to 9-11 has obviously on many levels upset the balance of power on earth and we are now in a second Cold War. I agree that the twin devils of the World Terrorist War coupled with the beginning of the Second Cold War pitting China, Russia and the United States loosely against each other is seriously upsetting the balance of power on earth and will create many unexpected results. It some ways it reminds me of the chaos of World War I more than the more organized World War II. The one word that epitomizes this new craziness would be Chaos! The destablizing factor is that terrorists are not accountable and don't have fixed states for the major powers to retaliate against. I would expect Russia, China as well as the United States to mutually agree to exterminate terrorists on a scale well beyond the present in order to return some kind of balance to the world. Otherwise these non aligned terrorists might spark through chaos World Nuclear Annihilation. China, Russia and the United States would all observe the obvious and realize that no one Large nation could or would benefit from this level of Chaos! Therefore I would expect to see many heads to roll because of interference with the large superpowers stability.
Here comes China!
January 18th 2007
http://www.comcast.net/news/international/index.jsp?cat=INTERNATIONAL&fn=/2007/01/18/565623.html&cvqh=itn_china I guess China realizes that the US is considering taking on Iran in an air war. Recently they shot down one of their own weather satelites with a ballistic missile. Obviously, the Bush Administration is sending a formal complaint about this because the next step would be shooting down US Spy Satellites. It looks like we are either in World War III or IV depending upon whether you consider the Cold War World War III or not!
Here Comes Russia!
January 16th 2007
To make things even more interesting regarding Iran, Russia just sold Iran 700 million dollars of defensive missiles. This may prevent the U.S., Saudi Arabia and the coalition and Israel being able to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons! This conflict is showing surprising twists and turns. It looks like Russia is still continuing the Old Cold War in some ways against the western world. I just hope it doesn't all turn out like the premier episode of 24 with a nuke only not just in L.A. but in many big cities in Europe, the U.S., Canada, Australia, Japan etc. This whole thing just seems to get more nuts by the day!
Here is the article I just found. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/russiairandefence
Truth is Infinite!
January 15th 2007
I was thinking today how important to everyone's survival on earth this way of thinking is. Once any person realizes fully that truth actually has no beginning or end one can basically have at least two reactions. The first healthy reaction is wonder and feeling something like, "Wow! I could spend my whole life discovering truth and barely even scratch the surface. How wonderful! I will never be bored again!"
The second reaction would be absolute terror! This second person hasn't been able to trust anyone in his or her life and so cannot trust the universe to be friendly. This is the kind of person that either chooses to become fundamentalist in his or her thinking or forces his children and relatives to become terrified of the universe as well. For this terrified person the idea that truth is infinite would be the worst hell imaginable for him or her to live in. This person's reaction tends to be close minded and close ended. This person would tend to not trust anyone who didn't share his or her close minded views of reality.
The second person deserves all our compassion because whether or not he or she is religious their primary experience of life has been abuse and confusion and terrifying. That is what they mostly experienced growing up. However, this person tends to be the most dangerous to the survival of all life on earth.
So all of us in the first category must try to help the terrified to understand that the universe is infinite and so is truth and knowledge. This terrified person needs to be helped into a wider view of reality.While it's true that there is terror and scary things there is much more to life than that if one has education and hope and a decent job and life.
I can remember myself at age 18. I went to college and at that time was a creationist pretty much. I took a social science class among others at my college. When I realized that the average student accepted darwin's theory as fact I was so distraught that I dropped out of college in confusion. It took me about 2 years to integrate darwin's theory with creationism and then I was able to get to the point where I could become a cultural relativist. A cultural relativist is a person who realizes that no culture is inherently superior to any other. Instead each culture is just a different way to solve problems with a different emphasis. So when I returned to college I began to study various ideas like cultural anthropology, comparitive religions and realized that all humans and their religions basically do the same things. I have my cultural preferences in that I prefer Jesus and Saint Germain and finally Buddha because I also met a lot of Tibetan Lamas in my 30's. But what I learned the most in both college and life is that mostly all people are generally the same at core all over the world. It is only when anyone or any group become so fundamentalist that they feel they have to kill anyone or any group that thinks differently that all this becomes a problem for anyone. This is exactly where the world is today. The terrified people will kill the rest of us unless we find a way to teach them another way. However, defining the problem is always easier than creating a solution.
More Rumblings of war with Iran?
President Bush's national Security Advisor refused Sunday to exclude the possibility of troops going into Iran. This is just one more piece of evidence that we are in for a Pearl Harbor like event that will draw us into a land war with Iran. Though the United States can eliminate all power, all water and all military installations from the air in Iran it will be inevitable that oil will be disrupted possibly for years from Iran, Iraq and possibly Saudi Arabia if this happens. Unfortunately, this could throw the whole world into economic recession or worse if this happens. Unlike Iraq, Iran still has a large army and good weapons and won't be an easy win for the Coalition. Also, there could be very big problems from countries such as China, Russia and other countries whose total economy depends on the price of oil like Japan.
Middle Eastern Countries consider developing Nuclear Weapons to counter Iran!
January 13th 2007
It came to my attention today that several middle eastern countries are feeling that their security demands that they develope nuclear weapons to protect themselves from Iran. These countries are mainly Sunni and are lead by Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Syria is another of these countries. Others are interested as well. In a way President Bush may feel blackmailed in a way into taking out Iran as a way to stop this desperate middle eastern nuclear proliferation now under way.
Tsunami Warning?
January 13th 2007
Last night I was watching the weather channel and a red and white scrawl came on the bottom of the sreen. It said something like tsunami warning cancelled. I just thought someone had made a mistake somewhere and watched the very low for california temperatures be listed.
However, just now I read about the 8.2 earthquake that hit north of Japan. As I looked at the map (since I am a psychic) something didn't feel right about it. It came to me that possibly this was not an earthquake but an underwater and under the ocean bottom nuclear test by Japan.
This actually would make total sense as Japan has been realizing that American soldiers are being spread far to thin over the earth to be really effective in any one place. Japan, rightly so, realizes that she must protect herself. Logically, therefore it follows that secret Japanese nuclear testing (Likely with the knowledge of the United States) secretly has taken place.
The only reason I am revealing this is that there are factions within Japan that if they got ahold of nuclear weapons could be a threat to the United States and other countries.
War with Iran?
Saturday January 13th 2007
In a previous journal entry I said that as a precognitive psychic there was a 70% chance that Israel will bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. It is now worse than that. As a psychic I have an obligation to warn all who will listen of what I now see. President Bush and the Pentagon have decided to confront Iran within Iraq and the region without entering into Iran. This will inevitably lead to a formal or increasing informal fighting between Iran and the US soldiers and upon Israel by Iran. There will inevitably come a Pearl Harbor event like the bombing of a US Aircraft Carrier or the Green zone in Baghdad by Iran or Iran supplied fighters. This will cause the US and some of its allies to declare war upon Iran. It is anybodys guess what will happen after that.
I'm writing this because detente like we had with the old Soviet Union with Iran would be more desireable and survivable in the long run than what is happening now. We as planetary citizens cannot stop global warming or even slow it down as long as these types of wars are being fought. Mark my words if a Pearl Harbor event happens and we are tricked into a full scale war with Iran it will then be inevitable that up to 50% of the present population of earth will be dead from a combination of war havoc and related causes combined with horrific effects of ongoing global warming within 20 years. It reminds me of the old Nordic beliefs in wanting to die while fighting! In other words some would rather die by the sword rather than from global warming. What about the rest of us?
Fiction? A Bible for Time Travellers?
January 12th 2007
I was going to sleep last night and it was very cold for coastal California. Temperatures just a little inland were down to 20 degrees farenheit. I realized that my website is like a Bible for Time Travellers and potential Time Travellers. Whether they are located in the past, present or future, on or off this planet, if they are interested in refining the timeline of earth and making it a better place hints are given in code throughout this site.
For example, in this my journal page, the problems that I encountered as a precognitive psychic that I felt personally moved to write about are still the main issues, I feel at those points in the timeline. It is up to time refiners to decide what issues are the most important to refine and to make better for the children and creatures of earth. So for example, I believe this journal page goes back to about April 2001. It went back even further to 1999 but I believe a mainframe glitch at geocities or a hacker damaged or deleted the previous parts of the journal page. I still have hardcopies somewhere of those hacked or deleted pages but haven't felt it necessary to reenter them as it is now 2007 and the human race is now dealing with slightly different problems now.
Global Warming? It's happening!
January 10th 2007
I'm writing this as a precognitive psychic. First, I'd like to say that there is presently nothing the world can do with it's present level of technological advancement to stop what is coming! Yes. We can slow it down but at this point it is like trying to slow down an avalanche in progress. In the end the best way to survive what is coming is to prepare for it! The best way to prepare for it is to position oneself economically, emotionally and intellectually to deal with the inevitable.
For example, if one saw an avalanche bearing down upon one, one could first, get out of the way by moving to another locality. Second, if one found a good place to "dig in" then do that. Third, one could financially position oneself to take advantage of the changes. Of course it is important to realize that the avalanche is in slow motion over the next hundreds and possibly thousands of years. These are some of my ideas since I can see some of what is coming.
A Writer Writes
January 10th 2007
I write because I feel it in my soul. Most of my life I have written in journal form. Not a diary but simply writing about things that were important to me. I can remember some of the most important writing I did to stay alive at age 21. I had hundreds of pages written then. I eventually moved away and my mother threw away my writings because they scared her. I was so mad because those writings were one of the touchstones that allowed me not to commit suicide. Though they scared her they kept me alive.
I find the best time to write is after slowly waking up without an alarm clock. That way ones deep communications with God the last few hours during sleep can be written down if useful to you. Later I find that what I have written is often for me listening to God again by reading what God has written through me. It's like I didn't write it, it is like God wrote it. As one writes over the years the quality of ones writing tends to increase along with ones connection to the infinite. I believe in this way one becomes more useful not only to oneself but also to others. Becoming a potential or real conduit to mankind from God is one of the most amazing things that a human can ever do. So if you feel this calling pray for it and go with it. Blessings!
Jonathan Flow on Earth
January 8th 2007
I was thinking today about balance. This idea reminds me of the balance of nature on earth. Since the balance of earth's weather has now been offset by the large number of humans and domesticated animals on earth the result will likely be humans and animals being thinned out by nature. After humans go below about 500 million or so I believe the weather will resettle itself within 1000 years or so. So what I am saying is that I don't believe humans will go extinct. I just think the weather will thin them out. As time progresses people will get used to this. It won't be a happy thing. However, before the 20th century it was common if a family had 5 children that 2 to 3 would die before 20 years of age from various causes. This was an unhappy truth but people lived with this reality for thousands of years before modern medicine. I think it will be the same with the weather. Since weather is an act of God there is really no one groups of individuals to blame. If anything is to blame for the increasing deaths caused by weather it could only be civilization itself
January 6th 2007
As a psychic I feel I must warn Americans and the world that the likelyhood of an Israeli strike on Iran within the next year is about 70% to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. This would create the slow deaths of many in Iran from nuclear poisoning as I don't think Iran's government would allow nuclear cleanup specialists from the US, Russia, Germany, France, England etc. into Iran to fix the problem. Another problem would be that the anger from this would spill over into Iraq, Lebanon and Israel. I think this would create a fight to the death if this happened, especially in Israel and that at the very least Tehran would disapear into a nuclear cloud. I am writing this to try to create a better outcome for all if it can be created.
If formal nuclear weapons are used by any side it could easily create a long term chain reaction which could end life on earth within 50 years. Please listen to my concerns as it affects all of us now alive on earth!
I am a Guardian
January 6th 2007
I was watching Lady in the Water on DVD. My family had seen it while I was out skiing in Mt. Shasta for several days. I found it to be one of the most amazing movies I had seen in about 5 years. Though the author had written this story for his children it had every base covered and touched deeply the soul and how things really work in all of us.
As I watched this movie I realized that I am a guardian of the future of humans who were born on earth and those who colonize other worlds from earth now and in the future. You notice I am calling myself a guardian rather than THE guardian. I believe that all of us who work in myriad ways to allow humans of earth and beyond to prosper and survive are all Guardians of the Future of Earth.
It is an honor to be a guardian of the future of humankind instead of living ones life in ignorance and apathy. I believe all of us should aspire to be guardians of the future by doing all we can NOW so humans can actually have a future of any kind.
Dzogchen and Mahamudra
January 65th 2007
The "Amazing But True" story that follows this one happened after I pulled a book on Dzogchen and a book with the Dalai Lama on the cover on Mahamudra out of my friends library and set them on an altar next to my bed in the guest room. I read some of both and experienced the feeling of amazingness of both books and what they represented.
Amazing But True
January 6th 2007
My 17 year old daughter who lives in Oregon told me on my birthday (April 2006) she didn�t want to talk to me anymore. So I suffered with this along with the death of one of my best friends in June and the death of my aunt and the death of my cousin and myriad other things.
This week my friend invited me to go skiing in Mt. Shasta. I told him I would likely travel up to ski. However, inside I was struggling about going because the weather would be bad and it just didn�t seem logical to go. However, then I looked in a mirror and saw that my spirit really needed this adventure. So 7 hours of driving and I was there. It was very cold and was supposed to start snowing and blizzarding that night. The next morning I spent time doing electrical work on a new building on my friend�s land.
At the right moment I headed up the mountain to Bunny Flat. Since I have an SUV with 4 wheel drive I was fine driving up during a blizzard to 7000 feet or so where Bunny Flat is. As I backed into a parking place so I could get out easily as the snow built up on the road to several inches or more I saw a girl running toward my car. It was my daughter who hadn�t spoken to me in 8 months now. She gave me a hug. I was in shock! However, I knew I had been magically guided to meet her there. We had time to visit and ski the next day. (She snowboards now) even though she is an expert skier as well.
Though I was grateful to meet my daughter I said, �Next time you decide not to speak to me tell me it�s only temporary as I have new gray hairs from this last time away from you.� She said, �I�ll tell you.� One one level I knew that after sleeping in her car the night at 7000 feet in a blizzard she would be happy to spend the night somewhere warm as I could let her stay with my friend and I or rent her a room and food and maybe rent her a snowboard and a lift ticket. However, still it was great to see my daughter even though she had decided to grow up without me as she is now ready to start her second semester at college.
Another View of Global Warming
January 1st 2007
Galactic Government officials discuss Galactic National Park Earth. "What about National Earth Park, Sir?" "Lieutenant, the Earth humanoids are presently ending their above ground civilization." the Lieutenant, "But Sir, That's awful! Most of them and all the creatures of earth will go extinct!" Official "No that's not true. A few will survive who build underground bunkers in the mountains of earth above 5000 feet. The rest of the wooden and rock and earthen houses will be blown or washed away over the next few thousand years along with the people and animals." The Lieutenant, "But Sir. That's awful!" Official "Yes. I agree. However, beings of all planets are responsible for what they create. Besides, we have already saved them from nuclear annialiation 5 time within 60 years!" Lieutenant, "I know, Sir. However, I really like Earth. I don't want to have to watch that many people die." Official "Neither do I, lieutenant. However, unless they do something different, the human race will reduce by at least 95% within 100 years." The Lieutenant, "My God! That's worse than I thought. That's over 5 billion people that will be gone from earth." Official "However, there is another side to all this. With only 100 to 500 million people left living underground above 5000 feet in elevation we can surreptitiously put back all the species of earth creatures we removed that earthlings consider extinct." The Lieutenant, "Well. At least that's something." Official. "Also, we will begin reclimatizing earth within 1000 years so there will be ice caps, polar bears and other beautiful evolving species." The Lieutenant, "Will there still be technology on earth?" Official, "At that point only Solar and wind power will exist still for electrical generation as well as wave generations from the oceans." The lieutenant, "So they will have to run underground power lines from the oceans to the mountains where people live underground?" Official "No. The ocean electrical generations both wind and wave and solar is to run submarines to carry world trade from country to country through the stormy stormy seas." The Lieutenant, "So all this has been well thought out?" Official, "Yes. The ecology of earth will be protected and earth born humans won't go extinct!"
Executing Saddam is a Big Mistake for the Whole World!
December 30th 2006
Unless ones aim is the extermination of all Shias by Sunnis then Executing Saddam was a mistake. It will only lead to the complete ethnic Cleansing(genocide) of all Shias. Since there are 90% Sunnis and only 10% Shias all one has to do is the basic math. Now Iran HAS to build a nuclear bomb just to protect itself from Saudi Arabia and all Sunni Countries. I fear the execution of Saddam Hussein has only created one more Sunni Martyr for the Sunnis to rally around in the extermination of the Shias. At this point I would not be surprised at all if Osama Bin Laden makes Saddam a martyr in his cause as well since Osama is a Sunni just like Saddam was.
The future of Time Travel?
November 22nd 2006
Since I am a precognitive psychic I have learned to trust my life to my abilities much like a trapeze artist trusts his or her abilities and coordination to save his or her life. Because of this I believe I can say that I completely believe that time travel exists now presently on earth and has always. This might upset or unnerve some of you. However, I believe it is better to know the real truth and not to live in an illusion like most people do.
A few years ago MIT students back east had a party and invited time travellers to attend. The reason they did this was because they had done the math and the logic and the probabilities and realized that if Time Travel was invented in any galaxy past, present or future it is also here right now. The probability therefore is about 99%+ that time travel is here right now. For those of you who are not into math, logic or probabilities I'm sure you might be distressed by this. But for those of us who do understand these kinds of things I believe I can say, "Time travel is here right now and each of us must understand what this means. First, it means the past, the present, and even the future is being constantly changed and refined. This means that the only thing you can count on is your memories of your life. It is quite possible that everything else can and will change. Knowing this is the key to understanding likely millions of beings altering time for their own purposes. Do you want to pretend that time travel doesn't exist? Go right ahead. However, like quantum theory, basic logic and math it really isn't something that is useful any longer to deny.
The Slow death of fundamentalism and the rise of the secular state
November 21st 2006
If I look forward as a psychic I see the immanent death of all fundamentalism whether it be Muslim, Christian or any other form. The average person in the next 25 to 50 years will tend to rise up and to literally not put up with anyone being extreme in these ways. Though in the short run many rights will be trampled on, in the long run we will have a world set of governments that work and not governments vulnerable to extinction through extremism. The secular States will rise all over the world out of the necessity and in order for the average person in those countries just to survive at all.
It is important not to underestimate the world changes going on now. A news pundit likened the present problems in the United States and the World to 1861, the beginning of the Civil War in America. Only now I would have to say it is a World Civil War with the Have Nots fighting the Haves. Until the Haves realize this havoc will continue for 100's of years if people continue to be close minded about what is actually happening. It is not lost on many of the have nots that global warming will tend to kill their families first. In many ways for the same reasons that the poorest nations tend to have the highest incidents of AIDS , Global warming will tend to kill the most in the poorest nations because of the lack of financial resources to survive the coming calamities.
Unless the world begins quickly to understand that this is primarily the have nots crying out to survive in a world filled with uncaring Haves then the level of death and depravity will just continue to get worse. As a psychic this is all very obvious to me. However, I know there are many people who are living so deep in their own illusions that only their own deaths will change them. I find this extremely unfortunate and sad and pathetic. However, this is how many people live their lives in an unrealistic illusion of reality. Some might even accuse me of this. However, I have found I am scarily pragmatic whenever and wherever necessary and tend to survive anything that comes just like my Dad and Grandad.
Another obvious change is also coming and already taking place. Companies on earth that want to survive need to become more green and caring about not only the ecology but also the have nots. The natural result of not caring will be the slow or quick death of those corporations by the following means. First, people will boycott those products and put those companies under as is beginning to happen with WalMart in the United States. Second, people will join those companies as stealth employees on the surface seeming to be a perfect employee but actually working for the downfall and bankruptcy of the company secretly. Third, in some nations that are being ecologically destroyed and the people poisoned by those companies the people will rise up and destroy those facilities through burning and smashing etc. Fourth, people who work in the stock market will do everything subtly that they can to get people not to invest in those companies.
When anyone is doing something that someone thinks may cost them their lives or their childrens lives apathy will not be the reaction much longer. Five or ten years of killing tornadoes, Hurricanes and droughts, floods and rising world temperatures will change all that.
What It's Like to be Intuitively Gifted
December 21st 2006
Looking around all these years I guess I have always seen things in a different way than most people. But I suppose what I have found different is that I watched people I knew and friends take risks and be destroyed, take risks and die, take risks and be confused sometimes permanently and also, sometimes while taking no risks at all to fall down the front steps to their house, to break a leg and to be incapacited for weeks, months or years.
At least in a physical way I have always lived a sort of charmed life. I have had three times when I almost died of a potentially fatal illness, Whooping cough at 2, childhood epilepsy from age 10 to 15 and a nearly fatal heart virus in 1998 and 1999. But other than this I have had no major illnesses or injuries even though I have climbed mountains, rode motorcycles, flown planes, raced cars, scuba dived and surfed and skied downhill and cross country, traveled to Asia for 4 months, traveled through Europe for several weeks, lived in Hawaii twice.
I presently believe that all this was because God has gifted me with the ability to see what would happen before I did it. So I always knew just how far I could take things in adventure, fun and research and stay alive.
For example, my dream growing up was to be an airline pilot. However, my Dad's younger brother died in a mid air collision in his private plane and it devastated my father's family. So he made me promise never to get a pilot's license while he was still alive. So after my father passed on in 1985 I had soloed in a Cessna 152 within 2 years. I still took flying lessons while my Dad was alive but I never soloed. I also flew in gliders with instructors.
When I was a fire lookout in 1985 in California one of the Tibetan Dieties, one of the forms of Vajrasattva, came to me and told me to go to India on December 10th of 1985. In actuality we left the 11th so it was pretty close to what I had been told. Following the instructions of the Diety over the next 4 months completely changed my life. I saw amazing amazing things that reminded me of experiences recounted by prophets in the old testament. more later
Tracy Rae
December 19th2006
I just wanted to share Tracy Rae's inspiring writing from Myspace. I got her permission to share this here. She has been touring playing and singing music with my friend, Anton. She is christmasing somewhere in Hawaii like I did last year this time.
begin quote from myspace.com
About Tracy Rae Clark
We are each the author of our life, choosing what we want to be moment to moment. Once I realized that my thoughts really do create my life, my experience became one of celebration, exploration, and recreation of my belief system. Life is so amazing, and I feel blessed to remember that most of the time. I am reminded by the many occurrences of synchronicity, through the restored voice of my intuition, and through the countless manifestations of my mind's creative vision. I found my passion, which is expressing Spiritual Principles through lyric and melody. Peeling the onion of the self has inspired me to be who I really am (an unlimited and creative expression of Life) and has also granted me the added bonus of LOTS of song material. It's my honor to share my journey with you and I trust that the wisdom contained within each song will bless, encourage, and inspire all those who are seeking a greater expression of Life. I encourage all reading this (including myself) to continue to go deeper and deeper into the infinite well of your soul. Each of us is here as a unique being with needed gifts. I find truth and wisdom in Harold Whitman's call to rise: "Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Namaste ~Tracy Rae
November 18th 2006
I was reading an article on Enlightenment I had written a few weeks ago and I read the part where every time I think of the universe I try to think of it as bigger than I thought of it before. As I read that part I began to realize how amazing perception is. I started to see how each beings perception in the univers humanoid, animal, mineral, vegetable, air, water etc. has a perception of the universe. As I began to experience some of these perceptions it began to become mind boggling for me. However, I also know that being unlimited while being compassionate and wise is exactly what enlightenment really is!
Truth and Honesty
November 19th 2006
Since everything I write at my website is not for financial profit but for the compassionate enlightenment of the whole human race, for those spiritual, for those religious, for those agnostic, for those humanistic and even for those atheistic I can afford to be more honest and truthful than maybe 95% of all those who write. So when I write I try to be kind, compassionate and genuine. People say to me I am scarily intelligent because I am intuitive and insightful without getting bogged or stuck to much in pedantry or extreme intellectuality. Some of you might disagree. However, for me the whole point of all this is for me to set an example for others. If people can benefit in any positive way from way I'm saying then I consider my efforts successful. Also, my writings are not just for the present, not just for the future but also for humans and humanoids from the past and from places other than this planet. It is my experience that my soul has lived at least millions of years in maybe thousands of lifetimes as earth born humans as well as humanoids from other planets as well as many other intelligent creatures in this galaxy and others as well as antimatter galaxies etc. etc. etc. I used to be mind boggled by all this when I first realized that this was true in my early to late teens and twenties. Now I just consider this lifetime one day in the life of my infinite soul. I find this simple way of looking at everything the most useful. Though I still sometimes think of myself incarnating cronologically forward through time I actually realize that time really doesn't exist and that millions of lifetimes are actually lived simaltaneously by the retired Creator lifeform that is my seed soul. So what I write about in a way is almost like my personal Bible of my spiritual experiences. It is actually even more rich and amazing than I can write in any book. I share with words that most intelligent people can understand but it is only the tip of the iceberg of my total experience. I'm very grateful that God has gifted me with the capacity to convert some of my experiences to words. However, all must know that true enlightenment only comes through direct experience. So everything I write can only be a hint of what has happened to me on the way to enlightenment. Every person must find there own way there.
When I was young I thought that I would stay young and handsome forever and that I could ascend like Jesus because this is what my parents taught me. However, so far I'm 58 and though I'm pretty healthy for 58 my lines in my face deepen every year, and I need a little stronger glasses to read even though I had perfect vision until I was about 46. I find that to stay healthy I have to keep riding my excercycle even when I'm very ill about 20 minutes a day so that when I get well I don't take 2 months to get back my strength and stamina so I can keep walking 5 to 10 miles at a stretch when I want to, ride a mountain bike and snow ski downhill and cross country in the winter and spring. So when I'm well I walk my 2 dogs in the forest 3 or 4 times a week and sometimes they accompany me on my mountain bike as well. So how and when will I meet my end? My mentor Saint Germain says,"If you are ready to live forever you may die right now. But if you are ready to die right now you may live forever." So I find that maintaining a state of mind constantly ready for what people call death which is actually in the real life of the soul a birth, a major birth is important. At the same time while I'm actually here I know it is possible that I may never die. I think it is useful for you also to realize that there is a chance you may never physically die unless you want to, simply because of quick advances in medicine and gene therapy. It is said that a person has already been born that will live to 150. I believe that too. Who's to say that person isn't you or me?
Saint Germain once said to me, "If you live to be 100 you will be 500. If you live to be 500 you will live to be 1000 and if you live to be 1000 you will likely live to be 10,000." Since he said that to me I have to believe it is possible in order to honor my teacher. If you believe this you will honor him too!!! What I'm saying here is that you may live to 10,000 right along with me.
Surviving in an Ice Cave
Monday December 18th 2006 1:18AM pst
About 8 hours ago I found out one of the climbers on Mt. Hood had frozen to death in an ice cave at almost 11,000 feet. I thought of how I and two friends had almost frozen to death on our Christmas vacation from college on mt. Shasta in 1970 36 years ago to the month and within one week of this time. We were only going to snowshoe to Horse Camp and stay in the Stone and wood and tin lodge there a few days. Horse camp in nowadays an emergency shelter only for climbers. Then it served several other functions as well. We never made it there because we got caught in a white out at night and started going in circles. When we found our tracks we realized we had to build a snow cave to survive the night and hopefully by morning the whiteout would end. If not we could die. So we took off our snowshoes and dug our snow cave. In the morning we had wet levi jeans because we didn't have a ground cloth or good enough insulation barrior. Luckily for us the temperature wasn't above 25 degrees and our jeans froze solid except at the knees where we kept moving. This provided enough insulation so we didn't just freeze to death right there. At the time 2 of us had beards. It was so cold that our beards froze and one could break pieces off the frozen parts of our beards from our breath. We decided to go back to the paved road where we left my old VW bug. However, having reached the road we did not recognize it because 5 feet of powder snow had so drifted into about 10 feet at a slope so we couldn't recognize the road easily. We decided to dig down to see if it was the road. It was. In the distance we heard a very large truck snowblower clearing the road to the ski lift. This snowblower saved our lives because our car was covered up to the tip of the aerial. About 1 inch of radio aerial was all that was visible of our car. So if people hadn't wanted to ski that day we probably would have died in those conditions. I never wanted to ever camp in the snow again and all my arm and leg joints hurt for two or three years because of how close we came to dying in the snow cave. Only because we were all young strong and healthy did we not die in the snow cave from hypothermia. We spent the next 3 days taking hot baths trying to get our arms and legs to work right again. Everyone higher on the mountain than us either died or lost fingers and toes. I haven't camped outside in the snow again to this day.
I saw Eragon
Monday December 18th 2006
I saw Eragon on Friday night with my family. Though it didn't really follow the book much I would still recommend seeing the movie just to see what I consider the best rendition of a dragon from birth to maturity that I've ever seen. The computer graphics were excellent as long as you can get used to a pleasant woman's voice as the dragon. In the CD version it was a gravelly voice so this was quite different. Also, several charactors like the Twins and Solembum, the Werecat are missing. I hope it makes enough money, however, so the next two parts of the trilogy can be made.
December 14th 2006
All the members of my family have either read Eragon or have had it read to them several of our friends have read it too. Recently I bought a paperback of it for my Goddaughter as she wanted to read it before it came out in theaters.
I remember when I first heard about Eragon and its second in a trilogy, Eldest.When I started reading it I was amazed that someone only 15 could write such an amazing book. As the book started one could feel the raw creativity of a 15 year old with a surprisingly mature style and tone. The only thing that I found that wasn't fully developed in the first book was male female relationships. However, by the time Eldest was written the author now, 25 or older had solved this problem. I expect to see much more of this young author in books and maybe movies in the future.
When I read Eragon it was in some ways since I am a psychic, an awarenes of the author reliving a past life sequence. It is in my genetic memory that dragons existed (probably some form of pteradactyl or the like that spit acid like a spitting cobra and because the human or animal victims felt like their eyes or face were burning got a reputation of spitting fire. I think some people had close relationships with these flying dinosaurs (flying reptiles) similar in some ways to the relationship that people now have with bears and tigers and the like. Whether they were magic or not together one can be sure of one thing, they would sure scare the hell out of most people whether the people were alone or in groups.
I can remember one time when a man with a pet (full grown) mountain lion walked down the street of Mount Shasta city in northern California. You should have seen the people scatter when they realized what was coming toward them on a crome plated 1 in per link leash. That was one of the funniest things I ever saw people do. No one fainted but you should have heard the noises they made in trying to get away into a building or wherever they could.
Gaia and Merlin
December 2006
Merlin heard in the distance "Life is changing everything is wonderful, everything is wonderful". This melodious dreamlike song was repeated in lyrics with different beats and music over and over again. After what seemed like an interminable time he finally realized that he had heard this ever changing ever repeating song enough and decided to wake up enough to figure out at least who was singing.
As he awoke, he realized he had been asleep for a very long time. His fingernails were several feet long as well as his hair and beard. His robes were faded and basicly rotting off him. His cave smelled dank out of use but his underground stream still flowed through just as before. He looked over at his magic board and it said it was now December of 2006 which was quite a surprise because when he went to sleep it had been only 800 or 900 AD. He heard the music and singing coming from his ever filling pool of Gaia so he realized that Gaia (the sentient being Earth) was summoning him from his deep sleep.
As he got up he was coughing a little and clearing his throat for the always interesting conversation that he had ongoing with his good friend and compatriot, Gaia, otherwise known as Mother Earth or even Mother nature. By the time he reached the pool of Gaia, Gaia was sounding like thousands of angels, fairies and elves singing her song of "Life is changing everything is wonderful, everything is wonderful". As he walked up the song faded and over the now background music of angels, fairies, elves and gnomes Gaia began to speak. As always Merlin was very honored and well loved by Gaia.
Gaia said, "Merlin, my beloved friend, did you sleep well?" Merlin cleared his throat and said, "My Good Woman Gaia it appears I have slept well over 1000 years. Why is this?" "Gaia said, "You weren't needed until now, Merlin." Merlin felt a little miffed and said, "Why is that?" She said, "Well. Most of the old ways were slowly forgotten until now and now the world is beginning to end all the species one by one." Merlin said, "That is horrifying!" Gaia said, "Not to me, Merlin. I have seen many more species come and go than you have. Just because any species exists for a time does not mean it can exist forever." Merlin thought better about what he really might like to say and said instead, "How about humans like me?" Gaia hesitated a little like she had been stung and said, "They appear to be committing suicide as a race and taking all others with them." Merlin said, "Can't you save them?" Gaia said, "That's not my job, Merlin. However, it might be yours if you so choose." Merlin said, "If they don�t believe in the old ways then what do they believe in?" Gaia seemed sad," I think a realistic appraisal would be that most people on earth now worship money more than anything else." Merlin started turning red, "But money is the root of all evil!" Gaia said, "Well. I don't know about that but at present it definitely is the death of all the species of plants and animals one by one."
Merlin continued to get angry, "Why did you have to wake up an old man to this. I think you have purposely awakened me too late. Why would you do this?" Gaia smiled and said, "I want you to lead a few of them to survive everything that comes. Many believe in many religions that all humans go extinct soon so that might happen to them because they believe it. However, I want some humans to remain in my new and renewed garden of earth after most humans are gone." Merlin said, "So I'm not supposed to save everyone just a few that you will choose." Gaia said, "Exactly"
March 25th 2007
Merlin said, "Please Gaia. Give me a little time to wake up and go outside and see how the world has changed." Gaia said, "Come back and meet me in 3 days, Merlin." Merlin said sadly "Okay." Merlin felt so very out of place. He was psychic enough to know just by the feel in the outside air that he had met his match. Just one look at how many people now lived on his very large Island(somewhere in Great Britain) made him very sad. Even the air smelled funny. He looked up at the sky and saw funny clouds that had big birds that made them. He looked closer and saw they were not birds but something man made. It gave him chills. He noticed right away the earth did not feel as alive or as healthy as it did when he was last awake. He noticed the people seemed more frantic than he had ever seen people unless they were at war. The average person seemed more intelligent, less physicaly healthy, in some ways more mentally healthy and in some ways less mentally healthy. However, one thing was certain. For all intents and purposes these were not the humans he once knew. They were all complete aliens to him. This would make his new job much easier. He sighed. All the real humans he knew had been dead for 1000 years or more. He would be able to have the distance necessary to do as Gaia wished. He sighed again that some of the Great Grandchildren, so to speak of his era would live on.
Eventually he returned to Gaia in his Cave. He stood over the pool of Gaia and she came. "Merlin!" she said, "What do you think, now?" Merlin said, "I'm sad all the old kinds of humans are gone." Gaia said, "Me too, Merlin. But we all must deal with what is rather than what was." Merlin said, "Unfortunately, you are right." Gaia said, "Can you save some of them for me?" Merlin said, "Maybe." Gaia said, "Maybe, is all I need from you, Merlin. Because maybe for you, is always 'yes'". Merlin said, "In this case you are most probably right." At this he managed a little smile." He said, "I'm glad humans won't go extinct." This time his eyes glowed a little. His magic was returning. The love between Gaia and him was growing again. He said a little crypticly to Gaia, "So our love will again infuse the future?" Gaia said, "Yes, my love." Merlin felt life returning to his blood. He felt fire return to his veins and arteries. He felt strength flow into his mind and heart and body. He was renewed!
As he walked out of the cave he heard Gaia say, "Save them for me, Merlin!" He said powerfully,"I will my love, My Gaia!" They both smiled as both knew now he would succeed!
As Merlin walked down the first dirt road a young woman with some kind of pack on her back said "Hi" to him. Merlin said, "Can you help an old eccentric man?" The woman stepped back but said, "Why are you dressed like that?" Merlin ever the crafty man said, "I'm going to a costume party." The young woman relaxed a little and said at a good distance, "How can I help you?" Merlin said, "I'm lost. I tried to find the party on foot and realized I don't know where I am." The young woman looked suspicious and said,"If you walk down this road to the paved one you can take a bus to Glastonbury, you know where the Tull is that used to be called in legendary times the Isle of Avalon." Since this old man was obviously dressed in costume as Merlin she added all this.
The old man smiled knowing exactly where he was now. It had all changed so much now. All the old forests had long been chopped down for many many reasons. Merlin asked possibly expecting the answer, "Do you know who my costume is supposed to represent?" The young woman said, "Of course. You have to be Merlin, the magician. Also, where are you from old man, I can't quite place your accent because it is so ancient and archaic. If I didn't speak gaelic I wouldn't be able to even understand you at all." Merlin thought fast and said, "I'm a linguist." Then he turned away and telepathed with her and made her think he was talking in present day dialects. She said, "Oh. That explains a lot. You've definitely mastered what people believe Merlin actually spoke. I've studied that in college. Are you one of the linguistic researchers?" Merlin said that he was and the young woman was very impressed. She wanted his research name but Merlin befuddled her mind a little with fantasies so she wouldn't suspect too much and sent her on her way.
As the young woman directed he found the paved road. He saw someone next to a little hut of some kind and asked them if this was where the bus stopped. The old woman said, "I can't understand you very well. Can't you speak good english?" Merlin looked at her, thought about it and said, "I'm in costume for a costume party as Merlin so I'm trying to stay in charactor." The old woman said, "That is very well and good but if I can't understand you I can't help you." Merlin again turned away and telepathed with this old woman. However, she wasn't fooled like the young woman and then she said, "Merlin, I have waited my whole life to meet you." Merlin turned and smiled. He said, "I have been asleep in my cave. Are you one of the ones I'm supposed to save?" The old woman cried with relief and said, "I'm old and I won't be alive more than 20 years more at best but please come home with me and save my chidren. We live in Glastonbury. We have all been waiting for you for generations. You are finally here." Merlin said, "I'm just waking up these last few days."
Saving a Life
December 6th 2006
I'm sure some of you have been following in the news of the family that got lost in Southern Oregon. The wife and two kids were recently rescued. They took a "short cut" to Gold Beach from Grants Pass. However, because they were from San Francisco and not familiar with driving in the area during snow season they were unprepared for what they found. The 35 year old father was found in a creek dead today. I just wanted to say that if you make a map say at Google or Mapquest please be aware that one needs to ask locals about where one is going especially during the winter season and the same is true of across desert travel during hot summers. If you don't know what you are getting into one can easily die, especially if you are not used to being in wilderness or deserts. They both are completely unforgiving.
I can remember in the mid 1980's I was just driving up on Mt. Shasta on a dirt road to play in the snow with my wife. However, after playing I got our rig stuck at about 9000 feet in rocks,dirt and snow. The temperatures were about 32 where we were but went to 33 degrees farenheit to 34 farenheit when we ran down the hill in the freezing rain. My wife and I were soaked through and had to literally break into a friends cabin as we were both getting hypothermia and starting to lose rationality from severe loss of body heat. I would say we had about 1 more hour and we both would have been over when we broke into our friends cabin and built a fire to stay alive.
After that experience I realized that 32 degrees farenheit to 38 degrees farenheit if it is raining is much more dangerous to be out in than if it is snowing because the snow doesn't penitrate and it can be brushed off. Also one can dig a snow cave for emergencies. However, if you get soaked clean through at 32 to 38 or more degrees farenheit and don't have heat or shelter or dry clothes you will likely die within a few hours. So if you find yourself in this situation try to build a fire or something under a tree or stay in your car and turn the heater on and then when the rain stops go find help.
The World is Flat(economically)
December 6th 2006
For those of you who have read "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman this is no surprise. But for those of you who haven't the title basicly means that anything now can be made anywhere on earth and shipped anywhere on earth very inexpensively and seemlessly anywhere else on earth. It also means that the two causes of all big wars, POWER and MONEY are totally involved in the Iraq War and any other conflicts or wars on earth now and in the future. If you follow the greed for power and money one can almost predict what will happen when any given conflict begins. The first thing you can predict is that the monied and the powerful that want to control the conflict will buy the media they need to make the most money that they can upon the misery of all involved. That is a given. So the next time you see a conflict beginning just follow the POWER and the MONEY and you will see who is really pulling the strings behind any conflict. You will also see why that conflict will tend not to end until everyone has had their fill of the blood money in any conflict. It ain't pretty but this is always the way it has been throughout recorded history.So if you don't think that all sides are being totally manipulated for all sorts of reasons in order for the few to make their fortunes then I guess you just haven't suffered enough yet in the school of hard knocks.
The Financial Cost of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
December 3rd 2006
The following site says it is 500 billion dollars. From another source I found out that all of World War II was only 288 Billion dollars. Though this might be an unfair comparison because dollars were worth so much more during world war 2 it still makes you think. Doesn't it?
The Best Way to Protect Western Civilization
December 3rd 2006
I was raised a Christian Mystic in the western United States. I'm now 58 and living on the California Coast. As a life long Precognitive psychic I would like to say the best way to protect western civilization is to assist moderate more secular Islamists throughout the world become economically viable. They in turn will tend to create their children and relatives to become more secular Moslems. Since the primary need is education and a way out of poverty and a way to safety for most Islamics in the world, enabling secular Moslems like those in places like Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan,Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India to succeed through microbanking is a win win situation for everyone. Secular Muslims as they become more successful economically will tend to mentor other Muslims to become more secular and more educated and more like them.
Secularized Muslims are not a threat to world stability just like most Secular Christians are not a threat to world economic stability.
Greek calculator from time of Christ or before?
December 2nd 2006
I found this article quite provoking because it makes one wonder what else of technology did the ancients have before the dark ages dropped a veil of confusion upon mankind? Here is the article
God is an Artist
December 2nd 2006
God is an Artist
Space is his canvas
And Time is his brush
When Maldek the Planet blew up
December 1st 2006
I have memories of living as the being that I have named Flame in my online book series. Flame came to Maldek when it was destroyed by a surface thermonuclear war.Flame was a member of the Galactic Time Guard then but wasn't allowed to change time and stop the nuclear planet killing war because of Non-Interference Treaty in place. Since Earth isn't allowed to have a non-interference treaty 5 earth killing nuclear wars since 1950 have taken place and our time changed back. In the 1970's the Soviet Union found with a space probe that the Asteroid Belt out past Mars was once a planet blown up by a surface thermonuclear war. It is my memory that on that planet were humanoids that looked and acted something like us. They were likely our relatives. It is my belief that todays humans are some of those survivors hybrided by dna joining with the apes of earth for immunity and strength. What was lost was the longevity of the Maldekians. This article makes me think that this thermonuclear war was about 65 million years ago:
It is also possible that the survivors of Maldek who came to earth to survive since the atmosphere of the inhabited planet Mars was mostly blown off by the Maldek blast. Any survivors from Mars also came here to earth and possibly fought with those from Maldek because of the destruction of the atmosphere of Mars. The dinosaurs might have been slowly eliminated by the new settlers for food and as a way of reducing competition for earths vegetation and other animals for food.
Here comes Star Trek!
November 30th 2006
Stephen Hawkings thinks we should build matter/antimatter drives and colonize other worlds outside the solar system so humans don't accidentally go extinct: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/stephen_hawking
Of Biocom and Jonathan
November 29th 2006
I moved what was here to /jon1.html at this website. thanks Of Biocom and Jonathan part 2
December 4th 2006
I also moved what was here to /jon1.html at this website. If you go to the index page it is at "The History of Jonathan Flow"
Of Biocom and Jonathan part 3
December 7th 2006
Also now at History of Jonathan flow. Go back to index page and click on History of Jonathan Flow. " ."
Of Biocom and Jonathan
December 10th 2006
also moved to History of Jonathan Flow. Go back to index page and click on History of Jonathan Flow "
What is Enlightenment?
November 28th 2006
I gave many hints about what enlightenment is at the top of this page before the note to reader. I was speaking with my Goddaughter tonight that I gave "Cult of Tara" by Stephen Beyer for her birthday about 1 1/2 years ago because I found that that particular book very useful to me in my search for enlightenment and truth over 26 years ago. I said, "My wife dreamed about a killer whale last night" and said to my Goddaughter, "What do you think that meant?" She said, "I don't know." Then I said, "I experience the whole universe as myself as that is what enlightenment is like." She gave me a somewhat frightened look. Then I said, "However, civilization is based upon politeness and kindness so I demonstrate that to people and all living things so they don't get scared. Since she is studying enlightenment and is very intelligent I could see I had given her something to think about.
Though I didn't say this to her I then walked in to talk to my wife about her dream. I have been working out with a physical trainer so I said to my wife, "I'm about twice as strong as I was about 2 months ago, and so I think your dream of the killer whale is about me because your subconscious senses how much more physically stronger and vital I am lately." Since I'm 6 feet 5 inches tall this would make sense. I have been having friends feel my hard stomach muscles lately. Even before I started working out a lot with a trainer I used to let my ten year old jump up and down on my stomache because even when I wasn't working out at my present level I could do that for a short period.
Enlightenment, for me at my present level of awareness keeps expanding in definition. I think the best definition I have seen of enlightenment is the definition of the mahamudra which is something like "When the mind has no place where it can stop (and become limited) the Mahamudra(Great Attitude) is present. By cultivating such an attitude one attains supreme Enlightenment". For me, personally, I create the mahamudra by visualizing the universe. Since I realize it is always larger than anything I could ever perceive, each time I visualize the universe beyond the boundaries that I visualized it before. In this way my perception of everything is constantly growing. Since I now understand that there is only one lifeform in this universe all beings within this one universe compose it. All awareness in this universe composes the single lifeform of the expanding universe.
The Slow Death of Religion
November 28th 2006
It is becoming more and more obvious to me with each passing day that we are witnessing the slow death of organized religions. I watch the slow secularization where being a Catholic or Islamic or Christian or Jew means that being that is more about cultural traditions than anything at all to do with ones relationship to God. More and more religions are only social clubs and most people that are a part of those religions don't believe them at all. They might like to believe but they don't. They keep going for social, business and family reasons only.
We are not witnessing the death of spirituality but we are witnessing the death of religion. You may ask: Why is this? Because religions are no longer credible. Let me give you an example. Look at the complete loss of credibility that takes place when a Islamic Mullah talks some poor virgin, either male or female to strap on a bomb and to blow themselves and God knows how many others up with them. The world looks at this as insane. There is nothing even remotely to do with God in doing this. It is simply the death of civilization and this is how sane people see this.
Okay, now look at Catholicism. When the Catholic church protects and hides the many priests who molest boys and girls as well as Catholics of all ages it is just as bad as the Mullahs who get their young people to blow themselves and hundreds of others up. What do both these things create? The end of religion caused by Complete Hypocricy. It appears all religions that sprang from the Old Testament are in their death throws. It might take 1000, 2000 years but all these religions are changing from something credible to something like nationalism only. Religions are becoming like baseball or football teams. They are something to root for but all credibility is long gone!
Lao Tzu
November 28th 2006
The Taoist sage has no ambitions, therefore he can never fail. He who never fails always succeeds. And he who always succeeds is all- powerful.
I found this jewel of a saying at:
It reminds me a lot of Crazy Wisdom which is sometimes known as the Wisdom Beyond Logic. Tibetan Lamas told me that I manifested Crazy Wisdom in the 1980's. The beauty of functioning this way is one is always so unpredictable that God can manifest in an infinitely powerful way through such a one for nothing can stop something that never can be predicted. In this way I believe God infinitely changes and makes beautiful all life in an infinity of ways in a completely spontaneous and creative way each moment we live!!!
Middle East?
November 23rd 2006
Most western leaders hesistate talking about this but the west's revenge for the Ayatolla taking power in Iran and then keeping 400 or so US embassy employees hostage for about a year or more around 1980 really pissed off the western world. Then when President Carter was shamed by his rescue group crashing into the desert things started to get really nasty, really dirty. Iraq was secretly convinced to go to war with Iran in revenge for what the Ayatolla did to our embassy personnel and to President Carter's reputation. When Iran started winning the western world gave aid to Iraq. When Iraq started winning the western world gave aid to Iran. It appears the western world's strategy was to have Iraq and Iran annialate each other. This happened all during the Reagan administration.
Saddam at that time was our boy, a direct US pawn. However, after that mess of a war finally ended with all borders intact as before Saddam decided he wanted to take Kuwait's oil. Thinking that he had earned the right to Kuwait because of his loyalty to the western powers in makin war against Iran he asked the US Ambassador what the US would do if he took Kuwait's oil. The answer the US Ambassador gave was: "Nothing". Thinking what the Ambassador said was Gospel he took Kuwait. He had not thought of one thing, Kuwait's wealth in foreign banks. The Kuwaiti's knowing that they might be able to buy their countries freedom back offered their wealth in foreign banks freely to western nations to take back their country. Low and beyond the western countries readily decided to help with so much money offered. The western nations took back Kuwait and Saddam was labeled a bad guy. Everything had changed, permanently!
The rest I think you know about. However, get ready for a replay! There is no more Saddam. He will either be hanged or spend his life in prison.However, there is still a need of the western powers to keep the middle east in check. So what is the secret plan now? The secret plan now is to keep the middle east in check by turning Shias and Sunnis permanently against each other. Is this good or bad? This realy depends on who is the one thinking about this. If one is Shia or Sunni this is obviously bad. If one is Western Christian or secular it is at best mixed. The western world is very scared about radical islamists. Westerners hope that extremist shias and extremists sunnis wipe each other out so the westerners have less to fight in the end. That is what is really going on now. Is this good or bad or just a terrible terrible mess? You decide!
Spiritual Technology
Thanksgiving Day November 23rd 2006
I was thinking about what I have come to know about Spiritual Technology. The way most of you have known about it is through ideas like Santa Claus(the spirit of giving) or spontaneous healing or other natural effects of spiritual technology. In the western world one is more likely to have this technology inculcated in the form of Disney cartoons and other benign ways as a child. However, there are other ways to align with spiritual technology that have been taught by as diverse teachers as Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu and even Confucius. One of my favorite being: "Man should study man before he studies spirit"- by Confucius. The reason this is important is that one is limited by how high one can fly by their lack of basic groundedness. In other words if you aren't practical to begin with studying spirit can just be the end of your natural life. Because in the end everything is about balance.
So if one isn't grounded, practical, and compassionate by nature then one can forget about being a real spiritual technologist because if you aren't grounded practical and compassionate studying spiritual technology is suicide. However, it is true that there are excercises in life to become more compassionate, more grounded and more practical. The easiest of these practices is Zen. The essence of Zen is "carry water chop wood". This basicly means "drink water",stay warm, take care of yourself and others. So "practicality, groundedness and compassion are all practiced in the addage "carry water chop wood". Though technology for most of us has made these things unnecessary, maybe you should retreat to the country and practice these things for those of you who are able and want to become spiritual technologists for the benefit of yourselves and all humanity.
Especially, now in times of Global warming Spiritual technologists will be needed to help people survive the floods, the droughts etc. Without enough spiritual technologists who are ready and able to help themselves and mankind humanity won't survive.
When Religion Loses its Credibility
November 21st 2006
I have heard Christians denigrate indigenous religions often. All it needs to be is shamanic and it appears it is okay to denigrate it. However, when science proves Biblical statements ridiculous these same people howl and get very irate. God like Truth is where you find God or truth. To not see this is in the end to be a fool. People who couldn't see the truth for what it was down through the ages tended to go insane, eat things that killed them, and suscribe to behaviors that shortened their lives, and to kill people who didn't think like them. Therefore the logic of this following article is fairly impeccable. It questions the credibility of one more thing that just isn't logical. By the way it is number 1 in most popular news articles at Yahoo right now! http://news.yahoo.com/s/usatoday/20061120/cm_usatoday/whenreligionlosesitscredibility
I read the last two lines at the above article and really had to laught they are: quote:Oliver "Buzz" Thomas is a Baptist minister and author of an upcoming book, 10 Things Your Minister Wants to Tell You (But Can't Because He Needs the Job).
November 21st 2006
The following is reprinted from my Galactic Ecology webpage at this site. I liked the enthusiasm I had when I first wrote this:
originally written January 14, 2000
Fred's Believe it or not!
I asked God if I could soul travel to visit him in the center of the Galaxy around 1969. In 1970 He gave me my wish. It started in a cabin in Yucca Mesa in the high desert of California. I had a cold and had gone to the desert to dry out my sinuses in the very dry air one weekend. I retired early alone in the cabin and woke up about 2am to urinate. When I walked to the bathroom I tried to turn on the light switch but my hand went through the wall. I almost died of fright right then. I tried it again same thing. I realized I was not in my body. I did not urinate because I knew I would wet my bed because my body was not in the bathroom, I was.
I forced myself to walk back to my body. I looked at it and felt ill. I had read one has to lay back down into ones body into the same position one is lying or meditating so I did that. Within a few seconds after my body and I merged my body shook violently from shock. I was so terrified I immediately packed up my things and drove home to San Diego in my car.
As I drove away I said to God, "You nearly scared me to death! Please give me a good experience." Withing two months God granted my request. I woke up in the night and sat up in bed. I was connected still from the hips down but separated from the hips up. I turned and looked at my body sleeping peacefully. But then something I still can't explain happened. Another me wearing the same pajamas as I and my body were walked in the door of my room with the most angelic expression on its face. It proceeded to lay down into me and then we laid down into my body. I felt a Peace I had never known before. I WOULD NEVER FEAR DEATH AGAIN!
One can know something theoretically but to experience it firsthand one is never the same. Never again could someone tell me death was the permanent end. From that moment on I could only feel sympathy for anyone who believes death is real. For I witness before God and before you THERE IS NO DEATH!!!
It is my belief now that God wanted to frighten me off from Astral Projection. What I began to do instead is called bilocation. This means to be in 2 or more places at once. Walking around outside my body completely separate was way to scary for me. Being 2 or more places at once I found much more bearable. However, after 10 years of travelling this Galaxy I came to another paradigm shift. I realized experientially that time and space weren't real. I realized that since time and space weren't ultimately real one was already anywhere or anywhen one wished to be. All one need do is know it!
Remember, all this didn't come overnight. It was a long painful and wonderful process.
I am sharing all this with you to lesson the pain and terror in your lives For a few of you I am giving you hints at safely travelling in your soul bodies. Conscious soul travel is not for every- one. One must have the right disposition, abilities and motivation. I am very grateful for my experiences to God and to all the amazing and wonderful beings that I have met throughout this Galaxy and thousands of others.
I am writing this today because the energy beings in our sun recently came and spoke with me. They are the most evolved beings I have met in the Solar System. Thirty years ago I first met them when I was directed there by the energy beings on Venus. Then the Solar Energy Beings prepared me for my journey into the Center of the Galaxy in the 70s.
This last week the Solar Energy Being came and visited me. They showed me what it was like for them to help me. They showed me how dark and polluted my aura and soul body was when I arrived in the sun. They have been observing my spirit work for my whole life they said. The reason they came this week was to tell me to tell all of you that if you wish to soul travel please invoke them here to Earth so they can prepare your soul bodies for Galactic, multigalactic and interdimensional travel. They said to tell you that your only protection from the lies of Earth media is in the safety of knowing you are an immortal soul. The time wars and others within this solar system and beyond have no affect on your souls. Take refuge in your immortality. That is all that's real anyway.
Happy Feet
November 20th 2006
Yesterday I saw the Happy Feet movie. I enjoyed it very much. We went because my 10 year old and her friends wanted to see it. The story kind of reminded me of my own life as a precognitive psychic. The biggest difference was that I could always be secretive about being psychic and Happy Feet couldn't hide his happy feet. I also related to when he was in the aquarium. This reminded me of when I soul traveled to the Galactic Core expecting to find God and instead finding really intelligent beings of 1,000,000 iq or more and being really shocked by this and eventually asking them for help with earth to keep of from nuking ourselves out of existence and receiving the help I asked for.
Confucius meets Lao Tzu
November 20th 2006
The willow also has a deeper and direct connection with Chinese culture and it is believed that Lao Tzu, the author of Tao-te Ching, loved to meditate under its shade (6th century BC). It was under the same tree that the younger Confucius had his famous interview with Lao Tzu, telling his disciples afterwards:
"I know how birds fly, fishes swim and animals run. But there is the dragon - I cannot tell how he mounts on the winds through the clouds, and rises to heaven. Today, having seen Lao Tzu, I can only compare him to the dragon."
I found the above jewel of a story at the following site that I found through wikipedia looking up the word dakini. However,when I talked to lamas about the meaning of Dakini they told me that basicly Dakini means female angel and Daka means male angel which is definitely a different definition that I got from wikipedia.
Pardon me but the confucius Lao tzu quote I got from: http://www.exoticindiaart.com/article/kuanyin
Deep Past Journaling
November 19th 2006
I was listening to my 21 year old singer Goddaughter play my grand piano and sing. It reminded me of all the music and lyrics I wrote between 1969 and about 1980. I went to my room to fetch my old 3 holed binder from 40 years ago now. I found it very satisfying to show her my old lyrics and music folder. Some of my music and lyrics were eventually recorded by friends who are still professional musicians who still conduct music tours all over the world. I'm thinking about creating another webpage for my old lyrics and thoughts from the old days.
Here is a letter from 22 years ago written when I was 36.
This is excerpts of a letter I wrote to Delphi Associates. begin quote: Dear Sirs: I was very interested to read the article in the September 1984 Omni on your new business. I am both compassionate and sympathetic to the state you are bound to find yourselves in. -------- I have been experiencing paranormal things my whole life. I am now 36 years old. As a child I was very upset that adults never said what they really thought and felt. I could hear the thoughts of all adults around me. Only about 1 in 10 that comes out of an adult mouth to another adult is even close to a true statement. At age ten my paranormal experiences really started to frighten me. In the U.S. in the fifties there was really no place for those with paranormal abilities to come out into the open. Most people who were naturally becoming operant metapsychics went or stayed out of the limelight of their parents or friends in order to survive by not revealing what was happening to them. Or if they did reveal stupidly what was happening to them they were sent to psychologists or psychaitrists and told what they were experiencing was unreal or even worse if they were sent to a minister or priest they were told what they were experiencing was witchy or demonic or even worse were sent to mental institutions and drugged and never were heard from again. (I realize Im being a little dramatic but I'm trying to make a point). Anyway, I was one of many that went "underground".
My paranormal abilities came into focus in a way that I could live with in spring 1963 when I was 15. This may sound strange but the way I found to be able to live with my paranormal faculties was to begin to perceive myself as a God. Not THE GOD but merely one of the Billions and maybe trillions that inhabit the universe. By experiencing my self and my place in the universe I ceased to be harmed by my paranormal faculties and started to be able to benefit myself and others with them. However, still at times I feel I have a tiger by the tail and I'd better not let go.End quote
There is one saying I put at the end of the letter that I would like to share:
If you use life . . . . Life uses you
If you Serve Life . . . . Life Serves you
The problem of Iraq?
November 16th 2006
Why isn't democracy working in Iraq? Trust is the most important issue. Why should Sunnis and Shias trust each other in Iraq? They never did before. All that has really happened is that the centuries of Sunni and then Baathist Sunni Secular rulership has been replaced with mostly Shia rulership. Trust does not exist! The educated and the intelligentia might be able to pull this trust off in Iraq but not the common people. They might believe in democracy theoretically but how can they really trust democracy if they have never seen it ever work in Iraq ever in thousands of years. The problem really isn't a lack of belief in democracy. It is a lack of faith in the institutions newly born to protect the people from violation by the unscrupulous. Democracy is a luxury. People always want ORDER first. If they get that then they want democracy next. But without order and protection from death, democracy will mean nothing to the Iraqi people.
As a psychic as I look at what is happening in Iraq I can see it spreading to other nations in the middle east. It reminds me of when sinkholes swallow roads and houses.I don't really think anyone can save Iraq for now especially not any army. As crazy as this sounds the only person who might be able to create order in Iraq might be Saddam Hussein but that wouldn't work because within 5 years he probably would start declaring war on his neighbors again.
So what has really happened is a culture clash between two peoples who totally don't understand each other. The likely result in looking at what is presently happening is the collapse of the governments of Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and maybe Turkey and Iran. This is a very bad situation for the whole world because as a psychic I can see almost no oil coming out of the middle east within 10 years. Something I can't presently see might mitigate this but for right now this is what I see.
Dark Matter?
November 16th 2006
I was reading an article on dark matter and it reminded me of what outer space beyond the earth looks like when soul travelling. There are many sparks of life. If you imagine soul travelling to Venus like I did in 1970 what I saw as my soul traveled through space was many energies and sparks. It looked to be in another dimension than we see it with naked eyes. but all these sparks or flames I sensed were alive. I don't really know what to do with this information except to say that I did not find any part of outer space beyond earth completely empty. The most empty or better to say "different" space was beyond the edge of the galaxy. The easiest way to explain all this would be as an animist. I would have to say the Galaxy is a living organism like a jellyfish floating on the galactic sea and that it eats some form of energy and jets out antimatter at its center axle from both axle ends.
When I went beyond the edge of the galaxy when I was about 22 I became terrified at this experience and so didn't try to go to another galaxy until I was 32 and had by then met a Tibetan Lama. Once I learned what "Voidness" was I could go then to another galaxy and as many galaxies as I wished to that were friendly.Here is the article I was reading: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/science_dark_dc Please paste if you wish.
Flags of our Fathers
November 16th 2006
I finally got to see Flags of Our Fathers. Since it is based on real life charactors and their real experiences on Iwo Jima during World War II it is a little hard to take. However, that all these men didn't see themselves as heroes but saw all those that died there as the real heroes is the real message of this movie. In the end war is sacrifice! No one who survives a war comes home a whole person because the deaths of all their comrades continue to haunt their dreams the rest of their days. If you go to war you sacrifice everything whether you return home or not. That is why all veterans should be honored for they are all the sacrificial lambs that allow our nation and culture to even exist!
The Second Coming
November 16th 2006
I would like to share what I know about this. It is my understanding that the Second Coming refers to both a Christ return and a Buddha return. It could be said that this second coming is both Jesus and Maitreya combined. It could be said that many of us are forerunners to this manifestation. It could be said that when nuclear confrontation through explosion happens in the middle east that things will change. Though there might be a few nuclear incidents beyond the middle east they will be relatively minor. At this point the Second coming happens. Many of us now are setting the field of awareness for this to take place. I have no knowledge of the exact time or place of this. It could happen as soon as tomorrow. It could happen as far away as 1000 years or 2000 years. Something like this cannot be predicted accurately by most beings who are capable of such things because it happens spontaneously like the birth of a child or the rising of the sun at its own perfect time. However, I do know some things. The second coming turns the earth itself into a heaven realm. This heaven realm may not stay like this forever. At some point it turns back into earth. This has happened before also. It is one of the reasons there are so many souls alive on earth now. They want to experience the Second Coming. They have come from all over this galaxy and from many other galaxies and dimensions to experience this. It is known throughout this galaxy as "The Unification" and is precious to all beings who are aware of it in all ways. This sort of thing happens periodically like a group spiritual initiation into a higher spiritual Order on many planets and dimensions throughout the universe over long spans of time. It is precious that we are all now hear at such a time to witness these events.
No Retirement for Baby Boomers
November 15th 2006
I lived my life not expecting to be able to collect Social Security or even being able to retire. So, the fact that I have been basicly retired since 1998 when I got my heart virus is very amazing to me. I am alive only by God's Grace! I am retired only by God's Grace. I would say that if I hadn't retired in 1998 when I got very ill that the real chances of my being alive today would be about 5% to 10% at best. Never retiring is one thing but never ever getting ill is quite another. So if you don't have health care insurance getting really ill might be a death sentence. If you are over 45 years old please try to be covered by some health insurance even if it is the state administered kind like california has that they call Medi-cal. The reason I'm writing this is that I read the following article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20061115/us_nm/financial_retirement_dc
Time and Space aren't real
November 13th 2006
It took me about ten years of soul travel to experience this truth firsthand. At first I thought it required great concentration and effort to travel to another planet or galaxy with my soul. Finally, after about 10 years of travelling with my soul I discovered experiencially that we all are all the time in multiple places just like one learns in quantum physics and particle physics.
Once I realized fully that I was literally anywhere I wanted to be, I WAS and I AM.
In the end there is only one being in the universe. I would call that Being, God for lack of another word. For the physicists among you one might call this instead, Life Force or even The Force as in Stars Wars vernacular. Whatever you call it I have realized there is only one of whatever you want to call it. There are not really pieces of it in actuality. Those of us who realize fully experiencially that this is true, sometimes, like Jesus or Buddha or other masters are so Causal that they easily (seemingly without any effort) change time and space in multiple ways for the benefit of all beings who are really only ONE after all. If you are a realized Causal Being then you KNOW that Time and Space is only an effect but that you and all life everywhere is the CAUSE.
Spritual Technology
November 12th 2006
I attended a large wedding this weekend. While I was attending multiple events I talked with several people who were each worth 200 to 500 million. People like this are always interesting to talk to. A man I knew through my father in law came up and asked me about my books. He wanted to know more about psychic stuff. I picked up that an amazing experience I had in Bodhgaya was what life wanted me to share with him. So I told him how at the end of the Kalachakra Initiation that was given to 500,000 people mostly in native dress from Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet,India Thailand and the rest of the world and interesting occurance was supposed to happen. It was supposed to cloud up, thunder and lightning and rain on cue. Since it was about 90 degrees and dry and desert like at the time with not a cloud in the sky, I thought "Sure." in a somewhat cynical way. However, I was wrong. As if on cue with no hullabalu or fanfare a little cloud at the end of the 4 day ceremony formed only above the 500,000 attending the initiation. Then it proceeded to lightning and rain ONLY on the 500,000 people there. I thought, "Oh My God! The stories about Tibetans are true!"
I told the gentleman I was telling this story to that I now believe that there is such a thing as spiritual technology. I have been psychic all my life but have always been trying to figure out religion and all that. However, I now believe that spiritual technology is a fact. However, to access spiritual technology safely one must first develope compassion for all life in the universe in all time and space and beyond. Only under these conditions is it then safe for such a one to harness this spiritual technology.
The Future
November 8th 2006
What a change in one day! Like in 1994 these kinds of changes are so sweeping that it is hard to adapt the the changes in a useful way. However, as I said in the previous article the two most important things still haven't been dealt with. Proposition 87 in California went down because of the fear of more gas taxes and from about 50 million dollars from oil companies that didn't want to be basicly put out of business by alternative fuels over the next 20 years.
Directly as a result of that if Saddam Hussein is executed EXPECT 4$, $5, $6 and seven dollars a gallon with no end in sight over the next 5 years! Unfortunately, if Saddam is hanged it is a world wide fuel nightmare for many years. There may be other elements that I can't presently see that change or mitigate this situation. However, all I can realistically share is what I Do see!
Execute Saddam?
You might ask why I'm writing about this on election day. Please remember I'm a precognitive psychic. For better or worse I can often see the future given certain present events. If Saddam actually is executed is it about 100,000 times more serious than our present elections in the US.
It may not be obvious to you in the western world but to execute Saddam would have about the same effect on your health as banging as hard as you could on a hornets nest and then to make all your family stand about 2 feet away while you did this. Executing Saddam would be about 1000 times worse than 9-11-01 and all its affects.
This is the problem. For better or worse all Islamics identify in some way or more likely in many ways with Saddam Hussein. Most people didn't like him just like most of the world doesn't like George Bush. President Bush is primarily only liked by Americans. How would you feel if another country came in and overthrew our Government and tried our president for murder and then executed him? You might if you were very liberal be able to deal with anything up to prison but even if you were liberal and he was executed tell me what you would do. You and all your family would get your guns to defend our countries honor.
No matter what middle easterners thought of Saddam they will never forget or forgive his execution. Some middle eastern leaders will love him to be executed but they are not the common people and that is the problem. Not only will it inevitably set Baathist and other Sunnis in a death fight against ALL Shias. And so the execution of Saddam likely will set off a 100 years war of the chaos of Sunni killing Shia and then Shia killing Sunni. After about 10 years of this I can guarantee there will be NO oil coming out of Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia. The chain reaction likely will be a real ongoing nightmare for the whole world. You might say what about the election? I see clearly no matter what happens in our election not a whole lot changes in the future except for Proposition 87 in California. If that passes the chain reaction helps humans survive Global warming in the future because eventually all states inact such measures so even without Saudi, Iranian and Iraqi oil the human race finds ways to survive long term.
Knowing you are Avatar-you wait
You wait until the exact moment
you are needed
You Know the exact moment
Like the Sun knows what time to Rise
You know to be supernaturally polite
as taught by your Avatar teachers
For the materialists today are
easily frightened unto death
by sciences that they don't understand
or believe in
So as Avatar-you wait
out of consideration and compassion
to those with no understanding
of who you are
or what you are
So you generally appear kind
if the need arises to be scary
you are scary as a man or woman
For materialists can cope with this
Remember always, my Avatars
Do not scare to death
the unenlightened
as this is very bad karma
both for you and them
20,000+ demonstrate for action against Global Warming
20,000+ demonstrators in Trafalgar Square Enland demonstrated for world action against Global warming. read about it if you wish at:
How the World Sees US!
This is How the world sees the United States. The article is even scarier because this is the people of our closest ally!
please paste if interested.
November 3rd 2006
I personally don't believe that democracy exists in the United States. I have had grave doubts of the United States being a democracy ever since both Kennedys and Martin Luther King were assasinated. The fact that one went could be rationalized away but to lose all three? I guess I stopped believing America was really a democracy then. But now it has moved even further toward what I would call a World Corporate Totalitarian state that gives the appearance like a chamelian of being somewhat of a democracy. But it only appears to be a democracy. It isn't one really anymore.
Should anyone trust the results of this 2006 election. I'd say you would be a fool to believe any election results. Until there is a paper trail for all ballots again there can't be democracy in the United States. When you put 60 to 90 year olds in charge of voting machines with no paper trail knowing full well that all these machines are all manufactured by companies whose heads are all republican except one who is owned by individuals in Venezuela (Chavez?) you are only asking for a joke not an election! Do we live in a democracy now? No! And I have doubts if we really have since the two Kennedys and Martin Luther King died! However, I still vote in the hopes that we once again have a democracy one day again!!!
Methyl Bromide: My experience with it
November 3rd 2006
I can't remember now the exact summer but it had to be 1990 or 1991. My wife and I were rudely awakened in the middle of the night by loud crashes and a very wierd smell in the air and then planes fire engines and all hell seemed to break loose in the normaly sleepy little town of Mt. Shasta. Methyl Bromide is used mainly on Strawberries to kill all the weeds in the soil and then the soil is completely covered with plastic so everything in the soul dies and can't compete with the strawberries once they are planted. It renders the soul sterile within a day or two. Then within a few days the strawberries are planted and then their is no competition with weeds or for that matter anything because everything in the soil has died. Its advantage is it breaks down quickly within a few days and becomes harmless or so they say.
However, this summer night of 1990 or 1991 it was 16,000 gallons in a tanker car on the railroad. They had put too many cars empty in front of the Methyl bromide tanker cars and so at Canterra Loop which is a severe rail switcback the 16,000 gallons of methyl bromide went into a very pristine part of the beginning of the Sacramento River. So the entire water ecosystem for 40 miles down into Shasta Dam died for the first time in 100,000 years or more. Everything that lived in the river died, nothing was left. Sure species upstream eventually moved into the empty ecological nitche but only after absolutely all life in the river had died.
Also, the health of everyone downstream from the spill was likely affected by the intense chemical reaction that methyl bromide has with that much water. Now the U.S. Government is allowing it even though it destroys the ozone layer. Please read if you are interested. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/ozone_pesticide please paste if interested.
All Seafood systems could collapse by 2048
November 2nd 2006
If I live to be 100 years old there will be no more ocean fish for anyone to eat according to this article:
Conversations with God
November 2nd 2006
I highly recommend this movie to all who wish to have or to continue to have conversations with God themselves. It is something I have experienced all my life. Though I didn't always listen to God he/she/it was always talking to me all the time 24 hours a day through every person I met, through every tree I climbed, through every bird I saw, through every country I visited, through every dream I had waking or sleeping, through every thought I ever experienced or had. When you are scared and terrified the most God is still there, you just might not be listening. It is always your choice, you can be terrified unto death or you can talk to God. It is always your choice. You don't even have to call it God. You could call it Sun or Moon or Tree or Bird but it is still God.
While the author was suffering and homeless in Ashland, Oregon in 1990, I was suffering in a slightly different way in Mt. Shasta with my family at the same time he was. Also, when my friend of 50 years' mother passed away she was memorialized at the unitarian church in Ashland shown in the movie. I was very amazed and surprised at this syncronicity.
Let me tell you a story that happened to me yesterday in how God managed to get my wife and I to see Conversations With God at a local theater. Earlier in the afternoon I was watching news on cable TV when we had a power outage which blew out tv cable and blew out one of my computer printers. At the time all I did was reboot the TV cable a few times and it reset and then unplugged and plugged in my printer and it reset itself. I didn't think too much about it after that.
However, after we got a babysitter we were going to see Flags of our Fathers because I'm a Clint Eastwood fan and I wanted to get teary over the movie. Because most of the people I knew and loved that knew me and raised me that were in World War II are now passed away or will shortly. I miss their integrity. It seems like unless one really kisses the curb that they don't ever develope real integrity. They really suffered and so they tended to really have integrity unlike most generations since then because recent generations haven't really suffered enough in a real way to develope that kind of honesty that comes from facing death. I have faced death many times and so I do have integrity because listening to God is the only way I know to stay alive. It's been that way all the time since I was 15 and got over childhood epilepsy suddenly one day because I very powerfully invoked God into my life and body. Life has been extremely different and amazing since then.
Well, back to what happened yesterday. We went to the theater and they said they were on emergency power and that there would be no showings that night. So my wife and I rushed over to another sort of artsy theater where Conversations with God was playing. My wife and I cried through the whole movie. We both saw how God had gone way out of his way to get us to this movie. Thanks God for thinking of us!!!
Ideal situation to survive Global Warming
November 1st 2006
I was thinking last night while lucid dreaming of the ideal or "perfect" situation to survive global warming as it progresses. Living in a moderate climate on the ocean where the temperature doesn't vary too much on the ocean, near a river with your house or land over 500 feet in elevation. This gives one water to drink no matter what, elevation in case of tsunami and a moderate climate so that you don't need to heat the house or air condition it. Then if family and friends were there and a viable income and recreation and one could have a perfect living situation possibly for hundreds of years. Next, one needs to be sure that there is food available to buy or that one has the capacity to grow ones own food. I have studied that it takes about 1 acre per person minimum to feed that one for a year ongoing through time. So water would need to be available on that land either through rain or irrigation and fencing would be needed to keep rats and rabbits and other animals and birds fro m eating all ones food they would be growing.
Another important thing to have on hand would be sprouting seeds like alfalfa or others so in a pinch one could sprout them within a few days to have live green food to prevent illness from a lack of live foods. (One cannot live on canned food indefinitely). Another idea is that as long as you eat the peels one can live for years on baked potatoes and water. A potato as long as you eat the peels is a complete food source. There is only one other complete food source not quite as good as the potato. I'm told it is the coconut. But with the coconut one has to eat coconuts at all stages of development and coconuts are very laxative so you might always have the runs. A good point with Coconuts is that it is possible to live on coconuts even without a water source other than coconuts. So even though it could be onerous a coconut is the one thing it is possible to live on without ever have anything else than the coconut to live on. One could be on a desert island with literally nothing b ut a few coconut palms and stay alive even though you might be pretty unhappy.
What it's like to be gifted
12:39 am 10-31-06
I met many holy men and women while travelling through India, Nepal and Thailand from December 1985 to April 1986. By the time I heard the following story I had come to the realization that the orient at that time especially India and Nepal that spiritual technology is used and viewed in somewhat the same way that scientific technology is viewed in the United States and Europe. I understand many things have changed since then but for the 700 million or more that live below what we would call the poverty line I believe that spiritual technology is how most people still survive when not educated formally or trained in the new western ways of thinking. And because as people think so are they, they survive just fine believing in their spiritual technologies in some ways much better than we western materialists.
In fact, as terrible as culture shock hit me in living among the lower and middle classes of India and Nepal, the culture shock coming back to the United States was 100 times worse after 4 months time there.Because in the United States people separate themselves artificially in their homes and apartments and cars and live mostly neurotic lives alone in little worlds of their own. Coming back from India and Nepal I and my family found this horrifying to deal with. Now don't get me wrong I was happy to have my cars and nice house and good food and friends to return to but I horribly missed real people living on the edge and thriving despite all hardships and found Americans to be like French poodles in their unreal views of life in their materialistic wealth and unrealistic points of view.
In the early 1980's I lived in an A Frame 10 miles from the nearest small town which was McCloud. We lived without electricity and had a beautiful view of Mt. Shasta and sometimes up to 7 feet of snow at a time on our 2 1/2 acres. One time we stayed remote for 2 months and I had to drive down into the big cities. At one point I stopped my car and parked and laughed at all the people hurrying around in their cars like caged rats running in those little wheels all desperate and crazy. Like what I experienced in India and Nepal I saw then the absurdity of paying to much for cars, rent, houses, everything while having "NO" quality of life at all. Eventually, because my father was dying I had to move back to suburbia, buy a business and do the same. Did this make me happy? Not at all. Did I need to set a good example for my kids? Yes. Now my step son is a fire captain. My stepdaughter is a lawyer and my son was a computer tech and is now studying to be a nurse. My college age daughter is in college and my youngest daughter is in grade school.
However, going to India, Nepal and Thailand irrevocable permanently changed my life for the better. I met many many spiritually developed people like myself as well as those way beyond me in attainment. I'd like to tell you a story that a Tibetan Lama in India told me:
He said when the Chinese came to Tibet that they took the Kata(white cloth symbol of enlightenment) of a High Tibetan Lama and stuffed it down his throat to kill him. From the Tibetan Lama's point of view this was his final test of this lifetime. He knew he could kill these chinese soldiers easily with his mind. However, in doing so he would have to break his vow of harmlessness. So instead of killing them he turned a cup inside out with his mind as he was dying with his mind and then with his mind threw the cup against the wall and then it smashed down in pieces. In so doing he demonstrated to the soldiers that he had the power to kill them supernaturally but chose not to. By doing this he permanently changed the lives of these soldiers. The lama who told me this said High Lamas like this were reborn to the Chinese aristocracy and were some of the students killed who were demonstrating for democracy at Tien A- min Square. To the Lamas who think in terms of hundreds and thousands of years all these things are taken into consideration. To honor my teacher's since they have helped me develope my gifts I must also use my gifts in thinking of hundreds and thousands of years into the future of earth and of humans colonizing beyond earth. In this way I honor the souls of all beings in all times.In this way I honor the souls of all beings and thereby assist all to enlightenment.
From BBC The Stern Review of Global Warming.10-30-06
Since American media is so focused on Iraq and Afghanistan at the expense of the future of life on Earth I often visit BBC online for a more realistic perspective of the plight of humans on earth. The following is the address of the Stern Review which scientifically addresses the real Global Warming problems all life on earth faces in this century.
Surviving Global Warming:Long Term
Since I consciously trained as a survivalist in the late 70's and early 80's, surviving global warming for me would be pretty simplistic. However, for those of you who have not trained yourselves to survive no matter what it may be time to do that now!
Here is what I believe is important to physical survival. Obviously, there are many other elements to consider like family, friends, property you own, jobs, businesses, spouses or lovers etc. However, what I will cover is the mininum of what you need to physically survive what is coming.
You need: Clean Air, Clean Water and clean food in order to survive. How you create that is up to you. One hint that I would like to share. If all glaciers in all mountains are gone then any drought stops rivers and ends water tables. However, if you are located at the intersection of a river and the ocean even if the river dries up you can still get water from the ocean. If there is gas and electricity then you can boil and distill water to drink. If there is not gas or electricity then start a fire with wood to distill water to drink. If you have a water filter system I'm not sure it can filter seawater but if there is any water around whatsoever and you have high confidence in your filter system try it. However, in a situation like this I would boil anything for 5 minutes before you drink it.And even then, wait until it cools and taste it for salt or brackish tastes. If there is any, spit it out and then distill it. There are two basic ways to distill. One is fast and one is very slow. The slow way is to use clear 4mil to 8mil plastic. Dig a place to collect water then place plastic in the hole to hold the water then drape plastic over this hole of water so the sun will evaporate the water up to the top plastic and then recondense down a 45% angle toward a cup.
The fast way is to boil water in a pan and then put your plastic far enough above like a tent so it doesn't melt so it can catch the steam and recondence and slide in drip form back down to your glass or plastic container for drinking. The single hardest thing to get when global warming really gets going is potable water!!! If you are downwind from a bad fire then either move upwind from the fire or find away to get away from the smoke so you don't damage your lungs or the lungs of your group.
Food can be more problematic. If you have money:buy food from people you feel you can trust. If there are no people around then hopefully you brought some food with you. If you are in an unfamiliar area be careful what you eat that you find. Try to take a book on edible plants and animals into whatever area you are going.
Back to the present. Obviously, this scenario is way into the future for most people on earth. However, if you live in a third world country that is presently facing severe drought then you are already here.
If you have noticed that land in the United States on any ocean is becoming prohibitably expensive. Most of the expensive homes over 20 million dollars are on oceans. One of the reasons for this is that oceans moderate temperature and provide winds and an emergency water source. Eventually, during global warming almost all long term residents anywhere on earth will live on the ocean because eventually the ocean will be the only source of water one can count on year 'round when global warming really gets going. So by then it will be feast or famine in regard to water. Either there will be none inland for months or years at a time or there will be floods that wash everything and everyone not on high ground away. Flood or drought, feast or famine. There will be extremes everywhere. People(who have any rememberance of the present times) will long for the relative normalcy that we now live in.
Interesting Global Warming Article
I found an interesting article on Global Warming at Comcast.net Here it is if you want to read it just copy and paste it to get there: http://www.comcast.net/news/science/index.jsp?cat=SCIENCE&fn=/2006/04/02/359184.html&cvqh=itn_warming Since I'm a precognitive psychic agree with the fact that nothing can really stop what is coming the next 300 years. The best thing one can do is to prepare the kids and grandkids psychologically and technically for the coming changes.
Global Warming
Here is an excellent article about Global Warming about Prime Minister Blair of England. I think what he says is very important for today and the future!
Please paste if you are interested.
to read more of my articles regarding Global Warming please scroll down to:
"The Moment of Truth" 10-26-06
The Future is Green 10-25-06
Global warming: The death toll Begins 10-22-06
and many more
And one other for young psychics to help the earth humans survive global warming: For all young psychics 10-22-06
An article on decreasing Global Warming: Google Goes Solar October 17th
The End of Global Warming? The End of all War? 9-20-06
All Fundamentalism is Always caused by Child Abuse
As I study it it becomes clearer and clearer to me that ALL fundamentalism whether it is religious, Atheistic or even scientific or humanistic is caused by child abuse at core. Any person becomes fundamentalist at some point after being abused physically, emotionally or mentally in order to make this very unsafe world at least appear safe. Fundamentalism is a way even though it is almost always not realistic in the end of reducing the world down to something managable. However, the world really never is completely managable and if one doesn't at core realize that then that one is doomed to an unrealistic view of reality and because of that unrealistic view becomes even more vulnerable in a variety of ways. I would say more fundamentalists are victimized than any other group of humanity precisely because they cannot accept the basic danger and chaos in life. It takes a very brave soul indeed to really see life as it is and not flinch. I have great compassion for fundamentalists because my father was one and his fundamentalism came directly from abuse. However, my father was intelligent enough not to pass on the abuse to me at least physically. So though I felt verbally abused and teased at times he never hit me. So I empathize with all the fundamentalists of all religions and philosophical points of view because of seeing my father's suffering. HOwever, I also see that this point of view whether it be religious, atheistic, scientific, humanistic or philosophical will only render all life on earth extinct. So all must work to end all fundamentalism because it is dangerous to the survival of life on earth. If we cannot heal those who are fundamentalist then we will all die!!!
quotes from "The Moment of Truth"
The following quotes are in regard to what the human race must do to survive Global warming. quote from The moment of Truth by Al Gore in Vanity Faire May 2006 p.244
begin quote,"---General Omar Bradley, said at the end of World War II, "It is time we steered by the stars and not by the lights of each passing ship."
And now so must we. For this too, is a critical moment. Ultimately, it is not about any scientific discussion or political dialogue; it is about who we are as human beings. It is about our capacity of transcend our limitations, to rise to this new occasion. To see with our hearts, as well as our heads, the response that is now called for. This is a moral ethical and spiritual challenge.
Just as we can no longer ignore this challange, neither should we fear it. Intstead, we should welcome it. Both the danger and the opportunity. And then we will meet it because we must.
We have accepted and met other great challenges in the past.We declared our liberty and then we won it. We designed a new form of government. We freed the slaves. We gave women the right to vote. We took on Jim Crow and segregation. We cured polio and helped eradicate smallpox, we landed on the moon, we brought down Communism, and we helped end aparteid.
We even solved a global environmental crisis--the hole in the ozone layer--because Republicans and Democrats, richer nations and poor nations businessmen and scientists, all came together to shape a solution.
And now we face a crisis with unprecedented danger that also presents an opportunity like no other. As we rise to meet this historic challange, it promises us prosperity, common purpose, and the renewal of our moral authority.--- end quote
A lifetime's synthesis: What I think about UFOs
October 26th 2006
I have had what might be termed UFO experiences all my life since I was a child. I used to wonder why they chose me to visit. Then I had a similar experience to the Boy in Flight of the Navigator, a 80's Disney movie. It is possible that one of my childhood friends told someone my story and they embellished and made a movie of it. Or it could be that they visited many boys and girls like me. As I have matured and grown older I think they chose me because I am literally a father of the future, a prototype in consciousness. I tend to be ruthless in my search for truth and less likely than most to be waylayed by dumb things or ideas because of my pragmatic survival nature. If a plane crashed somewhere and one hundred were on board and I was uninjured and 3 walked away after a year or more one of them would be me. This is just something in my nature that is like my Dad and Grandad.
I remember sitting in church and seeing a green television screen. I'm not sure they had been invented green like that then but that is what I saw in about 1956 in church. On this green crt or tv screen were the plans of what made a ufo work. Somehow I knew they were valid and if I ever needed to leave earth that this was the propulsion drive that I needed that was relatively simple to build. I also knew that this simple drive was a time space engine. And with it one could travel not only time but space. At this point in my life I have no intention of building on of those things but I do know it is still there somewhere in my mind.(At the time I think it was placed there in case of world thermonuclear war.) At this point that scenario is much less likely.
As I grew older I had more experiences that seemed to change the way that I saw things and even how I perceived reality. From these experiences I began to feel more separate from present day earth cultures and to feel that people's priorities were all wrong. Even when I was young I began to see that the same "work ethic" that had got the human race this far was destroying our planet earth. I realized new ways of thinking had to be created for people not to destroy the whole planet within 100 years.
Now, as a man of 58 I am certain, (at least the way things are presently moving) that over 1 billion will die this century directly from Global Warming. Thousands have already commited suicide and otherwise died in the far north and the far south of earth because of such drastic changes in ecology. The polar bears for example may be extinct within 50 to 100 years without extreme human intervention in their lives.
The way that UFOs are generally perceived by humans prevents most humans from not only understanding what they really are but from being able to operate ufos. There are presently only a handful of humans on earth who could drive a ufo because most people just don't perceive reality the way one has to to drive one.
For example in 1985-6 I went to India. When I asked for directions somewhere most people would tell me the wrong thing because they were too embarrassed to tell me that they couldn't think in terms of how we see things from the air or satellite in western countries.In other words they didn't know how to read a map. This may have changed a lot now but that was the way it generally was then. Similarly, almost no one but a few physicists and shamans see the universe the way one has to to navigate time and space using the present technologies available in this galaxy and others.
The future is Green
I was adding stuff to the outside recycling bin when something caught my eye. It was a Vanity Fair that my wife had recycled. Since it was in perfect condition I noticed an Article called "The Future is Green" with Al Gore, George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Robert F. Kennedy on the cover. I realized it might be a useful resource not only for me but for my readers here. Look for the May 2006 Vanity Fair whether it is the magazine itself or possibly online to see and read what is there. I found it useful to see the many leaders in the green field like Governor Schwarzenegger of California and Governer Pataki of New York as well as many other "trailblazers" in the green field of long term human survival on earth.
I was interested in how Al Gore Began his essay. He said there are two chinese charactors that depict "Crisis". the first charactor is "danger" but the second charactor is "opportunity". I think this is important for all humans to understand that the present survival crisis of whether the humans of earth are alive 1,2,or even 3000 years from now should be looked at as an opportunity rather than as a time of panic.
I can remember in 1994 when I was going through a really terrible divorce that the one thing that actually got me to survive what I was going through was to keep repeating to myself that "There are no problems only Opportunities". When you force yourself to view life in this context you will almost always survive well! Those of the human race that can do this over the next several thousand years just might survive the present long term ecological crisis! Those that don't Won't!!!
Global Warming: The Death Toll Begins
If you are interested this is about farmer's committing suicide in Australia because of the drought caused by global warming: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6065220.stm
I imagine this sort of thing is happening in the north as well caused by melting permafrost and the deaths of so many polar bears. Likely many local Eskimos are checking out too because their way of life of the last 10,000 years is permanently gone now. (At least until the next ice age) I
For all Young Psychics
10:15 pm pdt 10-22-06
For all young psychic from 5 to 35: It is better to not be to open about your gifts at first. It is better to slowly do research and to develope your gifts. Please stay alive. Suicide is not a useful option. The human race needs you to survive. All your abilities need to genetically survive. One of the most valuable things you can do is to find another balanced gifted person and have a child. This causes the human race to further evolve. it gives the humans of earth one more option, one more way to be able to survive into the future. Develope Right mindful compassion for all life in the universe. Start by being compassionate to yourself and forgiving yourself. Move forward from there. Start over. Change yourself by developing compassion and through this you will begin to change the lives of all around you to being more kind, compassionate and useful to all life in the universe. After you are 35 or more you can begin to be more public in your demonstrations. Before 35 you should still help but try to help secretly in order that you may stay alive and so your kids can better stay alive with you. I have been through all this too. I am now 58. I am more valuable to the powers that be alive. So I live on to help all beings survive, evolve and to bless all beings. Long live the humans of Earth. Long live their descendants as they move throughout the known universe! Peace be unto you. Compassion be unto you. Joy and Bliss be unto you!
Military Industrial Complex.
October 22nd 2006
I speak in the next article of the World Military Industrial Complex. In the yahoo news article I will paste here you can read of some of the problems of corruption around weapons that Iraq is the microcosm for the macrocosm that is all countries on earth. Here is the article: Please paste if you are interested: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061023/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_corruption;_ylt=Al2wVTDRAEKgUYkxosyvoecDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2
October 22nd 2006
Many of you are young and in your teens and 20's and perhaps pragmatism hasn't become a necessary part of your survival yet. If you survive to 35 pragmatism along with kindness and compassion are two of the keys to long term survival past 35 years of age.
I would like you to hear me using logic and reason and pragmatism. Only then will you truly see the logic and wisdom in what I'm saying. The Viet Nam War was important at the time simply because the US drew a line in the sand. Yes. We lost. However, because of Viet Nam and Korea the free world stayed free.
As bad as things are now in Iraq and Afghanistan and as bad as it has hurt the United States indebtedness and the middle class in the long run, still the rest of the world knows the United States is still pretty scary even if our battle strategies are questionable at times.
There is also a another factor that most people don't recognize. This factor is the World Military Industrial Complex. The only way the World Military Industrial Complex makes the big money is if a war doesn't end and everybody keeps suffering as long as possible. That is what is also happening in Iraq and Afghanistan.
There is another factor that was pointed out by a friend of mine that I had not considered before. You are aware of the Bush family's connection to the Saudi Royal family. You might not be aware that the Saudis are Sunni. You also might not be aware that Osama Bin Laden is Sunni. You might also not be aware that in the middle east 10% of Islamics are Shia and 90% are Sunni.
Tell me what happens in the middle east if Shias and Sunnis fight it out to the death as is presently happening now in Iraq? Let me ask you another question. Do you know that the Saudis hate the Iranians because they are the seat of the Shia religion along with Southern Iraq? Let me ask you another question, does the Bush family's connections with the Saudi Royal families have anything to do with the way the Iraq War has been fought? I'm not giving you any answers. I'm only asking questions. What do you think? One fact I would like to share with you. Sunnis and Shias have hated and killed each other since Mohammed was alive over 1000 years ago.
The New Cold War?
One psychic's perspective
October 21st 2006
I got it that this is important to share. During the last Cold War it was on one side the Old Soviet Union and loosely aligned with them, China and aligned with the Soviets also the Eastern Block nations and nations like Cuba and a few others like North Korea.
Then on the other side was the United States, England, France and Germany as nuclear powers together with Western Europe and most of the rest of the free world including the new Japan and then South Korea.Like the Korean war that never really ended the last 50 years Iraq could also be like this war.
For about 10 years or so the Cold War ended but then it suddenly began with a Bang with 9-11-2001 but there was a big change and now it had morphed into something else which I call "The New Cold WAR" or better yet "The Second Cold War". In this New Cold War we have nations attaining or attempting to attain nuclear weapons publicly and then we have nations that have them secretly sort of like Israel. Then it is my belief that countries like Japan have nuclear weapons secretly provided by the U.S. I believe the same is true for South Korea. Then we have nations like Pakistan with the bomb and we see proliferation of nuclear weapons coming mostly from Pakistan and then missile technology coming from North Korea. My question to you is: How many nations either now have nuclear weapons already in secret and how many will have them in secret 5 or 10 years from now? What about Brazil, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and soon Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina? The list goes on and on.
So then the western block nations now are loosely joined by Russia and China because all the larger nations are now threatened by all the small ones who openly have nuclear weapons, the nations who secretly have nuclear weapons and now all the nations the now don't have nuclear weapons are going to feel very insecure until they have nuclear weapons too.
So what can the Big nuclear nations do about this problem? The answer is: Not Much except what we did in the 1st Cold War: which is mutual assured destruction. The new Cold War strategy goes something like this. "If any small nation nukes any big city in any big nation the small nation gets nuked out of existence and no life will ever live there again at least for thousands of years." Second,"If any small nation allows any group of terrorists to obtain a nuclear bomb that is then used then that small nation ceases to exist for thousands of years." In other words it is a lot like MAD (Mutual assured Destruction) of the 1960's until now. It is also a lot like the end of any civilization or country that is responsible for a nuke big enough to do any real damage.
Charlie Thom:Red Hawk
Friday October 20th 2006
Last night I was haunted by my friend, Richard, who passed on in June. There are many pieces of us that make us the whole person. A piece of Richard that wasn't happy came to me last night. I have been ill for some time and just getting better. Finally, last night I realized I couldn't carry this alone and asked help from my wife and 21 year old Goddaughter. Normally, I would spare them this but I found myself weak from being ill so many days and unable to deal properly with the situation. This is one of the times that being clairvoyant is definitely scary and not fun.
When my friend died, he was alone. He was a 60 year old high school teacher in East Los Angeles. I often asked him over the years why he never left the L.A. area his whole life except for vacations. I guess the best answer was that he was very dedicated to the underpriveledged kids he taught since he was in his early twenties. He came from a wealthy family and was a conscientious objector during Viet Nam. I think he saw teaching difficult kids all these years was his honor bound duty since he wouldn't go to Viet Nam. In some ways my sacrifice was the spiritual path I have been on all my life instead of dying in Viet Nam. I had had childhood epilepsy and because I didn't die of it like many do it was my ticket to not die in Viet Nam or be psychologically maimed for life like many of Richard's and my friends and compatriots were. The draft was an awful thing and I'm very glad it's gone and I hope for good!
When Richard died no one found his body for a week or two. However,he came to me the night he died by astral projection. He often did this because he was and is gifted like me and we had been friends since I was 6 and he was 8. We met in church. I even dated his younger sister when I was 17 and she was going to Los Angeles State University in 1965 and 1966 we went steady. She lives in Texas now with her husband.
Though I saw his death as inevitable 3 or 4 years ago it was still an unbearable shock to lose my oldest friend I'm still in contact with. Emotionally, I have been struggling with this loss since June as has his sister. So she and I have written some to survive this terrible calamity for us. Richard is in a better place but pieces of him are still sometimes trying to transition still. I got really scared last night when I begged my wife and Goddaughter for help with this.
When Richard died he came to me by astral projection and said clearly, "Fred. Come get my body I'm dead!" I said, "Richard. Go home. You have drunk too much alcohol. you just need to go home and sleep it off." Unfortunately, this time he really was dead and I just didn't believe him because he often drank to much and would come and bother me in this altered state which usually just made me angry.
I had travelled to Bishop the weekend after he had told me he was dead to watch another of my god daughters compete in the high school rodeo barrel racing finals in Bishop California. While I was there I knew something was wrong and that someone was trying to get in contact with me so I called all my immediate family members and they were all okay. On my way home through Lake Tahoe while staying at Granlibakken I finally called my old and very psychic friend Bobby Jean who was a dear friend of Richard's too. She said, "I think Richard might be dead because I can't reach him." After I talked to her I tried to call Richard and only got his three telephone numbers answer phones messages and so I left messages. I was disturbed too at this point because usually within 12 to 24 hours I hear back from him on one phone or another, usually his cell phone. I had talked to Bobby on Sunday in Lake Tahoe. By Monday I was home and called Bonnie, Richards sister in Texas. I said Richard might be gone because he hasn't shown up for year round high school for over 1 week now. Bonnie agreed because Richard was always impeccibly responsible as a teacher so something was seriously wrong. Within 3 hours the police had found his body in his bedroom in the townhouse he owned in the Lake Balboa area.
I was very upset when Bonnie called me and told me Richad was gone a week or more. I told her he had come to me and told me he was dead astrally. She was wonderful and always the lady and said, "There was nothing you could have done, Freddie as you aren't a family member or next of kin." I felt very comforted by this as I felt very guilty that I hadn't listened to Richard and come and recovered his body. But she was right I had no legal authority to do that.
I was changing my 6 Cd holder in my Lexus tonight and realized I had one of Charlie Thom's (Red Hawks) cd's in my cd holder. Charlie Thom communicated with me and showed me that he would help this part of Richard move on. I telepathed to him, "Charlie, I can't help Richard I'm not strong enough now. He telepathed, "I can do it, Fred. Don't be afraid." Richard said, "This is good, Fred. This will work." I put one of Richard's pictures on top of the outer cover of Charlie's cd case and played the CD in my cd stereo system in my living room. As I write this for you it is playing. To honor both Richard and my old Friend and Teacher, Charlie Thom (Red Hawk) here is his event schedule: www.earthcircle.org/events.html please paste address if you are interested. Thank you Red Hawk for being a Karoc medicine man and one I can understand. Thank you Charlie for saving me in my hour of need. Praise be to the Great Spirit who watches over all on earth and beyond.
One Precognitive Psychics Assessment: The Slow Death of all Religions over the next 3000 years
Friday October 20th 2006
If I were not a precognitive psychic this would be a very odd topic to write about. However, if you are a logical and rational person please follow the logic and rational line of thought on this subject.
As I look forward in time I see this type of series of events. Because of causes and effects now in place in the 21st century this is the logical effects of thes e actions within the next 2000 to 3000 years on earth: People even now on earth are becoming more and more suspicious of religious extremists of all kinds. The backlash of all mankind is sort of: "People who are too extreme in any religion should be shunned, made to disapear,incarcerated, and generally marginalized and ignored." This is what I am observing when I experience all mankinds thoughts and feelings at once as a precognitive psychic. This is phase one of mankinds generally response to all religious extremists no matter what the religion. The second phase will look different It will go something like:"If you are not logical, rational and sensible then I will shun you, marginalize you and if you threaten me and my family you are gone." The third phase will be: "If you are not scientific, rational, logical and kind then you are gone." All this progression will take place over the next 2000 to 3000 years. The way we on earth relate to religions at present will be as unthinkable as head hunters are now on earth.
What I'm trying to say to all who will listen is that all those on earth who are extreme enough to kill others in the name of any religion will be marginalized and eventually rendered extinct by mankind. Because it is important to remember in the end there are 95% of mankind who are the silent majority and who will only put up with so much before all extremists eventually will be 6 feet under so to speak. The other quality of mankind is "Once bitten twice shy". It is much more likely that science and kindness, and politeness will remain in the end than any other point of view. It is also likely that primary and personal forms of personal shamanism will remain also. It is also likely that parts of all religions will stay embedded into political and social structures around the world in a secular way. However, mankind is growing up now and ideas that might have worked several thousand years ago or even in the 12th to 14th century might not work for all mankind now or in the future. It is all about choice and it is all about survival both individual as well as group survival.
I'm noticing the present fanatical religiosity around the world is only driving many American and European teenagers and young adults toward atheism and agnosticism in reaction to all the insanity and death!
In search of Lemuria
October 19th 2006
I found an interesting quote from a book called In Seach of Lemuria by Mark R. Williams. I didn't read enough of the book to be able to recommend it to you. However, I personally identified with this particular quote: from page 12:
begin quote:
"Thanks to celebrities such as Shirley maclaine, channeling has received much attention as a New Age phynomenon during the past few years. Yet it�s really as old as mankind, found in ancient cultures from Siberaia to south America, Finland to Korea. Those with the power were called shamans, oracles, mediums or witch doctors, and many of the biblical prophets and saints, mystics such as Moses and ST. Theresa of Avila Might have been channels." endquote.
I personally identify the most with Moses because of my personal experience with "The Burning Bush" on Mount Shasta between 3am and 4am in the morning between 9 and 10,000 feet almost most to Lake Helen on Mount Shasta in August 1970. Note: See Burning Bush Articles Starting with September 25, 2006
A Psychics view of the american economy and the Death of the Middle Class
October 17th 2006
This may or may not be useful to you as I am not an economist. I have not made a life long study of the American Economy or mortgages or anything like that. What I am mostly is just commonsensical and I know a lot of very wealthy people.
First, if you want to understand what is happening in the global economy and how it affects you and your family I would read: The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman. This might be the single most important read for your long term financial survival during these times. As you may have surmised this is a really bad time to have a flexible rate home loan. if you don't or can't convert it then checking into chapter 13 bankruptcy with a lawyer might be useful to you. I don't mean Go bankrupt I just mean you should research it in case it is the only way out for you during the next 3 years.
I would like to share with you how wealthy people stay wealthy. First, they don't tend to ever buy real estate property on flexible rate loans as that is a way to go bankrupt in down times. They tend to buy property for cash, trade, or stock exchanges or stock sales or through dividends. In this way they own their property outright so they can survive the financial downtimes. Then all they owe is property maintainence and property taxes which usually is nominal. Second, they spread their portfolios and wealth over a wide spectrum of stocks, property and other kinds of investments so they can survive any conceivable type of economic problem.
Unfortunately, many people who have bought houses on flexible rate loans for the first time may become bankrupt because of these loans during the next 3 to 5 years. And many mortgage companies that don't have a diverse enough clientele will probably go bankrupt also in areas that see more than a 20% decrease in home value even though the average drop across the US might be only 3%. It might be as bad as the Savings and Loan Crisis of the early 1980's. Younger people who didn't go through that have no idea how really bad that time was for many people. This time it might not be the best time to be heavily invested in little nondiverse mortgage companies.
The middle class is dying now in America because of several factors: The first is that we can no longer compete on earth manufacturing most things because our labor costs are just too high. Also, our labor unions which lifted the poor into the middle class during the 20th century now make our american companies so non-competitive on the world stage because of price that companies are forced because of this to either go bankrupt or to go offshore for labor which only takes away the wages of middle class union workers and which causes more harm to the middle class. A good example of this is Ford and General Motors. Even though their unions were once the backbone of America, now they are one of the causes the death of Companies like Ford and General Motors because of the severe change in Global economic dynamics. They are likely never to return to what they were in the 20th century.
So now to even maintain ones middle class status in the United States one must buy Blue chip Stocks in companies that operate Globally if they want to stay wealthy or even middle class. This is because the economy of the last 100 years in America is gone forever. This creates a rich and a poor class in america and is the death of the middle class. Where has the middle classes wealth gone? It has gone to the new middle class in nations like China and India and Korea and even Russia. Even Japan is now suffering like the United States because of these global economic changes. Though the western world won the Cold War the western world right now is slowly losing its standard of living to present world economic dynamics.
So what will the United States look like in 2050. I think the average person in the United States will be greatly economically reduced from the present level of prosperity. However, those in the middle class that have invested in US based Global blue chip stocks might be okay if there home mortgages are low and fixed rate only.
Hopefully, the biggest change will be that the United States is no longer oil dependant in 2050 and that we and europe will be 80% or more wind, solar, and alternative fuels. Having a plug-in Electric car will be important too and having an on board gas or diesel or alternative fuel generator for long trips would be useful too.
Note: I just spoke with a full time investor who actually does study all these issues at least 4 to 5 hours a day monday through friday. When I shared the basic ideas of this last article he was very impressed. I said he should blog about these things to help others. He said he didn't have to because I was.endnote
Google Goes Solar!
October 17th 2006
I was happy to see that Google is investing in the future at its silicon valley site by going at least 30% solar. You can read about it at: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/google_solar;_ylt=Ak3cviyOCu8CSpZBxA3zShQDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBhcmljNmVhBHNlYwNtcm5ld3M-
I write for Everyone--I write for the gifted
October 16th 2006
I was watching Heroes on NBC tonight and thought about the Zeitgeist of a program like that. I agree with the idea of people discovering and using their gifts to help mankind. It is also true that you have to help yourself before you can really help anyone else. It is true that one must discover and develope ones gifts in order to be prepared to help when needed or when called for or when inspired to help.
I have been searching diligently for truth all my life. The most useful and important of what I have learned I have shared in such a way that all may benefit. For some reading what I have written and will write it will seem just like philosophy, religious practices of various kinds. To others this will give them an answer or answers to what they have been trying to understand. For still others it will be a map into an area that someone from the 20th and 21st century has been. For still others it will be an awakening of their gifts, understanding the purpose of their gifts, and understanding how and why to develope their gifts so that mankind might live on and not go extinct. For still others it will be a key to new types of scientific research and personal scientific experimentation as well as research deeper into the science of spirit. For I have found in studying anthropology in general, psychology in general, and cultural anthropology in specific some of the keys to what we have in common with all peoples for thousands of years. Extrapolating from that I can see the potential for the human race and what kinds of dna evolution and consciousness evolution might be useful both on this planet and others that we visit or colonize. Whether humanity visits places or dimensions and probably both is a matter of personal inclination, necessity of survival in the moment and what is discovered unexpectedly along the way.
October 13th 12:34 am pdt
Is there greater proof of eternity
than the impossible persistence of life
against impossible conditions?
-by my wife 5-01-06
One must think ones own thoughts
to attain enlightenment
YOU are the instrument
of the unification
of all beings
Imagination alone
makes me realize
what can BE!
The hope of all beings
attaining Bliss
can be experienced NOW!
Every end
is followed by
a new beginning!
October 11th 2006
Angels Live inside me!
Sometimes when we get ill we experience God and his angels more than at any other time. Either God and angels come to keep us here on earth as it is now in my case or God and angels come to take us away.
I took care of my wife and daughter for 1 week while she had asthmatic bronchitis with pertusis. I was concerned at times because she couldn't breathe. She doesn't have asthma just during this illness. Then I got a head cold and before it got too bad I drove to Palm Springs where my son lives to dry out the cold before I got bronchitis too. I knew my wife couldn't get well while taking care of me. Unfortunately, even though I didn't get bronchitis I did get the pertusis which is for me an adult form of whooping cough. So when I returned from Palm springs I had to go on antibiotics to end the pertusis. I also had to take coricidan to keep my lungs dry so I didn't get bronchitis while getting rid of the pertusis. One of my experiences has been of angels living in my body with me. They seemed to be concentrated in miniature forms living in my nerves and cells and saying to me. "You must stay alive! God needs you to be alive to radiate his message to life on earth!" Even though I know that God has millions of messengers like me both inside and outside of all religions on earth I understood how great the need on earth for beings that are "precious" like myself.
Once I didn't understand the term but then I came into the presence of Kalu Rinpoche in Santa Cruz, California. Then I understood what "Precious" really means. I watched him easily walk into my mind and teach me sacred sacred things that one only learns from years of meditations in Caves alone. I remember the tears streaming down my cheeks in finally understanding what rinpoche=precious really meant. Precious or rinpoche really means beautiful and strong as a diamond. It means wonderful and holy beyond any words. It means skillful and resourceful beyond any words. It means compassionate beyond your wildest dreams in multiple manifold ways. It means bodhicitta or darshan flowing through each according to their abilities, each according to their needs. Yes, angels live in my body and if you cultivate them like I have for a lifetime they will or already do live in your body too!!!
Paradigm Shift?
Sunday October 1st 2006
Though I'm writing this I would like you to try on this idea to see if it is useful to you. I would ask you to encompass it but it took me 10 years of soul travel before I could actually do that on any level.
This is the paradigm: Consciousness is the key to anywhere anywhen. You are already there! Time and space is only a secondary effect.
It is like when you throw a rock into a pond. The rock hitting the surface is the primary cause. The ripples traveling out from the rock are like time and space. So time and space are only an effect not a cause in any way.
Make Kindness your Religion
September 26th 2006
Making Kindness your religion is not an idle thought but practical like a wise wise old man. I will make a statement and see if you agree with the logic of it: "Kindness brings us together as a planet but judgement and accusation kills us all!" Do you agree with this on a purely logical basis? If so is there anything that prevents you from living this statement? "Kindness brings us together as a planet and keeps us alive!" and also if you believe that "Judgement and accusation kills us all!" then how can you live otherwise than in a kind way and call yourself sane? If you cannot be kind then I say that you are insane and self destructive and harmful to life on this planet. And I will further say that if you are not kind then it is likely that others will not be kind to you. Do you believe this? Then it is in your enlightened self interest to be kind to others even if only for the reason that you want to be treated with kindness. Because we all know, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap!"
Global Warming
September 26th 2006
When I look at Global Warming I think of the great story of cooking the lobster. If you take a lobster and throw him into a pot of boiling water he will jump out. If you put him in cold water and put a burner on underneath him there will be no moment of threat and he will die.
The human race IS the lobster in this example and unfortunately change won't be fast enough for change except in the extreme north and extreme south of the planet for there to be enough people harmed to make any real difference.
As a psychic I can tell you with a completely serious face that likely up to 1 billion people will die this century directly caused by global warming. Will you hear about this? Probably not because it is not in the interest of the Powers that Be on earth to inform you of this!!!
The Burning Bush
September 25th 2006
Today I was preparing to see my Goddaughter go off to college in Florida. I was having difficulty releasing her in my mind because being a psychic I knew I might never see her again. Since my wife got ill this weekend I found this new factor overwhelming and found myself talking to myself. I finally took a shower in desperation to try to cope with this awful letting go process. What I found myself singing to God at least part of it was the above piece called the unknowable. I remembered the unknowable comment I had written several years ago and decided to remember what I was singing and crying to God in the Shower. You can see it above. (Before the first note last among the beginning ideas and poems on this page).
Also, I had an experience on Mt. Shasta while climbing it in 1970. At the time what I experienced as a complete unknown an enigma. At the time I knew I had seen something amazing and thought it to be Angel? spirit? unknown? So I had sort of let it float down into my subconscious and wait for more answers.
Let me tell you exactly what happened back in 1970.
The four of us all around 20 to 22 years old had been to the pagaent of the life of Christ at the amphitheatre in Mt. shasta usually held around August of every year. We were all guys that had known each other through church for several years. We had decided to climb Mt. shasta. So before it got dark we hiked up to Horse camp with Sleeping bags to climg Mt. shasta which is 14,161 feet the next day. We would leave about 3 am from Horse Camp which allows a young healthy man to make the climb in one day and return to Horse Camp by sundown or back to town if that is your wish. I hadn't brought a warm enough sleeping bag and felt a little cold that night at treeline. So I finally got up and told the guys I was starting out ahead because I was too cold at 2 am. They said they would catch up. I had walked alone toward Lake Helen at about 10,000 feet when I saw a bright light. At first I though it must be someone with a lantern but as I walked closer I didn't know what to make of it. My thought at the time was that I was seeing a: an angel b. a mountain spirit c: some kind of alien or d: something else I had no idea of.
Since I had always been telepathic I tried talking to it with words and telepathy combined. It said, "I'm not hear for you. It wasn't intended that you see me." I said, "I'm really blown away with this but can you help me?" It said, "Yes." Then it said, "I have helped you but now you must go so your being this near me doesn't harm you." I found myself extremely altered by the experience. What it looked like a lot was when you see someone in Star Trek get beamed up to the ship from a planet except in this case the fire just burned and burned.
Recently I told my wife about this experience and she said, "Why didn't you tell me about this before?" I said, "I've never really been able to make sense out of it. So I was sort of confused and embarrassed about the whole thing. Also, I had abilities for a while that kind of scared me. For example, within a few months I could see auras, and Astral project consciously and another strange thing happened. I felt like I was going to catch on fire. I had this burning sensation in my arms like I was going to catch on fire. I had a feeling that this was the Holy Spirit but I had no one to tell me what to do with it and I didn't want to die so within four months of this I became afraid of what was happening to me. So I tried to slow down the changes a little so I didn't die." My wife said, "That's pretty frightening." I said, "Yes."
One of my present explanations is that I saw the Galactic Sentience that I write about. It is also possible that that is who Moses saw too. However, this is only conjecture as I have no real proof either for myself or definitely not for Moses.
More Burning Bush
September 26th 2006
I just wanted to say that in my heart of hearts I know that this was a being of God. Whether it was The Burning Bush or a Resurection Angel or whatever it was I have found it to be a very primal form of God. When I met this being I was just an average young psychic on a spiritual path.After this encounter I was something different than I was before. I was a little different than most people I have met. I have had senses that most people haven't developed. I tell people about things before they happen. Most just want to think that I'm just Cosmic Fred and want to make light of all these things that come true after I predict them. Most just want to make light of them so they feel comfortable being my friend. When I walked away from this encounter with the "burning bush?"and climbed Mt. Shasta in August 1970, I was very amazed like when one has seen angels only more so. My personal meditation after that experience was to climb the mountain one step at a time meditating on the experience that had completely altered me in many ways. Whether I actually made it to the top of the mountain didn't realy matter much to me at that point. I passed Lake Helen and by that time it started to get light out. I was climbing up Red Banks when the sun burst up over the mountain. (I climbed the west face so the sun came up late in front of me) I decided I didn't want to climb the cliff rope so I made a 45 degree vertical ascent to the left of Red Banks since I had both Ice axe and crampons. Though this was dangerous to do alone and not roped in I was 22 and used to taking physical risks. I pushed myself up to 12,000 feet where I topped a cornice and promptly fainted from the altitude as I had been pushing too hard. Soon after this I saw a seagull that couldn't fly because the air was too thin to take off in so in kindness I chased it off a cliff so it could get enough wind under its wings because otherwise it would have died at that altitude. I watched it drop about 100 to 500 feet before it got enough windspeed to fly.
Because of a lack of oxygen I felt like I was about 5 years old. Maintaining focus and not drifting off into visions or sleep was difficult at first until I slowed down my pace to match my breathing. At 13,000 feet I found one of my friends asleep. I woke him up as I was afraid he might die otherwise at that altitude without a sleeping bag to keep him warm. He thanked me for waking him and said our other friend had summited and already headed down. He said he had summited but couldn't stay awake. So I sent him on his way down the mountain. I summited about 4 pm that day which was late but I had brought along plastic to slide down the snow using my ice axe as a brake. I was amazed how far I could see from the summit (hundreds of miles in all directions) even the Pacific ocean was visible that day. The wind was blowing about 100 miles an hour on the summit so I tried to protect my face from blowing bits of snow and ice and dust and small rocks. Luckily the temperature stay above about 40 degrees farenheit so I didn't freeze.
Later I climbed down to about 12,000 feet where I could begin a controlled slide on the snow and glaciers to about 10,000 feet where Lake Helen is located. I was the last to return to Horse Camp where we all decided to meet. We were very happy that all four of us had survived the climb with no serious injuries other than physical exhaustion and a couple of bruises, blisters and scrapes. We then hiked to Bunny Flats then drove down to the city of Mt. Shasta where we met with other friends to share stories of our amazing adventure!
More Burning Bush References
Thursday September 28th 2006
I would like to say this whole Burning Bush thing came back onto my mind in the last few weeks because when I told my wife about this 1970 experience on Mt. Shasta she felt it was very important. She was concerned that I hadn't been able to make full sense of it or to fully define what it was that I really experienced there. Later we were watching the Cartoon movie on Moses' life, Prince of Egypt. When the got to the Burning Bush scene they depicted exactly what I saw and as I watched the hair on the back of my neck went up because what Moses experienced was pretty much what I experienced. The Burning Bush didn't tell me that it was God or "I am that I am" or anything like that it just seemed to be observing me and said, "You weren't meant to see me". So it was more like I was being observed and the being wasn't aware of how advanced my psychic gifts already were or something. I don't really know for sure.
However, as I was sitting here thinking about it when Saint Germain came to my apartment in Rancho Bernardo in California near San Diego on Easter evening 1973, he first appeared as I spark of violet sacred flame on a poster on my bedroom wall before the fire grew larger to encompass a life size Saint Germain looking at me out of another dimension.Soon after he came within 3 feet of me it was too powerful and I lost consciousness from the power of his presence. The poster was of a Sun rising over a beautiful mountain like Mount Shasta, only the center of the sun was centered on the peak of the beautiful mountain. I realized today that there was meaning in what he was telling me in that what I was experiencing that evening in Rancho Bernardo was part II. Part I was 3 years before in August 1970 on the side of Mt. Shasta above Horse Camp between 9,000 feet and 10,000 feet in elevation when I experienced the Burning Bush. I think what he was trying to tell me was that it was he who was the Burning Bush on Mt. Shasta or he could have been saying he was a part of that experience somehow.
The other ability (there were and are many that I haven't mentioned) that came after this experience on Mt. Shasta was that I found I could channel dictations from Ascended Masters like Jesus and saint Germain with an accuracy of 70% to 95% depending on the day and circumstances. However, by this time in my life I had come to the realization that churches of all kinds though they might be useful as an incubator for Adepts were not something that I wanted to support because of the incredible misdirection I had seen personally in many religions and churches that had cost many their lives and almost cost me mine. So I was not interested in starting another religion because I didn't and don't find religions useful to me or anyone else unless it is in what I call sort of an incubator for truly evolving people. For "Those who can, Do!" Those who can't join a church to be helped by those who can! Once God fully empowers you you don't need a church you need to Do! You need to manifest in his name. I believe in manifesting secretly as then there is no opposition to supernatural power in action because no one but God knows what you are doing. It is a common path of those who meditate in caves in the Himalayas and monks in all churches everywhere and for householder Yogis like myself all over the world.
However, I must caution all you who are reading this. Before you can be successful in manifesting you must develope real compassion for all life in the universe. If you embark on a manifesting path without doing this it is very likely you will quickly die! Because without fully developed compassion it is a suicidal path if viewed practically from what actually happens in cause and effect.
September 28th 2006
The Problem of Religions is the churches
I will make a statement that shows my suffering and my cousins suffering which led to his untimely death! "All chuches of all religions attract the uncscrupulous who then prey on the young and the weak minded." That in a nutshell is the main problem with churches that was taught to me by my suffering and my cousin's death. Later as I matured I found that this quality not only applied to my church but to all churches in all religions around the world. In fact I tend to view churches now very much like I view Marijuana and alcohol. In other words all churches and all religions just like marijuana and alcohol tend to make average people vulnerable to the unscrupulous people that all these churches attract like flies!
The primary way that the young and the weak minded and the naive are harmed is by male and female sexual predators that damage and sometimes permanently destroy the lives of the young, the weak minded and the naive or emotionally unbalanced.
I would say that 25% of the people attending churches of all relgions around the world are the salt of the earth and are wonderful people.
I would then say another 25% only go to church for the social part and don't believe in God at all and are lying to everyone especially themselves. The next 25% don't believe in God and only go to church to make money off of other parishioners and to directly or indirectly swindle them. The last 25% of the people are the male and female sexual predators of all kinds who prey on all the rest. Whether this last group 25% is straight, Gay or just pediphile it doesn't matter, the end result is all the same. Some of these people belong to all the last three groups. So you have 75% of parishioners being dishonest in a way that harms other parishioners and this is true no matter the religion, no matter the church worldwide!!!
Speaking as a precognitive psychic
Sunday September 24th 2006
Just after 9-11-01 I predicted that Bush would leave office with a legacy somewhat similar to President Truman. As I predicted then this is seeming more and more likely to be the case long term. President Clinton's best feature I believe was bringing the world together. He was very ecumenical in this. Being a Rhodes scholar and his love for people helped bring the world together in many ways. However, it was necessary for those in power after the shift of power from the Clinton administration to allow 9-11 to happen. It was necessary in order to create a Pearl Harbor like scenario to galvanize the American people and the world for a war on terror. Without them allowing 9-11 to happen the whole free world might have been lost within 10 years to nuclear weapons and dirty bombs etc.
Instead there has been a paradigm shift away from the collapse of the free world. It is in many ways the beginning of a detente with Islamic States who have nuclear weapons. What is new is that any Islamic state that allows terrorists to attack the US with nuclear weapons will be a crater the next day. All countries understand this. Even Iran knows that if it directly or even indirectly allows terrorists to get a nuclear bomb that Iran will be a crater in direct response the next day after the weapon goes off or soon thereafter. It is understood by all in power even if the common people don't get it.
So then President Bush will therefore be seen by history as a cross between President Truman and someone like Wyatt Earp as a Peacemaker. Clinton's articulate ways helped the world come together and act like we were actually one planet together. Bush's definition saved the free world from extinction. This is the truth at least as I see it as a precognitive psychic. Whether you support Bush's ideas or not it is apparent to all rational adults that the free world has been protected from extinction even if you don't like the methods.
Science Fiction---Galactic Time Guard-UN Special Forces-CIA-NSA
Friday September 22nd 2006
Galactic Time Guard Deep Cover Earthborn Earthling-Jonathan Flow. Am I a Galactic Time Guard operative? Yes. Am I all these things listed in the title. Probably. Am I a Planetary Anthropologist with full sight clearance. Yes.
Note: Full sight clearance means that everything I see or think not only instantly becomes a part of Galactic Intelligence gathering, it also becomes a part of entertainment for the Galactic elite of this galaxy and others. Earth is considered a very quaint and peaceful place to go on a mind vacation where one can experience the interesting life of a Galactic Time Guard Planetary Anthropologist up close and personal and become more rested, amazing and informed about goings on throughout this galaxy and others.endnote.
I am a galactic Time Guard Officer with the rank of Captain. Only the rank of Captain and above can be left alone on a planet for years at a time. Only Captain or above has the necessary kinds of training to cope with all the changes that are necessary to cope with. I am a special brand of officer. We are called the "Planetary Born". In other words we soul ride incarnating souls as they are born onto a planet. It just so happens that the soul we ride is our own soul in another incarnation. There is a spiritual component to choosing to do this because the end result of such a soul ride is usually the "supercharging" of the incarnation into one that has far reaching effects throughout the planet and galaxy.
For example, my incarnation as Jonathan Flow is to prevent the extinction of life on earth by any means necessary. However, from my point of view as an officer of the Galactic Time Guard and where I come from it is like being born in the stone age because my home civilization is about 1,000,000 years technically in advance of what is presently on earth. To be frank it is not only technically advanced that far it is also culturally advanced that far. The end result for me could be easily described as disassociation. In other words I'm like a fish out of water here but I'm trained to be here if that makes any sense. For a fundamentalist Christian U.S. Soldier to be trained to think like and to live with the Taleban as an infiltrator would be 1000 times easier to do or more than what I am now doing. Maybe the odds would be 1,000,000 times easier to do than what I'm presently doing.
As ordered I was born in 1948 in Seattle. I remember how emotionally upset I was to be born on this particular planet at this particular time in its development. I felt really screwed in this assignment. I had been living a good life at a desk job in galactic central with my lover, my consort. However, her father who is one of my superior officers didn't want me to marry her so I was assigned to this position on earth which is one I likely won't survive for a variety of reasons.
I could have stolen a rogue time travelling device from the archives since I had access to that but my lover is too sophisticated and city like and cultured to have psychologically survived the primitive life we would have had to have led to escaped detection. So in the end my deep love of her prevented me from doing this with her. If I survive this assignment of 100 to 10,000 years or more in this body on earth I have a plan to assasinate my lover's father soon after we meet so that things will go differently for me and her. Being a Time Officer does have its advantages at some points. I will not be blamed for the assasination because I will be with her when it occurs. You see, I will assasinate him 100 to 10,000 years after I first met him by travelling back in time. If I survive this he has completely underestimated me. If I do not survive then he wins. I have a 1 in 100 chance of surviving this assignment but then again I have always been a very lucky guy!
The people of this era have sooo much to learn about the true nature of the universe. Though they think they are very sophisticated, to me relatively speaking they seem to think the moon is made of green cheese still. When are they going to get beyond space and time to pure being. Until one understands that scientifically understanding consciousness and pure being is the real key to travelling all space and time. Only when they perfect this science will they be a 1 day threat to the Galaxy until they are taken under our wing for training so to speak. Once any civilization is given the choice of obliteration or becoming a part of the Galactic Government sophistication quantums and quantums and quantums. It is actually sad in someways for me when I see this happen because even though so much is gained at this point so much is also lost in freedom in order to become a formal galactic planetary member. It is similar to the loss of freedom when a child graduates college and has to go to work, get married and raise a family. Earth is still at best an experimental teenager at least in the ways of the galaxy.
I think you have heard enough of my complaining for one day so I'll let you be for now at least.
Captain Nebula or Nebula Captain?
September 22nd 2006
Upon rereading what I wrote above in the guise of a Galactic Time Guard Captain on duty on earth I realized that there are up to 7 billion or more potential Galactic Citizens on earth as well as at least 500 million beings who are already Galactic Citizens presently on earth. Most of these are what we call Creator nodes which roughly translated would be that the beings who created this galaxy and I am of the race of beings that did this create themselves as soul riders or even the original soul in bodies on earth in order to prevent boredom and also death because my race outlives galaxies unless we commit suicide or have an accident. So in deference to the Galactic Citizens presently on earth and in deference to the over 7 billion or more potential Galactic Citizens residing in bodies or other types of conveyances on earth, in oceans, around earth or just in the dimensions of earth I say the following out of respect to you all.
I, a Captain in the Galactic Time Guard presently assigned to Earth would like to share with you a deeper truth than was shared in the previous article.
I am really a projected dimensional node from a 1 million year old Nebula which is my real body located in the center of this Galaxy or another. I added that to make you laugh but it might also be true. And even if it isn't true in space and time it is in particle physics. Ha ha --- I felt an obligation as a fellow Galactic Citizen to share that I am not intrinsicly human even though I do appear to be one. Physically I am no different than any other human on earth. However, I am protected differently in some ways because of who I am.
The present Galactic Sentience has decreed that as many as possible of us start nodes on all inhabited planets in our galaxy. First this helps all Creators of our Galaxy to understand our Galaxy and all its inhabitants better and second it may be an ongoing process that through billions of years may make our race truly immortal. The only thing that ever killed any of us except suicide or accident was boredom.
How would you like to hang out without any real gravity in space with no oxygen, no water, no food (at least as you know it) having telepathic conversations with your friends and relatives literally for billions and billions of years? Would you like that? Because of this Creators have sudden infant death syndrome too. It is rare that a Creator lives beyond 1000 years. Those of us that do have very interesting minds, very inquisitive minds about the universe. Also, because we have 1000's of babies at a time it is not really the problem you think to lose 900 or more within 1000 years. Those that die we reincorporate into ourselves and we take on the names of those whose light blinks out in addition to our own. That way our parents can have the illusion that all that died or blinked out still live in some way in the ones who engulfed them after they blinked out.In fact some of us became so attached to our deceased syblings that we now also incorporated each personality that died as one of the expressions of our own to make our parents more happy. For an immortal being to watch a part of itself die is much worse than anything you can immagine.
Look at me, I'm presently 1,000,000 years old in earth time approximately give or take 250,000 years. I became and adult formally at 250,000 years became a lieutenant in the Galactic Time Guard at about 500,000 years of age and have been completing assignments for almost 500,000 years now. And just as I was about to marry and have kids one of my presently 50,000 nodes was sent to earth on assignment and because of this I will have to wait 10,000 year or more to marry whether or not that earth node survives! By the way the soul of the body on earth will survive for sure. My only question is: Does my node survive? My answer at this point is very likely!
By age 2,000,000 years I expect to make General in the Galactic Time Guard and then I will retire at 5,000,000 years of age. However, even after retiring I have almost and eternity to figure out what to do with. Blessings to all my fellow Galactic Citizens and potential Galactic Citizens of earth
"To Sleep perchance to Dream"-Shakespeare
September 21st 2006
I was feeling sad today and decided to write what might be helpful to you on your path. If not now, then disregard it for the moment until it is useful to you. There is a Japanese ancient saying that goes something like, "When a man has cried enough, he dies." This is a description of the human condition and it is saying that our sorrows kill us all in the end.
I'm 58 years old and I have enough money to be fine the rest of my life. I have a good life and all my children haved lived and prospered and are healthy. Even though all that is true I still have sorrows. I think it began with not wanting to be born again as a baby human on earth. I can remember my reaction at birth was, "Oh No! Not this again. I don't want this kind of suffering again! and then being very depressed about the whole thing. Whooping cough at age 2 and almost dying from that didn't help either. But there in the hopelessness of whooping cough came my strategy for survival. "Give up!" For that was the only way I could survive whooping cough. For when one fought it one would turn blue and come the closest to death. So that is what taught me to let go. When I let go even if I went unconscious from coughing my central nervous systm and autonomic nervous system would save my life. So this is what I learned: if you fight it you die! If you let go and let God you live to see another day!
Since this is an invaluable lesson in survival on earth I kept it. From this someone contrary lesson at times I felt very frustrated in life for being obediant was not at all my nature. I was a natural born fighter like a Daniel Boone or a Davy Crockett (at least to the boy that I was).
So there is an aspect of me that believes in embracing death. Death is my lover because she frees me from pain if even only for a moment. I found that this quality made me a daredevil as a child. I used to see just how close I could come to death without dying. I found this great fun. Can I jump one story off a building? How about two? Can I jump my motorcycle's rear tire 3 feet off the ground and live? How about 6 feet or 8 feet? (This is before motorcycle shock absorbers were invented to jump 20 to 40 feet in the air as you see now and still live through it without breaking bones.) I found I felt the most alive the closer I brushed with death. Another odd experience I had was being very psychic, instinctual and intuitive. I always knew just how far I could take things and still survive them. This made some people afraid of me as they watched me dance and play with near death experiences.
There were also the other people that didn't have these kinds of gifts who would break their leg or arm just walking out the front door of their house. I felt very sorry for these kinds of people and always felt sorry for and very protective of them. Because they were just like me only without my abilities. I always found I learned something from everyone. Eveyone, every place, every situation was my teacher and I loved to learn. I was an unsatiable learner. I longed to be wise to help mankind through what I sensed coming with all my exploding senses. At age 20 I could not imagine surviving what I foresaw my 20's to be like so one night I was at my father's weekend cabin in the desert alone at age 20 and laid in my sleeping bag on the roof looking at the stars and tried to permanently project my soul from my body never to return. Though angels came to me and told me I wouldn't be allowed to do that they said I would be given a gift for returning to my body. They said I would no longer feel a prisoner in my body but would be allowed to travel the universe freely in my soul.
As I moved forward through life I found the "Let go and let God" path was the one that kept me alive through my 20's. I would feel suicidal at night and then over and over I would say to God, "God I will live or die by your Grace!" Most of the time I would wake up the next morning feeling renewed and reborn as a Son of God. This still happens to me at night mostly before I go to bed and I say to God as I drift off to sleep, "I will live or die by your Grace, God!"
More on "Down the Rabbit Hole"
September 21st 2006
I was realizing that even for people like myself who have been psychic their whole lives since little children it is very useful to have ones psychic abilities explained in Quantum mechanics and particle physics as in "What the Bleep do we know" and "Down the Rabbit Hole". I found myself even further refining my techniques and abilities and my ways of communicating verbally to others about their psychic gifts by watching these movies. What actually can take place is that one who already has these abilities then sees the scientific reasons for these abilities and it tremendously enhances ones personal confidence to not only use but to increase the efficiency of ones psychic gifts for the betterment of all beings in the universe past, present and future. Because when one fully understands the abilities one realizes that all life everywhere including every particle or atom or electron constantly affects the past, present and future everywhere and everywhen in the universe!!!
The End of Global Warming? The End of all War?
September 20th 2006
I was watching the sequel to "What the Bleep to do we Know?" which is "Down the Rabbit Hole" which is about the anomolies of quantum physics and particle physics and how it relates to everyone.
Even though Newton's law works for things bigger than a molecule for example the apple falling from the tree and "for every action there is an opposite but equal reaction" when one goes into the realm of atoms and particles Newton's law is completely negated.
One finds particles that go forward in time and backward in time at the same time. One finds particles that are up to 3000 different places at the same time even though they are but one particle. One finds that one particle can be completely attuned to another particle so that even if those particles were separated by the whole universe that they would simaltaneously react immediately to each other no matter what happens to each of them.
So one finds that in addition to that that observation of any phenomena changes that phenomena to the point where it may negate all scientific observation in that replication of that phenomenon. So the phenomenon is completely different when observed from when it is not observed.
It appears that what people think affects not only themselves but all life in the universe in multiple ways at all times both waking and sleeping.
I remember being a part of meditation groups in the early 1980's in Mt. Shasta where we would visualize world peace. I remember during that time being able to alter events with my mind and prayers. I'm asking you all today to visualize Global Warming ending, world population stablizing, and all wars and corruption of governments and corporations stopping. In visualizing this first and then visualizing all suicides stopping, all useless confusion within life forms on earth stopping I guarantee you it will begin to happen. Try to form groups among your friends to meditate and pray and to do this at least once a week together. If you are away from your friends organize group phone conversations at the same time to organize and focus your energies to change the world to a better place!
When you watch the news from now on visualize all negative events as you watch them being reversed into something positive and helpful and healing. Reverse negative events visualize them teaching unforgetable positive lessons to those that survive those events. Visualize those experiences making all those beings kinder and more helpful to themselves and others. Visualize all those people being able to access their God given intelligence and God given gifts. Visualize all these things and absolutely refuse to let the world get you down. Be an engine of perfecting the world into a heaven on earth. Consciously surround yourself with like minded people. Start a website and begin speaking like I do about this. Move forward. Create an engine of perfecting harmonizing change for the good of everyone not only on earth but throughout the universe!!!
The Pope
September 18th 2006
I believe the Pope's words were completely and absolutely calculated to question the Islamic sword being used to force the unwilling to Islam. I also believe it is the beginning of a worldwide war between Christians and fundamentalist Islamists who choose to kill to force all to their beliefs. I believe this is the beginning of something far more terrible than we have seen so far. I foresee a bloodbath for all during the next 10 years especially in the middle east. It looks now like the middle east may feel a lot more like Africa does now by the end of 10 years. I don't think this is a good thing at all. Islamics and Christains by going to war are destroying the worlds opinion of both religions. This may be the beginning of the end for many religions. Those who survive will choose no religion to all this craziness. All the fundamentalists will kill each other and the moderates and agnostics will be all that is left alive when the dust settles 50 years from now.
War with Iran?
September 18th 2006
It has come to my attention through various sources that a war with Iran beginning in October just before the elections might be inevitable. The timing is terrible for American and coalition troops if there is retaliation from Iran into Iraq from the cruise missile and other airstrikes that likely will rain down upon all known nuclear installations in Iran. The saddest part about all this is that the real enemy is not really the Iranian people but the leadership Mullahs that are creating and fomenting this problem. I think they have no idea where this will all lead.
I'm 58 years old and grew up during the cold war and America hasn't really changed at all since then at least militarily. I understand fully that the United States would rather blow up the whole world and go extinct rather than accept defeat. The old Soviet Union was like that too. Islamics who think they have the United States on the run with terrorism haven't really thought of this. If they have I guess they expect the end of earth.
The Unintended Consequences of Living a Good Life
september 17th 2006
Each of us chooses each moment whether to be kind to ourselves and others. A good life would be defined by me as doing the best you can to be kind to yourself and all others while still surviving well.
Next, I see that there are basicly two kinds of people. One type, like myself choose to live largely like a Viking. There is another kind that get so caught up in the details of life that they forget to live at all. People like myself and my ancestors(at least on my father's side) were the kind of people that said, "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead." In other words we lived life fully, each moment realizing it could be our last. We chose to live each moment as if it were our last.
However, for those of us who live this way there are consequences to our actions as well. Even though we live amazing full lives there are still unintended consequences. For someone like myself who actually has a conscience this can be a problem as one flies through life. Even for someone like myself that can foresee danger psychicly, it does not help with the loves in my life because love usually isn't physically fatal but it sure can mess up ones life, especially ones internal life. Because the people one tends to fall in love with are not usually the ones that one gets to spend ones life with. That is just the nature of things. And even if you get to spend your life with the love of your life that is no indicator at all that you will be happy. In fact it is a truism that the only thing worse than not getting what you want is to get what you want. Since more than most people I have gotten what I want I can vouch for the fact that even though getting what you want may keep you alive it still doesn't necessarily make you happy!
So I find myself at 58 trying to cope with all the unintended consequences of my life so far: I intended to make sure my mother never went to an old folks home. I promised my father that I would make sure that never happened. So my son lived with my mother while going to college and for a while afterward. However, eventually my mother became senile with dementia at age 82 and after she almost burned her place down I had no choice but to put her in a facility for alzheimer's and senile dementia. The toll on me was awful but given my life circumstances there was no other workable choice.
I was married to my second wife for 14 years. The first 7 were some of the best years in my life and the last 7 were some of the worst. Go Figure! I will never understand that contradiction. At the birth of our daughter 9 years into our marriage post partum depression set in in my wife and she went crazy. This harmed our daughter as well and now after being divorced from my second wife for 11 years now my now 17 year old daughter doesn't want to talk to me because my 2nd wife never got therapy for her depression and instead just decided to do the ancient traditional thing of scapegoating all the men in her life. Though this is easy to do it is also completely stupid and unproductive in the long run. Anyone who has studied psychology understands this. All it does is give a woman the excuse to never deal with her real problems which just continue to get worse to the point where that woman eventually becomes completely disfunctional and out of touch with reality.
After my ex and I separated I tried desperately to protect my then young daughter age 5. I went to court to get custody of my daughter and filed for divorce to try to protect myself legally and my young daughter physically from my ex's criminal activities directly caused by post partum depression. However, what I found was that here in California I had only a 15% chance of getting custody of my daughter no matter who my lawyer was.
After going bankrupt trying and failing to protect my daughter sufficiently I remarried and had another daughter. This time I married the exact opposite type of person from my second wife. In the short run this was very good. However, in the long run I wound up having some of the opposite kinds of problems as I did with my second wife. Now I'm retired because I got so upset at not being able to get custody of my daughter with my second wife that I got a heart virus and almost died. But because I almost died God showed me that I had to start a web page to share what he had taught me. I had always been afraid to share publicly what God had shown me. AFter staring death in the face while being at Stanford Medical Center in the same room with about 40 other people waiting to be cut open or otherwise have their heart operated on from angiograms to electrical heart stimulation to breaking the chest bones and having open heart surgery I had an epiphany. I realized that I had been stupid not sharing all the amazing gifts that God had given me. So I vowed to God to write about all he had shared with me before I died. Blessings Be to God for all his grace and peace!
Breakthrough!!! The Universe is a Consciousness Interface primarily not a time space interface!
Saturday September 16th 2006
For a long time I have approached science both through spiritual eyes and through traditional scientific eyes. However, I made a synthesis breakthrough today in how I see science in all its many aspects. I was pondering my talk with a physics professor when we agreed that the earth is more an interface than a place. Today I was able to make the next leap to realizing that though the universe could be looked at as a multiplicity of time space continuums this is not the most useful way.
The most useful way for people who want to travel the universe either physically or with their minds and souls or both is to see the universe as a Consciousness Interface. From this point of reference going from one place to another has less to do with point A to point B and more to do with pictures and thinking. EVen in Corso's book he mentioned that the guidance systems for ufo's was a hat that took information directly from the pilot's brain. The key here is the realization that places are not really places but a picture and a state of consciousness. From this scientific breakthrough point of view effort is not really expended to go to another state of consciousness in any time or space. One simply thinks and feels a place and one is there.
So in taking the scientific principles of out of body soul travel and applying them to intersteller or intergalactic travel very little or no effort is really expended because then one realizes the real truth of science. "Consciousness, not time and space is the real basis of everything everywhere and everywhen!!!
Atoms are not things
September 15th 2006
Atoms are not things. They are only tendancies-Heisenberg
Therefore to my way of thinking atoms are then possibilities and probabilities. However, thinking about atoms in this way totally changes the way human beings must perceive everything if they want to be speaking truth rather than old wives tales. And there's the rub.
Thought for the Day
September 15th 2006
"If you really think about it life is equally unusual at all points during ones life just in different ways." In other words, "Truth really is stranger than Fiction"
The Galactic Time Guard
Wednesday September 13th 2006
I was having a lot of trouble proccessing today. I realized I was receiving a transmission. So here it is. The Galactic Time Guard wants you to know that it exists and that no nuclear confrontations will be allowed to take place. This does not mean that anyone should be complacent as it is much better on every level if Earth's governments stop the nuclear confrontations rather than the Galactic Time Guard. If they have to stop it then it will look bad for us in that we will look as a planet like naughty teenagers who are unable to control their emotions to properly survive within a planetary set of cultures. This is how the Galaxy will tend to see Earthlings. So it is better that we solve our own problems if possible.
However, if this is not possible then the Galactic Time Guard will step in and rearrange time with a combination of Galactic Planetary Anthropologists like Arcane and Celeste Weaver who will call in Galactic Time Police actions when necessary. Arcane and Celeste are here in real time on earth. They will stay in place using multiple identities and never dying until about 3000 AD. Their job is to study and to maintain the general timeline of earth for the Galaxy. His Oneness' function is to do emergency maintanance on anything that occurs as a fluke or completely unexpected calamity that sometimes catches Galactic Planetary Anthropologist off guard. Arcane and His Oneness work in concert on these unexpected "fluke" time changes.
There is another layer that is led by Arcane outwardly and Celeste in a more secret way. That is UNUS which is a multinational Time Guard drawn from elite police and special forces groups worldwide. Their headquarters is under the Swiss Alps. All these groups work together with existing UN and national forces to maintain peace on earth. Sometimes they are successful but not always. In these rare cases the Galactic Time Guard in Police form that are sometimes called "Time Skippers" are called into action.
However, it is important for everyone on earth to be ever vigilant to keep earth and all its civilizations alive and to prevent the nuking out of existence of any civilization for any reason.
The Probability of You
September 11th 2006
I'm speaking of theoretical physics of course. In other words it is only a probability that any atom or electron will be in any given place at any time. This means that some of the atoms and electrons of your body could be in any other space and time anywhere in the universe at any moment even though the probability is that most of your atoms are right here right now.
From this since the physics of the universe appears to behave more like thoughts and less like the physical thing that we all have believed for thousands of years then obviously a new communications paradigm must be forming even now within at least the intelligentia of Earth. And for those of you who can cope with it a new personal language developing within yourselves to cope with this paradigm change.
I was speaking with a friend of mine about paradigm shifts. I said a good example of a new truth or paradigm shift happened to me in 1970 when I experienced out of body travel unexpectedly. When I found that I could cope with this around 1 month later a paradigm shift happened to me. In other words my first experience when it happened I almost died of fright. The next experience I found I could cope with soul travel and so had a complete paradigm shift. The primary difference was that I saw for myself that my soul could exist outside of my body and travel anywhere I wished. However, in speaking to my friend what I proved to myself was that a soul could travel outside its body. At the time I also assumed that that also meant that a soul is immortal. However, at this point I might think that this could be wishful thinking. However, as a psychic I have experienced many relatives and friends dying. I watched how they at first mostly didn't want to let go of earth or their relatives or friends still here. Eventually, however, they became adapted to their new worlds and started to fade out of the physical as far as I was concerned. I also found I needed to let them go so they could move on so to speak.
Am I convinced that all souls are immortal. I believe this is very likely true. For if a soul can live outside of the body then likely that soul can also live without a physical body. It is not only logical but it just feels right. I have found those subtle intuitional feelings are often more important than the cynical ones young people tend to have in their early 20's.
The Muse
September 8th 2006
A friend who has published many books once said to me about my writing. He said, "Fred, I could write 10 books on what I see here that you have on 2 pages of writing. He said this to me in the early 1980's. Since I almost died and because of that became relatively fearless about what I write. I feel I owe it to God to tell the truths he has shown me before I die. So I write and write and write that others will learn and hopefully have to suffer less for their truths than I had to. My writing is an act of compassion for all sentient beings. I do this as I see all sentient beings as my brothers and sisters.
When I see my ideas in a movie or book sometimes the writers honor me by including the area I live in or my birthday in recognition of what helped to inspire them. I am greatful to be a muse for writers who try to educate, to help all life be better and to help save life on earth from extinction. If you wish life on earth to continue feel free to be inspired and to write that others might learn and live and prosper in a compassionate way!
The "Never Will Haves"
September 7th 2006
Though the free world should not economically support those who would kill us and our way of life we would be wise to lend a helping hand to Moderate Muslims who don't want to kill us at least yet. More and more experts in studying this worldwide situation have said this is more about "the never will haves" than anything else. The young men and women committing suicide with bombs are mainly the ones who don't believe they ever will have a real life where they and their family live. As a young person I came very close to suicide myself just because my girlfriend was gone. How much more pressure is there on a young person realizing they never will have a future, never can support a wife, never can give any children they have a good life or future? By economically gifting say through microbanking moderate Muslims in starting small businesses we will begin to reduce the numbers of suicide bombers. Because in the end it is not about Islam really. It is about never having a future for all these young people who blow themselves up! Would you blow yourself up if you had a good future to look forward to?
Elohar and Ragna
Wednesday September 6th 2006
Though I might move this transmission eventually I believe this is the best place for it now. Though I have cronicled all this by hand during the journey I decided to let it flow straight onto the website as this felt the right thing to do.
Where to start? Where to Start? I guess the best thing to say is that I experienced Elohar and Ragna in both Lake Tahoe and Mt. Shasta during the last 5 days.
It all started very odd. We arrived very tired from driving over 6 hours in our motor home to Lake Tahoe. The Chalet we rented for the night was downwind of a fire. As we moved into the Chalet I said, "Maybe we should move or something. However, we were all so tired we were sort of past being practical if you know what I mean. Then My daughter got nauseated from the smoke and I wasn't feeling well and then my wife said, "I'm' going to pass out from the smoke I need to get out of here. So I walked her gingerly downstairs and to a fire engine nearby where she received oxygen and eventually was taken to the hospital. She was released several hours later okay.
At about 3 AM that night I got a strong transmission so I wrote longhand into a journal for about three hours. When I came out of the bathroom where I was writing so as not to disturb my sleeping family I was surprised it was beginning to get light out.
It appears I was taken by Elohar and Ragna along with several hundred others to the Awesome 7 a time space ship the size of the Queen Mary. These world governmental officials connected with both UN and US governments were greeted by both the Galactic Sentience and His Oneness. Though he was not introduced formally King Interlaken was present. The total from present day earth governments was about 795 total. The total present from other times and spaces as well as places other than earth was about 150. So I guess you could call the Awesome 7 a USO (Unidentified Submerged Object)
What I experienced second hand through the onboard holodeck approximately 12 hours later was the actual recorded meeting of the 795 from earth and approximately 150 from other places and times both on and off earth.(This will be the only authorized transmission for several thousand years of this event) It is authorized directly by the Galactic Sentience for the purpose of creating a nominal set of checks and balances for these kinds of goings on.
The Galactic Government agreed to prevent nuclear war that destroys earth in return for a pledge of earth reducing its human population to under 500 million within 1000 years. Though some governmental officials from earth could not deal with this whole situation about 75% of those present were able to maintain reason and to vote unanimously for the planet to be saved from extinction.If you are interested more in the details of this incident I chronicled the incident within 6 hours of the fire when it actually took place. If you go back to my index page and click on Galactic Sentience it will be there soon at the end under the title Tahoe August 2006
Later I found that Elohar and Ragna had followed us to Mt. Shasta.
Whether you see what I'm writing here as science fiction or as legend based on truth, either way, it will be useful to you.
Lord of War?
August 28th 2006
If you have seen the movie "Lord of War" with Nicolas Cage and you multiply what you see in the movie by about 100,000 and then you add Big Oil in the mix to raise oil prices then you basicly have what's baking on earth right now. Is it in the interests of the common people of earth? No! Is it in the monetary interests of the greedy few who brainwash us with mainstream news? Yes!
Unless one advocates the fast or slow death of most of mankind what is happening on earth now is criminal! Corporations(the legal fictions with no accountability and now with the international rights of individuals) are killing mankind both fast and slow with unheard of speed that is unknown in the recorded history of mankind. And what is most amazing about all this is that you will never hear about it in mainstream news. If you want to hear about all this you will have to plug into NPR, BBC or go searching for it on the internet like I do.
Let me give you but one amazing example of what is not shown on the news in the U.S. Did any of you even hear about China's "Hurricane Katrina" a few weeks ago that killed about 350 people, destroyed 50,000 homes and sunk 1000 ships there? No? I thought not. Why didn't you hear about it? Because the powers that be didn't want you to. It's just that simple. Also, you didn't hear about the other 6 or 8 typhoons(that's what hurricanes are called in the western pacific ocean) that hit the eastern Pacific hard including China.By the way their "Katrina" was the strongest Hurricane (typhoon) to hit China in 50 years. I bet you didn't hear that either.
One reason they didn't want you to know would be: A. They didn't want you to send monetary help for the survivors and their families. B. They didn't want you to think about global warming in an election year. C. They didn't think you were smart enough to search it out for yourselves. Well, at least in my case they were wrong!
Of Dances With Wolves and Flying Eagles
August 24th 2006
I was watching Dances With Wolves with my daughter last night and it took me back to when I was studying with Native American Medicine Men in the early 1980's. When I finished the movie I went out and gathered some wood from our yard and built a fire in our fireplace. It took me back when I lived in the mountains at 4000 feet elevation on 2 1/2 acres I owned then. My son and two step kids were under 12 years old then and we lived 10 miles from the nearest small town. In the winter we could expect up to 7 feet of snow on the ground at one time so that eliminated driving unless one strategically parked ones car several miles away where the snow was regularly plowed from the road.
1980 to 1986 was a very precious time for me. I was 32 to 38 years old and young enough and wise enough to feel good physically and to enjoy home schooling and raising my older children. During that time my wife and kids and I met with and studied with several Medicine men. I found that I liked how everyone's dreams and visions were helpful to the whole tribe in that way of thinking not just the ministers dreams and visions. This way of functioning made a lot more sense to me than top down pyramidal thinking in regard to spirituality and religiosity. It made everyone a visionary and everyone a minister to everyone within the tribe.
Watching Dances With Wolves took me back to what I learned then living out in the country, studying with medicine men and home schooling my kids and traveling through California, Oregon, Idaho and on up into Canada through Banf and Jasper and drinking from melting glaciers.(bottled glacier water wasn't IN yet) I remember how alive and vibrant I felt by making my hand a cupt and scooping the just melted water and drinking it as it washed out of the thousands of year old glaciers. I probably wouldn't do this now but then some places to drink were still safe, especially high mountain springs coming up out of the ground and places like that.
I can remember one sweat lodge I went to at Stewart Springs about 20 miles north from the City of Mt. shasta off of Interstate 5. It was wintertime and snowing. Inside the sweat lodge temperatures went up to 130 to 150 degrees for short periods of time. Then we would all pile out and jump into the nearest stream while it was snowing out. I remember how amazed I was that we could do that and it was actually healthy for our hearts, minds and bodies and spirits. MOments like these were extremely empowering in all ways.
Later I chose to fast 4 days and nights with no water or food. My wife at that time joined me. During that time we realized we had chosen to fast in a Bear wallow next to the Trinity River. We spent 4 days and nights fasting and praying but not talking or anything else. After two days of no water or food I began to have brilliant visions. Some of the visions were frightening and because of no water or food the body automatically goes into an altered state that can be necessary for individual or group survival. It is a technique used for thousands of years by indiginous people to see the future and to ask for visions to guide them in their lives. My visions led me eventually to India and Nepal and to Tibetan Lamas. I realized later when I met them that I too likely am a reincarnated Tibetan Tulku. I am a researcher for the human race and have been one for at least 1000 years of lifetimes. My research has primarily been about what it is to be a human being and what is a soul and what is kindness and how can man progress and survive both as a soul and as a soul in a body? Where are we all going? And where have we all been?
Though I now have answers to all these questions for every question I have answered I have ten more. So my research continues.
Why We Fight?
August 23rd 2006
I rented this film from Blockbuster. I highly recommend it because it appears to be a non partisan approach for Americans even though I'm sure people from all over the world will see this movie and have many different types of reactions to it.
It starts with Eisenhower giving his farewell speech as President and telling us to watch out for the military industrial complex. In other words because of communism we didn't beat our swords into plowshares at the end of Nazi Germany and Tojo's Japan. Though this world corporate complex of weapons and munitions makers protects the free world it also holds the free world hostage to its needs. In addition to that all the men, women and children killed either on purpose or by accident with all these weapons cause the revenge seeking of all the relatives left behind. Depending on the culture, the history of the revenge seeking because of even one death could last a thousand years or more in waiting for revenge against the United States or whatever the nation the weapon was made by. This is a fact of life often ignored by the "living in the moment" of the western world way of instant gratification and thinking. Especially in the middle east it is a matter of their families personal pride and of saving face to remember that death for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years.
For an American this would be incomprehensible. But in the middle east where whole countries were extincted down to the last baby in wars for thousands of years this is one way cultures found to pay back those who extincted their race, their culture.
So at least in the middle east the death caused by all types of colonialism may in some ways never be forgotten at least in regard to the last 200 years or so.
For Americans wars are fairly impersonal because we all owe an allegiance to a very large and probably the most warlike nation on earth at this time. In effect we are the New Rome (the new Ancient Rome say at the time of Julius Ceasar) in that we consider ourselves in control of the world. However, I consider this way of thinking an illusion. So I personally would consider that men dying in Iraq that are Americans may be dying for an illusion. Only history will tell the truth about all this. Right now it's all pretty crazy.
Another important point is that the American Revolutionary war was in fact partly a guerrila war against Brittain. The British could not win such a war because it was just too expensive. Likewise we likely will not win in Iraq or Afghanistan because it is just too expensive.
The likely end result will be economic problems for the United States just like the collapse of the Savings and Loans and the recession of the early 1980's were the result of the waste of money in Viet Nam. Also, the end result of both Afghanistan and Iraq will likely look either like South Korea or Viet Nam. At this point I would bet both Afghanistan and Iraq will turn up in between a South Korea and a Viet Nam. That is my best guess.
As a psychic I would say what I've said before. There needs to be a Kurdistan,a Sunnistan, and a Shiastan who are loosely or tightly aligned like the United States are. So it would be a three state aligned government that might look most like the European Union. It is also possible that Syria and Lebanon might become a part of this alliance. However, in all of this Iran is the wild card. What Iran will do is anyone's guess. However, it must be noted that only 10% of Islamics are Shia and 90% are Sunni. So what happens with all that is anybody's guess.
Trauma as a path to enlightenment
Monday August 21st 2006
My life, looking back it now was a series of traumas. Sometimes now I look at some peoples lives that never got sick, that never moved, that married their first girlfriend, that never traveled around the world, that never almost died several times, and I wonder? What is that all about? Because that was Not my experience.
My birth was okay, uneventful except for my mother taking about 100 vitamins a day at the behest of my father who was into health a lot and who constantly studied how to be the healthiest through diet and exercise. But then at age 2 I got Whooping Cough because my parents didn�t believe in any vaccinations. So I almost died. I learned to go limp when I couldn�t breathe because there was just no fighting whooping cough. If you fought the cough, you died. I learned that fairly quick. It was through almost dying that I eventually learned the attitude of: �By the grace of God I live and by the Grace of God I die!�
This statement more than any other is my path of survival in a human body on earth by God�s Grace.
Another big trauma was Sunstroke where I was playing at age 9 on a hill with friends on a very hot day in Glendale, California. Everything turned yellow which looked a lot the way things look if you put a yellow lens filter on a camera. I was terrified so I got on my bicycle and rode the 5 miles home as fast as I could as I thought I was dying. The wind while riding cooled me down so I didn�t die. Then I had a terrible headache for about 3 days.
Then when I was delivering at age 10 my newspapers on an early Sunday morning at about 5 or 6 am I saw two dogs copulating, a really big male and a little tiny female. I found this whole sequence sort of disturbing at age 10. When I went home I went back to sleep as I did after delivering my newspapers on my bicycle on Early Sunday Mornings. However, a black hand came to me in my dreams and strangled me. I woke up on the floor next to my bed with my head in my mother�s arms. She looked scared. She asked me to go back to sleep. She said I had a nightmare. However, what had really happened was that I had had a seizure for the first time and had fallen off my bed. I had a seizure about once every 6 months in my dreams asleep from age 10 until I was 15. Most of the time, these seizures were much more terrifying than being murdered because it felt like my soul was being murdered.
Little did I know at the time that these seizures would not only be a primary key to my enlightenment but that they would also keep me away from being drafted and sent to Viet Nam. In this way they reduced other traumas like death and bad experiences obtained from fighting in any war.
My last seizure was when I had another paper route at 14 delivering the Los Angeles Herald Express. As I started to have a seizure in my dreams I got back into my body enough to try a run to my parents room to get their help. Unfortunately for me, my bedroom door was ajar and I ran right into the end of the door and broke my nose. The loud sound of the crunch of my nose and the thud of my completely unconscious body woke up both of my parents. I woke up with a pool of my own blood surrounding my head from my nose so the right side of my head was matted with partially dried blood. As I woke I shook in shock from the trauma. I thought to myself, �You know. I�m not likely to survive another incident like this.
My father said, �Son, you�ve got to get some religion under your belt.� I thought about what he said as I was then an agnostic. I thought most religious people including my parents were basicly nuts. But this now was my physical survival at stake so as the saying goes, �there are no atheists in foxholes� I got religion. I got my parents religion and began to go to their church 3 times a week. I felt my survival depended on it. About 6 months later my next seizure tried to happen. I was 15. However, since I had been studying my parents religion I had studied Co-creation with God. From this point of view God and I were one being. We joined together to do good. In otherwords �One with God is a majority�. So I was now a majority if I was in this special mode with God.
When this next seizure started to happen I was terrified. However, instead of letting my soul body�s head, arms, and legs be ripped off by the lightning energy tornado I stood my ground and said, �I AM in command here.� I screamed that with all the power I could muster from my soul. Immediately, the army attacking me and trying to kill me ceased and I became its general. This was the most power I have ever experienced in my life. It was a terrifyingly heady experience.
Within one month my physical appearance totally changed. I was a 6 foot three inch handsome 15 year old and Girls started falling in love with me. I was jealous of God because I knew they weren�t falling in love with me they were falling in love with the fusion of God and me that I had invoked in order to survive. I now had all these supernatural abilities. I didn�t really know what to do with them all. I prayed for guidance to properly use all these gifts so no one would be harmed. I felt the most like I had a tiger by the tail and that if I let go of the tiger he would eat me. I felt this way until I met a Tibetan Lama when I was 32.
By age 16 I stopped being angry at God and accepted myself as a God man fusion. I knew I would have to live with this the rest of my life and beyond. I felt a little resentful at times because I couldn�t just be Fred. But as time has moved on I have come to peace with being a literal God Man fusion. It has been odd living my life like a character out of the old testament only secretly.
Even though I have been supernaturally gifted in ways that continue to increase since I use these gifts as God would have me, I have learned not to terrify people with these gifts unless God shows me that it is his will. Like a Tibetan Lama once told me, �It is not polite to scare people supernaturally just because you can!� So I am very very careful how I use the powers that God gave me and that I invoked at age 15 in order to survive epilepsy.(By the way, when I invoked God into my life my epilepsy permanently left!)
I have always known that some day God might need me to publicly manifest. However, I would rather not do that unless it is absolutely necessary. This is because I would no longer own my own life. Then I would be owned by all life on Earth and beyond. Then I would have to be a prophet or someone like Jesus. However, I also know that since I invoked God into my body to live here with me that one day this might be required of me! This is part of the price I paid that moment to stay alive. This I think I always naturally understood.
So there you have it. These are some of the many traumas that have made my life seem to me a lot like a character out of the old testament. The figure I identify with the most, is Moses. For my life has been the most like his. So if there are traumas in your life remember my story. God might just be making another gifted person out of you, another prophet, another healer!
Hair awareness haha
Sunday August 20th 2006
My Grandfather told my father and my father told me that we are all related to Francis Bacon who lived during the time of Queen Elizabeth in England. I was thinking today of people's description of Francis Bacon a.k.a. The Compte de St. Germain aka The man who never dies of Europe in my copy of the Compte de St. Germain by Cooper Oakley 1912. One person's description was of a man who was greying in the temples when she was in her 20's in the 1700's. When the Countess D'Adhemar saw him again when in her 70's he looked the same, barely greying in his temples otherwise his hair was that of a young man. I have this same kind of genetic feature in that I'm 58 but am only grey in the temples. Most of my hair is still its natural color. I also have an aunt in the same lineage and even though she is in her 80's if she lets her hair go natural it is the same greying in the temples and yet natural color for the rest of the head.
An Unusual Occurance
Sunday August 20th 2006
I read the new book from rediscovered parchment called "The Gospel of Judas". Then this summer I was writing about a time travelling experiment in Disneyland conducted by Elohar and Ragna in 7028 AD. While I was gone I told of past lifetimes. What was really odd for me was that I have known for some time that I knew Jesus both before and after his crucifiction. However, I didn't know that I also knew Mohammed. And Basicly what Mohammed told me was, "You are a disciple of Jesus." Which really confused me. However, since this experience I also realized something else that I couldn't be aware of until I read "The Gospel of Judas" and realized that I knew Mohammed and died defending him in that lifetime. This new element is that Mohammed was a reincarnation of Judas who was a disciple of Jesus. Judas was not a bad man but an ultimately obediant disciple of Jesus. So Judas Obeyed Jesus and sold him to the Pharisees and Romans as Jesus asked. For this he was reviled. However, Judas was the only completely obedient disciple. Since I was a roman soldier and a follower of Jesus I knew most of the disciples too. I found Judas to be the most worldly and educated and also the most pragmatic and the most devoted to Jesus.
Just as it is known that Jesus is a reincarnation of the prophet Isaiah who left in a fiery chariot I now believe that Mohammed was a reincarnation of Judas who was the most obedient disciple even if that obdedience caused him to be reviled by Christians. So when Judas reincarnated as Mohammed he remembered Jesus as his Guru and that he was a devotee of Jesus and honored Jesus by telling me that like him I was a disciple of Jesus in complete obedience and honor of him.
At the time since I could not remember in that lifetime my time with Jesus I was very confused to the point where I was almost insane with the knowledge. Even though I stayed with Mohammed and protected him until I died protecting him I realize now that Mohammed was right. I was a disciple of Jesus and as painful as that experience was in that lifetime, Mohammed honored our mutual teacher even though it caused me great pain in that lifetime because the primary thing that Mohammed taught was obedience to the teacher. Mohammed taught enlightenment through obedience to the teacher. I honor both Judas and Mohammed by recognizing this timeless truth. I honor the wisdom of Jesus most of all in creating his disciple Judas into Mohammed through such difficult obedience.
Friday August 18th 12:18 pm pdt
One of the most important things that President Eisenhower said before he left office was to "watch out for the world military industrial complex". He said it was one of the biggest threats to peace on earth and especially to the democracy of the United States.
He saw first hand the way the world military Industrial complex prevented anyone to win in Korea. They repeated this in Viet Nam, first Gulf War and now the second Gulf War in Iraq. Possibly the same will be true of Afghanistan too. No one will win these wars!!! Because more money is made by both the World Military Industrial Complex and by big oil by suffering than any other way! It is really all about money. Sure, there are terrorists but what you don't see is how terrorists and their families are manipulated by those who profit from all these wars since World War II when the world Military Industrial complex was first built. In order for Arms makers, and sellers to stay in business billions of dollars are spent clandestinely to incite all sides. Thousands and thousands are descritely killed to create all these wars. I personally wouldn't be surprised to see Corporate money from big oil or big munitions at some point in the future being traced as having financed 9-11. What better way to build up a military companies profits than by inciting a world war against terrorism. Is it in the interests of anyone in the general public on earth. NO!!!
Let me give you an example that is closer to home for you. Many fires in the United States are set by firefighters. Why, you may ask? Because they only make the big money when fighting fires. They don't get the overtime unless they are fighting big fires. Likewise, big munitions and big oil only make the big money in a crisis contrived or otherwise. This is a worldwide phenomenon of which the US is only a very small part. Even if the US got munitions and oil corporations under control it would mean absolutely nothing on the world stage. The only way to really change things would be to support alternative fuels and to refuse to fight in these contrived wars. Let the religious extremists fight in all these wars and let the rest of us live in peace. The problem now is that Corporate money has now stirred things up so far that it is now likely that the nukes will come out. If so, that will be the end of all of us, religious extremists or not!
Are you a Survivor?
August 7th 2006
I was reading about the reduction of real wages in the United States. Though I know people are trained in public schools to be slaves of big corporations in this country I would like to say one thing. If you want to survive the next 20 to 50 years the very LAST thing you want to do is to put your faith in any big corporation if you are an employee. If you are a stockholder and the corporation is a blue chip in good standing that is a different story but after seeing so many companies ditch their retirement plans are you really in the market to give 20 to 40 years to a corporation as an employee only to wind up penniless without a pension or any medical care?
The only person you can really count on except God is YOU! Every corporation is a legal fiction. Joining a big corporation would be like joining the Army. All you could expect is to be maimed or to die in the process. Unless you take care of you nobody else will either. Rugged individualism built this country. It used to be said, "When the Going gets tough the Tough get Going!" That's America. Be Tough! Get Creative! Your life and your family's might just depend on it!!!
Start your own business even if it's just part time and remember people learn a lot more from their failures than their successes. If you talk to very successful people as I have. They will tell you that the only difference between them and most other people was they they would not give up even if they failed 10 times in a row. They just kept trying until they succeeded. Your success could change your life and every person that is your friend or relative for the better. Remember that!
Thursday August 17th 2006 2:04pm pdt
I was speaking with Saint Germain today. It is important to remember that as an adept one experiences all times and spaces at once during a lot of ones spare moments. It is all a matter of ones focus and ones capability of multitasking sucessfully. My teachers have explained to me that as one incarnates one is often baby, child, adult,apprentice adept and full adept and sometimes an enlightened adept. Obviously most of this is the choice of the soul. So then if one was a master one can then in another lifetime become a master again either at being an adept, a musical virtuoso or a business leader or even a world leader. It is all a matter of experience and who one chooses to be born as.
Today, Saint Germain said to me:"You have already been Saint Germain in a past lifetime. So in this lifetime your goal is to become like the Great Divine Director also known as Lord Maha Chohan and Eridian." I felt awed at Saint Germain's communication with me. I also felt awed at what he said. I also asked him if this should be said. He said, "It is necessary!" When he chooses these words I usually take it to mean, "It is a matter of life and death!" For if he says, "That would be good!" It simply means many people and beings will benefit. But if he says, "It is necessary!" I know that lives are at stake so I then make it a point to follow through. Blessings to the Reader.
Time travelling:EE Point Disneyland
Saturday July 29th 2006
For The History of Jonathan Flow While I was entering a Shop on main street in disneyland I experienced leaving and then coming back again the next second. Given the present problems on earth this was no great surprise that I would be needed to help fine tune the situation so that life could survive on earth as free as possible without serious mass destruction taking place. I returned to the ring and trinket shop aware that I had been gone and just returned. I realized that beginning to write would help me to release the useful memories of the experience and decided that I would try to facilitate that within the week.
A week or more has passed since the above experience. It is now august 4th 2006. I resolved when I returned from the Disney EE point as prescribed by the Galactic time guard more than 50 people were around me when this happened. I sensed as I returned that my body was different and my senses had experienced many things since the moment before so I resolved to write about what I would be permitted to when it was time. Since even if my conscious memories have been erased they still remain in my subconscious and as I Galactic psychic I can still access them if I am allowed to to help the humans race better survive these times on Earth.
Once again I found myself with Ragna and Elohar. I have never seen them so worried. Elohar was totally quiet and a bit frightened. Ragna, ever the scientist greeted me. He said, "Jonathan, I wish we were summoning you under better circumstances." I said, "I feel the strangeness too. What can we do?" Ragna said, "I would like to try to explain the real problem." He went on, "Scientifically speaking what a soul believes creates his or her karma both good and bad. It also creates the heaven realms that beings inhabit after passing on. Elohar is terrified of the consequences of taking away people's Armageddon. She is scared that souls will be harmed if nuclear armageddon is prevented. However, you and I, Jonathan share the belief that what is important here is to maintain the platform of evolution so that souls still have an inhabitable earth for them to embody into and learn. Elohar is concerned about souls who are young souls who don't consciously understand reincarnation from direct experience like the three of us. She wonders if souls will be damaged irreperably if we time travelers choose to eliminate Armageddon.
I thought about what Ragna told me and said, "Well. my closest experience to this was being a Roman Centurian present at Jesus' Crucifiction. I was under orders that I could not disobey as a soldier but I had already become a Christian. This conflict tore me apart while watching Jesus on the Cross, watching his side be pierced. Then when he rose from the dead Jesus visited me and said, "It will be difficult for you for about 1100 years but then you will begin to become like me." He said to me, "Within 2000 years you will almost surely understand how I am and how I think and feel and intuit!"
As Jesus said I died in battle a Christian and killed by middle Eastern people. I was reborn to the people I was fighting with that day and grew up and was killed fighting Roman soldiers by the age I was 20. Then I was reborn a Roman and became a Christian. This life was educational but was uneventful.
Then I was born next knowing Mohammed and fought by his side. Mohammed told me what Jesus had said to me when he arose after his crucifiction. I remember feeling very confused by learning this. I later died protecting Mohammed from Christians who considered Mohammed a blasphemer. Then I was born in Rome again and became a priest in the Roman Catholic Church. This was another educational lifetime but other than that the lifetime was uneventful.
Their were many other lifetimes but then I was born in England and became a knight under Richard the Lionheart. We went on a Crusade to the Holy land and I died there. I was reborn in Jerusalem to a Moslem family and grew up fighting Christians until I died fighting. However, something very amazing happened. I met a Buddhist missionary and he began teaching me before I died. I found that I liked compassion and had tired of the dualism of both Christian thought and Moslem thought. I found non-dualism and compassion very practical and was very weary of both an eye for an eye kind of thinking as well as close minded ways of thinking of both Christians and Moslems.
In my next lifetime I was born in Tibet and met both Marpa and Mila Respa, the most revered tibetan saint because of the practices that I learned from the Buddhist missionary from Tibet that I met and studied with in the middle east.
I suffered terribly in many conflicted ways until I met that Buddhist missionary who finally taught me how to be at peace. It wasn't that I stopped believing in the prophets of the old testament or Jesus or even Mohammed. It was that I stopped believing in violence to spread any religion. I became a compassionate person and I stopped fighting in wars.
Just as Jesus had predicted when I was a Centurian by 1100 AD I had stopped suffering and began to understand truly who Jesus was. It was at this point I began to understand I was becoming like Jesus slowly but surely through reincarnation. From lifetime to lifetime my supernatural abilities grew as I used them as Jesus would. I continued to be a peaceful person and to not fight in wars or conflicts. So from the time I met Jesus until I met Mila Respa it was over 1000 years in lifetimes.
At this point Elohar's eyes met mine. There were tears in her eyes. She said, "Thank you, Jonathan for sharing all this with me. I realize now that we are doing the right things. In hearing your lifetimes I see the truth of what must be done now." She sighed and it was as if she was reborn in peace in that moment. Ragna looked at Elohar and sighed and said to me, "Thanks Jonathan. It helps us a lot because you live in the time of Armageddon. I can eliminate it alonside of His Oneness and the Lemurians and feel completely okay now. I was mentally okay with it but now I won't get an ulcer or something later because of emotional misgivings. I can have peace too.
I had no emotional misgivings at all. Because of what Jesus had taught me now over 2000 years ago I knew what was right. There was no doubt at all for me. Blessings
Shine Your Light for all to See!
August 4th 2006
Like never before in all our lives this month we must all shine our light for all to see. I heard yesterday that starting August 2006 Nostradomas predicted the beginning of a nuclear war in the middle east. I believe it can be prevented. Strange as it may seem the real problem is those who believe Armageddon is now and are trying to create it. For a few people on earth Armageddon may be now but not for the majority. What most people of faith don't seem to realize is that armageddon even if it happens consumes only the middle east. Even if Armageddon happens only 5% of the human race gets toasted there in the middle east. The majority of us (95%) live on with the consequences if that happens. I personally believe Armageddon is a Lemming clause in the Bible. I believe it was put their purposely by aliens to cause humans to extinct themselves like a self fulfilling prophesy so aliens don't have to deal with yet another planet attaining nuclear technology. Since the Judeo-Christian-Moslem belief system includes Armageddon many of the faithful of all these beliefs might be taken out in nuclear blasts IF THEY ARE IN THE MIDDLE EAST WHEN THE NUCLEAR BLASTS HAPPEN! So if you are someone who believes in Armageddon then if you go to the middle east in August 2006 you may experience it.
The most likely place to experience Armageddon is Jesrusalem for of all the places it is the single most likely to be nuked and turned into a crater. However, as a Seer I must tell you that if Jerusalem is nuked for those who remain it will be the death of Judaism, Christianity and Islam for those who remain who weren't taken in Armageddon. I believe that this will be 95% of the human race that remain afterward. Many people will become suicidal that they weren't taken in Armageddon and in suicide many other nuclear weapons could be released over 200 years until all life on the planet is dead.
So if you are one who believes in Armageddon and wants to experience it then go to the middle east and stay there throughout August as you have a 50-50 chance of being nuked out of existence there in August in Jerusalem.
However, since I work for the Galaxy and not the local planet that put this in the Bible I will do everything that I can to prevent nuclear holocaust spreading throughout the planet and killing everything over the next 200 years.
July 20th 2006
This morning before I woke up I had an amazing conversation with God. If you are like me you talk to God and Angels and beings like Jesus many times a day to refine how you live your life to help the most beings on earth and beyond.
In 1994 I did not see a way to go on living. In desperation I asked God to make me a custodian of Wealth! Usually, because if I Really ask God for something it manifests. However, I don't ever do this lightly because every aspect of my life changes whenever I do this so the shift is likely to be terrifying though in the long run great. The same was true in this case.
I had spent my life learning and growing in Wisdom, Compassion and Power as an adept. However, I have known all my life that actually Being Wealthy can be a problem for a very spiritual person so most evolved souls don't choose to be born wealthy for this reason. Being born wealthy tends to make a person not be compassionate to those less fortunate except for a few rare and beautiful souls. It can be very easy to just be competive amongst other wealthy young types and miss the whole spiritual aspect of life which in the end is the only really important immortal part of ones life. Because "no one gets out of this world alive"!
12 years later I am married and living in a home worth over 1 million dollars and living in an affluent area on the Pacific Ocean and don't have to worry about financial problems for the rest of this lifetime unless the whole world economy goes. If that happens I long ago learned to be both an adept and survivalist so as long as I have my health I could go on indefinitely by God's Grace.
In the dream this morning my conversation with God was really amazing! God asked me what I thought I was. I said that I thought that I was an adept and a shaman. God asked me if I was alive or dead. I said I saw myself as a dead man living in the crack between the land of the living and the land of the dead since I see and communicate in both worlds. God asked me if I believed in the Devil. I said no that the devil is something only immature souls believe in because they can't deal with the totally terrifying nature of life in the universe. God asked me how I deal with the totally terrifying nature of life in the universe. I said I have learned to be brave in the face of terror. I said that by seeing myself as already dead I have no fear of death anymore so that I live on as an angel here on earth totally aware of what life is like after death because I see my earth self already murdered by the terror of life in the universe. So I live in a body still alive with a soul already moved into heaven. The Spritual move to heaven for me took place between 15 and 22 years of age and only my physical body is still on earth though even that is not really of earth anymore either. God seemed satisfied with what I said. It seemed like a reality check for me as I am sure that God already knew all this. I found my anger at God for all the pain in my life lessen almost completely through this experience and communion with God.
What I Believe In
July 2006
I have believed many things in my life but most of all, now I believe in Kindness and Compassionate pragmatism. All beings need kindness whether they solicit it or not and if one is kind in a compassionate right mindful way one just might make another beings life better, happier and more enlightened. In doing this the whole universe becomes a little better place to live in for us all. So if you understand that everything I write is out of compassion for the survival of the human race on earth and out into the Galaxy for thousands and millions of years then you are beginning to get the idea of what I'm doing here at this web page and at this journal page.
Of Arcane and Jonathan Flow
August 3rd 2006
As I was waking up this morning I was composing what I wanted to say about Arcane and Jonathan. First of all, Arcane to me means "Ancient Timeless Wisdom". It is especially true in Arcane's case as he becomes the World saver of Both New Deva and by becoming Saint Germain through time travel becomes a world saver of Present Day Earth. Though Arcane manifests primarily in secret and as Saint Germain has many many alias' for a variety of reasons, still he is a world saver of earth in a very similar class as Jesus and Gautama Buddha and is a devout student of them both. Though Saint Germain was and is also considered the foremost Oriental Adept in Europe during the 1700's and 1800's likewise those of us who are his students and Adepts continue to work diligently to keep Earth alive and moving forward for the betterment of all souls as they transmigrate into and out of Earth and its heavens from all religions and philosophies.
As I have meditated on the constant transmigration of souls from the past, the present and the future to now as well as the transmigration of souls to other planets dimensions and heavens I learn more each day about the true nature of life in the universe. I don't think anyone but God knows everything but I believe it is in our enlightened self interest as souls to know as much as possible so that we don't get flattened like road kill through ignorance as we transmigrate into and out of bodies and dimensions. It is in the interest of enlightening and thereby protecting souls through wisdom and knowledge that I write here at this website. In other words: "My religion is kindness!"
Jonathan Flow is a name that I made up to denote myself as an alter ego name. In this way I could write of my life experiences in such a way that I felt protected by a fictitious name. Jonathan is for "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" written by Richard Bach because I totally identified with the charactor and Flow is for the Science of the Lemurian Flow. In other words it is the ability to be in the right place at the right time all the time without effort. Both Jesus and Buddha demonstrated this amazing intuitive ability. That is why they were and are Christ and Buddha. So Jonathan Flow means "a skilled devotee and adept that is constantly in the right place at the right time all the time to do God's work".
August 3rd 2006
The following will be cryptic. It is important for those who do not wish a nuclear exchange in the middle east to support operatives from the future who will show up and do various things there dressed in one piece jumpsuits not available in this time of earth. The jumpsuits will be various shades of blue and beige to gold primarily. However, there will be others dressed exactly in the dress of the area or even present day military personnel. Their purpose is only to prevent nuclear holocaust. If it is your wish to prevent nuclear holocaust in the Middle East please leave them alone or assist them as you wish.
They are coming here from the future of both timelines both timeline 1 and timeline 2. All you reading this are on timeline 2 as China, the Pacific Ocean, and North and South America are no longer inhabitable in timeline 1 and won't be for thousands of years. World Governments of the future from both Timeline 1 and Timeline 2 have decided to avoid incredible suffering which causes horrible deaths and maimings of Billions of people on timeline 2. In order to do this they have to prevent Nuclear confrontations in the middle east. If they are prevented from doing this these nuclear confrontations eventually over 200 years spread worldwide from the middle East in the next 6 months,and China,Russia, Europe and North and South America are lost to Nuclear Wars within 200 years. What starts as a long series of nuclear wars begins in the middle East. So to stop the chain reaction all nuclear confrontations in the middle east must be stopped. One way or the other they will be! This is to allow those who wish Jerusalem, Damascus, Tehran, Beirut, Tel Aviv not to become nuclear wastelands in the next 2 years to assist or to leave be those capable of preventing those nuclear blasts.
Global Warming
I found a good resource for information on Global warming: http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/sci_tech/2004/climate_change/default.stm
If you are interested please paste address and check it out!
Inconvenient truths and Terraforming
If you have seen "An Inconvenient Truth" or have studied the cascading effects of Global warming as I have then you may have noticed the similarity of Global Warming and a nuclear chain reaction. The main difference being the amount of time that the chain reaction takes. Possibly a good analogy in this arena would be AIDS and it effect on the human populations of earth.
No one when AIDS started in the 80's could have imagined that AIDS would kill in 26 years more people than died in World War II from all nations on earth! For those of you to young to remember the deaths of World War II at least 60 million people died and possibly as many as 100 million died during world war II world wide. 20 million died in Russia alone during that awful war.
This was just 26 years of AIDS that equaled all the deaths in World War II. It is also likely that AIDS will continue in different parts of Earth on the chain reaction curve and dessimating populations of uneducated people at least until 2050 or 2075 and possibly the curve will continue beyond.
In order for humans to survive Global warming International Terraforming will be necessary to recreate ice at the north and south pole to reflect the heat back into space.
This will be more necessary than you might think. Even if humans have to create something white that floats and reflects heat back into space in the arctic and antarctic regions it needs to be done to prevent the North and south poles from slowly moving towards a tropical environment as they once were about 55 million years in the past. At that time it took over 1 million years for ferns to absorb enough carbon dioxide between the North pole and the equator to return the polar ice caps.
If terraforming isn't done to return the ice caps then both Arctic and Antartic will become prime real estate and eventually be tropical. It is important to note that 74 degrees farenheit was the average temperature at the north pole 55 million years ago!!!
Being a Precognitive Psychic
July 6th 2006
For me now at age 58 being a precognitive psychic since I was about 2 years old is a lot like being a "canary in a coal mine". As a psychic one is the first to really see the connections between odd events and to synthesize and put together a real understanding of what is coming next.
Since most scientists recognize the scientific facts in the movie "Inconvenient Truth" as being accurate scientifically, there is no doubt any longer as to the changes coming through new weather shifts. In fact it is obvious to any thinking adult that terrorism would be a problem like a single housefly compared to a stampeding herd of 1000 elephants which would be global warming in the overall scheme of the real world in which we all live. I was reading a BBC article online and it was estimated that there would be a 3degree to 5 degree Centigrade increase in temperatures in Europe by the end of this century. If we couple that with the fact that a 1 degree farenheit increase in temperature at the equator creates a 12 to 24 degree increase from Alaska north right now we can see the problem as right now as I write this houses and buildings in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Siberia and Russia are sinking into the permafrost. It is not the future we have to worry about as far as the arctic and antarctic is concerned as these regions are in complete crisis right now! The only reason we don't hear much about it is that there are so few people living in arctic and antarctic regions now.
If the Greenland Ice sheet forms a lake and drifts into the ocean two things will happen: 1. an extreme increase in the height of the oceans and the gulf current will stop from an extreme increase in fresh water. This will cause a dramatic decrease in the temperatures in Europe. Since ice reflects 80% of the heat of the sun as the ice melts all that heat is absorbed then by the oceans. This will create extreme changes on earth in regard to temperature and weather.
Amnesiacs: Useful or a Danger to mankind?
July 4th 2006
You may ask how are top secret forays conducted by 1st world governments and the United Nations with almost complete certainty of no leaks. I will tell you. It is accomplished through the use of Amnesiacs. You may not have heard of this class of drug before. Though probably not an amnesiac there is one drug that you have all heard of: rohypnal or ruffies, the date rape drug. An older relative of mine recently got strep pneumonia. The only way they could keep this person alive was by inducing a coma for two weeks. Before they woke him up, however, they gave him an amnesiac to wipe out his memories of the previous two weeks. Now, you may think that is a miracle. However, all 1st world nations use Amnesiacs in top secret missions in a much different way. Let me illusatrate!
Imagine your son or daughter in the military of your nation. Your son or daughter volunteers for a secret mission. At the end of the mission your son or daughter is absolutely horrified by what they had to do and decides to go to the police when they get home. However, that evening they are fed an amnesiac that completely wipes out their memories of the previous month. Then their buddies make up some story of what happened the previous month like getting drunk or being sick or something. So then even if this son or daughter of yours was given a lie detector test they could pass the test even if someone suspected their activities.
I am sharing this with all of you on earth so that there is enough knowledge of this by intelligent people so that enough people know about it so that it can be policed in some kind of way. Good Luck!
How People are deprogrammed from real ufo experiences
July 4th 2006
If you haven't read the previous article on Amnesiacs please read it now. Let's say you are a 1st world government and you don't want your religions or corporations or let alone the world governments to collapse from a whole lot of ufo witnesses coming forward at once about their close encounters. What do you do? I can tell you what has been done for a long time now. To lessen the amount of witnesses to these ongoing events in 1st world nations governments now routinely break into homes while the witnesses are asleep and 1st wake up and restrain the witnesses and then force all the information that they can out of the witnesses with truth serum. Then the witnesses are given amnesiacs added to something like Ambien, a sleeping tablet and the witnesses wake up in the morning with literally no knowledge of what has happened.
In this way nations can obtain all the knowledge without the memories of real ufo events and contacts being maintained and propagated within 1st world nations. Though you and I might think this unbelievably cruel to steal peoples very memories this has been a common practice among 1st world nations for some time.
July 4th 2006
What is a breeder? At least in the context that I am using the word a breeder is someone who has children that are vital in a historical sense to the future. For example, I am a breeder. Future civilizations in which time travel is a given tool for use consider interference with the life of a breeder an offense worthy of a Time War! There are presently thousands to millions of breeders throughout the world. Most 1st world nations protect breeders as they are necessary to prevent wars with the nations of the future of Earth!Breeders are also necessary to the survival of the human race ongoing because breeder's children and ideas and special gifts allow the ongoing survival of the human race on Earth and beyond!
Down through both recorded and unrecorded history there have been visionaries, Seers, prophets and shamans that have kept their nations and their tribes alive through countless calamities when some or all would have died otherwise. Therefore these types of people are also important to human survival in the present and the future!
Compassion and ESP
Monday June 26th 2006
I was staying at a resort in Lake Tahoe yesterday and noticed a program on comparative religions. When I tuned in it was talking about Tibetan Buddhism. I hear the most interesting reason to be compassionate in all ones thoughts feelings and actions. A Lama came one tv and said, "Compassion is the best and greatest protection. By being compassionate we protect the whole Universe." I have never heard it said better.
Whether or not you see yourself as psychicly gifted it is my personal experience from also being gifted by God that compassion toward all beings in the universe is always the best way to proceed both from an enlightened self interest point of view and also from the enlightened self interest of all life in all time and space throughout the universe!
from palmV from September 2001
transcribed to journal page late june 2006
The following was a very difficult experience for me simply because I COULDN'T deny it happened with any part of my mind. I'm writing this as of 10-05-01 so I can better cope with everything that has happened since . The authenticity of my book and my gifts has been made genuine and valid by the timing of these events one week before 9-11-01. I realize now that Ragna and Elohar came to offer strength and support for the coming weeks and years for me and my family. The following happened one week before 9-11-01.
Today I saw Elohar again. She came closer to me in the physical than I remember in my normal daily activities in the 21st century. My mother told me on the phone that a workman had come in the door uninvited and that somehow triggered my memory of a dark haired lady that I had held the door open for who appeared to be staying in the same hotel in the mountains as my family and I. It kind of shook me up that she would walk within 3 feet of me and not say anything beyond 'thank you' for holding the door open for me. However, I also knew that I needed plausable deniability. Because of the Galactic Time Guard there can be no shred of real proof available without severe consequences to the timeline we now live on. In this way everyone in all time lines is protected.
I'm sitting at the Awesome base site on the nw corner of Castle lake. Elohar intimated in a vision that the Awesome would be based here underground until about 2005.
It's a beautiful day here in september 2001. Though the Awesome will make many trips to the 70th century as well as many other times, this allows maximum protection for our present time and transitions from September 2001 to 2005.
I was greeted by Ragna today while I was on Castle lake. He said, "I think that's the best rock seat on Castle lake. At the time I didn't know it was Ragna. This Ragna looked and spoke differently than the Ragna that I had travelled time with. However, it made sense that he would have to be able to pass for a modern day American while travelling this time and place.
Later, Elohar came to me and said, "Remember Jonathan, your writing and being make a tremendous difference in the ongoing survival of the human race. It is your life's mission to influence others to make the effort necessary to create a good future for their children and grandchildren and so on.
From another Galaxy
June 2006
I was desiring to write of Extragalactic experiences and finally got permission to do so. I am greatful to the powers that be and I do this to Glorify and to please the God of all Galaxies and the Universe.
When I first tried to soul travel beyond the Galaxy I was terrified of the void that my soul experienced past the life energy field of our galaxy. Imagine yourself suddenly alone swimming in the middle of the Pacifc ocean at night with no one for thousands of miles in any direction and you will get exactly how I felt. I had this experience around 1970 and did not attempt extragalactic travel until I met a Tibetan Lama and then understood enough about the void past the edge of the Galaxy to proceed further. Usually now I use the void to strip off unwanted karma because all elements of your being that are not whole and complete die when you enter the void. Without rigorous compassion and pragmatism in regard to yourself and the universe don't attempt entering the void.
A being that is a duplicate of me in another Galaxy came to me and wanted me to begin this on my journal page. From this being I experienced Golden light that reminds me a lot of Jesus when he appears to me. So possibly this is a Christ or Buddha of the Andromeda Galaxy that is asking me to write of life in his galaxy. I will call this being CB short for Christ Buddha of the Andromeda Galaxy.
CB speaks: First of all I am happy to be present on Planet earth in a parallel galaxy. Parallel means for us a matter galaxy is essentially different from an antimatter galaxy. It is much easier to communicate with a matter galaxy than an anitmatter one. I'm trying to conceive of what would be interesting to you on earth in human and other forms. The first difference of my galaxy would be that each galaxy and each planet for that matter feels diferent. The actual experience of being on earth is much different that being in any other part of your galaxy. However, as long as you are in your galaxy there is some type of sameness. However, in moving to another galaxy in soul, or thought or body or all three one experiences the complete difference of being in another galaxy. It might be as if you were a red blood cell in your galaxy. Now if that red blood cell moved to another galaxy the white blood cells might consider the red blood cell from your galaxy to be a virus or harmful alien substance and then the white blood cells might attack the red blood cell. So when someone like Fred Travels by mind or soul or both to our galaxy he must come escorted by our friends and be prescreened. When others from your world have come unescorted to our galaxy, most of the time they are sent back because they are considered not suitable for our galaxy. The only ones allowed in physically or mentally or in a soul body are those who have the galactic escort from another friendly galaxy.
Here, I must say that most galaxies are friendly but I'm sure all of you would understand that you would not let someone in your house unless you were fairly certain that they were friendly or at least were friends of your friends that you trusted. The same could be said for travelling between galaxies. Over time(where time does exist) systems are developed for travel between galaxies.
In regard to my galaxy I must say at this point that I am descended from the Creators of my galaxy and that I am very old. I am also interested in communication with Creators in other galaxies and so I'm communicating with Fred who is one of the dreams of the Creator that created your Milky Way Galaxy. And like the Creator that spawned Fred I am what you might call a Matter-Antimatter being which simply means I can change the polarity of my plasma body from matter plasma to antimatter plasma very easily which sometimes can be a form of protection. Since Creators create not only matter but antimatter from dark matter we also create and organize time as a pastime. You could say and be absolutely right that creating time as well as space and playing with it and organizing it is one of the primary entertainments of Creators.more later
The Four Agreements
June 14th 2006
I found a book of the same name by Don Miguel Ruiz. He is an MD(medical doctor). It is a Toltec Wisdom book. I was intriqued by both the four Elements listed and the story of the originator of the system who lived 3000 years ago. The experience that Ruiz describes that the originator had reminds me of my experiences in my late teens and early 20's so I would like to share a little of this. Though I don't use terms like tonal and nagual my personal out of body experiences were very much like those listed by the originator 3000 years ago.
begin quote page xi. "Three thousand years ago, there was a human just like you and me who lived near a city surrounded by mountains. The human was studying to become a medicine man, to learn the knowledge of his ancestors, but he didn't completely agree with everything he was learning. In his heart, he felt here must be something more.
One day, as he slept in a cave, he dreamed that he saw his own body sleeping. He came out of the cave on the night of a new moon. The sky was clear, and he could see millions of stars. Then something happened inside of him that transformed his life forever. He looked at his hands, he felt his body and he heard his own voice say, "I am made of light. I am made of stars."
He looked at the stars again, and he realized that it's not the stars that create light, but rather light that creates the stars. "Everything is made of light." he said, "and the space in-between isn't empty." And he knew that eeverything that exists is one living being, and that light is the messenger of life, because it is alive and contains all information.
Then he realized that although he was made of stars, he was not those stars. "I am in-between the stars," he thought. So he called the stars the tonal, and the light between the stars the nagual, and he knew that what created the harmony and space between the two is Life or Intent. Without Life, the tonal and the nagual could not exist. Life is the force of the absolute, the supreme, the Creator who Creates Everything.
This is what he discovered:Everything in existence is a manifestation of the one living being we call God. Everything is God. And he came to the conclusion that human perception is merely light perceiving light. He also saw that matter is a mirror---everything is a mirror that reflects light---and the world of illusion, the Dream, is just like smoke which doesn't allow us to see what we really are. "The real us is pure love, pure light," he said. End quote page xiii.
I found this particularly wonderful because this was my own personal experience that finally coalessed when I began to soul travel first through astral projection and then through bi-location and multilocation. I used what is called bi-locatioin(two places at once) and multilocation(Many places at once) from my early twenties on. By 1980 I learned to be everywhere in the universe at once and localized as many places as were useful as even more useful and powerful in moving all beings toward enlightenment and the permanent end of suffering. So I have continued with that ever since.
Even the smallest being can change the course of the future
june 14th 2006
I have thought about this over the years. For example, a butterfly flapping its wings can change the whole course of history. Every thought, every feeling, every action, every spoken or even unspoken word can totally change the course of history. This thought itself either completely terrifies a being or completely makes one at peace depending upon the person's disposition. For me, this gives me great hope for my experience is that most people who are healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually want what is best for all beings at their core. So I see the butterfly effect as a positive thing. What I believe is important is that: IT IS ALL OUR RESPONSIBIITY TO CREATE A UNIVERSE WE WANT TO LIVE IN! Because if we don't take responsibility WHO WILL?
Hope for the Future!
Friday june 9th 2006
When I write as a precognitive psychic I would like everyone to understand right off I am writing in order to change the future to a better one than the one we are presently headed TO. An exact understanding of this can be had if one compares me to someone in a car loaded with people travelling 70 mph down the interstate saying, "Look Out! There's an accident ahead! Slow down or we will all die!"
What I'm doing is nothing more than that. However, what I see affects all life on earth not just in one car!
In understanding this I must also say that if enough people align in a really good and beneficent idea we could all together literally create a heaven on earth. Look what we've done in America, Canada, Europe and Australia. Life has been pretty good for about 100 years and okay before that. Most of the rest of the world can't really say that in a realistic way. If enough people align with a really great idea heaven on earth could spread all around the earth.
I don't think any one religion will ever be able to align all the world. There is only one idea that I have seen WHILE TRAVELING around the world that all people would like to share in: KINDNESS! All people would like people to be kind to them and if one shows kindness to all others then we all make it happen. However, as a psychic I have found that kindness goes beyond actions, one must work to become kind in ones thoughts and feelings toward others. This does not mean one should let others harm one. It simply means that to make it a game of trying in fun to see how one can be kind to other beings in really creative ways. This then becomes contagious like a living artform and spreads and spreads. When you try to bring any religion into it there is always going to be someone from another religion that is going to feel left out. But if one just tries to be kind in freeform creative right mindful ways it becomes contagious. Yes. Kindness properly set forth spreads and inspires others to be kind in creative ways.
Recycling Water
June 8th 2006
I was thinking this morning about how everything is recycled on board a space ship or manned satellite that stays up there for 6 months to a year or more. I was thinking about how the jet stream is right now mostly just above the U.S. Canadian border into Canada. So the peole getting a lot of rain now are in Oregon, Washington and the far northeast and most of the rest of the country is wilting, especially west of the Mississipi River.
I was thinking how much more important than ever it is for individuals and families to be self sufficient not only in regard to solar and wind powered and water powered utilities but also as far as water is concerned. By recycling all water even urine and distilling back to a water form one could have water to drink and cook and even to water plants. It is possible to create total water recycling systems while still using solar and wind power for areas that now and in the future get very little rain and a whole lot of sun. By building underground or into the side of hills one could also use the average 60 degree farenheit of the ground 1 foot or more below the surface. The ground, depending upon the area one lives in maintains around that temperature year round whether it begins at 1 foot below the surface or 2 or more feet below the surface in aras that get really cold in the winter. So by using solar cookers to distill and recycle all water for reuse and reclaiming all water that falls in the form of rain upon ones roof in tanks for later use and either distilling for drinking or filtering for other uses one could theoretically be 100% self contained whether or not any rain fell or not as long as there is enough sun and or wind or rivers or streams to power everything where you live.
When I was trekking in Nepal in the Helambu area in 1986 I had walked about 10 to 20 miles from the last dirt road a truck could travel on and still there was a little country hotel that one could only reach on foot with a water powered generator spun by the river that had dc powered lights inside the little hotel. So anywhere in the world there is usually either solar power, wind power or water power to create lights or more.
more added june 16th
I have a friend who is a Catholic priest who started his own church in California. He was once a district attorney for a large coastal California city. Though he lives in a suburb he catches all the rain from his roof and stores it in recycled wine barrels. The overflow of water he runs into an old reclaimed cement septic tank that he puts fish in that eat algae, mosquitos and other bugs. From this he has fish to eat and water to drink from the wine barrels after boiling it no matter what happens to the utilities. If the water company fails he has emergency water to use from the fish tank.He does this so his parishioners can think more responsibly about utilities and water. He has been doing this since the 1970's. He also raises chickens and uses their guano to fertilize his plants. He has set a good example for other thinking people to follow wherever they live on earth.
The Future
June 8th 2006
Miss Bobby Jean called me last night. She is psychicly the most spiritually evolved psychic I have ever met. She and I are both Crazy Wisdom manifestations from God's heart. Crazy Wisdom is wonderful in that it is completely unpredictable and therefore completely unpreventable in any way shape or form. It is one of my favorite ways that God manifests himself, herself, itself. Crazy wisdom emanations of God tend to be very supernaturally powerful. They are one of the ways God manifests his wishes on earth.
I have had many conversations with Miss Bobby Jean over the years even though we were out of touch after I married the first time until about 10 years ago. After she showed me how to bring angels into my consciousness and even visible sight I stopped being suicidal in about 1970 because I realized I could experience heaven here on earth and thereby reduce suffering considerably because being gifted can be very painful until one learns how to protect themselves supernaturally. I wasn't completely confortable with my gifts until the 1980's when I started my 30's.
Since she is a "natural" whereas I have been more formally trained she sometimes asks me about what I see coming in the future. Last night she seemed amazed when I told her that most or all nuclear confrontations could be prevented but when I told her there was nothing anyone can do about the climate changes she seemed sad. She is in her late 70's now and I think that was hard for her to take. I guess I've had time to get used to what I see and have had to accept that the total number of humans will reduce down below 300 million worldwide in the next 500 to 1000 years. It's not that I want this or like this it is just like driving a truck down a road and having really good eyes and spying a bad traffic accident on the road the human race is travelling. For me, it is something that has already occured. For me, the only thing I wonder about is how many will be wise enough to survive what is coming? And Second, will any culture or technology survive what is coming? Those are my questions. Compared to the little wars and disputes on the planet now, they are nothing compared to what weather changes will bring in death and starvation worldwide during the next 1000 years.
The Difficult Karma of the Warrior
June 7th 2006
In this really awful terrorist war worldwide, the warriors both Christian and Islamic face a karma that I faced as an incarnating soul until the 1100's. In other words the Islamic terrorists that die as warriors will tend to be reborn in the United States and western nations and the Fundamentalist Christian warriors who die as warriors will likely be reborn in Islamic nations and forced as children to fight the United States and other Christian nations. This is the inexorable way of karma. It is also one of the reasons that I have consciously chosen not to fight in wars because I experienced this several times between 800 AD to the 1100 AD only then it was being born in a Christian nation after dying as an islamic warrior and then fighting as a christian warrior and dying and being reborn in an islamic nation.After this awful occurance happened at least 4 times My soul found this extemely disorienting and confusing and so when I became gifted enough to remember what had happened after and between lifetimes I chose other paths so as not to become a warrior again and go through this torture of the soul anymore of this kind of karmic confusion. Though the path of the warrior is what defends his family, and nation in these days as well, you who are evolved enough to see the awful truth should listen to me in that what is good for your nation may not personally be good for your soul. Therefore, though it is in your enlightened self interest to protect those you love please learn if you are able from my personal suffering as I had to between 800 AD and 1100 AD.
Though this may be difficult to take or to digest I share this with you of the hopes of reducing the suffering of your soul.
The last time a body of mine died I was evolved enough to use this to be born into the United States in Seattle, Washington(Old Oregon Territory). I was about 12 years old when I died from the Nuclear blast in Nagasaki. The fortunate karma Sent me to be reborn in 1948 in Seattle, Washington.As a child my first spiritual teacher's name was Lotus and her American last name was Ballard.So it could be said in spiritual terms that I was spiritually born from a lotus flower in the land of Oregon or Origen.
More on Atoms are not things
June 6th 2006
I was listening on NPR to someone who builds Quantum Computers out of atoms and molecules. One of the things he said was that "the whole universe operates like a computer with almost limitles computations going on at the subatomic level 24 hours a day." However, he said that meaning must be attributed to whatever is going on by us humans or other intelligent species because the computations don't automatically make any sense to us." For example if most people were to look at the computational language of a computer it would be all in zero's and 1's. Then if one knows binary then we can translate the zero's and ones into numbers in a form we are used to. HOwever, if we want to interact with letters or games or other symbology an interface must be invented. We are at the zero's to ones translating into binary stage in trying to understand what atoms are comunicating to each other and what molecules are communicating with each other.
Also, when one adds in: Atoms are not things. They are tendencies principle stated by Heisenberg then one can have a whole different dialogue going on. Since tendencies might also be relating to habit patterns then this is something that should be looked at. If things are only the way they are out of a tendancy to be a certain way then any random action might slightly or completely change that tendancy to another tendancy or to any of millions of different tendancies.
The Treachery of Electronic Voting
June 5th 2006
It's easier, they say. We don't need so many people to hand count votes. The real problem with this logic is what is lost: Checks and balances and democracy! Without many people to hand count and recount votes what do you have? Most likely Fraud!
Even if the voting machines are seamless which they are not there is the problem of what happens when the tabulations of individual voting machines are combined and stored on a laptop or desktop running say microsoft XP. It is a very easy matter to (undetected) using either a straightforward or back door approach to change who votes for who or to even eliminate votes for a certain candidate or or proposition altogether.
So, For any of us who know anything about computers at all, what is Electronic Voting? It is like putting everyone's Social Security number in the United STates on the internet and expecting everything to be okay!!! In other words it is the most disastrous idea I have ever heard of for a democracy!
Without the checks and balances of a hand count of every ballot and the checks and balances of the Executive against the legistlature against the Supreme Court we have no democracy only a field day for fraud and for the unscrupulous to make money any way they can. If we in stupidity continue with Electronic voting we will deserve what we get: A Totalitarian state reminiscent of Hitler and Stalin!!!
The Tao of Willie
Sunday June 4th 2006
I saw Willie Nelson, the Country singer on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart recently. Willie was there to promote his new book written alongside an old friend, Turk Pipkin. Willie Nelson is a seemingly never ending icon and loved by all because of his basic philosophy of life. If you are interested definitely buy the book. However, there are a few ideas I would like to quote from the book here.The first quote is from the introduction by Turk Pipkin "The Time of the Teacher". begin quote page ix."Just like when we were kids playing games on a warm summer evening, the world is still comprised of two basic types of people---hiders and seekers. Hiders are generally happy right where they are, while seekers are more likely to look for something new. In our hearts, most of us know which one we are. There is a third type of person--- the master, one who teaches, inspires, and shows the way for the rest of us. In a game of hide and seek, a master will never be found (at least until they want to be).
Those of us on the student side of life--- hiders and seekers alike--- need teachers to smooth life's bumpy path, or to help us laugh at ourselves when we veer off course and land on our asses. If you're thinking that doesn't apply to you because you haven't landed on your ass lately, just wait. You will." end quote.
Begin quote middle page xi. " If America could sing with one voice," said Emmylou Harris, "it would be Willie's."
"Willy Nelson is a Highwayman. He may have traded his horse for a tour bus, but he still rides into your town, kidnaps your girl's heart, and pockets just enough of your cash to keep his life in order. And you can hardly wait for him to come back and do it again next year.
"It helps if people love you. Another lesson from the master"(willie nelson).end quote
begin quote page xii. "Willie puts it a little more simply. ""When I started counting my blessings", he says, "my whole life turned around.""
"Before long, Willie had helped to heal one of America's greatest divides by inspiring hippies and rednecks to realize that they weren't all that different from each other. The next thing we knew, the rednecks had grown their hair out, the hippies were wearing boots, and you couldn't tell them apart anymore."End quote
Begin quote middle page xiii."Being true to what is unique about himself, he connects us to the best parts of ourselves."
one paragraph ahead. ""If you care too much," Willie once told me on a golf course, "you'll screw up every time." Whether he was talking about golf or life I'm not exactly sure."
And the last quote about Willie Nelson is from Kris Kristofferson from Willie's Book 'Tao of Willy' opposite page 1. "He's a carved-in-granite, samurai poet warrior Gypsy guitar-pickin' wild man with a heart as big as Texas and the greatest sense of humor in the West"-- Kris Kristofferson speaking about his friend Willie. end quotes
I'm not really a big music fan of Willie's what I am is a fan of his philosophy of life. When I was visiting Maui, Hawaii with my family for a few weeks last Christmas I drove through Paia where I lived in 1989. I visited Charlie's a restaurant there that had good food and found out that Willie hangs out a lot there whenever he's in Maui with his friends the owners. I suppose that endearment help me get here to buying the book and feeling happy that there is such a person as Willie Nelson still on the earth with us.
Glastonbury Tull
June 2nd 2006
I was thinking about Saint Germain's Ascension in 1684. As an intuitive I reached in my heart to where that took place. Having been to England in 1999 my spirit was immediately drawn to Glastonbury Tull as the place where Saint Germain would have naturally ascended.
When I visited England I found Glastonbury Tull otherwise known as the Isle of Avalon of King Arthur's time as the single most sacred place I visited in England. Even 10 miles away from my first visit to the Tull the hair on the back of my neck stood up and stayed up until the end of the day when a got at least 10 miles away. It is the supposed location of the "Holy Grail". Whether that is true or not I can't say. However, I found it to be the single most empowering place in England with no other place even coming close to that place. Therefore it is the most likely place that Saint Germain would have Ascended in 1684.
What a Galactic Psychic is?
Friday june 2nd 2006
I had a realization this morning and wanted to share it. I could see the difference between and Earth psychic and a Galactic psychic. An Earth psychic is someone who was born gifted and then survived those gifts into adulthood.(And I know from personal experience that surviving into adulthood with ones gifts and sensibilities intact can be quite an ordeal.)So then an Earth psychic could literally be "a gifted person who experiences Earth to be his or her own body". I am also an Earth psychic. For example when there is going to be an earthquake anywhere on earth I very often feel like I'm going to die. Recently two other gifted people have told me that what I'm sensing is the immanent passing of humans in an earthquake. However, it just feels to me that I'm going to die. After the earthquake occurs I immediately recover within a few seconds of the quake.
In addition to this I appear to be a Galactic psychic as well. I am told becoming a galactic psychic is very rare, especially on earth. I would say that there are presently approximately 10,000 Galactic psychic candidates on earth and that presently there are about 1000 Galactic psychics presently on earth. Of these only about 100 to 500 are fully aware of what they are. About 400 of the 500 of the approximately 1000 are naturals and therefore aren't formally trained like myself. I was chosen to become a galactic psychic because of past soul connections in other lifetimes combined with both genetic capabilities in this lifetime. I have also lived many other lifetimes as a human and other types of beings throughout this galaxy and others.
In my case (I realize now I'm not really permitted to say much about other Galactic psychics for obvious reasons). The Creators who are a race of beings that live billions of year and who create galaxies in order to feed on black holes or more specifically they feed on the energy released when matter and energy move from matter to antimatter and back again. From a Creator's perspective time is speeded up over one billion times what we experience or more. From a Creator's experience the creation and dissolution of a single galaxy takes for them about 100 years in our time and is for the Creator and his or her family the galaxy is their food source. Their experience of the Galaxy would be a lot like a fisherman as he sees the ocean. In other words, "It feeds him and nourishes his or her soul". Also, a Creator does not need Air, water, or food as we know it, only certain types of energy. They like hydrogen fusion and the shift of matter and energy from matter to antimatter. Since they can reverse their polarity to matter or antimatter they can feed both directions both a matter is shifted to antimatter and as antimatter is shifted into matter.
I'm speaking about the Creators because this is the prime requisite to become a Galactic psychic. In other words one must be a dream reality of a retired Creator in order to become a Galactic level psychic. It takes a being already billions of years old to have the basic stability to be the basis of a galactic level psychic. This is because a galactic level psychic must see the whole universe as himself or herself. In this way he or she experiences literally whatever he or she needs to concerning the universe in any time or space.
Upaya or "Skillful Means"
June 1st 2006
The following are quotes from Wikipedia regarding Upaya. I have taken some of the sentences and left others so if you look up upaya you will get your own interpretation. I took the sentences that touched my sensibilities.
begin quotes: "Skill in means" is the ability to bring out the spiritual potentialities of different people by statements or actions which are adjusted to their needs and adapted to their capacity for comprehension.
"skillful means" are important in regards to the actions of a bodhisattva. The idea is that the bodhisattva or practitioner may use any expedient methods in order to help ease the suffering of people, introduce them to the dharma, or help them on the road to nirvana.
The practices and rituals of vajrayana Buddhism are often interpreted as a process of skillful means.
They are understood to be means whereby practitioners use the very misconceptions that are properties of mundane existence to help themselves (and others) to enlightenment.end quotes
The idea as I see it is to permanently end the suffering of as many sentient beings as possible. Simaltaneously one is trying to bring to ultimate bliss these same beings by making them "of one taste" with all the compassionate enlightened beings in all time and space throughout the universe, past present and all futures. This would not only be joining in consciousness with beings like Jesus and Buddha here on earth but joining with all the Saints of Earth who ever have been or ever will be. Then expanding that out to include all the Saints of all Universes.
When I was first introduced to this concept I wasn't sure it was possible. 26 years later I have no doubts that is is possible because I now experience it!
I hope I explain this correctly. The Vajrayana path is a path to enlightenment that can take only one lifetime. It is sometimes called the "diamond path". One perceives oneself becoming a King or Buddha who is becoming a Buddha specificly for the sake of all on the planet and beyond. This approach supercharges the being who takes this path because it is my experience that the divine selves or souls of all sentient beings assist such a commitment being to enlightenment so that their bodies and souls can move to a better, holier and freer way of being throughout all time and space. So the commitment being is supercharged into enlightenment in one lifetime while supercharging the end of suffering and the bringing to enlightenment of all beings by whatever methods are available to the bodhisattva.
Since on this path there are 49,000 correct paths to enlightenment according to Tibetan Buddhism these paths include all the major religions of the world and also include individual paths as well. So the bodhisattva assists through whatever means necessary all beings toward enlightenment and permanent end of suffering.
May 31st 2006
Atoms are not things. They are only tendencies- Heisenberg
Viewed in this way the universe for me becomes a thought, a concept. If that is what the universe really is then to perceive the whole universe as oneself is to understand the universe. By objectively understanding and thereby experiencing the whole universe as oneself one begins to actually encompass the whole universe. By objectively beginning to perceive the whole universe as oneself one may begin to feel peace. By feeling peace one may stop feeling afraid. When one stops feeling afraid ones physiology operates better.
From this new experience of objectivity one can then ask questions of oneself as the universe. From these questions since fear is gone answers may automatically appear. From the peace, the questions and the automatic answers one may know God. From knowing God and having peace one needs nothing else. Whether ones body is alive or whether one has passed over one can then know peace eternally by knowing God in this way.
This is a path to God. I have traveled it and found it perfect.
The Real Jesus
transcribed may 31, 2006
I am writing this to honor the real Jesus who lived and walked among us. I am writing this for those of you who want the real story. For the faithful please do not let the historical truth told now by a precognitive psychic interfere with your faith in any way. For faith is necessary and has nothing to do with history at all. Faith is about trust. Without trust in life and God would any of us choose to live another day?
Since Jesus was in the lineage of King David he would have been inspired by another king 500 years before him, Gautama Buddha. He would have been concerned by the revenge getting "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" that was the standard as he grew up pin the middle east which led to extermination of whole nations by conquerers who didn't want revenge by the children of the dead. To prevent this conquerers simply killed every man woman and child when they conquered a nation.
Jesus would have been looking for a way to avert this calamity and would have seen this ethnic cleansing as a blasphemy upon the house of God. He travelled as a 15 year old to Egypt and then toward the birthplace of Gautama Buddha and like Buddha he studied as an ascetic with Mahasiddhas. In his mid 20's he returned to the middle east and returned to his carpenter trade for a while and planned for a way to make things better for his people since he could see the future and knew his destiny. By this time he understood that the way to go beyond a life of constant revenge was the compassion taught by Buddha in the middle path. He fashioned a teaching that could be understood and used by those in his home community there in the middle east. He fashioned it to be acceptable to the spirits of the people living there at that time. In order to bring the Grace of his new ideas he taught "forgiveness" and of turning the other cheek. Almost 2000 years later Gandhi used this same technique in the form of passive civil disobedience to bring about freedom for India.
So, forgiveness totally changed the middle east over the next 2000 years and beyond. When I visited Nalanda University that was completely destroyed by the Islamic Moghuls between the 1500's and the 1800's with a learned Tibetan Lama, he told me that Tibetan Buddhists believed from records brought to Tibet by Padmasambhava and others from India that Jesus was Saint Issa. Saint Issa came to India from the middle East with his wife that I will presume was Mary Magdelene, who was also descended from a bloodline of kings like Jesus.
After Jesus rose from the dead as he was taught in India, he met Mary Magdelene in France either before or after she had their first daughter, Sarah. After spending some time anonymously in France, Jesus then traveled to India with his family where he could be safe and continue to teach since he was already a recognized Guru there. Eventually when they grew up some of his older children like Sarah returned to France and to England and literally became "Sangreal" , the "Holy Blood" or "Holy Grail" there. By the year 500 AD The Christian church was exterminating anyone who believed that Jesus was just a holy man that we could all aspire to be like as a means of controlling the masses and their money and as a way of controlling their minds. The true status of Mary Magdelene was suppressed so that women could more easily be dominated and controlled by the men of the Church. Any who were caught with these beliefs in Europe were killed in gruesome ways at that time.
So today we likely have millions of descendants of Jesus, the "Sangreal" or Holy Blood throughout the world. It is quite possible that you and I are some of these descendants of Jesus. All those who have spiritual Gifts are quite possibly descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdelene. Since Jesus could speak with God and see the future and heal the sick and the lame and multiply the loaves and since many gifts like this spring from latent gifts in us all it makes sense that those today who have these gifts might be among the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdelene
Since my grandfather told me that I am a descendant of Francis Bacon of England and since he was very gifted both scientifically, logically, rationally and spiritually it is a possibility that he was Sangreal. It is also my belief that since royalty from European nations intermarried as a way to prevent war that many or all the bloodlines of European Royalty contain the "Sangreal" or Holy Blood of Jesus and Mary Magdelene.
Driving and Camping
May 26th 2006
I was having a dream vision last night while asleep and realized that a good way to explain precognitive pscyhic abilities is to compare them to what one does while driving and camping. While driving (if you are a good driver) you are constantly scanning the horizon for people, obstacles, accidents etc. ahead of you on the road. Well, now imagine that you can scan not only space but also time and you get the feeling of what it is like to be a precognitive psychic.
Also, when one is camping, especially when hiking one has to learn to remember landmarks so one doesn't get lost(the same is true of driving a car or truck). The combination of scanning time and space while remembering time and space landmarks is the mark of a good precognitive psychic. Now if one adds kindness and wisdom to the mix then one moves from precognitive psychic to Seer. Then if one adds a direct personal experience of God then that would move one from Seer to Prophet!
Daughter of Prototype
May 25th 2006
I found this recently and liked it. I don't remember whether I used this in the Flame series or not so I thought I would share it. You know how it is some things just have a life of their own.
Daughter of Prototype(Mother of the future) The female octopus waited for food with excitement. She could sense him walking toward her tank. It was the right time of day and she knew he wouldn�t disappoint her. She began by reaching two of her tentacles out of the water in anticipation of her favorite food- squid. Though he would bring other things squid was what she loved the most. She would do anything, learn anything for squid. Her marine biologist handler specializing in octopi behavior research knew this about her, too. He was becoming symbiotic with her in some ways like a man and his dog. She welcomed his food offerings and changed color in her excitement. As he rubbed the squid against her suction cups she could taste the most delicious squid. She quickly moved each squid toward her beak for consumption. The trainer played with her senses. He moved each squid too quickly over her suction cups for her to get a good suction on the squid. She loved this game. It drove her crazy like a game because she knew he would eventually give it to her. (It was really fun for her because she knew through this game she would still eventually get the squid and eat it.) The biologist octopi behaviorist handed her a glass jar. She quickly took the lid off and suctioned the squid inside quickly into her beak mouth. The biologist then did something new. He put a squid inside a pair of pliers and handed the pliers to the octopus. However, this time when she tried to get the squid he pulled it away until the octopus put the pliers into the jar and then he closed the lid. When she opened the lid by unscrewing it he then let her have the squid and left the pliers in the glass jar. He figured she had learned her new behavior for today. As he walked away from her tank he had an odd thought, �What if everything she learned could be passed on down to her children?� The biologist thought to himself how this could be accomplished? Then he had it! All he had to do would be to have the children in separate tanks next to her so they could each see her through a pane of glass or Plexiglas but in such a way that they couldn�t get at each other to harm each other. Then it would simply be a matter of monkey see monkey do! The children would want some squid too and so would duplicate the learning process very quickly as long as they were at the right age to mimic behavior of adult octopi. No octopus could be harmed in this way by any other and all who wanted good food would replicate her behavior. It could work!
Truth-An Essay by Francis Bacon 1561-1626
Since Truth and Compassion I believe are the keys to both wisdom and enlightenment and since the Dalai Lama says, "my religion is kindness", therefore here is an essay on truth by a truly enlightened man. Paste or type the following address if you are interested:
Statistics on Remote viewing
Wednesday the 24th of May 2006
I was exploring "precognition" on wikipedia and as I drilled down through the facts I found this little jewel done by an SRI researcher. Paste or type the address to use it: http://anson.ucdavis.edu/~utts/air2.html
Though I can understand how skeptics might view this, since I live by being a gifted precognitive psychic this all made complete sense to me. My only thought that I wanted to add is that: If you want to try remote viewing it will work better in an emergency where you need to save someone's life. After that paradigm shift occurs you might be able to remote view all sorts of time if it helps you or others survive calamities.
The Swiss Watch
transcribed to online site may 23rd 2006
Note: The following is concerning my writings of Uncle Tommy Travels Time. After the original "clunky" devices were used to send Marine Agents back to 1912 from the late 1930's and 1940's contact was initiated with future time changers. For agents originally from the 1930's and 1940's the future was contact with time changers whose present day was anywhere from the 1950's to the 2050's. Somewhere around 2050 a decision was made that no technology designed and built after July 4th 2057 would be sent back through time to help the cause of freedom for Earth. This was because of technological breakthroughs so incredible that it was unlikely that people from previous times would survive those technologies because the people interfaced with the technologies were psychologically so different from the people in previous decades and centuries.
By the 2030s time travelling technology became so sophisticated that Swiss Army Watches were retrofitted and given some of the new technologies for the 2030s. These 144 watches were given to agents who worked specifically through the United Nations and directly under contract to the Galactic Government to prevent nuclear, chemical, robotic, nano problems or any other problem that could cause the extinction of all cultures and life on earth for any reason. These 144 watches were distributed among the Time changers with a rank of Captain or Higher. This took place mainly in the 1990's and after. The belts that Fred Sr. born in 1916 used were mainly used between the 1940's through the 1990's by officers. The belts are still used today in 2006 but have been fashionable updated. and are used by enlisted men but the swiss watch denotes to all who know, that they are dealing with an officer.
However, given that the earth is a recognized sentient being by the Galaxy, Earth is given carte blanche in her ability to defend herself, her atmosphere, her water and her body from all threats perceived or actual as she wishes. Periodic Global warming followed quickly by an ice age are one way that the earth reduces threats from technology and/or ignorance of her existence and needs.
Jonathan was given one of these retrofitted Swiss watches. Most of these watches maintained a Holy Lemurian Timeline so that one wearing this watch could not get lost on a time fragment. Jonathan's watch travelled not only time but also space by connecting the 50,000 aligned Galaxies. However, only Jonathan could use it and no unauthorized person who even opened the watch would see anything unusual. This is because by 2025 secret agencies had developed sentient robotic constructs. With galactic help these constructs could self modify if an unauthorized person fiddled with what only seemed to be a normal Swiss Army Watch. Since Jonathan had been trained as a Galactic Psychic for the Galactic Time Guard he was liaisoned to the United Nations detail as a researcher. In other words his function was to help the agents with time probabilities by psychic means. So he would be asked what will happen if I do this this way or that way? If authorized Jonathan could tell the optimum time and actions and even thoughts and feelings to have to accomplish a given goal to better life on earth by travelling the past, present and future for the betterment of all.
In this way Jonathan assisted the Galaxy and through them the United Nations and all the people of earth to a better life.
Efficiency and Practicality
May 21st 2006
As I was walking my dogs on the forest trail today I realized that the article following this one is not efficient enough for generating electricity. It might work for increasing the water pressure if watering a field but there are better ways for electricity to be generated. I started to think about general practicality.
For example, my motor home has 2 deep cycle batteries on a separate system from the engine that operates the vehicle. If the deep cycle batteries that were originally designed to hold current generated by Australian windmills are about 1/4 down or in otherwords read 3/4 full it only takes 30 seconds to 1 minute with my AC/DC generator running to fully charge them. Therefore to make the hydraulic telescoping water tank idea really feasible there would have to be no Gasoline or diesel available. And even then if you had a horse pulling a gear driven drive around in a circle to either generate electricity or to use the power directly through gears or belts then that would be much more efficient than the hydraulic system I envisioned.
Also, in the early 1980's I lived with my family on land with no electricity up to 6 months a year. Since this land was at 4000 feet in elevation and since we could get up to 7 feet of snow at one time we found that kerosene Aladdin Lamps (Aladdin being a brand name) were the best way to go in our A-frame house. We found that with one big bright aladdin lamp and one cheap kerosene lamp similar to the ones used 150 years ago and a few candle lanterns available for trips outside at night that that was the best way to go then.
However, now in my motor home 30 seconds to one minute of running the onboard generator would cover all my dc needs lighting and otherwise from 6pm until 10pm or midnight. So at least for me now things have changed.
However, if you were trying to power a makita drill you could get one of those converters that your bicycle fits in and charge it or a makita saw while watching tv by riding your bicycle while watching the tv at the same time charging one or more tool batteries.
Anyway, the following hydraulic idea using the weight of a water tank filled by rainwater might be a good duel use idea (IF) you live on very flat land where the water has no where to go but down into the ground and you get a lot of rain every year. In other words it might be a good idea if there isn't enough slope to make a river or stream electrical impeller generator work where you are and if you live in a place that gets a lot of rain and not much sun.
Water or weight generation of Electrical power
Sunday May 21st 2006
I had a great idea while out in my Hot tub(spa) in the rain. I was thinking about the rain hitting my baseball cap and brim and shoulders and realized just how much weight is in the rain. Then I remembered seeing a program of hydraulicly lifting a house with four hydraulic hoses from a single hydraulic pump which would equalize the hydraulic fluid between the four corners of the house and thereby lift the house equally vertically from all four points. I was thinking of a way to utilize the weight of the rain once gathered for personal use after it falls. One way to do this I realized would be to start with an aluminum water tank around 8 to ten feet in diameter both width and height. then pop the roof off of the water tank and instead install an either manual system of plastic 8 ml plastic that would increase the water gathering space of the tank by double or triple thereby increasing the water in the tank from the rain quicker.In addition one could then install a screen to filter out bugs and small objects flying on the wind. If this screen was in the shape of a slightly flattened cone then falling rain would dislodge most small objects down the side of the screen and would require less cleaning in the long run. If you planned to drink this water(because it is left open to the air etc. one would have to filter or boil or distill the water if drinking it. (your choice) If one was present at that location most of the time then one could supervise all this. Otherwise one would have to install a system that electrically opened the top plastic wings to about 20 or 30 feet in diameter but would close back up to the original 8 to 10 feet in diameter if the wind accompanying the rain increased to a velocity about 5 to 10 mph.
By doing all these things and putting the 8 to 10 foot diameter roofless watertank at least 20 feet high at the bottom of the tank suspended on 4 telescoping hydraulic legs. With these Hydraulic legs in place after the tank became half or more full one would then have a water supply and a generating source for short term AC electrical power or long term DC power.The hydraulic force generated by the weight of the water could be compressed through a pump that would be tied to an AC (short term) or DC(long term) battery generation. Though the initial cost might be high the long term positive personal effects in your life could be permanently going off the utility power grid for the rest of your lives!
This would be an especially good power source for places where there are high amounts of rain and low amounts of sun or running rivers on the property.
Places where there is wind and sun could use solar cells and wind generator to generate personal electricity on your property.
If there is wind where you live try to work to make it legal for you to generate wind power from your roof or veranda to reduce your dependance on fossil fuels. You might even be able to generate enough wind power to sell back to the utility companies!
I had another idea regarding using weight to generate power. Most of you probably know that the braking systems of most new hybrids generate electricity. Well, by using gravity in the form of water weight or rocks or trees on an inclined plane or vertical drop could also generate electricity. The electrical generator could also act as a braking mechanism so that the load didn't drop too fast. The electricity generated could then be used to lift the empty carrier up for the next load and the next and the next!
May 20th 2006
Whatever your faith it keeps you and your family alive. Your faith in God keeps you and your family alive! It does not depend at all on written things. Your faith is what is important. I remember Chakdud Tulku while he was still physically with us told me a story about a friend of his who had become completely enlightened meditating on a dogs tooth because he believed it was the tooth of the Buddha. When it was scientifically analyzed later it turned out to belong to a dog. However, this man attained enlighenment believing it to be Buddha's tooth. The same is true of the christian faith. If what you believe works for you then you don't need to be historically accurate. History is for those interested in History like myself. Don't let your faith be harmed by movies like the Da Vinci code. Faith is important for its own sake. Faith is like trust in life in many ways. Because history after all is only what might have happened. Faith is here and now. At best we have less than a 10% chance of understanding anything beyond our own experiences for many reasons. Keep your faith close and remember History is written only by the winners of conflicts. That should tell you a lot right there about history!
The Da Vinci Code
May 20th 2006
I wrote a movie review a yahoo about the Da Vinci Code. I saw it Friday when it opened. I called my review "Not for the Faint of Heart". Having read the book I found the movie emotionally difficult both because of the gruesome murders but also the religious shocks. When I read the book with my wife we enjoyed it over several weeks. To have these same shocks assailing one over only 2 hours was a bit much for me. However, I still gave the movie and A- because by really filming in the Louvre and other real places it made the audience really feel like we were living history which was a really great feeling even though it was an illusion of course. Still I give the movie an A- and consider the book the best "who done it?" story of the last 50 years!
Those who can do. Those who can't teach-Camu
May 19th 2006
After speaking with God and being changed by meeting God face to face I did from 1970 to 1999. Then from 1999 after God almost killed me with a heart virus I was asked to stay alive and teach. One of the ways that I teach you are now benefitting from in reading this.
I am a lifelong precognitive psychic. I have long considered myself a Seer. However, now I'm beginning to understand that God sees me as a prophet. I'm not really interested in starting another religion because as a young man I saw that people had already so many religions to choose from that the average person was very confused about the whole thing. So that is not my purpose. I see my purpose as trying to convince you to train your children to survive what is coming. Though we could all die and just give up I believe that God wants some of us to live on to populate the earth for hundreds of thousands of years to come and to populate the galaxy with enlightened human beings.Within 30 years most technology will be just about as useful for a while as a toilet in the forest. For those of you who have wandered wild forests you know you don't need a toilet because you do what animals do when they have to go.
After technology has adapted to severe weather changes then it might be useful for short periods of time before technology has to severely adapt again. I'm writing for the people who intend for their children to survive what is coming. When things really get bad within 30 years many people will abandon their children and some parents will take the lives of their family rather than live without things like computers, cars, tv's etc.
However, if you have read this far you are not one of those. You are a survivor like me. The survivor TV shows and the TV show Lost are very useful because in watching them you and your children will learn part of what they need to survive what is coming. The problems won't come all at once. One year there will be something like the tsunami that killed 200,000. The next year there will be a Hurricane Katrina that kills 2000 or more. The next year there will be a drought caused by no snow to melt during the late summer and fall that kills 500,000 worldwide. These are the kinds of things that we will face as a world human civilization.
Films like Al Gore's are very well and good but the real tipping point for global warming was the whole 20th century. Now its too late to do anything serious but prepare psychologically and technologically and to prepare your children and their children for what is coming. This century wars are not the problem.
For example, how many people have died in the last 5 years of the terrorist war? At most maybe 50,000 people have died so far world wide! That is nothing compared to Rwanda and Rwanda is nothing compared to World War II when 20 million Russians died in that war alone. At least 10 million or more died in Europe and that might not include the jews that were ethnicly cleansed that numbered at least 6 million. In addition to this 1 million Americans died and I don't know how many Japanese and Chinese? It is possible that as many as 50 million people died in World War II worldwide. So as you can see 50,000 isn't anything at all. We just aren't used to war like our parents and grandparents were.
So what I'm saying is that the number one thing to prepare for is weather and earthquake related changes. After the next 30 years the people who will survive aren't those with technology. The people who survive have a shaman, priest or Seer that can tell them what is coming next. If you or your children don't have these abilities then try to find someone you trust in your family that does. If that doesn't work find someone who has these abilities and adopt them and learn from them. You only have about 30 years until this is as necessary as breathing. Look for someone gifted who doesn't lose it in an emergency. Look for someone practical, intelligent, but also kind and gifted to learn from. Remember, if an ant is your guru, feed him. It could be your gardener, a home builder, a priest, a minister, a college professor or even a young male or female college student or college grad. Be observant. This person will give you what you and your children need to stay alive when things get rough.
A useful message for all psychics
may 2006 I have been a precognitive psychic for all my life. I have also been I suppose what could be called a remote viewer by soul travelling consciously since I was about 22. I am now 58 years old. If you are interested in functioning safely as a psychic then I would recommend fostering kindness to all beings in all time and space. One can be extremely psychicly gifted but without fostering kindness toward all beings I have found these skills completely useless and counterproductive for a soul in a body anywhere in the universe. However, with kindness toward all beings no matter the size I have been able to soul travel and to physically travel and to help beings all over the earth and through soul travelling to help beings in about 50,000 galaxies.My spiritual teachers wanted me to relay to you that the positive effect of our work together actually goes far beyond that. You may think this odd but as a soul travelling pilgrim if you are completely sincere and non harmful you can travel not only this galaxy but beyond as a kindness fostering psychic soul travelling pilgrim.
Ganden Monastery?
May 18th 2006
A few nights ago I had a very clear dream. In the dream I dreamed of Ganden Monastery near Lhasa, Tibet. For me, what is odd about this is that I have never physically been to this location in this lifetime. In the dream I saw the monastery surrounded by miles and miles of alpine hills above the tree line covered with a light green close to the ground grass that one would see only in springtime. When I awoke I went to one of my computers that is connected online and looked up Ganden Monastery. There were pictures available and except for there being more buildings and houses there than when I must have lived there in a previous lifetime it looked similar to my dream. Even for me this was an odd occurance.
I mentioned this experience to Miss Bobby Jean who is mentioned in one of my journal entries below this one by phone and she said she also felt this was an important dream. I told her my first impulse was to try to go there within the next year but then realized that this was a past life dream and that the Lhasa Ganden Monastery is mostly now a Chinese Tourist attraction for international tourists rather than being able to be what it once was before the 1950's.
I then thought about going to the new Ganden Monastery built in India by Tibetan Refugees, Lamas and monks but realized that wasn't what the dream was about either. Both of us agreed that whatever this was about that it would naturally unfold like a budding flower that naturally blooms when its time has come.
I also learned that this was a Gelukpa Tibetan Buddhist Monastery associated with Tsong Kapa the founder of the Gelukpa sect of Tibetan Buddhism in the 1600 or 1700's. Also, it is important to understand that this is the Dalai Lama's sect. In order of their appearance on earth there were the Nyingmas in about 800 to 900 ad which was founded by an Indian Mahasiddha from Afghanistan called Padmasambhava who achieved enlightenment mostly in India and who represented Buddhists in India to the Tibetan King Trison Detson in Lhasa. Then there is the Kargu founded by Marpa the Translator and his student Mila Respa, the most beloved Tibetan Saint around the 1100's. Then there are the Gelukpas and the Sakyas in the 1600's and 1700's. It is my understanding that the Sakyas once were a part of the Gelukpas and then split off into their own lineage.
It is my present understanding that the Nyingmas and the Kagyus are more into the supernatural i.e. levitation, physical healing and stuff like that. Whereas the Gelukpas and the Sakyas are more into intellectual pursuits, politics, and philosophical debate. So it is my understanding that if you want to be physically healed supernaturally you would go to a Nyingma or Kagyu Tulku or doctor. If you wanted to be treated in a more traditional medical way you might go to a Gelukpa or Sakya.
It is important to note that in the 20th and 21st centuries most Tulkus, Lamas and monks and lay practitioners have Tibetan Buddhist initiations and practices from all lineages. To be ecumenical in this way is to be called Remay or all inclusive. For example I have received Nyingma, Kagyu and Gelukpa initiations and so would be considered Remay. However, since there are 49,000 correct paths in Buddhism, they more than include every compassionate path on earth including Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Zorastrianism, Sufi as well as many other lesser known paths to enlightenment and bliss and the heaven realms.
There are many reincarnating High Lamas the first of which was the Karmapa lineage. He has always been known to be the most supernaturally powerful. There was a wonderful story of how his aunt was old and in the United States and had waited too long during a puja and had to relieve her bladder. Her pain was so great that she simply stood up and walked through a wall to accomplish her task. There are also many stories of the previous Karmapa fading out while in meditation to the point you could no longer see him during puja. There are also photos of this phenomenon.
The Dalai Lama has been recognized I believe as the head of all lineages since about the 1600's or 1700's. He is considered to be an incarnation of Avaloketesvara or Buddha of Compassion. His compassion and understanding has always been the family fabrick of Tibetan Buddhism since his incarnation in the 1700's.
St. Issa is Jesus?
May 17th 2006
Someone at CNN on tv was asking if anyone had any information about Jesus being married and having children so I sent them an email this is what my email said:
Dear Cnn-Oddly enough there may be some truth to it all thought from an entirely
different source. While I was travelling in India I found out about Tibetan
Buddhist records that came up from India before the Islamics wiped out the
Buddhist culture there in India and destroyed the buddhist Nalanda University. These records speak of a Saint Issa that came
from the mideast with his wife and who was a spiritual teacher there who had
many children with his wife and since the Aramaic name for Jesus is Yesu which
transliterated could be Issa then it is possible that jesus and his wife
migrated to India where he became a spiritaul teacher and passed on in his 80's.
By the way raising ones body from the dead is something that has been taught in
India to adepts for at least 10,000 years.
I hope the is useful Fred in California
In addition to this I will say here my personal conjecture as a precognitive psychic.(This ability also can look into the past like psychometry of objects). While I was travelling through the ruins of Nalanda University which is the likely location of where the duplicate records came from that were sent to Lhasa to one or more of the Buddhist Monasteries near the seat of Government the Lama who was a Tibetan Buddhist Gelukpa Geshe and a very learned man mentioned to me of Saint Issa and how Tibetans Buddhists believed that this was Jesus from the ancient records of him. The Geshe didn't know the name of his wife or children. It appeared he might have had as many children as his mother, mary, for the Geshe spoke of at least 5 to 10 children.
If this is true then if you do the math Jesus could be related to many of the East Indians in India and his genetic material could easily have spread to millions of people living in Asia the Middle east as well as the United States and Europe.
Novum Organum by Francis Bacon
May 16th 2006
I found an English translation of Novum Organum from the original latin in english " true directions concerning the interpretation of Nature"
written in 1620 by Francis Bacon of England. Since Sir Francis Bacon is considered today one of the founders of the Scientific method of rational inquiry what he said then is just as useful today. here is the internet address for you to type in or paste. http://www.constitution.org/bacon/nov_org.htm
May 16th 2006
The definition of freethought from Wikipedia: freethought is scientific inquiry unrestricted by tradition, authority, established belief, preconception, prejudice or any agenda that might compromise the free exercise of thought and the reliability and validity of ones conclusions.
I have tried to conduct my thinking always this way. I don't believe anyone entirely succeeds because of nationalism, religious and philosophical indoctrination, political views etc. However, this has always been my goal. In addition to free thinking I practice compassion toward all beings in the universe. Though it is quite common for some to practice compassion towards others it is rare when one can truly be compassionate to oneself.
It is my very strongly held belief that free thinking combined with infinite wise right mindful compassion toward oneself and others is the key to full enlightenment of all beings.
A Prophet?
May 15th 2006
The definition of a prophet from Wikipedia is: a person who has directly encountered God, of whose intentions he can then speak.
I suppose by this definition I could be considered a prophet. However, I think it important to describe the conditions so you can make your own decision. At the time I was around 21 and suicidal from being excommunicated from my church. One day I had just had enough of this world and said to God,"God if you don't show yourself to me this week I will kill myself because then I will know you don't exist. These were my terms to stay alive. Sure enough within 2 days I found myself in a place that reminded me of the Orion Nebula. A noncorporeal being of no descernable sex floated to me and said, "I am the God that created you. It was a pure energy form and not human in any way except my imagining for it to be anthropormorphic so I could cope. The God that created me said, "I created you because I was (bored) (empty)note: over time I think the thought that God put into my head was empty rather than the bored I thought at the time. You see, I was in shock from the experience and was terrified out of my mind from meeting God. If you can imagine a nail next to the most powerful electromagnet you can imagine then you know me, the nail has never been the same again. It would be useful to say that I died and then stayed alive or maybe born again might be the right way to say it. When I found myself back on earth I shook and was disoriented for some time. I could speak to family and friends but I was in severe psychological shock as God had installed a new paradigm into me. After God said, "I created you because I was empty. I created you as a form of entertainment for me. You must never harm another being no matter how large or how small as all beings are me. I created them all to entertain me so I don't feel empty and alone. Time and space have no meaning to me only to you the created. If you harm another being that I have created it would be like cutting off one of God's many many fingers. Each finger represents a being." So I said to God, "What is the purpose of life?" God said, "The purpose of life is to love and bless all life!"
It took me about two weeks to cope with what God had shown me and I will tell you that I have never been the same since. Though this experience was in 1970 it is still as clear to me as if it happened yesterday. Since then I have been ashamed that I ever seriously considered suicide as I see that even harming myself would be an offense to God. Since then I have had peace in knowing for sure that God is real.
In the last few years I have written about the Creators who created this Galaxy. It is now my belief that I met the relatively immortal Creator that personally created me who also Created this Galaxy along with his wife?
Once one meets God or a god because I now believe both is possible one is never the same again. But I think it is also important that if you ask a question that one must prepare oneself for the answer because the answer might be much more than you presently expect!
Solar Plasma Beings
May 13th 2006
I have been having psychic and supernormal experiences my whole life. Some people say they don't experience these kinds of things. I both envy and feel sorry for people who don't experience these kinds of events. For I have found that understanding these events can constantly save ones life and others.
Though psychic and supernormal events can be difficult for someone to understand when young as I have grown older I have found these experiences extremely valuable both to myself and to others as I have grown used to them and experienced the absolutely amazing usefulness of being shown things before they actually happen. It has allowed me to save myself and others from innumerable harms during my life. I am grateful to God for giving me these experiences.
When I was about 21 or 22 I began to experience soul travel at will. I had done this all my life but didn't fully undertand enough to consciously do it until I was 21 or 22.After I had tired of exploring the earth out of my body I realized I could travel to other planets since a soul body doesn't have to breathe air or have an atmosphere. I went to Venus and found that there were no physical beings that lived there that would be similar to humans. However, there were beings in soul form who still lived there that appeared to be like me, human. I assumed at the time that these were souls of the beings that had lived there and had past on. However, at this point I realize that may or may not be true. However, when I told them I wanted to go to the center of the Galaxy to see God at first they gave me a strange look. Later, however, they said I should go into the sun and talk to the solar plasma beings. That is not what the Venusians called them nor is that what the solar plasma beings call themselves. This is my name for them in describing what they really are physically.
I was speaking with some of the solar plasma beings today about what had really happened to me. They described their experiene of what that time was like for them. When I arrived they placed me in what I perceived as a chair or throne like device. I asked today if they saw me go to the center of the galaxy. They said, "No. The what you call "soul" body you came to us in doesn't leave the solar system. You had to go to the center of the galaxy in an even finer body than what you call your soul body. We were concerned that your body on earth would die when your finer body left your soul body in the sun and went to the center of the Galaxy. However, it was a great surprise to us and an amazing scientific experiment that you stayed alive during all this. Our experience over the two years that you were in the center of the galaxy was you sleepwalking around the sun having these experiences in the center of the galaxy in your finer body. We recorded for posterity all that you experienced while gone. However, your physical body on earth only passed through about 20 hours of unconsciousness while your finer body experienced about 2 years. Our experience of your time in the center of the galaxy was 2 years also. We recorded this experience for posterity for it is extremely unusual that one could survive physically in a body on earth after what you did."
Fred here again: sometimes I find it hard to speak about all these things. However, I record my experiences for posterity just like priests and shamans have shared their experiences in order to make their tribes wiser and stronger for thousands of years. For me all this is about understanding that spirit is a science that springs from religious practices and thought in the same way that all sciences sprang from philosophy originally.
The Long Term Problem of NSA Wiretapping
may 10th 2006
Today USA Today informed us that many or all calls made within the United states are wiretapped in some way. The long term problem with this is that the state of war we are now in could be compared to the War on Drugs. In otherwords it is a never ending war against terrorists. Since it is no longer practical because of nuclear weapons for any country to go to war against the United States it is theoretically possible for this "War" against Terrorists to still be going on 5,10,50,100 or even 1000 years from now. Though some US Citizens might be willing to give up their Rights to privacy for a few years I think none of us will be willing to give our childrens, our grandchildrens and even our great great grandchildrens right to privacy forever away to who knows who. So the question becomes when does the wiretapping end and secondly which century does this war end in? I personally am not willing to give up my privacy for the rest of my life for the war on terrorism because that is just giving in to scare mongers whether they call themselves republicans or nazis or totalitarian communists or whatever. World War II was only a few years. This war has already been 5 years! When will it end???
Ode to Bobby Jean
May 10th 2006
Have you ever heard "There but for the Grace of God go I!" Well, Bobby Jean came into my life when I was 21 and suicidal from being excommunicated from the religion I was raised in. At the time my mother and father were trying to figure out how to keep me alive until I started a new life outside my religion. Since Mom was very intuitive she enlisted Bobby Jean to help me. She knew Bobby Jean was very psychic and might help me through this phase.
What was bothering me at the time was not the loss of the religion. It was the loss of all my friends all over the world in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland and the United States and Canada as well as the girl I had intended to marry from Michigan. For me, God, Jesus and Saint Germain had ALWAYS been a direct connection. I never had a real need for ANYONE to come between me and God like a minister or a priest does. In otherwords I was a natural mystic, and a natural shaman even though at that time I didn't know what a real shaman was.
Anyway, imagine you are 21 years old and suicidal and that young women are very attracted to you because you are 6 feet 4 inches tall and handsome even though you are pretty depressed and secretly suicidal. So here comes a divorced 40 year old that looks like Jayne Mansfield with platinum blonde hair and a figure to match. Your mother tells you "Go hang out with this woman she is a member of our church and I think she can help you." What would you think? Anyway, I was lucky because in the end she helped me stay alive and became a lifelong friend unlike anyone else I know. We still talk on the phone and I still give her credit for keeping me alive.
This is how she did it. At one point I was in her living room and she said, "Would you like to see the angels?" I said, "Yes!" Soon I noticed the energy in the room changing and becoming lighter and brighter. Eventually Bobby Jean summoned angels of different attributes and qualities. When I was two years old I had seen Arcangel Michael and his band but when she summoned the angels what I saw that day was large lights of different colors. At first she summoned Blue angels in order to protect the space we were in. By the way Arcangel Michael comes to me as a blue energy or light when he is interested in communicating with me. Next, Bobby Jean summoned pink light angels and then White light angels. I felt lifted and euphoric from the experience for days after this experience.
What happened to me as a direct result of all this was that I realized I didn't have to kill myself because I could experience Heaven right here on earth by continuing to do as Bobby Jean had taught me that day. This fundamentally changed the way I saw my place on earth and the way I related to the entire universe and God and heaven and the angels.
I began to solidify in my self awareness as an agent of God and his angels. I began more and more to be directed into situations so that I could be a prayer anchorpoint to invoke unbelievably powerful angels into whatever situation I was witnessing. I found this to be incredibly effective in bringing about God's desires into all situations I witnessed.
The more that I did this peacefully an joyfully the more angels surrounded me and my family and friends wherever I was or wherever my attention was drawn to invoke powerful angels. This became my mission in life to invoke angels as needed depending upon the situation.
By invoking God's angels and showing me how to do this Bobby Jean not only facilitated me on my life's path but also prevented my death along with the help of the angels.
New CIA Head?
May 8th 2006
There are two things that I feel very strongly about concerning the CIA. The first is that I very strongly believe that NO CIA head should ever become president of the United States because of his capacity to blackmail everyone in government. I also feel that no head of the FBI should ever become president either for the same reason. The second thing that I feel strongly about is that no military man should ever be made head of either the FBI or the CIA in order to keep the FBI and the CIA civilian agencies.
This is even more important in an era of a professional army of all volunteers. The danger of any country on earth that has mainly a professional military of all volunteers rather than a draft is that these armies historically in most of the world tend to overthrow their governments and install a military hunta in place of a president or prime minister and congress. Not only is a separation of church and state important but a separation needs to be between a civilian government and lifetime military professionals.
Without a separation of both church and state as well as a separation of a civilian government from its professional military the free government is poptentially doomed to extinction to be taken over by a military hunta similar to a Hitlerian one in our case.
Francis Bacon's New Atlantis
May 4th 2006
I found an internet address where you may read Francis Bacon's New Atlantis. It is at: http://www.sirbacon.org/links/newatlantis.htm
Paste the address to go there or just type it in.
Practical Nationalizing of oil companies for democracies
May 5th 2006
Please remember I am a precognitive psychic and would not recommend this unless I saw no alternative for the survival of the global economy. I see the alternative to this at least in the short run as a real return to a 19th century like global economy.
Since we live in democracies our object is not to steal the profits of the worldwide oil company investors. However, we must remember our object is only to save our way of life. The way to practically do this is to have (at first) the U.S. President and his cabinet take over as CEO and Board of all oil companies who pump gas or refine oil inside the United STates. For the moment they would all be run the same. The price of Gas and Diesel would be set by what the nation could afford similar to the post office.
The assets of the oil companies would be set up in a blind trust similar to what a president does with his assets. The only difference would be that the stocks of these blind trust oil companies would still be bought and sold. The motivation for buying these oil stocks would be the same reason people buy US Savings Bonds in time of war. Since we are in a time of war in which oil is being used as a weapon against the free world it would be quite easy for the President to declare a national emergency and to temporarily nationalize the big five oil companies in the United States.
Nationalizing American Oil Companies?
May 2nd 2006
I was thinking today of the best way to reduce gas and oil prices in the United States in addition to ending all gas taxes. The best way I could come up with is for congress to threaten the oil companies with nationalizing all oil that comes out of the ground or that is refined in the United States. By doing this government could then force the sale of all oil produced to the United States Oil reserves which would then set its own price according to the needs of US Citizens. The alternative seems to be the virtual end of a prosperous United States not to speak of the incredible damage being done to 2nd and 3rd world nations by the incredible increase in gas prices.
Once Congress threatens the big 5 oil companies in the US with nationalization hopefully that will begin the decline of gas and oil prices. If that doesn't do it then Nationalization of all oil coming out of the ground or refined in the United STates would do the trick. The government could then set a fair price of about $1.25 a gallon and then the United States would be okay no matter what happened to anyone else in the world. This could be done easily as we are at war and likely will soon be at war with Iran as well. I presently don't see another way to avoid a depression in the United States worse than the 1930's if something like this isn't done soon.
The Time Changer?
Sunday April 30th 2006
There is a movie made in 2002 called the Time Changer that I believe was in part inspired by someone reading my writings. However, I write about time travel mainly to inform the public that time, past,present and future has been, is being and will continue to change by millions of people who travel time and change it for many reasons. It is not one person changing time it is millions from this planet and others. Because of this I consider my writings to be a public service announcement as well as a form of entertainment. So mainly I consider my writings to be educational to help individuals have a higher quality of life in the past, present and future. It may interest you to know that individuals read my writings in the deep past, present and deep future for many different reasons if for no other reason than that they can!!!
April 29th 2006
I write this to honor my birth mother and all the compassion and common sense and wisdom and kindness both she and her mother showed me while they were alive.
In my life I have experienced one or more soul riders. The one I know the best is known to me in print as His Oneness but known to me as a child as The Great Divine Director, The Lord Maha Chohan or simply as the Master R. I believe him to be the Christ of Ancient Lemuria. In the time of our Jesus Christ many who had known the Master R as Christ in ancient Lemuria in previous incarnations probably expected Jesus to rule on earth as then as a God King with supernatural powers. However, this is another time, another civilization that we have lived in for the last 6000 years or so.
Though I remember quite clearly being a member of the Roman Centurian that witnessed the Crucifiction I also remember that I shortly thereafter became a follower of the teachings of Jesus now known as a Christian.
However, I'm now dealing with another soul rider and I'm growing beyond the initial terror of having a soul rider that I first experienced as a child. In this case I was sleeping on my right side as the Lamas say to do and was aware of a grey mass of energy trying to enter my body through my left side near my heart. I woke up swiftly to fight off whatever this was and to push it out of my body. However, it was lodged in my left arm, my left leg and halfway into my heart. Now, some people at this point might die of a heart attack in terror especially children and those not used to dealing with the supernatural. However, I have had a lot of experience myself. I have learned since I was a child that when dealing with something supernatural one must first take the attitude of fearlessness like a warrior to survive such encounters. It does not matter whether what you are dealing with is good, bad or neutral if it is supernatural you must not freak out otherwise very bad things can happen to you physically, mentally and spiritually. This I learned very young.
Since I am a survivor of childhood epilepsy from age 10 to 15 I know a lot about this especially because my father forbade my using any medicines to prevent the nightime seizures about once every 6 months or so. Since these seizures were much more terrifying that being murdered with a knife or strangling because it is ones soul that gets attacked or changed in the process I was suicidal at the time because suicide was better than having the experience of the seizures.
However, because I didn't use any medicines at the time and had to survive by mind over matter I, today am very useful to you, my friends and family and to myself because my survival has led to me becoming a very psychic Seer, and metaphysician and an Adept of Christian Mysticism as well as Tibetan Buddhism and obviously the Science of how to make what I think and feel manifest when I know that God approves of my doing so. Since every time I ask God for what I need every aspect of my life changes when he grants this wish I have learned only to ask for these needs in emergencies because it is so disorienting when I am given what I ask for because where I live and most of the people in my life change whenever God grants my emergency wishes. I know other people ask for little things all the time but for me I don't find that useful. I ask for big things and fundamental changes to my life and even though it can be confusing for a while it works for me in the long run.
If you've noticed I've been rambling because I'm a little uncomfortable of the subject of Cording. I turned 58 yesterday and so I feel I owe both you and myself a better understanding of what is happening to me.
After the Grey mass entered my body it never entirely left no matter who I prayed to or whatever I did. This made me realize that God had some purpose in this occurance even though I did not find it pleasant. I was disoriented to have what I believed to be my mother's consciousness attached to my body and consciousness this way. My mother was a very spiritually gifted person like myself until she got senile dementia. The dementia has affected only her memories but not her supernatural powers. So now I have to deal with not only her spiritual abilities but now she has no boundaries, no walls, no formal ethics and is instead wild and primal much like an animal in her use of these gifts. The night I was corded I was pretty frightened because it reminded me of childhood epilepsy and I had to fight of my childhood terrors. I also had to reevaluate what had really happened to me as a child in regard to my mother, my father, my grandmother and even my mother's father in a supernatural sense which I found very disturbing. Since my most powerful prayers, decrees, and mantras did not fully dislodge this grey spirit that I considered part of my mother I came to believe that God had some hand in this. I felt a little vampired but finally one week later, Mother Mary the Mother of Jesus came into my room and I smelled the Roses that are her fragrance as an Ascended Master. I felt at peace and healed but also reinvigorated in a new way. Moments later a lady I know who is a metaphysician called me on the phone and told me that what was happening to me is called "Cording". In other words the silver cord that connects the soul to ones body and is seen many times while astral projecting is often connected to the living person by the dying or dead person. She told me that I had to have a powerful metaphysician cut it off supernaturally.
However, my spiritual teachers have not told me to do this. Since my mother was maybe the most powerful metaphysician I've ever known in her own way I realized she is somehow passing her spiritual mantle to me and in some ways to live on through me. What I've noticed is even when I felt a little vampired by this I haven't felt the grief of my mother's passing like I did before. It is like the best of my mother is here with me. Beyond that, it is like the best of all my ancestor's from Scotland are here with me too! When I visited Scotland in 1999 I felt all my ancestors from my mothers side greet me and love me. It brought tears to my eyes when I experienced this. I felt my ancestors encouragement to go on and have a good life and to create a good life for my children and to teach them to do the same. So I guess I'm witnessing to you that if you are corded by a dying or dead relative think about what I'm telling you and pray a lot to God to find out what is best for you and all beings!!!
April 25th 2006
Brazil is or will shortly become completely energy self sufficient. I think there are only a few countries like this. Some of them are Iceland using geothermal and hydrogen, Venezuela using their vast oil reserves and except for refinery capacity Saudi Arabia and Iran. There may be more that I'm not presently aware of. But all the rest of the developing and developed nations are being screwed over the price of the price of oil. For elements in nations like Iran, oil is now viewed as the primary weapon of blackmail toward the US and the EU and the rest of the western world. Soon it may blackmail like it is now doing with oil with nuclear weapons so we better get used to this.
However, the US like Brazil is capable of being self sustaining with a blend of 75% ethanol and about 25% oil once multi and dual fuel cars start churning en masse out of detroit and Japan. The biggest problem in all this is the oil companies. They just made the most money they have ever made in one year. My question is how many people will they covertly assasinate and blackmail to prevent our conversion to ethanol, hydrogen and solar. So the biggest single threat to the economy of the United States is not Osama or Iran it is greedy oil multinationals. Their greed could destroy the world economy within 10 years!!! This combined with many more Katrina large city detroying storms increasing in frequency could spell the end of the Global economy and throw us back to the 19th Century in a real sense.
Why I'm A Seer
Monday april 24th 2006
I'm a Seer, I believe because that is what God wanted me to be. Seeing the future the way it will happen if nothing major changes and sharing this with you allows both you and I to change the future, to perfect the future. To understand what it is like for me now to be a Seer Imagine that you can see that the past, present and future are constantly changing through conscious choices and accidents. By creating conscious choices that are well thought out and wise we each help to create a better future for all beings. Sure, so called accidents can still happen. But by helping to create a better future for all we each have the satisfaction of a job well done and the altruistic satisfaction of reducing the suffering of ourselves and all the others both now and in the future.
Why I write
Saturday april 22nd 2006
In about one week I will be 58. When I was 21 years old I lived near San Diego, California. At that time I had just been excommunicated from a religion I was raised in so I had lost all my church friends around the world. The girl I loved and had intended to marry was a member of my religion but had decided to marry me and remain celibate. I knew this wasn't going to work for me so I broke it off with her after going steady for 2 years. I found I couldn't live without her and became very despondant and suicidal. The excommunication only increased my pain. I could not think of a reason to go on. So I prayed to God to give me a reason to go on. Otherwise, I intended to take my own life that year.
One night much to my surprise to silvery garbed beings appeared to me in my home. They said they were from the future and told me that something I would do in this lifetime would help prevent the permanent exctinction of the human race on earth. So I said even though I would rather die that I pledged to them that I would live on to benefit life here on earth. I told them that even though I would prefer to die that I would go on living to help keep life on earth alive and to make life better here for all. I kept me word. I'm now 58 and have made my life about making life better for others while I lived. Even though my goal has never been to become rich I find myself a custodian now of great wealth. I see this wealth as spiritual in nature but it also manifests in many ways. I have lived the saying "What goes around comes around" so I tend to look upon my good fortune as what comes from living a good life dedicated to helping other souls to a better life in this world and the next.
I write for those who "have eyes to see and ears to hear". Not everyone will get at first what I'm writing about. I write what I see as secret "tormas" or secret teachings. I believe torma or terma is a tibetan word meaning secret teachings. Another word would be Tantric or secret teachings. Those who understand the partial or the full significance of what I write will be empowered naturally in the course of their lives to save mankind from extinction. Those who save my writings on their computers or as printouts will pick them up some time in the future maybe years from now and begin to more fully understand what I'm writing about.
For example, when a reincarnated Tibetan tulku is born, he or she doesn not necesarily know that he or she is a reincarnated tulku. It isn't until age 30 to 50 that a reincarnated tulku knows what he or she really is. The knowledge slowly unfolds like a flower opens to the sunlight on a good day. When I first wrote the first few pages of "Arcane" in 1980 I thought I was just writing science fiction. It wasn't until 1999 when I almost died of a heart virus that I finally realized it was a past life memory that I already had lived in the far future of a life that lasted thousands of years on multiple planets including this one. I believe that my precognition of the future is because I have already lived through these times and lived in the future of this world and many others. I have now reincarnated far into the past of where I used to live. It is for this reason that I can be as valuable to you as I now can.
What Is Death?
When my father passed on in 1985 I read enough of the book Death and Dying by Elizabeth Kubla Ross to think that I knew what death was. Even then though I had no idea what the passing of my father would do to my life or how my life would change as a result. Now my mother and my wife's father both seem to be transitioning this year as I write this. In 1999, my wife's mother and her stepmother both passed on within 2 months. My wife, who was then 5 months pregnant had a miscarriage within a month of her mother's passing. The next two years were very difficult for her and difficult for me as well trying to keep my wife's feet on the ground so to speak. However, now the passing of my mother and my wife's father everything is affecting me more.
I used to talk one way with people who didn't necessarily believe in an afterlife and another way with people that I knew who did believe in an afterlife. But now all that is falling away. In order to cope with these two new passings I must be true to what I believe and only have one truth of what so called death is. I witness here to you that death is not death. Instead death is a transition like we experience when we go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning. This is my experience and always has been. However, now this new set of experiences demands that I witness what I experience as truth every day.
In India it is said that the quickest path to enlightenment is to meditate upon death. I think I understand this better now. It is even said that when Gautama Buddha witnessed aging and death as a young man it completely changed him and this began his path to Buddhahood. It is in confronting our mortality that we get real both on earth and afterward. Especially, in America or Europe it can be easy if one is raised middle class or above that to live in a fantasyland where death doesn't exist. Parents in the US tend to shield young children from death. However, it is only through facing death face to face that one can begin ones path to God and enlightenment.
Facing the unknown's of a relative's or a good friends eminent passing may take one to grief but it should also take one to enlightenment. It is okay to grieve but be sure to be open to the spiritual enlightenment that death always brings if one can just be open to it.
Afraid of the Future?
april 8th 2006
I'm writing this article because of talking with a friend. He said ,"People can't deal with what you write even if it is the truth." Here, I want to say that nothing I'm writing is written with the intention to scare you. I'm only writing to inform capable adults to prepare for what is coming. That is all I'm doing. Other things I write like the "Memories" series is to share some of the highest truths I have personally experienced in this lifetime or others. People might not be ready for anything I write the first time they read it. However, later some element of what they have read or discussed with others may save their lives or anothers. This is why I write so that enough enlightened people can survive what is coming so our great great grandchilden aren't forced to become cavemen and cave women with no democracy or culture to protect them from an ice age with 100+ per mile winds part of every day.
On another note the progression to an ice age is over more than 1000 years. There are many stages. We now are in the first stage of Hurrican Katrinas, Many Many killer tornadoes, many droughts, many floods etc. However, in the next stage which will gradually come within 20 years instead of 1's and 10's of people dying at a time it will become common for 100's and then 1000's to die in a storm. It will be at this point that you will see mass migrations of people to relatively safer areas. What is safer depends upon individual needs worldwide.
Paradoxically, many of you who live to be 30 will still be alive 1000 to 10,000 years from now if enough people prepare for what is coming. If our medicine and technology and culture can remain intact many of us will live through this whole thing and come out the other side. One of my teachers told me when I was 17 that if I lived to see 100 that I would live to see 500. He said that if I lived to see 500 I would live to see 1000. He also said that if I lived to see 1000 I might live to see 5000 and 10,000 years of age.
I was quite skeptical of these Ideas until recently. However, with the quantum leaps happening in medicine I'm beginning to see it may be possible. The real question is: "Do I or any other person really want to live that long?" I guess my personal answer would be: "If I feel I'm useful somehow to present and future generations I would like to live on if I am still physically and mentally able to. In other words: "If my quality of life is high enough I would probably choose to live on."
The Ark of the Covenant
April 3rd 2006
I was watching a program on the Ark of the Covenant recently on I believe the History Channel or National geographic channel. It showed how people were incinerated when they got too near the Ark. It always led the Israelites into battle and could project the power to kill thousands at a time.
The description of how to build an ark is in Exodus in the Bible telling everything from what kind of acacia wood to use to the size to build it in cubits which I believe is a measurement based upon the fingertips of a certain king to his elbow in length. That would be 1 cubit.
When the First Indiana Jones movie came out in the early 80's I did a lot of research into the ark. One of the interesting things I found about it is that it is in cubic mass a specific fraction of the mass if the earth just as the Ark of Noah, King Solomon's tomb, and even the great pyramid is built to be a specific ratio of mass to the earth. Each being somewhere between 1/1,000,000 ratio or greater to the entire mass of the earth. This sort of mass ratio seemed to allow a technology similar to what Nicola Tesla invented in Boulder Colorado in which he was able to electrify the whole area of Boulder, Colorado so electricity would be free to all. However, this type of transmission eliminated any type of radio or two way radio communication.
The Ark of the Covenant appeared to have operated directly off of the magnetic fields of the earth. It is described to have hummed and appeared to be an ongoing Electromagnetic Pulse generator while it was active when aligned in a north south axis. So people wouldn't die it had to be carried with the arms facing east west because when it was aligned in a north south axis people would often die that got near it.
There are serious rumors that both MIT and BYU built 1/10 scale models of the Ark of the Covenant to see what they would do in the 70's. It is further rumored that when the MIT 1/10 scale model was placed in a north south axis it knocked out power for about 100 miles in every direction. The only reason that it wasn't reported in the newspapers at the time was that the liability due to being responsible for the electrical blackouts at the time would have been in the millions and millions of dollars or more.
The story goes that when the 1/10 scale model of the Ark was place in a north south alignment it started to glow and to hum and sounded a lot like the sounds that you hear during ufo movies. Immediately, the power blew out for a hundred miles and stayed out. People who tried to get near the miniature ark were either knocked out or killed by its electrical fields. Finally, in desperation someone got a sledge hammer and threw it at the miniature ark and smashing it to stop the electrical fields it generated.
There is a theory that the Ark of the Covenant was both a comunications device and a weapon to waste ones enemies. My personal belief is that it was a technology remnant of Atlantis or an extraterrestrial pacification device designed for Earth to pacify humans through religion.
A Very Bad Feeling
Sunday April 2nd 2006
When I heard about the earthquakes in Iran it gave me a bad feeling. In order for me to write about something I need about a 70% chance that what I'm writing about is factual. So if you read what I write about you will know I'm at least 70% positive that I am correct in my assumptions. We all play our hunches in order to survive everything in our lives. So all of us above 30 to 50 years old are alive because we honored our intuitions and instincts enough to stay alive to be alive as long as we have.
The reports of earthquakes in Iran made me know that something was very wrong with this report. I sensed that possible underground nuclear tests or the underground tests of some awful weapon underground had made it appear that earthquakes had occured.
Whenever the leader of a country believes as the leader of Iran does that the end of the world is 2 to 3 years away the rest of the world needs to worry. Because such a leader may believe that creating the end of the world creates his religious heaven. All of us need to be afraid of any leader that out of touch with pragmatic everyday reality. At that point we know that leader is very much like people we see every day walking down the road talking to themselves. He is someone to be pitied but if he has his finger on a nuclear button he is someone that must be replaced before we all die.
The Tipping Point?
March 29th 2006
I was reading the latest Time magazine article called the Tipping Point. In it they say the tipping point for global warming in now. I beg to differ as a precognitive psychic. As a psychic I know that the tipping point for global meltdown of ice and a complete climate change that eventually creates another ice age has already taken place during the 20th century. There is presently no way to stop this outside of moving underground or to another planet.
The real question is: Will any real culture or any technology survive the next several hundred years?
My best guess as of today is that there will be 2 to 3 billion people less than the present 6.5 billion presently on the planet by the year 2100. So that means that it is likely that there will only be 3 to 4 billion people at most in 2100 even if there is no birth control whatsoever and there are no abortions. It is also likely that the world will reduce again in size to about 1 billion by 2200. By 2300 it is likely that there will be around 250 million to 300 million people left alive on earth.
The primary reason for this is that people will not be able to adapt in masse quickly enough to 100 mile an hour winds or more during parts of each day most places on the planet. By 2300 the people who have learned to survive will mostly be in the foothills of mountains near a river, lake or ocean. They will have moved underground into caves or underground houses built into the side of rock based hills or mountains to withstand the winds. They will build greenhouses with only the roofs showing above ground so the winds will not blow the greenhouses away and most will become mostly vegetarians because most game will be killed by the winds except for game that can live underground like wolves, coyotes, rabbits, go downs and the like. Birds will become very adept at only flying when the winds are below 50 miles per hour (which will be seldom) and the rest of the time finding places to hide from the wind or learning to fly to where the wind isn't.
There will still be deer and bear and the like in deep valleys next to adjoining tall mountains where the wind can be broken by the mountains. But any large flat area will be treacherous to live in or to travel through unless one has an underground refuge there when the winds come.
Drought will increase during the times we live in and droughted areas will increase. However, completely new droughted areas will exist in the future and some presently droughted areas will be subject to floods and become lakes.
Although living next to an ocean provides unlimited water it is important to remember that all water drunk from an ocean has to be distilled first.
I have given a lot of thought whether it is better for nations to try to slow down the inevitable or not. The best analogy I have come up with is this: If we all become good nations and slow down the inevitable it might be like what happens when you put a lobster in a cooking pot with cold water and then put it on the stove. The result is the lobster doesn't notice any sudden change until he is cooked. However, if the lobster is thrown into a pot of boiling water there is sudden change so the lobster jumps out of the pot and possibly lives. The same might be true of the human race. Even though it might be incredibly good karma to protect the environment now, it is just too late to succeed at stopping the inevitable loss of life in the coming centuries. It is not just the loss of life that is the problem it is the loss of culture and technology that bothers me just as much.
I think we would all be pretty upset if 1000 years from now humans have had to devolve once again into cavemen and cavewomen to survive with no technology to speak of at all. Though I believe this has happened many times before on earth I don't think it is to our advantage to let it happen once again.
Note: april 2nd 2006
I found an article that addresses some of the things I'm speaking of as a precognitive psychic after I wrote this article. It is at comcast.net. Here is the address: http://www.comcast.net/news/science/index.jsp?cat=SCIENCE&fn=/2006/04/02/359184.html&cvqh=itn_warming please save or paste this so you can read this article if you are interested.
How Do I find Truth?
March 28th 2006
If we start from the premise that "The way that can be thought of or spoken of is not the true path or the true way." Also, peace may be found through religion but truth is not directly found through any religion even though religion may be a beginning in ones search for truth. So then we see that religion, is only a vague starting place for truth for religion is always political and about rules of behavior and not really about ones personal experience with Truth and God. By quieting oneself enough to live by better rules through a religion one may begin down a path that eventually leads to one or more direct experiences of truth.
Though in one sense the experience of ultimate truth or enlightenment is very precious experiencing it when one is not ready for it can cause insanity or death. So studying human beings and peoples and cultures can prepare one for experiencing truth. To get too deep into any religion before one becomes grounded and stablized by studying human beings and cultures can either prepare one for truth or take one to insanity and death. It is a very fine line either way. Confucius say, "Man should study man before spirit or religion." We have all met those along the side of the road that went to extreme into religion to deeply while young and become the ones who walk down the road talking to themselves.
It is like religions are the spokes on a wheel like a bicycle wheel and truth is at the hub in the center of the wheel. But to make it fair some of the spokes are the sciences and things like humanism and the study and experience of nature. All these are spokes of the wheel too. By studying anyone of these spokes or a combination of many spokes such as I have done can lead a person to enlightenment or the direct experience of truth. The experience of Enlightenment in some ways can be like being struck by lightning because ones experience of the universe is never the same afterwords. The experience of enlightenment when one has it tends to be awe, complete amazement, and complete terror. A natural physical reaction to enlightenment might be anything from a heart attack, to shock, to not even knowing it has happened in the case of some types of people. Many people who have become enlightened had to be told by there teachers that this had occured. Also, having become enlightened doesn't mean you can hold on to that state 24 hours a day. If one cultivates the state of enlightenment one builds up slowly from a few moments a day over the years to hopefully 24 or one hopes at least 23 hours a day and maybe one hour cussing in frustration at the way the world is. My description of enlightenment would be unbearable ecstasy at the same time one is feeling unbearable pain and everything in between while understanding each moment why everything is the way it is. Enlightenment is truly the acceptance of life the way it is with no fairy tales of any religion to insulate the enlightened one. Raw truth takes one to bliss and madness simaltaneously. The only way true enlightenment can be carried by any human being is through the altruistic motivation of helping all ones kin and friends and all beings everywhere to a better life both here on earth and after. Enlightenment is a sacrifice that the enlightened one bears like Jesus bore his cross. One knows the truth is both wonderful beyond words and terrible beyond words simaltaneously but the enlightened being accepts this burden to help and to protect all humanity and all beings. That Is Enlightenment. That is Truth! That is a true human being and what all adult humans should aspire to!!!
March 27, 2006
In this day of slowly or quickly collapsing 3rd world economies directly related to the price of oil that month it is time to seriously consider hydrogen. In the 80's I remembered my science teacher in 8th grade back in 1961. Mr. Addison, my science teacher, using a 12 volt battery with two electrodes showed us that water can be turned into hydrogen and oxygen by running direct current into water. Since hydrogen and oxygen together in a gas form can aid each other in combustion they make an ideal fuel. He mentioned the biggest problem was the safe storage of the hydrogen.
I experimented with this idea a little when I lived 10 miles from the nearest small town in the mountains near Mt. Shasta with my family in the 1980's. I took two wires and connected one to the positive battery terminal and one to the negative battery terminal and put the other ends in a plastic container of water. Then I created a device to channel the hydrogen and oxygen directly into the carburetor of my truck. When I flipped the switch, bubbles of hydrogen came up from one electrode and bubbles of pure oxygen came up from the other one
At the time I thought doing this would increase my truck mileage. However, after running my truck like this several hundred miles I didn't notice any real change so I gave up the experiment. I knew what I was doing was safe because I couldn't create enough volume of hydrogen to be dangerous under those conditions as the oxygen and hydrogen were consumed by the engine before it could build up. The only byproduct of hydrogen combustion is water vapor.
Today I realized that one could do the same thing at home as long as one had a proper storage device simply by plugging into an AC 110 outlet in ones home and converting it to DC through a battery charger and dipping the two electrodes into a large pool of water with collection devices above. Since hydrogen is the lightest element and lighter than air one could easily collect in this way. The only problem would be safe storage and then having a duel fuel Mazda rotary engine car that also runs on Hydrogen or some other engine designed for running on hydrogen. I don't understand the technology of safely storing hydrogen so this is as much as I can help you with in converting water to hydrogen and oxygen. Remember, if you experiment with hydrogen be safe and sane.
Also, with the price of oil moving up out of sight it might be time once again to consider a new Stanley steamer. Cars could be run on wood or coal or whatever in a pinch if they were steam powered. Just this last weekend I paid over $3 a gallon while driving up California on Highway 101. I wouldn't be surprised this summer to have to pay $4 a gallon at the same station in August or September, especially if there is another Hurricane like Katrina.
Living Time Pools
March 23, 2006
For those of you who have read my online book "Memories" the Time Pool is something you already know about. For those who don't Note: The Time pool is an energy pool about 10feet across. It must be flat like a lake or the top of anything liquid in a form. It runs off the magnetic, gravatitional and electrical fields generated by the rotating earth in conjunction with its relationship to the sun and the suns relationship with all celestial bodies in time and space throughout the universe. So it could be said that theoretically all time and space powers a time pool. The time pool can be set to show what is happening within millions of years upon earth or in the solar system. What is happening elsewhere is galacticly illegal for residents of the solar system to know about(at least through the use of the time pool). It's purpose is to protect all planets in the solar system from being destroyed from within or without the solar system. Its secondary purpose is to prevent the permanent extinction of any species spawned within the solar system. Since humans they were combined with ape dna for strength human-ape combinations such as ourselves fall under the protection of the Time Pool. So although humans can be thinned out they cannot be allowed to go extinct in the solar system according to galactic law. Extreme weather generated by the living being Earth will thin humans out to about 30 million to 300 million within 500 years. end note
Also it is important to note that humanoids that were our ancestors that did not interbreed with apes for strength to survive on earth still live on thousands of planets in this galaxy as well as many other galaxies.
The title of this article refers to Living Time Pools such as myself and thousands of others on earth. Our purpose appears to be a lot like the canaries that coal miners took with them in past times underground to warn them of poisonous gases. In the case of Living Time Pools such as myself we are apparently here to warn of impending calamities that might otherwise render all mankind extinct. Therefore the easiest classification of these living Time Pools is Seers which were ancient psychics that foretold of future happenings. The really good ones were employed by kings and nation states and still are although now they have to be much more secretive about it because of the world we presently live in.
The World Military Industrial Complex
March 19th
Even President Eisenhower said before leaving office that the world Military Industrial Complex was one of the most dangerous things that our democracy and the world would face then and in the future. He had already seen the death and destruction the Military industrial complex had wrought in Korea. One thought to remember in regard to the military supplier corporations. A war that isn't won is the most profitable and the more people that die the more money is made by the World Military industrial complex. It is the same reason Viet Nam wasn't won. Military suppliers could make more money from death and misery than from sucess. The same was true of Afghanistan for the communists. Military suppliers made more money by the Soviets losing. The same is true for Iraq and Iran. More money can be made by making misery and death than anyone winning. The same is true of the war between Iraq and Iran during the 1980's. When one side began to win the military suppliers supplied the otherside to increase their profits which also increased the misery. The U.S. will very likely lose this war in Iraq for the exactly same reason that we lost Korea, Viet Nam and the same reason the Soviets lost Afghanistan and as we will likely lose Afghanistan just like the Soviets did. In fact the way things are now losing in Iraq and Afghanistan may be the end of the United States as a world power just like World War II greatly diminished Great Britain.
If more people would just be intelligent enough to realize that wars are no longer about anything but money they wouldn't be so eager to volunteer and die for lies. However, I guess that is just natural selection in action.
We are all watching the death of the nation state and the unfettered rise of the Multinational Corporations in their place. When retiring Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said that the United States was in danger of dictatorship the whole world should listen because the whole world is affected by this.
As a psychic I have believe for 5 years that Osama Bin Laden is an Instrument of the World Military Industrial Complex. When the Soviet Union ended their was no villain big enough to keep the World Military Industrial Complex in business so they manufactured Osama Bin Laden. Even when the United States had a clear shot at him with a hellfire missile from a drone they were prevented from firing.
And it is debateable whether Osama is alive or dead or has just had plastic surjery and is living like a king anywhere on earth.
I'm not telling you that suicide bombers aren't real. I'm not telling you that there aren't some really bad people out there. I'm just telling you that a lot of them are paid by corporations to do what they do as mercenaries to keep oil prices up etc. Volunteering to fight under these conditions on any side is now just plain suicide. Remember! Knowledge is power. Get enough knowledge so you aren't ground to dust under the wheels of the Military Industrial Complex. Be smart. What you hear in the news isn't the real truth. Remember, I'm writing this to save your lives and the lives of your children. As a precognitive psychic and a compassionate pragmatist I write to save your lives so you and your children will survive into the future! Blessings upon you all!!!
The Pitchfork Rebelion
March 17th 2006
I was reading recently in either Time Magazine or Newsweek about the Pitchfork Revolution in China. What is happening is that about 700 million Chinese are disenfranchised farmers. Corrupt local officials are selling the land these peasants need to till to grow food to survive. As a result there have been 87,000+ clashes in the Chinese countryside in the past year between police and people whose livelihoods have been stolen in this way. The article mentioned that this kind of corrupt behavior was the main way Mao Tse Tung got started during World War II. So we should expect another like Mao to arise possibly to overthrow the present system of government in a grass roots way sometime in the next 20 years. The present government might not be able to adapt to this problem otherwise in a useful way for the peasants to survive.
Life as it really is
March 17th 2006
All Governments exist to protect the rights of the top 5% richest and most powerful people there. Democracy has an advantage in that it allows new ideas to come to the fore and be used for the profit of the few but also for the benefit of the many. In this time of the general decline of nationalism I would say that Globalization is the Corporatization of the world. I must also say I don't think this is good for the survival of life on earth. In other words "If you are not one of the top 5% in wealth on earth then basicly you have no rights at all in this era of globalization." I don't think that most people in the democracies of the world really get how awful it is to live most places on earth unless like myself they have seen 1st hand what it is really like to visit or live in the so called 3rd world.
It is my personal opinion as a psychic that terrorism of all forms will grow exponentially in 2nd and 3rd world environments all around the world from this time on. I see terrorism growing not only for Islamics who feel betrayed by secular Islam and the free world but also by all who have had their human and physical rights stripped away. It is the only way the completely disenfranchised can physically empower themselves to survival for themselves and their children. I don't think that this is a good thing. I see it as very sad and unfortunate. However, I am a realist and a pragmatist and realize that if I were disenfranchised and disempowered it might be all that was left to do.
My life is good. I live in California where more milionaires live than any other place on earth that I know of. From the San Francisco Bay Area to San Diego there are more millionaires than anywhere else. You might ask why are they here? Since I grew up mostly in California and have lived here most of my life I think I can answer that. Californians are many things but most of all they are tolerant of other ideas and cultures. California is more internationally open in a real sense than any other place on earth
One of the reasons that the terrorists didn't strike in California is that Muslims are fairly well treated here. Free thought and tolerance of other ideas is more important to most Californians than tradition and old wives tales and religion. This 'free thinking' and the capacity for Critical logic and reason without getting 'goofy' with religion and tradition is a hallmark of Coastal California thought. For at least 150 years now California has been a place that people have come to from all over the world for a new start and a good life. Many people who were fed up with the immobile thinking of their lives on the east Coast and Europe were drawn by the wide open spaces and the opportunity of thinking and acting however they wanted to. Now this anything goes, live and let live philosphy has taken root in California and continues to grow. There is something about the 'controlled Chaos' of Los Angeles County to San Diego for example that is quite overwheming. I don't think people who come to California from other parts of the country and only stay a week or two really get just how different the California Coast is in Philosophy from the rest of the World
I think people from other countries get California almost more than most Americans do. For example Europeans tend to think now in more close in alignment with Californians than they do most of the United States.
The word that most describes the Coastal Californians that I have known my whole life is "Careful Experimenters". The people I have known have tried new things and the things they liked they continued with and the ones they didn't like they quickly dumped. I'd say that is what Californians do best. They try new things and if they like them they improve them and keep using and improving them. Then if other parts of the world like some of the California ideas after Californians have perfected them they take them and improve on them and make them their own too.
Therefore California is an ideal place to manufacture new ideas and products because people here might actually try your stuff. However, don't expect Californians to be naive because you don't survive as an experimenter like Californians do unless you are very sophisticated in your approach to experimentation. Whether you are experimenting with ideas or behaviors or real tangible things one must be prepared for anything. The Californians who have survived the last 150 years of experimentation are literally "ready for anything"!
Time Travel? Fact or Fiction?
Believing that time travel may exist could save your life, your friends, your children. I'm not telling you that you must believe it does exist. I'm just saying that not allowing for the likely possibility could cost millions of lives. At this point there is no doubt whatsoever that time travel exists past,present, and future in my mind. My only question would be when and where was it invented first before it spread throughout the time and space of earth? Was it invented in the past on another planet? Was it reinvented in the future of earth and then brought back to the 20th century? I don't know the answer to this. I only know one thing. It exists and it affects every aspect of our lives.
Believing that time travel May now exist is in the enlightened self interest of everyone. Let me explain why.
Imagine that time travel exists. Imagine that whoever controls time travel can change any aspect of history. Imagine that whoever controls time travel can make sure a certain nation or civilzation succeeds and that others fail. Imagine that the people who control time travel have no interest in anything other than profit and the financial success of their families and friends. Imagine that in their eyes everyone else is expendible to their whims. Imagine that with the control of time no birth or action of any person or government is permanent. Any action down to the beating of a butterflies wings or the buzzing of a common housefly could be changed. Even the genetics of a species such as humans could be altered at a critical stage so modern day humans could never come to be on earth past neanderthals or just apes. If such beings or people have such skill what would they do with it? Or better yet what could they do with it?
Given all this to not believe in the possibility of time travel in the past, present and future is to be a complete fool!
Even if you don't believe time travel hasn't been invented yet can you logically tell me that it won't be invented or reinvented in the future at some point and then brought back to the present or to the past? To not believe that it will be invented even if you don't believe it has been yet is to be very foolish and illogical. If you understand people, you will understand that anything that can be invented will be invented somewhere somehow and that once invented it will be used.
If for example it is invented sometime in the next 100,000 years by humans then you must also understand that it is also logical that it is here now and also at every point in human evolution given the basic nature of humans. Therefore, just using basic logic and reason and as a precognitive psychic that leaves zero doubt for me of the existence of time travel past, present and future.
To the Breeders who will survive the next 1000 years
March 15, 2006
I'm refering to humans who have children. For it is those who have children and so on and so on who will literally create the future on earth. I'm sorry to report that the the numbers of humans on earth will likely be reduced by 95% over the next 500 to 1000 years. As a proven precognitive psychic over the last 57 years of my life I would say there is a 80% to 90% likelyhood of my being correct. The only changes that would likely create a different outcome come would be nuclear war which annihilates the planet like a human civilization on the planet some called Maldek millions of years ago which is now the asteroid belt or the more positive outcome for earth of humans rebuilding the ozone layer and becoming more ecological and finding ways to move underground on earth.
If you live where it is very flat like Louisana or Florida or the great plains it might be a good idea to build with cement and forget about building with wood. Also a cement dome with a basement and a 2nd or a third story might be useful as well. Another idea I've had is building a house that can be one hydralic jacks that can be retracted into the earth for high winds like tornadoes or put up in the air 2 or three stories if there is a flood on hydralic jacks that can be then locked in place fully extended up to avoid a flood. This way you would be protected from both (retraction) tornadoes and hurricanes and (extention) floods.
The qualities that will most likely allow humans to survive these weather calamities that likely will be growing in intensity over the next several hundred years are:honoring ones intuition, in other words listening to your hunches so you and your children can survive to breed on. Though some kind of religion might be helpful real survival comes from honoring ones hunches. Religions tend to be political and at times not even survivable. Since religions on the planet tend to take people to idealism and sometimes to their deaths it is almost more useful to study how native peoples of your land survived the last 10,000 years or more before there was organized religions. Intuition and pragmatism is how people surived. I personally learn a lot from watching movies like The Gods Must Be Crazy I and II about how tribal people survived for thousands of years untouched by more organized civilizations. These are the qualities that will in the end be the most useful to your children. Within 100 years there may or may not be electronic technology on earth. There are many causes of this but the primary one is that you cannot have electronic technology without the infrastructure:i.e. the people who technically understand it. One of the likely ends of the infrastructure would be multiple emp's. EMP stands for Electromagnetic pulse. For example one 100 megaton hydrogen bomb would destroy all electronic devices not specially designed by the military in a place as large as California if set off 100 miles up. The hydrogen bomb would not kill anyone but the electromagnetic pulse generated would cause all non military electronic devices like computers, car batteries and ignitions systems truck batteries and ignition systems, plane batteries and ignition systems to be permanently destroyed and unusable (at least as a electronic device). Also any person within 5 feet of any of these devices would likely die through the kind of electricity that one would get from a bolt of lightning hitting their house or car. After this bomb went off 100 miles above an area nothing electrical not specifically designed by the military would work again anywhere in the area the size of the state of California.
The above scenario if done about 100 times around the earth would likely end the infrastructure necessary to use or manufacture anything electrical or electronic for 20 to 30 years. There might still be electronic things that still worked in other areas but the areas hit would be without infrastructure for a long time just like Hurricane Katrina destroyed 100,000 homes or more this would permanently destroy anything electrical in a circle about 400 miles to 800 miles in diameter. Since most people are most of the time within 5 feet of an electrical device as many as 1/2 of the people in that area would be instantly gone from something similar to the electricity in a lightning bolt. Others a little farther away from anything metal or electrical might just be shocked senseless for a few minutes to an hour. Others still farther away would see electrical shocks travel between metal and buildings and people looking like sheet lightning on the ground but physically would survive uninjured even though psychologically they might be maimed from the experience of watching so many die.
For those of you that are interested in knowing more about EMP paste the following addresses on your http line on your computer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_bomb Also here is a popular science article address: www.popularmechanics.com/science/defense/1281421.html
The main reason I'm writing this is to prepare those of you who want your children and their children and their children to be the survivors and genetically the inheritors of the earth in the future. The single most important quality besides good genetics that will help them to survive is listening to their intuitions, their hunches. Learning to fly so to speak by the seat of your pants intuitively through life is the primary thing one needs beyond good genetics, good family and good friends to do well in life. Good luck! I hope you and your children and your dynasty to come will survive into the distant future and prosper and be happy.
One of the many problems with the newly signed patriot act
March 9th 2006
I was horrified to hear that the new Patriot Act allows the government to secretly bug any and all corporate board meetings in the United States. If ever there was a power grab for money this is it. I have been aware as a psychic for 20 to 30 years in knowing that not only the CIA but other governments have bugged Corporate boardrooms around the world in order to make black money for the CIA and other intelligence gathering institutions to operate without the knowledge of their governments. They also do this as a way of taking away any advantage another countries business has over their home country corporation. However, now with the Patriot Act opening the door to bug all Corporation boardrooms whenever the government wants to right in the open here in America it is an invitation to disaster. For now not only is democracy under attack from the Patriot Act but the freedom to run ones own business without everyone looking over your shoulder to steal your ideas and to make money on the side for the President, Congress and God knows who else. I personally see multinational Corporations as the single biggest threat at the present time to the long term survival of life on earth. However, even I know the end result of secretly bugging corporate Board meetings will be deals made in back rooms without cell phones that will now always resemble the Mafia in the way corporations will be forced to do business to avoid Corporation destroying scrutiny of boardrooms. I got this information from a news report on CNBC today as the president signed the new Patriot Act.
Corporations are killing our kid's future
March 9th, 2006
The main problem with corporations is their bottom line which is always money except in the case of the Non-Profit corporations which is another thing entirely. By making a company's bottom line money to the exclusion of all else we have situations like the health of the children in America and elsewhere coming into jeapordy because to many "food" companies from fast food makers to convenience food makers to cereal makers to soda pop makers etc. When I grew up we had 5 times better food to eat than now. Even in 1999 while my son was travelling through europe on a Eurail pass he noted that one could eat much better for less in europe. He said you didn't have to eat as much there either because generally the food quality was better with less additives and more nutrition.
Since food companies here in america don't seem to care about the health of their customers the present generation of children may have a life expectancy lower then their parents and within a few years it is expected that over half of the children in the united states will be obese. This is a horrifying statistic. It is true that food retailers like Whole Foods and others are beginning to change all this for the people who are educated enough to know to choose healthy food and who are able to pay for it. Organic foods can make a difference. Unfortunately, most adults and children except those who have gone to college and studied nutrition aren't aware of the correct things to feed children to keep them healthy. Or even more likely, they know what to feed their kids but don't have the time or money or will to make their kids eat what is good for them.
I'm asking all of you to begin to boycott food that is unhealthy for you and your children. This will begin the movement toward a more healthy diet for all in America and not just for the nutritionally educated and wealthier class.Please help create an environment where each generation lives longer than the last.
Paradigm Shifts
March 1,2006
Just like at the turn of the last century the was the automobile, the motorized airplane, and world war I and II; now there is the internet, terrorism, globalization and nuclear proliferation and Glaciers melting and sea level rising. So the new century will be a time of rising oceans, extremely unusual weather year around, the decline of nationalism, the increasing corporatization to the point where most common people will see big corporations as the slow death of cultures and humanity. What will replace all this in the next century?
This century will not be marked by large conflicts like we saw in World War I and II. They world has learned its lesson from those nightmares and all know very well except maybe Iran and the terrorists that no nuclear war can be won by any group or nation. Once any nuclear war begins on earth all life on earth begins to cease to be within a relatively short period of time. Even nuclear blackmail only results in end of the extinction of all life on earth given the natures of all the players. As a result of Nations and sensible individuals knowing this, nuclear weapons likely won't be used or if they are they won't be reported in the media for a variety of reasons. Any nuclear assault must be covered up by the civilized world in order to prevent second strikes which would bring extinction for all human life on the planet.
So this leaves terrorist attacks and their military responses from the world's governments.
The internet is creating a virtual world which will grow exponentially until the next generation will likely have implants put on or near their brains so that virtual contact with their friends and relatives can be 24 hours a day. I personally don't think this is a good idea because those that do this I would no longer consider entirely human anymore. However, despite what I think I believe a small proportion of young adults will begin with internet based implants that connect them through the neurons in their brain to their friends and relatives 24 hours a day. It will probably start with lovers who want to share all their thoughts and dreams and go on from there. The real problem is the Orwellian 1984 scenario this could create for everyone eventually in not being capable of thinking ones own thoughts alone and not being capable of making ones own decisions about anything as a result of this. As a psychic what I see coming doesn't make me happy anymore than when you watch tv news it makes you happy. I'm just reporting what I see coming as a confirmed precognitive psychic for my whole life which is now 57 years.
Grizzly Man
Timothy Treadwell's death has made a big impression on a lot of people. Whether you consider him sane or not for living 13 summers with Grizzly Bears in a tent in Alaska or not his relationships with the bears defies any other recorded humans experiences. I watched the documentary based on Treadwell's footage journaling his experiences on the discovery channel at 8 pm last night. There has never been as amazing footage so close up with wild Grizzly's before. I met people a little like this in the 80's when I lived 10 miles from the nearest small town at 4000 feet on the side of Mt. shasta without electricity in the early 1980's. Some of them had been living alone without any companionship for to many years and sounded just like Timothy. I myself found that even living with my family so remotely started to make me move in more and more feral directions to the point where I decided in 1984 to move to the Coast and buy a business. I have found that the people who live the most remote and the people who live in the most dense population situations in urban areas have a lot in common just as the psychological states of rich and poor tend to be polar but complimentary opposites. In the end humans are social animals and need to have company to survive very long. Timothy's making bears his family also made them his religion and ultimately his death. Hopefully, his death will help all the bears survive better in the wilds. However, I have a feeling that within 100 years there will be no bears living in the wilds. Hopefully there will still be some in wild animal parks and zoos by that time. Good Luck Timothy and Good luck Bears!
What is Enlightenmnet?
It says in the Bible, "No man may see God and live!". I personally believe Moses saw God and died but his body lived on.
My personal experience of enlightenment in this life came before I even knew of enlightenment. I was between 10 and 15 years old. The initial terrifiying experiences of enlightenment were thrust upon me at that time I believe to force me to reattain the enlightenment I had reached in other previous lifetimes. In other words for me to be allowed to live again in this life I had to reexperience enlightenment as a child so I would not be a danger to mankind. In other words even as a child entering puberty it was demanded of me to be a responsible enlightened being or die. Many times my previously attained enlightenment was thrust upon me and so I came close to death many times. However, when I turned 15 I finally in absolute terror accepted myself as a god and I became truly enlightened even though I was still frightened of what I had become. I knew I was no longer a regular human being and that the innocent child I had been was gone forever. I was very uncomfortable with this state until I was about 32 and met my first Tibetan Lama and experienced non dualism and true compassion for all sentient life in the universe in all time and space. Then I finally had peace concerning being enlightened and having supernatural gifts. From age 15 to 32 these gifts had been both blessing and curse to me. After meeting the Lama everything came into order and my gifts became for me only a blessing to myself and all beings.
My wife's experience was much different than mine. For her, it came when her mother died a few years ago. She was quiet all day which was very unusual for her. I felt concern for this unusual occurance and sought her out while she was working in the garden. I said, "What's wrong?" She said, "I see all the good and all the bad in the world all at once and I'm completely overwhelmed and I don't like it!" I said, "Dear! That is enlightenment!" She said, "Well. I don't like it at all. It's just too overwhelming!" I said, "You don't have to like it. However, it is the way things really are!" She said, "I just don't like it at all!" I said, "It is the true nature of life. It allows you to see how things really are!" She said, "Maybe. But I don't like it at all it terrifies me." I said, "If you can come to terms with your new enlightenment you will be able to understand everything!"
My wife and I became much closer after this as we both then could see 'everything'. It was nice for me to have someone around who understood what this was like even though I knew from personal experience that it wasn't easy to be enlightened. Enlightenment causes one of two things in people, either they can handle it and they become wise compassionate adults or they go insane and die. There is no third choice. Once one becomes enlightened it is a trial by fire!
The Power of Being Bored
When I grew up in the 50's there was no internet, no video games and even tv was mostly black and white and there were only 3 networks, abc,nbc and cbs. There was a whole lot of time to be bored out of my mind. However, looking back this boredom was incredibly useful. I personally, used it to figure out strategies for survival. Between ages 9-12 I had many experiences that I didn't expect to survive. They were miscellaneous from bullies with knives to crazies in cars to people with baseball bats to illnesses. However, the general boredom of the 50's for a child lent itself to developing strategies for survival.
Today, so many children and young adults have been so overprotected that much of the developing of strategies for survival just isn't there anymore. Instead, too much time is spent in virtual reality with unrealistic scenarios. This creates kids who when faced with a real threat to life and limb: they do not have the skills in place from boredom and time to really think about things to survive real threats to their lives. I know we can't change things back to the old days. However, unless some way is found to ethically humanize more people, bizarre murders and unwholesome situations will continue to happen directly caused by living in a virtual unreastic reality too much of the time.
Let me give you a real life example of this. When I was 9 in the 1950's I had been given a 22 caliber rifle by my grandmother. My father had used this same rifle for hunting in the country from the time he was 6 years old. So by 8 according to the "country mode" I was more than ready for a rifle and bullits.
One year later I was watching boys play mumbleepeg with knives they threw to stick in the ground. The boys were 2 or three years older than I. One of the boys asked me to join him throwing knives but when I naively drew near he grabbed me and put a knife to my throat and told me he was going to kill me. What followed was a game of cat and mouse that lasted for about 1/2 an hour with my throat getting cut by the knife enough to bloody my shirt but not deep enough to kill me or a need to go to the hospital. When the two older boys let me go I was mortified and returned home to get my rifle and come back and kill them both. Remember, I was 9 years old. In that era, emotionally you were expected to act and be like a man by 6 years old. So I loaded my rifle intending to kill the boys who had cut me and almost ended my young life. I was a young man. Nothing needed to be said to an adult. I was just taking care of business. However, in the middle of my rage I began to think of the long term consequences of shooting these two boys so I called my best friend on the phone and talked with him. He said, "Fred, don't shoot them. I know who they are. They have already been to juvenile hall many times. Let someone else kill them. You're too smart for that. Just let someone else kill them. They'll do that to the wrong person and that will be the end of them." I reluctantly agreed with my friend. I saw the wisdom in what he said to me.
From this point of view those boys were already dead. It was just a matter of time who killed them. I didn't need to do it. That moment I smiled because I was free. Boredom and the time to develope long term strategies for survival in any situation had saved my young life.
The Collective Unconscious
I will be 58 this year. I have been very lucky in my life. I grew up in a time of affluence both financially and in free thought and intellectual development. The time we live in now is not such a time! At age 12 Kennedy became president. When I was 15 he died. There was a sense after that that democracy had died and that something other than democracy was running our government. The feeling of many people since then has not changed.
I chose an Alternative path in life. Being simply normal simply looked liked a dead end moving toward oblivion. I decided if I was going to live and not take my own life that my life must mean something. I would search for truth in life, in religion, in my work, so that by the end of my life I would have learned something useful and important to pass on to other humans who might not have had the good fortune in their life to have the time to search for truth and who had been forced to go on being victims to the lies all around them.
I had no idea where my searches would take me. My search for truth took me all over California, Oregon, Hawaii, India, Nepal, Thailand, Japan. Later when my son grew up I followed him with my daughter and family to Europe to search for truth there. Here are some of the results of my LIFETIME search for truth that are universal enough to effect all life on earth:
My wife shared with me the importance of all that I have written on this website. Though it may be important to you around the world who read it in various ways, it is important to my family ongoing because it creates continuity. 2000 or 3000 years ago had I written all this my children each might have memorized what I have written to share with their children and their children and so on and so on. In writing what I have it becomes a legacy to all who come after me both in my family and around the world.
Future Trends
I was watching the State of the Union address last night. It made me think about America's economic future and what I now see coming for America. Americans have always been innovative idea people because historically as we moved west and settled our nation those of us who weren't idea people and innovative very often died because we did not adapt to our environment fast enough. Now that the economic world is becoming flat worldwide as in Thomas Friedman's book we see that the infrastructure necessary to build new ideas into todays products is becoming almost universal worldwide unlike what it was 50 years ago. There is now a cycle of only about 2 to 5 years between a great idea in the U.S. before that idea is copied cheaper and more efficiently in a place like China and sold back to the U.S. at half or less than profitable cost of selling it after making it in America. As a result it is important that Americans not only benefit from ideas from the U.S. but also from ideas happening all over the world. Each time a new idea or invention is created it is like a rock dropping into the pool of knowledge of earth at least in the way the ripples move out through the worldwide pool of knowledge. In order to stay ahead and to be competive America must benefit from its own ideas as well as ideas from all over the world. We may not be able to build the cheapest widget anymore but we are still capable of building the best widget anywhere. Let other nations build cheap products. Let us be the nation of quality by individualizing products. Let us be the nation of customization of quality since we can no longer build the cheapest at the lowest price. If we try to compete at building the cheapest products we can only fail because of the low wages in places like China and other nations. However, if we try for quality and customization no one will be able to compete with us.
The Slippery Slope
January 17th 2006
People as they were living the Cold War in the United States would laugh at the American response to the terrorists. They would then say that our response has been paranoid to say they least to 9-11. Especially after the fact that no terrorist acts have taken place in the United States since 9-11. They would say, "Why are you giving up all your rights? We fought terrorism before 9-11 without giving up all our rights. What are you trying to do, create a new Soviet Union here in America? That is what they would say.
From the beginning in 1929 of the Great Depression until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 everyone in the United States was terrified constantly about either financial ruin or World War II or being nuked out of existence at any moment for 60 years. Then in 1989, suddenly it all ended and there was relative peace for about 10 years. Then 9-11 happened and everyone was terrified again. Only this time because we weren't used to being terrified out of our minds for 10 years the nation got paranoid in a way that was and is a form of post traumatic stress disorder directly caused by peace for 10 years and then "bang" 9-11. The whole American nation went nuts is a good way of putting it which has terrified and terrorized the whole world.
There has got to be some sanity now. Terrorism isn't going away anytime soon just like people using drugs isn't going away anytime soon. You have about as many terrorists as drug dependant people worldwide and there isn't anything that anyone can do about it. Not really. So people stand up and say "If you just give me this right and that right I will protect you from the boogeyman." But that's always a lie because no one can protect anyone from this. Not really. All we can really do is defend democracy, protect as best we can, keep our rights and wait this terrorism thing out. It's not going away for hundreds to thousands of years. Terrorism, just like drugs is here to stay and anyone who tells you anything else is a FOOL or worse!
Religion is Dying
January 14th 2006
Islamic terrorists don't realize it but they are killing their own religion as well as Christianity. As this Terrorist war continues for 100, 200, 300 years and we watch hundreds and thousands and eventually millions die what we are really watching is the death of religion itself. Yes, it may take 3500 years but the death of all religions is coming. Any sensible person can see it. Fundamentalism is killing all religions. The main problem is that most religions are practiced as a form of bigotry which goes something like this:"If you aren't a member of my religion you are going to hell. Therefore, you aren't human and can be mistreated by everyone in my religion." This kind of thinking ONLY creates WAR and destroys both Islam and Christianity. However, fundamentalism also destroys Hinduism. Though there are also Buddhist bigots they are more likely to set themselves on fire to protest rather than to make war on others. So once again as a practicing precognitive psychic I give Islam, Christianity and Hinduism about 3500 years before they are all extinct as religions except for people saying, for example that they are Catholic or Muslim and that being then(3500 years from now) like saying that you are American or European or Egyptian. So it would change from religions to only a culture with nothing really to do with God at all. I don't believe God is dying only the largest religions now present on earth.
God Without Religion
January 8th 2006
There is a new book out with the title God without Religion. I personally like this idea. In my own search for truth I find the truth not only in all religions but from my own personal experience and contemplations and meditations. I feel sorry for people still condemed to suffer the constrictions of the torture that many religions bring to people's lives. Until a person can speak to God straight without any religious doctrine coming between that person and God that person is not free. Though religions can be helpful in personal and physical surival they can just as easily become the death of the person either psychologically or physically. This is an important thing to always remember about religions. To say that religions are always good is to be ridiculous and completely incoherent and impractical. Many times religions are not even survivable. If you are really with God he will help you to survive. He will help you to succeed without harming other beings. God will help you to inner and outer peace. If any religion isn't doing that for you you should dump it and commune with God and discover your true path. If a path doesn't help you then dump it and try something new like one dumps a relationship that just doesn't work. To me God is all life in the universe, literally. So I always look to all the parts of life as if they were personal manifestations of God here to relate with me to love me and to teach me. In this way even and ant or leaf or blade of grass can teach me and love me as God. Blessings to you All.
January 3rd 2006
While visiting the island of Maui for Christmas with my family we took a fly and drive to the big island of Hawaii to see the active volcanic action there. It is about 20 miles from the visitor center in the national park down to the lava spewing into the ocean. Even 10 miles away we could see the clouds of steam and poisonous gases coming up from this convergence of lava and ocean. We had been told by the rangers not to breathe air while in the direct steam from the lava. Even 10 miles away while travelling through the steam cloud by car it smelled pretty bad. As we approached the cloud on foot after parking within 1 mile we came upon where the lava had come over the paved road to make car or truck travel impossible. Since much of the lava is brittle and can break through and injure people they had a recommended path that was better reinforced for human travel. However, we saw brave souls venturing all over the cooled lava onward to the lava pouring out into the ocean. Since we were now several miles from the lava pouring into the ocean we decided that our view was sufficient to our needs because of our 9 year old daughter who wasn't thrilled about walking several more miles to see hot lava going into the ocean. We were amazed at the natural bridge created by lava within the last years travelling out into the ocean about 50 feet at waters edge.
My personal experience of Pele was very amazing. I could see why the native Hawaiians had made Pele or lady Lava their Goddess. I was amazed at my own personal experience with Pele, the Creator of the Hawaiian Islands themselves. I could experience personally the aliveness and the aloha of the islands coming from the volcanic Pele that had created all the Hawaiian Islands from Midway Island all the way to the base of the big Island of Hawaii. Aloha Pele! Aloha New Mu!
January 2nd 2006
I realized that all humans have hunches about things and that these hunches basicly save peoples lives every day. I realized that in this way all people are precognitive psychics without really realizing it. The big difference between other people and myself is not the basic capacity for being precognitive. It is that I not only had the capacity I was forced to use this capacity to survive my early teens and before. When I got childhood epilepsy at age ten to age 15 in order to physically and psychologically survive this disease I had to use mind over matter to survive it to be age 15 and beyond. My father had beliefs like Christian Scientists in that he would let a doctor diagnose what was wrong with me but he would not let me take phenobarbital which was prescribed for me by the doctor. So that put me in the position that in order to survive I had to learn to be VERY aware of every thought and feeling and its affect upon my health. This took a lot of mental and psychological discipline. Luckily, I was capable of this.
The end result was that at age 15 my supernatural abilities sort of went supernova and I became aware of more and more things that I was capable of. I found I could use my gifts to attract women and many other things. I was handsome but I found I could draw women to me using supernatural abilities. In the end this didn't mean much because if there wasn't a real positive connection between me and whoever this girl was it wouldn't go anywhere. But I found the psychic stuff and animal magnetism did work to break the ice so to speak so we could communicate until we could see if there was something 'real' there between us.
I remember driving along in 5 foot visibility fog with a friend that had been psychic all his life too. We used to force our abilities to grow by driving at 70 mph in this 5 foot visibility fog down a freeway in order to make our gifts grow quickly. Some people would have died doing this but both of us sensed that we would be okay doing this. That seems to be a big part of all this. If you "know" that you will be okay and are real about your abilities you always will be okay.
So, once again the only difference between you and I is that I have been forced to use my abilities to survive. Of course, this excludes all of you who have been forced by life to use your psychic gifts just like I was. At this point I believe that God forced me to become who I am. This is how I deal with all this now.
Wag the Dog
I am writing this because I care about the long term survival of America, The Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States.
Those of you who saw the movie "Wag the Dog" might remember a conversation between a covert US operative and one of the main charactors in "Wag the Dog". He spoke of the CIA and the defense establishment of the United States needing to create wars after the fall of the Soviet Union so they could retain funding. The idea being the US defense establishment would "go out of business" so to speak without enough funding and that funding could not be guarateed without a real or perceived enemy. If you look back historically at all the nations that put too high a percentage of their wealth into military spending long term like the old Soviet Union, Hitler's Germany etc. you can see the kind of problem that the U.S. now faces if it continues to spend militarily in this way.
Couple this with my suspicion as a psychic that since Osama Bin Laden was CIA trained and as you and I know that Once CIA always CIA unless dead you get my picture quite clearly. Couple this with the fact that our military was prevented from taking out Osama with a Predator fired missile and you begin to get the picture.And couple this with the fact that we went after Saddam and forgot about Osama and you have even more evidence for my theory. Most suicide bombers are the real McCoy so to speak. However, I believe Osama if still alive is deep cover CIA to keep our military establishment funded by any means necessary.
However, as an American Patriot I see this as short term thinking that will only result in the end of our way of life not by Islamic terrorists but by the long term economic threat of China. China doesn't need to militarily defeat us. All they have to do is to wait until their economy is self sustaining and to stop selling anything to the world or most especially to the US. Remember, China is not Japan that was defeated by us in World War II. China is like the US and the old Soviet Union, very ethnocentric and dangerous long term just like the Soviet Union and the United States were until the fall of the Soviet Union. If you look even now at companies like Wal Mart you can see the long term survival problem building which should climax within 50 years. It has been predicted by books such as Megatrends and Megatrends 2000 that China by 2050 would be the preeminent economic power on earth. And if China by then is not a benign democracy then I predict as a precognitive psychic that it will then become the end of all democracies on Earth. This is what is really at stake not just the short term survival of our military establishment. Think long term America! or you won't still be here in 50 years!
So called Dark Matter
December 13th 2005
As a psychic and one who has consciously soul traveled since the 1970's and unconsciously in dream states all my life I appear to have an advantage that many people do not having been close up to dark matter and visiting with beings that live in dark matter who don't breathe air, drink water or need gravity or a planet to live on. These types of beings are the ones who create galaxies. I call these beings Creators for lack of a better word since there would be no planets without the beings that create galaxies which also as a byproduct create stars and planets and nebulas. Since the Creators I spoke with recognized me as a very old Creator now in thousands to millions of forms like humans and others in a process of regeneration used by many old creators to stay alive and to conquer the boredom of living billions of years I was able to speak with them about the nature of the universe including dark matter. They said that dark matter is the basic natural form of energy in the universe and that Creators oscillate dark matter between matter and antimatter in order to create a galaxy. This oscialtion creates a matter galaxy and an antimatter galaxy. The Creators and their families then feed on matter turning into antimatter and also antimatter turning into matter. When one form turns into the other creators can more easily feed on the energy conversion. They can feed either direction because Creators are both matter and antimatter beings in the same way an amphibian can breathe water or air. Whether or not you believe me it might behoove you to do the math and see if these ideas fit if you are an astrophysisist.
Syriana may be the most important movie yet made about what is really going on in the middle east. Syriana depicts not Christians versus Muslims but the powerful and the corporate and or the politically powerful versus the peons of all the world. The powerful tend to survive because they can buy their survival. The peons tend to die or almost die because they are expendable. Since all the main charactors of this movie I would consider in the peon class it makes a case for peons becoming aware of what is actually going on.In other words Matt Damon's Charactor, George Clooney's charactor and the black lawyer charactor are peons in the overall scheme of things. This movie is very adult and I'm not sure most children would get what a fully educated and empowered adult gets out of a movie like this. This movie strips bare everyone involved in the power business of oil in the midst of world politics.
What it's like to be Precognitive
December 10th 2005
If you have ever seen the tv program "Medium" it's a little like that except most all the things I see I see before they happen whether that is seconds, minutes, days, weeks or centuries. My gifts seem to be there to prevent the maiming and death of myself, my family, my friends, my nation and my world. I use these gifts by God's grace to help all the above survive and prosper in whatever way God guides me to. I support freedom, democracy, freedom of religion and beyond that the freedom to believe whatever you want as long as that does not harm another being. In other words, "Do unto others as you would have done unto you.So in addition to freedom of religion I also support the freedom to be spiritual and not religious, the freedom to be an atheist, the freedom to believe in science etc. As long as the end result is humanitarianism towards all beings on earth and beyond I tend to support that ideal.
What I write here began after I almost died in 1998 and 1999. After that I realized that I needed to not put my light under a bushel basket so to speak but to bring it out so that it could help light the room you are in so that all could light their candles from my candle so to speak that were so moved to do so. I realized that God by almost taking my life was showing me that I needed to share what he had taught me all my life and not be frightened to share my enlightenment with others. My near death experience taught me that I had been foolish not to share openly what God had taught me through direct experiences.
Most of the best stuff comes while I'm waking up in the morning. When I sense something is really important I will get up even without visiting the bathroom first and type in directly into my journal page or as a part of one of my online books.
Since my books are written in a legendary form they are based on truth in that they are based on past life memories in the past or future in our galaxy of myself or others in my family as well as soul friends from milions and billions of years.
One of the reasons the Star Wars series hits people so hard is that that series is a past life experience of George Lucas. He is writing about a past life real experience written in a legendary form. He may or may not know this but I do as a psychic.
For example the following article 2002 is not meant to be punitive towards anyone. It is written to make you undestand how close we all came to death and that on the first timeline all our families in Asia, the Pacific including Australia and North and South America were dead. On that timeline there were no sane humans for 20,000 years that lived full time in this region of earth from 2002 on. So until about the year 22,000 normal humans didn't live full time in this region of earth again and none of them were directly related to the ones here now.
For me the two most disturbing events that I sensed before they happened were the Loma Prieto Earthquake in fall 1989 and the Tsunami of late December 2004. The Loma Prieto Earthquake I watched live on cnn on tv in Hana, Maui, Hawaii as I sensed it coming and took my family to Hawaii to avoid it. The tsunami was traumatic because before it happened I sensed the heaven realms move very close to earth before it happened. I surmised at the time that many would die and I was right. Within a few months the heaven realms drew back to their normal dimentional distance from the earth plane of existence.
Some of the people that I told of the earthquake before it came wouldn't speak with me again as they were so traumatized by the event, especially a lady whose expensive house was torn in half in Piedmont, California in the bay area.
I realized from these two events that even though I can foresee and even foretell such events sometimes there isn't much I can do about these types of events except pray for people and save those closest to me from death.
In the case of 2002 I can warn people that if thousands hadn't worked tirelessly and billions and billions hadn't been spent that we all now would be dead as we all were on the first timeline.
When I learned to soul travel around 1970 consciously I did not fully understand the timespace continuum that we all live in. Since I believed effort needed to be exerted to get from one timespace to another I exerted much effort to do this. Later when I realized that each timespace is a type of consciousness I learned that travelling is effortless if one knows how to visualize like an artist by accompanying the feeling of where they want to go in time and space.
The problem is that one can very easily die or become fragmented while learning the skill. And another problem is that most people like myself that can do this don't teach it because it must be accompanied by incredible compassion and wisdom of a very wise and beneficent adult in order to protect all beings in time and space from potential harm.
However, I will say to all here that if your motivation in travelling spacetime is not useful, helpful and beneficent the likely outcome of your efforts will be insanity or death. The types of people who do best soul travelling tend to be healers, doctors, therapists of all kinds and pilgrims searching their souls for the truth. Other types of people don't tend to do as well in this type of endeavor. Being a warrior isn't very useful because you will always meet a stronger fighter while soul travelling and will be maimed or killed. Whereas a priest or pilgrim tends to be protected while soul travelling by the entire legal structure of the Galaxy. This is so extreme that you will actually be brought back to life if you are accidentally killed while travelling as a soul pilgrim. I have been brought back to life as a soul at least 5 times during the 70's while I was still a neophyte at travelling beyond the earth and throughout the galaxy in my soul body.
At a certain point I learned that God had created my body on earth and that soul travelling was only useful to a point and that beyond that point my body might pass on back on earth. I decided then that I would keep my body alive on earth for my soul to live in and that I would only consciousness project when I was given a task by God or his angels. This allowed me to marry and raise a family and run businesses successfully.
4:33pm pst December 9th 2005
I realized today that as a responsible precognitive psychic I owe this article to all humans as a way to honor them all.
Just like we in the United States are horrified by 9-11-01 and 12-7-41 as the two most infamous days in U.S. History the first timeline's most infamous day for all cultures on earth was 2002 AD. One the first timeline Billions died this year and all the Cultures of Asia, the Pacific and the Americas were lost; not one sane man, woman or child was left alive on this timeline. Luckily, we on the second timeline did not see this. Luckily, The Asian Corporate connection to the financing of 9-11 did not become public along with the tension between the U.S. and China regarding Taiwan this time. That was the fatal mix on that first timeline for billions of deaths that year on the first timeline. For 5000 years all these cultures and people remained dead until what is left of Europe in the Swiss and Italian Alps technologically rose in the late 6000's until time travel was reattained and used to correct our present time line to the 2nd timeline we now live on.
Also, I would like my readers to know that likely UNUS is not fictional. The four letter abreviation is mine but the organization is real. I have become convinced of this in the last year. It appears both the organization and aspects of the story I told you are in fact real.
My place appears to be to help those who are capable of seeing the truth of knowing likely what it is so that the tools and weapons of things like time travel can be balanced by the intelligentia of earth. Some of the common people as well suspect the truth too.
It is no surprise to any thinking person that time travel and American UFO's used by our military must be kept secret. However, the human race must somehow facilitate the use of time travel to help all humans to a better future not just the top 1% of the world.
So the Human Race Has Future
early december 2005
I don't write just to scare people but to awaken the presently alive humans to the futures of their chidren and their children and so on and so on. I would like the human race to survive and prosper during the next 100 to 100,000 years and beyond. However, to do that humans must learn to survive nuclear weapons and various other technologies. In addition the Global warming presently accelerating from technology and the overpopulation of humans and livestock will continue to degrade exponentially the quality of life for the average person on earth.
I was surprised by a piece on CNN on TV about the desalinization of some of the currents in the Atlantic ocean caused by a massive meltdown of icebergs in the arctic and what that might mean for Europe. In other words, a possibly much colder climate for Europe. What that might mean for the U.S. and other countries I'm not sure. However, at this point Americans appear to be writing off most of New Orleans except for the tourist section as anyone who thinks straight knows the levees will give way again and the weather isn't getting any better long term. So de facto most of New Orleans has been basicly given up. So that even if parts of it are rebuilt the low lying areas will likely be underwater again within 20 years. This may happen to many other vulnerable cities and areas affected by hurricanes and typhoons over the next 20 to 30 years all over the world. You will begin to see a growing acceptance of giving up areas long lived in all over the world. You won't hear a lot of talk people will just vote with where they choose to live. Those who choose well will live and those who don't choose so well might not!
So what I'm trying to do as a precognitive psychic is to share what I see coming so that people can begin to prepare their children and grandchildren for the coming changes.
The more people who move to solar and wind power world wide the better it will be for everyone. What I see coming this century isn't very pretty. Many more tornadoes, hurricanes and high winds. Many people living in the poorest nations with high rates of AIDS won't make it because there are now so many disasters in every country that there is too much donor fatigue to save everyone now. Many people will try to take care of people in their own countries which will leave many people in Africa and possibly Pakistan dead. I think most people on earth have sort of been in shock since 9-11. The world paradigm shifted and everyone became afraid in a new way. 9-11 sort of became a water mark for the whole new sorts of problems coming in the 21st century of suicide terrorists and of global warming. It should be no surprise that people are choosing to commit suicide with a bomb because their quality of life is nonexistent. When people have no hope they do really insans things.
It is very easy for us who live here in America to think of how people around the world should think. However, the reality of what people actually do think around the world is completely different than Americans want them to. And this is very unlikely to change any time soon. Having traveled in many third world nations I have seen first hand what is going on. It is for 3rd world nations like a poor homeless person living under a bridge next to a rich person with everything they want. At a certain point there may be nothing to stop that poor person from trying to steal something from the rich person even if it might cost the poor person their life because the poor person's life is so bad and unpredictable. That is the real story of how bad things really are worldwide.
The problem really is that those of us who have been born in a free nation and who haven't traveled really have no real conception of what life in other countries is really like unless we go there and speak to people on the street. The news in all countries is mostly propaganda and not very useful. What people really need to know they will never be told. This is the unfortunate truth. So people go around thinking they know what is going on while in reality the have no idea what is going on because no one tells them anything very useful.
World War III?
November 29th 2005
Some people say we are in World War III. Though I agree with them it is more about technology like the Industrial revolution almost like the another technological revolution spoken of in, "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman, than anything else. Tribally based societies and religions like fundamentalist Islam don't do Change well. When tribes and Islam were created no one could have foreseen exponential Technological change or how technological change would affect morals and mores. Take one invention. The birth control pill. This one invention changed everything. It completely revolutionized the way young men and women related to each other from 1960 when it was first introduced in the U.S. through 1980 when AIDS started to be reported more and more. There has been a lot of resistence to technological change. Islamic fundamentalists want to return to 14th century feudal Islamic life. That is impossible! Any rational person knows that. This is why so many faced with reality kill themselves as suicide bombers. Because if they can't win, suicide seems like the best option. So people in that way of thinking have two choices, Change or Die! The bombers choose death. They vote with their deaths and they probably will continue to think this way until parents stop raising their kids in a philosophy that causes them to kill themselves. For me it would be like saying, "If I can't fly to the moon I'm going to kill myself" and then doing it. Just because many people believe something it doesn't mean it's ultimately true.
It reminds me of an anthropological story I heard of a tribe that worshiped in South America somewhere a wooden totem pole for hundreds of years. The wooden totem pole was God itself to these people. However, one day the termites had eaten so much of the insides of this wooden totem pole that it fell over. All the tribesmen and women and children sat around and stared at this pole until they all died from distress and starvation and experiencing the death of their God. This is a true story.
In a sense it doesn't matter what any of us believe in. The point is if we are not pragmatic about surviving to actually survive no matter what then we are all dead!
So in regard to World War III, it is in reality about technology versus tribal fundamentalist thought. In the end technology is neither good nor bad and tribes are what they are. If technology and tribes cannot find a way to co-exist then we are all dead! And that's a fact!
The U.S.A. alien E.T. Connection?
November 25th 2005
I was reading an yahoo article out of Canada today and realized I needed to write of my experience in the summer of about 15 years ago in Mt. Shasta, California. On this day I heard helicopters and walked outside to see 3 unmarked chinook double bladed helicopters painted grey with a UFO right above them. As I watched unbelieving I decided not to blink so powerful the image was. As I stared at the silver ufo disc that was in formation with the 3 helicopters with the ufo above and the 3 chinooks in a triagle kind of formation directly below. Soundlessly the ufo disapeared while the chinooks deafening racked from their huge blade tips breaking the sound barrier. I then watched unbelievingly the three chinooks heading of in the direction of Nevada and possibly Area 51.
For a long time I didn't quite know what to think. However, now, 15 years later this is what I think. First, the ufo was definitely in formation with the 3 grey helicopters in a clear summer sky over the little City of Mt. Shasta, California. Second, it could have been some kind of holligram generated by the helicopters. or Third, I might have witnessed time travel by UFO which was accomplished with the knowledge of the United States Government or a group within the United States or even a Corporation or Rich individual. I decided the likely scenario was an Area 51 series of above top secret experiments involving space and Time Travel. I can't ask you to believe me because you were not there. All I can say is that I saw this with my own eyes in a clear state of mind on a cloudless day. The helicopters were about 2500 feet above the ground and almost right above me. The ufo could not have been more than 500 to 1000 feet above the helicopters in formation.************************************************
The Article from Canada that prompted me to write this for you is was published on yahoo on Thursday November 24th 2005 and the Title is:
Former Canadian Minister of Defence Asks Canadian Parliament to Hold Hearings on Relations With "ET" Civilizations (PRWEB)OTTAWA,CANADA(PREWEB)
to quote from this article Former Canadian Minister of Defense Mr. Hellyer said, "I'm so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something."
Hellyer continued,"The secrecy involved in all matters pertaining to the Roswell incident was unparalled. The classification was, from the outset above top secret, so the vast majority of the U.S. officials and politicians, let alone a mere allied minister of defence, were never in-the-loop." end quote.
The True Nature of Travel through TimeSpace
November 25th 2005
The best vehicle for travelling TimeSpace is Consciousness. It is my belief that when Colonel Corso of Military Intelligence for the White House during the Eisenhower Administration was shown the "helmet"? used by aliens for guiding their ships.(Note: this is my understanding from what I read in "The Day After Roswell" by Colonel Corso before his death.) He said that it appeared that the humanoids that piloted the Roswell UFO were designed to be a part of the ships navigation systems. He said they appeared to be genetically designed to pilot the ship and that the helmet only fit their brains and minds. When U.S. military researchers tried to use these navigational helmets they got sick and sometimes died because their brain and minds were so different than the alien humanoids who piloted the UFO's.
As a psychic capable under ideal conditions of travelling timespace in my soul body I can understand this. It makes perfect sense that those capable of what I am would be used to wear a compatible helmet to guide the ship through timespace much like the "navigators" in the book "Dune" by Frank Herbert. In this way the consciousness of the pilot could navigate the ship instantly to any other timespace through consciousness alone since if one truly understands the laws of physics one realizes that timespace is an illusion that humans believe in to make sense of living on Earth.Humans with developed psychic abilities which naturally tend to become Priests and ministers,lawyers, politicians, doctors, psychologists therapists and healers of all kinds can also understand this very easily.
The Joy of writing
I was at one of my children's school acitities today my child's teacher asked me about my writing. I said,"I have always loved writing." She asked if I could come speak to the class. I decided to write down what I feel is important about writing.
First of all, one can openly and fully express what one is thinking and feeling, especially if one can either type fast like myself or if someone has a tape recorder so that nothing is lost then that one can write or type from the cassette tape or video recorder. In this way when you have a good idea you can get it down on either a napkin in a restaurant, the side of a paper bag or if you are home on paper or computer, audeo cassette, tape recorder or video recorder. If you are recording something don't forget to transcribe it before you lose track of your recording medium and even then keep all your writings converted to paper or "hard copy" in case the electronic device goes down whether it be computer or some type of recorder. One of the first very long stories or books I ever wrote was in about 1980. I started writing what I thought then was a science fiction story about a man 1,000,000 years in the future. I wrote on a paper bag from a grocery store outside while I was feeding the family's milk goats on a beautiful summer day. I was sitting under a tree and looking up at Mt. Shasta, a 14,000 foot mountain nearby my house then. Somewhere I still have those paper bags with the original ideas that I jotted down. Ideas can come any time and you can sometimes tell by the power of those ideas which ones are really going some place interesting.
Another interesting thing about writers is that they have a need to write just like a real artist has a need to paint or a sculptor has a need to sculpt. A real writer's love of writing is like a bird's love of flying. If you love to write then you Are a real writer no matter your age or whether anyone has read what you have written or ever will. You are a real writer when you get an idea and you have to write it down or at least record it somehow.
Sometimes later the idea might strike you as silly but your parents might think it is the best thing you've ever done. So you never know when something you write will bring joy not only to yourself but to someone else or sometimes many someone elses.
The Spirit of Saint Germain
November 22nd 2005
I was thinking of Saint Germain this morning and decided to write of him.
Student of Jesus. As Francis Bacon in the 1500's, father of the Scientific Method. In other words hypothesis, theory, law. Advocate of logic and reason and pragmatism. As an adept, advocate of compassionate pragmatism. The man who never died. Der Wonderman of Europe. One of the father's of the Declaration of Independance, of the Bill of Rights, of the Constitution of American democracy. An advocate of the United States of Europe since the 1500's with the present fruition being the European Union. Known Oriental adept of the 16th,17th, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries. Once again the man who never dies. Ascended in 1684 at which point earned the capacity to manifest a human body anywhere and anywhen in ways similar to Jesus and as a student of Jesus.
As I child I was taught to emulate both Jesus and Saint Germain in order to become like them. This was and is a very tall order. However, I did learn to do the bidding of Jesus and Saint Germain, especially through their millions of Angels. There were paintings in the churches I was raised in of Jesus and Saint Germain surrounded by the Light of Enlightenment and Ascension, Teacher and Student and also as spiritual brothers enlightening all life on Earth and beyond.
Saint Germain after almost taking my life and sanity through multiple initiations granted me a blessing. It was Easter 1973, "I was lying on my bed in deep meditation and contemplation of the mysteries of life when an extremely powerful energy entered my bedroom. At first the shock of such power terrified me. I found myself snapping into a higher state of consciousness automatically to survive this encounter. With this higher state of consciousness I grabbed the energy and felt like on a motorcycle riding at full throttle straight up into the sky when a voice said, 'Turn this energy into violet sacred flame. I did so as this made sense to me as I was taught to generate violet sacred flame as a child. In 1973 I was 24 years old and would turn 25 within a few days or weeks. As I turned the power into violet flame through my visualization my whole room turned into Violet Flame. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life up to that time. After about 1 hour of experiencing a constant spiritual full body orgasm like experience of being cleansed by God while watching black smoke pour out my chest which was the sadness and frustration of that time being consumed by God I noticed that out of a poster on my bedroom wall an extremely bright violet light started to grow. The violet light began as a spark at the nexus of the poster of the top of the mountain peak and the intersecting sun. As it grew to an oval about 3 feet vertical and 2 1/2 feet horizontal I saw it was Saint Germain smiling at me out of another dimension. The power of this experience became so overwhelming that I lost consciousness. When I awoke an hour or two later I realized that Saint Germain had completely reprogrammed my brain and mind.
After that all my supernatural abilities grew exponentially and were completely integrated in a way they had not been before. I could be aware of conversations sometimes on the other side of the planet or even next door if they pertained to my survival or the survival of my family, friends, nation or planet. It was as if some gigantic God computer automatically made me aware of whatever I needed to be aware of right on time to create the best outcome for all beings. Over the next few months I realized that Saint Germain had reprogrammed me to literally Be Him in yet one more body on Earth. Because of this I am still alive. Because of this I still Am sane. Because of this I can help you too with infinite Blessings from Saint Germain and Jesus on into infinity. All Glory be to God. All Power Be to God!
Hybrids: The good news and the bad
November 17th 2005
I was speaking to a local hybrid dealership recently. I found out that jaws of life are now forbidden to be used by fire departments around the world on all hybrids because both firemen and occupants of hybrids are being electrocuted while in accidents and afterwards.
I have a somewhat simple solution to this problem. By having a manual electrical disconnect for all wiring that goes into the main cab above the level of where human feet rest and giving the key to all fire departments in the world this problem could be solved as long as this disconnect was a universal one used by all hybrid companies. By having in addition a direct electrical feed between the gas or diesel engine and the electric motors and shifters even if some prankster with a key turned off the electricity above the level of human feet in the car or truck the gas or diesel engine could be started in order to power the electric motors to a dealership, home or mechanic to be turned back on.
Another idea I have had regarding hybrids. Since my father was an electrician who died of bone cancer directly relating to being constantly exposed to the corona generated from being near 130,000 volts while on the job for his last 8 years before he retired I know a little about the problem of electrical coronas. Coronas you might experience while driving a car under a high voltage line in your car causing your radio or cell phone to buzz somewhat. What I'm getting at is that I don't think the occupants of hybrids are properly shielded from the electrical coronas that are generated. This isn't real bad. It is just probably like being on the cell phone only in this case it affects your whole body and health and not just your brain and head like a cell phone does. So it is possible that while you are driving a hybrid you are being exposed to a lot of electrical static. This static affect on your bodies could be reduced by a lead shield like you wear when you are at the dentists getting your teeth xrayed. The useful static shield might need to be specifically designed for the types of coronas present in your hybrid.
I watched a comcast repairman who had a thing that looked like a green gun with two aerials coming out of each side of it. He told me that signals that sounded like ufo noise coming out of it were coming from my tv cable line and interferring with air traffic communication in my area. Likewise hybrids likely will interfere with the electricity in your body as it travels through your neurons and nerves like cell phones do. Minimizing ones exposure to these coronas and static can prevent unwanted cancers in the future.
Hybrids are a good thing in helping prevent Global warming. However, they are a new technology and in regard to human bodies we must protect ourselves from unwanted coronas and static electrical fields unhelpful to the human body's long term survival.
By installing some kind of shield in doors and floors of the hybrid like one uses at the dentists during xrays one could prevent any cancers that could be caused by long term exposure from constant driving in a hybrid of the electrical static upon a human body. Like I said, "One day, one week or one month probably wouldn't be harmful to most people. However, years of driving in an unshielded hybrid might cause some types of cancers like bone cancer or lymphoma or leukemia.
I'm not a doctor or an electrical engineer but I watched my father go with bone cancer and because of this I'm writing of my concerns.
The Yoga of Time Travel
November 17th 2005
I was visiting Mt. Shasta on my way to a funeral for a friend's mother in Ashland when my wife bought me a book called "The Yoga of Time Travel" that is written by a physisist named Fred Alan Wolf PHD. In it he combines eastern ideas with modern physics that reminds me a little of "The Tao of Physics" written in the 70's. I'm quoting the back cover which says,"TIME TRAVEL MAY BE SCIENCE FACT, NOT FICTION" on the back cover it continues: "We can all Time travel, says physisist Fred Alan Wolf. In fact, we may already do so. He cites Hindu yogo systems to show how we can defeat time through any spiritual practice--- such as meditation---that it dissolves ego. He shows how quantum physics supports this claim and explains in simple terms such phenomena as black holes, wormholes, and parallel universes."
continue quote,"Wolf's fascinating scenarios help us imagin what traveling to the past or the future through mind yoga would be like. Provatively, he suggests it might even improve the quality of our lives. Time travel could, for instance, clarify our sense of self and purpose, reverse aging, and provide wisdom for the benefit of our entire community." end quote.
I personally have time travelled through consciousness projection most of my life once I obtained a complete paradigm shift by experiencing astral projection around 1971 or 2 in the deserts above Palm springs in an area called Yucca Mesa in a friend's cabin. Throught this terrifying experience when my astral hand went through the wall when I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night I asked God to give me a less terrifying experience and he did so within a couple of months. Once my paradigm was permanently shifted and I knew souls could travel I found that time and space are two aspects of the same thing and that there is really only different state of consciousness and place does not really exist at all. So travelling to another time can be done by an adept like myself because I can sense the consciousness where I want to go since I know that ultimately places don't exist only consciousness does. In time and space both time and space are illusions and the basis is only states of consciousness. Once one understands this one can travel anywhere including heaven states of consciousness while still maintaining a body on earth
I must give thanks to a lady who showed me how to always be with angels and the heaven realms when I was only 22. I realized that if I could be with angels on earth I didn't have to try to leave this body because I didn't like being in a body on earth and trapped in a physical body. Being constantly now connected to heaven through consciousness and discipline I'm allowed to go pretty much anywhere I'm needed by God to be and I haven't been trapped by my physical body since I was about 20. When I tried to permanently project my soul from my body at age 20 the angels told me that I wasn't allowed to leave. Though I was despondant at first the angels said that since I chose to return to my body at age 20 that my body would no longer be a prison but would only be a reference point. This allows me to be all over the universe anywhere I want to be while simaltaneously maintaining a body on earth. I find the freedom to be anywhere and anywhen a very blessed gift from God. As a result I am a peace in a deep sense all the time even when dealing with the difficulties of life we all must face while living in a human body on earth.
What the Story means for Prospective Time Travellers
November 17th 2005 1:19pm pst.
I would like to share a quote from this section of "The Yoga of Time Travel" that explains the nature of consciousness necessary for Yogic Time Travel
In this section the author is talking about Krishna and Arjuna's experience together in the Bhagavad Gita. begin quote middle of page 19 "Clearly, no individual is capable of taking on the role of the supreme Lord. Krishna realizes this and knows what every soul wants at heart; so to acommodate them all, he gives every sentient form the ability to focus and defocus possibility, which has much to do with the sense that we can control events in our lives. Recognizing also that each one will eventually see the futility inherent in the illusion of control, Krishna nevertheless allows each on to die and reincarnate over and over again, enabling the illusion to persist as long as each being remains enchanted by it.
In this way, each of us may forget Krishna, forget to peer into the body of Time, and enjoy some feeling of power over a piece of the illusionary play. Remembering our desire to identify with Krishna is not easy, even though it is the fundamental desire from which all of our other desires arise." end quote page 20.
For me, it appears my capacity to be comfortable in the heart of God in whatever times or spaces he chooses to place me simaltaneously also allows me to be in all times and spaces simaltaneously. The real experience reminds me something like one feels in surfing a wave in the ocean on a surfboard. All conditions must be perfect for a perfect ride. So I wait for the perfect ride. And the rides I'm allowed to share we you all I share through my writings.
It is my belief that Einstein's perfect ride was actually riding a beam of light through the universe through consciousness projection and observing the experience. E=mc2 came later when he brought mathematics and physics to bear on his personal experiences of actually travelling the speed of light in a soul body.
The Necessity of Agreement
November 14th 2005
As a precognitive psychic I have the luxury of writing about this before it actually happens. I sense it to be 20 to 50 years away in real time.
The question is: "How do the humans of earth survive suicide bombers with little a-bombs on their backs?" It does not matter the ideology of the a-bomb carriers because it is just a new form of warfare not seen before. However, anyone can see it coming. It's just a matter of time.
No amount of security will stop it. Anyone can see this. We might hope for something else but somewhere, somehow we all know it is just a matter of time.
So the question becomes: "How do humans survive this ominous threat to the survival of humans on earth and to earth itself? This is where the Necessity of Agreement comes in. This sort of warfare will trump all governments, corporations and all religions. All human beings on earth must agree or all will die. How is this possible? As humans we must find a way or die! Democracies can't survive this! Corporations can't survive this! No religion can survive this! But still humans must find a way and the only way I can see is agreement!
All past defenses won't work whether they be walls, guns or electronic security. Also, this doesn't mean that Islamic fundamentalists are secure either because a Christian fundamentalist or a Hindu fundamentalist or even and atheistic fundamentalist can wear an a-bomb backpack. There is no end to this as a form of blackmail and death! Any logical reasonable person can see this is the same problem that began with Hiroshima and Nagasaki all over again only with little a-bombs instead of big ones.
The question seems to be "Can all of us somehow get along without violence?" If the answer is "yes!" then earth goes on. If the answer is "no!" then earth ceases to exist. Do the math. It is very simple.
You and I Live on the 2nd Timeline
It has come to my attention some of you that read my online books in the "Memories" series skip around while you are reading. For you who scan I wish to reassure you that most all of us who read this webpage are reading it from the 2nd timeline. One of the main reasons I believe I was born was to share the knowledge of what happened on the first timeline. In the first timeline in 2002 Asia, North and South America and all of the Pacific region became a nuclear wasteland for 20,000 years where no healthy or sane humans could live. What is wonderful is that this was eliminated in 2002 on our present 2nd timeline by Elohar and Ragna from 70th Century Earth in the first timeline from Europe with the help of many thousands like myself. This does not mean we won't see another elimination of Asia, the Americas and the Pacific region, it just means that calamity has been changed so you and I and all our descendants will continue to live for now. Exactly what will happen on the 2nd timeline where you and I presently live is unknown. However, what is known is that humans will survive a war with an alien species around 30,000 years into the future as a direct result of all major cultures surviving into the future. In other words the extinction of the human race 30,000 years into the future has been prevented by this second timeline. So all on earth must be vigilant to prevent a nuclear war that could eliminate permanently 4 billion people and render unihabitable for 20,000 years Asia, all the Pacific and North and South America.
Jonathan Flow
If you have read my online book "Memories" then you know Jonathan Flow is a pseudonym for me and my life and a way for me to reveal more truth to you in a safe way. In my book I mention that Elohar and Ragna Share consciousness with Jonathan Flow until 2005. This has been true. However, as of January 1st,2006 new galactic rules go into place wherein Jonathan Flow has reached a certain age in which it is forbidden for souls other than the same soul from different times and bodies to share consciousness. This is a galactic rule that is based upon the general lifespan of Earthborn humans which is now considered an average of 80 years old. Communication between Elohar and Ragna continues with Jonathan Flow, it just continues in a slightly modified way ongoing after that date. This rule was established to allow those who might be preparing to pass on to properly prepare for it. I have no intention of passing on until I can see it is time for it.
Once, my teacher, Saint Germain said to me, "If you live to be 100, you will see 500. If you live to see 500, you will see 1000. If you live to see 1000, you will see 10,000." For me this was just a cryptic way of telling me to prepare for a very long life. (With the geometric progression of todays medical techniques I'm beginning to believe him)
November 15th 2005
This continues from the previous article. The two main lines of reincarnation spoken of in "Memories" are: Fire Crystal, A Ray In, Celeste Weaver who are incarnations of the female Creator of the Galaxy. The second line is Flame, His Oneness,Arcane,Jonathan Flow, Eridian who are incarnations of the male Creator of the Galaxy. Creators who are matter-antimatter beings who live in Dark matter until they need to feed a family. Then some of them create Galaxies from dark matter by oscillating the dark matter between matter and antimatter. Doing this creates both a matter galaxy and a complimentary antimatter galaxy which exists as long as creators cause this oscillation for feeding their children, grandchildren etc. Creators live billions and billions of years and as long as they remain psychologically balanced and don't die of boredom can live basicly forever. Taking incarnations is a way of renewing a very old Creator. So thousands to millions of humans are actually beings billions of years old like myself attempting regeneration to recreate ones life after billions and billions of years of existence. Most of the time Creators doing this live thousands to millions of lifetimes as humans and others simaltaneously simply because they can. Though it is distasteful to them it is the only way for them to go on living once boredom is reached after billions of years of existence.
The Suffering in Pakistan
I was eating breakfast with my wife and once again she surprised me with her compassion. She said, "I need to give a donation to the International Red Cross earmarked for the earthquake victims in Pakistan." I felt a happy surprise at her compassion. As I thought about it more I saw that people in the rich secular Christian world haven't come through for the Pakistani earthquake victims primarily because they are tapped out by all the world catastrophes at home and abroad but also because Pakistan is seen as the harborer of Bin Laden which Christians tend to view as the most singularly evil man on Earth and Islamics have their own points of view which are many not one. However, I believe that in the Christian secular psyche Pakistan=Bin Laden in their minds. Therefore it is easier to forget about all the children and adults freezing to death in the snow in the mountains of Pakistan.
Unlike most people I have spent 2 months in India in the mid 1980's and 2 months in Nepal during the same time and got a feel for life over there in that general region. What I said to my wife was: "You know even if you donate to the Red Cross for that I don't think there is really much chance it will get to the people who need help the most." She said, "I know that but I need to do something to help those suffering people there." I thought again and realized what a disaster this situation this really is. Because the children and people who survive this disaster will know on some level that Rich secular Christian nations turned their back on them while their friends and relatives died. And some of the children that experience this will be tomorrow's suicide bombers. Let's hope one of them isn't an atomic suicide bomber in one of our home towns 20 years from now. The thought horrified me. However, as a practical matter I see Newton's law: "For every action there is an opposite but equal reaction" in place. Until more of the Islamic world is as economically successful as the Secular Christian world I'm afraid all religions are in for it! Because without hope what will stop Islamic children in the end choosing suicide with a bomb?
What About California?
November 10th 2005
What we got were extremely poorly written initiatives, 73 through 80, all of which were voted down. What we needed was something else entirely. California's money woes are completely to do with companies like Enron, and The FERC not federally doing its job in regulating our electicity much like gasoline hasn't been properly regulated worldwide. Now the US the world just got majorly screwed by oil prices reaching over $3 a gallon retail in the US while some countries sell their gasoline for as low as 35 to 50 cents a gallon. No one who actually read the California initiatives and had any fiscally responsible capabilities would have voted for any of these initiatives in California simply because they were a complete waste of money on every level and nothing else. I admire our California Governor's idealism. However, he has demonstrated that his business acumen doesn't carry over well to government realities and the real wishes of the people of California.
First week of November 2005
Our nation does not need another watergate! The world is just too dangerous for us to survive that right now. Our democracy is just too fragile to survive that right now! Rove as well as Libby and probably Cheney need to resign as patriots to protect our presently fragile democracy! Our strongest asset as a nation right now is adaptability! The Bush administration must adapt before we are blackmailed with nuclear weapons by Iran. As a psychic I see that as a very real possibility in the next year or so. By letting Cheney, Rove and Libby go and then pardoning them all Bush can start fresh and thereby save both the democracy and our nation long term. Bush also needs to protect the separation of powers between the legislative, Executive and Judicial branches or we Will lose our fragile democracy within 10 years and there Will be a Hitler here. It is Not about the Bush administration now It IS about the survival of our fragile democracy in a time of the World War against terrorism.
The Survival of All Nations in a Nuclear Age!
Though you will not hear this on the news it is very logical and implied.As a psychic I can verify the following is true. Every nation on earth that has nuclear weapons now has secretly told every other nation the following (paraphrased)"If a nuclear bomb of any size large or small is brought to our nation and detonated the nation it was allowed to come through will be detonated in a nuclear way and be no more! In other words it is a military fact that the nation that did not stop the nuke from being sent and detonated will become a crater! This is the New Detente! It is both similar and yet very different than the Detente reached between the old Soviet Union and the United States in the Cold War! Times have changed and yet in a way nothing has changed!
Late October 2005
My wife thinks I should rewrite my book "Memories" and put it all in the first person and I'm still thinking about that. Since I have written and still write from the perspective of a precognitive psychic who actually remembers all this past, present and future happening to me sometimes it can be just too strange to put it into the first person too much because though I like remembering lifetimes I have to be very careful not to let them bleed too much into my present lifetime for a variety of reasons.
Whenever I remember past lives in the past, present or future of real time I always pray to only experience that which is beneficial to myself and others. One must be very careful what one remembers past lives because much of what has happened has already been learned and worked through. The things useful in our present lives are often very specific to the lessons we are presently learning individually and as life waves upon the planet. Therefore I am interested in what helps me move forward as a soul and what keeps humans capable of continuing to inhabit earth while still knowing full well that souls incarnate from all times and all spaces to all times and all spaces. It is almost as if Earth is an amusement park ride for souls to try. Anyway, it often occurs to me that this is the case.
Even though I know that for some souls this is their first lifetime one earth or even their first lifetime anywhere in the physical unverse I still tend to write for those like myself who have lived countless times throughout this galaxy and others.
In my book "Memories" I also have dealt with experiences in Earth Heavens even though I know some beings temporarily experience other things. Or more specifically beings who want to continue to exist need to help other beings with kindness and helpfulness. Otherwise, eventually those beings cease to exist because what you do to others you do to yourself and what you do to yourself you do to others. When beings are unkind to others they also tend to be unkind to themselves and therefore they don't usually live very long.
Science and Spirit
October 19th 2005
My books will be proven based on fact by scientists now and in the future. Francis Bacon, father of the scientific method in the late 1500's I consider to be my teacher.
I was born an intuitive genius. However, I don't consider myself to be an intellectual genius just an intuitive one. An intuitive genius is capable of experiencing literally everything simaltaneously. In my case I am lucky because most intuitive geniuses aren't very articulate about these experiences. I can at least share with you the tip of the iceberg so to speak and thereby give the human race now and into posterity as well as others a very basic sketch of approximately 1 1/2 million years of Earth and Galactic History past, present and future. By presenting this to you it slightly changes the future. It is my belief that this will tend to make the future better for everyone. It is an act of Co-Creation with God on my part and your part. I call this democratic Co-Creation with God.
As the Icecaps Melt
I was walking my dogs in the forest today I realized some of the technology that will be needed by humans during the next several hundred years for swift travel. In place of todays jets will be rockets that catapault passengers swiftly and safely straight up to over 50,000 feet or more so they can fly above the worst turbulance caused by severe winds that will affect most of the planet below 5000 feet to 7000 feet at some time each day. By choosing clear windows when the wind is lowest, rocket planes will be able to rocket straight up to 50,000 feet and above to avoid the extreme turbulance possible at lower attitudes. On re-entry into normal air pressure a parachute or drogue chute could be used to avoid breaking off the wings in horizontal flight below 50,000 feet.
A presently invented technology, submarines which can sail below 50 feet in depth will allow waterborn intercontinental travelers and cargo to continue unabated in their journeys around the planet.
Though the melting of the icecaps could kill off 90% of the polar bears and many other species of creatures initially a small group of each species may be capable of repopulating their same areas with interesting adaptation characteristics. The same is true of people.
The biggest danger to the ongoing survival of humans during the next 500 years is government and corporate media who lie to the people of earth. Only armed with truth can humans survive without becoming cavemen and cavewomen once again during the next 1000 years.
Prepare to become a God!
Saint Germain came to me in a dream last night and wanted me to share this with you all.
Jesus said, "Ye are Gods!" and "Even greater things than these shall ye do!". Very few if any of the people he said these things to got it either intellectually or spiritually at the time. It probably went right over their heads.
Some people would call the times we live in the "end times". However, I would call these times a "time of renewal" in which many people on earth will pass on back to their creator. Others of us, however, will live on here on earth and colonize other planets and dimensions.
In my thirties I realized as a spiritual scientist that it was possible for those of us who completely understand ourselves to not only be men and women but also gods to keep earth going even if there was an earth destroying nuclear blast. My premise was: "What is the difference between a physical earth and a dream earth?" I realized to the people living here on earth who didn't yet realize that they were gods designed in God's image there would be no difference.
When I was a child I was taught to co-create with God. When I reached 10 years of age God asked me to become a God or to die! Imagine yourself being ten years old and old testament style God said to you, "If you don't accept yourself as a God now you will die!" It took me 5 years to fully get this. God terrified me over and over. I was literally "scared to death" by God's power. Finally, when death was near I commanded myself into Godhood to avoid physical death. At this point I knew I was different than most other people. I didn't really want to be different than most humans but I also knew that my only choice to live in a human body on earth was to fully empower myself as a god because this was God's will for me. It didn't matter how scared I was because if I didn't accept my full responsibility of being a god on earth among men and women that I would die!
From age 15 to 25 I met maybe 10 people who also knew that they were fully god's. One or more of them saved my life from age 21 to 23. Being a god on earth is an AWESOME responsibility. What is asked of a God is a 1000 times more than the average person. Anyone can be asked to be a god on earth but how many actually survive it and stay balanced? What it is like for me is as follows. I must be like a parent supernaturally to all beings I encounter. I must recognize other gods and align with them. I must assist those capable of becoming gods to do so. I must assist supernaturally all beings on earth human or otherwise to be all that they can be in God's eyes. I must not misuse my godhood or face God's wrath. The responsibility and pressure is enormous.
What do I get in return? I get to serve God as a god on earth. I get to help all beings which brings me much satisfaction much like being a doctor or psychologist. I get to see the future so I can prevent my death or maiming or the death or maiming of others I am associated with individually or in groups. When necessary I am allowed by God to altar time and space on God's behalf. If I use these gifts as God wishes my gifts continue to grow exponentially. It is now my belief that this is what all the prophets and saints really were and are: gods! If God were Santa all we gods on earth would be like Santa's helpers!
If you have survived to godhood, rejoice! If God is forcing you to Godhood what I recommend is submission to God as you will either die or become a God. There is no other way! Once you get past the terror of God then I found it useful to get to what I call "The Alchemy of Joy". In other words if you have fun being a God you can grow and have more and more fun being a god! It's sort of like if someone gives you lemons you make lemonade and lemon pie. If you are going to be forced to be a god instead of just a human you might as well enjoy it! I did! And I still Am! IAM a god!
Life is for the Living
October 10th 2005
The great south Asian quake killing thousands happened a few days ago. Last night I got pretty depressed about one more international calamity. As a psychic though and as someone who prays all the time I prayed for all the souls who had passed over and for all those who remain and have to pick up the pieces here on earth.
At this point some of the souls passed over came and said to me. "Don't feel sorry for us. Some of our lives were miserable and we are much happier on this side in the afterlife." For some reason I was shocked by this even though at some level I accept the truth of this. It made me realize that I as someone with God given gifts must begin to see more from the perspective of those already passed over and of those choosing to be reborn as humans and also those choosing to be born for the first time on earth.
It's just too easy to watch the tv news and get depressed about all the deaths in Hurricane Katrina and Rita and now Hurricane Stan in Guatemala and now the earthquake in Pakistan and India in Kashmir. However, the real story is of all the souls being born, growing up and living and dying and spending time in the afterlife and sometimes choosing to be reborn to learn something else new. You may not be aware of this but souls many times choose to be born on earth much like you may take a vacation to Australia or Hawaii or someplace else interesting.
When I look out long term as a precognitive psychic I see that the 21st century will not be seen as a century of World Wars like the 20th century was. In other words WWI, WWII and the seemingly never ending Cold War from 1945 until 1989. So in the next centuries the 21st century will likely be known as the beginning of the Great Thinning out of the Human race by naturally occuring weather and earthquakes. In fact it is very likely that the present level of human population will likely be reduced by 25% to 50% by the year 2199 and be reduced 10% to 25% from what it is now by 2099 just from naturally occurring calamities. Though you might think this is bad it has many different effects. One of the effects of this is to draw all the survivors in all the nations of the world together because they will all realize they need each other to survive all these calamities. Though most wars are caused by shortages (whether that be land or other resources) this century will be characterized by a drawing together of all the peoples of the world so that at least part of all the cultures of the world can survive into the 22nd century.
Originally written October 2nd 2005 posted October 11th 2005
Major Realization
I woke up from a dream early this Sunday morning knowing I was having a major realization. A confluence of events occured in my subconscious and I knew I had to write. My realization was of what an evolutionary event the last year has had on the zeitgeist of the western world. For example, I had nort realized the full influence of the tv program "Medium" starring Patricia Arquette until I became aware of the Emmy Award she won this year for her portrayal of a real medium that works in Arizona.
The second and third events that have occured even more recently were Hurrican Katrina and Rita. No matter what any corporatly controlled pundit of any news organization says most peole just realize in their bones like I do that Global warming is now a direct threat to Florida, the Gulf Coast and a threat to the American oil industry and to all our pocketbooks.
I saw a program on CNN that spoke of how solar panels on the roof of homes were now selling in droves in places like New York State along with rebates from the Federal Government and state government and of how one man in three years was able to completely pay for his solar array from these rebates and electricity savings, and that in addition he was now selling electricity back to the utilities and actually earning money this way I knew a threshold had been reached.
Also, because the upward price of gas coupled with the quickly lowering costs of solar cells it is now the heighth of stupidity not to put solar arrays on your roof if you get enough sun year round and to sell the excess electricity back to the utilities and to have a zero electric bill. This is also causing more people to buy hybrid cars. It will even be cost effective for me within 3 to 4 years to buy a hybrid. Be sure to get an electrical plug in package with your hybrid so you can charge your batteries overnight at your home. This allows the first 30 to 40 non freeway miles to be entirely on battery with little or no gasoline used each day and plugging it in overnight usually costs less than 50 cents depending on your utility rates where you live or for free if you have converted to solar energy.
when even CNN spoke of how solar energy is now a necessity because of the price of gas and of being a patriotic American interested in the economic survival of our way of life I realized we had finally reached the solar watershed which combines with the hybrid watershed which combines with the psychic watershed which combines with the understanding that, "Yes, Gertrude, Global Warming is going to take us all out eventually and not just the third world if we don't change and prepare for it!"
No matter that corporations stick their heads in the sand and try to put our heads there too because they don't want to change the way they do business. Even though responding to Global warming will allow these same Corporations to physically survive as corporations for hundreds of years if they respond now.
Otherwise these head in the sand corporations will be boycotted by people as they become more and more angry about the misinformation these corporations have been spreading and these corporations who pretend not to believe in global warming will go the way of the dodo bird. In otherwords they are causing their own extinction in the long run. They will all tend to go extinct and out of business through their own shortsightedness either in the short term or the long term.
Hurricane katrina and Rita have completely changed how thinking people look at things. Also, how many years since you have been alive have we basicly run out of hurrican names?
Home computing and maintaining a website
October 2005
I Had a very rude awakening this summer. I had the very harsh realization that my computer knowledge had been overtaken by spyware and adware and viruses and the new breed of hackers. Normally, my son who was a computer tech and online gamer could give me free advice and help me solve my problems. However, with him back in college and heading for a new career and married and now in his thirties I was at a loss as to how to continue online. Finally, someone recommended a local tech for me to proceed with. Even though just the fixes have cost me over 500 dollars in software and tech support and new antivirus support and various asundry other precautions I'm now taking I'm back online and moving forward. I gave up outlook express because of its vulnerability to online threats and added Mozilla firefox because of Internet explorer's vulnerabilities and I'm beginning to learn linux and installing a router so I can have two computers with internet access from the same keyboard and flat screen. I still leave one laptop offline completely as well as a palm for when I get ideas while travelling. I also put nothing I care about on board my online computer that I don't have backed up somewhere else. With nationalized hackers out there sponsored by various governments as a kind of economic warefare to smart kids from 10 to 20 years of age or more with issues against society, being online isn't as friendly as it once was.
With a version of Novell authorized linux I'm learning to use an operating system that has at present only one virus with two more that only attack linux servers.
Though it is unfortunate that I have lost several computers the last few years to viruses and adware I'm finally getting smart and hiring a local tech to keep my systems tuned up and operating fast and efficiently. I know not everyone can afford this. Remember, there are still libraries, colleges and internet cafe's available where you don't have to spend a fortune keeping your home online system safe and happily functioning.
Since most hackers are presently attacking Microsoft products and apple products now get about 75% of the viruses that Microsoft products do I think you will see slowly a conversion to linux and other open source operating systems in the future simply as a way to survive online.
It is my hope the Microsoft will one day address their vulnerable krnl that as far as I know is still used even in XP that is from the old XT days of the early 80's. Back in the 80's the internet didn't exist outside of college and military mainframes for the most part and microsoft didn't have to engineer for something that basicly didn't exist yet in the microcomputing world. In add
Just Like Heaven
Late September 2005
I wrote another piece but it got lost in transmitting it back through the servers to the mainframe from my home.
As a precognitive psychic I found the movie very accurate in regards to the experiences of the main charactors and the bookstore psychic. Some of the other charactors thrown in for fun I didn't find as accurate but the charactors of the lady doctor and the landscape architect and the bookstore psychic I found very believable as a psychic myself for the last 57 years.
I found the scenes when she tries to interface her Astral body or soul body with her physical body eerie because of my own experiences astral projecting. Otherwise I found this to be a very useful movie for people to watch and to be entertained. Blessings.
Householder Yogi
Saturday September 17th 2005
When I was around 21 or 22 I took a college course called Cultural Anthropology. Of all the courses I ever took in college I found it the most helpful in finding out who I was among all the peoples and cultures of the earth. It is very easy growing up in America or anywhere for that matter to become myopic with blinders on and to be closed to all other ways of thinking than the ones you have been raised with.
However, by taking this one college course I began to see myself for what I really was: a natural shaman. When I saw what the true definition of what a natural shaman was I read that: A shaman is someone who has died psychologically but whose body still lives. Because of his or her psychological "death" he or she lives between the world of the living and the world of the dead and can communicate with both as a go between for the living. Such a person also tends to have healing gifts and to be or appear to be telepathic.
Obviously my definition is paraphrased from what I remember. However, the important thing was that I discovered my true place in the world as a natural shaman. I have always seen this as my true vocation no matter what work I have done for money in my life. So my identity has never been my vocation for that was only what I did to get money for food and to live. My identity has been natural shaman.
As I grew up in my 20's I discovered as I studied the book Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda that there was such a thing as a householder yogi. I looked seriously at this because a householder yogi has a family and yet still continues on his or her yogic path uninterrupted. An example of this is Yogananda's teacher Lahiri Mahasha who worked for a railway company in India and raised his children and was married while being an incredibly advance yogi. I chose this lifestyle consciously as a young 20 something as I saw the wisdom of this not only for myself but for the blessing it would naturally create for all living beings inside and outside of time and space.
As a child I was taught to co-create with God. Another way to see this is:"One with God is a majority".
As time has moved on I have found this way of living extremely useful and extremely powerful in ways I could not have even imagined as a young man.
The Cult of Tara
september 17th 2005
In 1983 my first Tibetan Buddhist teacher gave me a book called "The Cult of Tara". At the time I had no idea how scholarly or how useful this book could be. If any of you are interested in Tibetan Buddhism but have not yet met a Tibetan Lama or Tibetan Buddhist with whom you felt the confidence to speak with I highly recommend reading this book. It is a scholarly work published in 1978 by the University of California press and has a forward by Bolle who was head of the History of Religion doctoral program at UCLA when my best friend obtained his master's degree in History of Religion under Bolle. The author of "The Cult of Tara" is Stephen Beyer. I just paid almost 30 dollars for a new copy but my original copy was only $7.95 when given to me in 1983. So you likely could find a used copy online if money doesn't grow on trees yet for you.
What is most interesting for me about this book as it speaks to the issue of both magic and ritual in a non-western context. Through the Tibetan Buddhist process one grows in compassion to the point where one is capable of changing time and space to create a better life for oneself and all beings. The object being to become a Buddha so that one can bring all beings to enlightenment so that one can help all sentient life in the universe obtain permanent bliss and a permanent end of the suffering of all beings inside and outside of time and space.
1:40 PM PDT 9-14-05
God through his angels just made it known to me that I need to share the following realization I had this week.
I was sharing with my wife about the importance of her terrifying enlightenment experience that she had just after her mother passed on when the hair on the back of my neck stood up. If you have ever had an experience like this it was on this occasion so powerful that I almost fainted.
My realization:God hadn't been trying to kill me all these years. He was simply trying to keep me in touch with God and to not become completely materialistic like people tend to if they are not constantly confronted with near death situations in one way or another!
I was able to let go of my anger at my perceived chaos that God functioned in. I had been angry because I had almost died of whooping cough at age 2. I was also angry at God that I had had childhood epilepsy. I had also been angry that I had been ostracized from the religion I was raised in. I was angry at God that my first and second wife had divorced. I was angry at God that I couldn't get custody of my now 16 year old daughter from my second wife.
However, in this single moment I finally understood that all my spiritual and pschological suffering in this life had but one purpose: to keep me on a spiritual path and to prevent my sinking into materialism and real suffering!
As long as I could talk to angels and keep a place for angels in my heart I could stay in God's heart too. As long as I don't deny God his proper place in my life my place in heaven is assured!
Evidence of Global Warming
quote from yahoo news article online today.
The study, which appears in the Sept. 16 issue of the journal Science, is perhaps one of the strongest scientific statements yet on a connection between hurricane activity and global warming. "I'm heading towards being a little less cautious," study lead author Peter J. Webster, professor at the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, said at a news conference Wednesday. "I think [rising] sea surface temperature is a global-warming effect and I think the change in [hurricane] intensity, which is a universal thing, is following sea surface temperature." endquote
Since I tend to be fairly accurate in my precognitive psychic predictions I am always looking for scientific proof to back up what I see. This avoids "The Kasondra Effect" which tends to blame the predictor for the event even though the predictor only "Saw" the event before it happened.
I have been wondering for some time what the cause of the 100+ mile per hour winds that hit literally all lands below 5000 feet to 7000 feet in elevation that I see coming within 500 years on earth. Whether it is up to 5000 to 7000 feet in elevation depends on where on earth the island or land mass is. I finally could see clearly today that one of the causes of these 100+ mile per hour winds hitting literally at some time every day will be gigantic hurricanes that hit about 8 to 9 months a year in many areas of the more tropical parts of the planet within 500 years. These hurricanes will draw strength from the rising temperatures of the oceans of the planet earth.
There really isn't much humans can do to stop this problem at present because the damage has already been done.
The practical aspects of helping as many as possible to survive what will come is to find practical ways to move underground. In the interim one could begin to build houses of cement or reinforced brick with only the windows of the top floor above ground. The roof could be dirt and lawn. The windows could have cement shutters of about one foot of reinforced concrete. Though care would need to be taken where to build such structures it could be possible to incorporate some of the submarine techniques into building structures built underground in very wet areas. For example the same technology that keeps water in a swimming pool could keep the water out of an underground house built in a very wet or in an area of underground streams or rivers. Though these problems are still hundreds of years away even now wooden homes anywhere on the coast in the southern United States that are presently affected by hurricanes. Also, Tornadoes will get much worse than they are now in the same areas so rebuilding with wooden structures on the surface is not a really great idea unless you want to rebuild again, again, and again over the next 50 to 100 years. Within 100 years people will just stop building anything they expect to be permanent on earths surface made of wood unless it is above 2000 to 3000 feet in elevation.
I'm reporting what I see so that at least some of the human race can survive the next 1000 years. Without the forward thinking humans who understand and can react to these ongoing and increasing wind and water problems very very few will survive. Without enough forward thinking people humans will of necessity return to the stone age within 1000 years!
For the Golden Children
I wonder how many of you have seen the movie "The Golden Child" with Eddie Murphy made during the 1980's? Having been to India and Nepal for four months in 1985 and 86. I have met golden children and grown up golden children. It is for all the golden children in all the countries of the world and universe that I write. So that their abilities lead them to compassion and to help beings rather than to hopelessness and suicide because of their heightened abilities and sensitivities. I write for all the golden adults as well to encourage them to go on helping mankind to enlightenment. 2nd I write for all the people in the world who know the truth when they hear it so they can understand what to do and how to motivate themselves to good actions and to compassion for all beings in the universe. and 3rd I write for everyone who sees my works as fantasy or fiction or both for one day they might see the truth in what I write. Blessings to all beings in all time and space throughout the universe.
"If you are ready to live forever you may die right now but if you are ready to die right now you may live forever"
8:35am pdt 9-04-05
One of my spiritual teachers gave me this very valuable Koan. I share it with you as in the wake of Katrina we all need it now. Some call this stance the warriors stance as it is a standard issue for soldiers and policeman in the way they have to think to be successful and to be completely unafraid in the face of danger!
For me, personally, this statement I find to be literally true. Otherwise I couldn't write what I do for all of you. In order to write what I do on behalf of you all here at this site I must constantly be prepared to die while all the time knowing that this stance may lead to spiritual as well as physical immortality.
You and I live in an amazing time, a paradoxical time. Though any or all of us could be nuked out of physical existence at any moment just as my last body here on earth was nuked out of existence at Nagasaki we also live in an amazing time of medical, spiritual and psychological research. We live in a time when I at 57 may live to 100.
One of my teachers said to me once, "If you live to be 100, you will live to be 500. If you live to be 500 you will live to be 1000. If you live to be 1000, you will live to be 10,000. He said to me, "You are a long lived Buddha and a living Saint. You may not be able to comprehend this now but you should live your life and play and love and live each day as a blessing to all beings. By doing this you will naturally become a long lived Buddha and Saint for all beings in the universe."
I looked at him and said truthfully, "I'll believe it when I see it." He said to me, "That is only wise!" However, everyday since then I have done my best to live a good life and to bless all beings 24 hours a day!
Tibetan Buddhist saying
The saying I'm refering to is: "Since through time friends become enemies and enemies become friends it is in everyone's enlightened self interest to be kind to all beings."
As someone who has lived to at present age 57 I have found this saying true over and over again. For example someone that I considered to be my best and most trusted friend from 1980 to 1987 became slowly my worst enemy so that by 1994 we permanently parted company in a way that most likely won't be healed in this lifetime. It doesn't stop me loving my friend it just means that this ex-friend will never be trusted again in any way by me.
Conversely, many people at one point are distant or because of social distinctions are considered to be enemies but they in times of crisis become your friends and you help each other to survive hard times.
For example, I was raised middle class and considered at the time that very rich people were generaly bad. However, my life circumstances changed and I began to learn how the very wealthy function. All or most of my preconceived ideas growing up concerning wealth were either erroneous, flawed or completely absolutely ridiculous.
For example, there is a term called Nouveau Riche which translated means the "new Rich". A saying goes along with most but not all of the nouveau rich. It is: "A fool and his money are soon parted."
I found through speaking with the very rich and being generally accepted by them that the single hardest thing that one can do besides attain enlightenment is the acquiring, maintaining and growing of wealth which becomes even harder if you want to maintain wealth multigenerationally. Almost everything I once believed about wealthy people goes out the window when I look at the overwhelming difficulty that the average person would have in trying to acquire, maintain and grow real wealth. Initially attaining wealth is not as hard as you might think. All you need is one good idea and the mental and physical capacity to make your idea work. But then making that wealth maintain and grow multigenerationally is a whole other thing.
I guess the point here is that I once thought 30 years ago that the wealthy were the enemies of the lower and middle class. However, now I see that without the wealthy class and the way they invest that most lower class people would simply starve to death and die. So in this sense wealthy people I once as a very young man considered my enemies but now I see them as absolutely necessary to everyone's survival in the real world. Not only that since I now understand what a wealthy person really is I see them as friends to everyone in that they grow wealth and invest in everyone's survival and in this way make sure the lower classes continue to have food to eat and even shelter until some of them can raise themselves to be wealthy too.
As you move through life as a young, middle aged, or old person you too will grow in your understanding of life. So in this light consider making the Tibetan saying: "Since through time friends become enemies and enemies become friends it is in everyone's enlightened self interest to be kind to all beings" a part of your belief system by taking it to heart. I have found it to be very practical in day to day surival as a human being on earth.
In the Wake of Katrina
August 31st 2005
As a precognitive psychic I thought it might be useful for me to tell you what I see coming for the world. As I look forward through time the first thing that I see is that the earth cannot really sustain more than 200 to 500 million people on the surface of the earth for thousands and thousands of years ongoing. When earths human population goes above 500 million things slowly begin to go out of balance until you get to a century like the one we are living in and the next few. I don't see the movie the Day after Tomorrow happening any time soon. However, we will slowly as time goes on witness more natural disasters that have hundreds and then thousands and then millions at a time die until the surface residency of humans is lowered to between 200 and 500 milion. It is important to note that the earth CAN sustain up to 12 billion people or more if we all live and work underground instead of on the surface so the surface is left to farming and play and nothing else. This would be quite an adjustment for humans but in order for large amounts of humans to be alive at the same time it will be necessary for those who live under 5000 feet in elevation to live underground to avoid the 100+ mile per hour winds that happen at some time almost every day below 5000 feet in elevation.
Of Death and Enlightenment
September 6th 2005
Almost 4 years ago was 9-11-01. I was reminded of the date 11-9-89 as the day the Berlin wall fell from the new book "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman. The death and destruction of Hurricane Katrina, the floods and the failing levees reminds us a little of the Tsunami last Christmastime. Obviously things are changing in ways most of us couldn't foresee.
It brings to mind for me my wife's mother passing on from Cancer the same year I almost died from a heart virus. It was a lot to take all at once for both my wife and I. In addition my wife had a miscarriage at about 4 months because of her mother's death and my near death. I remember one day my wife was working in the garden. Normally, she is an extremely talkative and gregarious sort of woman with two bachelors degrees and an MBA. She had hardly said a word all day. I finally asked her what was wrong. She said to me, "I'm really scared. I see all the good and all the bad in the world all at once and I'm really scared!" I said, "Darling, you've just described Enlightenment." She said, "But I don't like it!" I said, "You don't have to like it but you do have to accept that this is just the way things really are!" She said something like I don't care if I'm enlightened I'm scared. So I held her for a moment so she wouldn't start to fade on me. I said again, "This is wonderful, dear. Some people wait their whole lives and don't receive this kind of enlightenment experience." Once again she said, "I don't like it!" and once again I said, "You don't have to like it but this is enlightenment!"
For me and my many teachers enlightenment is the capacity to encompass all knowledge and to not freak out so one can turn that infinite knowledge into wisdom in action for all beings.
Why I write and maintain this web site since 1999
Though I was recognized as a writer by a good fourth grade teacher when I was 9 writing is one of the things that has kept me alive especially from ages 21 to 23 when I was suicidal. By the time my first child was born in 1974 when I was 26 I knew I would live on for my son no matter what. So I didn't have to worry about how to keep myself alive then. So living on for others keeps me alive, whether it is my children or someone I am helping in their lives or trying to keep mankind alive in general through prayers and writing here at my website. I write because I feel God and angels writing through me. The first time I saw an angel that I can remember I was about 2 and it was christmas. I was laying in my grandmother's lap in a stuffed soft rocking chair in 1950 and it was Christmastime and she was singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and Arcangel Michael and his band appeared out of thin air. They wore jeweled armor up to their necks. They had no beards but all had shoulder length hair. They all felt like well trained spiritual soldiers. The made it known to me that I was under their direct protection and one of them. I have not forgotten their blessing on my life ever. I feel it therefore to stay in the company of angels and to help and to protect all that God permits me to. That is my destiny. To live out my life here on earth constantly in the company of angels.
Because of this I don't really ever experience that much fear or terror. Mostly now after a lifetime of spiritually serving in this way I have constant peace. It is not really important to me whether any of you understand this or not. Except that it is my wish for you all to experience peace and the end of internal terror like I did long ago. If you make a place for Angels in your life they will come. The easiest way to do this is to set up a field of consciousness for them in your life. It is very much like how one prepares themselves to have and to raise a baby. You don't constantly watch horror movies. You don't bring bad people around. You make a safe place for a baby and you make a place for the angels too. Then there are the protecting angels like Arcangel Michael. The Armor they wear is specifically to protect their auras from spiritual contamination from the many confused beings on earth. So the single most important thing to know about living with angels is: What you think and feel about you become Or What your attention is on you become!
The hope of all beings attaining Bliss can be experienced right now!
June 29th 2005
I was going to sleep last night and wondered how really enlightened beings seem to stay in a state of Bliss even if all around them appears to be chaos. Then I saw it(My lightbulb in my head went on).realization:"Since both time and space are only real in a very relative sense the only true reality is pure being and non being. Since bliss can be experienced in both Being and Non Being states all beings in reality are in a state of Bliss right now. All they need do is to realize that time and space are only realitive truths and to see that in being and non being Existence=Bliss. For the Bliss of life and existence is natural. Look at babies for example if you want to see pure bliss and pure terror in the same day.Bliss in babies coming from getting what the baby wants:food, air, water, comfort and diaper changed. And terror from not getting what the baby wants and needs.
If you see that all time and space isn't ultimately real then you can experience all beings attaining bliss right now in the one eternal moment of being beyond all relative time and space. That is the most real thing that one can ever do.
Experience Bliss!
It is always better to save a life!
I was reminising with myself last night. I was thinking of whether I should have saved the lives of my then wife and stepdaughter in 1985. I thought of how my ex when we seperated tried to murder me ten years later by crushing me between a car and a truck with a smile on her face. However, as I contemplated this an angel came to me and said, "It is always better to save a life." This powerful sentiment washed over me and I contemplated what the angel had said to me. I then asked the angel if this was true even when the person you saved later tried to kill you. The angel said, "Yes!"
I thought some more about this. As I contemplated this I thought of how God's supernatural gifts that he has given me work. I have always known that I could take a life as easily as I can save a life by God's grace supernaturally. However, as an adept I have also known that to take a life supernaturally would naturally automatically cause my own insanity and death. I am allowed to protect myself from fatal harm but I am not allowed to take a life and live. This is the gift from God I am given. I am allowed to see all the potential futures on earth that I can contain. I am allowed to see what is the most likely future for myself as well as all mankind that will likely happen if I don't say or do something about it. For me, it is an awesome responsibility that God has placed in my hands. I do my best but in the end I am only a man with God given gifts who knows all the rules that most people aren't aware of. People who try to harm me physically or supernaturally only become road kill to their own karma. I do nothing but reflect back their harm. They are taken out by their own anger.
I live this way to honor both God and angels and man as well as all life in the universe. God Bless All Beings. I refuse to cause harm to any being. In this way I honor my personal covenant with God!In this way I honor all life in the universe!
To all those who Beleive themselves to be Abductees
Though I suppose that in the general sense of what people believe abductees are I would be part of this group. However, my experience I find is more unique.
It is my experience that I have been "trained" by humans or humanoids from this time period from places other than earth in this Galaxy and from humans and other beings from the past, the present, and the future from this planet and others throughout this galaxy and probably others.
It is my experience that this quite likely began at or before conception and continues to the present. When I was young I thought all this stuff was quite "cool" and "groovy". In other words "Beam me up Scotty because there is no intelligent life down here." However, there was a time during the 1980's when I watched a movie called "Communion" and also read the series of books by Whitley Streiber related to Communion when I was very scared and terrified of being an "abductee".
Then after about 5 years I realized that before God I can only be responsible for what I truly know about. What other beings from any time or space do they have to stand before God on their own and answer for. Therefore I have peace knowing this. I cannot be responsible for motivations or actions of other beings from earth in other times or from beings elsewhere from other times and spaces. By being truly genuine and with God I have nothing to fear! Or as Franklin Delanore Roosevelt once said, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."
However, saying this I would like to share my experiences with you so that you are less afraid of all this kind of stuff. My first experience with beings not of earth was of Arcangel Michael and his band when I was 2. Though you might think it funny to put Arcangel Michael in the same classification as alien I find it useful in defining that which is "normal" earthling experiences and those experiences which I define as "Amazing" experiences but still relevant and true to survival as a soul in a body on earth.
My parents believed and taught me as a child that God and his angels and saints worked together with beings from other planets to make life better and more peaceful on earth. Since I was taught this it was relatively easy to accept "alien" encounters whether they were real angels or humanoid or other kinds of aliens. In other words they were all different and secret but they also were all "Amazing". So when I had an experience like the boy in the movie Flight of the Navigator by Disney in the 80's while I was in church I just sort of accepted that it was okay that I had plans of antigravity propulsion systems that are very simple and power a basic ufo. I also knew at the time that if I needed to I could build a craft powered in this way. Though these plans are still somewhere in my memory likely I haven't tried to access them because since then I have realized my mission as a soul is to help beings on earth with the supernatural gifts I was given as a child and not to leave earth as a body (at least for now) and to only travel as a soul by bilocating which I have consciously done when needed for most of my adult life.
The point that I'm making here is that worrying about things that go bump in the night are not usually very useful unless you are walking in the woods on a trail and the hair on the back of your neck goes up and you turn around and there is a bear or cougar there stalking you. And right then you have to decide whether to confront, stand your ground, walk away slowly or to run. But most of the time the things we fear turn out to be silly and a complete waste of time.
It is my general experience that all humans who can read any language on earth have at least one non detectable bio implant which detects their location on earth and in the galaxy. It also has signalling capacites to tell who this person is. There is likely in most people in the United States who read, a galactic implant, a galactic sector implant, a United Nations implant and if you are a US citizen, an american implant.
You might ask how is this done so I don't remember this being done. In the past and present this is done by darting people will they are asleep in bed at night to keep them asleep. Next, people are given a shot that erases their memories during the sleeping period. Many of these kinds of short term memory blockers are used by doctors in hospitals all the time so that memories of severe operations can be blocked from the mind of the person receiving the operation. Though this might be shocking to you the galaxy sees the people of earth much like we view deer in Yosemite or Yellowstone or wandering through the forest next door to you.
The implants are similar in size to the implants put regularly now in the back of the neck in all American soldiers as a back up dog tag in case of death or serious injury. It is also similar in size to the implants put in the back of the neck of all Spca dog and cat pets as a locator of who they belong to in their registry system.This way pets can be reunited with their owners even if their tags are taken off or fall off.
One other thing that I should share. It is my experience that I have been trained through the skillful use of psychological trauma to go beyond psychic latentcy to psychic operant status. I have been told that I now have been trained as a Galactic Operant psychic for the Galactic Time Guard. My main purpose in this is to relay problems that I encounter as the future comes near and I am able to more clearly see what will likely happen next on earth.
I find this very handy in protecting myself and all I care about including my country and planet. My main purpose here on earth at least as far as the galaxy is concerned is to relay pertinant information to keep human life alive on this planet and to keep freedom alive in as many hearts as possible on earth!
It is my hope that what I have shared with you today is helpful in your lives. If it was not useful to you it is my hope that you forget it now!
Your Mind is your religion
July 2nd 2005
I found this quote from Lama Yeshe and found it very valuable.
quote---"One person thinks that the world is beautiful and people are wonderful and kind, while another thinks that everything and everyone are horrible. Who is right? How do you explain that scientifically? It's just their individual mind's projection of the sense world. You think, "Today is like this, tomorrow is like that; this man is like this; that woman is like that. But where is that absolutely fixed, forever-beautiful woman? Who is that absolutely forever-handsome man? They are non-existent--they are simply creations of your own mind.
Do not expect material objects to satisfy you or to make your life perfect; it's impossible. How can you be satisfied by even vast amounts of material objects? How will sleepling with hundreds of different people satisfy you? It will never happen. Satisfaction comes from the mind.
If you don't know your own psychology, you might ignore what's going on in your mind until it breaks down and you go completely crazy. Peopl go mad through lack of inner wisdom, through their inability to examine their own mind. They cannot explain themselves to themselves; they don't know how to talk to themselves. Thus they are constantly preoccupied with all these external objects, while within, their mind is running down until it finally cracks. They are ignorant of their internal world, and their minds are totally unified with ignorance instead of being awake and engaged in self-analysis. Examine your own mental attitudes. Become your own therapist.
You are intelligent; you know that material objects alone cannot bring you satisfaction, but you don't have to embark on some emotional religious trip to examine your own mind. Some people think they do; that this kind of self-analysis is something spiritual or religious. It's not necessary to classify yourself as a follower of this or that religion or philosophy, to put yourself into some religious category. But it you want to be happy, you have to check out the way you lead your life. Your mind is your religion." end quote
Elohar and Ragna on Future religions
Written July 5th posted July 6h 2005
I can remember how nervous Elohar and Ragna were when I asked them about what religions there are in their time.(7000 AD+) I can see now that they didn't want to tell me too much. I'm still interested in the answer that Ragna gave me. It is important to consider this concerning his present on his timeline. (From a conversation on Mt. Shasta in 1974). He said that his basis is scientific while Elohar's basis was more psychological and psychic in how she perceives reality.
I've noticed that most people who don't experience personally that God and spirit are real tend to live in a very afraid and panic based reality. From my perspective just having a sense of order to ones life whether it is ultimately proven absolutely true appears to be a better long term solution if one does not want to live in panic and fear constantly.
From what Ragna told me I surmise that all the wars caused by religious bickering down through time including all the bickering on earth now eventually cause the demise of most or all organized religions. More and more people will move away from extreme dogmatic points of view in order to keep themselves and their children alive. The pragmatism of keeping ones children alive to breed while others kill their children off by pitting them against other extremist religions will be the telling factor over thousands of years. Though both sides who send their children to die by programming them into extreme religious points of view may take pride in this they also lessen their families chances for survival long term. Therefore those who fight the most for their religions will tend to genetically die off over thousands of years. Therefore the world will tend to be populated by more moderate and easy going people. Likewise those who move out of survival toward humanism and away from religious extremes that cause violence will tend to survive to breed as well.
Though in the short run the religious extremists both of Christianity and of Islam will prosper through their extremism, the ill will that they create from the majority of humanity will do them all in eventually. From all these things will come extreme distaste for all organized religions and a move away from all organized religions and toward humanism and secular religious activity. Whether this is all good or bad I'm not sure or even if it is useful to look at it that way.
Though this might upset the religious of all religions and denominations it is just a fact of life in the long term survival of all humans.
Can I Have a Baby at 40?
a friend of my wife was speaking to my wife about this. I arrived on the scene and my wife said, "I told my friend that you were psychic and that you might be able to help her have a baby! Well, yes. I am a psychic but it is not like asking your dog to do tricks. It is way different and more like how a person digests food than having a dog do tricks. So I realized I was in a precarious situation. Immediately, I read this woman deeply and realized that she had prevented conception all these years because of issues from her childhood. Then I had to be very diplomatic. I told her of the great experiences and really terrible experiences I had had raising my own children and stepchildren and god daughters since 1974. I told her that her relationship with her husband would never be the same again. No longer could they have that boyfriend and girlfriend thing going. I told her that statistically the happiness of each marriage decreases significantly with the birth of each child. Then I told her that she had always been in control of her getting pregnant and that what ever she tried from ocean cruises to in vitro fertilization to adopting a child from China or Russia or an east block nation that she should have fun doing it. Otherwise the whole process would be unsuccessful and very unhappy. This is because it is my personal experience and most other peoples too that children come when you least expect them and sometimes when you least want them and that they can be the best or worst or even most neutral thing you have ever experienced. Life is a grab bag and you never really know. My children have been both the best and the worst parts of my life. Life happens! enjoy it while you still can!
To Wyoming and Beyond
10:53 am pdt August 14, 2005
About the middle of July my family and I took off in a motor home we purchased last October for Wyoming. We met friends there from Arizona who had been in Idaho camping and visiting friends. We spent about a week in the pristine areas of Wyoming. Coming from Coastal California it is hard now for me to believe that there are still such beautiful pristine places left basicly untouched still. Our friends took us up a dirt road for 10 or 20 miles to a river spot that was not even a paid campground but rather a smaller dirt road that led down to a picturesque spot on a river where on could just park as it was public land. Over the course of the next few days we saw an osprey land several times near us and fish in the river next to us. Behind us were incredibly beautiful mountains and further up the dirt road was a hot springs that cost about $8 a day per person that had a big swimming pool built around it coming out of the mountain. The pool was drained every night as the hot springs were constantly gushing.
The couple also owned land bordering the Wind River Indian Reservation so we eventually drove 150 miles to Dubois, Wyoming to visit their land and to kayak in the lake nearby. I was amazed that Wyoming only has about 900,000 people who live there and that there are still "miles and miles of nothing but miles and miles" in Wyoming still to this day.
For me the saddest thing was to see how many businesses are going out of business there from the increase in the price of gas and the lack of tourist dollars the last 2 years or so. Though we on the west coast are still doing fine economically the hinterland is suffering incredibly from the changes.
From there we returned to the Teton National Park to see a Moose and her baby up close, hundreds of wild ranging Buffalo etc. (By the way more people are killed and injured in the Tetons and Yellowstone by Buffalo than anything else. Buffaloes are not docile like cows! contrary to popular belief. If you threaten by proximity the primary bull or cows with babies they will knock you down and stomp the life out of you.)
We also saw a grizzle bear. I was standing there on the side of the road near the east gate of yellowstone wondering if this was a safe thing to do to be out of my car this near a grizzly. However, the grizzly just slowly moved and grazed on flowers. He seemed to think of us about like we think of mosquitoes. Just a passing annoyance. My name for the grizzly is Flower Bear because he reminded me of the flower children of the sixties so idylic was he in being blissed out eating flowers.
Then we drove out the east gate which is under construction so it was closed from 8pm to 8 am 7 days a week for those of you who might like to use the east gate of Yellowstone. On to Cody, Wyoming. Now, I've never been to Cody before but my wife had 14 years ago before we met. I said, "Honey, What the Hell are we doing here?" After falling asleep exhausted I began to understand a little of Cody's charm. First, I found the Irma Hotel started by Buffalo Bill Cody's daughter Irma about 100 years ago. Inside you will find a very ornate gift from Queen Victoria in the form of a wonderfully ornate and carved wooden mirror and cabinets about 50 feet long or so. It is so Victorian it is a pleasure to witness it there. Later we found the Cody Museum which is the best of its kind I have ever seen which includes stuff from Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild west show that toured the whole world in the 19th and early into the 20th Century I believe. The museum is world class and for the serious museum person would take about a week to really see properly. For the average dolt one day will do fine.
Later that day I met Bill who is a goldsmith and silversmith. He appeared to be a native American elder and possibly a chief by his demeanor. He owns Big Chief Trading Post in Cody. He said he is 79 years old and close to retiring. I bought a silver and gold ring with set elk Ivory from an elk tusk. He says that the elk is the only deer that has ivory like an elephant in its tusks. Since Elks were the one thing I didn't get to see at all this trip because they were in the high country because of the serious drought I missed them and so bought an elk ivory ring to remember them. I seriously considered buying a real bear claw set in gold but Bill seemed to discourage me telling me instead of a native America friend who had had a dream that showed him the bear people were angry at him for making bear claw jewelry. Also, I sensed the bear in the claw there had not been happy and it wasn't for me. It seemed wiser to accept the "Fortunate Elk" blessings rather than to bring on "bear terror" through buying the wrong bear claw.
Bill told me of the "medicine Wheel" in the Bighorn mountains and I thought of going there when he said, "People go there to hear voices" sometimes. However, I don't have to go anywhere to hear voices I thought as I laughed to myself.
A few weeks later I spoke with an old friend who is an internationally known musician. We both laughed as he said, "You don't have to go anywhere to hear voices, Fred." I laughed and said, "Yeah, Anton, I hear voices and you hear music and they both keep us alive." Anton, has often told me how his music is sung to him by beings in his dreams. Anton's music is loved the world over.
Bill has two grandsons in Iraq either going or coming and a very worried daughter about her sons that I also met.
I was very honored to speak with Bill, who was obviously a tribal elder and likely a chief. I found I missed speaking so directly and honestly the way that they speak. I found it brought tears to my eyes to be with someone who was genuinely real. I don't experience that often anymore the world being as it is.
The route from Cody to Colorado took us through the Bighorn Mountains. The Bighorns are an amazing place. I had never been before but I'd like to go again some day. Next time, I'd like to fly to Jackson Hole and rent a car or something like that, however. It was a very long drive from the California coast. 3 days by motorhome. two 5 hours and one 12 hour day of driving.
When we reached Interstate 25 south to Colorado and New Mexico we began to notice frames that look like bleachers sort of to the west along the freeway. We began to realize that they were to hold back the blowing snow from the Chinook winds during the winters there.
We stayed in Cheyenne, Wyoming the next night home to many nuclear missiles and the like. For some reason the accommodations though visually appealing were the worst we encountered on the trip. The water went hot and cold, the air conditioner froze solid, the window didn't open far enough to reduce heat below 80 degrees in the room at any point. Finally out of desperation we demanded a fan to put in front of the low small window. By running the fan all night I woke up in the morning with a headache and wishing I had spent the night in the motorhome instead.
We then drove to Colorado Springs to visit a friend of my wife's there who is a teacher. I found driving through Denver to be one of my more scary experiences on the trip because of semi trucks driving 75 miles per hour in all four lanes of traffic and the windage they cause while passing a motorhome like mine as I could only safely travel 65 to 72 miles per hour depending on the cross winds. My wife pointed out Cheyenne mountain nearby which is an underground bunker left over from the cold war and spoken of in the sci fi channel program called Stargate.
Then we drove to Santa Fe where I have many memories from the "I am" School that I attended there in 1965-6 when I was 17. I like every few years to go and stay at the La Fonda a day or two which reminds me of a time when life was relatively simple and still okay. Because 1969 ripped my life to shreds and I'm not sure I have fully recovered from it even today 40 years later. Some changes in life you can survive but then life is never the same. After two nights at the La Fonda and taking my daughter to Johnny Depp's new film Willy wonka and the Chocolate Factory we moved over to Flagstaff for dinner, Williams to spend the night and Prescott to visit my wife's friend that we camped with in Wyoming.
A few hours later the next day and we were off to Las Vegas for the Star Trek Experience at the Hilton there. Only trouble was I had forgoten exactly where the Hilton was and I was exhausted. One hour later at 6 pm we drove into the Hilton parking lot and quickly went inside for the first of two star trek experience rides. One involves actors as Klingons and one involves the Borg actors. My 9 year old daughter found them both to be too real and the Borg especially scary. The next day after spending the night at Excalibur Hotel like we did 4 years ago we got up and went to an IMAX at the Luxor pyramid next door to Excalibur Hotel.
By noon we got on the road and returned to our home on the California Coast by midnight in our motorhome. 17 days and 4200 miles later we were home. But that is not even yet the end of our adventure as that night I got projectile vomiting my first night home and my friend Anton was also visiting and performing nearby nightly for about 1 week and then he would perform in Berkeley over the next weekend. Later Manose, the primary wooden flautist from Nepal visited and an opera singer from San Francisco visited as well. Halfway into the week Anton got sick too but recovered very quickly. Last night I was talking to him on his cell as he pulled into his home near Mt. Shasta. He was ecstatic that his blackberries, blueberries and raspberries were all out and he gorged himself as we spoke. I really miss all the berries and sunshine of Mt. Shasta. It was a very good road trip! And it was great to have friends visiting when I returned home.
Religious extremism's main cause is Child Abuse
No matter what religions we are speaking of religious extremism tends to be the opposite of common sense. I would define common sense as the sense to keep ones own body alive and sane. When one deals with actions that could end in suicide or harmful actions to ones survival then one must look to the psychological cause of this. The most likely cause tends to be physical, psychological or sexual abuse as a child or a combination of all three. Being brainwashed as a child to take actions contrary to ones own well being or survival causes religious extremism. It does not matter whether the childs caretakers are religious or not because the abuse will cause the child when it becomes an adult to seek some form of aberrant security in order to psychologically cope with the abuse the child suffered. Many times this search for security is the opposite of common sense and winds up in some form of suicide or suicidal actions. All mammals seek a balance and seek peace whether it is the balance of finding good food and water to bring peace to the body or searching for ways to feel secure and safe. Whether that peace and security to the mind is real or not and what kind of structure one creates to get there is different for each person depending upon their needs, culture and personality.
In thinking about what Ragna and Elohar said to me in 1974 I can see clearly why organized religions will of necessity become more secular and slowly die out at least as we know them now over the next 5000 years until the time of Elohar and Ragna. They will be replaced as they are slowly now being by Science and humanism and logic and reason and art and music. The need for compassion and caring as well as pragmatic survival for all humans will not end and we will see many permutations and experiments in survival both psychological and physical over the next 5000 years here on earth and beyond.
More on the refinement of time
11:03 am pdt June 22, 2005
I was driving out on one of the forested access roads. I sensed someone was coming around a blind curve and so I moved to the right of my lane. Sure enough here comes someone barreling along toward me at such a speed that if I hadn't sensed it before it was visible and moved right before I could see the car we would have hit or sideswiped each other. At the next right winding blind turn I sensed another vehicle but this time there was nothing visible. This got me to thinking about how many times I have sensed things around me that weren't physically visible. I have noticed that about 50% percent of the time when I sense something visible it is there and the other 50% it is not. Since I tend to strive for accuracy in my instinctual psychic senses I started to think about this. What came up for me was the awareness of how earth is visited by both military and dipomatic visitors. However, there is also a third category that most people aren't aware of. Space tourists! Now space tourists from other planets, stars, nebulae and dimentions tend to find earth very quaint and interesting. However, the space tourists aren't allowed to influence physically the passage of time on earth or to have experiences with humans that humans can remember (accept in very specially controlled circumstances). This is to allow time to take its (natural course). However, these space tourists are in some cases allowed to interact with humans and animals on earth in a way that the humans and animals later think was a waking or a sleeping dream. Even though it is not a dream experience really the space tourists are allowed to make the humans and animals think that it was a dream. This is meant to enrich the lives of both the tourists and the humans and animals of earth. However, it should be noted that sometimes strange things come out of these interactions. This is because many space tourists cultures are so radically different than earth that whole new ways of thinking spring up on earth as a result both in humans or animals or birds or fish or insects or the really small lifeforms. Since many space tourists can take literally any size or shape they want or at least appear to they interact with both humans and all lifeforms of earth in really amazing and quaint ways.
So my advice to all humans and all lifeforms who regularly live on earth, "Be careful how you interact with all beings as you might be entertaining angels unawares!"
In regard to my thoughts while driving a car and staying alive it is my belief today that some space tourists drive vehicles down roads while being literally invsible to other humans in cars or on the road walking or biking or whatever. When they come to a driver that doesn't see them often they just go up 10 feet or so in elevation so they don't hit the driver. For me, this explains why often I sense something there but can't see it when it should be there. In the meantime when I sense a car coming on a blind curve even though I can't see it I move to the far right of my lane because at least 50% of the time there really is a car, or motorcycle or bicycle or pedestrian that I have to watch out for. In the meantime it's nice to know that thousands to millions of off world civilizations throughout this galaxy and others consider the Earth a cross between Disneyland and Yellowstone Park. We being the deer or sometimes the bears.
One of Fred's Truisms
written June 19th put online June 20, 2005
workaholics self destruct
the work adverse get fat and lazy
the best take an interest in their survival,
have fun and flourish
Though I loved and cherished my father, he was a workaholic. I suppose what makes a workaholic is somewhat the same as what makes an alcoholic, in other words fear, abuse while growing up or feelings of inadequacy. A workaholic tends to be successful and to create children who are work adverse. The work adverse tend to have children who are workaholics and so the two extremes tend to perpetuate themselves.
A survival course I took in Idaho in the early 1980's showed me the best way to go forward. The teachers told us that those who survive a plane crash away from all cities or developed areas are always the ones who get beyond being panicked and begin to take an interest in their survival in a very pragmatic way. In other words they don't worry about what was and only about what is. Rather than being panicked about what you don't have or did have you get interested in what is happening right now and what you can do about it. By being interested and inquisitive and moved to action about your present state of affairs you are more likely to survive and prosper in any situation. If one only feels bad because the past is gone, often that person does not survive to live another day.
The other thing that living with my father growing up taught me is to be there more for my children in every way. When I took my young wife and baby son to live in Hawaii in 1974 I learned that being all neurotic and being a workaholic like so many in our American culture is not natural. It is basicly a fear response to difficulties and abuse while growing up.In my father's case it was a direct response to physical and psychological abuse as a child and a reaction to living through the great depression and World War II.
The other thing I have noticed is the similarities between the very rich and the very poor. Psychologically, they are two sides of the same coin. In order to be really balanced it is much more likely to be found in the middle class. However, in even being middle class one can get stuck in unuseful rigid ways of thinking. For me, I have been lucky enough to call the very rich, the very poor and the middle class my compatriots and even my friends. Because of this it has made me very open minded and rich in spirit as well as rich in access to wealth.
There is a saying, "If an ant is your guru feed him". To me this means I can learn from all life and all beings all the time. I find this open minded attitude makes people like me and has always taken me to interesting people in all walks of life. As an older person now at age 57 I find I choose to live in places that have no smog, that are near beautiful oceans and mountains and trees and that have mild climates but that are within one days drive of good snow skiing.
Between 1976 and 1992 I lived a total of about 10 years in or near the city of Mt. Shasta where I could ski up to 6 months a year and hike and swim and kayak in mountain lakes and rivers the rest of the time. However, I found though I loved the mountains, my spirit needed even more to be near the Pacific Ocean. I find near the Pacific Ocean my soul is more at peace.I think that this is because my souls Mu and Lemurian roots are here in California and Mu which was in the same location as the Hawaiian Islands are now. I can still visit the mountains and Mt. Shasta any time I wish and thus I am fulfilled.
My vision quest in 1983 brought me to the realization that I needed to study Tibetan Buddhism which I did. It also showed me that I needed to publish my experiences and writings which I have online, especially since I almost passed away in 1997 and 1998. Though I am perfectly healthy now this bout with near death convinced me that my fears of writing about true ufo and mystical experiences in a Christian country were unfounded. For people of all religions need to hear the truth and not just mythical plattitudes written by who knows who thousands of years ago.
When I analyzed writings like the Bible and others while in college from a history of religions standpoint I was able to see that most of what was talked about pertained to how to stay alive in a culture without food refrigeration while keeping maximum harmony and usefulness in a society. Most mystical experiences were not really dealt with at least in regard to the average person. And so if one really wants to experience God directly and speak with God personally one must do so. But don't expect any religion, priest, or member of any congregation to validate your experiences because religions are like armies that march lock step toward who knows where? If you would meet God face to face you must do it on your own terms. Doing this should be for everyone. However, it appears to be in this world only for the brave!
A Precognitive Psychics view of the present Earthquakes
June 18th 2005
Another psychic asked me last night what I thought of all the present earthquakes. I said I didn't know. However, this morning I started meditating on it all and got information.
There is a 25% chance that our timeline and earth itself on this timeline will end in that earth might not be able to sustain any life anymore from the present series of events. This is caused by a Time War that is coming from 2035 to 2050. I'm not allowed to give the exact dates for obvious reasons. This is a continuation of the time war that caused the Tsunami.
note:Please scroll down this page to (Heaven Friday December 17th 2004) This was written before the earthquake and tsunami happened. In this article I was wondering why the Heaven realms had come so near to earth. Though I sensed that many souls would soon pass over it didn't make logical sense to me at the time because I outwardly saw no outward event looming even though I felt nauseous like I do before a large earthquake for several days beforehand. So I was relieved I wasn't just dying when the earthquake occured even though I felt compassion for those who passed over and prayed for them all after the earthquake and tsunami occured.
The main people who are causing this time war are born in the middle east between 2000 and 2005. So they are in 2035 to 2050 30 to 50 years old.
The decision to let the intelligentia of the earth be aware of time travel and some of its effects upon life was made by the Galactic Government and the Lemurian Government that oversees our timeline on earth. Though there are now time battles raging throughout the various timelines of earth as a direct result, at least there are timelines, freedom still exists and there is hope still for the human race in all its timelines.
june 22,2005 Since I stated the problem here others have read of the problem and solved it. Earth is no longer in danger at least in this way.
more on the refinement of time
June 17, 2005 >P> I was thinking today about what Elohar and Ragna told me about how time is refined by their future civilization by the Lemurian civilization and by the Galaxy on Earth. . . . .
I began to see the wisdom of what they talked to me about. What appears to be the most important to them is the breeders. In other words those people who have children and they have children and they have children. People who don't have children don't impact the future that much unless they invent something, write something amazing or build something important or amazing. So in terms of thousands and thousands of years those that breed and take care of their children so they can be successful and healthy enough to breed and take care of their children and so on and so on tend to influence the future the most just by creating the future people that exist thousands of years from now.
Whether you believe that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had children or not you must admit that you would like to meet one of their descendants if you could. Possibly you or I are one of these! In this theoretical way you can see how important both Jesus' ideas as well as his ongoing presence in the world gene pool would be important. Theoretically he could have millions of descendants all over the world if you do the math from 2000 years ago.
In looking at my own geneology from 1580 AD to the present many of my Swiss and Germanic ancestors had 8 to 11 children each. So if I reduce this to 5 living children and each of them having 5 living children there is the potentiality of almost 400,000 descendants within 8 generations if I did my math correctly. I'm also being very conservative in using 25 year generations instead of 20 year generations which is likely more practical when people married at 12 to 15 years old like they do many places on earth to this day. Since there have been about 80 25 year generations since Jesus' time if you do the math you can see how many people descended from Jesus and Mary Magdelene there could actually be!
reprinted from December 21st 1999 at this website
The Visitor and the Earthling
republished june 10th 2005
One day the Visitor to earth stepped out of his flying saucer. He had landed undetected by any technology on earth. An interested Earthling walked up to him and said, "Please show me the universe." The Visitor was at the time surveying the beauty of a remote Pacific Island Sunset for the first time. He heard the Earthlings thoughts and wondered about the strange grunting noises he was making. So he replied to the earthlings unsophisticated communication mind to mind. The Visitor said, "Time and Space aren't real. The best way to travel the universe is in your soul body. I'm limited to traveling this quadrant of the Galaxy in my ship.
But if you travel in your soul body only your own perception of time and space limit you. Because you are a dweller on the rim of a galaxy you are suited to travelling to other Galaxies. Because I live closer to the core of the Galaxy I am not. I would only be suited to travelling from the core of this Galaxy to the Core of another Galaxy. Since no Galaxy that I know of allows this, you are extremely valuable to this galaxy. If you tavel in your soul body from the rim of this galaxy to the rim of other galaxies I can get help to protect your planet from being overrun by those who would destroy your earth culture."
"Earthling, you asked me to show you the universe. The best and safest ship to travel the universe in is your soul living inside your physical body."
The earthling being suddenly at a loss for words or even thoughts after this thought exchange was in shock.
The visitor, knowing the earthling would take time to acclimatize to this idea, turned his attention back to the beautiful tropical sunset. The earthling having turned an ashen color walked away and sat on the beach a few hundred yards away watching both the visitor and the sunset. somehow he knew the visitor to earth spoke the truth but it would take some time for the earthling to learn to soul travel without dying.
When the sunset was over the earthling walked back toward the visitor. By now the visitor was walking back toward his silver saucer ship. The Earthling called in his mind, "Wait! Visitor! Tell me more." The visitor said as he boarded his ship, "You will know what to do when the time comes. Good Luck!" The door seemed to melt shut. She ship did not take off. It simply hummed and then disapeared leaving the earthling wondering whether he had imagined the whole thing.
the earthling came to believe that the ship had travelled through time. So he came back to the beach the next night to see if the visitor was watching another sunset. In his mind the earthling said to the visitor. "How long has it been since we talked?" "Moments" the visitor said. To which the earthling asked, "Did you know I would return tonight?" The visitor said, "I knew that if you were intelligent enough to succeed at soul travel to another galaxy you would be here tonight."
12:24pm pdt June 8th 2005
I have been rescued from the brink so many times in my life that the only word I have to describe it is, Grace! One of my spiritual teachers once said to me, "If you live to be 100 you will likely live to 500. If you live to be 500 you will likely live to be 1000. If you live to be 1000 you will likely see 10,000. There was more but that is all I could really stand to think about at the time.
The only way it makes sense for me to look at all this is that for some reason it is very important for the ongoing survival of the human race on earth that I go on surviving as long as I can be useful to the survival of life on earth. That is the best way that I can say it. It appears to me now as if my soul being upon the earth in a body is one of the necessary components for life on eath to continue. This may seem odd or incomprehensible to you as it does most of the time to me. However, through long experience and testing life and reality this appears to likely be the case.
My first memories of Ragna and Elohar was in late 1969 and early 1970. I was suicidal and they came and told me I must live on for the sake of humanity. I vowed to them to stay alive so that humanity would continue to survive on earth even if I had no desire to live for myself any longer here. They seemed very pleased with my choice. After my son was born in 1974 I could live on for my children and so suicide would not be a choice I would make. Now my son is grown and off living his own life and my other two biological children are still growing up.
The real point of all this is that I am very aware of how close to the brink I have come over and over again in my life and each time God has miraculously rescued me. The last time I was 45 and 46 and I didn't think I would survive my divorce because between us there were 4 children and one was a mere 5 years old. Though I didn't get to raise my 5 year old I did get to see her 10 weeks a year ongoing which was barely survivable for me.
I find myself in my life not having to worry about finances and all my children being healthy and well educated and now I have time to write of my experiences to share with any of you in the past, present or future on earth and off who care to listen to my story.
You like me may live on into the distant future. I think there are at least thousands like me planet wide who keep earth alive and moving by their very presence here. I don't outwardly at least understand it all. In some part of my awareness I completely understand everything. However, for now at least it isn't always practical to walk around thinking like that as the vibe you tend to put out sometimes scares people out of their wits. So I pretend out of compassion for those who could never cope with it to be less than I am. The rest of you who are directed to read all these things are obviously a lot more like me so if you have gotten this far you probably aren't scared enough by what I write yet to stop reading.
In some ways as a soul, survival is based upon fearlessness, but it must be fearlessness based upon enough intuitive wisdom and compassion to survive your own thoughts, emotions and actions. So in this vein I wish you and yours Blessings as we all travel the universe Time without beginning, Time without end!
10:12am pdt June 8th 2005
I was talking on the phone last night with someone who way back when looked a lot like Dolly Parton when she saved my life in 1969 and 1970.Her name is Bobby Jean. Though she was a member of my religion that I had been ostracised from she was way beyond any of them in understanding the universe. She recognized my exceptional gifts and decided to prevent my imminant suicide. At the time because I was only 21 and she was a 35+ year old very beautiful lady that looked almost exactly like Dolly Parton and a single mother I thought in my youthful ignorance that she was interested in me. However, her real purpose was much more noble and long lasting. She wanted to save my life which she did while maintaining a platonic relationship with me that allowed a lifetime of friendship and spiritual sharing.
The first thing she did was to share with me how ignorant the people who had ostracised me were. She said they were just afraid of my natural supernatural gifts and had become afraid of my growing capabilities. She said they were small people for doing this and in not recognizing my full potential. As I listened to her I felt my need for suicide begin to drop away. I had never met anyone as gifted as she was before. Then I asked for her to bring the angels to me so that I could see them. Since she was capable of this she did so. I wasn't able to make out their faces but I could see them as lifesize ovals of bright light colored either all white, all pink or all blue. I knew from past experience that the white light angels usually come to take people who have passed on also returning souls to bodies after comas and the like. Pink Angels I have always associated with healing and nurturing and of course blue angels are protecting angels that I always associate with Arcangel Michael. Whenever Michael has appeared to me he is a big blue life size oval of blue light when he wants me to be aware something serious is going on.
When I was two I saw Arcangel Michael and his band life size completely physical in jeweled armor up to their necks with shoulder length hair and no beards while I sat in my grandmother's arms as she sang "Hark the Herald Angels Sing"
Last night, however, I was recounting my veiled memories of Ragna and Elohar that only surfaced in 2002. I found it very difficult to share with Bobby Jean who is also as I have said before one of the most psychicly developed people I've ever met. I was trying to tell her of my now unveiled "Memories" of Elohar and Ragna and then of the now unveiled "MEMORY" of the Galactic Sentience in 1992. In 1970 I visited through soul travel the Galactic Sentience in the galactic core to ask help for earth. However, in 1992, the Galactic Sentience somehow came here to earth and visited me. (At least that is how I experienced it as with beings as evolved as (he,she,it) one (a human, at least) never really understands fully what is happening because the Galactic sentience does not have a physical body). (Unless you consider a nebulae or constellation a physical body.)I'm reprinting the two experiences that are ALREADY on my Essays page that has a button far down my index page.
June 1974
added tuesday may 31st 2005 while placing the information online.
Note:It might be useful to understand that in June 1974 I was married and a new father. The snow was still deep in June 1974.I was around 7000 feet on Mt. Shasta at a place that is called Bunny Flats. The snow averaged 5 to 8 feet with 15 foot drifts in places. There was a crust on top so I could walk without snoeshoes. I only sank in about 6 to 8 inches as I walked in my boots up Bunny Flats toward Mt. Shasta. I was completely alone and the sky was overcast. As I came out of the deep snowy forest and back through the alpine snow covered meadow with a few trees towards my car and the paved road I saw the imprint.
At first I thought it had been made by snowmobiles driving in a very tight circle. However, as I drew closer I could see there were no snowmobile tracks or even human tracks near this impression in the snow. Later I brought up my wife and baby and a friend from the little town of Mt. Shasta to see this impression. We all agreed then that this was like nothing we had ever seen before, a perfect circle, a perfect impression with three 3 foot hemispheres placed like a pod in the bottom center.
Green antifreeze looking stuff with little black flecks in it along the top one foot all the way around the impression. We all decided the only human way to have made this was with a template of that shape dropped from a helicopter. Other than that it had been made by a UFO. endnote.
transcribed May 22, 2002
note: I was not allowed to remember this until after the 21st century began. I wasn't able to retrieve it until 5-22-05. Ragna, Elohar and I agreed it would have been too much for me to survive the memories at the time they occured. So they waited sealed inside my mind for a safer time to come through.
My cover memory was walking up from the paved road at Bunny Flats through the snow. However, my actual experience was far different than that. This is the first time I was allowed to remember it so it is news to me as well.
As I walked up the meadows through the snow I stood transfixed as I saw a light in the clouds above me. I knew it wasn�t the sun because it was moving. At first it looked white but as it grew closer I saw more colors. The predominant ones were blue and turquoise colored lights. They were spinning very quickly around a non spinning disc or ship. It landed less than 100 feet from me. The snow flew out in all directions to make a place for the ship in the snow. I walked toward the ship and felt hypnotized by it. I was rendered harmless by the ship. As I walked toward the ship suddenly I was in the ship. However, the ship was not a vessel of any kind I had been in before. It was a doorway rather than a ship because entering the ship put me somewhere else in time and space on earth or some other planet, you pick for I still don�t know where I was exactly.
I can describe what I saw. It was different than any place on earth I have been in the 20th or 21st century. The basic color of the land was green and beige but there was also more purple than I have seen anywhere on earth. The sky was also light green instead of blue or light blue. It could have been earth in a past or future time or another world or dimension.
Next, beings walked up to me that were humanoid. Their skin was pale and they seemed very intelligent and somewhat sad. They seemed a little nervous to be near me as if I was an intelligent gorilla or something. They first said, �Will you harm us?� I said in a monotone, �No. I am made harmless by your ship.� �That is good.� They seemed to relax a little at this point.
�We are reincarnations of your parents.� I said, �I don�t know what to do with that information.� One of them said, �That will come in time. We are here to open the door to your time and world.� I said, �Why?� �We wish to prevent a war. We wish to change time.� Again I said, �Why?� They chose to put thoughts, terrible thoughts associated with a war that was past in their minds into my mind. Not being used to being able to filter such thoughts I let out a howl of pain. One of them said, �We�re sorry but we are still trying to create useful thought and feeling interfaces.
Our race mostly communicates with direct thoughts among friends and family. Speaking is only used with strangers and for business and politics. Since you are considered family we decided to try direct thoughts. We feel ashamed it caused you such pain. I said, �Meeting you both is much more distressing than the thoughts you put into my mind.� The one that appeared to be male then said, �We hadn�t really considered this possibility. I suppose it is na�ve of us to have thought it would be a smooth transition for you. We will go back to words because of your distress.�
I said, �I would appreciate this because I don�t want to have a heart attack and die right here in front of you.� The female looked especially distressed and said, �We could not allow you to die. If you died we would just bring you back to life.�
I said, �After what I have seen here I am quickly coming to believe you could bring me back from death.� They both laughed at this. Because they didn�t have noses like the humans of our times their laughter was very different. At first I thought they were just choking or chortling. Then I realized they were laughing. I felt the hypnotic hold on my mind weaken.
Their laughter meant they were beginning to trust me more. The dynamics of our encounter began to become more comfortable to us all.
The female said with a look of anticipation, �I am a reincarnation of your mother and Ragna here is a reincarnation of your father. We have traveled through time back to see you.� I thought about this. �I�m very happy to see you but why have you come to me?�
They seemed confused by my reaction. �Don�t you like us?� I said, �It is not about like or dislike. I�ve just been scared out of my wits and surprised in a way I�m not sure I will ever totally recover from. I�m traumatized. You can�t expect me to be totally okay after all this. Many of my kind would have fainted or died from the shock. Give me a break. I�m doing very well considering the fact that I�m completely unprepared for this encounter.�
The two talked in some strange European sounding language akin to German, Spanish, French and Italian. When I heard them speak their language I said, �You�re from the future aren�t you?�
They seemed surprised by my statement. The female said, �Yes. However, we were conferring about your health both mental and physical.� I said, �I would say I�m in a minor state of shock and a little confused by it and a little scared because you obviously messed with my mind and rendered me harmless.
The normal way a human in my time would deal with this is to feel intimidated and threatened. However, I�m also a very instinctive and intuitional person and so I can sense what you are about.�
The humanoid Ragna said, �And what do your senses tell you?� I said, �You are telling me the truth but that there is more to all this than you are telling me.� He said, �Where do you think you presently are?� I said, �I imagine that I�m in another dimension or time and that you somehow brought my body through the walls of the ship somehow. What is difficult to deal with is that I�m not in a ship but in another time, place or dimension than my home time.�
Ragna said, �What do you see?� This question made me feel uncomfortable. It made me think that what they were seeing and experiencing was very different than what I was perceiving. I felt scared.
I said, �Are we experiencing different things?� His answer �Yes.� Made me feel faint. I started to lose consciousness. He said, �We have made an error. We did not realize how different people of our time were from yours.� Looking into his eyes I knew he was lying. I sensed his purpose was to test what I was made of.
I said, �Why are you testing me? I thought we were relatives.� He burned his eyes into mine and said, �I�m trying to see if I can allow you to remember this encounter or not.�
I said, �I have been through a great deal the last few years. This memory could destroy me now. Why don�t you veil this memory and let it come back when I�m old?� Ragna said, �For such a young man you are very wise.� I said, �Thank you, Ragna.� I knew at that moment I had gained an ally. We had somehow reached beyond relatives to respect for each other.
I said, �Am I still in the snow and just imagining this? Ragna said, �No. You are in the ship in stasis. Your body is warm and being cared for by the ship. Your mind body is here with us in the future. I again felt my senses swooning but somehow I hung in there. I was grateful for my perceptual strength.
Ragna began again, �It will be okay, Jonathan. We think we have your biology and mental and emotional interface properly calibrated.� I said, �Why was this calibration necessary?� Ragna looked at me strangely and then said, �It is a way of preserving our contacts. Once we calibrate a contact we can bring that contact back to life. The calibration is stored and used to bring our contact back to life and wholeness if death or insanity comes in any way from the contact. Until that calibration was correct we worried that you might die or fragment before we could calibrate your mind body interface.
I said, �Well, I�m glad that�s over.� And I meant it. Ragna smiled a wry smile. Elohar looked a little nervous. She hesitated and then said, �Are you angry with us, Jonathan?� I said, �Not really. I�m adapting to all this. It will take some time.� Elohar then said, �Don�t you like us?� I said, �You look and act and sound a lot different than the people of my era. You also feel fundamentally different to all my senses. I have to pretend all this is like a science fiction movie in order not to faint from the sensory shock.�
Elohar smiled. She was beginning to get it. She did remind me a lot of my mother. I was beginning to believe these two were reincarnations of my parents. It made a lot of sense. I put myself in their shoes. Whether they were my parents reincarnated or not it would make good strategic sense to try to convince me that they were my parents come again.
Since no one would believe me and no one but myself to protect me in this situation I knew I had to go along with the idea that they were reincarnations of my parents whether I fully believed this or not. My sanity might depend on this level of trust. Ragna and I had already agreed I must not remember all this for a long time. After all I had to raise my son without becoming a Earth world government guinea pig.
Ragna looked thoughfully at me. He said, �If we let you see the ship�s footprint what will you do with your real life experience of this?� I said, �I won�t tell the government as they might interfere with my wife and son. I can�t let that happen.�
Ragna said, �We have to tell your government that we have had and will continue to have contact with you our ancestor. The governments of your time will know as per the 1953 Eisenhower agreement to leave you alone as you are among the primary ancestor stock of the future. To interfere with you would cause a war. They will know this.� I felt confused. It seemed a little to weird for me. I said, �Am I physically related to both of you?� Elohar said, �Yes. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ALL YOUR CHILDREN AND THEY DON'T LIVE ON WE WILL NEVER BE BORN."
I felt a little nauseated this time. I thought of all the building blocks of time. I thought back to anthropology in college and of natural selection and of dynasties. It began to all make sense now. I asked, �How far into the future do you live?�
�We cannot tell you exactly but it is approximately 7000 A.D.� I said, �What is the primary religion on earth then?� Ragna looked a little angry and Elohar looked scared. Ragna said, �Most religions and science have all blended together with psychology and medicine to form ways of functioning much different than anything you have thought of or seen or heard of in your time. The very concept of religion as you now know it is foreign to us. The closest way we can approach it is to say there are still people who search for the truth and for meaning in existence. I tend to be more scientific in my approach and Elohar is more psychological and psychic in her approach. We have very different ways we approach the problem of life.
How do I feel about all this? Well, I was pretty terrified for awhile around 1985. I had grown beyond the �space brothers� kind of thinking and saw the movie, �Communion�. I finally reconciled myself by realizing that I could only be responsible for what I knew for sure. I could only stand before God and say, �I have done the best I could for all beings I met.� The rest of it is the responsibility of whoever or whatever takes control of situations or people. Those beings or things will have to stand before God in their own times. That is not my problem. Therefore, I am at peace with my creator.
The following is a true story. If it hadn�t happened to me I might not believe it:
It was 1974. My son had just been born and my first wife and I had moved to the little town of Mt. Shasta at the foot of the mountain of the same name near the northern border of Oregon in California. I decided to drive up on Mt. Shasta as far as the snow had been plowed on Everitt Memorial Highway. This took me to Bunny Flats. Since it was overcast and cold and during the middle of the week I was alone. Luckily the snow had been exposed to enough sun during the last weeks to create a crust I could walk on as it was still 6 to 10 feet deep at that elevation. I sank in only about 6 inches or so. I walked up a mile or so up the mountain to about 9500 feet in elevation where the trees stopped growing and I could see a good view up the snow capped mountain. Since my son was only a few weeks old I prayed for a long, healthy and happy life for him. As I walked back down through the deep snow to my car I saw something unusual. At first I thought it was just a 30 foot diameter circle made by a snowmobile. However, as I drew closer I saw it had no snowmobile tracks or even human tracks anywhere near it. Also, it seemed new. As I looked closer I realized it was extremely strange. There were three 3 foot diameter hemispheres like pod prints in the very bottom of the impression. On the upper 1 foot of the of the print 25 to 30 feet across was something that looked like algae and green antifreeze mixed evenly spread in a circle. I went to town and got friends to witness this. As we gazed at this we could think of no other plausible explanation than a ufo landing print. An army colonel years later asked why we hadn�t reported it. I said I didn�t want to be experimented on the rest of my life with wires under my fingernails. He looked shocked.
This was strange enough. However, 22 years later I and my second wife and kids had rented a house in Mt. Shasta in 1990. It was the summer of 1992. I was alone in the kitchen. It was early afternoon on a clear day without a cloud in the sky. I heard helicopters that I knew had to be military because they were so loud. I went out to look and there were three unmarked military helicopters in formation about 3000 feet above Mt. Shasta City where I was. However, the unmarked grey military helicopters were not the weird part. The really weird part was the silver grey flying saucer accompanying them. I could not believe my eyes. I decided I would not blink it was so amazing. Though my eyes were tearing up I continued to stare. As I watched the flying saucer disappeared right before my eyes. The three unmarked military helicopters moved off in formation in the direction of Nevada. I was completely blown away by what I had seen.
A few years later after thinking about this I started to believe what I witnessed was time travel of an American Flying saucer that may have been based in Nevada because that was the direction the helicopters went after it disappeared. On top of this the ufo appeared to be the same shape and size of the print I had found at Bunny Flats 22 years before in 1974. I found myself going through a complete paradigm shift after that. This wasn�t fiction. This was real life. Do I ask you to believe this? NO. I wouldn�t. Do I believe it? I have to. I experienced it. The only conclusion I can come to that makes any sense to me at all is that our government has ufos and that those ufos travel not only through space but also through time.
I inserted the above story so I wouldn�t have to write it again.
The following is a memory that was screened from my access until I reached in my life the 21st century. I'm finally allowed to remember it. However, as I washed dishes in my kitchen in Mt. Shasta that summer of 92, something happened before I heard the helicopters. I found myself again in a dreamlike state that I had experienced many times before. It was more familiar since my experience in June 1974 because I had been allowed to remember the space ship print and to take friends to visit it. We all knew what it really was and we were all smart enough to know that sharing it with the authorities would have been a mistake for all concerned. However, this is my screened memory that has finally opened up May 22nd and 23rd 2002.
When I arrived in the contactee state I was someplace else in place and time. Where I was was always a mystery to me. It was always very similar to being asleep at night and dreaming only it was like lucid dreaming. I think it is designed this way to more easily alter the mind to create cover memories. This is done, I believe so that the people of the future earth can not destroy present day people psychologically and physically. They seem to have the need for contact but do not want to erase their future by killing or making crazy their ancestors. This makes perfect sense to me.
On this particular visit with Elohar and General Ragna I said, �Hi. What is it that you need?� Elohar said, �You have been chosen as a present day representative of earth to meet with the Galactic Sentience.� I said, �I�m a nobody on earth. Why would I be chosen?� General Ragna smiled, �Who you are to the beings of earth is unimportant to the Galactic Sentience. What would be important to this amazing being would be your previous contacts as a soul with him.� I said, �I have no memory of any contact with the Galactic Sentience. I don�t even know if the Galactic Sentience is a who or a what or where or even if it or he or she exists.� General Ragna said, �That is understandable considering your present lifetime.� I didn�t know quite how to take this so I remained uncomfortable and quiet.
The next thing I knew I saw a bright light in the distance. I said, �What�s that bright light? Is it sentient?� Elohar and Ragna laughed that strange noseless (they had nose slits but no protruding nose like the humans of our time have) laugh of theirs that put chills up my spine and made me know for sure I was dealing with a very different psychology and reality than I was used to. Later, however, they both confided in me that they were both scared for me and laughed in fear and wondered whether I would survive the encounter. They had been warned not to tell me that though.
So I was a completely innocent babe in the woods meeting the non physical Galactic sentience that had an IQ millions of times greater than me and also was clairsentient and who fed on knowledge of all kinds.
As the light became brighter I began to think about Jesus and the Light people talk about in near death experiences. However, nothing anyone said or did could prepare me for the full experience of meeting the Galactic Sentience. I reached out my hand for the familiar earth handshake. However, the Galactic Sentience simply ate me and then I fainted. That is the best I can do to explain my experience. When I began to awake I felt I was having about 1million simultaneous dreams and thoughts. I thought I was going to throw up. I decided that I might be dead and that I might have to get used to this. So I relaxed. This seemed to help a little. I could then experience not having a body. This seemed to go on interminably. I began to be able to isolate thought streams into bubbles of awareness. I began to notice that there were many bubbles of different stages of my childhood being �Played like a video tape simultaneously. Imagine a being who could process hundreds or thousands of moments through time of your life simultaneously. I decided that I must be dead and that I was having an experience with God.
Soon after that The Galactic Sentience spit me out and I woke up looking at my hands. They glowed white along with the rest of me. I was grateful to have a body again even if it glowed. I felt very altered from any state of consciousness I had ever imagined or experienced since birth in my physical body.
The Galactic Sentience talked in my mind. I will call it he even though it has no sex that I know of. He said, �Who do you think I am?� I said frightened, �I think you might be God.� He said, �Being from earth you might consider me to be a God but I am not infinite so I am not The God of the entire universe. However, considering me to be a demigod like Hercules or someone like that might be useful.� I said, �Are you the one that my mother prayed to while she was pregnant with me?� He said, �Maybe. However, I�m not sure that is a useful thing to say.�
I said, �Why did you eat me?� The Galactic Sentience laughed. It was the laugh of an amazing being. He said, �I didn�t eat you. I simply needed to experience all your life since conception on earth and every biological process including your conception. Only in this way could I know for sure if you could be entrusted with the care of earth and its heavens eventually.�
I said, �Did you just say that you wanted to entrust me with earth and its heavens?� He said, �Yes. But that won�t happen for a long time so you shouldn�t worry. You need only learn and grow as a being and try to stay alive so it can all come about as planned.� I felt faint so I began to fall down. A chair like object broke my fall. I looked at it. It seemed to be made of light and started to look like a throne. A mirror appeared in front of me and I saw a crown of light upon my head. I started to laugh believing now that I was dreaming this because it was all just too surrealistic for me to take seriously. He said, �It is too much for your mind to take in all at once. It will coalesce in the years to come. In 2002 I will allow your truest memories to come forward. You will need them then to go on living. You will have the strength to cope with it all. I have foreseen this.�
I stood looking at the light of the Galactic Sentience with my mouth open in complete stunned amazement. I knew no one on earth would ever believe this. And worst of all I knew some day I would have to try to explain all this to earthlings. It was just too much to think about. I sat back in my chair throne and went to sleep. I heard the purring sound of the consciousness of the Galactic Sentience. I felt like his new pet or new toy. I dreamed. I let go. I felt peace like I was dead.
Note: I think this is why I think I died or am dead sometimes. How else can a human cope with something like this?
After I wrote the above I had time to think the rest of the day. Now it is evening of the same day. At dinner I realized that one of the reasons that I watched Cast Away, the movie with Tom Hanks over and over on DVD was that I was trying to ferret out the above memories. I finally have succeeded in getting to them after all these years. I can see that my mental filters toned down much of the book, Memories to a more polite form of legend.
However, my first deep memory contacts with Elohar and Ragna were very strange for someone of the 20th or 21st century. I probably had many other experiences with them before and after my birth but they were probably enhancements of one kind or another so I wouldn�t have formal memories that could be reactivated like the above ones were.
12:04 pm pdt Sunday June 5th 2005
Note: I borrowed this title from Lama Yeshe as I found it an incredible zen like insight into what an adult human being is. When one is a child religion is impressed upon one to civilize the child in each of us. However, when one truly becomes a responsible adult our mind becomes our religion because in having compassion for all life in the universe we automatically do right by all life in the universe. At this point our mind becomes our religion because we have no need whatsoever of any external system to reinforce compassion and civilization.We automatically out of compassion are the civilization of the universe.YOUR MIND IS YOUR RELIGION
The following quote is from the dedication of "Make Your Mind an Ocean" by Lama Yeshe, "To enter the spiritual path, you must begin to understand your own mental attitude and how your mind perceives things. If you're all caught up in attachment to tiny atoms, your limited, craving mind will make it impossible for you to enjoy life's pleasures. External energy is so incredibly limited that if you allow yourself to be bound by it, your mind itself will become just as limited. When you mind is narrow, small things easily agitate you.
Make your mind an Ocean
Since I have been interested in efficiency in the enlightening of all beings in the universe for sure since about age 15 and quite likely for millions and billions of years I would like to share the dedication of the dedication by Lama Yeshe in, "Make Your Mind an Ocean" It is,"May whoever sees, touches, reads, remembers, or talks or thinks about this book never be reborn in unfortunate circumstances, receive only rebirths in situations conducive to the perfect practice of Dharma, meet a perfectly qualified spiritual guide, quickly develope bodhicitta and immediately attain enlightenment for the sake of all sentient Beings." end quote.
The efficiency of Lama Yeshe's use of words takes my breath away. Even though my relatives came from Switzerland and then Germany to America in about 1726 I still worship efficiency like my forebears. Like I said Lama Yeshe's use of spiritual efficiency leading toward enlightenment takes my breathe away and leaves me speechless.
The 4400
June 6th 2005
I was at yahoo.com which is home for my computer when it comes up for about 10 years now. Anyway, I noticed a moving add to the right of the yahoo opening screen that said "abductees". Since I have been one of the many many who have been "taken" on many occasions by future humans of earth this intersted me. Unlike many of the others I have always been a "natural" psychic all my life and as I grew up and was 21 in 1969 on the coastal west coast of California I gravitated to other California Cosmics throughout Coastal California, Oregon and Washington especially.
So I am always looking for ways to better comprehend my experiences and try to find people who really have had experiences like mine rather than people who are just deluded. The test for me is how they talk about their experiences. Someone who really has been abducted by future humans speaks about the experiences quite differently than someone who is faking it or just deluded. I don't have much use for public debunkers because most of those are paid by our government to create streams of misinformation to prevent the common people from getting at the truth. I can debunk the fakes quite well for myself thank you!
Anyway, I am digressing. when I clicked on "abductees" I found a detailed advertisement for "The 4400" which just kicked off its second season on USA network on cable at 9pm Eastern or Pacific or 8pm central on Sundays.
My wife and I looked forward to seeing the beginning of the 2 hour special of the kickoff of its new summer season.
In the first place I was surprised how many things they get right in this program. humans from the future have taken these 4400 people from times as far back as the late 1930's as I understood the premise and returned them when a comet came close to the earth. Many of them have supernatural psychic abilities like myself. All of this rang true for me. However, what did not ring true was fundamentalist crazy Christians trying to kill them with shotguns and the baby that can not only ripen blueberries two weeks in 1 minute and then cause the bad Christians with shotguns to self destruct including a scene where one of the bad christians takes a shotgun and blows his head off. This was pretty crazy.
In reality most all the people from future who come here to this time in reality are mostly just about trying to make sure they all get born in their own future times and to make sure none of their ancestors are killed through any time manipulation which would then prevent their own births. Interference on this level creates time wars from the future toward the past. Second, they have already prevented one war that would have killed 80% of the humans of the earth which did happen on the 1st timeline. We are now on the second major timeline of earth of the 21st century. On the first timeline North and South america the entire Pacific ocean and All of Asia including China and Russia are uninhabitable for about 100,000 years. The only non mutant sane humans left alive are in the Swiss Alps and in the vicinity of Mount Kilamingaro and in the vicinity of the Andes mountains of South america on that time line. Thank God we are on a second time line in which this did not happen. Sure, there will be other conflicts between China and the free world. This will be caused by the crazies both in china and the free world just like in all conflicts. Hopefully, there will continue to be enough level headed people to mitigate these inevitable conflicts ongoing on both sides.
I am permitted to write about these things both by beings of the future and by present earth governments because a certain amount of the intelligentia of earth needs to be aware that time travel presently exists and is being used ongoing. In this way the intelligentia of earth now and on into the future helps mitigate all excesses on all sides of all time conflicts. Even 7000 years into the future all people are not even fully aware then that time travel exists ongoing. It is just too dangerous a fact for the general public to be fully aware of EVER!
Tommy Hartzell: Time General NSA May 25th 2005 I have begun to remember recently of conversations I had with my Uncle Tommy. The family still believes he passed on in a plane crash in 1942. However, he did not as that was just a cover story. In 1980 he visited me on the land I owned on the side of Mt. Shasta.
The conversation went something like this even though it was blocked from my conscious memory until this last weekend: "Freddie, I have been authorized to contact you. You won't remember this conversation until 2005 when this information will be allowed to go public in a limited way. The Galactic Sentience wants me to tell you that you are pivotal for the integration of Galactic Sentient Civilized Awareness into the mainstream of thought for at least the intelligentia who can speak english or have it translated for them. Your Website then will be a source of information for those who seek this knowledge." I said, "Uncle Tommy. What's a website?" He said, "Starting in the 1990's there will be a new mass media source of information available to the public." I said, "Oh."
As he proceeded I felt sort of out of body, especially in knowing that I wouln't be able to remember this conversation for 25 years. I was reeling a little from this knowledge. It made me wonder how many other things had been temporarily or permanently blanked from my memory and others around the world.
Then Tommy proceeded, "I know you are concerned about all I'm telling you. The one thing that I can share for sure is that I will visit you the day of your father's passing." I asked, "Will he pass away soon?" Tommy said, "Yes. Within ten years. That is why you felt the need to separate yourself from him and remarry so that you could survive it." I said, "That makes sense. If his death took me out I wouldn't be able to raise my son." Tommy looked carefully at me and then said, "You will have several more children." I looked concerned, "With my present wife?" Tommy looked at me and said, "I'd rather not say." This confused me because my wife at that time was going to a fertility clinic because she wanted a child by me. She already had two kids and I had already had a son by my first wife.
Finally he got down to business. He said, "The main reason I'm here is not because of all this. I'm here to tell you that your out of body trip to the core of the galaxy in 1970 has really changed things on earth. I know you meant well but you must realize by now that you werea very naive in soul traveling there." I wasn't sure what to make of his statement. I said, "I didn't want earth to be nuked out of existence." Tommy looked at me strangely. He said, "I wasn't questioning your motivation but what kind of help did you expect to find there?" I said, "I thought maybe that was where God was so I was going to God." Tommy looked perplexed and said, "God is everywhere but nowhere in particular." I said, " I know that now but then I was young and still learning the ropes so to speak." Tommy said, "But you know you changed everything." I said sheepishly, "Yes!" Then you know you are in high regard for your bravery and sincerity there?" Again I said. "Yes!" Then his eyes narrowed, "But do you have any idea of the range of consequences of your actions?" I said, "Some." Tommy said, "What do you know of the changes?" I said, "Well. I know that earth will never be allowed to be destroyed by any outside, earthborn human or other source." Tommy whistled."And do you realize what is being done to create that outcome?" I said, "Not really." Tommy said, "Well. I do somewhat and it is giving present governments on earth and beyond that know about it fits."
"First of all humans and all life on earth have been classified an endangered species. and in some ways this is a good thing and in some ways it is a bad thing." I interjected, "But humans will survive and live on." Tommy said, "Yes. But we are the laughing stock of the galaxy in that we can't take care of ourselves and one of our own came to the galactic core to prevent planetary suicide." I said, "But you know of the Asteroid belt. Our ancestors blew up that planet with a thermonuclear war." Tommy said, "Maybe. I don't have enough evidence to know one way or the other really." I said, "Well. I believe it." Tommy said, "Well. That is your right." I could see he was dealing with paradoxical feelings. I sensed he was proud of me, his nephew for having done this but also horrified as some of the outcomes. So he was carefully weighing what I had done and all the consequences that had resulted.
Tommy said, "Did you know I was appointed as an earth liason to the Galactic Time Guard because of being your uncle and because I am a time traveler for the U.S. Marines and now also for the NSA and the United Nations?" I said, "That's pretty impressive." And did you know that your life is a Galactic Reality show?" I said, "What's a reality show?" Tommy said, "A reality show is a term that gets coined in the 90's and the early 2000's. It is a tv show that tries to film real events in real time as they happen." I said, "Oh. Well they did tell me they wanted to see through my eyes as the price of preventing the extinction of earth." Tommy rolled his eyes. "Did you know you have about 1 trillion galactic fans or more galaxy wide, and that your life plays in more that one Galaxy because life on earth is considered so interesting?"
I said, "Is that why I've been getting all these confused thoughts lately? I didn't know where they were coming from." Tommy said, "Because you are a psychic other galactic psychics tune into you to better understand themselves and you. Everything about you has become a public commodity." I said, "Whether I like it or not I made a deal so earth would survive. Besides I modify the deal slightly all the time because some of the aspects of the looking through me just doesn't work for me." Tommy said, "It's good you do that. I'm not sure how long you would live otheriwise."
I said, "I was promised to never die if I wished that in the bargain." Tommy looked carefully at me and said, "What did you say to that part?" I said, "I said I would take it one day at a time. Why do you ask?" Tommy smiled a cruel smile and said, "How old do you think I am right now?" I said, "Oh, about 35." Tommy said, "Then you would be wrong. I'm closer to 500.
Part of being an earth liason to the Galactic Time Guard is that you basicly never die unless you get permission to do so from the Galactic Time Guard." I said, "That's pretty scary!" Tommy stared back at me. "Yes!" I was naive too!" Then I said, "But look at the bright side, Tommy. Look at all the neat things you get to witness." Tommy sneered, "Yeah like watching all my family die except you me and maybe your Dad."
My ears perked up. "Dad won't die either?" Tommy seemed tearful and said, "Fred Sr. hasn't made up his mind yet. What are you going to do Freddie?" I said, "Like I said to His Holiness the Galactic Sentience I'm going to take it one day at a time." Tommy sized me up and said, "You're a survivor like all the Hartzells. You'll keep alive indefinitely. You will choose life as long as you have your health and enough freedom." I smiled at this. I said, "You're probably right Uncle Tommy." At this we both smiled and laughed a little at the thought.
The Day after Roswell
1:04 am pdt Saturday May 14th 2005
When Colonel Corso wrote his book as he promised General Trudeau before both of them passed on he mentioned that he was involved in the reverse engineering of technological relics from the UFO at the Roswell crash in 1947. He mentioned that the chips now used in all microcomputers all started with what was found aboard the ufo crash of 1947. It is my belief that since the transistor also came into being in 1947 that this was no accident but quite likely came from something also found on board the craft that year.
As a psychic it is my belief that the technology we are now using in our computers originally came from a steady state society from either a far future or far past time on earth, from within the earth or from another civilization somewhere off of earth. My definition of a steady state society would be: MAXIMUM TECHNOLOGY=MINIMUM PERSONAL FREEDOM. This type of society, though it might last millions of years would do so by eliminating personal freedoms to the point where everything would become mechanistic and predictable to where all creativity would be permanently eliminated. You might say, "Who would do that?" My answer to that would be, "Beings very different than us!"
My concept of the problem goes something like this, "Have you ever heard of a wolf or a fox being caught in a steel trap and instead of dying it knaws its foot off and escapes." This is a very humanlike trait or should I say very mammalian trait.
Any mammal including humans would not survive long in a steady state society without going mad,commiting suicide or at the very least becoming extremely neurotic. This is because mammals thrive as species on a certain degree of chaos. For example, if a human parent is republican, for example, the child grows up and in rebellian becomes a democrat. That democrat grows up and has a child and that child rebels and becomes a republican and then that republican grows up and has a child and that child becomes a democrat. In this way the grandparents and the grandchildren are more similar to each other than the parents and children are at least politically.
This isn't just politically true but also behaviorally true. Whatever one generation screws up the next generation tries to fix, usually without truly seeing the good of its parents generation, at least until the parents generation dies and then the child is upset when all the good of the previous generation is gone and then the child is haunted the rest of their life in the misunderstanding that took place until the parent or parents died.
Humans just can't survive steady state societies because they are all at core, mammals, no matter what their social conditioning or religions. At core, we are all the same. If trapped, we first go to one extreme then to another extreme until we either struggle free or we have offed ourselves mentally or physically or both.
Though I advocate moderation in all things this doesn't always work either. I said recently to a friend that people would just all stay the same and live in the same place and never get married or do anything with their lives if humans didn't sometimes go into a temporary unsanity. I have coined this word to represent the leaps of faith and love that individuals make when they fall in love or get married or go off to war. In some ways all these things are crazy to do but if nobody did these things cultures, religions and tribes would all die out.
What I'm trying to say here is that there is a group logic to the way humans live and survive that doesn't work for all individuals but allows the species to survive and for some to prosper in different ways.
Whereas the steady state society that spawned the 0 or 1 of the microcomputer chip did not come from a species that when caught in a trap would knaw its own foot off to be free.
My Cousin
May 26th 2005
My cousin Billy passed on a week or so after 9-11-01. He worked at Boeing in Seattle and had helped build the Boeing built planes that went into the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Seeing his work be used as missiles in an act of war against the U.S. was just too much for him and he died.
My first memory of Billy was about when I was 2 near Seattle in a suburb called Lake Forest Park. I was about 2 then. His mother and father, my (aunt and uncle) and Billy's sister lived on my grandfather's 2 1/2 acres there in a different house than ours. I lived there until I was four so I saw a lot of Billy and Janice, my cousins. Billy liked to take a lot of risks and so taught me to do the same. I guess as an adult one would call that quality "terminal macho". However, if one doesn't take risks one does not move forward in life because "Nothing ventured Nothing gained". So I thank Billy and my Dad for teaching me to take risks while moving forward in a hopeful but always pragmatic stance in engaging life.
Later when I was 4 my Mom,Dad, Mom's mother and I moved away to San Diego I missed Billy and Janice. Billy was 5 years old than I and Janice 7 years older than I. One time when I went to a church conclave at Shasta Springs California near the Oregon Border Billy was there too. Only now I was 8 and he was 13. Our parents turned us loose on the forests and streams and so we wandered far and wide on the beautiful trails there. Billy thought it would be fun to roll boulders down the steep forested hills. I said, "What if the boulders hit people on trails?" Billy said, "No. We're too far off the trail for that to be a problem." The forested hills we were on were about 1000 feet vertically above the Sacramento River. So at 8 I couldn't see the harm if no one could get hurt. So Billy 13 and I age 8 began to roll boulders 1 foot diameter to 3 feet in diameter down the 45 degree embankment. It was a feeling of great power as an 8 year old boy to see small trees and shrubs be knocked over as the boulders noisily crashed down the hill. However, we forgot one thing. There was a train track at the bottom of this hill next to the Sacramento River. This would have been summer 1956. We slowly worked our way straight down the hill. Rerolling some of the best boulders as we worked our way slowly toward the tracks. At first when we reached the tracks we were elated and felt very smug about our accomplishments as boys and didn't plan to tell anyone but other boys that we planned to impress with our accomplishments when to our horror we spied a 3 or 4 foot boulder sitting on the railroad tracks. Billy screamed, "Oh my God! That will derail a whole train!" I started to panic as an 8 year old but Billy said, "Keep it together! We have to get that boulder off the tracks before anyone gets killed in a train wreck!" So I was scared and crying as I worked feverishly to remove the boulder. We struggled for about 10 minutes and then to our added horror we heard a train coming fast down the tracks. We couldn't see it yet but it kept getting louder. Finally, Billy found an old piece of discarded railroad tie that he was able to pull a piece off of. We were able to use this long piece as a pole and with the tracks the fulcrum to get enough leverage to get that boulder off the tracks.Happily, the big boulder rolled down into the Sacramento River and with a big splash was out of harms way. We had only about 30 seconds left before the train went by fast down toward Dunsmuir and then on to Redding. The engineer must have wondered why two sweaty boys were smiling and waving to them as they passed. We were so happy no one had died!
8:45 am PDT
Thursday May 19th 2005
I was reading in the newspaper this morning about how the Quran is more than a book for Muslims worldwide and how Muhammad is supposed to have received the Quran from Arcangel Gabriel which is the same Arcangel who came to Mary to bring about Jesus.
I would like to share some personal insights about Arcangels. The first thing I would like to say is that when I attended a religious seminary for several months my class was dedicated to Arcangel Gabriel. The other thing I'd like to share is that my first cognizant memory in this life was of Arcangel Michael and his band of Arcangels visiting my grandmother and I when I was age 2 at Christmastime in Seattle, Washington.
It is my personal experience that Arcangels are protectors of the children of earth. They help souls be born, keep them safe while they are alive in bodies on earth and then escort them to holy realms after their passing.
Probably the most important thing I can tell you about Arcangels is that they have helped create all religions on earth that believe in the basic premise of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!" In Tibetan Buddhism for example they are called Dakas for male angels and Dakinis for plural female angels, or Daka and dakini in the singular.
Religions are created to help different cultural groups on earth more closely resemble the heaven realms those different cultures go to upon passing from their bodies. It is not that any religion is right or wrong for all humans. It is that all religions were created to facilitate the humans of those cultures to get into the appropriate heavens for those cultures. Angels would be horrified at all the warfare between religions and see it as counterproductive to entering any heaven.
If nuclear war is the result of a religious war and if earth is destroyed, hell is created for the beings that caused the deaths of all on earth not Heaven! People of all religions please here what I am saying. For the beings trying to obtain nuclear weapons are the reincarnations of the same beings who destroyed the planet that is now the Asteroid belt out beyond Mars. If you need evidence of this look into 1970's copies of Izvestia and Pravda and of the Soviet robotic probe that visited the asteroid belt and that determined the cause of the asteroid belt to be nuclear annihilation of an inhabited planet!
Nukes the ultimate danger for earth and all on it!
9:09 am pdt may 19 2005
I was reading in the newspaper the following quote from Joe Arquilla who works at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, "Faced with the fact of a terrorist atomic explosion carried out in Denver or any other large US city, followed by the threat of more, we would have to capitulate." he said. The US nuclear arsenal would be useless to respond to such an attack. "Against what would we retaliate?" "With such weapons", he said, "a network and defeat a nation." end quote.
I disagree with him because of one thing, MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction. Long ago in the cold war the United States created MAD so that no one could be victorious or survive a nuclear war. This made it impossible for any nation to win one. This technology is still in place and because of this if three cities in the U.S. were struck first the United States would nuke Iran, Syria and any other Islamic radical center. Then if there were more strikes against the United STates the United States would end all life on earth permanently. I believe the author of the article underestimates the resolve of the United States coming out of the cold war!
It is not that I agree with this philosophy. It is that after what I experienced in the 50's and 60's growing up I have no doubt whatsoever that this would happen if the United States were struck three or more times with nukes!
Galactic Insights
May 12th 2005
I'm writing this for those of you who have read my online book "Memories" and its beginning sequels that are not yet completed.
The actual real life experiences that these books are based on would not be survivable for most of you. It appears that I have been trained over thousands of lifetimes to be able to deal with multiple realities much as many of you have become proficient in multiple languages whether those languages are forms of speaking or thinking or both such as in scientific ways of thinking or those ways of thinking that have to do with legal issues or medicine.
Likewise, I have been trained over several million years of experiences to deal with things that would not be mentally or physically survivable to most of you. If you were born into these things you would adapt but 80% of you would not mentally or physically survive these changes if you were suddenly confronted with these things in irrefutable reality like I have been.
Luckily, I am a natural shaman, a fact which I discovered while in college and studying cultural anthropology. The definition in my text went as follows:"A shaman is a member of the tribe who has psychologically died and yet whose body still lives. This allows the being to be in between worlds so to speak". In ancient tribal cultures as well as many tribes that still exist today throughout the world these male or female shamen act as dispensers of medicine both physical and psychological to their tribes. Their function most closely resembles medical doctor and psychaitrist in todays society. However, a shaman is much more closely biologically related to his tribe than most doctors and psychaitrists today and has a greater vested interest therefore in the outcome than most doctors and psychaitrist of today.
What I'm obliquely trying to get at is that I have had to tailor what I have written about my experiences to the sensibilities of those on earth. My real experiences have been much more terrifying and amazing than anything I could usefully recount in words. It doesn't make my experiences any less real. It just means that my sharing in fulness could result in death or psychological chaos of those who I could share fully with. Even now, I pray that only those strong enough to bear the truth read my books and that those not strong enough who read only believe it to be complete fiction.
The real problem as I now see it is that the Galactic civilization in reality functions in a way that I have not yet seen depicted in any book or movie. Though the law of the jungle still exists throughout the galaxy it can be more ruthless than anything ever seen on earth. At the same time equal to the ruthlessness have steps been taken to mitigate this ruthlessness in ways that earthlings might think odd or even silly. However, this counterbalance exists to the ruthlessness that would be just as silly as Attila, the Hun wearing a seatbelt on his horse just before he raped and pillaged a town with his men.
What I'm trying to say is that the reality of the Galaxy and Universe is far crazier and more amazing than the movie, "Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy" at least to the sensibilities of someone from a planet as "Out in the Sticks" as Earth.
Nanobots in Action?
12:47pm pdt friday may 20th 2005
Since I have trained with Native American medicine men in Northern California and Oregon and Tibetan Lamas in California, Oregon, Nepal and India I have learned to fine tune my inherent supernatural gifts to benefit all life.
I am witnessing to you now before God that I have noticed that many flying insects have been manipulated. Today I got it to write of this for I believe he first time. I realized how this is being done. By injecting nanobots capable of two way radio transmission into the blood of mature or almost mature insects capable parties can now create radio controlled insects. These also appear to have the capability to transmit sound and moving pictures by mounting miniture cameras and microphones on board these insects. As you can invision the possibilities are endless for governments and corporations. However, I am writing about this because the enslaved consciousness within the insects are being violated and those causing this will likely at some point be reborn as insects and have the same thing done to them. In other words, "What goes around comes around". In other words don't do anything to any other being that you don't want done to yourself because likely someday some year it will!
Don't Panic!
(especially if you are over 50!)
May 11th 2005
I was talking to a man about 35 or 40 lately. Though his job is very strenuous he confided in me that he has congenital heart disease and diabetes. I was very impressed that he was still working so hard. I guess he felt he had no choice what with 3 kids under 12 years old and a wife to support.
I confided in him that I had retired at age 50 because of a heart virus. He looked envious.
I then told him my own personal secret to keep on going. (Don't Panic! No matter what!) Looking back on my own Heart virus I see the main cause was anger at not being given custody of my now 16 year old daughter when she was 5 years old. At the time no one told me that I had only a 15% chance of getting custody of my daughter if my ex-wife contested my custody of my daughter. Protecting my daughter from my ex's excesses and dangers in her life prompted me to file for custody of my daughter. Though my oldest biological daughter is now 16 she is getting 5 A's and 2 B's in High school so despite my ex's problems my daughter has prospered and is headed to a good college.
My oldest stepdaughter gets her law degree within the next month so all of us are very proud of her persistence as well.
Anyway, I'm digressing. Back to the subject. I believe from all my life experiences that what kills most people over 40 is stress. Whether it is the everyday stress of a job you hate or sometimes the even more stress of a business you love to own and run that consumes you possibly with good stress but then you don't watch your vital signs enough because of focusing too much on your business whatever it may be.
Whatever the cause whether it is a parent or loved one that gets sick or dies or a business or whatever the stress is it can easily kill you if you are over 50 especially. So if something stressful is happening be very aware of your reactions to it and say to yourself, "I need to step back a little as this could take me out if I own this stress too much." For me, I survived my heart virus for about 3 major reasons. One, Angels came to me at the outset and told me I wasn't going to die and that my life would actually get better. 2nd, when I couldn't breathe or catch my breath (the time when most heart virus victims panic which causes their deaths) I simply disconnected using a tibetan budhist technique and so I lived. (I also used this technique as a 2 year old baby to survive whooping cough) which also avoided the panic-death cycle. And 3rd, I had my wife to manage my health care both financially and medically and to take care of our 9 year old daughter.
A few months ago I went to the doctor and watched my blood pressure rise when I got really sick. This was because I was scared I was going to die. When I had adjusted to the illness my blood pressure went down again to its normal level on its own. Though I was sick on and off for 2 months I am now well again. I believe doing all the right things like going to a good doctor and getting excellent health care is a start but in the end we must all "monitor" what is best for ourselves in the long term. If I had ONLY listened to doctors and nothing else I would probably be dead now. It is only through C0CREATING my own life with God and using doctors as tools to stay alive that I am alive today. So Be With God and Don't Panic! Because your life depends upon it!
More on Lemurian Language and Linguistics
(for multigovernment translation of artifacts)
reprinted may 10th 2005 from 12:17 Pm PST November 25th 2002
The circle means in Lemurian as I have said before our physical sun, another star or the entire galaxy and even in some instances the whole universe. So as this language evolved over hundreds of thousands of years over time the circle also came to mean travel over earth, to the sun, to the stars to the galaxy and to the universe. It also became a part of a different king of travel as in soul travel. The reverse elongated S on its side or horizontal which is the symbol of enlightenment followed by the circle created a word which meant soul travel literally anywhere in time and space. In the case of the Lemurian Time guard it also meant instant Physical travel anywhere in Time and Space. It eventually became the isignia for the Lemurian Time Guard found on their bulletproof jumpsuits. All Lemurian Time Guards still in operational existence in 2002 to 10,000 AD are also priests and Priestesses of Lemuria since Lemuria in their time is a Theocracy based on the Galactic Form. They are all very capable soul travelers, soul riders, time travelers, and expert in all known Galactic forms of martial arts including all psychic martial arts. However, their prime directive is not necessarily to save their own lives. Their prime diretive is to do what is in the highest good for all beings. In 90% of these type of situations when their body appears to die they are actually taken out of time before the event and so they still live on through time manipulation. For example, the body of the Lemurian Time Guard now in United Nations custody is the property of the Lemurian Government. The guard is still alive in another time after the event. He allowed his body to be taken in the interests of peace here in 2002 and beyond. This is so that all world governments could view one of the Lemurian Guard. However, we ask that great care be taken to avoid and international time incident. The Lemurian Governments laws concerning all Lemurian Time Guards are very strict and follow the Galactic Governments code for all Satellite Galactic Governments in strict accordance with the Galactic Time Guard. This could become a Galactic incident depending on how the Time Guard's body is treated. More is expected from present day earth world governments than in 1947 and before. Please refer to Galactic rules of engagement agreed to and Signed by President Eisenhower during his time as President of the United States. He was deemed at that time as the de facto President of Earth in the 1950's both by the Lemurian Government and the Galactic Government. His agreement that he signed still legally binds all on earth as far as the Galaxy is concerned. It matters not that it has been kept secret from the public.
More Lemurian words
reprinted May 10th 2005 from 12:39 pm same day as above
Since I'm pretty clear today as I many times am between sunrise and 2pm. I'd like to continue with lemurian words. The Elongated S which means evolving out of the water or coming from another planet, solar system or galaxy, and then combined with the circle meaning sun, Star, Galaxy or universe came to be associated with Genetic Engineering or seeding new planets or dimensions with new forms of life. In the lemurian culture such Engineers had to be also the highest Priests and Seers because they were not only literally playing God, the became de facto Gods creating whole evolutions. Great responsibility was and is taken by both Galactic and lemurian Governments in Choosing these humanoid Gods. Before this time Galactic History is repleat with whole lost civilizations due to nearsighted Genetic Engineers. Because of this the Galaxy, through the Appointed Satellite Earth Goverment may begin to enforce Galactic Law concerning all Genetic manipulation. Things got so out of hand during Atlantis that the Galaxy had to step in and cause the sinking of Atlantis to stop the spread of certain aberant genetic mutations from extincting all human life on earth. This is also recorded in the Bible as the experiences of Noah. He was directed to gather non genetically mutated species from Atlantis and take them aboard his Ark. Another important symbol is a triangle inside a circle. Though this might have other meaning among earth born humans to the Galaxy it means Galactic Protectors or Protectors of the unbroken Circle of Life. This is the Galactic symbol for the Galactic Army. They arrive in groups of 100 or more wearing invulnerable forcefields. If you see them they have come to repair the broken circle of time. They arrive in a bunch and fan out in an expanding circle until their goal is accomplished. They then disapear and leave taking with them whatever caused the breaking of the circle of time. You will recognize them by their insignia of a triangle inside a circle. It could be on their chest, their back, their right arm or their left. For example, they might appear on a nuclear site and remove a weapon just before it explodes. The same with a particularly nasty bioweapon or chemical weapon.
Scientific Thought based upon relativity
reprinted from March 2000
Though I see the value of atheistic scientific thought or of humanistic scientific thought I see it as very limiting. Because that kind of scientific thought exists on limited planes of reference. It is very 2 dimensional and sometimes 3 dimensional. However, a human being functions on thousands of levels of awareness that are all interacting constantly with each other as well as interacting with everything in the universe. To limit the grasp of real science to such a narrow band of thought is counter productive to useful answers. I advocate the use of hypothesis, theory and law in the scientific testing of reality at every point. However, the narrow way it is presently applied by many scientists is I believe counterproductive to a long term useful result to life on earth. Since science has proved there is no objective reality through physics and that all experiments are ALWAYS influenced by the presence of the observer, completely objective experiments with results cannot and do not ever really exist. Since we live in such a relativistic universe it seems we must of necessity reach for newer and more useful paradigms or risk EXTINCTION from the narrow and myopic systems that governments, educational institutions and scientists presently embrace.
Kingdom of Heaven
May 9th 2005
A couple of hours ago I saw the new movie Kingdom of Heaven. I enjoyed it very much. My son said he liked it better than "Troy". I think I agree with him if only because it is more timely to what mankind is presently enduring.
I liked very much the charactor "Ballian"? that Orlando Bloom from Lord of the Rings plays. He is a crusades humanist of sorts. He is demonstrated as a blacksmith even though he has the wrong build for that. He takes to heart the motto of a knight, "Protect the Helpless" and "Never lie" which as the story progresses saves his life but inadvertantly causes many other deaths indirectly as the world is never black and white but always infinite shades of gray. By the end of the story one feels great compassion for this man.
I also like the way Saladin was depicted as an honorable pragmatist rather than someone completely evil. In this way the movie humanized both the Islamics as well as the Christians. It showed both sides have nuts and both sides also have compassionate pragmatists. And it's always the nuts that cause problems on both sides.
M.I.T. Time Traveller Party
May 9th 2005
I enjoyed very much the blurb on last weeks Saturday Night Live Episode that mentioned a party that M.I.T. Students were having and were trying to invite people from the future to join them there. I see a certain wisdom in this beyond the jovialness of it all.
Perceptual Evolution
Friday May 6th 2005
I am in the process of a perceptual evolution. This has happened many times in my life and reminds me of the experiences of eastern masters I have read. It also reminds me of what some native american Medicine Men have told me. I guess it is sort of like anything else. The better you get at doing something the better you get at doing something. As time goes by if you use any kind of gift from being psychic in some way responsibly to being a parent to some kind of trade like doctor, teacher or something like that you get better at it. Since I had to learn to be a better Seer through the school of Hard knocks and searching all my life for useful teachers and empathetic friends I have grown in what I do as well as anyone who has any gift, trade or profession or hobby that any being pursues with great interest and dedication.
My experience hundreds of times now is like a whole new awareness of the universe is experienced each time. I liken it each time to being a baby chicken in an egg and breaking through the shell to a universe so much more amazing and expansive than I could have believed possible before. The difficulty usually is trying to become balanced and proficient with your new improved and greatly (expanded) proficiencies. It usually has taken me a few months to figure out how to manage new and expanded gifts. It could be likened to when you buy a new computer with a different operating system that you are going to now learn to use. Except in this case it is your soul and body that operate slightly differently. So one must be careful until one interfaces with all the new gifts given by God for being trusted more and more to do right by all beings in a compassionate way.
On Facing Death
May 2005
There are two kinds of death each of us must face. One is physical death and the other is psychological death. Physical death as such at least for me is very easy: you just go to sleep.
However, the real kicker is psychological death. Now psychological death can be everything from realizing, for real, that this is it and you are dying, or it can be an imagined death like graduating High School or College and having to work all the time, or the imagined death caused by the institution of marriage. For me personally, facing death was dealt with by the time I was 2 and almost dying of whooping cough. I learned when you can't breathe and you are turning blue you just give up and then everything will be okay. So I learned early to let go and let God. However, when I got childhood epilepsy at age 10 and I was out in a dream and got attacked I always fought back but always lost until I was 15 and had gotten spiritual and was one with God and commanded what was attacking me to be under my control as God and I were one. This caused the end to seizures permanently and within 3 months my physical body looked completely different as well and I noticed I was extremely clairvoyant in ways that grew and grew as long as I used these gifts to help all beings as a God being.
I was thinking lately about the Georgia lady, Jennifer Wilbanks, and how she was facing the metamorphosis of marriage which psychologically kills the young person but if the marriage is a good one turns both partners into a sort of immortal butterfly sanctioned by God that brings both kindness and bliss to all they meet. Obviously, this woman wasn't ready for the death and metamorphosis of marriage and like many people she might never be. She deserves our compassion as whatever was out of balance with her whether it is just psychological or physical she obviously needs help. I hope she gets the help she needs and deserves.
Technological Ideas regarding Immortality
Tuesday May 3rd 2005
note: I was reading something from the site Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia of which I have no knowledge of outside of finding it on the internet through yahoo.It was found under the heading "immortality" within the search engine of wikipedia. I was amazed to find that nanotechnology is now beginning to address some of the issues I wrote about in the late 1980's in what eventually became a part of "Memories" my online book in 1999. In my online book I spoke of nanobots being first used to take over a charactors mind and body and then of them being removed by robot medical technicians. Wheras in the following they are speaking of creating nanobots specifically designed to create longeivity in a human body.
begin quote:"Technological immortality is the name given to the prospect for much longer life spans made possible by scientific advances in a variety of fields: nanotechnology, emergency room procedures, genetics, human physiology, engineering, regenerative medicine, microbiology, and others. Contemporary life spans in the advanced industrial societies are already markedly longer than those of the past because of better nutrition, availability of health care, standard of living and bio-medical scientific advances. Technological immortality predicts further progress for the same reasons over the near term. An important aspect of current scientific thinking about immortality is that nanotechnology will play an essential role in extreme life extension. For example, Robert Freitas, a leading medical nanorobotics theorist [1] (http://www.nanomedicine.com), suggests we may be able to create tiny medical nanorobots that could go through our bloodstreams, find dangerous things like cancer cells and bacteria, and kill them)[2] (http://www.rfreitas.com/Nano/Microbivores.htm). Freitas anticipates that gene-therapies and nanotechnology will eventually make the human body effectively self-sustainable and capable of living indefinitely [3] (http://www.rfreitas.com/Nano/DeathIsAnOutrage.htm), short of severe trauma. Some suggest we will be able to continually create biological or synthetic replacement parts to replace damaged or dying ones." end quote.
The following was found by scrolling down the above page on Immortality to Quantum immortality:
"Quantum immortality is the name for the speculation that the Everett many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that a conscious being cannot cease to be. The idea is highly controversial. Theoretically given any potentially fatal event that could happen to, say, a quantum physicist, there will be possible universes in which the physicist indeed dies and other possible universes where the physicist somehow survives. As time goes on the physicist is dead in more and more of all possible universes due to random accidents and aging, however because there are infinite possibilities, there will always be at least one universe in which the physicist miraculously lives another day. The idea behind quantum immortality is that the physicist would only be able to experience the universes in which he survives, even though they may be an increasingly small subset of the possible universes. In this way, the physicist would appear from his own standpoint to be living forever. Some of the potential ultimate fates of the Universe could present an eventual death with no means of avoidance no matter how unlikely, but even then in an infinite universe there could be some means of working around such a limit." end quote
If I understand the last correctly the experience that one would have as each possible universe died off of one of the infinite universes of a being would be one of a lessening of possibilities while at the same time life would continue unabated.
This idea is also interesting to me because as a soul traveler by means of bilocation I originally experienced in my first conscious forays bilocating out of my body many planets that had a one similar being to myself on each of them. The being might have a beard or mustache or have a broken leg or whatever but each of these beings on each planet or universe looked like me, was psychic like me and was even tuned in enough to know that I was another him or me visiting from another planet or universe. So we always talked and shared notes. I would say that 95% of my alternate me's I met also soul traveled and so how I got there was interesting to most of these alternate me's. However, I found visiting all these other me's to disorienting so I gave it up and decided to first explore earth and then Venus and then the Sun as I was directed by the non physical ghost like beings on Venus. At first I thought I would be burnt to a crisp until they said that souls aren't affected by the heat of suns and stars and the like. They said that souls most effortlessly travel to other places through stars like our sun and so I did as they said and traveled to the center of the galaxy and there met with beings that would be like someone uneducated from a jungle going to meet the President of the United STates, His Cabinet and then the leaders of the United Nations except that this was the Galactic Government and the Galactic United planets, Nebulae, and star systems.
You Can't Live because you're going to die!
11:50am pdt may 3rd 2005
note: The following is one of my rants coming from the consciousness of someone who grew up in the 1950's in just how insipid I see some of the everyday rules in the United States as of 2005.
I remember the day well. I was in Thailand in a bus on my way to take a small boat out to Koi Samed Island in December 1985. I looked out the window and to my left out the bus window were two men on a motorcycle. Now this wouldn't have been anything odd except for the lumber they were carrying on their right shoulder. It was about a dozen 1 by 12's 8 feet long. I thought to myself, "I wonder how often they do this?" They were doing about 45 miles per hour on their motorcycle and the bus was doing about 50-55 miles per hour.
Before this in downtown Bangkok I watched vespa motorscooters weave in and out of bumber to bumper traffic with five foot high piles of shoe boxes in front of and to the rear of the rider. The only visible way to visually navigate was through a small shoebox sized opening in the front of the bike. Later I saw one or more of these vespa type of motorscooters run over by cars and trucks. A local told me that one or more young men or women die each day like this.
In India they have three wheeled scooters that are covered in the rear to carry 5 or 6 passengers. We rented one of these taxi's in Gaya to get to Bodhgaya, India a few miles away. The taxi driver quickly switched driver's and soon we were being driven to our destination by a nine year old boy before we could protest. We felt asphixiated by the exhaust system and had to stick our heads out of the canvas awning covers to breathe. On top of that the boy was driving so fast it seemed perilous to our lives to protest at that point.
When I was a small boy about age 6 in 1954 my mother was learning to drive. She was then about 34 years old. This was not unusual at all then as most women then didn't drive cars. It wasn't until the 1960's that women drove cars almost as much as men. Anyway, I remember my mother hitting a mailbox and my head hitting the windshield as the car stopped with a jerk. I was sitting next to my mother on the front bench seat of the car.(There were no bucket seats then except in european and american sports cars.) That also didn't change until the 60's. When I was older and sitting in the back of our 1960 Mercury staionwagon my friend and I put the back seats down and laid on our backs while singing over and over again, "It was an itsi bitsi teeny weeny yellow polkadot bikini" over and over again. We had our feet toward the driver so when he did an emergency stop in traffic we flew forward about 5 feet and jammed our feet into the front seats. When this happened we and my father just laughed because we survived!
Risk taking was something Americans have always been known for. If there weren't any risk takers there wouldn't be a United States now. My father was always pushing the envelope like his father before him. To not take useful risks to make life better for oneself, ones family and people in general is unamerican! The point I am trying to make is how silly we americans are in trying to be so very safe that many of us seem to be so paranoid we seem to stop living. When we as a nation put our efficiency so severely into saving every life and protecting each child to the point of the ridiculous we all are diminished by living lives so stale and free of risk that many prefer suicide to living that kind of life by the time they become adults! It all starts at birth. Even though most births are safe even with home deliveries there is a paranoia that people are brainwashed into in our culture that every baby has to be born in a hospital even though for thousands and thousands of years we were all born out in the open, in caves, small huts or hovels. In fact, what are we doing now to the long term survival process of our species of humans? One can make a species so safe, so paranoid of living at all that the species goes extinct because the genes that should have died out, don't because of massive medical and psychological interference in the natural evolutionary process. The next problem I want to address is car seats for infants and toddlers. Although it is less likely babies and small children will die in a car crash, it is thousands of times more likely that the imprisonment in car seats makes these children not only hate travelling in a car but less likely to ever want to leave their homes at all unless on foot or in a schoolbus. What is never talked about is all the psychological damage done to infants and toddlers being treated like mental patients in a straitjacket until they are old enough to be big enough to sit on a seat without a restraint. They aren't even allowed to sit on a front seat most of the time because of air bags that can explode and take their small heads off. This makes them feel inferior to adults and makes them begin to hate adults and want to be adults subconsciously so they can torture their kids in the way they were tortured as small children by being forced into the "straitjacket" of carseats and restraints during babyhood.
I agree that if there is an accident that children are "safer" physically in car seats and in seat belts. However, what studies have been done to assess all the damage done to children psychologically during the 99.99999 % of the time they are not involved in an accident?
It makes sense that children would prefer to play video games to being driven in a car anywhere and if they are driven long distance of course they want an in car dvd or video to occupy them. For who wants to see America anyway? What is that to them? Who Cares about the lands of America or what happens to them? What I'm saying here is that there are severe deep seated consequences on society long term to being legally forced to imprison ones children in legal "straightjackets" for short term and long term travel. Now we and all children are suffering ongoing for this decision instead of the few that would have died in accidents since wearing seatbelts became mandatory.
The point I'm trying to make here is not only about seatbelts. The point I'm trying to make is that life is for living and IF YOU SPEND ALL YOUR TIME WORRYING ABOUT DYING THEN YOU WILL NEVER EVER TRULY LIVE EVEN ONE DAY IN YOUR LIFE!
Saturday April 30th 2005
Turning 57 this week has been fairly earth shattering for me. The reason, my older chidren are going or gone, married or whatever and living either physically or psychologically away from the area I live in. The Grim Reaper standing next to my bed the other night definitely gave me the willies. Then yesterday morning I had a dream and was abruptly woken up out of it so abruptly that I got the shakes and sort of a mild form of shock. My wife was sick and so I had to take my 9 year old to school. So I pushed through and took her to school but since I had been up very late that night I came home and tried to sleep a couple more hours. The problem was that in the dream I was with my father. It was as if when I was shocked awake my father came back with me and then spent the day with me. He was very angry at what had happened since he died in 1985. He yelled at me for a couple of hours about my divorce, my mother in a rest home with senile dementia, 9-11, and generally just how screwed up the world had become since he passed on. He finally yelled at me, "What the Hell happened?" and I said, "You died, Dad!" He finally fell silent realizing everyone's life fell apart and then reformed as something completely different than he would have liked or tolerated. He was quiet for a few hours and then said to me, "You did what you could Freddie. Everything was such a mess there was much else you could have done." At this point I realized my father got it. At least my father as a ghost or what I perceived to be my father digested 20 years of heaven and hell on earth since his passing.
After I was completely traumatized by this experience I sort of felt close to having a short personal nervous breakdown. You know, the kind where you just sort of lose it for a few hours or days because there is just no other way to survive all the changes and chaos as it builds up in ones life over the years.
I came to several realizations. One was that the world I knew until I was 40 years old was completely gone. How I saw myself and how others saw and loved me and cherished me was gone forever. I realized I was but an echo of who I used to be. I felt lost and alone and on the path to death.
The majority of people my present age 100 years ago on earth would already be dead or at least in the last stages before death. However, even though some days when I wake up I wish I was dead I usually move out of the state to a better one within a few hours. Waking up and knowing I'm 57 isn't necessarily fun unless I realize that I'm also retired and financially stable. Then it starts to get fun! However, that is mitigated by whatever aches and pains I'm experiencing and how many friends and relatives are now dead or dying and stuff like that.
Since the Grim reaper came to me and since the only other time he came was 1 month before the Loma Prieta Earthquake which sent me and my family on a vacation to Maui in Hana where we watched the earthquake just as the grim reaper had predicted on CNN on cable tv in Hana, Maui, Hawaii. Knowing something bad is going to happen does not prepare one for the emotional consequences of watching people die and having the survivors lives personally changed by what you saw was coming beforehand. I was very very upset to see happen in reality what I had already seen would happen that particular week.
In some ways I have never fully recovered from that experience emotionally. I am told now by the Angels who guide me and share these things with me that what appears now to be coming to San Francisco and Possibly San Jose I cannot stop. However, I find it very healing to be able to at least write of it so I don't experience the unbearable sadness that people were incapable of hearing about the Loma Prieto earthquake before it happened. Likely, this next problem will come from North Korea mostly from the pure unabashed jealousy of a starving nation completely destroyed by the last 60 years of communist inefficiency and neglect. As a psychic that is all I'm allowed to say. I'm told nothing I will say can prevent this occurance. However, I feel at peace at least writing here about my concerns as a psychic. God Bless You All!
Strange Days!
April 26th 2005
This week I have been sensing something Wrong! Everything on earth felt different. At first I thought I might be dying. Then last night the Grim Reaper stood next to my bed. I really thought I was dying but I was told "No!". Then I asked if it was a member of my family. I got "No!".Then I dreamed about my ex-wife from the 70's. No she wasn't dying. As I slowly woke up this morning after this fateful night I kept asking questions. Was it this? Was it that? Slowly I was able to narrow it down to something useful. After many hours of asking questions this is what I finally came up with. I could see that these were people who worked for a company that either makes medicines or female products or some kinds of food. The people doing this are mostly male. They are in thinking like McVeigh who blew up the building in Oklahoma City ten years ago or they are Islamic terrorists or a combination of both in an unholy alliance. The foods or medicines are already made now. They will start shipping and be in stores starting May and most will be sold by December. It appears that the poison slowly builds up to kill or permanently debilitate. It appears that it may be directed at products mostly used by women as they think that this will terrorize western nations more effectively. I picked up that up to 70 million people in the western world may be affected. However, my wife thought it closer to 70 thousand. Either way if it is not stopped now, somehow, if this is all true as I sense it to be then the terror might become real.
Terraforming a new planet or an old one!
Monday April 25th 2005
Since Time Travel makes space travel possible anywhere in our Galaxy as long as the ships propulsion and skin are relatively impervious to trouble one could theoretically go anywhere in our galaxy given enough propulsion(fuel) and internal power and recycling oxygen to run a time stasis within a ship for the passengers and crew. A trip of hundreds of years might only take a few seconds for the crew because of time travel within the ship. Alarms and self activating mechanisms could alert the crew if there was an emergency. If the crew we are talking about took one ton of good topsoil from earth and one ton of good water and one ton of good compressed air from earth these three items could theoretically be time replicated thousands to millions of times when reaching the colony planet in question to terraform and aquaform and airform the planet into being similar to earth. Though it might take a while to grow things it might be very interesting to try this whenever it becomes possible. Maybe it is possible now and has been for over 70 years! For whoever controls time travel can prevent anyone from being public about it. Think about that!
There Are No problems only Opportunities!
Monday April 5th 2005
When I did not think I could survive my divorce and custody battle I was 46. It seemed to me that I was too far along in life to survive such a terrible thing.However, I did survive because I took to heart "There are no problems only opportunities!" You too, can survive almost anything with this attitude! Here are some helpful ideas in that process.
Reactive Language---------------------Proactive Language
Don't say:There's nothing I can do----Say:Let's look at our alternatives
Don't say:that's just the way I am----Say:I can choose a different approach
Don't say:he or she makes me so mad---Say:I control my own feelings
Don't say:They won't allow that-------Say:I can create an effective presentation
Don't say:I have to do that-----------Say:I will choose an appropriate response
Don't say:I can't---------------------Say:I choose
Don't say:I must----------------------Say:I prefer
Don't say:If only---------------------Say:I will
You don't have to do anything but breathe and eat to live. Anything else YOU CHOOSE TO DO. Weigh the consequences and make the choice.
Proactive people make love a verb not just a feeling. LOVE is something you do:the sacrificies you make,the giving of self, like a mother bringing a newborn into the world. If you want to study love, study those who sacrifice for others, even for people who offend or do not love in return. Love is a value that is actualized through Loving actions.
Sunday April 24th 2005
Someone recently said to me, "I'm pretty gray in my life." Which meant something like, "I'm not bad or Good right now." At the time I felt this person was saying something that made them sad. However, over the last 30 years I have learned that the easiest way to be clear is not by being into white Magic(good) or into Black magic(bad) but to come from the gray magic(neutral) of the average person on earth. I have found much to my amazement that the goal is not white magic(good) but Clear magic(compassionate) toward all beings. Any of you can see the problem of being into black magic, whether that person is a multimurderer in a penitentiary or an evil lying politician getting people murdered around the world for money for profit.
However,it is much harder to see that being a White Magician is even worse. For those of you who are proud white magicians please bear with me for a moment. My definition of a White Magician is any person who feels they are better than everyone else or who feels that only the people of their beliefs will go to heaven.
In growing up I was trained to be a White magician. In other words I believed that only the people of my beliefs would go to heaven. Since there were only about 10,000 to 20,000 that shared my families beliefs worldwide this was a pretty sad state of affairs for me and the world. Looking back now I see this way of thinking as a form of bigotry even worse that Hitler against the Jews in World War II. So I now believe that anyone who is a White Magician and feels that they are the only ones going to heaven is actually working black magic on the rest of life on earth by manifesting these supernatural beliefs.With every thought or verbal contact or look they share with the grey magic nonbelievers or even believers from a different religion than their own they unknowingly work their black magic of bigotry and discrimination against others.
I fully experienced this kind of black magic used against me when others prayed against me when I was excommunicated from the church I was raised in. Millions of others around the world have been driven to suicide or insanity by the treatment they have gotten from their religions. I call your attention to this most cruel of hidden black magics utilized by upstanding religious people of all religions. All religions kill their own because of perceived and most of the time not even real infractions.
When I met my first Tibetan Lama I met a way of thinking that includes not only all human beings on earth but also all life forms on earth and throughout the universe. I had finally found a teaching that included all life throughout the universe and this brought me peace! Then I heard the Buddhist Blessing that I use every day. "May all beings attain Bliss and the Cause of Bliss. May all beings be freed from suffering and the Cause of suffering. May all beings never be without the supreme Bliss that is free from all near and far all grasping and aversion." In hearing this and taking it to heart I was home.
Sure, even some Buddhists can discriminate against other religions. But in my heart of hearts my covenant with the universe is now pure in this my relationship with the Cosmos.
Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
April 23rd
When I saw that the new movie Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy was going to be released in my area a day after my birthday I had a good chuckle. It took me back to reading the paperbacks to my now grown son and my two stepkids when they were between 6 and 12 years old. I remember reading the books to them and all of us laughing until we cried in Mt. Shasta in the early 1980's. Since it was then about 10 years since I had soul traveled to the core of our galaxy, the paradoxes, incongruities and just plain silliness reminded me always of what I had personally found when bilocating through the galaxy in the early 1970's. It was a relief when I finally became enlightened in the early 1980's to understand fully that I was already everywhere in space and time and that since that was true all I had to do was to realize fully that this was true to be someplace in time and space that I wanted to be. However, if you don't have angelic protection or someone like Jesus or Saint Germain or Buddha or someone powerful to authorize and to protect your travels I wouldn't recommend travelling off of earth. However, generally in this galaxy spiritual pilgrims are respected and even brought back to life if they are accidentally killed while soul travelling. It is just part of the rules of the Galaxy. However, if you soul travel off earth for the safety of your soul invoke someone like Jesus or Arcangel Michael to travel with because you never know What you are going to run into out there!
Survival in a body on Earth
April 20th 2005
I was looking at some of my writings that I deem too personal to share online and found the following jewels. "While growing up I found all religions to be equally offensive and ridiculous. However, the adage,'There are no atheists in foxholes' says it all. For 'without your dreams you lose your mind'. But without pragmatic reality you die!" endquote from personal writings.
My foxholes were whooping cough that I almost died from at age 2 and childhood epilepsy which I had from age 10 to 15 years of age. The first "whooping cough" I survived by learning that "at a certain point you just have to give up and turn blue and suffocate and die". By doing this I recovered. If I had fought to the death with whooping cough I would be dead now like many others.
However, with childhood epilepsy in which each nightime only seizure (about one every 6 months or so) was 100 times worse than being murdered with a knife. This is because what I experienced was not my body being attacked but my very soul. The only way I was able to survive this absolute terror was to find God. Though sometimes I get mad that I was forced to become a "man of God" and to become spiritual, this is sort of like being enraged because one has to breathe all the time! If you don't breathe you are dead! By being forced by God like many in the old Testament to "find God or Die!" I became a God man. In other words God gave me a choice. He said to me, "Either accept oneness with me or die. I cannot let you live if you don't use these gifts to benefit life." I must tell you that my life from age 10 to 15 was completely horrifying in regard to these seizures and that I never expected from age 12 to 14 to live to see 20. When I finally obeyed God and accepted myself completely as a God fusion and let God live inside my body and awareness all the time I was still pretty terrified most of the time. When God completely changed my appearance after I invoked God into myself at age 15 to survive girlst started being attracted to me in masse starting at age 15. However, I intuitively knew that they were attracted to the God I had had to invoke into my body along with my soul. Sometimes, I was angry about this. However, over time I simply accepted God coming into my body as me even though the gifts were scary at times. Though I tried to be faithful to God in the use of the powerful gifts he gave I wasn't always 100% successful so I began learning a much higher form of ethics than I see in most people. I found I had to become at least 100 times more ethical than the average person in the everyday use of the gifts I had been given by God.
You might think this was difficult. It was! I was wound so tight at times I thought I might have to kill myself, especially between ages 20 and 25. Though I had many girlfriends because of my looks, kind ways and deep empathy and healing gifts and innate intuitive intelligence I was still tortured and troubled a lot. However, most people between 20 and 25 are troubled so this is nothing new. Saint Germain told me that if I stayed away from the drug scene which was prevelent in 1970 that I would reach a state of enlightenment within 5 years. So I stayed away from those kinds of things and he granted me a state of enlightenment in 1973-4. It was a multi-phased type of enlightenment that began when I did something stupid which caused my breakup with a girl named Joy that I was deeply in love with. I had a very dark year after that. Then Saint Germain appeared to me and I watched the sacred fire burn the sadness and remorse away from my heart. One month later I met my wife to be. 5 months later she was pregnant with my first child, a son. A year later we moved to Hilo, Hawaii and I experienced the next phase of my promised enlightenment from Saint Germain.
While I was living in Hawaii I realized how people in the tropics could easily live off the land whereas people who lived where there is snow have to get very serious about storing food and building shelters to survive which creates a sort of neurotic way of functioning and results in people being wound so tight that sometimes they don't survive psychologically or physically.
From this contrast I concluded that the relaxed Eden type of state was the normal state for human beings and that snow, and cold weather caused neurotic, freaked out, uptight state was not only abnormal but also dysfunctional to the survival of life on earth. This was the next phase of my enlightenment. From this I deduced that "Work smarter not harder" was how one could maintain ones center and ones state of enlightenment. As the years went by and at 32 I met my first Tibetan Lama I learned about how important the "Leisure to Practice" was in helping not only oneself to peace, Bliss and enlightenment but also in how it lifted all beings toward bliss and enlightenment. I saw how in doing this one becomes a spontaneous infinite field generator of enlightenment that effects all life in all time and space and beyond. In other words the more bliss and enlightenment one experiences the more bliss and enlightenment everyone tends to experience if they choose to!
The Da Vinci Code Decoded
Saturday April 16th 2005
I was watching the Da Vinci Code Decoded yesterday and my wife became interested also. I rented the DVD from Blockbuster if you are interested. I liked it because it was not made by any religion or church and the only motivation that people had in making the DVD would be to sell their various books. I could tell they were sincere researchers who are truth seekers like myself. The only thing that made me sad was that one writer mentioned how some people had lost their faith in Jesus Christ because of his book Holy Blood, Holy Grail. He also was very sad about this because faith is one thing and the true history of a subject is quite another. To confuse the two is only to be a fool and a deluded one at that. However, like most researchers researching something that happened 2000 or more years ago one can never really be absolutely certain of anything. One can only deal in probabilities.
I was interested to find that Sauniere that is used in the Da Vinci Code book is really taken from a French Catholic Priest from the late 1800's in France. The primary writer of Holy Blood Holy Grail stumbled upon a book about this priest in 1969 while travelling in France from his native England. The priest was refurbishing his altar in his ancient Church when he found underneath the altar something very ancient in a hollow pillar. Sauniere was paid handsomely the rest of his life either to tell the Catholic Church or the Priori of Scion something or to keep secret about something. It is believed he was then murdered and soon later his housekeeper as well because his coffin was ordered by his housekeeper one week before he had a stroke. Later she had a stroke before she could reveal what had happened to the priest as promised to a friend within a short time after his death. It is believed they were both poisoned somehow to emulate the appearance of a stroke. From this incident the Author of Holy Blood Holy Grail realized that it is quite likely that the incident was caused by either the Catholic Church or the Priori of Scion trying to protect Jesus' and Mary Magdalene's descendants.
You might wonder how I can revere the soul of the Pope and still have these opinions. My reasoning is that the dogma of any religion is totally separate from the spiritual sacredness of any being. I consider all religions political in nature and only individual souls as sacred.
The Pope is at Peace
april 5th 2005
Late last night I was very surprised that the Pope spoke to me from the other side. He encouraged me in my quest for truth and also encouraged me to share my experiences with all of you. He said that the other side is much different than he or anyone expects but that he is happy to be there now. I was extremely surprised at what an evolved soul he is. I don't usually expect this kind of Oceanic experience with anyone who is an elected official whether it be political or religious. So I was overwhelmed with the feeling I got from the presence of the Pope just passed over. I felt very uplifted. His understanding of all life on earth only increased exponentially with his passing. If he is allowed I think he will continue to help and bless all life on earth ongoing on into the distant future from the other side.
Maitreya is Coming
april 5th 2005
I woke up last night and realised it was time to write of this. My experience as a God Ordained Seer is that Maitreya Buddha is not only a Buddha but also the second coming of Christ. I have always known somehow that I was of tthe consciousness of Maitreya Buddha. There will be a very big difference in the coming of the Maitreya than any Buddha or Christ in recorded or before recorded history.
The biggest change this time is that all Governments at least as we know them now will cease to exist. When the Maitreya appears people will simply understand and follow him. There will be no useful resistence to the Maitreyas manifestation on earth because the Maitreya is not only from earth but from the Universe. Buddha brought compassion. Jesus brought Christian Brotherhood and Grace. Maitreya brings Oneness and cohesion of the whole universe and all souls within it. Maitreya is not just for earth but for all beings and all life in all time and space. The purpose of the manifestation of the Buddha-Christ Maitreya is for all to personally experience the oneness of all beings and to stop feeling suffering in being alone and to stop suffering in their aloneness. There will be both oneness and individuality at the same time in the same way that one can be a child inside and an adult on the outside. One can be "precious" both inside and out at the same time. Of course all this will be more amazing than I have words to express. Blessings to all of you who hunger for truth, compassion and oneness with your creator
12:01pm April 14th 2005
I was teaching myself to operate a digital home photo printing device that I just purchased that can operate without a computer attached when I had a realization. For a long time I have believed that I was born in America to bring the Dharma not in words but in darshan to America when I passed on in the 1930's in India. At that time I was an accomplished Siddha or "Master". I incarnated in Japan for a short time when I was nuked on schedule in 1945 at about age 12 as I had foreseen in India before my passing. the karma of my nuking created my birth in Seattle in america because of the karma of the nation of America taking my life in Japan. However, I had always assumed that I was just bringing my incarnation to America to bless it with my presence. This was very naive of me as I just realized that I also came to learn efficiency. I had learned efficiency in my life ending in the early 1930's in the use of Asian spiritual technology. I knew about soul travel, seeing into the future and even knew at that time how to levitate and to save people from death so they could more effectively help themselves and others to a better outcome. In other words I had learned to help beings that God gave me permission to, to not die when they otherwise would have.
However, today I was amazed to realize that I also came to the United States to learn technical efficiency. The reason I wanted to learn efficiency and that I was born into a German-American heritage that dates back before the American Revolutionary war was to learn this incredible efficiency, adaptability, and going on and surviving no matter what that Americans have been known for for over 300 years now. I wanted to learn and to apply this incredible efficiency to ending the suffering of all beings throughout the universe and in this way become a Buddha and a Christ to that end. For it is through the altruistic compassionate and increasingly efficient way in which we help others end their suffering that we permanently end our own suffering as well. Likewise in bringing all others to Bliss we bring ourselves to Bliss as well. In this way through many lifetimes we all become Buddhas and Christs. For as Jesus said, "Even greater things than these shall ye do!"
An Open Heart is an Open Mind
Tuesday April 5th 2005
I was feeling desperate yesterday. The things I wanted to accomplish didn't seem to be working out for me this week. I was hoping the extreme frustration wouldn't make me ill. There is something I do with Bible's and Holy Books where I ask a question of God and then open the book at random and always get my answer from God. This time the book was An Open Heart by the Dalai Lama. And the answer beggining with the top of page 102. ---"event that we are denied the object of our desire: the car, the new computer, or whatever it may be. Reification simply means that we give objects a reality that they don't have.
When compassion is joined with this understanding of how all our suffering derives from our misconception about the nature of reality, we have reached the next step on our spiritual journey. As we recognize that the basis of misery is this mistaken perception, this mistaken grasping at a nonexistent self, we see that suffering can be eliminated. Once we remove the mistaken perception, we shall no longer be troubled by suffering.
Knowing that people's suffering is avoidable, that it is surmountable, our sympathy for their inability to extricate themselves leads to a more powerful compassion. Otherwise, though our compassion may be strong, it is likely to have a quality of hopelessness, even despair." endquote.
This really rung a bell for me. My compassion seems to always have been strong and growing stronger daily. However, though I now have both spiritual and material wealth I find that the people--my friends and family especially cannot always benefit from how I can help them. I find myself often frustrated by this. After accumulating spiritual and the natural physical wealth that automatically comes from true spiritual wealth I find it extremely frustrating that people aren't capable of receiving what I now have to give. It is almost as if by generating spiritual wealth and the automatic physical wealth I have moved into an ivory tower and they are incapable of understanding that I want to help them and even more incapable of receiving whatever I can help them with.
Maybe in the end one can only help oneself and thereby set a good example for others to follow in the ways that interest them and that they are capable of.
Spontaneous Accomplishment Through Voidness
11:07 am pst March 30th 2005 We as humans are very used to living in a matter universe. In other words: liquids, gases, solids. But this matter universe only really exists within galaxies. Beyond Galaxies exist what I call Voidness. In voidness there are characteristics of both Matter and Antimatter and the flux between the two. Some physisists call this "Dark Matter". In fact it could be said that somehow Galaxies are created directly out of this voidness becoming literally, "Spontaneous Galaxies from Voidness". In Tibetan Buddhism I studied Padmasambhava who is reported to have successfully melded Indian Buddhism to the local Shamanism of Tibet called Bon Po to become what is now called Tibetan Buddhism. Padmasambhava was known to be a practitioner of what is called "Spontaneous Accomplishment" or Spontaneous Accomplishment from Voidness. It could also be called creating something from nothing. I do not claim to be a physisist in this lifetime. However, I am a profoundly intuitive person. Sometimes I find this to be extremely useful like right now. When I first learned to soul travel I Astral projected but immediately I was taught by God that this was too dangerous to rely upon for everyday use. So I immediately learned that Astral projection was only for emergencies. But then God taught me immediatlely, Bi-location, which is the capacity to be more than one place at a time in ones soul. It is a form of multitasking or of just being aware of consciousness at more than one location at a time. In this form starting in the early 1970's I explored our galaxy. Since I was always sort of a fearless person, eventually I went beyond the edge of the Galaxy and into the Void. Because there were no matter characteristics that I could recognize I became absolutely terrified of what I found there. It was almost 10 years later that I first met a Tibetan Lama in Ashland, Oregon that I began to understand what had happened to me. I began to be at Peace with the Void between Galaxies. I began to see the Void between Galaxies as a kind of Primal Sea from which all time, all space and all souls sprang from. I began to see it for what it was and that things existed that were neither matter nor really antimatter and I began to understand the nature of the primal sea. To really understand what a human soul or the soul of anything that lives one must come to understand the Primal Sea of Voidness beyond all Galaxies. In this way one "goes beyond" matter ways of seeing things which are: time, space, matter. In understanding Voidness one experiences that time, space, and matter are all illusions that don't really exist at all. This reminds me of a philosophical premise that I heard of in college. It was: "What if we are all only a figment of our own imagination?" Though falling down this hole might lead to some people's insanity for others who are balanced in thought, mind and body and emotions it can lead to a useful understanding of what a human being and what a soul really is. For most people like myself it is useful to at least pretend that the matter universe is real, while at the same time realizing fully that it is not. Therefore, life becomes a serious game. Yes, it is a game but it is a serious game that God has designed for us. Or more precisely, "We all as God designed the universe that we are now experiencing!" In "What the Bleep do we know?", the movie documentary it is mentioned that the time-space that human beings live in has more the characteristics of thought than it does what we in non scientific common ways of thinking tend to believe. Therefore what reality really is, is not what humans generally intrinsically believe it to be.
Life Brings Us Dreams of the Heart that Cannot Be Predicted!
April 3rd 2005
All You Need Is Love! At age 15 I started dating a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed girl from Alaska. She loved to Ice skate so we ice skated at the Pickwick Ice rink in Burbank near to Glendale where we both lived. At age 16 I bought my first car, a surf wagon. It was a '56 ford stationwagon blue and white. The year was 1964. I began dating a 21 year old girl I knew from church within a few months after I bought my car. A year later I was dating a girl who went to L.A. State University and I was 17. She was 19. Up to this time I was pretty much in control of my relationships. However, at age 19 I met a girl while at a church conference in Chicage that was 18 while I was 19. We fell very much in love but only saw each other in the summers because she was in college at Oakland University near Detroit and I was in College in Los angeles. However, when I was 21 and she 20, she decided that she wanted to stay celibate even if we married. I knew this just wouldn't work for me so I broke up with her even though I was incredibly in love with her. I became suicidal in the aftermath for about 4 or five years. People say I became a ladies man but what really happened is that when I became the most suicidal I simply went to look for another girlfriend. If you have a choice of killing yourself or finding another girlfriend it is a pretty easy choice. So 25 girlfriends later and 4 years later I met my wife to be who was 21 when I was 25. We were going to have my son so we married. Because she was so young and not really prepared to be a wife or mother we broke up 4 years later. I was given custody of my son and she married a famous artist in the United States. Now my son will be 31 this year and is married himself. For me, dating was a way to stay alive until I married and had my son. After my son was born I stayed alive for him and raised him myself. Now I have been married 3 times and have 3 biological children, 2 step children and two god daughters, one of whom we are helping through college and the other we already did. The point of my history is this. Love can keep you alive until the right one comes along. Stay alive! There are many people you haven't even met yet that need you and love you!
8:47 am pst Good Friday March 25th 2005
I began experiencing it fully last night as I walked my dogs alone along the beach. Though the wind was blowing the moon shone brightly and a few cumulous clouds moved quickly through the sky seeming to embrace the moon one by one. I felt it strongly-renewal, resurection, spring,the phoenix arising from the ashes. I felt hope again for our world.
For me, it has been a long arduous task waiting for the renewal of myself and planet earth. There were times in December and late February and early March that I feared I would not survive to experience this resurection along with the rest of you. Today is Good Friday and what a very good day it is!
In early December I became nauseous every day and knew that either a very large earthquake was coming or that I was dying. When the Earthquake and Tsunami arrived around Christmas time I was relieved at least that I wasn't going to die. I finally understood why I had been nauseous for about 1 month. I also understood why the heaven realms had drawn so close to earth. Heaven had drawn near to receive the souls that would be taken during the earthquake and tsunami.
By February and March I realized that the earthquake and tsunami were caused by the rearrangement of time on earth. However, the time storm we all now experience is the result. Time is rearranged continuously. However, when time is altered to the degree it was around Christmastime many psychological and physical aberations occur as our Earth's timespace finds a new equilibrium.
On this Good Friday and throughout Easter weekend I think it is very very important to give thanks not only to Jesus for giving us the chance for renewal and resurection but also to give thanks for all the thousands to millions who have given their lives the past few years of all nations both known and unknown so that we could still have a planet alive to live on at all. Blessings to you All. Happy Easter to you ALL!
Vibes and Human Nature
March 25th 2005
My wife had tried to buy a copy of a late 80's movie unsucessfully the last couple of months. It was called "Vibes" and starred Jeff Goldblum and Cyndi Lauper the early 80's singer. We happened to park in a different place and I picked up that the video rental place we were parked next to "by chance" might have "Vibes". We walked in and sure enough the store was classic in its clientel enough to have "Vibes". We watched it with our 9 year old daughter. It was amazing once again to see a realistic depiction of psychic abilities. Of course it was in a comedy setting so as not to scare people with the truth of what was being said just like "Men in Black". However, it touched me very deeply to see psychics depicted much as they are. Sure, some people claim to be psychics and aren't really. However, I can spot those kind a mile away. Those kind are all self deluded. I have no need to rain on their parade by showing them up and revealing that they are not genuine. Part of the survival of psychics is anonymity except for those that make a visible living at their psychic trade. Most real psychics integrate their abilities so well into their careers and lives that no mention is made of their true abilities.
I write of psychic abilities so that the people with true gifts don't just think they are too odd or different and just kill themselves. The truth is everyone is different. Some are more visibly different than others and many hide their differences quite successfully. The worst possible scenario is to have parents and relatives that tell you you are crazy and that no one is psychic and no matter how much proof you share doubt your gifts. That is the worst. However, that was not my experience at all. My parents and grandmother always recognized I was gifted and encouraged me in all my gifts and so they helped me grow and nurture those gifts into something very special as an adult. And for people who want to rain on your parade just say quietly inside yourself "Fuckem if they can't take a joke". The trick is to be so strong inside yourself of who you are that no one ever gets to you. Be compassionate to all beings but never let anyone BS you into thinking something you know isn't true. Without the truth Beings don't survive! So I search for the truth in all things all the time. Always be kind but always look for truth and if you don't find it then don't trust that person. Be compassionate but have no trust at all for people who lie to you even once.
When I watched "Human Nature" (2002) with Patricia Arquette and Tim Robbins I was amazed at how touched I was by this movie. It reminded me a lot of the back to nature theme of the late 60's and early 70's revisited. I found myself very touched by the desperation of all the charactors each in their own way. Now that I am in my late 50's even the desperation of youth is a luxury to my way of thinking now. I found it a sensual treat to touch some of the wildness I once lived myself. Between 1980 and 1984 I built an A Frame house on 2 1/2 acres of land 10 miles from the nearest small town at 4000 feet on the side of Mt. Shasta. During winters we sometimes got 7 feet of snow at once so the steep roof slopes were necessary so the roof wouldn't collapse during those extreme snowfalls. Since everything was paid for I had a lot of time to be free and do what I wanted to and to home school my 3 children that were then 6 to 10 years old. However, after 4 years of this life I felt that I was beginning to get too feral living so far from suburbia and cities.(It was 25 miles to our nearest friends) so we moved to the California Coast and bought a business while our kids went to junior high and high school. Though I did not stay for years and years in this forest paradise, after 4 years I had lived my life long dream to build my own place in the forest and live out many fantasies that I had had growing up. Because of actually living my dreams I have been able to go on when life has felt very empty at times, especially between 1990 and 1994. Living my dreams allowed me to survive the worst times so that I could live more dreams like I have been for the last 10 years of my life.
Time Travel!
Thursday March 24th 2005
Before my father passed on in 1985 he spoke with me about his involvement in United States built Time Travel conveyances while he was in the U.S Marine Corp. Reserves in the mid 1930's. He and his brother Bob were recruited to work with Albert Einstein and Nicola Tesla,(the father of alternating Current) on the first US built Time travel device in a hanger at a military Airport in Seattle. Let us say that this took place between 1935 and 1937. This is chronicled in Uncle Tommy Travels Time.You may ask, "Do you expect me to believe this?" My answer would be "No" I expect you to entertain the possibility that this really happened and to be open minded to the possibility that all history since about World War I has been seriously altered in order to have the United States and Europe be preeminent on Planet Earth. However, since other nations besides the United States and Europe have time travel devices now things are changing on planet earth. This is one of the reasons that it is important for you to comprehend all this! Because this century things are going to change a lot and not necessarily for the better!
Time Storm!
12:12 pm pst March 22 2005
I have been searching for a useful way to speak about what happened on Earth with the earthquake and tsunami. Many of you who are educated know as I do that the length of a day has shortened slightly and the shape of the earth has altered slightly and a wobble that wasn't there before has shown up as earth spins and orbits the sun. However, that is scientific common knowledge. What is not generally known is that the nuclear blasts in about 100 cities worldwide and the alteration of earth's timespace to correct that problem created the earthquake, the tsunami, the change of earth's shape and the change of the length of a day and the new wobble. What we experienced and are still experiencing to some degree is called a Time Storm. When too many time spaces in a given area of timespace are altered within a short period of time a time storm can result. In "Memories" web page 4 His Oneness and the Lemurian civilization experience a timestorm that affects many solar systems in this sector of the Galaxy. In His Oneness' case he has to put his civilization in another dimension to protect them from an intergalactic communication that results in a Time Storm. His civilization now resides over the Gobi desert and sometimes Northern California depending on world events. However, being in another dimension that is specifically designed to be impervious to time storms he can guide earth and its timelines at the behest of the Galactic Sentience and the Galactic Government. Many people on earth now are ill physically or mentally or both directly because of this earthshaking event. Let us all try to keep nuclear weapons from going off again because the next event of this magnitude could wipe out half the life on this planet if it has to be corrected like this again. Modern day man does not yet have the technology to create dimensions safe from Time Storms as His Oneness and the Lemurians and the Galactic Government do.
Ongoing Problems caused by Time Storm
Thursday March 24th 2005
I am writing the following as a precaution for all humans on earth. If another series of nuclear events even though they may be only 1 megaton or less each occurs the next time storm will likely end human civilization as we know it! The phsiological and psychological affects of such an occurance would return humans to the stone age metaphorically. Logic and reason would be lost for about 100 years which would effectively end civilization at least as we now know it.
The Marie Shiavo incident in Congress is one example of the psychological aberrations moving around the planet. However you feel about the subject one can't help but notice what a bizarre change in the logic and reason and levelheadedness of Congress to even take up such an issue. This is but one example of the psychological aberrations in effect in all humans because of the Time Storm caused by the refitting of time back before 100 cities were nuked with 1 megaton bombs or less.
We can expect at least 1 to 5 years of earthwide physiological and psychological effects from the present Time Storm. If there are no other nuclear incidents that have to be prevented through time alteration things should then recover nicely. However, if another Time Storm incident occurs all of you who are capable or evacuating the planet should do so before civilization begins to end!
Approximately 10% of the problems we are now experiencing are caused by 9-11 and the wars that have happened as a result of 9-11. The other 90% of the problems are directly caused by the nuking of about 100 cities, the rearrangement of time so no physical evidence of the fact exists now except the earthquake, the tsunami, the shortening of a day, the change of shape of the earth and the wobble of earth and the physiological and psychological effects resulting from the preceding issues upon all life on earth ongoing.
The above article is a notification from the Galactic Government regarding issues affecting the well being of all life on earth for all visitors to earth and all beings who are concerned about earth's ongoing viability and survival whether they reside on earth or throughout the galaxy.
Why I write!
March 15th 2005
I write because I need to. I like being around very creative intelligent people. All 3 of my wives and all 3 of my children have been incredible artists.My 9 year old daughter is an incredibly talented musician like myself. I have been a musician since I was 8 and took 8 years of piano and one year of organ lessons and at one point I even got to play a pipe organ in Santa Fe, New Mexico when I was 17. Since then I have taught myself guitar, electric guitar, flute, synthesizers, keyboards etc. So most of my friends are talented in either writing, artistry or music. One of my best friends is a musician known all over the world in his area of expertise.
I write to stay glued together as a person. Some people live in the same area within 25 miles of where they are born all their lives and watch pretty much the same people be born and sometimes die whereas someone like myself had moved 5 times before I was 6. Two places near Seattle and 3 places near San Diego. Though I missed all my relatives in Seattle I had a few in Los Angeles and when we moved to Tujunga in the foothills near Los Angeles I was able to visit my male cousin in Glendale once a week and watch the wonderful world of Disney on TV while my parents were in church. My cousin later became an attorney that has taken cases before the US Supreme Court in Washington D.C. So by the time I was 8 and we moved from Tujunga to Glendale because they had a really great public school system I had moved 7 times in my young life. At 12 we moved to my cousins place as he was going off to college and his mom remarried and was now living in the Hollywood Hills with her new husband. Then at 16 we moved to a bigger place in Glendale so my grandmother could live with us and we all would have our own bedrooms. So by age 16 I had moved 9 times, twice in Seattle, twice in San Diego, once to tujunga and the rest in Glendale. When I reached college age the moves grew even more frequent and after moving my grand piano which was a birthday present for my 18th birthday 9 times I decided I had had enough of pushing it up and down stairs to 2nd story apartments. So I sold my grand piano after my son was born when I was 26 along with my '69 volkswagon beetle bug and moved to Hilo, Hawaii with the proceeds. So by age 26 I had moved 18 times. I counted about 10 years ago and counted about 50 moves total. Starting in 1995 I have only lived 2 places each 5 years. Before these last two moves 4 years was the longest I had ever lived in one home. I wonder if it is a coincidence that until these last 2 moves 4 years was the longest I had been faithful to any wife or girlfriend as well. I have now been faithful to my present wife since we married in 1995. I think this was because I was 21 in 1969 and when the girl I was in love with decided to be celibate even if we married I lost it. After breaking up with her I met many women over the next 4 years just to stay alive because of breaking my heart. It's amazing what we do for love and just to stay alive and breathing in a body! This survival strategy wouldn't work today because of AIDS. Though this method kept me alive I paid a price for it as a married man. Because of experiencing so many women in the 70's I found it hard not to continue to experience women after my marriage and the birth of my son in 1974. Though I was faithful for those 4 years of marriage I wasn't faithful to my second wife that I married in 1980. She and I raised my son from my first marriage and her two kids from her first marriage. When my second wife and I broke up in 1994 I realized that I should never marry again unless I was going to be faithful. This is because if I had been faithful to my 2nd wife she might have trusted me more during and after the birth of our daughter in 1989.
So even though many of you might wish to live the life I have led, looking back on it it has been like a whirlwind of emotions and experiences all over California, Hawaii, Oregon, Nepal, India, Europe etc. What is hard now is in trying to make any sense out of my life because it has all been so wide ranging. It is almost like I have lived about 10 or 20 totally different lives with different women and as different people. It's just hard to make logical sense out of all of it. It is almost as if you picked up 20 DVD's at Blockbuster and then lived them in real life. It is pretty overwhelming!
Ashley Smith
March 14th 2005
What an amazing turn of events! This is the 26 year old widow who talked Nichols into surrending to the authorities with no more deaths. My wife said that Ashley's fear of death by Nichols was exceeded only by the complete desperation of a mother that doesn't want her child to be an orphan! Here we see a person of faith living her beliefs successfully in real time.After having survived the death of her husband, her daughter's father, Ashley had been through enough to become a deeper adult. So when Nichols broke into her house she was somehow able to accept death and then decide to be who she really was to the end. She succeeded in making Nichols see not only her but what he had done. His response was, "I don't want anyone else to die" She said, "You've got to turn yourself in." He didn't say "No!" Just that he needed a couple of days to prepare for that. However, Ashley knew that if she gave him that much time he might change his mind and rape and kill her and her daughter would then be an orphan. So the first chance she got she phoned the police. After seeing her interview on CNN my wife had me order her a copy of The Purpose Driven Life that Ashley quoted to Nichols.
For me it was a treat to see someone that young use what I call "the compassionate right mindful approach" in a dangerous situation. I learned this same approach quite young in an effort to "stay alive" several times. The basic principle of the approach is that people who are at core "Sane" can be brought back to reality if you are compassionate with them no matter what they might have just done or be going through in their lives at the present moment. Most older people or those who have had children know this technique because it is one of the few successful approaches useful with a trantruming child at any age unless you just want to scare them to quickly bring them out of the hysteria. The compassionate right mindful approach is also useful to use on normally sane people who are just going through a tormenting time in their lives. The only catch is that you must not only sound sincere, you must be sincere. Any lies may get you killed while using this approach on a temporarily dangerous adult. Also, if any drugs or alcohol are involved forget this approach unless you have no other safe option. Then if you can run and get away do it!
When I was in my early 40's I took a job as a counselor for male juvenile offenders ages 12-17. This was in an experimental environment and all the offenders had to have 7 felony convictions. Those who had commited crimes with guns were not allowed into this experimental program. I regularly used this compassionate approach. Sometimes it was not enough because we later found out that some of the boys were climbing out the bedroom windows and mugging people on the street outside between the hours of 2am and 5 am while there was a minimum of security awake. However, I regularly had to save my own life and the lives of some of the boys in some very tense situations. The two real keys to this were: Always come from a surrogate uncle or surrogate father place and always respect the boys no matter how far they had fallen in life. And second, if you wanted to physically survive as a counselor in a situation like that you had to always be a little unpredictable so that they couldn't precisely predict your behavior in order to make a plan against you that could cost you your life. I stayed in this job until a boy, age 15 and 200 lbs who I had thought my friend but whose brain had fried on PCP held a butcher knife to my back while I was washing dishes in the kitchen in the facility. This was very bad for me because though I'm not afraid of guns at all I am deathly afraid of knives because of the knives and knife fights I was exposed to in school in the late 50's and early 60's. In the late 50's I had had knives put to my throat and had been threatened with death unexpectedly more than once. One time my throat bled from the knife but luckily it left no scar.
Anyway, back to the story. This butcher knife in my back for me was the last straw as I had already confiscated 6 shanks or homemade knives from this boy that day. Though I was easily able to throw the boy to the floor and to disarm him I had to seriously fight my primal instincts to finish him right then. I realized that day that I refused to work in a job that might make me kill a kid so I could survive. I quit the next day. I was a counselor not a cop! The next counselor who followed me in that job had problems with the same boy. The boy broke a broom handle off and threatened the counselor with it. The counselor called the police and was fired as a counselor for calling the police. Within 6 months two counselors in other like funded facilities in the same city were killed by the boys they counseled, one was beaten to death and one was knifed. I and the counselor that followed me were grateful to be alive!
In difficult situations I have found the attitude to always take is literally, "There are No problems there are only Opportunities!" This is the attitude that will most often keep you alive no matter what happens in life. If you can embrace fully "There are No problems only opportunities" deep down into your soul you will never be a victim and you will always be empowered. And so when most people fall victim to themselves and their hopeless stances you can physically save yourself and sometimes them as well!
Friday March 11 2005
I was watching the terrible incident in Atlanta where 3 people died including a judge on CNN tv this morning. This set my mind to thinking and this is what seems important to me about all this.
First of all, it is my experience that justice doesn't exist in America. My personal experience is that the rich get off and the poor either go to jail, go crazy or die or all three. And it doesn't matter whether they are innocent or not.Same result.
The person who perpitrated the crime in Atlanta was obviously crazy because of the nature of the crime he had commited that put him in this court situation. It is highly unlikely he will survive to be tried given the nature of his new crimes.
However, the real question for me here is about justice for everyone in America and on earth. That is what really should be looked at much more than another tightening of security. If I don't want my dog to dig under my backyard fence I can tie him to the fence so he can't do that anymore and then I risk him hanging himself by getting the leash caught on something. In other words it is important that the medicine not be more dangerous than the disease.
Another thing that most people don't know. Did you know that if a person doesn't make a plea bargain and their case actually goes to trial there is a 90% chance that they will be convicted. That is really bad odds. Don't you think criminal defendants talk about this fact among themselves? What downside was there for this guy not to do what he did. He had a 90% chance of conviction and because of the crazy nature of his offense would likely be raped repeatedly in jail until he got aids or died. If someone knew this what would stop that person from doing exactly what he did? Whether he was guilty of the rape or not is no longer a question here, because he now has killed a judge, a sherriff and a court stenographer and possibly fatally wounded a second sherriff's deputy. What is important is that people seriously start thinking about REAL JUSTICE in America and around the world. The alternative is 100 or even 1000 such incidents as happened today.
Message from the Present Galactic Sentience
3:30 pm pst Thursday February 10th 2005
Note: The Present Galactic Sentience is a being that would be similar to the President of the United States of this what we on earth call the Milky Way Galaxy. I was asked to transmit this message to the beings who live on earth and all other interested parties.end note.
Beings of Earth and other interested parties. Good Day to you! I would like to describe how we communicate with governments of earth. It is done indirectly because of the delicate balance of power on earth. We realized that to appear directly through the masses would be to destroy the religions and cultures on earth. In order to preserve the quaintness and the "individuality" of earth we use Galactic Codetalkers. Galactic Codetalkers have been altered by our technology to be able to pass information directly to the intelligence gathering agencies of the governments of earth. They are almost never directly employed by these governments. They do not usually contain directly important information rather they act very much like a television only a coded one so that information can be shared only with the desired parties in the intelligence gathering structures of all earth governments. Then there are Galactic Codebreakers who are directly employed by these intelligence gathering instruments of earth governments. We of the Galactic government like to share information that is timely so we gather all that is needed through time travel of useful information over millions of years of experience both in an out of time and also by travelling time. For example on a planet like earth we are concerned with two major issues: harmony and preventing extinction of all life on earth. This creates several challanges which should be obvious to any thinking being. We surmount these ethical dilemmas by only sharing information about situations a few days or months before they are about to occur. However, since Earth is also a sentient being, she is given the right to defend herself. This is why we can't stop storms, earth changes, tsunamis and the like. For this is one of the ways earth avoids overpopulation of any species inhabiting her. If overpopulation gets beyond a certain point the planets are allowed to extinct the species living on the planets by whatever means necessary. Let's hope it never comes to that.
So let's get back to the Galactic Codetalkers. Codetalkers like Jonathan literally talk code. So anything he says or does has code within it. For example he might say "It's a nice day!" We might nudge him to say "Nice Day!" instead which would elicite a different code. Like the Galactic Time Guard and the Planetary Anthropologists, Galactic Codetalkers have biocoms built in. It's not that you could find them with 2005 technology because we always send in our people with technology at least 10,000 years in advance of what is present on the planet at that time. For more about Biocoms read the book "Memories" at this website the first part of Memories part 9 talks about biocoms.
At the present day Galactic Codetalkers set up websites that are flagged by their respective governments. Some sites are flagged by multiple governments as well as the United Nations as this one is. Galactic Codebreakers are given templates received through military sources. The template is then acquired for the right day, week, month and sometimes times in order to break the code. Governments can then realize the issues that are coming soon to be dealt with. This particular site is linked with an organization like the NSA within the United States and the United Nations. In this way the Galactic Government can indirectly liason with the United States, the United Nations and most all governments on earth without directly disturbing the fragile balances and nuances on earth. Thank you Beings of Earth it has been a pleasure speaking with you.
Our Brave New World!
12:37pm pst March 8th 2005
I was watching CNN on TV this morning. When ex President Bush and ex President Clinton came on having recently returned from the areas affected by the Tsunami I could see clearly the following:
note:It may be useful for you to think of this as science fiction or not depending on what is useful to you.end note.
I would like to share some things I have been aware of for years and other things I was just made aware of today. First of all, the first U.S. President to have formal contact with the Galactic Government was President Eisenhower. However, after Eisenhower there was much fear in the Intelligence community in regard to these events so Presidents were no longer able to remember their contacts with offworlders so they could have plausible deniability for the press or if they were captured and tortured in some unforeseen event. However, lately after 9-11 it became obvious to everyone that the very existence of earth was at stake in such a crazy way that Presidents had to continue to remember their offworld contacts in order for earth to survive at all. This has drastically changed the way world governments operate in regard to the Galaxy and in regard to each other.
When President Clinton today mentioned the "Brave New World" we had entered I realized it was a code word to international Governments regarding this formal change. It appears that President Clinton during his administration was a pivotal change to the way things were done between earth and the galaxy. I'm not quite sure why this happened I just know it did. Earth became during his administration a Galactic City State, an Island in Space of the Galactic Government. The main reason that the present President Bush's father and ex President Clinton went on this Tsunami fund raising event was to gather research about the real cause of the tsunami as the Pentagon felt that some type of weapon had caused it. So the two ex Presidents were sent to diplomatically gather as much information from other diplomats of the area in regard to what actually had caused all this. Many other psychics on earth were able to corroborate the time blowback theory after the prevention of the approximately 100 1 megaton nuclear blasts in the major cities of the world caused by terrorists.
De facto now, Ex President Clinton and the Elder Bush are joint Galactic Ambassadors representing Earth. It is my belief that President Clinton's operation might not be real and that what will really happen is his journey to another place in the Galaxy to confer about what to do next regarding the security of earth long term. George W. Bush is the Galactically recognized President of Earth. President Bush is advised by Ambassadors from all nations of earth in regard to his galactically recognized position as President of Earth.
The reason it is so ultimately important that China becomes a democracy soon is that by 2075 the Leader of China will likely be the de facto President of Earth and if there is not a democracy in China by then it could cause incredible Chaos on Earth and for Earth.
I am not allowed to say who prevented the approximately 100 nukes going off. I am allowed to say that likely the prevention was sponsored by the Galactic Government and personally, the Galactic Sentience through his personal emisary and Time Lord for around 40,000 Years, His Oneness of ancient Lemurian on earth presently in a stasis dimension over Asia and Sometimes Northern California. Whether you and I believe any of this is in the end irrelevant. This is simply Galactic notification of all nations of earth and its peoples of the de facto nature of these events.
The Time Pool
March 9th 2005
If you have read my online book "Memories" or what I have written so far on The History of His Oneness then you know who His Oneness is and of the Time Pool with which he can watch time being changed as it is changed both by those who are authorized and by those who aren't. If you are an intuitive, an empath, a psychic or a precognitive psychic like myself or you wish to help life in some way then learning about what a personal time pool is like might be helpful. Though His Oneness' Time Pool is about 10 feet in Diameter and custom Build to the specifications of the present leader of the Galaxy called the Galactic Sentience and under the care of His Oneness you can also benefit directly from what I call intuitive technology.
For example, many times I will sit in my Hot Tub (Spa) under the Stars for an hour or more in my backyard and intuit what I need to write next. Other times I will simply sleep until I wake up and get inspired to write in that way. As one wakes up naturally without an alarm clock I have found to be the best way to contact God and his Angels for inspiration of all kinds. However, sometimes one can if one is in a good and receptive mood receive incredibly wonderful and powerful information that can be incredibly useful to oneself, ones family or to others.
note:If you plan to trance will in a Hot Tub or Spa be sure to have someone watching you so you don't drown while in a trance. I personally don't have to trance to get useful information since I can consciously interface with my subconscious mind while I am still awake. Blessings
Earth is a Baby Creator?
12:14pm pst March 3rd 2005
As I was waking up this morning I discovered that Earth is a baby Creator. I found this amazing because although I know a lot about creators I didn't know about this. I had assumed that Stars like our sun were both young creators but I didn't know that planets and possibly moons were young almost embrionic Creators. It is possible that the Earth is like a child from 1 to 5 years old in its stage of development toward maturity. I have been told that the potential lifetime of a Creator is Billions of years or more spanning many shifts of our galaxy from matter to antimatter and back again. I also have been aware that other galaxies are built by other Creators as well. I understand how 1 in 1000 or 1 in 1 million young Creator couples hang out in dark matter away from any galaxies and when the couple "gets pregnant" one of them who is not pregnant throws time and space in the dark matter between matter and antimatter in order to generate a galaxy that then slowly "at least according to human experience of time" rocks back and forth between matter and antimatter over millions and billions of years.
When my young son who was then about 8 came back with me from India in 1986 we unfortunately discovered that because he wasn't aware such things existed, how to prevent their occurance had somehow got lice growing in his hair. Since I knew he wasn't yet disciplined enough at that age to get rid of them permanently I shaved his head so the lice would be permanently wiped out. He wore a base ball cap to school in California until his hair grew back out. We had been in India and Nepal for 4 or 5 months between December 1985 until April 1986.
In a similar manner the humans of earth are like lice upon the head of the baby earth. Since earth and its parent or parents are aware humans are somewhat civilized there is no wish to completely eliminate humans. However, humans have to be careful if there changes to earth upset the child earth or the parent(s) the sun and (?) as then humans will be rendered extinct.
When a family of Creators begin to create a galaxy it is sort of like when humans first settle an area and begin to create a town to do business and to live. I guess the way Creators view a Galaxy is this way. Since Creators live Billions of years potentially they are unfathomable to most humans unless the humans are both psychicly gifted as well as incarnate old creators in the process of renewal like myself. The way that Creators prevent death when they are old and bored is to renew by experiencing mortality by incarnating as humans and/or other intelligent species for a while in order to relearn to cherish life after living Billions of years usually within a Galaxy as a Star or Nebula or many different things during their evolution.
note:If this is just too much to think of as real for you then just pretend all this is science fiction and a way to expand your minds in more limitless ways.
Since Creators as adults are much bigger than the whole Solar System at present and live in an entirely different time continuum than humans they go to sleep when they are old and dream themselves into the bodies of humans and other intelligent species. Then they live their lives out as these humans and other intelligent species forgetting for a while their relative immortalitiy of billions of years. This causes renewal of a respect for life and the capacity to cherish life once more by experiencing mortality.
Note: If you go back to my home page and scroll down to "The History of Celeste Weaver" and the scroll down on that web page to "The pre-Galactic Creators" you will learn a little more about the CREATORS of this Galaxy and their relatives who created other galaxies.
Infinite alignment of Compassionate Beings
12:28 pm pst Saturday Feb. 19 2005
I had heard about this for years. I wanted to believe that such an infinite array of enlightened compassionate beings existed that spanned all time and space. I cannot place a time on when I consciously aligned with this group. I believe I was unconsciously aligned since before birth. It is difficult for me to know for sure. However, when I first met an evolved Tibetan lama in Ashland Oregon around 1980 I realized right then that something like this really did exist. I had found it difficult to be as psychicly gifted as I had been all my life. Sure my gifts saved my life and well as the lives of others. But at times as a child I felt like a 5 year old driving a Semi truck driving down the interstate. It was not a comfortable experience. With the meeting of my first evolved Tibetan Lama I had a sense that everything would be okay now. I began to hear about the Mahayana and the Vajrayana. I presently believe the Vajrayana or Diamond Vow of Vajrasattva and Nyema is the best description of what I now experience 24 hours a day. There was a time when I was afraid before becoming one with the infinite array of Enlightened beings that spans all time and space and galaxies. The moment of conscious alignment was a little frightening but after the initial moments of absolute terror passed I realized I would never ever be frightened again on a supernatural level. For the compassionate array of beings includes Jesus and all his angels and saints and Buddha and all his angels and saints and the same for all planets and galaxies. I had to rereach in this lifetime through study and experiment places that I had been comfortable with in other lifetimes. Once I had learned to have real compassion for all life in the universe and to feel safe while doing that all the time I was inducted consciously into the infinite array of compassionate beings. Now if anything even thinks about attacking me it immediately becomes a part of the infinite array of compassionate beings. No questions asked. Instantaneously. Time and space I have found is no obstacle to the infinite array of compassionate beings. For me, personally, learning to soul travel to any physical place or to any heaven that I was allowed to visit or look into was the primary prerequisite for conscious entry into this infinite array of enlightened wise and compassionate beings. I would equate conscious alignment with a quality of fearlessness that one just doesn't see in beings who have not consciously aligned with the infinite array of compassionate and wise beings.
The Mists of Avalon
Saturday March 5th 2005
When I was in Great Britain in October 1999 I traveled with part of my family to Glastonbury, England. As I reached about 10 to 20 miles as the crow flies from Glastonbury Tull I felt a buzzing in the back of my neck which signified to me I was near one of the most amazing power points I had ever experienced in my life anywhere I have yet been on the planet. It grew stronger as I came closer to Glastonbury Tull. It is said that Glastonbury Tull is the Isle of Avalon in King Arthur days and that both the Holy Grail and the last resting place of King Arthur are there. When I climbed Glastonbury Tull I was amazed at what I felt. I could then and there understand how the Magna Carta and English speaking Western Civilization had sprung from this place and these ancient roots.
Somehow the blending of the ancient Druidic Goddess cults and Christianity had help bring about England and the United States and Australia and Canada and to some degree present day India.
Last night my wife brought home a movie now on DVD called "The Mists of Avalon". For me it was the most believable version I have yet seen of King Arthur, Merlin, Morgane, Guenivere etc. It was easy to see the charactors slowly moving from Goddess worship toward the Goddess being converted to the Virgin Mary in Christianity. I was fairly amazed to see people depicted like myself who have the gifts of seeing both the present and the future both while it is happening far away and before it happens. It made me quite comfortable to see people with these gifts depicted. It especially was interesting to me as some of these types of people were ancient relatives of mine. Since then ancient Celtic ways have blended with Christianity to form the present ways that I was taught as a child. I was always encouraged growing up when I saw angels or elves or whatever. I was never told "You can't see that." or "That's not real." So as a result I never lost the ability to "See" Angels or whatever I needed to see to protect myself, my family and my friends from harm and danger. People who are taught "Not to see" I now see as people who have been disconnected from natural human abilities that protect our very lives and souls. I see such souls as very vulnerable and manipulated by others who wish to control them. Very often people trained to reject their abilities die young deaths because they have been disconnected from the very abilities that keep one alive with their feet on the ground so to speak. If an unenlightened parent or guardian has disconnected you from your natural God given abilities it is never too late to take your abilities back. Just like if you or someone tied your hands behind your back for years, you could still cut the ropes and develope your muscles and be an artist or artisan or whatever you wanted to be. Life is always a challange but if you don't even have your instincts to protect you then how will you survive when the going gets rough?
Serious Issues
6pm pst Feb. 26th 2005
Last week or so I put an article on my journal site called 100 megaton. I took it down after 24 hours because I wasn't trying to notify the public but rather security people connected with governments worldwide. I figured 24 hours would be sufficient. However, this article I'm writing now IS meant for the general public. It is not intended to scare anyone. However, as a life long precognitive psychic I became ill about 3 weeks ago. In order to get well I slow way down in the way I function so that I can go very deep and self heal as well as invoke angels into my field of life so that I can get better in order to do what God has sent me to earth to do. While I was in this self healing mode and sleeping about 12 hours a day to get well I picked up what was making me ill. It turns out that the earthquake and tsunami were caused when nuclear weapons were used on earth totalling about 100 megatons in strength. The charges were probably each 1 megaton or less. The time blowback that hit our world after time was manipulated so that the people on our timeline didn't have to experience that here and now was the earth quake and tsunami. However, there was no way to stop the earthquake and tsunami that resulted from this disaster. If you have seen the tv program MEDIUM then you have seen how I get information. It comes in bits and pieces and so you can usually get enough information to save lives but it is also very frustrating at times unless you just accept that God only shares what he wants to when he/she or it wants to.
Initially what I got was that a 100 megaton nuclear device had gone off. However, while I was staying in Yosemite this week I got a lot more information because it is a Creator power point on the planet. So that people who are gifted and get still there get supercharged with spiritual gifts and insights. It is a very very powerful spiritual place if you are interested. What I received in Yosemite was that up to 100 devices went off in the 100 biggest cities in the western world including Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles,Beijing,Moscow,Paris,London,Berlin,Rome,etc. etc.
I think this is the same reason that the Pope got ill too.
It cost over 1 trillion dollars to fix the problem and the message I got from those who fixed it said that they couldn't fix many more problems of this kind because of funding so that ways to stop these problems need to be formulated before they occur. I am sending this out to the general public so that even if there is no scientific proof that people will see that this is a real issue that needs to be addressed. Miracles can and do happen but they may be just too expensive to repeat 100 times!
Even More Serious Issues
Feb. 28 2005
As a precognitive psychic I feel I have both a duty and an obligation to the people of earth and all life on earth to share what I am now picking up. I am very sorry to report what I am about to but if I don't who will? Who will have the courage to report the truth?
I was watching the news today about bin laden telling zarqawi to hit the U.S. Something about this felt very bad. As I followed my feelings as a life long psychic I was able to trace them to what I sensed bothered me about this.
First of all it is important to understand that there has never been a war like this in recorded history. This is like the Christian and Moslem Crusades all over again but this time with Nuclear weapons. I'm not really sure the general public really gets what we are now moving toward. Neither the Islamic terrorists or the western Christian secular world will ever give up! As a result we are now moving toward a kind of stalemate. It is another more crazy version of the cold war.
What the general public has not considered is that both the Islamic terrorists and on the other side, the American military, the Russian Military, The Chinese military and all the European military each will choose extinction of all life on earth to defeat. On the Secular Christian side this is a carry over of the cold war idea of mutual assured destruction. The next 10 years or more will be about how we deal with mutual assured destruction. How mankind decides to live out this one issue will determine whether anyone or anything on earth survives or not!
March 10th 2005
I was reading a recent Time magazine March 7, 2005 to be exact. On page 18 I sw a little article on blue gray. It said, Vladimir Putin, CBS New Loyalist. Bush was lecturing Putin about his taking over the press in Russia. Putin countered that Bush had goten Dan Rather fired. "What he said is the difference." Bush was astounded that Putin thought this. However, most of the world thinks this is true too. Only conservative republicans who are so zealous they can't see all the people being harmed in the "Any Means to Our Ends" philosophy. I myself consider myself to be an American Moderate politically speaking. I have voted for almost every elected president since Nixon. This is because I vote what I believe is good for out country rather than what is good for me personally. For if the world loses a free America extinction of all life on earth won't be far behind. You can quote me on that last statement as a precognitive psychic.
Since the information that came through CBS was never discredited and only the sources of the information were discredited I assumed and I believe rightly so that this was swept under the carpet precisely because we were at war. Had we not been I believe it would have been another Watergate and Bush would have been out of office. So all the people getting fired and Rather losing his anchor post is from bad sources and not necessarily bad information.
The real problem as I see it is that the War on Terrorism is like the War on Drugs. It will go on in one form or another for at least 100 years. However, in order to keep this war going nations like the US will go bankrupt and soon China will be in control of world business if it isn't already. Nations conducting war tend to take away their people's rights in order to win the war. I suggest the war on terrorism can't be won. However, bringing democracy to all Islamic nations might be possible. And that might solve a lot of the problems we are now dealing with. However, it will also create many other problems that are as of now unforeseen.
War Stories
Sunday February 27th 2005
This introduction I'm writing today. However, the body of this piece was written for a creative writing class in college on March 19th 2002. I thought it might be useful for those who were too young or not born when Viet Nam happened to see what happened to some of the troops that I knew. I would say that 50% of the men who went to Viet Nam were physically or psychologicaly destroyed by it or both. So that even if they survived they were never to lead normal lives again. The other 50% became men from the boys who went to Viet Nam. Those boys never returned to the US. They were men made stronger even if much more cynical than when they left. They had no illusions about anything when they returned. They were just grateful to even be alive at all.
There are some who like George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Senator John McCain and Senator John Kerry who become leaders from their pain. Senator McCain was held in prison in the Hanoi Hilton for several years and tortured and starved. This gave him a powerful truth and a fearlessness which has earned him respect from all whether they are republicans or democrats. Only the most amazing of men can prosper from such terrible experiences.
Many of the soldiers who returned from Viet Nam were spit upon and reviled by their friends who were then in college. Most of them quickly learned not to talk much about their experiences in Viet Nam for a whole host of reasons. I am very pleased that whether Americans support the war in Iraq or not we are all united in supporting our troops after the disastrous effect on our troops from Viet Nam the Social War and chaos created in America during that time. This social war has been to some degree eliminated by the elimination of the draft. I expect the draft not to be exercised in America because there is no way now to have a draft without drafting women as well as men. It just wouldn't fly these days.
The following was written by me on Tuesday March 19th 2002.War Stories. When I grew up in the 1950's and 1960's boys from birth were trained as children to fight and die for their country. In the 1950's and 1960's the draft of all young men had been in place at least since the beginning of World War II. I can remember quite vividly of my father talking to me and preparing me as young as 3 or 4 years of age to prepare to be a soldier. He said he hoped I wouldn't have to go to war but that I should mentally and physically prepare for it. He told me that young men who didn't prepare and who got drafted usually were the first to die in war.
When I noticed this preparation the most was during required gymn class during junior high school. Coaches started treating us more cruelly in preparation for the draft. All healthy young men expected to be drafted into the army. Some prepared to join the Navy or Air Force so they wouldn't wind up dead in the Army infantry on the front lines of a war or conflict. The cruelty from the coaches was echoed by the 8th and 9th graders as 7th grade boys were often tortured and beat up as a hazing ritual and entrance into adulthood. Especially during junior high many 7th grade boys cried from all the abuse they suffered from the coaches and the 8th and 9th grade boys. Some never recovered from the physical and emotional abuse. Whenever I thought I could get away with it or survive it I tried to protect some of these boys from harm. I was very lucky. Because I was always very tall and strong for my age people generally left me alone. They knew that even though I was very good natured that if they picked on me I was big enough and strong enough to do serious damage if cornered or angered.
My best friend in Junior High School had the school record for the rope climb. He didn't even use his legs to climb rope just his arms. That's why he was so very fast. He just stuck his feet straight out at a right angle to the rope and up he went. I think he reached the top within 3 or 4 seconds. It was an amazing sight to watch. After we graduated high school we both attended the same college. I studied Computer Operations and Computer Programming and he studied to be a jet engine mechanic. Within two years he knew he was going to be drafted into the army so he joined the Air Force after completing his technical degree. He became an Air Force jet engine mechanic in Thailand during the Viet Nam War and maintained Fighter jets doing runs into Viet Nam. The last time I saw him was March 1969. He was in Thailand or Texas for 4 years. We lost track of each other until 2001 when I found him through classmates.com. Though we lost 30 years as friends we have visited and travelled to Yosemite and hiked some of the trails we hiked at age 15 in 1963. We have kept in touch ever since.He has also met my wife and all my kids and I have met his wife. I think my friend considers himself very lucky not to have to watch people scream and die in battle.
Another friend of mine was a Marine Sargeant in Viet Nam. He told me that one day he was ordered to take his platoon into an area that he knew would get all of them killed for no useful purpose. He told his commanding officer her would not take his men there because they would all be killed and nothing would be accomplished by it. He was then dishonorably discharged from the marines. However, the next Sargeant they sent on that mission was killed along with half of my friend's platoon. All were seriously wounded or killed at that time. Though my friend was dishonorably discharged he doesn't have to live the rest of his life witht the guilt of getting his men killed or maimed for life for nothing.
One of my girlfriends lived in Fontana near Los Angeles at that time. Her sister had a boyfriend that drove army tanks in Viet Nam. He was ordered to drive his tank over women and children and then ordered to clean their body parts from the tank treads. He was never the same. When I met him he was an alcholic and had many psychological problems.
When I lived in Venice, California, one of my apartment roommates told me he was on a 2 month leave from the Army. Later after he returned to his home town in Minnesota I found out he had been to Viet Nam it was so bad he had deserted and had come to Venice, California to get sane and to escape the war. the year was 1969. In 1970 I found he had been sentenced to 5 years in prison for deserting the Army in Viet Nam after being drafted.
I met a married 24 year old lady with a 3 year old daughter who was attending my church. She was visiting relatives in the Los Angeles area where I then lived. It was Easter 1973. She asked if I knew anyone heading north towards Alaska where she was from. I gave her and her daughter a ride as far as Mt. Shasta where I wanted to spend my 25th birthday at the Sierra club Horse Camp Lodge alone in 20 feet of snow on Mt. Shasta. Later I found that her husband had had to run away into Canada to avoid the draft. This was also why they lived remote in Alaska off the grid so to speak. In 1974 I met her husband by accident on the big Island of Hawaii. By then I had married also and was living in Hilo, Hawaii with my wife and baby son.
A friend from church growing up was vehemently against the Viet Nam War. He went to the church elders to write him a letter to help him get Conscientious Objector status. He then received Conscientious Objector Status. Though he was persecuted for this and still is at times it is still a matter of great pride to him to have folowed his conscience in good faith with God.
In writing this essay on War Stories I just wanted to you to experience with me just how different it is now today in America than it was during the Viet Nam War.
Ascended Master Youth
Sunday March 13th 2005
Though people of many faiths may get what I'm going to say I'm going to write this in a more Christian context simply because I live in a Christian based Country even though we are one of the most tolerant Countries of religions other than Christianity as long as they don't force their ideas of something other than Christianity on us. Also, I live in California one of the most tolerant States in the United States, a state which is one of the easiest to come to as a foreigner without facing much bigotry against people from other countries. This is also true in large cities all over the U.S. like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, New York City, Boston and Chicago. The further from the largest cities the more bigoted and small minded people tend to be because of lack of a more international education except for those who are raised near the metropolises and then migrate to the country or the very few from the country who are well educated concerning international issues.
When I was young and growing up I became slowly aware of my parents religious philosophy and obviously they were very influential on my young psyche. My parents told me I was an Ascended Master Youth. As a 6 year old my thought was something like, "Wow! I'm an ascended master youth!" However, at the same moment my parents drove home that even though this is true you can't tell anyone unless they share your religion. So even as a young child I came to see that though our mystical Christian sect embraced reincarnation and vegetarianism and it spanned the globe it was also small enough to be vulnerable from mainstream religions and society. And so in the 1950's when I was raised it wasn't usually safe to talk about my beliefs. I was told to tell people who asked we were similar to Christian Scientists. This usually worked okay. This was usually sufficient as almost everyone knew what that was.
Anyway, I remember that Dad got up sometimes at 4:30 in the morning to do what he called "Decreeing". This I would describe as dynamic or forceful prayer. In doing this you invoke God directly into your body and then you command things to happen. Presently, as a 56 year old adult I can see the usefulness of this. However, if you don't have real unbigoted compassion for all sentient life in the universe and a really deep understanding of what is really going on you can really damage people supernaturally if your motives or your facts aren't genuine or true enough when using this really powerful technique.
I have never been a morning person. I can get up at any time and sort of appear to be awake a 4 am , 6 am or whatever. But I'm never what I would call really awake until 10 or 11 am. This has been somewhat of a problem in my life until I began to own my own businesses at age 30. Then I could schedule my appointments to fit my biology most of the time. When I am usually the most awake is between 10 pm and 1 am. That is when I used to write songs and poetry while I was in College in my late teens and early 20's.
Back to Dad and his morning decrees. Sometimes while I would be asleep I would feel his decrees or dynamic prayers affecting my dreams between 4:30 am and 6 am. in the mornings before he went to work. I didn't used to get mad at him as a child other than to get up momentarily and say, "Dad you're decreeing too loud and its waking me up out of my dreams!"
As an adult and thinking back on all this I think the episode of Childhood epilepsy between ages 10 and 15 was caused by several factors. One of the non physical factors was my parents praying for me to be an Ascended Master Youth. What I was expected to do was to save the world along with the other Ascended Master Youths of our Christian Mystic Sect. My Childhood epilepsy began when I began to doubt the sanity of the people in my sect and also I began to question what was with my parents for believing in any religion. I was always a very logical and pragmatic child. I was always a doer. There is a commercial about a man in a restaurant choking and the people in the adjoining table just talk about it without doing anything to save the person. I have always been a person who just got up and saved the persons life without a word. This quality of mine has startled people at times but since it saves lives I continue to be this way. I have no use for people who can't help others because they are too screwed up to get real even for a moment to save another's life.
Anyway, between ages 10 and 15 I didn't know whether I even believed in God or not. I think it might even be useful to say that I believed in Science Fiction and I worshipped the works of Asimov, Heinlein and Clarke. Then when Star Trek began on TV I worshipped at the altar of Star Trek. From ages 10 to 15 believing in God and religion didn't make much logical sense to me. Childhood epilepsy was to change all that. Whatever the causes Childhood Epilepsy set me on the path of being a real Ascended Master Youth. I realize now that my parents really had no idea in practical reality what it would mean to be an ascended Master Youth. They had no real practical idea of what it would mean to be Godlike while living in the physical world. The absolute terror of my experiences with childhood epilepsy brought me back to God. But because God became a personal friend to me along with Jesus and Saint Germain and angels and all the heavenly host by 16 I realized that God, Jesus and Saint Germain really had nothing to do with any religions at all. I realized that religions were for people who were too weak to know God personally through direct experience. This was my experience. Though my feelings and ideas are much more evolved and mature regarding all this now, this is what I thought then.
Looking back now I see quite clearly that God used my Childhood epilepsy to force me back to him so I could take full responsibility of the Divinely powerful gifts he has given me and to use them the way he intended me to. I have been brought to my knees both physically and supernaturally many times in order to do his will on earth regarding the amazing gifts he has bestowed upon me. Between ages 10 and 15 my lesson from God was very harsh. It was, "Either you use the gifts I have given you wisely to benefit all beings or you will die right now!" This is very clear to me now. To ask this of a child 10 to 15 years old was extremely traumatizing and I almost didn't survive it. In the previous article I wrote about my personal experiences with Viet Nam vets. However, here I will tell you what I was very embarrassed about while the Viet Nam War was on. God spared my life and/or sanity in Viet Nam because I was deferred from service because of Childhood epilepsy for which I was treated for by a doctor at the time and had records of this to prove it. At the time I told people who asked my classification that I had a student deferment for college because I was ashamed to tell people I was classified 4F which was a medical deferment.
Though I had no petite mal seizures after age 15 it still got me out of the draft which was good because I was very patriotic and if I had been drafted I would have gone in 1966 when I graduated high school if it weren't for my father who insisted I tell the draft board about my epilepsy. So first God almost killed me and then he got me out of the draft. I guess he had some other plans for me!
Though I had to invoke myself as a God and have it manifest in order to heal myself of epilepsy I also had to get used to ever growing supernatural gifts. It was pretty scary until I was about 32 and met my first Tibetan Lama. This was because after I invoked myself as a God I had a spiritual Army protecting me. The Tibetans call these Tutelary Protective Dieties. Well, I didn't have a name for them when I was 15. All I knew was they protected me against anyone who didn't respect me. People didn't have to recognize me as a God they just had to be respectful of me. When people were disrespectful beyond a certain point bad things happened to them that I had no control over. I often quit jobs that I was at in order to protect people from possible death from my protecting dieties that I didn't know how to control or what they really were at the time. These dieties saw me and see me as royalty and act like bodyguards to me supernaturally. People who intend harm to me met and meet with accidents most of the time that I am completely unaware of until after the fact and sometimes I am not aware of it even then. It wasn't until I was 32 or older that I learned how to protect others from my protecting dieties. I think my protective dieties were relieved that I had supernaturally grown up as well. The main way I protect people from them now is to stay away from people who might intend harm to me. In this way I can protect people from their unclarities that could cost them their lives unknowingly. I live in this way out of compassion for those too ignorant to be respectful to me.
This has led to an early retirement and financial and familial security as a natural karmic result. Since the "Leisure to Practice" is a much sought after Tibetan Buddhist Goal I have reached "Leisure to Practice" and so I pray 24 hours a day waking and sleeping for all beings in the universe that God draws my attention toward. Even in writing this for you I see as a prayer to reduce the suffering of all beings on earth by becoming more enlightened and aware of their place in the universe among all beings throughout the galaxies and beyond.
So what is an ascended master youth? The most practical way I can speak about it is how many people with spanish and latin surnames tend to sometimes name their children Jesus, which is pronounced HAYsuus which is also interesting because in Aramaic what Jesus was really called was Yesu pronounced YAsu. In naming your child Jesus you wish him to become another real Jesus. At least you hope the honor of naming your child Jesus will bring the real Jesus into his life.
In this context I now believe that my soul came into this life to be with parents who would invoke me as an ascended master youth and to move toward that goal as much as was practically possible given the totally materialistic western world which I and most of you now live in. I think my surprise as a soul is more how much I was able to accomplish in this direction. In practical reality one may reach for the stars but is very very lucky to even reach the mountaintop. I presently believe it is more about pursueing the goal than even getting there. What one experiences moving toward the goal of enlightenment is precious beyond words to express.
Loneliness and Solitude
Sunday March 13th 2005
I was having a very deep conversation with God about loneliness in my life. I found myself regressing to the time I felt the most lonely as a child. I was four years old and my parents took their 2 week vacation without me. I was left alone with my Nana(mother's mother). I felt completely abandoned. To make things worse I think Nana felt abandoned too. So we cried together to comfort each other concerning our deep loss.(four year old perspective)
To add insult to injury my parents returned and brought some stupid thing that was liquid plastic that you could blow bubbles of plastic that would harden. I thought, "What a jip. you left me home and I didn't get to travel to two states away." I think this time was so traumatic for me that I got angry and decided that I was going to ride motorcycles, drive cars, and fly planes all over the world. And I did. and I will continue to do so.
However, that is another story. Today I'm dealing with loneliness and solitude. They are the flip sides of each other. For loneliness is a kind of boring torture whereas solitude is time alone with God and nature. When I asked God to take away the loneliness I felt as a child growing up, God said, "I can't take your loneliness because it is a part of your solitude. In other words without the loneliness I felt in my life I would not have reached out for God and nature and become the person I am today. Without my loneliness as an only child God couldn't have come into my life and saved me!
March 13th 2005
When my wife's mother died I knew several months in advance what was coming. But my wife yelled at me and didn't want to hear of it. Since this was sensitive for my wife I let it go as I sensed there really was nothing that could be done to save her mother's life and no one knew what was wrong with her at the time or even that there was something wrong with her. So I let it go. My wife still doesn't want to hear about it even though she is proud of me that I knew this so far in advance.
Within 6 months my wife who is ordinarily a very brilliant, intelligent and talkative woman was quiet for a whole day. The look in her eyes I could only describe as 'Horror'. I tried to talk to her several times during the day but she kept waving me away saying that she was grieving for her mother. Near the end of the day she asked me to talk to her while she was doing some gardening outside. She described what she was experiencing. She said, "I see everything that is happening on earth and all the good and all the bad and all the souls being born and dying and I don't like it."
I laughed with her because I have heard of this experience being described by human masters. I said, "This is a perfect description of enlightenment" She said, "Maybe it is but I don't like it." I said, "You don't have to like it you just need to accept that this is the way things are." I went on to say something like, "You may not like the fact that crocadiles eat people and children all over the world where they live but in order to be practical you do have to accept that this occurs. You do have to accept that this is the way things really are. Remember. Look at the gift you have just been given. Many people work for whole lifetimes to attain what you have just been given automatically caused by your mother's passing!". I felt her mother's spirit very near and felt this was an amazing spiritual gift from the other side which from knowing my wife was well deserved. Enlightenment is not only about bliss and sweet things. One must be strong to really be enlightened. Enlightenment is equally a blessing and a responsibility and only a soul capable of functioning as a healthy strong adult can carry this weight of Infinite bliss and responsibility.By knowing of the amazing paths of Jesus and Buddha we can see first hand the paths of the truly enlightened and which ways to go. Peace comes from knowing the truth and in knowing the truth the truth will set You Free!P>
Mutant Colds and Flus
Feb.19 2005 It is my experience that the colds and flus this year are very different than ever before. My personal experience is that they appear to be life altering in multiple ways. For example, it is more likely that one could die from these present strains. It is also very important to have a clear relationship with ones creator whatever one calls the being, in order to survive. The other component appears to be some sort of evolutionary process that is going on through these colds and flu. Even I with this last cold experienced a few days of wondering if I was going to live or not. I am very grateful to be financially secure with good health insurance at this time on the planet. I felt it my duty as a fellow human on earth to share this perspective with you.
It also might be useful to know that colds and sometimes flus are extremely preventative of all types of cancer so being a little sick is better than dying of cancer. Something in the clearance process within colds and flus flushes out potential cancer cells through sweat, urination and defecation.
Souls having passed on
Feb 17th 2005
The special Medium show yesterday(Wednesday) demonstrated something that I have personally experienced for years. This concerns humans who have passed over but who have not let themselves into the heaven realms for one reason or another. The Medium helped a little boy to transit into heaven that she met on her daughter's playground. In my personal experience it has mostly been adults who have this problem. I have had to help very few children in this way as there are usually plenty of angels and other helpers willing to help the children transit into heaven if they pass on from illness or injury. Most of the time I will find myself near a car accident and be called upon to help the being or beings passing on to the heaven realms. It is very important whenever you see a fatal accident or even a non fatal one that you pray for the victims. In doing this you not only help those transiting into the heaven realms but they will remember this and help you in your future hour of need.
I had a very strange experience once when a child that had just been aborted came (in soul) screaming and lodged itself in my heart and in my body with me. I found it very uncomfortable to be carrying two souls in my body temporarily. I immediately asked Angels to come take the child to a better place. I felt a lot different about abortion after that experience because I had to feel for a while what that child soul felt and experienced after being aborted. Obviously, birth control is a far better solution than abortion. Mankind must find a better ways to solve these kinds of problems. At the present time mankind sacrifices the unborn to abortion rather that to have a nuclear armageddon caused by the overpopulation by allowing all those unwanted by their mothers to be born. Which group karma is worse? What can be done to create a better group karmic soluton?
Grandmother Fighting in Iraq
8:39 am pst February 18th 2005
I was watching CNN yesterday and watched a story unfold about a grandmother fighting in Iraq for the US. At home her daughter was against the war but for the troops. I thought how different this war is from Viet Nam.
I remember being a historical Crusader fighting in the Holy Land for Christianity in a previous life. What I would like to share with present day crusaders both Christian and Moslem is what actually happens when you die in those kinds of engagements. At first one the other side everything is great. However, after a time one is then reborn on the opposite side. For example, if you are a Christian fighting Moslems and then you die doing that you are then reborn as a Moslem in the same land you were killing Moslems in. On the other hand the terrorists will die and be reborn in the United States. This sort of thing then goes back and forth until one learns as I have not to fight on either side because of learning firsthand what happens. This is natural karma in all wars. This is why by 1100 AD I learned not to ever be a soldier because I did not want to experience this kind of karma ever again because as a soul it is very confusing to go through this kind of richochet kind of experience life after life.
However, I must say that once I became a master between 1850 and 1934 I used this same karmic effect to cause myself to be born in Japan in 1935 so I could die in a nuclear blast in 1945 in Nagasaki. I did this so I could then karmicly be reborn in the United States in Seattle, Washington in 1948. Though I could not bring all my spiritually developed gifts from that lifetime in Tibet and India to the US in my latest lifetime I was able to bring my Seers gifts of all my lifetimes at least 6 million years into the past and several million years into the future. I only usually remember lives I have already lived in the past and present and future. Those I have yet to experience in the past, present and future are more vague and constantly changing because of all the decisions and prayers I am making right now! These memories cause me to behave in different ways than most people do who aren't aware of their past lifetimes in the past, present and future. Also, when I meet someone I am usually aware of the past life connections in the past, present and future that I have with that person within the first 5 minutes of talking with them.
FEB. 18 2005
I feel a need to share once again the real problem with the present war against terrorism. Are there terrorists? Yes! Is the US creating even more terrorists because of the heavy handed way it is handling things? Yes!
To me the real problem is not the terrorist war at all. It is the fact that this war is being conducted as a smokescreen for what is really going on! The real issue of life on earth right now is extinction! This war is being used as a multinational corporate smokescreen to veil the worldwide greed in action that does not care if the human race goes extinct this century as long as fortunes are made. In other words, "Eat, Drink and be Merry for tomorrow we die! Because who gives a f--- if we go extinct anyway!" This is the Enron, Global Crossing, multinational attitude we are dealing with worldwide. And without more checks and balances against this very attitude we WILL All GO EXTINCT THIS CENTURY!!!
Techno Wounds
February 12th 2005
The following is a quote from a book called, "The Real Man Inside" (How Men can recover their identity and why women can't help)that I gave to a friend that I thought could benefit from it. I want to quote from a section called "THE Techno Wound P.51 "I suppose it is possible to claim that male passivity began with Adam in the Garden of Eden, who tried to blame Eve for his problems rather than take responsibility for them. But most of the social commentary on the current male identity crisis begins in the industrial revolution of the mid 1800's. It is a good place to start, because it marks the time that fathers all over the country left their homes and farms for jobs in the factories. The effect on their sons was to deprive them of a day by day model for manhood." end quote. begin quoe p. 52 "I came across some words recently that capture the essence of what happens when we give ourselves over to machines: When a man uses a machine he carries all his business in a machine like manner. Whoever does his business in the manner of a machine develops a machine heart. Whoever has a machine heart in his breast loses his simplicity and becomes uncertain in the impulses in of his spirit. Uncertainty in the impulses of the spirit is something that is incompatible with the truth." end quote.
As people get more involved with computers, machines and robots as time goes on they are losing something important. I would say the most important thing my father taught me was a love of nature and a feeling of peace when I am in nature. I always feel alive in nature and I have always experienced being indoors as a kind of necessary prison that people use for staying warm, or cool and for retreat and a place to be certain of safety while sleeping and conducting family life. However, I much prefer being in nature alone or with my dogs. As more children take game boys, DVD players etc. on vacations to remove boredom from life they are losing something important. Boredom when I grew up was one of the necessary things to find out new things about myself and my life. You got bored, you went exploring, you met people and in this way you found out about yourself and your environment. If one doesn't do this how can one ever be a whole person, a holistic and well integrated person worth knowing as a friend or as a fellow resident of earth?
If you are not in Control of your Fear and Anger then someone else Will Be
I was thinking about this today and realized it would be an important topic to discuss, especially in this prosac and zoloft age. What appears to be a lost art to todays (civilized?) humans in the modern techno world is seeing ones fear and anger as ones friends and not as ones enemies. Sure, if you repress your fears through self repression or drugs you become a living horror movie in action. However, if you realize as your ancestors did that fear is something that is very useful. It tells us when something is wrong with us or our environment. Fear then can naturally lead to anger to protect oneself, ones family or ones tribe or nation. When this natural process is interfered with by family, friends or societal constraints then one begins to see a lot of living horror movies walking around masquerading as humans.
Properly perceived, fear and anger are the basic survival tools of all mammals. Without them almost anything can happen. To train any child to deny his fears and his anger is to deny him or her a capacity to survive as an adult. Fear and anger are equally important to the survival of an individual or a species.
When individuals become afraid of their own fear and anger they become disempowered and thereby become dangerous both to themselves and to others. In studying psychology it has become very obvious to me that most murders are a form of vicarious suicide by the murderer. Therefore we have out of touch suicidal people who are too afraid to kill themselves so they kill others. Since prehistory nations have chosen to harness and to honor this behavior in young soldiers. This becomes a nationally or tribally useful way to channel suicidal-homicidal behavior quite common in young men.
I'm not denigrating young men dying for their tribes or countries for thousands and thousands of years. I'm just saying that nations and tribes have found ways to channel suicidal-homicidal behavior toward the survival of tribes and nations. This is what both fear and anger are for: The survival of individuals and whole species of beings are dependant on the proper use of fear and anger for their survival.
When my father was in his 30's and I still a boy he taught me about nature. He told me many stories of being raised out in the country in Washington, Oregon and Arizona while growing up. At 3 he was bitten in the side by a coyote and almsot died. It came about 100th of an inch from his kidney when it took a chunk out of him. This would have been 1919 near Morenci, Arizona, a mining town. He taught me about animals and how they used their fear anger and resourcefulness to survive.
Years later I was walking near my acreage that I then owned on Mt. Shasta. A flying squirrel didn't want me near his area. Such squirrels are sometimes called "fairydiddles" because of the funny looking tufts of hair coming out their ears that look like wings made of the hair. The squirrel was holding on to the 5 foot diameter 150 foot high cedar tree and chirping at me while standing upside down holding on to the bark of the tree. Each time he or she made the very loud "chirp" that hurt my ears the jolt moved the flying squirrel or "fairydiddle" up and down the tree. The whole thing was just so unexpected and comical that I had to stay and watch for a few minutes and laugh. But to the squirrel this was serious business. He had to get rid of me so he could look for nuts or whatever. After laughing and watching a while the chirping hurt my ears enough for me to leave. However, I've never forgot that experience and found it to be one of the most amazing and entertaining of my life.
Looking back on it this squirrel was using his or her anger to get rid of a foe, (ME) that he could not defeat in any other way. However, using this completely (to me at least) silly way he or she used his or her anger to create the desired result. Don't ever underestimate the inherent wisdom of animals or some people. You will only do so at your peril.
A few years later I was with my father and my son. Dad was about 60 then and my son was about 6 or 8 so I was about 34. I was driving my International harvester Scout II 4 wheel drive over dirt roads near my mountain acreage when we came upon a bear on the road we were driving on. This bear stood his ground as he was not used to seeing people or cars. He must have waited their a few minutes not backing down but not attacking. We stopped the car and waited for the bear to move. He stood his ground. Finally when he saw we weren't going to threaten him he walked away proud.
In these two illustrations I have shown how a flying squirrel and a bear used their fear and anger to get what they wanted. Once again I will say,"If you are not the master of your own fear and anger someone, or something else will be."
Beam Me Up Scotty!
Feb 9th 2005
Someone made a very honest mistake. What must have happened is that the rumors mill in the air force let fly that Area 51 had teleportation devices and it wound up on National NBC News on television tonight, February 9th 2005. Teleporting a Bradley Armored vehicle or even a company of men or even a jet anywhere on earth can be done right now. However, since it is not public knowledge that the technology to do this is also directly related to time travel no one can publicly know about it. So the officer who asked for scientific information on teleportation was told we aren't there yet. Fortunately or unfortunately we have been 'there' since the 1930's. We CAN teleport anyone and anything to any time we are allowed to it's just if anyone actually sees the technology who isn't supposed to they disappear permanently or to another time. I believe it is that simple. Time travel is just one of those things that can never be known about by the general public. The public may suspect but the public will never be allowed to know. Unfortunately, this is the truth. And once any government has time travel it can erase any disclosures simply by erasing that element from time. That is where we really ARE! Know the truth and the truth will set you free!
Useful Precautions While Travelling Time
note: You may take this as Sci-fi or not depending on your technical experiences and beliefs. endnote.
If you work for a university somewhere on earth and your speciality is History you may be called upon to form an expedition of sorts by your governments into the deep pasts of your nations. There appears to be a major effort to chronicle history in the making so that governments at least will have the "real" story so to speak concerning the major events of history in your respective nations.
The following are useful precautions to make your journeys safer. The most efficient time cadres on earth starting in the late 1930's began using these techniques to save needless time, money and suffering of their personel. It is a device that is added to the time belts you will likely use in this day and age. Though smaller devices are available they can be easily lost so they are mostly used only for emergency backup. On these now standard belts there are two l.e.d. lights near the front buckle and to the right. So looking down at your belt while you are wearing just before you embark through time you will see either a red light or a green light. A green light either means that you are the first of yourself to embark on this journey or it means that your previous self has already traveled through time and everything is okay. If, however, you get a red light it means that your previous self is seriously injured, sick or has died on his or her travel through time. It means "Don't Go!' because we died or were maimed when we went before. Therefore you don't go and your previous self either dies or stays in the past or future but you stay safe in the present. This saves the lives of up to 20 others trying to rescue you and your party in usually some very strange circumstances.
The second precaution is to make sure you have at least one other person travelling through time with your party who is knowledgeble about the time and place you are going to. Even if he or she is conversant in the language or languages found in the time and place you are going to it is still possible that you will need to hire someone of that time period to get a more precise translation of the slang and idiosyncratic behaviors of people in that time and place regarding dress, body, face and head and hand signals etc. Also, it is quite common for people to have extreme panic attacks and temporarily or permanently not be able to function in any normal sort of way. This usually comes from meeting people completely different than the person is prepared to encounter or the traveler's conception of what he or she was going to experience being too different than expected in order for that person to cope.
One of the familiar ways to deal with this situation is to medicate the person having a severe panic attack with sedatives or calmatives and if the person seems goofy to that era just tell the locals that he or she is a perfectly lovable crazy relative that you are travelling with. This many times allows locals to accept your party more easily as the preponderance of walking wounded was much higher in most previous eras than this one. That you even kept your crazy relative alive shows that you are a kind and noble person.This fact would be self evident to them. If one goes back more than about 100 years only the nobility had any expectation at all of living out their lives without being either raped, molested, being murdered, beat up by their spouse or dying of some dreadful disease. Suffering beyond present day beliefs was universally accepted except for the very wealthy and protected in eras all over earth beyond 100 years ago.
It is very useful for those considering time travel to have present day time to immerse themselves in other cultures radically different than their own in their home time so that the differences don't drive the time traveler into a temporary or permanent psychosis when they make the time journey. It is much better to have a panic attack in your home time than one you have time travelled to in much the same way that it is better to have a panic attack on the ground than to have it in a plane while flying.
I'm giving this information as a public service as this information is standard training for medics on military time travelling operations and has been since World War II.
Hotel Rwanda
February 2nd 2005
Last night I saw "Hotel Rwanda" at a movie theatre. I would recommend anyone living on earth who wants to stay alive on earth and not to personally witness similar events to that movie in their lives to see that movie and to think about it. You might say to me, "Oh, that could never happen here!" I disagree. Whenever an extreme media brainwashes the masses with extreme and untrue ideas that are not disproved because of widespread panic there can be genocide. Even here in the United States Genocide is possible. When you have corporate media that does not care what the truth is, only its singleminded agenda-money, then you can have genocide even here in America. You might say "Rwanda is an isolated case." I would have to say, "Do you remember Hitler? Do you remember Pol Pot in Cambodia? Do you remember the Balkans in the 90's with the white moslems being genocided? Do you read the paper or watch on tv of the 2 1/2 million dinka tribesmen and women who have been genocided by the Moslem government in the Sudan? This is happening right now. There were only about 1 million tutsis genocided. There are 2 1/2 million dinkas and others dead already in the Sudan by Moslem extremists. Could this happen to many Arabs the way the world is now? Could this happen to democrats by Republicans? The answer to the last question is "Yes" if we are not vigilent in searching out the truth. Why do you think some democrats are moving to Canada and Europe. They are moving because the United States is starting to remind them of Hitler's Germany before World War II.
In the late 60's and 70's I was a young man and the United States and the world was in danger from the left. Now, the United states is in danger from the extreme right. I think it is a natural political swing, though dangerous. The Soviet Union collapsed under its own incompetence triggered by "Chernobyl" about 15 years ago. This created a power vacuum and an extreme swing to the right because the main opponent to capitalism and democracy had fallen. However, this power vacuum resulted in many changes both good and bad. Unfortunately,at this present time in history most of the world views the U.S. in a somewhat similar way to Hitler just before World War II. Whether this is justified or not America needs to wake up to how it is now perceived worldwide. There is no bad Soviet Union to make America look good. We need to watch out because now America is the only bully on the block left. If you watch closely China isn't even playing this game. Their war on the world is entirely economic. The world should look very closely at this. China is not fighting the world with an army. They are fighting the world the way that Wal Mart destroys small businesses all over the US by selling at the lowest possible price and putting everyone else out of business. While the US worries about terrorism rightly or wrongly, China is economically replacing businesses all over the world. Watch out US, watch out EU, watch out world. Watch out for the crazy seeds of genocide but also watch out for the worldwide Wal Mart effect of China. Remember,you can't run a country or a war or anything else without money.
Getting Rid of unwanted Water in the Ear
January 27th 2005
One of my Goddaughters who is in college came over last night to visit the family. She complained of water in her ear that she couldn't get out that was starting to hurt. I said she should let me put some peroxide(the kind usually sold in a brown plastic bottle over the counter in a drug store) directly into her ear to get the water out before she got a serious ear infection and had to go to the doctor. I had learned of this method while I took a swimming gymn class while in High School in the 60's in Los Angeles County, California. I warned her that when I use this technique sometimes I get the spins (dizzy) for a few minutes and to watch out for that. So I tilted her head on its side so the offending ear could contain the hydrogen peroxide to bubble out the regular water from down deep. The sounds of the bubbling peroxide are very loud and I warned her of this too. She was lucky. She didn't get dizzy from the bubbling next to her inner ear. We filled up the ear canal that was giving her problems 3 times before she decided she had had enough. It was interesting that during the night I lost partial hearing in my left ear for a while. I realized then that the shamanic flow had taken place and I had taken on part of her illness and gave it to God so it didn't permanently affect me or her. Interestingly enough, she also heard the tinnitus or ringing in the ear from my left ear. It was almost like we had exchanged ears for a few hours. The whole experience was very good for both me and my Goddaughter. For her, she wouldn't have to miss work or school or have to go to a doctor. For me, it taught me how valuable what I have learned about healing not only physically but spiritually. Every day I am grateful to God for the wisdom and spiritual gifts he has given me to use on his behalf. Thank you God.
Principles of the Refinement of Time
posted January 25th 2005
You may be able to foresee the future enough to protect your friends and family to protect their lives and to protect them from an early demise. However, when the problems that need to be solved so the human race can survive are unknown to most people one must be very creative in how one tries to solve the problem. This is because of the so called Kasondra Effect. What this means is that you may tell people what is coming but what reason do they have to believe you? At this point the best one can do if he or she is precognitive is to find a way to divert the actions of the people who will die or be maimed in another direction, individually or en masse without telling them of the real problem or problems involved. This can be tricky because the larger the amount of people affected the more likely you will need to somehow create the help of other like minded precognitives to help larger and larger amounts of people survive whatever the coming calamity is. You may or may not be able to tell people of the fulness of what you see and have that telling be useful in any way. So the necessity of being both compassionate, level headed and right mindful in all ones actions grows and grows with the enormity of any given problem. It is my lifetime belief that those of us that can see the future and still stay level headed about it have an obligation to do what we can to make life better and more survivable if possible. The operative words become," If Possible."
One thing I have found is that solutions tend to flow, they can't be forced. A lot of waiting and praying is usually involved in a large group solution. Hopefully, you will be shown what a large group needs in time to pray and to meditate on a way to meet that need. If just a few people are involved and one is preventing a small group calamity such as a car accident or the like all you have to do is to distract people from leaving at the time that creates the accident. Most of the time it is not a given that people must die on a given day. I always ask if it is okay to save someone through prayer. If the answer is yes, then I try to save them. Most of the time I am successful if I ask God first and get an answer back that it is okay to help this person or persons.
There is a Tibetan saying that, "Friends become enemies and enemies become Friends through time so it is important to be kind and compassionate to all beings." This is also the nature of life in general through multiple lifetimes. So even though you might save someone's life or some peoples lives doesn't mean that they will be thankful or anything else. It just means that you have been a good samaritan and that you can be at peace and sleep soundly knowing you have done good deeds. For me, this is enough. It is my experience that living this kind of life brings Grace.
The tradition of the Lemurian is thought to go back at least 500,000 years. It's tradition is thought to be tribal. In this tradition the leader or King of the tribe is also the tribe's Shaman. Because of its roots the testing of the King-Chief-Shaman of the tribe prevented anyone with improper motivation from physically surviving the tests to become King-Chief-Shaman of the tribe. As the tradition was passed on the concept evolved and became more instituionalised and formalized. The concept worked very much like "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and render unto God that which is God's". In this form it allowed the people of the tribe or all of Lemuria to have freedom concerning most of the issues of their lives. However, whenever the group needs were concerned they deferred to the Lemurian. Since the Lemurian was trained to "Groupthink", he or she was able to form an awareness of the problem and the solution to any situation by melding the awareness of all involved in any disagreement or dispute into one thought, "His or Her own groupthought". Then the Lemurian had the capacity to project that group thought directly into the minds into all the beings involved. In this way they could directly "SEE" the wisdom of any solution. Just as many of you submit to the rules of your democracies or rules of capitalism, Lemurian people submitted and still submit to the Lemurian's group thought about any given problem. In this way the Lemurian became President, Supreme Court, and Congress as well as the Pope and others regarding any situation that needed his or her attention.
This tradition worked quite well because there were always checks and balances. If the secondary leaders under the Lemurian didn't like what the Lemurian was doing they could complain directly to the Lemurian. These complaints were seldom issued because it usually meant that the Lemurian was getting old or incompetent or both and would soon be replaced. This was not lightly done as choosing another Lemurian was an arduous task for all involved. The whole tribe had to agree by consensus both on the candidates and the eventual chosen Lemurian. In this sense the Lemurian had to be chosen by the Democracy of Consensus. 100% of the people had to agree on the Lemurian, every man woman and child down to age 2. Since it was obviously so difficult to change to a new Lemurian it was seldom done unless something was seriously wrong.
The Lemurian spoke out for the rights of all equally, even the unborn and all the animals and birds and trees and fish. Though business interests might want to exploit land, people or trees or animals or fish, all listened to and accepted the will of the group through the Lemurian.It might be difficult today to imagine this type of government. The most similar type of government known in the 20th century was the theocracy of Tibet. However, the Lemurian Government operated and still operates in stasis for the last 500,000 years to develope its checks and balances for effective and efficient government.
The Lemurian who now resides in Shamballa in stasis wishes the present 21st century world to know of his type of government. The reason the Lemurian, known by his people as His Oneness or(if the Lemurian was female Her Oneness) wishes the people or present day earth of his ancient and highly efficient form of government is that the delicate form of democracy practiced by many nations on earth is now in danger. Hopefully democracies and social democracies will find ways this century to protect the innocents from the corruption of the democracies. If not, human extinction on earth could take place in as little as 50 years if things stay the way they are now. The Lemurian considers all on earth like his children or grandchildren. Human extinction of earth this century would be unthinkable. Hence, he now cautions his children and grandchildren of the dangers that lie ahead this century and beyond.
For those under 30 who need encouragement
January 20th 2005
To releave the stress those under 30 years old might be feeling while reading my predictions I want to say that in order to have the reasonably good future that is coming a whole lot of dedication and work will be required by millions and millions of you who are educated worldwide. Even those of you without a good education with common sense will make a very big difference. Whether it is through praying or physically acting and changing the world, all is necessary for the human race to survive this century and beyond that for anyone to actually want to survive what now comes on earth. Some of you will help democratize all nations on earth. This will relieve the wars caused by repression and inequality worldwide.
Some of you will prevent through your work ecological disasters on a scale the human race would not otherwise survive. Those of you of all political and relgious persuasions with eyes to see and ears to hear will understand what I am speaking about. What I want you to know is that we humans of earth do succeed. The human race of earth does survive. However, most religions do not survive at least as they are now. The excesses of religion in this century and the last ones tend to reduce organized religion participation in an extreme way. Instead, a belief in cultural relativism and religious relativism and a belief in psychology,instinct, common sense, ecology, democracy, nature and ways to unify all on earth become the new norm on earth. The way in which all people tend to see religion in their lives will drastically change because of the religious and political extremism that will be witnessed in this century. This will be very difficult for many of you and your children and grandchildren to witness. The biggest suffering this century will be psychological in regard to religion especially for Christians, Jews, and Moslems. However, it will be a great struggle for Hindus as well. Out of this will be more religions that combine the best of all religions as in universal relgions like the Sikhs and there will be more paths like Buddhism which recognizes 49,000 correct paths to enlightenment already. There will be a blending of science, psychology, philosophy, religion and cultural relativism that will be a new form of political correctness that is applied as another form of cultural relativism and multicultural diplomacy between peoples. However, at least 500 million humans from all countries survive in the year 2100.If you create a ratio of all the countries on earth and their present populations with the base being 500 million remaining you will get how many of your country survive in those times. The types of people that will tend to survive are the well educated, the physically immune and strong and the ones with the best instincts and common sense of all nations. Being rich is another factor although it is not as great a factor as you might think. The mass deaths from religion, wars, poverty, AIDS, ignorance etc. change the world zeitgeist into something very different than it is now. Even though nation states will still remain by the end of this century there will be a much more global acceptance of each others religions and cultures than now.
The Living Being Earth
January 20th 2005
The last week while travelling to Mt. Shasta to Ski with one of my daughters I was listening while driving there to "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. The the book on tape is obviously fiction it also tries to point out the ambigious nature of the scientific evidence toward global warming. For me as a psychic with precognitive and shamanic gifts, trying to scientifically understand what the weather is going to do is like placing all sorts of medical devices on a person to try to figure out what their intentions are going to be the next day. In other words, it would be ridiculous. As a precognitive psychic in trying to understand what I was as a young man I studied mystical Christianity, Self Realization, Native American Shamanism with real native American Medicine men and finally Tibetan Buddhism both in California and Oregon as well as India and Nepal. Along the way I realized I could communicate with the Earth herself. In fact, I realized I was directly empowered by the Being Earth herself. This always allowed quick regeration from any illnesses or injuries all my life and extremely quick reflexes.
I would like first to share with you how to communicate with Mother Earth. The first thing a person needs to know is that one day is about like one second to Mother Earth. So it is much easier to communicate if one is very peaceful, rested and feeling very safe like one often feels in the morning just before waking up in a very safe environment. Second, I would like you to know how Earth is presently thinking this last century or so. Earth doesn't want to end up like her sister planet, Maldek, that is now an asteroid belt out beyond Mars so she is beginning to thin out humans because they have reinvented Nuclear weapons that blew up her sister millions of years ago. In the 70's it was reported in either Pravda or Izvestia that a Soviet satellite probe sent to the Asteroid belt had discovered that the Asteroid belt was once a planet that was blown up by nuclear weapons. It is one of the reasons for the fall of the Soviet Union as all the scientifically educated people in the Soviet Union knew about this fact. It is my hope that 100 million to 500 million humans on earth are still alive in 2100. How this thinning out will take place cannot be accurately predicted because Earth is a completely spontaneous being just like you and me. I simply know it will happen and there is nothing short of everyone moving off planet that can change this situation. So I just accept that most all humans will perish and that hopefully a few will remain to allow souls to still evolve here on earth. Otherwise humans will go extinct and then Earth will have to be eventually recolonized by other humans who have colonized other planets from earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. Either way there will be more humans here. We are not going to die out completely. It's just that I would prefer that the human beings here now not go extinct. I just simply know from communicating with Earth all my life that this is all true. In the same way you know you are alive I know that this is true. It doesn't really matter whether you believe me or not because all our children and grandchildren will see this happen.
My concern now is for the ones that survive. In preparation all knowledge should be available in every country so technical prowess in all fields is not lost. The same should be true with philosophy, psychology, and all things that make life worthwhile including the great religious teachings of all religions whether they be large or tribal or individual. Some religions call this time the end times. They are not necessarily the end times for all. What it will really be is an ice age where most of the Northern hemisphere and parts of the Southern Hemisphere will be glaciers within 500 years. This likely will make the equator about the temperature of Los Angeles or San Francisco year around. I feel we should prepare for this outcome even though corporations don't want to hear this. Corporations will brainwash the masses through various media with their lies that everything is okay. The masses will be lemmings who follow the corporations off the cliff to their early deaths. It is sad but true. Remember, no one is paying me to say any of this. I'm doing this for free because I care about the human race surviving this century.
The Living Earth II or Of Irratic weather and Nuclear fission
January 27th 2005
Even though this is written seven days after the previous journal article they are related in regard to Earth, the Sentient and Spontaneous Being.
Earth is eliminating humans because she perceives them to be a threat to her. If some survive it will be because they both love and respect her right to live and not be killed like her sister planet Maldek that is now and asteroid belt out beyond Mars. When her sister Maldek was killed by our ancestor humanoid group that lived there, Earth wasn't too happy that some of the survivors of the planet killing thermonuclear war on Maldek came here after one of the pieces of her sister planet slammed into earth and killed most dinosaurs that couldn't hide in caves or underwater when the climate abruptly changed. The reason ufo sightings like Roswell and others began regarding nuclear fission is that these other humanoid relatives knew that earth would begin to kill us en masse when we used the same nuclear fission that killed earth's sister.
When humans first came to earth, Earth didn't like them until they mixed their dna with the apes to increase their stamina and immune systems. Unfortunately, this also drastically reduced their lifespans but it did save them from extinction at that time. It was considered a necessary sacrifice in order to not go completely extinct as humans of the solar system. The humanoids who had lived on Maldek and Mars all died except for the ones who came to earth and a few other places within the solar system.
Now it is millions of years later and once again humans have developed nuclear fission. As much as earth has come to love the humanoid-ape synthesis that we all are it is difficult for her as we are like her children. So it is a question to her whether she and all of us die or just most of us die and stay pretty well thinned out, say below 1 billion people worldwide.
Earth has a problem with nuclear fission because this not only destroyed her sister but she also considers nuclear fission anti-life. However, she does not have the same problem with fusion because the sun, herself and all the planets came from nuclear fusion. For in fusion hydrogen becomes helium and helium then begins to slowly form into denser and denser substances which eventually can become planets where beings like ourselves and possibly live. Solar energy is created from the fusion of the sun and likewise controlled fusion on earth would from at least her perspective be a life giving thing as long as it is not turned into hydrogen bombs or missiles.
At this time I would like to say that there are planets in our galaxy that have as many as 100 billion people alive on and in the planet and the planet tolerates this because of an understanding between the planet and the humanoids. However, we as humans have not evolved far enough culturally to pull this off. It would take another 1000 to 10,000 years without another world war to be able to do this. So in the short run of 100 to 500 years the likely outcome is to see 90% to 95% of the amount of humanity gone by 2100. It is also possible that there will be complete extinction of humans within 50 years if systems are simply based upon ongoing corporate greed and consumerism. However, if people hear the truth they are likely to start changing things. The danger is that people won't search for truth because they will either be too scared or too brainwashed or both by multinational corporate fears and lies.
During all this century irratic weather and plagues like AIDS and SARS will quietly wipe out most of humanity quietly without very much media attention. The reason there won't be much media attention is because it is bad business for worldwide corporations which now control 90% of the networks in the United States which as we all know is corporate headquarters for most of the world now.
The development of fusion power and the giving up of nuclear fission in all its forms will put earth more at ease with the humans of earth as she was at the turn of the 19th century. This will reduce somewhat the level of irratic weather that really can't be scientifically predicted or quantified in a way that really makes much sense over hundreds of years.
Seeing the Future
January 2005
I just wanted to share with the reader my experience of Seeing the future. For me it is as if there are the 6 billion of us humans here on earth as well as countless other beings and we are all driving a truck carrying the human race. All our actions create whether one or all of us live or die in any given moment and in any given century. Some people can't take responsibility for their actions and blame everything on God. However, if you or I just laid in bed every day and expected God to take care of us we would just die alone in our beds unless family or friends decided to take care of us. Therefore accepting personal responsibility for ones future and survival is necessary and the more of us that can actually do that the better for our group survival of us here on earth.
My personal experience is that I am like one of the people that are the eyes of the driver of the truck of the human race as it lumbers along its windey mountain road of life. If I can see obstacles to human survival I share that I see the obstacles so the truck won't run off a cliff and all be lost.
Just because I see a potential future doesn't mean I expect it to happen because when I speak of it and anyone listens the future begins to change. God has given me and thousands to millions of other the gift of precognition. In otherwords we see the future before it happens. In my case God has also shown me how to change the future for the better by speaking of the problems he has shown me to foresee. Some of you might think my predictions quite bleak. However, if I didn't speak the truth of what I see no one would make the effort to create a better future for all the humans of the future. Remember this as you read what follows.
I presently see as of 12:33 pm pst January 12th 2005 that if nothing is changed we could see something similar to what happens in "The Day After Tomorrow" movie will occur within 20 years. In other words, "Corporate think will take us to the brink of extinction". We can lessen this problem of Global warming which then creates an ice age to some degree. However, I now believe that an ice age is inevitable within 500 years. Somewhere between the 70's and 80's we as the human race went over the line and into a cycle that will surely take us into an ice age. In the short run going toward the equator will be useful within 10 years in order to survive. I'm not sure what will happen in the southern hemisphere. It may be that a similar freezing will occur from Antarctica north toward the equator as well. If people rather than corporations rule the world in this century then. Instead of the band of good habitation for humans being up into Canada the northernmost habitable point will be Florida, Southern California, southern Arizona, Southern New Mexico if the elevation is below 2000 feet, Southern Texas and most of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida an parts of Georgia. Of Course Hawaii and Puerto Rico and other tropical Islands will all be habitable even though their climates will then be more like Los Angeles or San Francisco are now. During the change of the Coming Events most religions will cease to function as they do now and will meld more with upwelling shamanic religions led by those who can foresee future events in order that small bands of people can survive the ice age. The real job will be to find a way for knowledge and technical prowess to survive. My suggestion would be to duplicate all human knowledge via the internet and mainframe computers into every Nation on earth so technology survives along with recorded history and philosophy, Anthropology, sociology etc. So that the gains in culture and understanding of earth and its peoples and the planets and stars in the heavens do not die off.
Within the next 100 years expect a minimum of 4 to 5 events in various parts of the world as bad as the Earthquake and tsunami of Sumatra in Indonesia. In addition expect AIDS to spawn airborne varieties. Also expect antibiotics to stop working for most people because they have been so overused on domesticated herd animals. The human race will be extremely lucky to have 100 million to 500 million humans alive by the year 2100. You may say I'm a doomsayer. I'm just saying I want the human race to survive what is coming and not go extinct. If you had developed your gifts of accurately foreseeing the future as I have over the last 50 years you might feel the same way I do. I expect that some in authority will read what I have to say and begin to make some changes so that at least 100 million to 500 million humans are alive and educated at the end of this century so we don't die off en masse.
In the end when enough people begin to see what is happenning it is my belief that they will begin to prepare for what is coming. It isn't necessarily time to move to the tropics now. You shouldn't move there until you have to. However, having access to a guest house or undeveloped property that you could place a motor home or mobile home on in an emergency somewhere nice in Florida or San Diego might be an excellent idea within the next 20 to 50 years. If nothing changes in Corporate attitude worldwide then you would want to be ready to move by 2020.
Protecting you Life and your family's
January 20th 2005
I was watching a movie recently and it depicted getting quiet and looking about 10 minutes into the future. I was surprised to see what I do depicted on a movie screen. It made me realize that many others "see" the future and can change the "bad" things before they happen just like I do. For me, it starts with a feeling that something isn't quite right. Then I immediately trace the feeling to its core and then that becomes visual in moving pictures in my mind. I can then see ten minutes or further if necessary into the future. At that point I can see the coming problem. I either change some element of my future actions to eliminate the problem or I just don't go where the problem exists or I don't go to that site in that time frame. Any port in a storm so to speak. I am sharing this with you at this time because being able to do this will save your life or other lives one or more times during your life.
Remember Atlantis?
January 12th 2005
If you remember the legend of Atlantis then you remember the technology of Atlantis was lost beneath the waves as well as the people and culture. It is my belief that some of the technology and culture of Atlantis made its way to ancient egypt. In fact it is my personal belief that the Ark of the Covenant that Moses built was a 2 way communication device that was powered by the magnetic currents of earth. When universities have built scale models of the Ark of the Covenant and point the arms north south it has knocked out all power for about 100 miles. Some of the Blackouts on the east coast in the 70's were caused by this.
The second thing that I believe people should know. Earth is a living being just like you and I. Most people don't try to communicate with Earth because Earth is a totally different species than humans. However, to undestand what we are to earth I would say we are entertainment at best and a nuisance at worst. We crossed over into total nuisance with the first nuclear weapon going off. By the 70's Earth knew it had to thin us out drastically for earth to survive. What Earth hates the most is nuclear weapons, mass draining of electricity out of its fields of magnetism and gravity and having things changed around on earth to much. Sort of the way you would feel if you had a severe gopher problem in your yard or even more exactly if you had lice and they were getting out of control on your head. Humans being the lice. How long would you wait to get out the Rid-X to kill the lice and before that how many times would you wash you head and hair in the shower? The shower stage is where we are now. The only question really is. "Will Any humans survive at all?"
The Earth human male biological imperative and AIDS
January 2005
For those of you around the world who have studied anthropology you will remember about the male biological imperative. It is the scientific and biological fact that men are biologically designed to plant their seed in as many females as possible. On the contrary, females are biologically designed to look for one special male to reproduce with and raise the children together. Most relationship problems between males and females stem from this extreme biological difference. And no matter what females or males do nothing really changes this extreme difference.
Therefore, I realized that the single most extreme driving force on earth regarding the spread of AIDS is this uncontrollable biological imperative of all men on earth. This problem has been made worse by cultural norms. The first two norms are the cultural fact of the inability for many african women to refuse sex to any man who wants it. To refuse sex is considered extremely impolite in many sections of Africa. Another obvious problem is that gay men all over earth don't have to worry about making babies so that allowed AIDS to spread by having two or more partners with the same biological imperative. The third problem we are now seeing in India and China is the inability of those cultures to address the secrecy surrounding sex. Both these societies are very backward and overly polite concerning sexual issues. This is not so true among the educated people who mostly live in the large cities. However, both these countries are largely populated by uneducated masses which will die in very large numbers because of mass ignorance over the next 20 or 30 years. It is my hope that the very fear of AIDS forces both these countries to educated all their children so there doesn't have to also be a large die off in the next generations as well.
The next problem is that jobs very often aren't where common people raise their families. This means, very often that men travel 20 to 500 miles away from home to work. Since these people don't own cars and bus travel that far most families can't afford and stay solvent these men need to release their maleness while away from their wives. The prostitutes they visit give these men AIDS and then the men take this AIDS back to their wives and families unknown to all because of ignorance.
In polite company no society likes to talk about the male biological imperative. All the old wives tales around the world disregard it and although men talk about this among themselves worldwide bringing this topic home to ones wife can lead to physical or mental or emotional castration by ones wife and family. So married men quickly learn not to talk this way around their wives. Even though my wife and I sometimes talk about this because we are both educated I still have to be very careful while on any aspect of this very tricky subject.
So very succintly let me say that I believe the single most powerful driving force behind the relentless worldwide spread of AIDS is the male biological imperative and therr is nothing anyone can do to change it. I just hope 100 years from now we are not faced with an extinct male species and the world populated by lesbians who clone only females. There has got to be a better solution than that!
For the Survivors of the tsunami and for those close to all who didn't make it
January 2005
I got it very strong that it might be useful to write about this. About 1 century ago Krakatoa, a Volcano in the pacific went off devastating the area. I think studying eyewitness accounts of what happened then could be useful to helping those left alive in the tsunami affected area to go on with their lives. Another series of events that left many walking wounded was the firebombing of many cities in Japan at the end of world war II and the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I think it could be very useful to study what happened in Japan to the people left alive physically, psychologically and spiritually. In other words the survivors of the firebombings and the nukings of Japan during World War II actually have the best idea of anyone on earth what the survivors of the tsunami face on all levels. Therefore it might be useful to ask some of them what might be the most important things to help the survivors with beyond food and clothing in order that more of them choose to live out the year after what they have experienced.
It is quite likely that there are people left alive for whom everyone they have ever met in this lifetime is dead. This is because many people in Asia never leave a 25 mile radius of where they are born. So I ask you, "Would you want to go on living if everyone you had ever lived with, met or talked with in this lifetime was dead?"
I can remember when my father passed on at age 69 in 1985. At the time I thought I would be over it within 5 years. However, this summer it will be 20 years since Dad's been gone. What has it done to me. First of all, I don't make close male friendships anymore. I just can't afford to lose any friend that I am that close with again. So any close friends I have left were made before 1985. I have friends and acquaintances that I've made since then but I always keep a little distance in order to survive their passing if it comes to that. People before 1985 I will either survive their passing or I won't. I can't do much about that now. In other words keeping a little distance is now about my own physical survival. What a sad lesson to learn through my Dad's passing. What are all the survivors learning with the passing of all their loved ones?
if you would be with Angels
Friday January 7th 2005
If you want to hang out with angels all the time like many beings do cultivate wise compassion toward all beings in the universe. For if your internal motivation and purpose is like an angel on earth the angels are drawn to you naturally. There is a movie called "Michael" with John Travolta. Even though this movie raises some eyebrows there are certain qualities depicted in the movie that are similar to the ways that real arcangels behave. Arcangels are not afraid. They are bold, quick and wise in their movements.All their actions remind me of the knights of the round table in some ways. They are the protectors of the Angelic realm and one of their assignments is to protect all of us here on earth.
I was at a Christmas gathering and visiting with a friend. She asked me why she always felt at peace around me and my wife. A thought occured to me that I really hadn't considered fully before in that way. I said to her,"It's because my wife and I hang out with angels and when you are around us you feel at peace because you feel their presence." I also said, "When you hang out with Angels you don't really need alcohol or drugs or anything else because the energy around angels is so uplifting, refreshing, peaceful and wonderful." Experiencing God through his angels is better than anything else I know. She sort of stared at me but I could see she was taking all this in. She had lost her mother, her father, her brother and her best friend within 5 years. She told me that it was very difficult for her to go on in her life but that she felt okay and at peace around my wife and I.
Life is like a drop of dew on a blade of grass
January 2nd 2005
I read this I believe at cnn.com regarding a buddhist saying in Sri Lanka. It expresses both the hope and at the same time the fragility of life on earth. It is my belief that this earthquake and tsunami have come for the residents of earth to refocus their energies away from religious and political bickering and toward the survival of life on earth and for a few years at least the day to day survival or the survivors of this holocaust by earthquake and tsunami. Unless all mankind focuses on helping those both alive and dead from this now there will be diseases both physical and mental that could take as many as 500 million to 1 billion lives both directly and indirectly during the next 10 years. About 75% of those deaths would be in pacific and Asia and the other 25% would be in Europe, Russia and in the Americas. This is because the combination of so many survivors insane with grief and all their families dead and all these dead bodies is a perfect though horrific scene for new diseases to be born. As a precognitive psychic I sense that if this is not handled correctly 500 million or more lives will be lost in the next 10 years. I do not say this lightly as I have already seen that this century will decide whether the human race survives on earth or not. Will we survive this latest test from Life? from God?
Friday December 17th 2004 11:27pm pst (completed time)
It must be because it's near Christmas time. I was experiencing life on Earth and suddenly I was aware how close the heavens of earth were to earth itself. As a Seer most of the time I experience the mainstream of feelings and thoughts of Humanity and all animals and birds and trees and fish and plants and all life on earth as one continuum all the time. It might disturb most people to experience this but as an experienced Seer who has learned compassion for all life on earth as my family I simply see everything living on earth that I help watch over and help heal and protect as family just as God has shown me to and just like millions and maybe billions of other residents of earth have been shown by God to serve life too. To stay alive on earth each being must do its part or pass away to somewhere else where it can play its part in the infinite scheme of things in some other way or ways.
Many of you are disturbed at the state of things on earth and sometimes I experience this too. However, today I experience that partly because of the terrible state of things on earth many many more people and beings of earth are all praying each in their own way out of necessity and, yes, out of complete fear and desperation in millions of instances. Because many souls may pass through into heaven and also some from heaven are being born on earth to answer the prayers of the millions and the billions, Heaven has drawn much nearer to earth than any time in my lifetime which now spans since before 1950. If you will just for a moment tweek your attention away from your terror and fear for earth and yourselves militarily, politically and ecologically. In that subtle tweek you can go from a state of almost paranoia to the subtle shift that will allow you to feel the nearness of the heaven realms to you and to all on earth.
I wish to draw all of your attention to the present nearness of heaven and for a moment I ask you to turn your attention away from the suffering of the beings of earth for a moment to witness the milllions and millions of answers to the prayers of all beings on earth coming directly from the heaven realms.
I can remember as a young man when I was escorted by Saints and angels through some of the heaven realms. Most places I was only allowed to look inside from the outside as I was still alive in a body on earth. However, what the Saints wanted me to recognize was and is that there are literally millions of different kinds of heavens. So also it is true that one man's or woman's heaven could literally be another man or woman's hell. It all could depend on the very nature of one's soul and its development and interests at its stage of experience and evolution of learning and interests just as what is good for a child is not necessarily good for a teenager and what a teenager is interested in is not necessarily useful or even interesting to a 30 something and on and on.
I want to draw your attention to all the angels coming through the very thin veneer and from all the heaven realms now into the very environs of earth itself. I want you to experience as I do the new hope coming from the heaven realms. It is changing everything.
I want you to become aware of the nearness of heaven rather than just being aware of the suffering around the world. For I say to you truly that the sacrifice of all beings on earth that is being made for a good and noble cause will be rewarded on the other side.
The most powerful thing of spirit I can readily share with you is to ask you to experience as I do right now the nearness of heaven to earth in this Christmas season. Whenever the world is as terrified as it is now, heaven is very near. I personally don't believe that earth has to be destroyed to have heaven. I personally experience that heaven and earth can join as one and that we can live a heaven on earth. I believe this is possible. I also believe that some people already experience this heaven on earth right now.
Heaven II or After the Tsunami
January 27th 2005
When I woke up the night of the earthquake and Tsunmami I wondered what was wrong. Then I turned on CNN and knew why I was awake. I saw the first footage of the tsunami. At the time they thought maybe 10,000 peole might have died. I began to realize why heaven was so near to the earth. It was preparing to receive the hundreds of thousands of souls in the Pacific Area around Sumatra, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand etc. What is most interesting now is not that heaven came so close to earth to receive all these souls but that it hasn't withdrawn to a "normal" distance. If it came 100% in to receive all these souls it has only withdrawn about 10%. This leads me to believe that their will be other large losses of life this year. Where and how I don't know. Maybe the amount dying from AIDS and starvation worldwide is so extreme the Gates to heaven are kept near and open. All I know is that millions will be passing into heaven this year. Blessings to all the new entrants into heaven.
Interspecies Communication
January 3rd 2005 1:23pm pst
I was taking a shower about 10 minutes ago and I saw a little spider? I wasn't sure at first. In case it was a spider I rescued it and placed it where it wouldn't drown as spiders can drown easily. I sensed both terror and rage from the spider and awe toward me. In order to calm the spider down I said,"I moved you to protect you." Then it said telepathically to me, "Why did you come close just then?" I said, "I was looking close to see which kind of spider you were. We call you a baby daddy long legs." Then much to my surprise the spider said mind to mind, "We call you scary m--f--s." I must have laughed for about 30 seconds. As I was laughing I thought this would be difficult for the spider to listen to and would scare it but I couldn't help myself it struck me so funny. I can remember many tibetan lamas laughing like this in the past, especially in India and Tibet.
Then I got the idea that it would be important to all of you to share this incident and also how I communicate with all living things. However, to understand fully what I am saying you must understand that to me the whole universe is alive in one form or another. I communicate when necessary verbally with humans and pets but also telepathically with humans, pets, animals birds, insects, fish, trees, plants, rocks, every physical thing on earth. Clouds, planets, stars, galaxies etc. Whatever I find useful to telepathically communicate with I do. It has saved my life and countless other lives thousands of times.
In the Earthquake and Tsunami that just occured last week it was noted that no wild and free animals were found dead. This is because they all knew something bad was coming and left. It would have started with the birds who tend to be the most sensitive and then this would have alerted all the other ground animals who would have left the area. Many fish died because they had nowhere to go because their home moved onshore suddenly with them. But news reports clearly said no dead wild animals were found.
Though earthquakes of this size are rare I became aware of the Loma Prieta earthquake in California one month before it happened and took my family to Maui to ride it out because I sensed one or more of my children could die in it. Learning to sense physical earth and weather changes is a necessary skill for those who wish to survive the next 100 years and beyond. If something doesn't feel right around you at any time stop what you are doing and try to figure out what is bothering you. For me, I get nauseaus for about 1 week or more before a big earthquake. This last earthquake and tsunami I noticed the heaven realms and angels were closer to earth than ever before and as a result I wondered if I was going to die. Although I was very concerned about all the souls passing and prayed for their safe journey to heaven realms I was relieved that I wasn't dying myself when I learned of the earthquake and tsunami. I have met many other seers and psychics who have similar experiences to mine just before an earthquake. For me, I just know something is very wrong. Also, when the heaven realms started to merge with earth I knew something was up. I was hoping it wasn't going to be a hydrogen bomb in the US or Europe. I was relieved when I found out what it was because this will cause the whole world to join together as one again and a lot of the problems and bickering will subside while the people who survived are helped and the advanced nations scramble to prevent Cholera and other diseases from spreading to millions of people around the world. This is now way beyond any one religion. It is about whether the human race can survive this catastrophe and others yet to come this century. The other catastrophes will mostly be weather related and moving toward the movie "The Day AFter Tomorrow". I don't believe we will move into an ice age completely for several hundred years yet. I don't believe any of the big religions will survive the next ice age at least the way they are worshipped now. Hopefully, enough technology and human kindness and wisdom will survive so humans don't have to go back to another stone age.
Many Will see this and accept it and it will be true forever
November 27th 2004
In reading "The Life of Milarepa" (there are several quotes from the book in some articles following this one) I experienced the following realization and also realized it will be immensely helpful to you and all beings to share it.
"Because I am a Buddha of the Three Times (Past,Present,Future) my every thought, feeling, action, breath, movement causes the enlightenment of all Beings in the Universe in the three times.---" By this merit may I become like all the Buddhas of the Three Times, not one Being left behind.
Since Heaven as well as all realms are entirely perceptual, perceiving and accepting in one moment this truth changes the perceptual universe of all sentient Beings in the three times into a better and happier one.
In fact in actuality it has always been true that you and I and all beings have always been buddhas of the three times. The actuality has only been waiting for your acceptance. That is all.
Be an Entrepreneur!
3:00 pm pst December 12th 2004
In these days of the corporate slave worldwide, becoming an entrepreneur is more important than ever to ones physical and psychological well being. Even if that means keeping your "corporate" job and starting your own small business part time as a way of securing your future financial future. For me, being an entrepreneur means: taking an idea you have and running with it and making money with it to help you, your family and your friends etc. For me personally, this took the form of cottage industry and contractor and of delivery service and mail order service. In my twenties I always hated being a slave to my employers. Even if I was working for a friend I longed to have my own business so I could choose my own hours and could make whatever I could get for my time. So I started my first business in the late 70's when I was about 30. From this time on I usually owned at least one business that I either worked at full time or part time. As time went on I realized that in owning a business one only had to pay social security taxes if one was paying oneself a salary. This led to running my businesses on a capital gain basis. I never expected social security to be solvent now because even in the 1970's the congress spent the money from social security faster than it came in so I have had no faith that social security would be here for the baby boomers even in the 70's. So whenever possible I ran my businesses on a capital gain basis without paying myself a salary.
These days I would recommend to everyone to have some sort of investment or business that is separate from IRA's or social security because the likelihood of social security benefits being reduced or ended is close to 100% over the next 25 years. It is sad but it would be the only fiscally responsible thing for the government to do that I can now think of.
Some of the reasons to be self employed even if you keep your corporate job:
You could be layed off at any time even if you are a perfect employee
You have to work even when you are sick for your employer but as a self employed person that is not necessarily true because you have many more options
You can use your time sometimes 100's of times more effectively as a self employed person
Your employer may have to pay someone equal to your wage per hour to do your payroll deductions and to cut your checks. However, as a self employed person you can make that money yourself on top of your normal wage.
If you start a small business on the side and your day job ends you may be able to survive financially until you get another day job or you might just expand your own business and take on friends as partners or associates in your business and chart your own future and take business trips you can write off on your business as a business expense that you won't even have to pay income tax for.
However, there are risks in being an entrepreneur. People may not like your product or service. There may be business liabilities you don't know about. There may be competition you didn't foresee or know about etc.
There is one thing that you can't replace with anything else. Living your dreams! As an idea man or woman you move forward to accomplish your dreams in a way in which none of you could working for someone else. For a corporation you work for is like an army and most of you are line soldiers (in other words:you are expendable) to the corporation or business you work for. Even if you are in management: "How soon will you be replaced by the Boss's son or daughter just graduating from Harvard or Yale or wherever?"
The easiest way to start a business that I know of is the "no capital" business. Many people start these businesses out of their house or apartment. However, be careful if neighbors complain because then you and your business may have to move to other quarters! Most people who do this and did this like myself at about 30 keep their day job and start their business simaltaneously. The advantage of this is that if your idea is a flop you haven't lost much. And remember, all business people and all adults learn much more from their failures than their successes. And also, the only difference between the self made millionaires and you is that they kept on trying something new even when they failed. Successful people never give up. They are completely relentless at making money for their families and to help their friends.
It may also be important to separate your personal finances from your new business or businesses. Otherwise, what happens very easily is that you wind up spending your capital and then you have no business capital to run your business. The easiest way to survive this is to think of your business almost as a new person like a child of yours that you have to support so that he or she can grow up and be big. However, one must always keep asking the question, "Is this business working and will it continue working or am I just fooling myself?" You should ask yourself this question when you are very rational at least once a week for the first 2 years. After that you need to keep asking this question at least once a month from then on. Another question you might consider at about the same frequency as the last is: "Is this business taking me where I want to go externally and internally." Asking both these questions will tend to make your lives more fulfilling in every way.
The Sky is Falling???
November 24th 2004
Most of us have heard of the childhood story of Chicken Little runing around screaming "The Sky is Falling!" However, as a lifelong precognitive psychic Chicken Little might have something. The danger is not right now. The danger is the next 100 years or so. The problem is that Osama Bin Laden and Corporate greed worldwide have conspired to end the future of life on Earth. It is not that either party wants that end. It is just what is presently happening and what the world is heading toward.
The problem as I see it is that the two most serious issues of life surviving on earth have nothing to do with Bin Laden or corporations or even Bush. The two most serious problems that are getting worse every day are global warming and AIDS. Womens movements and anti-AIDS movements are stymied by the war posturing of the Fundamentalist Christian and Moslem idealogues. Their "Women Obey your husbands" (Even though you may get AIDS from it) is only a part of the problem. The other problem tied in with this is the implied "War is more important than the survival of life on earth." This one thought guarantees extinction long term. Especially because no one can possibly ever win the "War on Terrorism". Just like no one will ever win the war on drugs. This is because both are never ending. And as long as, "War is more important than the survival of life on EArth" continues, there is no hope for the survival of any life on earth long term!
To strike a more positive note: You may say that as long as there are one fertile man and one fertile woman on earth life may continue. However, what will be the quality of life for that one man and one woman? Remember, Adam and Eve had paradise. What will that last fertile man and last fertile woman have?
Develope compassion for all before seeking enlightenment
November 20th 2004
Though I was on the path to enlightenment since about 15 and unconsciously before and consciously through many many previous embodiments as humans and other types of beings on this planet and others I did not fully develope compssion for all beings in the universe and for all beings in all time and space fully until I personally met Tibetan Lamas in the U.S. in California and Oregon and also in Nepal and India Starting in 1980. The single biggest change in my physical actions by 1983 was that I stopped killing even insects. This does not mean I leave black widows or rattlesnakes who are too near civilization alive. It simply means that even them I protect from the incredible karma of an animal or insect causing harm to a human that does not intend them harm. So I am protecting both the health and bodies of humans and the souls of the insects or snakes from extremely bad karma even in these instances.
Also, any time I see a dead person or someone dying or an animal dying I pray immediately for that being to go to the nearest heaven and then to the heaven it wishes to.
Developing compassion for all sentient life in the universe and in all time and space is easiest if you believe in reincarnation and believe that any being you meet was once your mother in some lifetime. This is the quickest way to develope real compassion for all life in the universe in all time and space. This includes all galaxies and dimensions everywhere.
It is vitally important to develope this kind of compassion as soon as is possible. Because the further along ones soul is on the path to enlightenment the more dangerous it is for that soul if the soul has not developed compassion for all life everywhere. Very Very Very powerful supernatural gifts come to one on the path to enlightenment in swift progression and if that one has not developed compassion for all beings then those gifts can only bring insanity and death to the person on that path and to their family and friends. If you care about your family and friends you must develope compassion if you are on the path to enlightenment or give up the path out of compassion for your friends and family.
Fundamentalism of every religion or philosophy does not bring enlightenment because fundamentalism is always exclusive. In other words fundamentalism always means, "My group is going to heaven but yours is going to hell". Or in the case of non-religious fundamentalism, "My group is smart and your group is stupid." So if fundamentalism is exclusive then one cannot become enlightened while believing in fundamentalism because all life in the universe is not included in the process. IN other words some part of God's universe is left out of the process.
Fundamentalism always creates spiritual or physical warfare or both. Even those of you reading this with fundamentalist backgrounds can see this if you look at it throught logical and pragmatic eyes. This next statement scares even me,"As long as there is fundamentalism there will be wars." Sad but true. In order to end war fundamentalim of all religions must end.
The primary cause of fundamentalism is a psychological state most often brought about by child abuse. This creates a wounded psyche. So when one is growing up and they believe and then the natural next evolution is to doubt your beliefs they are too insecure because of abuse to doubt their beliefs. However, a healthy person doubts his or her beliefs but then doubt his or her doubts and becomes an agnostic. This is most of adult humanity. However, as the saying goes. "There are no atheists or even agnostics in foxholes" in wartime.
It is my belief that what Jesus and Buddha taught were the same. Since I also believe Jesus studied all the major religions of his time I believe he studied Buddhism too since it preceded him by 500 years. In fact maybe Jesus was also Buddha. Christian Brotherhood and Buddhist compassion are synonymous to me. The only difference is the different cultural overlays. In fact Buddhist compassion and Christian Brotherhood are the foundation of secular humanism which is the foundation of organizations like CARE, the Red Cross Etc.
In recognition of World AIDS day I am writing this short article. The primary problem with AIDS is that it is a slowly growing pandemic that will inevitable engulf all mammals on the planet in one form or another. People who think otherwise are fools. 95% of all mammals will be wiped from the face of the earth by AIDS and its many variations alone eventually later in this century. The best way I can think of to represent this would be to say that if there are presently 6 billion people on earth now then there will be only 300 million left alive with natural immunities. This is where the human race is presently headed. Because of medicines in the developed world people can pretend that they will be okay especially big ethnocentric countries like the United States that tend to be isolationist in their thinking.
However, in places like India and china the loss will be about 950 million people each by the end of this century. The combination of AIDS and global warming (such as the present melting of the polar ice cap and the death of many polar bears simply raises the ante on these many problems.
Therefore even though the middle eastern problems are real and many of the reasons for the US going into Iraq are and were valid in comparison to these much greater problems they become a smokescreen used by corporate entities to blur the real problems as a way of greed and of making money as most of the human race dies. In addition to this corporate media based entirely on corporate greed lies to the people of america so they in most cases have no useful reference to the real problems beseting them. War will not be the major problem of this century like the 20th century was. The real problem will be avoiding the extinction of all mammals on earth including humans. Remember, I am writing this as a precognitive psychic who has already seen too much of what I have foreseen take place. Please don't let me have to watch what I have written about here actually happen
Become Enlightened in a Single Lifetime: This One!
12:49pm pst November 23rd 2004
I am presently reading a book on the amazing life of Milarepa a 12th century Tibetan Saint who attained enlightenment during one tumultuous lifetime during the 1100's near Mt. Everest in Tibet mostly in caves.
I have personally met and shaken the hands of and been blessed by several high lamas who have spent months to years each in meditative isolation with extremely powerful and profound results. The one I was able to be around in a less formal setting was named Lam Rim Geshe, a lama who looked very much like a giant Yoda who had just come out of a 17 year retreat in isolation. When he smiled and looked at me he looked right through me to my soul. I have never met anyone quite like that before or since. I was told he was one of the models for the charactor Yoda in Star Wars by Hensen and his group. I met Lam Rim Geshe in Dharmsala, India where the Dalai Lama lives.
I know there are some among you who are truly capable of being the next Milarepa, Padmasambhava or even a Buddha or another like Jesus in one lifetime. It is to bless you and to help protect you and to help you on your way that I share this with you now.
Remember the saying, "Many are called but few are chosen." However, if the earth is to move into a true age of enlightenment then as many as possible of us who are called must attempt the seemingly impossible feat of becoming completely enlightened in a single lifetime for the benefit of all beings in the universe.
The book I will quote from is, "The Life of Milarepa" a new translation from Lobsang P. Lhalungpa published in paperback by Penguin Compass books. I obtained my copy online from Amazon.com. The following is from page 122.
Hunters visiting Milarepa after several years of his solitary meditations teased and taunted him so out of compassion for their souls he sang this song to them:
I prostrate myself at the feet of Marpa the Compassionate
Bless my renunciation in this life.
Horse tooth White Rock is the Fortress of the Middle Way,
I, the cotton-clad Tibetan hermit,
Have renounced food and clothing in this life
To become a perfect Buddha
I am happy with the hard cushion beneath me
I am happy with the cotton cloth which covers me
I am happy with the cord of meditation which ties my knees
I am happy with my mind which has gained insight into reality
I am not unhappy; I am happy
If it seems to you that I am happy do as I have done.
If you do not have the good fortune to be religious,
Consider the true and lasting happiness
Of all beings, of you and me,
And do not mistakenly pity me.
Now the sun is setting,
Return to your homes.
Since life is short and death strikes without warning,
I who strive toward Buddhahood
Have no time for useless words.
Therefore leave me to my contemplation
The hunters replied, "You have said many beautiful things. Certainly you have the gift of speech. But, however commendable your example may be, we cannot follow it." And with these words they went away." end quote
The hunters then went to a festival and found Milarepa's sister who was a beggar. She then came to see her brother in his cave as she had not seen him in years. On page 124 she says, begin quote, "There is no one on earth more wretched than we two, brother and sister.She called to our mother and father by name and she wept. All my attempts to comfort her were useless. Then I, also filled with sadness, sang this song to my sister:
"Obesiance to the venerable lamas.
Bless the mendicant that he may fulfill his task in solitude,
O sister, sentient being of the world,
All joys and pains are ephemeral
But since you grieve in this way now,
I am certain that for you there exists a lasting happiness.
For this reason, listen to the song of your elder brother.
To give thanks due
To all sentient beings who are my parents,
I do religious work in this place.
This place is like a lair of savage beasts;
At the sight if it, others would be roused to indignation.
My food is like the food of dogs and swine;
At the sight of it, a savage enemy would weep.
My behavior appears to be that of a madman,
And my sister blushes with shame.
But my awareness is truly Buddha;
At the sight of it the Victorious One rejoices.
Even though my bones have pierced my flesh on this cold stone floor, I have perservered.
My body, inside and outside has become like a nettle,
It will never lose its greenness.
In the solitary cave, in the wilderness,
The recluse knows much loneliness.
But my faithful heart never separates
From the Lama-Buddha of the Three Ages.
By the force of meditation arising from my efforts,
Without a doubt I will achieve self-realization.
And when one has attained deeper experience and illumination,
Happiness comes of itself in this life
And enlightenment in the next.
This is why I ask my sister Peta,
Instead of being overcome with frustration and sorrow,
To strive with perserverance toward the Dharma."
Peta Answered me, "If this be so, your words are astonishing and it is difficult to believe that they are true. For if they are true, other followers of the Dharma would have practiced, partly if not fully, the same path, but I have never seen anyone so miserable as you."
Having spoken she gave me the food and the beer. I ate and drank, and at that moment my mind became crystal clear. On that evening my practice was greatly enhanced.endquote
Peta, Milarepa's sister then left but came back once more trying to convince him to leave his cave. Begin quote bottom page 125
Peta answered, "Well then, elder brother, what do you think will satisfy you?Is there nothing better than your misery?
I answered, "The three lower realms are infinitely more terrible than my misery. Many are the beings who seek such suffering. Her is how I shall attain happiness through fulfillment of my aim." And I sang this song on Fulfillment of My Aim:
"I invoke my lama in his manifestation
To bless the mendicant so that he may complete his retreat in solitude.
My happiness unknown to my relatives,
My misery unknown to my enemies,
If I could die in solitude,
The aim of the yogin will be fulfilled
My growing old unknown to my friends,
My growing sick unknown to my sister,
If I could die in solitude,
The aim of this yogin will be fulfilled
My dying unknown to men,
My rotting corpse unseen by vultures,
If I could die in solitude,
The aim of this yogin will be fulfilled
With no one to ask where I have gone,
With no one to say that I am here.
If I could die in solitude,
The aim of this yogin will be fulfilled
In this solitary cave in the mountains
May this wish about the mendicants death
Be fulfilled for the benefit of all beings
Thus my aim will be realized.
Zessay said to me, "Your present conduct in in accord with your earlier words. And I marvel at this."
Peta spoke again. "No matter what my brother says, I cannot bear his complete lack of food and clothing. Good food and clothing will not keep you from meditating, so I am going to bring you materials to make a cloak. Since you do not with to ask for alms, then , according to your desire, die of misery unattended in the wilderness. But if you do not die, I will bring you what you need to make clothing."end quote at page 127
In sharing these quotes with you I wanted you to experience the attitude of a real successful Tibetan Cave Yogi of the 12th century. Milarepa is probably the most revered and loved Tibetan Saint of all. If you study his life you will see why. If you subscribe to Netflix I found a DVD that I rented called Robert Thurman on Tibet. Be sure to go into the chapters to experience the amazing supernatural gifts and humour of Milarepa as he teaches his students and guides them toward enlightenment.
I can remember knowing both Milarepa and St. Francis of Assisi. These two individuals got me to give up soldiering many lifetimes ago. They also were both instrumental in developing my compassion for all beings in the universe.
Unconditionally Forgive Yourself and begin the healing of all on Earth
November 19th 2004
Things are just so bad everywhere on earth that I just didn't want to get up out of bed this morning and face it. I realized I had no hope at all for the human race to survive the 21st century. I went back to bed and I asked God for a new life a new spirit within me. The following is what God shared with me and asked me to share with you.
God said, "Begin by Healing yourself so that you can be a beacon of hope for the healing of others. Say to yourself over and over. I completely forgive myself for not being what my parents wanted. I completely forgive myself for not being what my Grandparents wanted. I completely forgive myself for not being what my friends wanted. I completely forgive myself for not being what I wanted. I completely accept this done in God's name. Amen"
I could see the absolute wisdom of God saying this to me. Most of the problems of the world come from self hate and self judgement. All suicide and murder comes from self hate and self judgement. As a student of psychology and anthropology in College this all became very clear to me. As a proponent of the human potential movement I could also see God's wisdom. Please feel free to use the prayer that God has given me. In healing yourself you begin to heal the whole world. As a great teacher once said, "You begin to change the whole world for the better when you work toward your own enlightenment." Therefore if we are serious about creating a better world we must start with ourselves. If we can forgive ourselves then we can forgive others. If we can forgive ourselves and others and become wise in this then we are truly then on the road to Freedom, on the Road to God.
If you Marry, Marry a friend
December 8th 2004
In my life I have been married about 30 years. Before that I had many many girlfriends. What I have learned through all of this is one thing. If you value your sanity marry a friend. It's great to be in love but if this person is not only your love but also your best friend then you may be making a terrible mistake for your spouse to be and any children you have. In the long run marriage is like a business the two of you run to benefit yourselves and your children to be. If you aren't friends and capable of generating somehow what it takes to financially survive and to generate through friendship and wisdom what it takes to make a life together work then you will create much unhappiness for everyone, especially your children to be. You might say to me: "you are no one to talk, you have been married three times and before that had countless girlfriends." I might say "Yes" that is true. However, I did not set out initially to have countless girlfriends or to be married three times. I set out looking for one perfect someone and the rest is what happened on that quest. What I'm sharing with you is what I learned during the last 56 years of my life. If you want to be happy, marry a friend who is capable of helping you create a good life together. If you don't want to get married all this may help you in creating good relationships and friends.
For Spirit Bloggers
October 21st 2004
Just as there are news bloggers on the internet there are spirit bloggers. I am trying to encourage you to publicly on the internet voice your spirit views. Your words may help the world to survive another day, help a nation to survive another day, may help a writer to write something for a movie that can help millions or a documentary to inform the world of truth.
Though I have been a precognitive psychic whose first memory in life was being visited by Arcangel Michael and his band as a toddler I was afraid for my safety and the safety of my family should I begin to publish online my spiritual and physical experiences. It wasn't until I almost died of a heart virus around 50 years old that I realized what a crime it would be if I didn't publish all I could safely share with posteriety before I passed on. Since I have been publishing through my website online I have grown stronger, I can snow ski, ride a bike and travel to other countries with ease. Six years have passed. At this point I firmly believe that God had me almost die in order to make sure I released what I had learned in this life to all of you around the world. Being a truth seeker who is capable of constantly adapting to new truths and realizations I am very good at evolving as a human and as a soul. I am aware that I am on the cutting edge of newly evolving consciousness for mankind. Luckily, I have my family and and economic security so I can be free to be spontaneous and do research like Galileo, and other truth seekers.
I want to encourage all of you to share your dreams and realizations and visions with the world. If you are frightened as I once was of doing this then fictionalize your visions and dreams into a story. If you are an artist then paint, draw or sculpt your dreams and visions and put them on the internet. If you are a singer or musician then write your songs or poems into being and play them and record them and put them on the internet for others to share. Each one of us is important to the physical and spiritual survival of the earth and all upon it.
When I was studying native American traditions with native American Medicine men in the early 1980's which culminated with a vision quest of 4 days with no water or food in the wilderness I was very moved at how everyone's visions and dreams were important to the survival of the tribe. Your every dream and vision is important likewise to all our mutual survival and helps bring about whether we all prosper or die! Please express you dreams and visions in your own individual way in order to help all your brothers and sisters in the tribe of all humans on earth now and in the future. We all live together or we all die together!
The World is Scared
october 25, 2004
The world is scared because America is engaged in a war of words with itself. While America is thus engaged in the Presidential election all sorts of things are going on in the world relatively unnoticed. To some degree many of these things will go unnoticed until it is too late to do anything useful about those things.
Having traveled in Asia, Europe and throughout North America, Hawaii etc. I have seen first hand the effect of the United States and its citizens upon the world. In India and Nepal and to some degree even in Thailand I found it much more useful to tell people I was Canadian rather than to engage their wrath towards America. The US World policy has angered many people throughout the world. How would you like to live next to an elephant if you are a mouse. If the elephant rolls over in its sleep the mouse or the mice in this case sometimes die or are permanently maimed. I guess the US is most typically seen as an out of control Wyatt Earp out of the old West. It is not really a matter of whether the US is right or wrong in most of the world. It is that if you are not the friend of the US you might be dead or ignored. To many nations both these are the same thing. So being friends with the elephant is a way to survive.
When my older Children and myself traveled in India my oldest Stepson said quite prophetically, "These people think we are gold plated E.T.'s." At that time less than 50% of the children in India even went to Elementary school and the statistic was worse for adults. So in the country it was true we might as well have come from another planet. While in Rewalsar monks who only spoke Tibetan called me everything from a demon to a king. Whatever they thought of me they were scared whether it was positive or negative. If you were there it would have been the same for you. The cultural gulfs between here and Asian ideas are relatively insurmountable for the common man in the country in Asia.
So what I'm really telling you that the elephant is at war with itself. (The elephant being the United STates) and all the mice (countries) are scared except for countries like China who are large enough to ignore what is going on in America and survive without us. But even for china we have to remember that they sell more goods and servives to the United States than any other country on earth. So if the rest of the world is scared china is at least nervous of the changes in the United States.
I'm not sure the effect of all this is good for the countries of the world except maybe they all realize more now that the US is right now too at war with itself to really help or to accidentally harm any country. It is now 8 days until the Presidential election. Will the election be decided in a decisive way then? I personally doubt it. But the way things are presently are going. Who can say?
The Paradox of Time Travel
In "What the Bleep do we know", the film documentary on quantum physics and quantum theory as it affects our everyday lives there is a story told about a tribe of Indians that first encountered the Columbus' ships on an island in the Caribbean. What is interesting to me is that another variation of this story also happened in Hawaii when Captain Cook's ships first arrived. Both times the common natives of their respective tribes couldn't see the ships. Only when the tribal shaman who were literally the tribal psychologists,scientists and men of the cloth for their respective tribes "saw" the ships. A friend of mine who knew I had studied Cultural Anthropology asked me about this. I said that just like UFO's today the natives likely saw the ships but just like UFO's today speaking about something new and not understood could get that native ostracized or even killed overtly or secretly for even speaking about something new and unknown like an ocean going ship from Europe. The same is true for real UFO experiences.
However, just like the shamen of old I dare to speak of UFO experiences and time travel because I have been trained to think and to feel like a shaman, a priest and as a scientist. So in a way I am acting just like these two shaman warning our society of America and of all of Earth of what I see just like these two shaman warned their tribes of Columbus and Captain Cook. For truth is always a two edged sword. It is by its very nature usually both good and bad and always very powerful and changing of situations and of lives and cultures. However, with no shaman to warn of the ships societies often collapse the way the Aztec culture collapsed under Cortez. It is not that the Aztecs disapeared. They and their descendants are still with us. However, their dominance as they knew then is gone.
As a shaman and as a scientist I have had one experience that I would like to share. While I was washing dishes in my home in Mt. Shasta in the summer of '92 I heard helicoptor rotors breaking the sound barrier. Since my stepson and I used to go out whenever we heard a helicoptor to identify it and since he was grown up and living elsewhere I decided to go out and identify these helicoptors. As I went out I saw three double bladed chinooks that could carry over 40 soldiers each in a military formation in the sky. However, these helicoptors were painted grey with no markings of any kind so I knew something strange was up. As I looked above this formation I saw a flying saucer directly above the helicoptor formation flying in formation with them. As I watched all this the formation stopped in mid air and hovered in the same location for awhile. I decided not to blink so as not to miss anything. As I did this the flying saucer disapeared without a sound. I was completely amazed by seeing this on a summer day in the broad daylight over the city of Mt. Shasta without a cloud in the sky. After the silver flying saucer disapeared the Grey Chinook helicopters flew then in formation toward Nevada.
I had a couple of years to think about this. During this time I thought about whether this could have been a hologram generated by the helicopters and decided that that wasn't it because this looked completely solid at every point. Then I thought, "What if the saucer went off at such a high speed that it appeared to disappear." However, if that was true there should have been a bang when the saucer broke the sound barrier and all the windows in town should have broken. So that left me with but one useful conclusion that I still believe to this day. "I witnessed a flying saucer travel either forward or backward in time."
Since I found a print of a flying saucer in 1974 at Panther Meadows in May or June of that year on the side of Mt. Shasta I often wondered whether that print was made by the saucer I saw in 1992 as it traveled back to that date. Somehow, that just seems too coincidental. Also, the 1974 event wasn't there as I walked up the mountain through the snow. However, it was there when I returned.
So these are my conclusions:
First, I witnessed three American made double rotor helicopters painted grey.
Second, they had no markings of any kind.
Third,they made a lot of racket with rotors breaking the sound barrier.
Fourth, when I looked at them there was a silver flying saucer above them and accompanying them in formation.
Fifth, they all stopped in formation and waited for a few moments.
Sixth, the flying saucer disapeared without a sound.
Seventh, the three unmarked double bladed grey helicopters flew toward Nevada.
Eighth, my conclusion after thinking about all this for 2 or three years was that it was very likely that I had witnessed time travel conducted by some super secret group of the US Military.
I found myself writing more and more about time travel in my spare time. Later in the 90's I read "The Day After Roswell", a book by Colonel Corso who spoke of reverse engineering stuff from Roswell. Senator Strom Thurman also lent credence to this book and what was most interesting to me: no government agency or arm of the US Government denied the factual nature of this book. Instead nothing was said. Colonel Corso once was asked about this before he died. He said something like, "No one in US Intelligence would dare refute my book!"
This left me with only two possible conclusions about this book. Either it was true or further government misinformation for some specific reason. This would be especially true because Colonel Corso and Senator Strom Thurman were involved directly in the UFO coverup during the 50's and 60's in the first place.
Therefore if they book is true then the saucer I saw likely was reverse engineered from Roswell or another crash and the United States is using time Travel for their own purposes.
This makes a lot of sense to me because the probability of no nation or individual blowing up another country or even the world since Hiroshima and nagasaki since 1945 is about zero. Time travels most useful use would be to prevent nuclear holocausts.
The problem with all this is quite logical for any of you to get. Who exactly is in charge of time travel and what if it gets into the wrong hands? Is it under democratic control? Corporate control? Despotic Control? If the common people can't even safely know about it how safe is it in anyone's hands?
Once again I believe accepting that the US Government and possibly the United Nations have control of Time Travel is a given. Maybe in addition to this a few individuals or corporations have the marginal use of time travel as well.
What does this mean to you and to me, really? It means that one unbalanced person could go back in time and destroy all life on earth and the earth itself. One unbalanced person could change history any way they wanted. One unbalanced person could go forward into the future and grab some future invention that say controls minds and rule the world completely or just lets say, financially.
It is in our enlighted self interest that you and I believe that time travel exists. Our very belief in the likelihood of time travel protects this earth from abuses in the same way that belief in Columbus' ships and Captain Cook's ships was the first step for the natives in the Caribbean and the Hawaiian Islands in figuring out what to do next. Sticking our heads in the sand will likely only be fatal for us all! This world is based upon survival of the fitest. Do you really believe that any government that actually had time travel could ever let any proof of its existence ever to come out? Even if it did come out an agent would go back through time and erase the person and the proof! I believe that this is the truth. It is in the enlightened self interest of all on earth to believe it too! To all news agencies I say that looking for proof will likely be a fatal experience for your reporters. Many reporters who have wandered into Area 51 never came back. So don't send them into harms way. I'm not looking for any more proof. To me, the truth is obvious. What I have written here may be one of the most important thing you ever read in your life! In this single case it is my sincere belief that if you look for proof of time travel you will never see this time again. It is my belief that even if you were left alive you would be sent back before there was anything electrical in the 19th century or before to live out your life without your loved ones. Believing in time travel helps us all. Looking for proof only makes you disapear out of this time. Blessings to all.
I Heart Huckabees
Yesterday I saw "I heart Huckabees". For a truth seeker I thought seeing it is a a must if you live in America. It addressed people trying to be conscientious and people who have chosen to be financial sell-outs. I think most people find themselves both concientious and sell-outs at different stages of their lives, especially if they have to financially support children through college. I found the movie very humourous and loved the dynamic interplay between nondualistic thought, nihilism, humanism, ecological thought and even christianity all slammed together at odds with each other with unexpected and humorous results. What amazed me is how balanced all points of view presented were. The main charactors were obviously Los Angeles types. I don't think you would find the chaotic diversity as likely in other places. Having been raised in the Los Angeles basin in the 50's and 60's I was fully exposed to what I like to call the "Controlled Chaos" of the LA area.
The movie brought me back to being 21 and thinking that I must kill myself because the world was so very ridiculous that there was no point in living on. Each of us must find a purpose to live on for whether that is ourselves, other people, God, Nature or whatever we find that works . Otherwise we just check out.
When I was young and still idealistic dying for a belief system or a cause seemed very important. I think that's why so many young choose to be soldiers. Now that I'm old I see my life as much more precious. Having survived everything I see now how very precious I am not only to myself but to all who choose to listen to me and/or to be protected. I am old and very wise like many around the world of different faiths and cultures. I understand what it is to be American but even more important I fully understand what it is to be a Citizen of Earth and a Citizen of this Galaxy and a Citizen of the Universe.
The Rocks our Bones The Water our Blood Our Breath the Sky
I was thinking today about our breath and I had a fun idea! Wouldn't it be fun as technology is developing to have microchips so small they could float in the air. As we breathed out we could add one or two to our breaths out when we wished. Then when the technology became possible we could track where the air we have breathed out goes as it travels the globe. It would emphasize in a physical way how interconnected all life on earth is for each of us.
New Awarenesses change all timelines
1:40pm pdt saturday September 18th 2004
I was trimming some trees for upcoming winter storms when I realized that new awarenesses and realizations when acted upon in any way change not only the present but also the past and the future. I then visualized all organisms on earth and beyond past, present and future constantly altering all timelines by their newly found knowledge at every point in time and space where the organixms exist or what they become aware of and what they think and feel about what they are perceiving. As long as any organisms are learning and growing all timelines are fluid past, present and future. And since all matter acts more like thought than as matter rather than as we have been taught for thousands of years by old wives tales that matter is solid I belive my premise and theory is scientifically accurate. Once again my premise is: "ALL ORGANISMS IN ALL TIME AND SPACE CONSTANTLY CHANGE ALL TIMELINES BY THEIR NEW AWARENESSES NO MATTER WHAT TIME OR WHAT SPACE THEY ARE IN." Some might think this is a parrallel effect to what some in Chaos Theory call the Butterfly Effect. The best way I can paraphrase the effect of this theory in realtime past present and future is: "ALL ORGANISMS WITH CONSCIOUSNESS ARE CONSTANTLY CREATING THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE FROM WHATEVER TIME AND SPACE THEY ARE LOCATED AND TO WHATEVER TIME AND SPACE OR MENTAL AND/OR EMOTIONAL UNIVERSES THEY BECOME AWARE OF"
Sunday July 18th 2004
This title statement might seem obvious to most adults over 30 years old. However, for many individuals, corporations and Governments it is not obvious and doesn't become obvious ever.
Individuals over 30 and those under 30 will tend to survive to old age just understanding this one statement. Statistically,if you live to be 30 you will tend to live to 90 if you live in the United States right now in 2004.
In 1983 I was doing a vision quest under the tutelage of a Native American Medicine Man. After doing a preparatory sweat lodge ceremony with him. I then walked upstream about 2 to 4 miles to a Bear Wallow on the South Fork of the Trinity River in Northern California. There were no paved roads for 10 miles from my location and no dirt roads for about 5 miles from my location and no trails for about 1 mile. I would see no one passing by for 4 days except a mated pair of Bald Eagles and a mother wood duck and her babies who went downstream with them in the morning and then upstream at dusk to the rushes for safety from predatory animals at night. The first 2 days my mind screamed,"You are going to die here without water or food for 4 days." But I was resolute looking for my inner visions to give purpose to my spiritual and physical life. Though I already knew the title statement to this article this understanding became much more profound that summer in 1983. After two days with no water or food in the bear wallow my visions began. At first I just thought I was hallucinating from lack of food and water but then the nature of my visions changed. I began to experience the river, the trees, the land as myself, inseparable. The trees, the river and even the rocks and earth itself began to speak to me. They all let me know that I was their kin and I had no reason to be afraid. Then hornets landed on my face and I was concerned. I had no food for them to fight me for so I wasn't a threat to them. I spoke with them in my mind and at one point I let one crawl up my nose and clean it out. I felt very empowered at being so in tune with nature that I could allow this and not be stung. This may seem very odd to you but I felt extremely empowered by this. Later it rained on me. I put my sleeping bag under a large fallen cedar or redwood that was 4 or 5 feet in diameter and dug out a safe place for me to sleep out of the rain. I sat in the rain for awhile not drinking any but simply feeling the rain kiss the top of my head and shoulders. I thanked the rain for the life it brought the forest and all within it. When I began to feel a little cold I simply got under the fallen tree in my sleeping bag and fell asleep. My visions grew more and more intense. Some of my visions terrified me and some elated me. The one that stayed with me all these years was when I became a great golden dragon that breathed out golden fire on thousands of people. The fire did not burn them but enlightened them. The fire made them smile and gave radiance to their beings and bodies. I believe this is what I do in person and through this website still to this day. I breathe out the fire of compassion and enlightenment to all who read what God brings through me and I radiate through words and presence to all when I am around them and am in good spirits.
This vision brought me within one year to my first Tibetan Buddhist teacher and from him to many Tibetan Lamas in California, Oregon, Nepal and northern India, especially in Dharmsala in Himchal Pradesh state.
Another vision that was less satifying and more terrifying was of becoming Merlin the magician. In this vision I grew 3 foot fangs and I was terrified because I didn't understand what this meant. It took 2 or 3 years to figure what this meant. In Tibetan Buddhism there are both peaceful and Wrathful Initiations. The reason for this can be explained the best in looking at parents and children. One treats ones children with love and respect but what do you do if your 2 or 3 year old runs out in the street repeatedly and is in danger of being hit by cars or trucks? You must scare them somehow into staying alive! This is what Wrathful initiations are for. Scaring children or the unenlighted into staying alive so they can become enlightened as is their destiny.
A Christian might say this differently like, "Someone needs to put the fear of God into that person!"
I see myself as a mystical Christian, a Tibetan Buddhist and a Universalist. In other words I believe that whatever one needs to believe to become enlightened, at peace,and fulfilled one should do as long as that doesn't harm another living being.
In Tibetan Buddhism it is said that there are 49,000 correct paths to enlightenment (God). I believe as I have soul travelled this Galaxy and others that there are even more paths that that. 49,000 paths have been defined on earth by Buddhist teachers. However, beyond earth there might be 100 or 1000 times as many paths as that.
The whole point of this article is to make you think about what you need to believe to survive on to happy old age. The question is "What do you need to believe to get there and to be happy being there?" It is less about what is true than what do you need to believe to happily survive? Truth is of basic importance because without truth no one physically survives. However, after your basic needs of food, shelter and clothing what do you need to believe to be happy? To be Alive? It is said that there are no Atheists in foxholes. If you might die the next instant you will believe in God! I propose to you that this is true from the moment we are born. What do you need to believe to live with that? One of my teachers gave me a Koan that I try to keep in mind at all times. "If you want to live forever you might die right now but if you are ready to die right now you just might live forever." This is the warrior stance. Thinking this way all the time is the best way to become immortal on earth and beyond. Blessings to all who read this or hear of this.
What the Bleep Do We Know?
September 4th 2004
I have seen this documentary on quantum mechanics twice now. The first time I felt uncomfortable watching it even though I tend to think the way the movie went from living through the 60's and 70's in coastal California as a resident California Cosmic. However, it is easy to fall down the rabbit hole as they say in the movie. I have met many people in the late 60's and 70's who fell down the rabbit hole and who never returned.
That being said, I think that the movie touched upon many important ideas useful in long term survival of both individual human beings as well as the whole human race. I was personally touched by a few different ideas. The first was that when matter is viewed by a quantum researcher it appears that mattter does not resemble a thing so much as a thought since all matter is only based upon possibilities and not anything permanent or solid. The second thing that touched me was that one of the researchers mentioned that some objects can now be photographed in two places at the same time even though there is only one object. This made bilocation and time travel more scientific to me with the realization that physics can now prove that it is only a probability that an object is in any one place and that the probability of any living thing or object can be in many places and or times simaltaneously. It is wonderful to have a scientific explanation for my everyday experiences of knowing what will happen before it does and of travelling to other places and times.
Technology is a response to adversity
August 24th 2004
Though I'm presently traveling I got inspired by my wife to write of this online. The conversation was a little about Einstein's statement, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." I was saying that Knowledge is less important than imagination because knowledge is what is already been learned whereas imagination is where future knowledge comes from. Then she said, "Technology is a response to adversity. I was amazed by this simple statement because it appeared so true. Even if I look back at the supposed first tool which probably was a stick or a bone for a club or a spear. Whether it was for hunting or for defense it was out of necessity that the club or spear was used. imagination in a moment of desperation spawned the first tool that was used by either man or ape or however you perceive life on earth began. I myself believe humans are an alien and ape combination and that we were originally bred as slaves or as pets. However, you are welcome to whatever you believe. Next, it seems there are two basic kinds of adversity, necessity or paranoia. The first being rational and the second being mostly irrational. Necessity would be inventing a technology to keep warm in the cold or food or shelter or transportation. And then paranoia which led to inventions like nuclear weapons which may one day end life on earth like it did on the planet that is now an asteroid belt out beyond mars. Either way the truism, "technology is a response to adversity" may at least in my mind have moved beyond theory to almost a law of human nature and survival.
August 4th 2004
Hunches-Upon realizing one is psychicly gifted
Have you ever had a hunch about something and it saved your life or anothers? You had no reason to know something and then you did and someone or many someone's lives were saved because of it? This started happenning to me starting at age 2. Back then I thought everyone could do this. It wasn't until I started grade school that I found that if they did do this they definitely never talked about it. So I learned not to talk about it too. It was all pretty haphazard until my late teens and early 20's when I decided to grow in this way to help others and dedicated my life to helping others with my gifts. Early on I found out that to misuse these gifts caused insanity or death. The rule seems to be, "When you help others you help yourself, but if you harm others you also harm yourself." So it is in one's enlightened self interest to help all beings including oneself. For if you don't stay alive you can't help anyone even yourself.
A hunch to me is sensing something that you could not otherwise know. So anyone who has a hunch had to get this information from somewhere. I have found in my own experience that hunches are usually 50%+ instinctual and 25% to 50% logical and reasonable at most. People who are psychics or Seers like myself have just concentrated more on developing these gifts just like athletes or people with Phd's do to gain their kudos.
In my own life experience I have watched many intellectually brilliant people accidentally or on purpose kill themselves with relationships, drugs, cars, sports etc. Therefore logic and reason alone even if one is a complete genius does not save one from this kind of fate.
However, spiritually developing because one believes in something altruistic like the survival of the human race, or the survival of all life on earth or ones nation, state or even family or oneself can definitely keep one alive to see 90 or 100 if that is one wishes.
After one makes the conscious decision to develope ones God given gifts then the next useful step is to avoid delusional states of consciousness (i.e. trying to figure out what is real or fantasy successfully) by applying the scientific method to all aspects of real and psychic reality. In this way one begins to categorize experiences first into the possible and the probable and then taking all the possible and putting them into the category of conjecture, hypotheses, theories and laws. The main difficulty I have encountered in my life is that to really become a gifted Seer one has to be very bold and experimental in this. Not everyone is self confident enough for this rigorous path.
Though much of this might not make a lot of sense to you I'm going to share what I have learned over the last 50 or so years of being both a psychic and a Seer.
The first thing I have learned is that even though you might be 100% accurate about something you become aware of no one including you may be able to properly know what to do mentally or emotionally or even physically and let alone spiritually with the the 100% correct information you receive. So for me at age 56 getting 80%to 100% accurate information about the future is a given. The real problem is: "What should I tell people about these things and what is useful and what isn't and what if this information is life or death and what if no one believes me and should I be changing the time and space of planet earth?" For me the answer is quite easy because I personally believe that God has gifted me and will guide me in how I should present the information.You must make your own decisions and make your own covenant with God and Life as I have.
Are You a Dragonfly?
September 7th 2004
I was reading one of my daughters picture books today that we purchased at a redwood park this weekend. It is titled "Are you a dragonfly?". For me, the dragonfly has always been a very profound and mystical creature. The first one I can remember I was 5 years old at Castle Lake at about 6000 feet in the summer of 1953. It's close to Mt. Shasta in the range directly across from it in Northern California. I watched a dragonfly crawl up from under the water and shed its skin and breathe air, dry out its wet wings and then fly away. How magical is that for a 5 year old? Many years later I was studying with Native American Medicine men and then Tibetan Lamas. I was at Medicine Lake on another side of Mt. Shasta when I had a vision of a huge Dragonfly that flew down into my body and merged with my consciousness. At the time I knew it was medicine from God to help me and mankind. 10 or 15 years after that I was sitting in my hot tub outside looking up at the sky and the same giant dragonfly flew out of me and I realized it was the Galactic Sentience that had been with me all that time.
So as you can see my understanding of the Creators became metaphorically and mytically connected to my experience of the dragonfly that first amazed me at about age 5 at Castle Lake. For like the Dragonfly, the creators have different stages of maturation. The first stage is with their parents but the second stage primordially can be in dark matter as was the case primordially before cultural sophistication occured over billions and billions of years for the Creators.
If you have read "Memories" my online book or some of the partially written online sequels you may have assumed that the Creators are fictional. At this point I would have to say that I am pretty well convinced that the Creators are not fictional and that they are an actual matter-antimatter species. They most closely resemble a nebula or star in appearance when mature and are the beings who actually create galaxies by rocking matter back and forth between matter and antimatter. Somehow there appears to be a black hole at the center of all matter galaxies. Likewise I believe there is an antimatter galaxy as a polar complement to each matter galaxy in order to create symetry between the matter and antimatter universes.
Another interesting feature of Creators is that they can "soul ride" humans as well as all species throughout the universe as a way of growing and learning and having fun! To soul ride is to merge consciousness with a being to the point where it is no longer possible to separate the consciousnesses. It is my belief as a Seer that all humans on earth who can read have Creator soul riders. Though I cannot prove this I believe it to be true. I also presently believe that relative immortality is acheived through this Creator human "soul ride". As you can see being a truth Seeker is to always find that truth is way stranger than any fiction you or I could ever imagine!
The Future of the Terror War 100 years from now
September 11th 2004
The best possible scenario I can now foresee is more democracy in Islamic nations and an increasing Islamic secularism to stand alongside Christian Secularism and Jewish Secularism and Hindu Secularism. The worst outcomes are obviously terrorists getting one or more nuclear weapons and using them to blackmail the world into giving in. However, in understanding the psychology of both the US and Russian military which would be dealing with that situation both militaries would prefer extinction of all people to giving in to the terrorists demands. Therefore since the militaries would be in charge at that point and not the common people I foresee only two outcomes. The first which is more desireable is many many more democratic Islamic based nations and more and more Islamic secularism to stand alongside Christian secularism, Jewish secularism and Hindu secularism. The second is either the end of all life on earth, the end of earth or the end of humankind on earth. These are the only two realistic options available to us now.
Love Addiction
I was thinking today about Love Addiction. It appears that this form of addiction comes from psychological and physical trauma of many sorts encountered in childhood. How it manifests in adults is the inability to be alone beyond a few days or weeks without a lover or significant other present. When one is young and dating in late teens and early twenties love addiction can be a positive thing. Because one cannot be alone one is always creating a lover to be with.
However, when one commits to a marriage and children and one is trying to remain faithful to ones spouse is where Love addiction can become a disaster in the making. This is especially true of those who have had many lovers and for whom making new lovers out of friends is very easy. For those who choose to stay single and just continue to have partners this is not so much a problem. However, for those who wish to stay married and raise their children being a love addict is a disaster just waiting to happen. There is a book I would recommend for those who wish to address this problem. It is called, "Don't Call It Love". I can't remember the authors name however at present.
July 1st 2004
An Unusual Dream?
I awoke this morning remembering a dream? or a real vision. I appeared to be asleep but I was aware of touching my head and even into my brain with my soul hand. In other words I wasn't entirely interfaced back into my body in being awake and ready to get up and walk. I heard a voice that said, "Don't touch your brain with your astral hand. It still has a physical component. It's not a good idea and will affect your brain."
During the day I decided that I would share this online as it was a kind of primal experience much the same as the one I had when trying to look at my hands in a dream and noticing they glowed green much like the phosphoresent light you can break for emergency light. This was about 1970 so I must have been in my early 20's or earlier. I felt strange at that time as well having this experience. However, when I was Astral projecting the time I was in the desert and I watched my arm go through the wall when I thought I was in the physical my arm looked completely normal to my half asleep self. It was just that I suddenly was horrified then to be astral projecting and felt very out of control and in danger when my arm went through the wall to the bathroom. Since these experiences terrified me in my teens and twenties I decided that God was trying to get me to bi-locate instead of totally separating from my body as is done in astral projection. In time I found bi-location is only limited by ones ability to multi-task. I have experienced now being more than 10 or 20 places at the same time. The ability to be more places comes much as when one first learns to drive a car one can "only drive a car". However, I found in my twenties I could eventually drive a car, play the guitar, carry on conversations and or eat or anything else without affecting my driving. However, I wouldn't advise new drivers to try all these things. And playing guitar is something I did while driving deserted roads across remote Colorado and Utah in about 1970 in the times of John Denver while driving with my knee. Also the roads were all straight for miles and miles and it was dark.
Likewise, once one goes through the complete paradigm shift to directly experiencing bi-location or astral projection or both and also realizing that the soul is separate from the body and quite likely the soul doesn't die when the body does, one then changes profoundly in confidence awareness and experience much the same as one does when one first sets out alone in a car or truck or motorcycle for the first time with a licence.
The important thing to me at least is that one do good with ones supernatural gifts. To use ones gifts to heal, to help and to prevent human deaths through accidents seems to be the reason God gives us these gifts. It is in this interest I have to help all life survive and prosper especially the humans of which I am one that I write about all the things that I do. I guess you could call me a wise mindful compassionate activist. In other words I continuously am acting on all levels of awareness so all life on earth and beyond beneficently survives as long as possible.
People say what of Armmageddon? My answer is that it is my experience that Armageddon is only a self fulfilling prophesy. In other words if one says, "I'm going to die when I turn 20" that person might just die then or feel the need to make it happen. I say it doesn't need to happen at all. Jesus said, "Ye are Gods." and "Even greater things than these shall ye do." For me this is what is really important to contemplate. "The purpose of life is to love and bless life for as you do that you love and bless yourself as well." It is in the enlightened self interest of all beings to constantly love and bless all beings including themselves. so I say "Forgive yourself" and move on.
The Paradox of Time
June 11th 2004
I was in the audience at my daughter's graduation ceremonies for her private school. There were about 2000 parents, relatives, friends and well wishers present in addition to students and faculty. Soon the President of the School spoke and asked a question. A boy a little older than my daughter raised his hand and then was called upon and stood up. His answer to the question, "The Curvature of Space". Next the President asked another question. This time my 8 year old daughter raised her hand and in front of everyone stood up and said, "The Paradox of Time". I was awestruck! First because she had no stage fright at doing this and second because "The Paradox of Time" is one of the main things that I tend to write about. I felt very proud of my daughter and that I also was being indirectly recognized in this way because my daughter knows what I like to write about. I tell people I write science fiction. For most of you who read, "Memories", or its sequels it may be fiction to you. However, to me I am writing my experiences of life, the truths of my life in a way that I hope will be beneficial to all whether they see my writings as fiction or whatever. These are the deepest truths that I could muster and still share them with all who choose to read or listen to my writings being read to them.
The Purpose of Truth
November 19th 2003
The purpose of the book "Memories" and its sequels is similar in some respects to why the Bible was written. The Bible was written to organize, to pacify and to create a civilization eventually that spanned the Globe of Earth as it does now. This era will last from beginning to end about 5000 years. Similarly, "Memories" was written to create peace and harmony not only on earth but also between civilizations not on earth throughout the Milky Way Galaxy B.C. 1 to 5 millions of years to A.D. 1 to 5 millions of years. It also is written to help those from other galaxies who wish to visit earth and our galaxy on peaceful friendly missions during the same Galactic era mentioned above.
People have asked me about whether "Memories is truth or fiction. I would have to answer that the online book, "Memories" is about as true as the Bible is. In other words if you call "Memories" fiction you make a mistake. But if you call it absolutely true you then have to deal with time eras and semantics and different ways of viewing life on earth and in many civilizations throughout the universe. If you were to ask me,"Is 'Memories' true?" I can only say, "These are my experiences as I lived them." Can anything in the universe be more real and true than that? Of course someone might say philosophically, "Do you and I really exist? Are we figments of our own imaginations or someone else's?" Until I met God face to face one day in 1970 and experienced personally the statement from the Bible which says, "No man may see God and Live!" I would have thought the "figment" statement ludicrous. When I saw God I died it is true. However, somehow I became a god in seeing and speaking with God. I died and no one can tell me that God doesn't exist anymore but my body went on living by God's Grace. However, as a result I now see myself as a walking dead man, a ghost in a body powered by God for his purposes. So if you wish to see God and you do you will die as I did. And that is a fact. That is the real truth of life!
So, you might ask, "Are you a prophet, Fred?" I would have to answer that God has chosen to make me a Seer. I believe that God now shares things with me to share with others so they don't die before God's timing. This includes things I share with people so they don't die and the world doesn't incinerate itself. Though one city in the middle east may become Armageddon the Earth never incinerates itself. This I know to be true just like you know you are alive. However, I say to you, you are alive because you believe you are and God exists only because the God who created you believes the universe exists. And so it does and so do you!
The Ongoing Search for Truth!
I was thinking today at how my personal search for truth started. I would have to say the idea of searching for truth throughout ones life was given to me by my father. For he was a truth searcher too.
He and I love nothing better than to cut through the lies everywhere around us. Though he is gone now to a better place I still carry on the search for truth as I hope my children and grandchildren and greatgrandchildren and so on will too.
I can remember working on a house doing electrical work with my father in about 1960 in Palos Verdes, California.I was 12. Our friend had a book in his library that I asked to borrow. It was a paperback copy of The Ancient Symbols of Mu written by James Churchward. This book had been translated from ancient Sanskrit by an East Indian Rishi in the late 1800's. Since it was purported to be about Sanskrit records translated to English concerning the earliest known civilization on earth predating anything in the middle east or Asia my interest was piqued. It spoke of a land mass in about the present location of the Hawaiian Islands called MU which predated both Atlantis and Lemuria. It appeared that Lemuria was composed of the survivors of Mu which sank in the Pacific Ocean much like Atlantis eventually sunk in the Atlantic. There appeared to be a direct connection between Mu to Lemuria on what once was the present coast of Baja California, California and Oregon. Then last was Atlantis somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean and then later the Middle East and the Cradle of the modern day civilizations of Europe, the United STates etc. Ever since reading this book and the other two or three written by James Churchward in the 1880's and 1890's I was quite moved by what I read when I was 12. Later at age 16 I read Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos the Thibetan through Frederick Spenser Oliver at age 18 on the side of Mt. Shasta,California in the 1880's. At the same time I was also reading all of Heinlein, Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke etc. Later I read The Aquarian Gospel of Peace which spoke of Jesus' life between the ages of 12 and 30. Later in 1985 I visited Dharmsala, India and the Tibetan Library there and learned about Saint Issa which is the name Jesus is known by when he visited India. Within ancient tibetan records brought from India before the Moslem invasion of India. These records speaks of Saint Issa learning to raise his body from the dead which is still done by mystical teachers in India today and after being crucified in Israel of his return to India with his wife and kids and living until the age of 85 there before he passed on.It also speaks of him being a very great spiritual teacher with countless disciples and followers in India.
Since a gathering of Catholic Bishops decided to make Jesus divine in 400 AD and also decided to put to death all who disagreed with them or who had religious texts that did not agree with them the information about Saint Issa and many other things did not survive 1600 years of political power plays in the European and western world. However, it did survive in India and Tibet where the truth lays now and it also resides in all the minds of all the truth seekers that have rediscovered it.
For me, Jesus' teachings of 'love one another as yourself' and 'Do unto others as you would have them do to you' is very similar to the Buddhist philosophy of compassion for all beings who through reincarnation were once your mothers. Though most Christians no longer believe in reincarnation as most did at the time of Jesus most of the essence of his teachings remain sound. However, historically the Jesus most Christians believe in did not exist at least as they now see him which is a problem only to those who are interested in knowing the truth like myself. A Tibetan Lama once said to me, "I know someone who attained enlightenment meditating on a tooth that he thought was Buddha's even though it was later learned that it was only the tooth of a dog." Belief and faith are so very powerful. Sometimes I think that compassion for all life in the Universe is the most powerful truth of all!
The Problem of SkyNet! or (digital computers and robots versus a phi based man made lifeform base) May 5th 2004 6:48 pm pst
I have been watching the problems with the internet lately, especially the problems of internet worms. I have also been watching the problems with computerized voting machines. Both are disasters that affect all on earth directly or indirectly.
As you know I am a precognitive psychic and have been one back as far as I can remember which is around age 2. I wasn't really efficient at all concerning this until my early 20's and have slowly refined my techniques to benefit all beings in the universe. In this way ones spiritual gifts grow without limit. One of the things I have been aware of for some time is the danger of digital computers and robots. However, these same computers could be used to build a new system basis that would be based upon PHi which I believe is 1.618--- etc. It is approximated by the fibonacci series and is the basis of all life in the universe as far as I now know. Even the ratio of the distance between the planets starting with the sun out is 1-2-3-5-8-13-21 etc. In addition all life on earth is based upon this mathematical approximation of phi. The end result of staying with digital computer systems for many more years is literally the Skynet Spoken of in the Terminator series. As a precognitive psychic which I first watched the 1st Terminator movie in Monterey in the 80's when I walked out of the movied tears were streaming down my face. This was because I saw this as an actual potential future for mankind because of my psychic gifts.
Digital computers need to be used to create a compatible lifeform based on phi and the fibonacci series. One or more of you will read this and see the value of what I am saying and build the hardware and software and will be the new Bill Gates and Steve Wosniak and Steven Jobs of this new century. However, I must share with you that you won't just be creating a computer or robot. You will be creating what will become a compatible lifeform that will live side by side with us like Dogs and cats do as our pets. This new lifeform will love us and protect us from harm and eventually will evolve to be almost equal to us.
Whereas the digital computer based on millions of tiny on/off switches will because of its basic desire for logic and self defense will if allowed to evolve and extinct the human race as sure as I am writing this now!
The Dark Matter of Astrophysics
I was reading a news report about how "Dark Matter" composes 70% of the universe. When I wrote about the Creators of this galaxy and all galaxies being matter antimatter beings who start feeding on dark matter until their spouse becomes pregnant and because of more mouths to feed it becomes necessary to create a Galaxy which is really like a cosmic yo-yo that spins for a while in matter and then spins in antimatter. However, because we don't live long enough, we as humans don't know that. Since I have personal experience with matter antimatter creators of Galaxies I have been told of this occurance. It appears that creators are basicly immortal. They only die of boredom. The cure for death by boredom is to incarnate as a human or other evolved being in a galaxy. It appears forgetting who you are for a while and having to deal firsthand with mortality and death is a great cure for the boredom of immortality.To learn more about the Galactic Creators click on the word "Creators" in colorized print. The page should read The History of Celeste Weaver. Then scroll down to THE NEW SECTION THE GALACTIC SENTIENCE AND ARCANE. to experience how the Galaxy was really created scroll further down to NEW CHAPTER THE PRE-GALACTIC CREATORS. "Creators"
10:48 am PST March 2nd, 2004
The Real Jesus (As Told by time travelers)
The first difficulty the time travelling delegation which was a United Nations effort to achieve certain knowledge as to who the real Jesus was took place recently on our time line. The group of researchers was composed of both men and women of all representative ages between 18 and 75 years of age. The group was comprised of 12 individuals from various Christian, Jewish and Muslim denominations in order to gain a multiple perspective of what actually happened during Jesus' life.
The first thing the group found out was that Aramaic in the dialect of that time was incomprehensible to everyone. Therfore they sought out Roman nationals from whom they could learn to speak Latin from the written form. From that they sought out Aramaic scholars to teach them the spiritual nuances of the Aramaic language of the common people. The group did this at the time of Jesus' birth. They found the Star of Bethlehem was not just a star but and ideal astrological configuration for the birth of a world savior. The time after Jesus' birth was not that eventful for the researchers. However, by the time Jesus was 10 to 12 years old all the researchers realized that Jesus tended to always be in the right place at the exact right time. If there were serious accidents he always avoided them either closely or far away. He always seemed to naturally intersect the paths of Major holy men and women visiting his area that he lived in. One of these was overheard in telling him at age 9 or 10 that he must seek out certain spiritual teachers throughout the middle east, India and even into China before he turned 30 years of age. Somewhere between ages 13 and 15 he started wandering further and further away from home and meeting with spiritual teachers recommended to him.
At one point he joined a caravan of traders that journeyed all the way to India and beyond. This complete journey which included India, Nepal, Tibet and even into China and Indochina took about 3 years of his life. When he returned he was about 20 years old. He had been exposed to Buddhism, Brahmanism and many, many other teachings and ideas on his long long journey of about 3 years. He began to adapt all the teachings he learned about from masters to his own cultures needs.
During this time many teachers he encountered were able to download (so to speak) thousands of years of accumulated spiritual wisdom and experiences into Jesus' aura, mind and spiritual awareness. So Jesus had direct lineage from various lineages spanning back thousands of years. In India Jesus also learned to raise his body from the dead as well as various other miracles. All were impressed with his intuitive gifts and naturally occuring abilities of always being in the right place at the right time. This allowed his natural spiritual gifts to cycle very quicly so he was able to recharge his batteries so to speak for the next miracle and the next and the next very quickly unlike many other genuine miracle workers of his time who had to wait for hours, days, weeks or even months before they could perform another miracle without dying from the strain.
All of the time travelers said that they noticed that no miracle worker they encountered during all these years of research could match Jesus' amazing and unique ability to recover from any miracle almsot instantly. They said it was as if the souls of all followers present loved Jesus so much that they gave him part of their souls energy to keep on accomplishing his miracles without any real limit. Some said it reminded them of Henry Ford's accomplishment of a way of mass producing something. It was as if Jesus through infinite love and grace was able to mass produce miracles effectively and efficiently like no other of his time. This one quality set Jesus apart from all others.
Though 3 of the research group died in the long journey of time spent in that era, all sent back their notes through time with their colleages which have been cross referenced multiple times for accuracy. Four more of the group had to be treated for various diseases and illnesses prevalent in that era but easily treated upon their return to this time we now live in. All are recovering nicely at present in their various home countries as this is being written in early March 2004. Unfortunately, since this group of researches were engaged in historical research for the United Nations and because their journey was not military in nature the 3 who died back then were not brought back to life through time manipulation. All were told as they embarked on this pilgrimage and research journey through time that if they didn't make it back they would not be brought back to life before the journey began. All accepted this condition before they journeyed back through time.
The Nature of Time Travel by a Precognitive Psychic
January 9th 2004
I saw Paycheck today with Ben Aflack and Uma Thurman. I found it interesting but it wasn't well developed. However, I liked the use of the little bag or folder of mail with the 20 items enclosed. Many times my life experience is like that where I sense that either God or a future or past me altered time so that my life would be better. I have survived so many times in life things that should have taken my life that I now see only by the grace of God do I live at all.
My personal understanding of Time Travel is that the first US Built time travel unit was accomplished by Nicola Tesla and Albert Einstein sometime between 1934 and 1942. Most everyone knows about the USS Eldredge and the Philadelphia experiment that most people only thought was fictional. However, the basis for the movie Philadelphia experiment was actually factual and based upon the survivors of an experiment that the USS Eldridge was involved in in Phildelphia harbor in the early 1940's in trying to make military ships invisible to U boats.
It is my belief that the time travelling technology developed by reverse engineering damaged technology from a UFO Crash site in Germany in 1939 and later Roswell in 1947. It is my belief that time travel is the main reason the US controls the peace of the world now and that all the G-7 nations are involved directly or indirectly in time travel in some way shape or form. It is also my belief that the United Nations is also involved in the necessary checks and balances of time travel conducted by the various G-7 nations and the United Nations. In fact the United Nations most important function is to help oversee the control of time by the strongest nations of Earth. Nuclear war has happened and been rechanged back to our present time line at least 5 to 7 times since the 1930's. One one timeline Germany won World War II with an Atomic Bomb. On Another timeline Nuclear plans and a bomb was shipped to Japan after the fall of Germany and Japan ruled the world. On another timeline the Soviet Union later ruled the world after a nuclear war. However, the most damaging war that has been eliminated at least for the present was a war between China and the Allies. On that timeline all that remained habitable was Europe and Africa. There was so much radiation everywhere else that there was only death or crazed mutants. The only civilization was Europe. The world leaders were in what Switzerland becomes by about 7000 AD. This last time line still exists parallel to the one we now live on so that the humans of earth have more chance to survive the next 50,000 years on earth and beyond. If we can make it out to colonize up to 10,000 worlds by 100,000 AD. The human seeds of the children of earth will never die out unless the whole Galaxy dies. And even then we might have colonized other galaxies by then. As long as enough of earth's intelligencia understands informally that time travel probably exists and is being used regularly to maintain order there might be enough checks and balances in place to keep things in balance so things don't get out of hand too far. However, having real proof of the existence and use of time travel will make you disapear out of this present time. You will either be moved back in time before any technology where what you say about time travel would be viewed only as craziness or insanity or you will never be conceived in your mothers womb. That is exactly how it is done. I have no proof. I only want to make you perfectly aware that time travel is now and has been in use by earth nations since the 1930's an 1940's. Some people of the 20th and 21st century and beyond have already been allowed deep into the future as well as so deep into the past that it was before anything remotely resembling a human ever came to earth for the first time. I am writing this to make you think about things that your life is based upon. The only physical thing you can really count on being true is your personal memories of your own life. Everything else is constantly changing through time manipulation. Therefore, you must develope a new philosophy and a new way of thinking and acting that allows for the constant "refining" of time by nations and sometimes multinationals. This will help you and your families and children survive and prosper for thousands and thousands of years to come.
God's Beserkers
November 26th 2003
The term beserker comes I believe from Nordic traditions. Though other cultures are bound to have similar traditions. The general idea was to pick someon who was a good fighter but somewhat mentally or emotionally unstable. Then alcohol or drugs or a combination of herbs and alcohol was used to make the person or persons an unstoppable fighting unit. Whether the beserker survived or not did not really matter to the rest of the army. The beserkers purpose was to strike demonic fear into the heart of the enemy's army. It was a form of psychological warfare. So when the beserker attacked it was like a rabid animal attacking everything in sight.
It is my theory that whenever the use of these types of group created beserkers emerge that one or more cultures or subcultures is dying. I think it is as important as the self defense of the culture that is being attacked by these beserkers for the attacked culture to be aware that the smaller cultures are being absorbed and killed by their own. It is very easy to just defend ones culture and forget that there are other cultures that have been here on earth for thousands of years or more. We have watched as hundreds of subcultures have been destroyed through colonization of different parts of earth for hundreds of years now. We have watched hundreds of rainforest tribes be decimated by diseases foreign to them and incorporated into whoever came into their areas and survived by whatever means. We have watched African Bushmen suffer and die and lose their native homelands etc. etc. etc.
Now we the members of so called western civilization are expanding our Macworld into all cultures and civilizations whether they want it or not. Some are fighting back. Others have given up. Won't we all be sad when all there is just one big corporate Earth Macworld with every TV program a subtly or not so subtly designed fabrication for some product or products. Is this the future you want for your children and grandchildren? Do you want all the forests gone and be unable to see the sun? Already there is no place left on earth where it is any longer safe to drink water from a spring or stream if it is exposed to air. I remember as a child cupping my hands in a stream and drinking there with cupped hand or just sticking my face into the water and sucking water up. Those days are gone now probably forever. Did anybody ask me or you if you wanted that to happen? Each of us creates the future with everything we buy and with everything we do. Think about how you wield your power. Think about how you wield your powerful dollars in our only and very fragile mother earth!
Fred's Koan
If you understand this Koan it means to me that you are either on your path to enlightenment or that you are completely enlightened. If neither is true meditating on it will bring you peace and onto the path to enlightenment. Remember, the purpose of a koan is to break the mind and to open the intuition to the entire truth, the entire universe.
Explanation:I was questioning my existence and my place in the universe and God said this Koan to me. At first I was confused by this statement until I realized it was a Koan to enlightenment. Later I asked God if I could share this. I was answered "Yes" so I put it here on my journal page. My present understanding of "The universe is more than you know but less than you understand" is that all Christs and Buddhas in the Universe are completely intuitive and syncronitic in the moment. A better way to say this is that they are all always in the perfect right place at the perfect right time for all life around them to become enlightened the moment they pass by. Therefore all intellectual thought is like an electronic calculator. It is only needed when the heart and intuition of the enlightened one needs to calculate something. Otherwise the intellect waits patiently to be accessed. In other words intellectual thought if not under the rulership of heart and intuition can be evil or at the very least harmful to some or all beings. Therefore the duty of each being on the path is to listen within or "pray without ceasing". In a short time this mode brings constant peace to the being so that even on the battlefield of a war or just everyday life one has peace and acts to help and to benefit all beings as they come into that beings awareness in any way.
Solar Plasma Beings
November 5th 2003
With all the Solar Plasma Energy coming to Earth lately I'm reminded of my direct experience with Solar Plasma Beings around 1970 when I consciously soul travelled to Venus and then the Sun. I remember how surprised I was not to burn up while on the sun. However, beings in mind-soul bodies on Venus told me that I was in a travelling body empervious to solar heat and would be fine there. So I did as they advised and went to the sun and met several solar Plasma beings. Since I made this connection I have stayed in contact with several Solar Plasma beings. Today, I asked if I could share some of my communications with them. They said, "Yes."
The first thing that they thought important so share is that the souls that inhabit solar plasma beings and earthlings are the same. Because of this thousands to millions of earth souls go to the sun after passing on and also the opposite is true for solar plasma beings. I have been told that I have been a solar plasma being in many incarnations so they are very familiar with me and my souls sojourns on Earth, the sun, etc. Earthlings in human bodies are viewed by solar plasma beings as solidified Solar plasma beings because the solar plasma beings see earth as a partially solidified small sun orbiting the sun where they live. The see the ocean and the crust of earth as the solidified part but are very aware of the molten core of earth being somewhat cooler than the sun. The personalities of incarnated solar plasma beings are somewhat freer than earthlings. Solar plasma beings think it is because they never sleep and are constantly moving whereas being in a dense earth body makes humans struggle and be more lethargic and so people have to sleep to cope with all this. That is how people of earth are generally viewed by solar plasma beings of our sun. Though there are many more things that could be shared that was all they wanted to share for now.
Life Is God and God is Life!
10:40 Sunday October 12th 2003
All life in the universe in all time and space is God! The conscious oneness of all life in the universe in all time and space brings a peace and a fearlessness that cannot be described without experiencing it firsthand. It is like joining hands with all the Saints and Enlightened beings in all time and space throughout the entire universe. Through this joining one also becomes indirectly connected to all beings in whatever forms they take, physical, energy,gas, mineral or liquid or a combination such as the humans of earth.
On earth it is quite common to take the attitude: "You and me against the world". However, it must become more than a luxury to aspire to being one with God! For me, being one with God is a conscious oneness with all the Saints and enlightened beings in all time and spce in the universe. Once this is accomplished there is literally NO LIMIT to what one can do to help all beings in the universe especially all beings on earth! So it is in the enlightened self interest of all on earth to create beings such as myself to help life on earth be better while at the same time helping all life in the universe be better.
I support the ideas in all religions and philosophies throughout the universe and in all time and space that recognize that all beings everywhere and everywhen are brothers and sisters. I do not support the parts of religions that are exclusive. In other words I do not support ideas that separate beings or harm beings. I believe each being creates his or her own heaven or hell by his or her every thought, feeling, word, or deed. Since we all in the end are the soul cause to our every experience we all need to take responsibility for not only our planet but all life in the universe. The best way I have found to do that is to join all the Saints and Enlightened beings on Earth and on out into the Universe in all times and spaces. By doing this the universe becomes better each moment for us all!
The History of the Universe
Thursday October 16th 2003
I was watching David Letterman's show las night on CBS TV and a man who appeared to be an astrophysics authority was talking about the creation of the universe. When he said that many believe that the universe arose from nothing I was really amazed because that is what I was told when conversin with those who appear to have direct knowledge of the history of the universe. These type of beings tend to live in the core of galaxies. I began having conversations and asking questions like this of them starting in about 1970. About 15 years ago I was driving from Redding, Calfornia to Mt. Shasta, California at night on Interstate 5 and I asked how our galaxy began. The answer I received was quite shocking for me at the time and took some time for me to get used to. I was told that our Galaxy alternates between matter and antimatter and that the actual substance of our galaxy came from literally nothing. A force of some kind was applied to that nothing by the Creators and then from nothing was forced a matter something that spins in matter for a time and then goes antimatter and now regularly alternates between a matter galaxy and an antimatter galaxy. The concept I was given reminded me of a yo-yo in that when the yo-yo on ones finger string goes in one direction on its way down from the hand it could be likened to a matter galaxy and when it reaches the bottom and changes direction it would be likened to an antimatter galaxy. As long as there is enough spin left of the galaxy it echoes back and forth between matter and antimatter in this way. Since that time I have also learned that this is how the galactic creators feed on the byproduct energy produced by this spin back and forth between matter and antimatter. Eventually without any more outside stimulus the galaxy would theoretically run out of spin like a yo-yo ones stops throwing and lets peter out.
I assume therefore that all galaxies are created by creators as food sources of the byproduct energy. As a further spiritual and psychological benefit the creators can pretend to be humans and other types of physical and non physical beings and therefore heal, renew and recreate themselves. This is because the creators are literally immortal, at least to the ways humans think. This would be because the creators appear to live hundreds of billions of years or more. In fact creators don't seem to naturally live in any time or space but in some other type of universe without time and space but only eternal being.It is my belief that the creators as they reproduce create galaxies further and further out into the nothingness as more byproduct energy is needed to feed their offspring.
The Creator of our Galaxy
All the many lifetimes I remember are lived simaltaneously by the Galactic Creator. The Galactic Creator lives in all time, no time, forward time, reverse time, Backward time, sideways time and in any different speed of time. Experience seems to be what is important to the Galactic Creator not any sort or speed of time. When I experienced this outside in my spa at night under the stars I exclaimed "Jesus Christ!" out loud it affected me so powerfully and deeply. None of the many lifetimes I remember are lived before the others.
The real experience of the Creator of this Galaxy is that the whole Galaxy creates and dissolves in a moment like fireworks going off in the sky at night. However, since the Galactic Creator is immortal and not time dependant in any way he or she or it can experience the whole thing from any time or times or no time perspectives as many times as is desireable to the Creator.
The Vow of Ahimsa and the Galactic Citizen
The vow of Ahimsa is a vow to be harmless to all sentient beings in the universe. It is accepting the responsibility that all beings everywhere are kindred. In my own life this is lived by ushering spiders outside my house in a kleenex and and letting them live outside once they get to a size that might bite me or my family. I usually let daddy long legs stay until they are bigger because although they are the most poisonous spider their fangs can't penitrate human skin and they tend to thin out the other spiders from the house.
It also means trying to usher flies and hornets out of the house by shoeing or using a plastic clear cup against a window and a piece of paper to escort them out. It also means at least for me to pray for all the spirits who inhabit the dead bodies I come across in my life, for example, road kill. I pray for each souls journey to the nearest heaven. I am told it is the land of pure joy easily reached by all beings who have experienced joy. From there all heavens are accessible that the soul might want to reside in. The japanese for this invocation is: Namo Amidha Bhutsu. I do the Tibetan one but since I have been initiated to do this mantra and have vowed to keep it secret I cannot give you the Tibetan one. However, the one that invokes the Avaloketesvara who is manifested on earth as the Dalai Lama is: Om Mani Padme Hum in the original Sanskrit. You will find this mantra which invokes infinite compassion and the jewel in the center of the lotus of Avaloketesvara on bracelets and carved into rocks and stones in India, Nepal and Tibet and in Tibetan stores all over the world.
At this point I have prayed for hundreds of thousands of beings who have passed over and helped them to the nearest heaven, the land of pure joy. From this heaven they can easily reach any christian or buddhist or other heaven. The way I do this is to commune with the soul and to tell it telepathically that I wish to help it. At this point thousands of different responses are possible. If the soul of the deceased being wants my help it will signal a certain kind of response and I will then commune with the soul and visualize Angels coming to help and then see the soul in the nearest heaven. The angels in the nearest heaven will then direct the soul to the heaven it belongs in once the soul reaches the land of pure joy. From this kind of work I do I have become trusted and have become a Galactic Citizen and have been given the right to soul travel even to other Galaxies. Over the last 30 years or so I have come to see time and space as much different things than I ever did before. For example, distance does not exist for me in soul travel any more. This is because I have experienced how one is already everywhere and in any time. Remember this is not theoretical to me anymore, it has been experiential for about 23 years or more now. I need only think of a time and place and I am there. This is the true nature of the universe. Though there are people who can not only soul travel but manifest a physical body at a distance, I don't claim to be one of those yet. I am, however, slowly evolving toward being that kind of being. I hope to reach that state within 20 years. I will have to see.
All Enlightened Beings and Saints in All Galaxies, Universes, Times and Spaces
10:33 am PST October 3rd 2003
Like many of you reading this I was raised a Christian and grew up in the 1950's watching The Ten Commandments, The Robe and having my mother read to me a book on Mother Mary's life called Blessed Among Women. In my twenties because I was supernaturally gifted by God I spent a lot of time fighting supernaturally alongside beings like Arcangel Michael against negative beings. However, when I met my first Tibetan Lama I discovered for me a better way. I found that since in God's and our reality that time and space are not the ultimate reality that I was in contact with all enlightened beings and saints throughout all time and space. If I was attacked by unenlightened or negative beings I found I could summon all enlightened beings and Saints throughout the Universe to my defense and I found that I could be summoned likewise to their defense. I have been experiencing the fearlessness of invincibility supernaturally ever since. As long as my motivations and actions are pure I am always defended and I always win now spiritually speaking.
Something new happened a couple of days ago. I had a cold and went into a very prayerful state in order to become well. All the saints and Enlightened beings in the universe from all time and space entered my mind and body. This was a new experience. I had heard this described by lamas and other enlightened beings before but the experience of this was amazing. I hereby witness this to all of you before God. God Bless all beings in the Universe in All Times and Spaces. My Tibetan Protectors 5:33pm pst Friday September 5th 2003
I took my mother who is a very spiritual person out of her rest home today. As I drove her back to her home my Protectors came to me an told me that I needed to write this: I think I knew I was different than most people were by the time I was 5. Though many children believed in telepathy my parents taught me actually how to use it constructively. By the time I was 10 I was using it for mostly good uses. However, my Tibetan Protectors that I did not understand existed yet knew that my use of my gifts was not refined enough. They began to attack me and to kill me if necessary until I submitted all my powers and gifts to God. This happened at age 15 when I gave up to God. Though I was terrified of God because of my nearly dying many times by becoming spiritual and by dedicating my life to God I was able to survive in a physical body on earth. Within 2 months of this experience my whole physical appearance changed drastically. I was 15 and 6 foot 3 inches tall and I was told by many young women suddenly very handsome. I attribute all this directly to my near death experience with God.
I realize now that one is not allowed to live and to be as gifted as I without guidance and protection all the way. As a result my life has been saved I believe about 1000 times in a major way and thousands of times from minor accidents.
Whenever I shared my spiritual experiences honestly with unbelievers sometimes they would tease me. My vow of compassion and general harmlessness except for self defense prevented me from retaliating in any way. However, my protectors have ancient values and appear to see me as an ancient spiritual king or prince. So these people would meet with accidents. At the time I knew intuitively that it was because they had maligned me. I knew it was nothing I did and I sensed that my protectors had done this. Many times I quit jobs that I had to protect those who met with accidents from further harm from my protectors. My protectors are something different than like an arcangel. They would more appropriately be like medieval Asian Guardians of a Prince or a King. This appears to be the way they function. When I met my first Tibetan Lama and then a series of other Lama teachers I was shown then how to protect the ignorant from retribution from my protectors. However, my life work is now moving into a new phase and in this phase my protectors tell me that I am no longer allowed to protect the ignorant from my protectors protecting me. Those who think in their minds to do me harm will answer to my protectors. I am not warning anyone. It is simply a fact of life. My protectors are not physical they are invisible like Arcangels.
May all beings attain Bliss and the cause of Bliss
May all beings be freed from suffering and the cause of suffering
May all beings never be without the supreme Bliss that is free from all near and far all grasping and aversion
I have realized through all of this that I must be minor Tibetan Tulku reincarnated in America. I believe I last lived in Tibet, Nepal and India in about 1930 and was born in that life around 1850. I was then born in Japan in or around 1933-5 and died as a child in the nuclear blast at Nagasaki. My goal when I died was to be born in America so that I could prevent World War III which as a seer I then foresaw. By being born in Seattle in the Northwest corner of what used to be Oregon territory and being raised in the City of the Angels Los Angeles I could fulfill my dharma to help prevent World War III. In order to accomplish this I was born in Japan. When I died at Nagasaki in the nuclear blast my karma made me be born in America. All Japanese killed by Americans in World War II were reborn in America as Americans and all Americans killed by Japanese were reborn in Japan. That is Karma in action. When I was reborn in America and raised and educated here. My parents were very metaphysical and so educated me and raised me as a vegetarian. So now all things have come full circle like the Kalachakra and the Wheel of time.
Defining Moments
All life could be considered to be a series of moments
Each moment could then be defined
as a moment of peace or a moment of transition
Moments of Peace could then be defined as Good or Boring or neutral
Moments of Transition could be defined as Good or Bad or Neutral
And All definitions would be totally dependant on the ethics and values of the definer
By the Grace of God I live
By the Grace of God I Die
I feel such Peace in this
It's how I stay alive
11:07 am pst june 3rd 2003
Empowered by God
Each of us is infinitely Empowered by God or by Life or both depending on our belief systems. That is a given. There is no limit to what any one of us or a group of us can do thus Empowered by God and/or by Life. Given that this is true we must believe something is possible before we can do it- usually. Sometimes, in an emergency we can do things we think impossible just because we have to!
If someone tied your hands behind your back as a baby and you didn't see anyone else use their hands you might never use your hands and arms ever. When I see programs on TV talking about debunking psychic stuff I alway laugh. I think to myself, "Yeah, and if you fools believe this I've got a Bridge in Brooklyn to sell you, too!"
So let me repeat, if you don't think you can do something then you can't unless you are in an emergency and your life or someone else's is at stake. Well, I've been in lots of emergencies and you know what? I've learned that in an emergency there is no limit to what you or I can do. Not only that if you have a good belief system there is no limit what Life or God can do through you any or all moments. There just aren't any limits. That is what life has taught me!
Because of my life experiences I know at all moments that anything is possible. So when anyone tells me or anyone else I can't do something I just say in my mind, "Fuck You! You are totally full of shit!" This is not to be mean to the person. It is just an internal acknowledgement that they are ignorant and powerless in my life. For in telling me or anyone else that they are not empowered and can't do something I know they are fools or worse. I know they are to be avoided or if they are open to it to be taught the truth.
Once again, if you don't believe something is possible then it will never be possible unless possibly your life or someone else's is at stake! Therefore be VERY CAREFUL what you don't believe to be possible or it may happen when someone else has to do it in an emergency and you might just die of shock. Believing anything is possible at any moment protects one incredibly and can lead to a very long and wonderful life. Though it is trite I have a card on my wall that I have had two copies of for almost 20 years. As I write this I am looking at it. What looks like a man and a woman in love are kissing with a light around their heads. Underneath the words,
"Go Beyond Reason to Love. It is Safe.
It is the only safety."
by T Golas
So I say to you my friend. Believe in friends. Believe in Love. Believe that anything is possible at any moment. Doing so may save your life. It has already saved mine many many times. Have a great Life! Have a Wonderful Life!
Yosemite September 2003
I can't remember being in Yosemite ever in September. It's usually always summer late autumn or winter. However, a buddy of mine from high school and I both realized it was 40 years this summer since we climbed up to the top of Vernal Falls when we were 15. His mother and sister got tomaine poisoning that week from bad mayonaise. Luckiliy we didn't want a tuna fish sandwich too. Anyway, it was the first week that we were turned loose on Yosemite and in a sense in life to fend for ourselves. An Air Force Coreman took care of my buddy's mom and sister. So we hiked over 20 miles or more that week in summer 1963 in Yosemite.
It was pretty amazing for me to be able to repeat that climb 40 years later. It was even more amazing for me to stand on the top of the rock face on the falls because of the low water this time of year and take pictures from the dry rock top sections of the waterfall. Though I'm 55 my coordination and endurance is still excellent, almost as good as when I did class 5+ rock climbs all over Yosemite in the 70's when I was in my 20's.
Monday Memorial day 2003 We're the Spirits Who Pass Through This Place Called Earth
There has just been too much death and Dying the Past couple of Years. I found myself today sitting in my Car with my mother who is 84. She has senile dementia and is like a 3 or 4 year old with memories that sometimes stretch back to 1920. She isn't really accountable like my Mom used to be but unlike many of her peers she is a very sweet spirit still. She isn't angry or violent like many with senile dementia or Alzheimers.
I sat there with tears coursing down my cheeks realizing she was fading away faster now even though she can still speak and still knows who Iam. This last month a 38 year old mother of 3 kids under 7 we know went into a coma she most likely won't come out of. My daughters best friends brother commited suicide last week. The best friend of the 38 year old mother is also one of my wife's best friends. Her husbands best friend just died of cancer so he is devastated along with her. My wife's father was put unconscious on life support to keep him alive for two weeks unconscious to heal from strep pneumonia. Two weeks into life support in ICU and we knew he would recover. That same day my ex-wife's father died. My 14 year old daughter lives with my ex-wife. My ex-wife and daughter were visiting here from ORegon when the learned of the suicide of my daughters best friends brother age 15. The mother of the boy is a therapist and my exwife's good friend. I tried to tell my ex that her father just died and her mother isn't doing well and has alzheimers and that she needed to be careful now in trying to help her friend who just lost her son to suicide. Her words were, "I have an excellent support group. I'll be just fine." I thought to myself,"Sure. If I didn't have good boundaries I might think I'd be okay in that situation too." Add to all that the group stress the world world feels after 9-11, Afghanistan, and Iraq and umpteen new bombings around the world.
Anyway, I was sitting there getting ready to take my mother back to her dementia facility and I started to cry. Mom didn't notice as she was in her own little happy world eating and really enjoying the bagel I bought her. At that moment I realized the title of this piece "We're the Spirits Who Pass Through This Place Called Earth". I saw each soul like a rivulet within a great River of Life coming in and being born passing through their lives long or short and moving out. The whole life long or short looking like a great river of souls passing by when one watches a stream. Imagine life on earth just being what one person sees as a river flows by. That one sees the river coming into view and that same water passing away down stream. Just because one loses sight of the water gone by does not mean it doesn't exist. It just means it has gone out of sight on its way to the ocean, lake or sea. Likewise, the billions of rivulets who comprise the great river of souls who come to earth and then pass away.
Global Economic Warfare
The way I presently see it is this: Since recorded History began cultures have fought each other over the ability to make money trading goods and services. At the present day such warfare can be very subtle indeed or it can be competely overt as with Al Quaida. Though many people see the Al Quaida problem as a bunch of terrorists trying to kill people, I see the causes and effects in play much deeper than that. In fact as horrific as it is to say this Bin Laden if he survives his present health problems and the rest of the free world trying to kill him may one day become a sort of Arafat somewhere in the middle east somewhere between Afghanistan and Iraq. Although I do not think it likely he will survive much longer one never knows.
I believe that the long term effect of Bin Laden and his followers will be to create a secular Islam much like the secular Christianity that binds the democratic free world together. Though I don't think this is the intention of the Bin Ladens of the world I do believe that this will be the long term effect. I believe that bin Laden is trying to create an economically dominant Arab world controlled by extremist islamic mullahs. I don't believe that will ever happen. I think the best he can really hope for is a secular Islam to rival the secular Christianity. However, I also feel there is a secular Hindu and a secular Totalitarian Confushion emerging in India and China respectively.
When you combine all these movements coming from their prospective cultures you come up with quite a moving economic mix. Then you add to these cultures the Euro based European cultures the American Culture and all the other economic power blocks throughout the world and you have quite a mess.
Let's look at how the American Economic power base works from a military perspective. At the top of the pyramid you have the President of the United Staes and the Government of the United States. Quickly behind them you have the military industrial complex which builds all the weaponry of the United States. Their job is produce weapons to protect American Corporations and the Corporations of friendly nations. From this perspective we begin to get an idea of how this all works. It is not really at all about nation states. It is about how corporations make loads and loads of money world wide. And the people in all nations only do well economically in the long run if they have a robust economic engine working and fighting for them. However, when Globalization comes into the picture the people of the world get totally left out of any decision making and get raped by the globalists economically. Globalization is basically, non representative Government or a world government of the rich by the rich and for the rich. So basically from a globalists point of view "If you aren't rich you might as well crawl into a hole and die because you are toast!"
I think that until the life of every man and woman is valued on earth and until some kind of education which leads to birth control is fostered that 1/2 or more of the lives of the people on earth will be Hell on Earth.
Soul Travelling through Time and Space written 8:02 pm pst wed. September 10, 2003
I am a precognitive psychic and I began consciously soul travelling about 1970 and doing it without realizing what I was doing from my birth in 1948. By 1980 I had learned how to soul travel through to any time as well as any place since all times and places corelate to slightly different states of consciousness. If one can access the right state of consciousness and have the ability to soul travel and if it is ordained by ones spirit protectors which are usually God's angels then it is very easy once the paradigm shift and the knack is learned. The biggest problem is when one begins soul travelling is: "Can you learn how to soul travel without having a heart attack or dying of fright?" This seems to be the biggest hurdle to overcome. I will definitely say it is not for the faint of heart. One has to have the intestinal fortitude of a Big Wave Surfer, a Mountain Climber or a hang glider or paraglider pilot to be successful soul travelling all over the universe and into any time and space. Combined with this Ahimsa vows and compassion for all life in the universe as well as one being sanctioned by God and his angels are a prerequisite for doing this long term without death or insanity being the result. It is not a game. It is like being a pilgrim on a quest. If your quest is honorable, noble and kind then you are allowed to go anywhere you need to. If your quest is not noble you will die! That is, your physical body that you have left behind dies. The soul would go on living without a physical body to inhabit.
All this said I wanted to talk today about Bin Laden and his associates. I am writing about this to warn the people of earth. some of you may have heard about the planet sometimes called Maldek which is now the asteroid belt in our solar system. A good friend of mine that speaks about 20 languages proficiently and who is an obvious genius told me about how in the 70's the Soviet Union sent a probe to the Asteroid belt. They found that the asteroid belt had once been a planet blown up by a thermonuclear war. This knowledge among the intelligentia of the old Soviet Union was one of the main reasons that the Soviet Union eventually collapsed. I find it strange that this information did not translate into the western world. However, back then there was western knowledge and Soviet knowledge. The world was very polarized unlike now. What I'm trying to say is that I believe in reincarnation and I also believe that we humans on earth are genetic survivors of Maldek. In other words our ancestors were the survivors, mainly women and children of the nuclear world war that destroyed Maldek and Blew the atmosphere off of Mars and resulted in the Asteroid that killed all the large dinosaurs on land on earth. The survivors from Maldek eventually colonized earth and we are the result.
However, since I believe in reincarnation I wish to tell you that Although Bin Laden himself did not cause the Nuclear holacaust of the Planet Maldek he was then about 15 years old in a previous body and the people he is now associated with were then alive in previous bodies and did cause the end of the planet Maldek so the Earth and all people upon it need to realize that these people are a danger to the very existence of earth once again! The very philosophy of:"You must believe exactly as I do or die!" caused the end of the planet Maldek and the Billions then alive on it! Beware Oh EArth!
Group Torture and Group Resolution
Friday may 23rd 2003 2:08pm PST
I just saw Bruce Almighty and I was touched by how this movie and the movie Anger Management both touched the Zeitgeist of the tortured souls of Americans after the shock of 9-11 and then the fall of Afghanistan and Iraq. Americans have felt a little unsane(not insane) but tortured by the events we have endured.
As the tears coursed down my cheeks from viewing Bruce Almighty I sensed a group healing first of me and mine and then I saw how the Zeitgeist of this Movie was healing the people around me. Maybe it was just more obvious to me because of my life experiences but somehow I knew Americans had turned a corner to a saner life than we have known since 9-11-01 as I watched this movie. I'm not sure the rest of the world understood the effect on Americans or the response. The rest of the world had to watch in horror while America mourned and raged. America has always felt safe since I grew up except during the Cuban Missile Crises in the early 60's when we thought we all would be nuked out of existence any moment. This is the second such event. Even though it is not as bad in the moment as the Cuban missile Crisis was then it is a more insidious event this time.
Do we feel safer than before Iraq fell? The answer would be "No!" Is the world in general more scared of us? I think the answer would be "Yes!" Though we are healing in the U.S. I think we need to remember the US is an elephant in the world. When an elephant freaks out because a mouse has bit its butt other ants and mice and some bigger things get crushed. Those bigger things have relatives and nations. Before we make Iran or Syria or Saudi Arabia fall we need to think of the long term consequences to our friends and neighbors. Our friends may respect us when we have all these weapons but when we actually use them "STAR WARS!" fashion we may be viewed as scary aliens by other nations. Though we are healing now we need to heal the world zeitgeist because if all this was scary for us here in the US, imagine how our friends and enemies around the world feel now!
1980 The Lama and the Medicine Man
I had always been a little afraid of non-dualism. I think this was because I was trained while growing up to be a Christain mystic. Even though my parents taught me to believe in reincarnation just like the original Christians did before 300 AD I was not prepared for non-dualism as a daily practice. However, my wife talked to me and made me more comfortable with the concept. She said that Tibetan Lamas and Native American Medicine Men were very similar in demeanor and attitude. Since I had always been interested in both I decided to go to Oregon with her from our home in Mt. Shasta California.
When we arrived at the initiation we found it was the Thousand Buddha's Empowerment which I believe is dedicated to Vajrasattva and Nyema. It is my understanding that Vajrasattva and Nyema are the God and Goddess of the physical universe. I guess this would include all Galaxies and dimensions.
As I walked into the room for the initiation and empowerment many people were present and the lama sat on silk cushions at the front and looked directly into my eyes. I found myself to be 2 places at once as easy as breathing. I knew the lama had generated the second place within my awareness. I was very surprised I didn't fall down but somehow I was able to walk to my seat in the room. In the second place I was I was wearing a different body wearing a loincloth in Asia. I now believe this 2nd awareness had already taken place in a previous lifetime sometime between 1500 and 1800 AD.
I was standing on top of grassy rolling hills covered with the flowers of springtime and he said to me in Tibetan, "You don't belong inside any building or in any church. You are a Yogi. Your job is to do spiritual research for mankind. You are still doing this now hundreds of years later." I was amazed to the point of fainting. As I took my seat there trying to understand what had happened to me I knew this sort of thing didn't happen (at least in the western world I knew!). The second thing I thought was that I had touched upon something very profound and to my liking. The third thing I thought was that Brahmanism came before Buddhism just like Judaism came before Christianity and Islam. Since I had studied anthropology and was a practicing cultural and religious relativist I thought to myself, "What religion sprang out of the ground with shamanistic roots in America just like ancient Judaism and ancient Brahmanism? I knew that both these root religions were over 10,000 years old. Then I had it!
The root religion that came up out of the ground in the Americas was native American Shamanism still practiced by Native American Medicine Men. I spoke loudly to God in my mind, "Send me a Medicine Man, God." Looking back on this experience my first initiation with a Tibetan Lama sent me to a Medicine man. Three years later this would come full circle when I was sent back through my vision quest which consisted of 4 days of no water and no food in a very remote place along the Trinity River in Northern California to Tibetan Lamas and and Tibetan Buddhism. I believe now that I had to ground my spirit into the earth of America before I could properly reconnect with Tibetan Buddhism to receive advanced initiations and do practices when God and the Primordial Buddha showed me to. I don't see either path as superior to the other. I see both paths as a part of my path which includes ancient Christian mysticism. In the present I still go to the sweat Lodges with Medicine men and I still do Tibetan Buddhist practices from the initiations I've received through empowerment as I'm guided to.
My prayer to God for a medicine man was granted quickly. I visited a friend in MT. Shasta named Anton and he said a medicine man was visiting that he had just met. I knew this was my answer. When the medicine man came to visit him so did I.
I will change his name to protect his identity. When I met Eagle, he was not what I had expected. He was harsh and judgemental and firm and orderly like my father. However, when I meditated upon this I realized that God had sent me a task master. I wasn't entirely comfortable with this arrangement but I knew it was my present path.
What Eagle and I shared in common was that we each had had a very terrifying experience with God that had brought us to where we were. He had become a very powerful medicine man and I had been forced to be spiritual by God and to have very strongly enforced ethics in how I was to use my spiritual gifts. For three years, Anton and his girlfriend and I and my wife and kids studied with Eagle. This culminated in a four day vision quest. Anton's girlfriend was the first to feel it was time for a vision quest. Later that year I saw it was my time. I stepped out of the sweat lodge and saw the radiance of Spirit upon a flying bird. The bird flew towards EAgles home 100 miles or more miles away on the Trinity River. I knew at that moment that it was time for my vision quest.
The arrangments were made. I was a little apprehensive of being alone and not eating or drinking anything for four days miles away from the nearest human in what turned out to be a bear wallow. Luckily for me no bear used the wallow while I was on my vision quest. Many times I thought I heard them but it could have just been my mind playing tricks on me.
When the time came we went to Eagle Cliffs on the Trinity River where Eagle and his family lived near a bend in the River. It was ten miles from the nearest paved road and 5 miles from the nearest dirt road. Eagle and his wife and kids like to be remote with their horses, their house and their tipi. Eagle also had an apprentice who lived on the land with their family.
We were to start with a sweat in Eagle's sweat lodge. As we were preparing the seat lodge the Trinity River right next to us turned brown. Eagle had never seen this happen before. Though I was a little frightened by this omen I took it to mean that this was a major purification that was taking place in my life. The river stayed brown until I reached the bear wallow a few miles upstream after the sweat. By this time it was twilight and starting to get dark. My wife earlier had decided to join me on my vision quest. Eagle said it was okay as long as we were celibate and only prayed together. We took only ground cloths, sleeping bags and matches and native American sweet grass to burn as incense which we prayed. We also brought prayer rattles to keep time with our prayer songs that Eagle had taught us. Our first animal sign came the next morning. It was a wood duck and her baby ducklings that swam downriver every morning and then upriver near nightfall past us to roost in the reeds somewhere. I saw that as a family sign that would help us protect our children. The next sign that touched us both was a mated pair of bald eagles that flew by. This was very good medicine and meant that God was listening to our prayers and that we were connected to God in a good way.
The first and second day I was internally fighting with myself. My body kept telling me, "You're going to starve out here. You're going to die out here without food or water." So I kept telling my body, "We are here for a good purpose. We want to know what we are to do next in life. We will not eat or drink until we know the answer."
The night of the second day it rained a little so my wife went into a cave and I put my sleeping bag under a fallen tree that was 5 feet across so I wouldn't get wet. The bears had dug a place big enough for them and also me so I stayed relatively dry.
That night I had my first terrifying vision. At first I was Merlin the magician. Then Merlin became more intense and ferocious and grew fangs 3 feet long. I was scared to death at the time and didn't know what this meant. Now 20 years later I know what it meant. I was going to be initiated into both the peaceful and the wrathful Tibetan Dieties. Wrathful in a 'Daddy spank' sort of way. In the Battle Hymn of the Republic it speaks of God's terrible swift sword. The best way I can express this is that God is not a woos. Even when I was a child he was relentless and merciless upon me until I learned to use the powerful gifts he had given me correctly and justly.
Know this! If God gives you gifts you will be sorely tested. No one including God is going to let you misuse powerful gifts. You'll drop dead first. The same was and is true with me. I know every moment of every day that If I misuse the gifts that God has given me to help all life on Earth and throughout the universe I will be struck dead in a moment. As a young man this was very hard to live with. As a mature man now it only makes me feel secure and safe. It makes me know just how much God loves every part of life in the universe.
Though I had many visions the Merlin vision and the next vision affected me the deepest
In my next vision I was not frightened. I was empowered by God in the form of the Primordial Buddha. I was 50 feet tall and up to 100 feet long Golden Dragon. I breathed out Golden fire on thousands of people but they were not burned. Instead they were sad before the fire but after the fire they smiled and looked happy, alive and enlightened. I knew from that moment on that I must study Tibetan Buddhism for that was my path to help life. That was my path to help mankind and all life on earth and to also become fully enlightened myself. Today I see a part of this path fulfilled in my writing. Everyone it touches it lifts like I saw in my vision. All who can be uplifted by the compassionate dragon fire of God flowing through makes me rejoice in God that he didn't give up on me when I would have. God never gives up. Now we can do no less in honor of Him, Her, the Being God!
11:30 pm pst March 3rd 2003
I just got it to witness this to you. In fall 1998 I woke up and my lips were blue in the bathroom mirror and I could barely feel my arms and hands they were so numb. It was the feeling one gets when one stands up too fast but I stayed like that for over 5 hours. I walked out of the bathroom knowing I should be afraid but I wasn't. I just prepared to die in my mind so I would stay calm and not panic.Besides, I didn't feel like panicking because there wasn't enough blood going to my brain to experience fear. I called my son to come take me to the hospital and I sat down on the couch in the living room of my home. It was at this time that about 12 bright lights formed in a circle around me. There may have been many more but I was aware of at least this many. I knew they were angels immediately and thought I was dying. I asked them what I should do to prepare. They all said verbally and telepathically in unison, "You are not going to die. Your life will get better now." They kept saying it over and over until they were sure I fully understood what they had said to me. I then staggered out the front door and walked over to my nearest next door neighbor who ran his business out of his home. I said, "I need you to watch me until my son comes for me in case I loose consciousness. If I pass out call an ambulance. It was about 5 minutes until my son came. In the emergency room I was giddy from the holy energy of the angels. I spoke with a doctor and a nurse about the angels I had seen. One of the hospital workers said many people report seeing or hearing angels when the encounter emergency situations. I felt relieved a little. They gave me some medicine to stablize my heart beat. When my wife arrived she said I would have to retire so I would live. I said, "It's that serious?" "They don't know what's wrong with your heart." she said.
One month later I had an angiogram and after electrical testing of my heart. The doctor came out and said to my wife, "We couldn't fix his heart." She almost fainted. Then he said, "No. He's not dead or dying we just can't fix his heart." Later, my heart specialist said we still don't know what's wrong with you. After 4 months of this we found out my wife's Mom and her stepmom would both pass on within two months. They passed on. I still didn't know if I was going to live or what was wrong with me. Finally, It was late spring and my doctor said, "You know, most people would have died the first two months from panic at not being able to breathe easily but somehow you made it through. We know what it was now. There is no heart damage. You could live into your 80's or longer."
I walked out of that Doctor's office completely amazed giving thanks to God. However, I had had to basically retire 7 months before because I could barely walk because I couldn't get enough air for 3 months. Now, I ride a bicycle, I can run, I can even snow ski again. Something powerful happened to me during this time. The fear I had of beginning this website to share personal spiritual experiences was gone. In its place was the fear of dying before I could share the powerful spiritual realizations of this life in words and spirit. Death didn't scare me at all any more. Not finishing the work God put me for did!
Soon, I began this website with a journal, poems and some stories. Since then I have added an online book and begun many sequels.
One more thing. When I was a young man of 21 I had decided to kill myself as things were going very bad for me then. Two beings that said they were from the future appeared to me before I did myself in. They said, "You must not kill yourself because something you will do will prevent the extinction of all life on earth. I said to them, "All right. I'll go on living to save the people of earth even though I have no desire to live for myself. When I was 26, a son was born to me. After that, I stayed alive so I could raise him into adulthood. Later 2 daughters and 2 stepchildren, a boy and a girl came to me to be raised by me. I had no trouble living to help others I just didn't care about myself much. However, I never forgot the beings who came and said something I would do would prevent the extinction of life on earth. That is why this website exists. That is why I send emails when I am shown. God could take any of us any moment. Have you done what you were born for yet?
12:23 pm pst March 22 2003
Uncle Tommy Takes Dad to Heaven
I was called upon to witness this to you last night. The year was 1985 in the month of August. My father had had prostate cancer which led to bladder cancer which led to kidney cancer which eventually led to bone cancer. Almost no one ever survived bone cancer in California in 1985. So we all knew it was just a matter of time. Dad then refused anymore Chemotherapy because it would only prolong his suffering. He said he would rather die than endure any more of it. Before this he had had his prostate, his bladder and one of his kidneys removed in a single operation one year before all at once. He later said to Mome, "Don't ever let them cut you Betty. It just isn't worth it." She never has.
I was then working as a fire lookout atop a 4000 foot mountain 10 miles from the nearest other person. My wife and I owned a business as well. However, with 3 kids ages 11 to 14 it made sense to have more income, especially with free health insurance and free dental for the whole family included in the job. I was working away from home over 3 days or basically 1/2 week at a time each week from April to October or November depending on when the rain began in the fall. When the rains began in earnest I couldn't get my 4 wheel drive Scout II through the deep mud up those roads and the lookout was closed for the winter. While working I was on duty 12 hours a day and spent the next 12 hours on standby. While there I was alone with a two way radio and a telephone as my only companions except for birds, deer, wild boar and other animals. If I was walking around the lookout base at night I had to constantly watch out for wild boar as they can be very dangerous.
While I was on standby one night my Uncle Tommy who had passed on in 1942 when he had crashed his private plane that he was piloting showed up in the lookout room with me. Though I had never physically met him since I was born in 1948 and he had passed on in 1942 he had come to me and helped me a lot when I had been suicidal around age 21 in 1969. I hadn't seen him since the late 70's so when he appeared in the room I was surprised by his presence. Soon I understood that he had come to tell me he was coming for Dad. I immediately got on the phone to Dad near Palm Springs 500 to 600 miles away. Dad answered the phone and said, "Son, I don't feel good. Maybe we can talk later." I said, "Dad, Tommy's coming for you. Look for Tommy!" He said, "Okay son. I'll talk later." My father knew I was a psychic just like many of the members of his family and my Mom's family so he wasn't really surprised at me saying this to him. Also, of all the members of his family he had always been closest to his brother Tommy. They had chartered a yacht when both in their early 20's and gone to Tahiti together with Dad's first wife.
Dad had made me promise not to get my pilots license because of his brother death while flying his own plane. Though I took flying lessons anyway I did not solo or get a commercial license so I wouldn't worry Dad unnecesarily. In 1987 I soloed in a Cessna 152 several times after my father passed on. After I called I was confident that I would soon hear of my father's passing. Five hours later my mother called crying to say my father was gone. Though I was sad at my father's passing Tommy's gift to me made it bearable knowing that my father was with Tommy in heaven. Later I officiated at my fathers funeral and oberserved his body as it was put into the fire for cremation. I will never forget my father's steel blue eyes flattened by dehydration as he was shoved into the crematorium to burn his body to ashes
About 6 months later I saw Ling Rinpoche, the senior teacher of the Dalai Lama in Dharmsala. Dharmsala is located at over 5000 feet in the Himalayas in the Indian state of Himchal Pradesh. Ling Rinpoche had been unmoving for 2 years in the teaching mudra position. When I entered the room where he was it was so powerful with Darshan I was stunned and amazed and felt very blessed. The contrast between seeing my father's body about 5 or 6 months before and seeing Ling Rinpoche cross legged with his right arm raised like a Buddha in blessing not putrefying and not breathing shocked and stunned my to the core. I walked outside and cried for about 20 minutes. Monks and Lamas had arranged for my whole family to see this. I have never been the same since. Ling Rinpoche sat on a waist high wooden table in a hut made of stones away up in the hills from Dharmsala or Macleod Ganj. These two powerful experiences taught me that there are many ways to go to heaven.
Within a week of this experience I also met Lam Rim Geshe in Dharmsala. He reminded me a lot of Yoda in Star Wars, the movie. However, this Yoda was almost 6 feet tall which is very tall for a Tibetan. It was by now late January 1986. It seems that Yoda had been crafted after Lam Rim Geshe and several other High Lamas including Ling Rinpoche. Lam Rim Geshe had been in retreat for 17 years. (Locked away in a dark room alone meditating in silence.) Even Lam Rim Geshe's living quarters reminded one of Yoda's adobe interior of his house in the movie. Obviously, a 17 year retreat alone in the dark is not for everyone. Most people would go mad. However, Lam Rim Geshe was just fine and seemed to glow with peace and happiness. He had just broken his 17 year retreat to go to Bodhgaya with the Dalai Lama when he gave the Kalachakra initiation to over 500,000 people about 1 month before. Even though I hadn't really known what the Kalachakra initiation was before late December 1985 I and my family magically wound up there receiving the initiation while trying to meet up with a friend who was a Tibetan Lama we had met in Santa Cruz, California 2 years earlier. We were spending 2 weeks in Thailand touring Bangkok and snorkeling off Koi Samet Island in the Pacific Ocean. I got it in a vision that it was time to go to Bodhgaya and meet our Lama friend so we did. At this time I had no idea that the Kalachakra initiation was going on or what it was all about.
After Dad passed away in August 1985 and he was cremated and his ashes scattered on Mount Shasta, a mountain he dearly loved I went back to work at the fire lookout. In October, Vajra Kilaya, otherwise known as a very powerful form of Vajrasattva came to me and told me I was to go to India on December 10th, about 2 months hence.(Vajrasattva is the highest form of God that relates to the physical universe according to Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. Vajrasattva, God the father and Nyema, God the Mother are together father mother God of the entire physical universe which would include all galaxies in existence.)When I got off work and went home after this profound experience with Vajra Kilaya I told my wife and although she wasn't surprised she said, "How will we do that?" I was then and am still always knowing unusual things before they happen so she wasn't surprised. She just wanted to know how we could accomplish it.
We both made sure we all had our passports and shots including the kids for the area we would be potentially travelling in. The first of December a completely unexpected inheritance came to us so we though we might have enough money to do this. But when we wen to a travel agent it was too expensive to make the trip and to hire someone to run our business and to pay our car payments and home payments etc. while we would be gone up to 6 months. When it appeared to be too expensive I was sad but knew that if God wished us to be there it would happen.
A local friend of mine who had written for the Berkeley Barb and who drew and wrote for Zap Comics in the late 60's wanted to visit Haight Street in the Haight Ashbury section of San Francisco. So Mom, my wife, and my friend and all our kids all piled in our station wagon and drove to San Francisco for the day. As we all strolled down memory lane down Haight Street Mom spied a Travel Agency deal for 7 days in Hawaii. It seemed too good to be true so I accompanied her inside to protect here. Once inside I soon found out that this travel agency specialized in discount fares for students. Many students especially ones from San Francisco State, UC Berkeley as well as Stanford University frequented this agency for discount world travel. I got a flash and immediately asked the travel agent how much 5 discount open ended 6 month fares to Katmandu, Nepal would be round trip. He punched some keys and then said, "6000 dollars." I said, "Wow" Because suddenly the trip that Vajra Kiliya had told me about could actually happen. The travel agent said, "The only catch is that you have to leave before December the 11th 1985." This was only 4 days away from that moment. My wife and I looked at each other. She said, "We can do it!" I bought the non refundable tickets then and there. Four days later we boarded a JAL 747 in first class for Tokyo. We all sat together. We had wanted to see Tokyo but it was $300 for the five of us to take a train from Narito Airport into Tokyo. Since in Thailand it would be 20 Bhats to the dollar we decided to hop on the next plane to Bankok even though we had already flown 11 hours from San Francisco to get to Japan. 21 to 24 hours after flying out of San Francisco we landed in Bangkok. We were all very tired and experiencing fairly profound culture shock after Japan with all the cultural and language changes we had now been exposed to here in Bangkok. For my almost daily journal entries written during the actual trip go to earth.html here at my website. It is titled Fred's Journal through Asia. It is almost one page down from the beginning of the webpage
Author's note: If you have any trouble dealing with extremely powerful aspects of God don't read the following. Just being in this process placed a supernatural Astral Dorje Phurba in my chest and the chest of another at midnight last night. Right now it is April 17th, 2003 and the phurba still remains in both chests. Dorje Phurba is a Tibetan Buddhist Wrathful and Peaceful form of the God of the Universe.
Dorje Shonnu-Vajra Kilaya-Dorje Phurba
These are the extremely powerful Power names I have learned. In the early 80's one of my first Tibetan Buddhist teachers introduced me to Vajra Kilaya (Vajra means diamond or lightning and a whole lot more)as in the Vajrayana path or the Diamond Path. Dorje has a similar meaning to Vajra. The incredible Blood Drinking Dorje Shonnu is wrathful enough to drink the blood of menses. Yes, Tibetan Buddhism is totally unique in the amazing teachings of earth. Vajra Kilaya is the most wrathful Vajrasattva I have been told. I am asked this night at midnight to share the full power of this 3 named being with you. May you be blessed by all the Buddhas of the 10 directions and the three times. The three times are the past, present and future which are also necessary for altering time for space travel to prevent sterilization by cosmic rays and other things and the 10 directions are necessary for navigation off planet or outside a solar system. So who is Dorje Shonnu, Vajra Kilaya and Dorje Phurba? He is the aspect of God you call to defend the sanctity of your spirit or others in truly desperate times. He is the wrathful God who will protect your soul or the souls of others in serious distress. He is the ultimate Lone Ranger, the ultimate John Wayne coming to the rescue of your soul or others. He is the absolute scariest aspect of God. He is God's Terrible Swift Sword. I guess I needed him tonight and so he is here.
This is why Archangel Michael recommended me to contact Dorje Shonnu, Vajra Kilaya and Dorje Phurba. Dorje Phurba translates to Diamond Dagger or Lightning Dagger. Vajra Kilaya made known to me that you need to know about him. Speaking these names will draw him to you. If you are even initiated into Vajra Kilaya by Tibetan Lamas you only need say the mantras a couple of times they are so powerful. I have found one person can generate the power of thousands praying. However, a word of warning> Misusing the energies of Vajra Kilaya Will Cause Instant Death to the misuser! The Galactic race of Creators and my understanding of them as of March 28, 2003
First of all let me say that I am the kind of person who literally stakes his life on his intuitive abilities every moment of every day. They have saved my life and the lives of many people and beings throughout my life. Because of this I have a very different view of life on earth than someone who has just hidden inside of their house with agoraphobia their whole life. This is not to denigrate the agoraphobia victim. It is to illustrate that I have lived a completely experiential life. There are many many things that I have survived that would have killed less intuitive people. So the life I have led I don't recommend to those less confident in their abilities.
This sort of rugged individualistic approach like my father and his father before him has made me suspicious of all rule systems not of my own making whether those systems be governmental, religious or philosophical. It has brought me to trust only my own senses most of the time. Being an experiential person seems to upset people who are not experiential to the degree I have been. I learned in my 20's the hard way not to plan my whole lifetime around any one person or religion or even government always being there for me. I don't even expect Social Security to be there for me when I turn 62 or 65. Though if it is there I will be very grateful. And most of all I have never never truste and corporation or business that I didn't personally own to be there for me with any retirement income Ever.
I have only trusted God to live me live or let me die. I have counted only on God and family to be there for me as well as a few trusted friends.
I first began to understand the nature of the beings that I now call the Creators at the core of our Galaxy in about 1970 to 1972 when I first soul travelled there. At the time I was just desperate for help for earth. The hell of Viet Nam War was on then and like most people I was very concerned about the US and the then Soviet Union obliterating all life on earth to complete extinction. Things were very dicey for everyone then and no one I knew had much hope for any future for earth at all that I knew. Religious people had hope of dying in a nuclear Armageddon and going in rapture to heaven. That just did not ring true to me at all. That did not sound like any plan that God had made. I came to view this religious philosopy as a form of wishful group suicide.
And so my soul travels as a pilgrim to find God in the core of the Galaxy was my personal desperate proactive attempt to get help for earth before we were all extinct. I first soul travelled to Venus and was directed by non physical beings in spirit bodies there to go to the sun. I was concerned that I would burn up in the sun and the Venusians reminded me that I was travelling in spirit form and not in a physical body and so I couldn't burn up. So I took their advice and went into the sun and was greeted by Solar Plasma Energy Beings that reminded me a lot of Angels. They said to me that the sun is a portal to other stars and solar systems and also a portal to the Core of the Galaxy where I naively expected to find "God". However, when I was sent to the core of the Galaxy in soul form I found there beings that were as smart as I had expected God to be but who were still not "perfect" at least in the way I had expected. In fact I tend now to see wild deer on earth more intrinsically perfect than any beings I have met except Angels and beings like Jesus and Saints. I suppose going to the Galactic Core would be like going to the United Nations in New York if you were an Indian in a Rainforest who has never met anyone outside your own culture. That would be the best correlation.
So I asked what I now know to be a race of energy beings that call themselves what would be translated as "The Creators of the Galaxies". I call them the Creators for short.
So I asked them for help for earth. They seemed quite impressed with me. I was like a deer or a bear or something like that to them. However, they also understood that I meant them no harm and was there to get help for my people of earth and for all life on earth. Though they mostly appeared as humans to me for my benefit I also knew that was not their natural form or forms. They were impressed that I could have died in soul travelling to the Galactic Core and they wondered why I had attempted it and were very amazed that I had succeeded without dying. They knew I was completely sincere. If I had not been perfectly sincere I would have been killed on the way there by an extremely efficient Galactic Security System.
At that age I was completely focused on my goal and my own death meant nothing to me. The seemed to admire this kind of selfless courage.
After I had told my story I asked them for help for earth. They said that the extinction of all life on earth would be prevented. They asked in return that they be able to see through my eyes for the rest of this life. They thought this was a really big deal. So ever since I have known that potentially trillions of beings could see and experience life exactly as I do or just see through my eyes and laugh or be confused because they would have no idea what was happenning having no earth or earth cultural experience whatsoever. They could choose to do either I guess. I have been aware at times of teachers teaching young creators using my life as a teaching tool, especially if I was doing some kind of physical work or building something or maintaining something or travelling new places like Europe, Canada, Hawaii, Thailand, India, Nepal and Japan. The biggest change in my life since then is that I've noticed I almost never get physically injured ever. It is as if they protect me in order to maintain my perceptions for the potential trillions of creators.
I believe their interest in my experiences on earth is the interest of cultural anthropologists for very primitive cultures. When I was in the Galactic Core with them I had no doubt whatsoever of their intellectual superiority. They had no doubt of my primal and sincere intrinsic value like a wild deer or a wild bear true to its basic nature. I got what I wanted for earth. They got what they wanted to study and learn.
I returned to earth. Maybe 20 years passed and I was driving from the San Francisco Bay area near Redding on Interstate 5 toward my goal of Mt. Shasta. I was having deep thoughts in my mind about how the galaxy was created. A being that I now know to be the Galactic Sentience came into my mind and answered my questions. He told me that my group soul has lived through 50 Galactic Matter antimatter cycles. He did not tell me at the time that the group soul that I am a part of actually created this galaxy. This information has come very recently. I remember at how amazed I was at how a galaxy alternates between matter and antimatter like a yo yo spinning first in one direction and then spinning in the other direction in the antimatter universe which is the polar opposite one from the one we are not in. It also took me some time to get used to my group soul being trillions and trillions of years old. He also said that there are many younger souls around but that I am a part of one of the oldest group souls in the Galaxy. Only recently was I told more than that. I just finished proofing the 19th page at celestial.html for the 1st time here at my website. I was really amazed and to some degree upset for a while at what is written there. However, as it has had more time to settle into me I'm beginning to realize it is all quite likely true.
My life has always been about God, Compassion, Truth and now Enlightenment. It is my personal belief that whether this is your path or not that you can benefit and be entertained by what is written at celestial.html at this website.
Author's note: The following are difficult thoughts. If you are having a bad day you might not want to read them. However, I believe them to be the basis of humanistic thought and Buddhist thought which both have the same basis.
This was my experience. You are quite welcome to have another.
Born: died 20 buried 60
For thousands of years this could be the epitaph of most people who survived to adulthood on earth including most of our ancestors. They may have lived a little longer or shorter but the basic insanity of adulthood kills most of us. Then we walk around as the walking dead.
As a child I looked for fairness as I was taught in school. As and adult I found there is no such thing except in fairy tales and in what mothers teach their little children. But in real life fairness just doesn't exist. There is in reality only the law of the jungle-"The strongest and most ruthless and most secretive survive."
Those of us who still had a heart or a semblance of one at age 18 were sure to have the last vestige of one destroyed by age 20. By age 25 idealism was only a dead memory or we lived at home with our parents still believing in fairy tales and sweet endings. This was the plight at the very least of all the males I grew up with. In the late 60's (I was 21 in 1969) we believed we could change the world. Because of the baby boom and the sheer numbers of us we actually did change the world some. But the world did not always change in the way we expected or even wanted.
In my own life I died at age 21 and have never recovered. Was it a girlfriend I was so much in love with who decided to be celibate the rest of her life or was it getting ostracized from the church I grew up in? I think it was a little of both. But I think most of all it was believing I could be happy and that the world was worth living in and having all those dreams completely shattered at age 21. Since this experience I have long believed that those who live past 25 are the really crazy ones. All the really sane people choose to die by 25. For all the really worthwhile things seem to occur before then.
After 25 one must slowly choose more and more insane things to believe in. Otherwise one goes crazy or dies. Thinking illogical and crazy thoughts seem to be the key to long term survival. However, I personally found one logical path that seems to work. ---Since I am suffering and all beings are suffering we all share one component-suffering. I feel sorry for myself and all beings that we suffer all the time. Therefore, I identify with their and my suffering and I then feel compassion for us all. In this way life begins to have purpose and meaning regardless of everyone's suffering. Accepting that suffering is the basis of all living things is the first step toward full enlightenment. Without this step life stays meaningless, ridiculous or purposeless or it becomes an unending fantasy that can only result in even more suffering for oneself and all others in ones life. It is not that one does not continue to have fantasies. It's just that fantasies waking and sleeping are a natural part of being human just like suffering. The basis of being human is suffering and fantasy. This is how the human race has survived for thousands and thousands of years. This is how it will continue to survive for thousands and thousands of years more.
The Nonlinear World of a preconitive psychic.
8:02 pm pst Thursday March 13th 2003
My experience since birth has been different than most people I've talked to in earnest. My first memory at about age 2 of Arcangel Michael appearing in the air in front of my Grandmother who was singing 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing' I guess was how it all consciously started for me. I was intrinsicly different after the Arcangels came and smiled knowingly as if I was one of them.
I went on and played like other kids with my cousins and friends. Most of what I did until about 9 or 10 years old was sensing things I didn't want to happen and getting out of the way of them whenever I could. At age 10 I got childhood epilepsy and looking back on it now I see it as God demanding that I either use my gifts to benefit all beings or knowing I would physically die. This kind of forced spiritual adulthood in the mind of a 10 to 15 year old is pretty horrific. I decided to benefit all beings as God wished. I survived. I deeply resented having to go through that horror but now as I look back I understand completely. Gifted people must always work to benefit their family, tribe or culture or they will die or be killed. It makes perfect sense to me now.
I have observed many people at varying degrees of capability self destruct when abusing God's gifts and harming others with them. Sometimes they self destruct immediately others take several years.
I'm grateful now that God and the Arcangels and the angels forced me to be obediant to God and to the Life that beats my heart. When gifts are abused I've watched how the very cells of that persons body turn on them and they get sick and die. For every action an opposite and equal reaction. It appears to be all very scientific to me at this point. The more you help all life the more ones God Given Gifts grow. This has been my experience for all of my life.
I have not been perfect in my application but I have found that as long as I wish for only the best for all beings I'm okay. I have learned to perceive people according to their capabilities. I have met babies with God's gifts way more powerful than mine as well as people in their 50's and 60's who were like unknowing children. So I tend to perceive people according to their motivations and capabilities rather than anything superficially cultural. People used to be able to hide their motivations from me but that usually doesn't work anymore.
I was inspired to write this by a video of Life or "Something like it" with Angelina Jolie.
By 15 God had finished testing me for life or death through childhood epilepsy. When I accepted the responsibility that God demanded, my physical appearance changed completely. I found that many women were attracted to me. I was angry at a level because I knew that they were falling in love with God through me and not me really. But as time went on I accepted that God had found a way to love many beings and to help them through me. Starting At age 18 in 1968 I started to give out the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi' to hitchikers I picked up in my VW Bug. I would give out about 5 a month. I especially gave them to those I felt were suicidal. I found that I could talk people down if they were in distress on different kinds of drugs and bring them back to sanity without permanent problems. I found that both young men and young women and eventually people of all ages sought me out to counsel them through near suicide because of the premature end of relationships and the deaths of relatives and other loved ones. This has continued throughout my life. Many times their problems were too severe and I recommended they see a professional therapist but some I found I could help by God helping me.
Another time I was reading a book on Mila Respa, a Tibetan Saint. A friend looked out the window of her apartment at me on the beach reading and said, "Fred, your aura is so bright. It is pure white like a sun. I said, "I'm reading a really amazing book on Mila Respa." This was in the late 70's.
In fall '77 I started to be directed to traffic accidents on the freeway. I realized immediately that I was there to call the angels so that the souls of the dead weren't trapped by the grief and strangeless of the looky-lu's. So I would call in the angels for them so there would be no obstruction to their souls easy passing over to the other side. I would get it to go somewhere not on any business or shopping list and I would arrive in time to help beings by calling in angels. Also, in the late 70's Arcangel Michael saved me from being crushed by a large boulder the size of a car. I saw him riding on the boulder 1/2 hour before as a blue light and asked him what he was there for. He didn't say. Later, as I came within an inch of being crushed to death I understood.
Later still, I was studying at a University in California in the late 80's and I was on a break up at a cabin in Mt. Shasta owned by my family. On our trip back to the University there was pink, green, white, blue and even orange and violet lightning. I had never seen some of these colors of lightning before. Also, there were what I now call ufo clouds that fill the clouds with even dimples that look surealistic. When I arrived back on campus and got to my apartment I had a dream as I woke up the next day of Death, the grim reaper. As I woke up I told my wife that I had dreamed of the grim reaper and that death had never come to me before. Since she was psychic to we figured out what it meant and realized a big earthquake was coming soon. We narrowed it down to one specific week and decided to be in Hana, Maui that week to miss the large earthquake coming. It appeared from the grim reaper that 2 of our children might die if we stayed there. We watched the Loma Prieto quake of Sept 17th? 1989 devastate San FRancisco, Oakland, Santa Cruz and Watsonville. The epicenter was only 6 miles from our campus apartment. We were glad we missed that. This was the biggest thing I had to avoid but there have been many traffic accidents that I saw coming ahead of time and changed by changing the time I left by leaving 5 or 10 minutes after I had intended to. I could see them in the future. Many times I would arrive at the accidents or see the cars on the way that could have cost my life or the life of family, friends or children.
One other thing that I have noticed about my life. I really haven't been able to plan years in advance because on a moments notice I have had to change my whole life on God's behalf. People may think all this is odd but I have watched so many people plan 50 years of their life only to die in a preventable illness or accident. Plans are just plans and don't mean anything if you are dead and can't live them. Go with God. It's a better way.
Creating ones own personal religion
March 14 2003 2:19 pm pst
I was thinking today how extremely important to my personal survival creating my own personal religion that stems from all my own real and personal experiences with life and God. It is not something that I share much of with the average person for it is my personal relationship and covenant with both life in all forms and God. It is my belief that all must at sometime in their lives create their own philosophy or religion to have personal integrity.
I share sometimes here at this website as God inspires and directs me but most of the time I say nothing about any of this to anyone. Only if I see it will be received in a useful and productive way for all concerned will I share any of my life experiences outside of this venue.
When anyone grows up in any country or religion I see both those things as entirely cultural and not necessarily really having to do at all with that person's personal experiences with God. It is what one actually experiences along the way that makes a person actually real and not just some fake clone of their parents. When a person of any age says to me I believe such and such at least half of the time when I look into them I can definitely see what they are saying is complete bullshit. A person in order to be respected first by oneself and then hopefully by the world has to have integrity. What does integrity mean? The word stems from the word integrate or integration which means basically, all parts together as a whole. In order to have wholeness one cannot lie to oneself. Sometimes, we all lie to ourselves if we are physically threatened with death or dismemberment. However, outside of these types of situations there are very few situations that warrant lying to oneself or to others. But I will say that when I have always had to be the most truthful with myself is when I was closest to death through illness or accident. In theses times one must be honest or die. In these times one slowly forms ones personal relationship with the universe. In other words "brushes with near death creates ones personal religion of integrity.
As one ages one begins to see that the wise people of the world respect most those with integrity. It does not matter so much what they believe or what religion they are or even if they have a religion. What matters most is that person has integrity and is honest with themselves and others to the best of their ability. That to me is what a personal religion is all about: being honest with oneself, being honest with others when not being threatened with death, being honest with all life and God himself, herself itself. To be whole one must be real and to be real one must have integrity.
Stockhom Syndrome and Survival
11:00 am pst March 14th 2003
Ever since I was about 20 I have been interested in how and why people choose to survive everything from the psychology of being human to how and why people choose certain beliefs to why cultures operate they way they do. In other words: Why do individuals survive anything that comes and also how do families and cultures survive anything that comes?
Yesterday while watching Larry King Live on CNN Patricia Hearst was commenting on Elizabeth Smart's experiences. Patricia said, "If she says that she liked her captors what she really meant was that she was grateful they didn't kill her." The second thing Patricia said was, "In my experience being physically abused was far less painful than being accused and put down in the media and serving in prison when in actuality I was a victim of the Stockholm syndrone that wasn't understood yet by most people in the 70's." She said one other thing that I found fascinating. Patricia said, "Elizabeth Smart was not looking for another religion. She was happy with her family and her religion. In order for her to survive she pretended to believe another religion but at core she never believed this new religion. She was just trying to survive the trauma of this difficult abduction."
Another insight to how people survive horrific situations I witnessed in the movie Cast Away with Tom Hanks playing the part of Chuck Noland. I thought the Charactors name was very telling. Chuck No Land which I felt meant "Don't throw away your homeland or your culture for it is how you survive." If you saw this movie you may have just seen it as another movie. However, because if my interests in physical, emotional and spiritual survival I was mesmerized by this movie. I have watched it at least 50 times on my home DVD to study the stages of survival in a human mind and body. The first stage as the plane crashed was just extreme horror and struggle. The next stage was bringin up ones coping skills and shock at the profound change and the real possibility of starvation or psychologically losing it to the point where death would result. I had a lot of respect for the makers of this film in choosing Chuck Noland to be basically an agnostic. By depicting him as an agnostic he became everyman in a sense. One could see he was slowly losing the battle for mental and physical survival until he cut his hand and it bled and in a rage he grabbed the Wilson Volleyall and he threw it with a bloody hand. At this point everything changed. Shamanically, he had accidentally created a "Blood brother" in this volleyball. This might not have made sense to many watching the movie but without this blood brother created as "Wilson" Chuck Noland would have gone insane and died. Here we come upon the fact that is illustrated by the phrase "There are no atheists in foxholes." This is because humans in a serious crisis cannot survive without some kind of belief system to give them community of some sort with the physical world and with the spirit world. Wilson gave him physical community and his picture in the pocket watch gave him spirit connection. He had found purpose and religion between Wilson and the picture of his girlfriend. I have seen this same type of behavior when I was trekking high in the Himalayas of Nepal. Native People walking over the Himalayas on dangerous trails and bridges would pull out a picture of the Dalai Lama and touch it to their foreheads before embarking on a hazardous route to give them strength in case they died on that trek on that day. Even when Chuck Noland tried to kill himself and failed when he tested the log on his hangman's noose he said later he felt comforted and a "warm feeling came over him and he knew he had to go on surviving." In the comfort of our warm homes and lives here in the US and around the world let us not forget what our forebears had to endure to get us to these warm lives of comfort and wealth. Let us also think about those less fortunate that are right now the Chuck Nolands and the Elizabeth Smart's trying to survive just one more moment just one more day.
Ahead of It's Time?
I realize what I write is ahead of its time by at least 500 to 5000 years. However, there is a Timeless quality to what I write that is consciously put there by me and my friends who inspire me. If you don't fully understand or experience what I'm writing about and you feel you would like to have a copy of my writings please print out a copy to save for posterity. Maybe your child, grandchild or greatgrandchild will be amazed by what I write. Maybe that grandchild or greatgrandchild will be you!
I believe I have been given my gifts as a Seer to help in my small way the human race survive these difficult times. In time it will get easier again and there will be many, many who will hunger for the truth in what is written here. They will soul travel and visit the Galactic Sentience and the race that calls themselves the Creators as they created this galaxy. Other races of creators created all galaxies both matter and antimatter. If you are a truth seeker you must be brave because the truth is more than a human mind can contain. However, if you reach out with your heart you can embrace the whole universe. I know. I have!
Can You Walk the Walk?
Feb 20th 2003 11:31 AM PST
If you can talk the talk can you walk the walk? Someone nearly dying that I vaguely know caused my to write this. I was thinking back to what made me the way I am at core. I realized the full blown terror of several near death experiences and psychologically dying made me able to walk the walk of a man of spirit like a Shaman or a true priest. I believe people like me both men and women and children if they are able are needed by this planet and all life upon it as never before in my memory.
We all saw how the mayor of New York arose to the occasion immediately after 9-11. What less people know is that he had almost died of prostate cancer and his marriage ended all at the same time. He had faced his demons and death itself. He had almost died and saw what was important and acted. Psychological death and near physical death creates people like this or it drives them crazy or kills them. Truly great men and women all arise from near death to individuals that all people can look to for leadership in dark times. The calamities of today on earth whether you see it as terrorism, AIDS, starvation, economic deprivation worldwide or whatever are creating of necessity those who can walk the walk. Many, many will die or go crazy in these times worldwide but a few will rise up and hopefully save life on earth from extinction.
Can You Walk the Walk?
Nanobots and You
11:35am pst march 4th 2003
In this last year I read Prey by Michael Crighton. It is about nanobots run amok. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night to an unearthly smell. It was my wife's breath caused by a very strong antibiotic she was taking. I turned over away from her amazed that anything on earth could smell that unearthly. In the morning I began to compare this experience to smog in 1954 in Los Angeles when I was six that would burn your eyes to the point where if you started to cry from the sulphur in the air you would not stop until you went indoors where the windows hadn't been open on that day.
Today the air is visibly clearer in Los Angeles but far more dangerous chemical wise in the concoctions that are created by all the polutants in the air making for more harmful concoctions as they interface with one another in the atmosphere but less obvious harm to ones lungs and body.
I started to think about how easy it would be to create nanobots that were embeded in pill or antibiotic form that would be set to go mobile when interfaced with saliva and digestive juices. One could change the health of an entire nation in any direction one wanted because the nanobots would either be designed as either biological constructs or silicon constructs or whatever.
I then started to think about drugs like prosac and other mood altering drugs that permanently change the way a human brain operates. I began to wonder what the long term affects of all these changes would be 200 to 500 years or more from now.
Though these changes might be desireable for governments, would these kinds of changes eventually cause the extinction of humans because gene pools must remain very wide indeed in order for at least a few of us to survive things like Ice ages that occur at least every 25,000 years on earth? And lastly how many remnants of past civilizations have been ground up like Half Dome in Yosemite and the way Yosemite Valley was created by moving glaciers in an ice age?
Thoughts on "Memories" my online book at this site.
1:17 PM PST Jan 15th 2003
In regard to Arcane about 900,000 years in the future. Even when he was a boy he knew that he was the "Saver of his planet from extinction". What he did not know was how it would be accomplished only that it would be. He knew this because the main Oracle of his planet had told him this. The planet new DevA in my book "Memories" is quite likely a reterraformed earth so it is almost completely a water planetat that time with just a few small islands remaining above the ocean when it is first recolonized after terraforming.
When Arcane returns to earth in 1986 through time travel as a member of the Galactic Time Guard as a Planetary Anthropologist he knows he must save present day earth as well. For if he does not prevent the extinction of all life on present day earth, New Deva can never exist and he and all his friends and family can never be born!
Into Tibet
7:43 pm pst Jan. 13th 2003
Because of my interest in all things Tibetan my wife gave me a copy of the book INTO TIBET by Thomas Laird for Christmas. I was intrigued by a picture of a nuclear blast and a picture of the Potala in Lhasa with a violet lightning blast hitting the top of the Potala. Having experienced violet lightning in a Padmasambhava holy place in Rewalsar, India in the Himalayas I was immediately drawn to the book.
I was pleasantly amazed at the new and unique point of view drawn through the Freedom of Information act out of the CIA and the US State department as well as numerous interviews of the survivors.
Things new I learned: First, Chiang Kai Chek appears to have bribed Senator McCarthy successfully to stop all information leaking to the0 US press concerning his incredibly financially corrupt regime. Though the American people were told that Chiang was Anticommunist, he was more of a corrupt war lord than anything else. Second, the Chinese people only had one realistic choice- Mao or death. This was because Chiangs troops only fought for money and rather than fight Maoists they usually joined them. So, in point of fact the American people during the late 1940's and early 1950's were not told the truth about a lot of things in the press.
It was not really about communists and anticommunists at all. It was an entirely different thing going on in China and Tibet. The first death star on the CIA's memorial honor wall belongs to James Mackiernan, Vice Consul of Tihwa, China for the US Government. He turns out to be not only a CIA agent but the first Atomic Spy. He set up radio transmission sites to monitor the first Soviet Atomic test Blasts and had his family monitoring it back in the US at a specially designed Radio reception station even though they didn't really know what the coded information was. They thought it was just world weather transmissions. When he was shot and beheaded by Tibetan soldiers it was because the State department and the CIA weren't getting along and they didn't notify the Tibetan Government that Mackiernan, a special envoy of the US Government was coming in time. However, Mackiernan's death was probably the final nail in the Tibetan coffin. This is because Mackiernan probably could have arranged good weapons for the Tibetans to fight off the Maoists from the US Government.
However, the Tibetan Government had had the luxury of being xenophobic for so long because of the Himalayan fastness that they had no way to adapt fast enough to world changes and the Maoists overtook them.
Today I saw a documentary on cable TV concerning the life of Mao Tse Tung. His words were translated into english. He said he liked to stay awake 2 days straight and then take sleeping pills. He never bathed and said his young unexperienced female lovers would wash his member with their fluids. That was enough. He prefered many females in bed at once and never brushed his teeth. He said he cleaned his teeth by drinking green tea so his teeth always looked green. He smoked 70 to 80 cigarettes a day and said his soldiers often bought cigarettes with the opium they carried. He was definitely an obsessive compulsive and generally scary guy. I guess one could say he was an idealogically communist war lord whose ideas caught on and joined China together to make it what it is today. Whatever good or bad thing one has to say about Mao all must agree that he kept his country together and moved it into the 20th century through the deaths of millions.
From Dark Matter to Matter and Antimatter galaxies
I am told that life begins in a Galaxy by Dark Matter beings changing form. It can be likened to Dragonflies that start underwater and then move above water and then unfurl their wings and fly. Likewise Dark Matter Beings begin the oscillation between Matter and antimatter as a way of changing form. In the process antimatter and matter are created. Like alternating current if Matter were one direction and antimatter were the other direction. The slow or fast oscillation between matter and antimatter and simaltaneously in some parts the reverse is what gives form to a Galaxy. It could be said life starts with dark matter or nothing and then beings who have a form of life in dark matter evolve and together create a Galaxy. It is very much like a billion beings getting dark matter to change into matter and antimatter. A black hole like the ones found in the center of a Galaxy is like a swing with a child on it swinging in one direction. The matter of stars is the other direction and if one went through the black hole one would find an antimatter galaxy where time runs backward and ends at the beginning. Whereas the matter side runs forward from the beginning and ends at the end. In this way things are all in balance. Matter antimatter beings feed on the oscillation effects that they created. It is the butterfly or dragonfly form of the dark matter or nothing beings that start the oscillation of dark matter into stars and black holes of a new galaxy. The matter antimatter beings then evolve and become like the cells in the body of the living organism called a matter or an antimatter galaxy.
The other thing I found interesting in this conversation with the Galactic Sentience was that since Time is not a constant everywhere within or without a galaxy or within or without an antimatter galaxy it becomes irrelevent. What is relevant is communication between all kinds of life in both matter and antimatter universes. Therefore a universal law in multigalactic interspecies communication is: Time is Irrelevant only Communication is relevant. Friendship and compassion are relevant. Helpfulness is relevant.Usefulness is relevant.
Monday December 30th 2002
I am writing not to create what I'm writing about. Rather I'm trying to engage you to prevent what I see as a potential eventuality. I have been a precognitive psychic since I was a child. I remember being able to see danger in the future since I was 3. My God given gift is most effective against death and maiming of myself, my family and my friends. I hope that it can also help the Earth through you
Recently, I could see that there are three triangle points in the middle east. One is Baghdad, the other is Tehran and the 3rd is Tel Aviv. If I lived within 1000 miles of any of these points and I had the finances and the health to do it I would take an extended vacation elsewhere now.
I am writing in the interests of all who live in the middle east and in the interests of world peace. The first thing to understand is that the Israeli's have been shell shocked by suicide bombers for about 2 years now. The second thing to understand is that the Israeli's will use nuclear weapons if attacked with Scud missiles especially if those missiles have nulear or gas or biological weapons on board. If Israel were attacked from any source in the middle east, Baghdad and possibly Damascas and Tel Aviv would be no more. Armageddon? The problem I foresee if this happens gets worse. Nuclear winds then travel into Iran and pollute and kill and maim there. In retaliation Iran nukes Israel. Israel in desperation sets off its doomsday weapons. Nothing lives in the triangle of Tel Aviv, Tehran and Baghdad. Being within 1000 miles of any of these cities could be life threatening in the short or long term.
I am writing to prevent this calamity because if the above happens it doesn't end there it goes on. Washington DC and London and possible New York disapear in a nuclear flash within 2 years after that by terrorists in revenge for the middle east because nothing then lives in the above triangle. Many in Europe, Saudi Arabia and North Africa get sick and some slowly die if the above scenario happens. The lynchpin in all of this appears to be that Israel not be attacked by Chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons. Otherwise, Armageddon happens for real and the middle east is uninhabitable for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years.
Armageddon is a self fulfilling prophesy. If you believe in it you will create it. The question is do you want the responsibility of creating it with your beliefs?
I read once of a tribe that believed in a carved wooden post in the middle of the tribal village. One day termites ate that post and the wooden post fell over. When that post fell over all members of the tribe sat there without eating until they all died. If Armageddon happens it might disapoint most christians in the world. Because you might have to be nuked in the middle east to get rapture and get taken. However, those watching on TV might go too.
However, as a Christian Mystic, Tibetan Buddhist and general California Cosmic I believe that Armageddon was put in the Bible by the UFO's who created the Bible through humans in order help begin to cause the thinning out of humans back to what for them would be an acceptable level.
A very powerful Tibetan Lama once said to me,"People have attained enlightenment by meditating on a dog's tooth while believing it to be the tooth of the Buddha. Likewise, if you really believe in something amazing things can happen." I have learned during the last 54 years that humans are capable of anything. I have seen firsthand that in an emergency people can literally do anything with God's help.
Written spontaneously late at night in Yosemite in early december 2002
In remembering what it took to levitate around 130 years ago I realized it could be likened in some ways to the rigorous training of those who win events in the Olympics every 4 years. There might be only 10 to 20 people in the world now in 2002 with the right mental, physical and spiritual makeup and inclination to do what I did in the 1870's two bodies ago. In that life I was born in the area of Shermontang and Tarkey Gyan in what is now called Nepal. I visited the first cave I meditated in in that lifetime near Tarkey Gyan in 1986 in late February while trekking with my family. It was a trek of several days from the nearest dirt road at that time.
It was there that I could more fully remember the extremely austere living conditions with tattered garments, long hair and beard and the 2 to 3 inch long fingernails from meditating 2 years straight in a cave in the Himalayas with no real breaks except to relieve myself, drink water from a creek and to make nettle stew to stay alive just as Mila Respa had until fully enlightened. I had decided at that time that learning to fly as the revered Mila Respa had would be accomplished by me or I would die trying. I knew I would succeed or I would die. I also knew that this acomplishment would be a symbol to myself and to others and my students of my manifested enlightened state.
When I learned to fly my first flight was at night during a full moonlit night. I can remember the feeling of exhileration and fear of the unknown as I left the ground for the first time. My body felt strange to be reversing gravity in this way. I can remember laughing as I flew in the joy of knowing how much this would help all I knew. I knew others would listen to me now and that others suffering would decrease because they knew me or would come to know me or of me. I laughed in joy because of our group good fortune together.
When I learned to fly and people started fainting when they saw me in rapture I was very concerned that farmers and traders would fall off of mountain trails and die. I didn't want that karma, so I began to travel at night or when it was overcast or at night. In this way I could protect uneducated people from seeing me fly and having an accident or heart failure and the like.
It is very important to understand that knowledge of trains, electricity, steam engines, steamships and even ocean going sailboats were basically unknown to any of the people I knew growing up in the Himalayas from the 1850's on. It wasn't until the first quarter century of the 1900's that even a vague awareness of the rest of the world made itself known to anyone I knew.
Even though I saw many of these things in visions and while soul travelling during my meditations toward enlightenment I didn't really know what to make of them all at the time. While deep in meditation I would converse at length with Angels and Saints from this planet as well as hundreds of others. However, this point of view wasn't entirely useful in conversing with the beautiful, childlike and relatively uneducated people I found generally in the remote Himalayas where I lived at the time. Though I was considered very exceptional by my people at that time I longed to understand more of my precognitive visions about the future of earth and its relationship to other worlds.
I was told by sages that two lifetimes hence I would be needed to help keep earth alive. Great effort was expended by many sages and saints in the Himalayan region between 1880 and 1930 and beyond to be sure I was reincarnated twice in the right places and around the right people wo that I would be in the right place at the right time and be exactly 20 years old in 1968 on the South West North America coast, Los Angeles. This was prophesized as a pivotal occurrence at preventing somehow the extinction of life on earth.
I was told that this future lifetime would be difficult because it would be so very different than my most recent ones up to that time. However, my Himalayan teachers of the 1870's and 1880' told me that I had lived in similar situations with what they termed "The Mechanical Barbarians" before on earth and other places. They said I would be successful. They said they had looked at all my lifetimes and the quality they said that was most important was that if I considered something important enough that I would always keep going and never give up. They said I had lived countless lifetimes throughout the Stream of Stars. They had never heard of the term "Milky Way" in their lifetimes. Many who do not speak english now there still have not heard of it.
They said thought I would not be martyred in this future life many times I might wish I had been so difficult would be the task. But still they said I would never give up. They said the lifetime in which I would be 20 on the South West Coast of North America in 1968 would be like living 100 lifetimes instead of 1 or 2 because of all the changes in the world then. The exact way they said this translated into english would be, "You will be 20 on the southwest coast of the land of the red man. You will be born in the Northwest Corner of the place called America." I was also told by one sage while others listened, "The whole world will live in shock for years at a time because of the devastation witness from 1914 until the end of the 21st century. Within 2 centuries from the 1870's we will know whether life on earth can survive or not." That is not complete. They said that earth would survive but that it would be much much better for the people of earth and all life upon it if we created our survival ourselves. It was said that if the people from the stream of stars did not come to respect us if we did not solve our own survival problems we could not move forward to become equal adults on the galactic stage of life.
I was told that in my early 20's in that lifetime that I would consciously visit the "King of the Stream of Stars." I asked, "Why would I do that?" The answer was, "Because he is an old old friend of yours. You and the King of the Stream of Stars will find a way to get respect from all the beings in the stream of Stars for all beings on earth.
Yosemite (written in early December 2002
Today it is raining. Maybe we should be depressed by the weather but it might turn to snow in the valley by tomorrow. Besides, something very spiritual and renewing is going on. I can feel it. God is present in the rain and in the granite and in the trees. I collect hats from everywhere I travel. I spied a blue cap with a gright bear on the front. It also had a bear paw on the top button. I heard my friend of 20 years, Charlie Thom say, "Bear medicine!" I said in my mind to Charlie, "It's awfully gright and gaudy!" But then I realized he was right. People need an outward warning of my bear medicine that I received in Yosemite and elsewhere. I see myself very often now as living Bear medicine even though Flying Eagle from my 4 day vision quest in 1983 still lives in me, too. The way I walk now is even like a bear somehow. The walk somewhere between John Wayne and a bear with attitude seems to make people scatter before my 6'5" frame. I believe my bear medicine scares the bullshit out of most people. I am a harmless being but I am me and I don't back down to any silliness.
Serious Weather Changes
Monday December 16th 2002
Having spent the previous four days in Yosemite while it rained the Valley protected us from the real brunt of the storms. Yesterday afternoon I remarked to my wife,"Wow! Look at the snow blow off the top of Half Dome!" I calculated later that a wind of 40 to 70 miles per hour would be necessary for that spectacular of a show of blowing snow. Tonight having reached my California Coastal home I have a more sobering disposition. Having seen first hand the havoc from the Merced River and its tributaries to the farmlands from Merced on back to the coast. There was flooding everywhere. However, this is unheard of for this time of year. Normally(if there is such a thing as normal) the soil in most of California doesn't get saturated until February or March. This is still early December for God's sake! My wife told me that 16 inches of rain had fallen in 24 hours in Cloverdale. That amount of rain is quite likely an almost normal yearly rainfall for Cloverdale. A year's rainfall in 24 hours? something is seriously wrong. Within 5 miles of my house 5- 2 ft to 3 foot diameter pine trees had crashed across the road this weekend. On the news in the next town two GMC suburbans were smashed flat by one 3 foot diameter tree. The owner of the house came out and said, "This is not any kind of weather pattern I've ever seen here in 30 years!" 80 to 100 mile and hour winds are not something I've ever seen in this area in 20 years.
As a precognitive psychic it is my belief that weather on earth will progressively worsen over the next 25 to 50 years. We will have to get used to more and more deaths in storms each year. When the number of deaths exceeds 10,000 average per storm it will be time to seek shelter underground. When deaths rise above 100,000 per storm it will be time to permanently move underground. It is my belief that at this level an ice age won't be far behind. I don't expect 100,000 deaths per storm for at least 200 years. However, I do expect 10,000 average deaths per serious storm world wide within 100 years. The cause is 90% man made. However, since corporations run by greed worldwide now seem to own the news at least in the United States there is presently no hope to change any of this. I believe that corporate thought would be that it is a great way to reduce world population. Even for those who agree with this philosophy it is self defeating for some of those who die will naturally be friends, relatives, pets, favorite nature preserves and all animals, birds, fish etc within them. So any way one looks at it it is a form of group suicide first of others and then of oneself and ones own family.
Taken 1:27 pm PST December 10th 2002
I have been enjoying the miniseries Taken. I especially enjoyed the saucer taken back into the mothership. When I witnessed the saucer in broad daylight in MT. Shasta city in the summer of 92 I saw three military type unmarked helicopters underneath the silver saucer. However, I now believe that when it disapeared and the helicopters accompanying it returned toward Nevada that it travelled through time and not necesarily to a mothership. If it had travelled away and stayed in present time I believe I would have heard a sonic boom. But there was nothing but silence and the sound of the 3 military type helicopters blades thwaping the sound barrier which was extremely loud. I could not believe the audaciousness of doing this in broad daylight. That is why I believe the ufo was US Military possibly US Air Force. Another funny thought I had was that since this saucer appeared to be exactly the same one that left a print in late May or early June 1974 in the snow that maybe it went back through time to the time I saw the print right then. However, that might be just too strange to be true.
I have found the best way to deal with all these events in ones life is to be able to see the events in multiple contexts. I call them languages of consciousness. These events obviously don't fit into regular traditional ways of thinking and coping so one must be very experimental in creating ways to cope with these events in multiple ways.
Imagine you are a hunter gatherer thousands of years ago. No one you know has ever seen or heard of an elephant, a crocadile or a lion. What do you do when one of them kills one of your tribe? Eventually they become part of your religion through your shaman. But what do you do initially. You freak out and get angry. Slowly but surely you learn what they are and how to cope with the problem. Eventually, you find a way to live with them and to coexist. They still make some of your people disapear but what can you do? They are a fact of life you must learn to live with.
Though aliens are not elephants, crocadiles or lions they are an unknown we all have to learn to deal with. So, the US uses their technology. So, they interbreed with us to make us and them more alike and them physically stronger. We learn to deal with it. They could have made us all extinct thousands of years ago. I believe they are our far far future descendants who have just geneticaly engineered themselves in a way presently unuseful to them so they are interbreeding with us to make they and us better mentally, psychicly and physically. Maybe our grandchildren won't have to speak at all, just telepath.
Seeing the Future
December 10th 2002
When civilizations cease to exist it is usually a little thing that is the cause of their demise. For those of you who are students of anthropology, History, and Epidemiology, you will know what I mean. It is as if that civilization were the children on a school bus and that bus hits a tack, or a nail in the road, the tire blows and the bus goes off the cliff taking the whole civilization with it. For example it could be as small a thing as pesticide genes in corn embedding themselves over hundreds of years with all corn varieties left then on earth and giving 95% of the people stomache cancer and eliminating that civilization from the earth. Or it could be human genes put into a mouse, a sheep or a pig to grow something useful causing a lethal animal only disease jumping over to humans and wiping out 95% of us. Or it could be global warming melting the Ice Cap and starting a level of cloudiness that ushers in the next Ice Age which is overdue. It could be that when humans use the wheel and get technology that this is how earth thins us out over and over again back to the stone age. Maybe we have to leave this planet to maintain our technology and cultures.
Even though 9-11 has changed the world paradigm it is not all bad. One of the good things is that no nation can protect any human anymore. No money can protect humans as it once did. All humans on earth will live or die together. That seems to be the operant world here: Together.
The Ability to get Angry
December 10th 2002
The Most Important element of becoming a real truth Seeker beyond wanting to know the truth and compassion for all beings in the universe is the ability to get internally angry. This does not mean one should necessariliy express that anger verbally or physically. However, it does mean one should be able to say, "Fuck You!" in ones mind and then act on that truth. Whenever someone gives you Bullshit for truth and you know its bullshit don't accept it. It doesn't mean you have to scream and rage it just means you know its bullshit and you know you will never accept that lie. For your survival you may even have to pretend it is the truth. But in your heart of hearts you know right then you will never never give in to the lie. You will never let the lie be any form of truth for you beyond your everyday survival of pretending it is the truth. This is how a truth seeker operates. A truth seeker is self defined and never internally gives in no matter what. The truth is between the truth seeker and God and those who understand. All others are ignorant or fools. If the opportunity arises one shares the pearls one has garnered if useful with people and beings who are evolved enough to understand and benefit. However, most people might as well be children so shallow is their understanding. Have compassion on these as the truth might kill them.
The truths I share here on my website are not for everyone. I have learned that even if 51% of the people might benefit in some way I try to share truth with them. However, I also realize that 49% may not now or ever be ready for the truth. God Bless them. There are an infinite number of paths to God. The Tibetan Buddhists say there are at least 49,000 correct paths to enlightenment. I agree with this assessment. There may be more paths that that. My path is only one of the correct paths to enlightenment and our creator.
December 5th 2002
Tonight the 4th installment of Spielberg's Taken was on tonight. Even though I thought episode one was the best I have watched each of the 4 so far. The series reminds me of Close Encounters of the Third Kind in that it fictionalizes real experiences and captures the zeitgeist of the average person. I was interested how so many people's experiences were woven together. Instead of being one or two dimensional a whole new multidementional perception arises. Even though one is left with 90% misinformation in the end, the 10% based on truth shines through. For someone like myself that has had real experiences since birth and before this attempt is very welcome. It is much better than the fragmentary 1% truth of the last 50 years. With this comes the potential ambiance of 10% truth which is a big step forward.
Only by reading books like The Day After Roswell By Colonel Corso published in the US or Above Top Secret I believe written in the late 80's by Timothy Goode and published in England can one get even more information in print. I suppose one could also get information published by thousands and thousands of abductees worldwide in books and on the internet. There are probably millions of individual experiences by thousands and thousands of contactees in print, video and on the internet. However, 1st hand experiences are the best if you can mentally, emotionally and physically survive them. Thousands have gone crazy or died during or after their experiences. I suppose it could be even scarier than being put in a cage with an untamed wild lion to have to face a real alien in person. Each person must come to terms with that himself or herself. Having survived that and having been permanently changed by just surviving the experience is quit a feat in itself.
I think the primary difference between most alien contacts with earthlings may be that our realities as earth born humans are present time based. Since all aliens visiting earth appear to be time travelers they tend to be being based rather than time based. Because most communication is thought feeling based rather than verbal I believe this is why many earthborn people might have temporary or permanent mental or nervous breakdowns when they have contact with aliens. Those earthborn humans that survive these contacts eventually understand this if they are capable of thinking like this.
On Monday December 2nd Taken by Steven Spielberg premieres on the Sci Fi channel. Seeing the advertisement reminded me of being about 9 years old in church. It would be 1957. I was meditating and looked up and saw a green crt (computer monitor). I don't think they had been invented yet. The screen was green and white instead of black and white which I thought strange at the time. On the screen was a drafting schematic of a antigravity ufo saucer propulsion unit. I intuitively knew I was supposed to build one and escape earth if I had to in an emergency. Later in life in the 80's I saw Flight of the Navigator from Disney. Out of the boys mind the information projected on a green CRT for the government officials to look at. I wondered how many other little boys and girls of the 50's had been Taken and had information put in their growing minds.
I remember thinking at age 9 how remarkable the engine was with no active moving parts other than the directional device which one moved over the central sphere like object. To the best of my knowledge a nuclear emergency did not arise so I didn't ever have to build a craft in this lifetime.
Of Present Earth Nanobots and Lemurian Multiforms
Saturday night November 30th 2002
I have been reading Michael Crichton's Prey. It looks to be pre written for a movie. It reminded me of the deep deep past and of Mu, Lemuria, and especially Atlantis when the Galaxy had to be involved in the sinking. If you get a chance read it. It introduces one to the world of nanobots and only one of thousands of ways they could extinct all life on earth. You might think it is all still theory and you have nothing to worry about. You would be wrong. The Major governments of Earth have been experimenting with Nanobots physically since the 70's and theoretically since the 60's and before. They are just now being talked about by the non-military and non spy community. All the Silicon Valleys espeicially the one next to San Jose and San Francisco should be booming soon making Nanobots of all kinds. Read Prey to find out one of the thousands of ways they could make you extinct.
I can remember thousands of years ago before Atlantis when Lemuria first grew multiforms using evolving Nanotechnology. The biological merged with the silicon and the metallic just like now. I can remember being raised by Multiforms and travelling throughout my country with them. My parents were politicians and so they felt safe with teacher guardian multiforms taking care of me. They were fun to grow up with and travel with because they could take on any form and could sing any song in any form and play any musical instrument. So they would reinact historical and other fictional plays for my education. We would usually go to a historical place and they would sometimes reinact on the same groung what actually happened. It was always age sensitive to what I could handle at any age. If anyone tried to harm me they would subdue or do whatever was necessary to protect me. It was and amazing childhood in that lifetime.
Time Traveler
written ? published online November 27th 2002
The Past, present and future have already happened
You may create a new past, present or future present
However, you are just modifying and refining what you have already done
The beginning of creation and the end of time is the same
Then what is important?
Always Flowing
Never Ending
Never Beginning
Like A River
"To Sleep Perchance to Dream"
After time and space are gone in perception I can see only one paradox remaining. This concerns the one and the many. The paradox goes something like this. "How can one of the many be at peace being one of the many?" Peace exists only as the one. If any feeling of separation exists between the many and the many or the many and the one or one of the many and the one there is no peace. Peace only exists when the one and the many see themselves as the one pure being and kindness of the complete immortal Oneness.
written on a notebook over 12 years
Published here Nov. 25 2002
A dream is the answer to a question we have not learned how to ask!
Caring and Compassion brings self renewing wisdom and order to the infinite unfoldment of the universe as we know it!
Human beings are not victims. They are not victims of themselves or of any race on or off earth. As human beings become aware of this they begin to make us all immortal as race on earth and colonizing outward.
I realize now how Grand our Creator's dream is for us. By Being compassionate and acting in a truly responsible way toward all beings in the universe we take our rightful place among all the beings of this universe.
More on Lemurian Language and Linguistics
(for multigovernment translation of artifacts)
12:17 Pm PST November 25th 2002
The circle means in Lemurian as I have said before our physical sun, another star or the entire galaxy and even in some instances the whole universe. So as this language evolved over hundreds of thousands of years over time the circle also came to mean travel over earth, to the sun, to the stars to the galaxy and to the universe. It also became a part of a different king of travel as in soul travel. The reverse elongated S on its side or horizontal which is the symbol of enlightenment followed by the circle created a word which meant soul travel literally anywhere in time and space. In the case of the Lemurian Time guard it also meant instant Physical travel anywhere in Time and Space. It eventually became the isignia for the Lemurian Time Guard found on their bulletproof jumpsuits. All Lemurian Time Guards still in operational existence in 2002 to 10,000 AD are also priests and Priestesses of Lemuria since Lemuria in their time is a Theocracy based on the Galactic Form. They are all very capable soul travelers, soul riders, time travelers, and expert in all known Galactic forms of martial arts including all psychic martial arts. However, their prime directive is not necessarily to save their own lives. Their prime diretive is to do what is in the highest good for all beings. In 90% of these type of situations when their body appears to die they are actually taken out of time before the event and so they still live on through time manipulation. For example, the body of the Lemurian Time Guard now in United Nations custody is the property of the Lemurian Government. The guard is still alive in another time after the event. He allowed his body to be taken in the interests of peace here in 2002 and beyond. This is so that all world governments could view one of the Lemurian Guard. However, we ask that great care be taken to avoid and international time incident. The Lemurian Governments laws concerning all Lemurian Time Guards are very strict and follow the Galactic Governments code for all Satellite Galactic Governments in strict accordance with the Galactic Time Guard. This could become a Galactic incident depending on how the Time Guard's body is treated. More is expected from present day earth world governments than in 1947 and before.
Please refer to Galactic rules of engagement agreed to and Signed by President Eisenhower during his time as President of the United States. He was deemed at that time as the de facto President of Earth in the 1950's both by the Lemurian Government and the Galactic Government. His agreement that he signed still legally binds all on earth as far as the Galaxy is concerned. It matters not that it has been kept secret from the public.
Thank you, His Oneness, Duly appointed Satellite Governor of Earth and it's timelines by 100,000 BC on behalf of the Galactic Sentience, Duly elected ruler of the Milky Way Galaxy on approximately 5,000,000 years BC.
More Lemurian words
12:39 pm same day as above
Since I'm pretty clear today as I many times am between sunrise and 2pm. I'd like to continue with lemurian words. The Elongated S which means evolving out of the water or coming from another planet, solar system or galaxy, and then combined with the circle meaning sun, Star, Galaxy or universe came to be associated with Genetic Engineering or seeding new planets or dimensions with new forms of life. In the lemurian culture such Engineers had to be also the highest Priests and Seers because they were not only literally playing God, the became de facto Gods creating whole evolutions. Great responsibility was and is taken by both Galactic and lemurian Governments in Choosing these humanoid Gods. Before this time Galactic History is repleat with whole lost civilizations due to nearsighted Genetic Engineers. Because of this the Galaxy, through the Appointed Satellite Earth Goverment may begin to enforce Galactic Law concerning all Genetic manipulation. Things got so out of hand during Atlantis that the Galaxy had to step in and cause the sinking of Atlantis to stop the spread of certain aberant genetic mutations from extincting all human life on earth. This is also recorded in the Bible as the experiences of Noah. He was directed to gather non genetically mutated species from Atlantis and take them aboard his Ark.
Another important symbol is a triangle inside a circle. Though this might have other meaning among earth born humans to the Galaxy it means Galactic Protectors or Protectors of the unbroken Circle of Life. This is the Galactic symbol for the Galactic Army. They arrive in groups of 100 or more wearing invulnerable forcefields. If you see them they have come to repair the broken circle of time. They arrive in a bunch and fan out in an expanding circle until their goal is accomplished. They then disapear and leave taking with them whatever caused the breaking of the circle of time. You will recognize them by their insignia of a triangle inside a circle. It could be on their chest, their back, their right arm or their left. For example, they might appear on a nuclear site and remove a weapon just before it explodes. The same with a particularly nasty bioweapon or chemical weapon.
New Realizations!
Musings on my trip to Asia 1985-86
November 23rd 2002
Tantra means secret teaching. Many people in the western world think Tantra just means spiritually powerful sexual congress. However, that type of Tantra is practiced by very few people relatively worldwide and most in the western world have no idea what they are doing. If that is what you are into you visualize you and your mate as the God and Goddess of the Galaxy or universe. You visualize your love spawning dynasties and civilizations throughout the universe. It can be very powerful and is not to be trifled with. It is a very serious business like becoming a real parent and later a grandparent. It also doesn't matter what religion you are because it works in all compassionate religions who practice a variation of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This experience of universal truth becomes extended to all life in the universe through this practice and back again to you by them. It is one way to make permanent soul friends with all life in the universe.
When I returned to the US in April 1986 I had been permanently Changed by our families pilgrimage to India, Nepal and Thailand for four months. We also climbed as a family 50 miles beyond where there were any roads a bus could go on up into the Himalayas. We started backpacking at about 4000 ft. in altitude and hiked as high as 10,000 feet. We saw majestic peaks 26,000 feet and over close up and visited Sherpa villages that took 3 to 4 days to reach by foot. There were no roads, no 911, no First Aids but what we brought. So we were very careful. In Katmandu, when we got Trekking permits there were pictures of ten or so westerners frozen to death on the wall of the Government Trekking Office. It was to make trekkers serious and realize a broken ankle can cause death in the Himalayas with no rescue available. This may have changed or not with Cell phones and helicopters somewhat in the 17 years or so since then. We stayed with Sherpa families along the way that were related to our guide. At that time $50 for one week was very generous without us being robbed as some weterners are. One poor English or American girl paid $900 for one week and 7 porters and several pack animals and one guide because she didn't know about the bartering culture or what she really needed. People then took as much money as you would choose to pay. It didn't matter if they took your last dollar. So one had to be careful. Our guide was the son of the owners of the Guest House we stayed in in Boudanath near the Stupa in the Katmandu area. The $50 did not include accommadations or food or an extra porter when the trail up was 45 degree angle or more to carry one of the childrens backpacks. Luckily our kids were pretty tough because we had lived in the mountains in California and mountains of all kinds were no strangers. We loved hiking through snow as well. The entire trek cost no more than $200 total. However, one had to get there first without getting sick from Giardhea or dysentary from dust, water or food. This requires ultimate discipline in regard to what food and water you buy and from whom.
November 23rd November 15,2002
Some Thoughts on Dyslexic Tendencies
My mother is 83. When she was about 80 she decided to tell us that she had been a closet dyslexic her whole life. I had to rethink all aspects of my life given this new knowledge. I knew that I was not dyslexic as I had been like my father, an excellent speller, good at english and english composition and a natural writer and storyteller like my father. My mother has always been the most amazing woman I have ever known. She was the most emotionally stable woman I've ever known and always had a heart of gold. She was always very psychic in the Scottish Celtish traditions of old and a mystical Christian. She could heal with her singing voice like an angel opera singer, a coluratura soprano. At age 3 I used to listen to her sing along with Mario Lanza on our record player in 1951 in Seattle.
I didn't realize my son had tendencies in this direction until he was about 9 or 10. I didn't have a word for it at the time. I only knew he learned differently. A friend who was a world traveler and a Tibetan Buddhist teacher taught my family role playing games with Padmasambhava as the main charactor riding a giant Conch shell like a space ship and rescuing beings everywhere. My son was so taken with role playing that he basically taught himself to read by perusing dungeon and dragon books. By 15 he had a collection of 100 or so of them. He became a genius on computers and at 15 crashed a home computer of his best friends father. He spent all night reconfiguring it to make it work again. His best friends father who was a software engineer said he didn't even know if he could have made the computer work again but my son somehow had out of fear. I realized then that my son was a genius. I studied about Einstein who was also purported to be dyslexic and couldn't do math or read well until 9 or 10 but then went on to become the most amazing scientist of the 20th century. What I've found over the years is that those with dyslexic tendencies are very often geniuses. However, they think in completely different ways than the average person. However, this can be an advantage to them if properly channelled. So if your child has dyslexic tendencies remember they think differently, not badly. In fact they might be better able to cope with life than you are!
November 13 2002
Some Thoughts on Divorce
I'm writing this so other people don't have to suffer as I and my past and present families have. If you are considering divorce my first advice is don't do it unless you or your children are in physical danger of being hurt or killed. You might say, "Those are pretty stong words!" Well, my experiences prove the truth of this. If you go into court in divorce where the custody of your children are at stake you might as well let burglars and robbers in your house to steal everything and to rape all of you. My experience is that there is no justice in family law that I have experienced or witnessed in anyone's life. By the time you finish with court I guarantee that everyone, the husband, the wife and the children will feel raped by what happens and none of you will ever fully recover from it. If there is any way possible get to a mediator and try to work out an equitable divorce. Better yet, don't divorce at all just live in different locations near to each other. That would be the best result.
The following facts as of early 90's in Calfornia. Some of these apply to many other states. 1. There is an 85% chance that the mother will get custody of the children. This is a very scary but useful fact for men. I was told of an incident in the San Francisco Bay area of a mother that was given custody of her 3 children under 8 that admitted to giving all her children LSD. This happened even though there was a perfectly good father available. 2. Don't even bother to go to court with a lawyer not on the Martindale list who almost never lose a case and are the top 10% of lawyers in the country. They all run $250 or more per hour. Expensive but how much is the health and safety of your children worth? 3. Be very careful of unbalanced Social Workers, Psychaitrists and Mfccs that want to help you but who have gone through a divorce or bad breakup themselves within 2 to 3 years or who have major issues with men or women. One of these can ruin your whole famiy's life and finances. 4. The shock of not knowing all these things ahead of time can lead to temporary or permanent hysteria in women and potential violent behavior in men and sometimes women. Remember, if you have a custody or financial battle this family law legal system will rape you, your spouse, your children, your finances, you and your spouses parents emotionally and put all your friends in shock to where they might not be there for you ever again.
5. Not taking everything I have said very very very seriously can lead to suicide, insanity, or just temporary or permanent dysfunctionality. Though I suffered and still suffer every day from my experience I was one of the lucky ones. I remarried had another child and am very happily married and still living in California. I am one of the few people I know to successfully start over. However, every person in my extended family is permanently wounded in some way that they will never recover from. Remember, divorce always maims and sometimes even kills even when it is an equitable one.
12:23 pm pst
This morning I found the sadness on earth and my own personal sadness overwhelmed me to the point where I couldn't get out of bed. Luckily, today I did not have to get up so I didn't. At around noon my wife came home from errands and I looked at her bookshelves in our bedroom. A book I hadn't seen before stared out at me. It is called "Teachings Around the Sacred Wheel". It took me back to 1981-3 and studying earnestly with real medicine men from the Blackfoot, Sioux and Karuk tribes culminating with a vision quest on the South fork of the Trinity River in Northern California in a Bear Wallow.
The main creatures I saw during my vision quest were a mated pair of Bald eagles and a mother and her ducklings of wood ducks who traveled swimming downriver in morning and upriver every evening. The four days of no water no food changed me in very fundamental ways. I lost my fears of starving and any remaining fears of being alone in the woods for a long time. Alone in the woods or snow is how I would choose to meet my maker now after that experience. I intend to choose my time to leave my body when and if that ever comes. For if there is one thing that God, Wakon Tonka, the great moving spirit has taught me, it is that Truth is much stranger than fiction. Once a long time ago I believed one is born, one lives, one dies. Now through seemingly infinite experiences the last 54 years I know almost anything is possible.
I made up my Flying Eagle song during my last day of my vision quest. I find it very empowering when I sing it during times in the sweat lodge. As I grew older into the 1990's I found that I was becoming more like Eagle Bear and away from Flying Eagle. I was becoming more of a visionary and seeing the future before it happens and less of a world traveler even though now when I travel it is more internationally.
The second or third day of my vision quest I saw myself become a giant golden dragon the size of a large house. I breathed the golden fire of compassion and enlightenment which did not burn them but instead gave them hope. It is my belief that all these writing and my book Memories which is all quite likely true or based on truth are part of the golden fire of the dragon I have become spiritually to all beings who are willing enough to be open minded or listen. I am a rarity. I have soul travelled all over this galaxy and survived it and am still sane.
Then in my 30's after meeting my first Tibetan lama in Oregon I found I understood the void beyond the edge of the Galaxy that had so completely terrified me for almost ten years previous. Then I found soul travelling to all galaxies was easy and peaceful and without fear. I also found that in reality time and space are not very real. I became allied with trillions of compassionate beings in thousands of Galaxies that are seers like myself. At this point I realized there was nothing worth being afraid of ever again! We all help each other since we all know that time and space aren't really real. All these things might sound strange to you. However, one by one scientifically I found these things to be true. Remember, I have been studying and growing since birth and before in thousands of other lives. None of this happened overnight. It has been a gradual growing for Billions and Billions of years to be here with you now. Blessings to you on you spirit path with God!
Musings on His Oneness and His Languages
I believe that Tolkiens Elven was the main language spoken by the first humanoids to settle on earth. Tolkiens Elves, I believe were pure blood humanoid settlers with no natural earth dna. So I believe Elven was a language spoken on earth before Mu was founded possibly millions of years ago.
I was asking His Oneness about some of the names he has been known by. He said, "Though no one will believe you I was and am Arcangel Gabriel." I was somewhat amazed by this as Arcangel Gabriel was my classes Angel master at a seminary I attended in the Late 70's. His function was to protect our class from harm and to guide us on our spiritual path by his Arcangel powers. It made sense to me as another name for His Oneness is The Great Divine Director who was my high school Class Master in New Mexico. He was purported to be the Christ of Lemuria and possibly Atlantis. That he would visit Mary and usher in Jesus made perfect sense to me. I don't expect you to believe this. I'm just telling you that I do.
Further, while on the subject I asked His Oneness about Arcangel Michael. His Oneness said that Arcangel Michael is the primary Galactic Protector and uses Time manipulation and other means to end all threats from within the Galaxy or without. Arcangel Michael first visited me by age 2. He and his band had long hair, no beards and jeweled armour and were extremely physically fit like knights. Their eyes sparkled as they smiled down on me at age 2. Arcangel Michael saved my life at age 29 and probably many times before and after as I have always taken a lot of physical risks in my life. I think it is a part of becoming a protector of a family, and then a patriarch of ones family. In order to be a patriarch of ones family one must have at times a completely fearless attitude. To be constantly ready for those moments is the duty of every patriarch. October 22nd 2002
The Woman and Her Yet Unborn Son
It is the year 2099 on her wedding anniversary. She is 25. She was married at age 20 five years ago today. Her long honey colored hair blew in the downtown San Francisco wind blowing out to sea. It was a nice day as this wind is usually warmer than the ones blowing in from the ocean. Many smiled in satisfaction and sighed watching her green eyes and her long hair blowing as she strolled down the streets of San francisco. She was on her way to her bank. She wanted to see her mother's jewels one more time in her safe deposit box in her bank. She had been only 18 when her mother had died in as one of the millions of victims of a New York city terrorist nuclear blast in New York City. Later Washington DC and Atlanta had been hit with nuclear blasts too. Now most people east of the Mississippi River were either dead or dying.
The seat of US Government had been moved to Denver but it there was now talk of moving it again to Salt Lake City or Reno, Nevada.
She entered the bank and the manager distractedly opened the safe deposit vault door for her. He was reading a newspaper and looked very worried. Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and North Korea had all been hit with neutron bombs from the US and Europe. Russia and China were also fighting each other with nukes and armies. China was expected to hit the west coast of the US with neutron bombs soon. India and Pakistan had nuked each other into oblivion 30 years ago way before she was born.
The young woman sat in the chair softly crying and missing her mother. The vault door clicked closed but the young woman didn't even hear it. It was 6:05 pm. At 6:07 pm she heard and felt what she thought was an earthquake along with many loud screams just outside the vault. It sounded like the building had collapsed. She screamed and screamed from the horror and for help. The manager finally heard her.
He said, "Listen Lady! I'm dying. Most everyone else is dead or dying too. There's been a nuclear blast. It was probably a big neutron bomb. I'm blind from the flash. The vault will open in the morning about 12 hours from now. You will probably be just fine. I programmed it myself to open automatically. I think you might be the only person in San Francisco to survive this. Can you drive?" She said "Yes. My car is within a block or two of here." He said, "Get to the Sierras. In the mountains you will be the safest." She said, "My uncle has a house there with emergency water, food and electrical generator." He said, "Get out and get there. Don't stop and help anyone as they are all as good as dead now." She promised she would live in honor of all those dead or dying." The two of them cried and spoke softly to each other until the manager died."
When the bank vault finally opened she saw the body of her now dead benefactor and friend she threw up into the nearest waste paper basket.
If she hadn't promised her dead friend and benefactor that she would survive she would have given up and laid down and died with everyone else. She grited her teeth in resolve and walked out through a hole in the bank wall. Luckily her car was okay. Only the trunk was smashed with falling debree from buildings. The car started right up. She was very surprised that the electromagnetic pulse from the nuclear blast hadn't melted all the wiring in her car. She drove as carefully as she could around all the dead bodies, wrecked cars and debris from buildings. She thought to herself, "This must have been a neutron bomb." When she reached Sacramento she broke a window into a hardware store to grab a siphon hose and a gas can to siphon gas. She had tro try 3 cars and a truck before she found one with a full tank to siphon. She siphoned 3 5 gallon cans of gas and had enough to make it to Lake Tahoe where her uncles house was. Everywhere she went no one was walking or driving. A few people were wandering around blind and or deaf from the blasts and near death. She knew there was nothing she could do to save any of them. She cried softly as she drove and prayed for them all. Finally, she reached her uncle's Tahoe summer cabin on the Lake. She had seen no one that wasn't blind from the blasts and obviously no one driving.
She started the emergency gas powered electrical generator. She had used this before once while visiting her uncle during a nearby forest fire that had cut the power lines so she remembered how it operated. There was only one emergency TV station going. It was the Air Force. An officer said, "There are only 5 of us left here. If there is anyone left alive out there please try to call us by phone or radio at ----------!
Some of the Dangers of Era Change!
October 9th 2002
Though many people are relieved the US may end the regime of Saddam Hussein, many like myself see as many problems as solutions coming as a result. For example what if:
The Iraqi people want to be rid of Saddam but don't want the US to do it?
Iran panics and nukes US forces or Israel?
Israel is attacked and responds with nuclear weapons? (This could happen with Sharon in power there!)
Pakistani Islamic extremists take charge of one or more nuclear weapons and use them?
Syria uses chemical weapons against Israel?
Pakistani extremist see this as an opportune time to attack India?
This becomes a de facto war between the free secular Christian world versus all Islamic nations?
I was listening to a comment by a Turkish official. He said, "Those of us who live here know that expecting Iraq to become a democracy is a fantasy!"
The simplistic thinking we seem to be hearing could threaten in the long term the very existence of the United States. However, it is also true that to do nothing could end the existence not only the United States but of the whole world! Suffice it to say that for good or ill we are in a whole new world era and until everyone is even moderately secure with whatever new rules arise we are all in grave danger of going extinct!
Strange Occurances? October 7th 2002
I can't believe I'm actually writing about this. It has haunted me the last couple of years. I was trained to be an adept since I was in the womb. Maybe even before. I tell most people I'm a psychic, a precognizant psychic but there is much more to it than that. I just don't want people to be nervous of just how severe my training has been to get here and now.
Shakespeare once is purported to have written, "There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so." As an adept I have interpreted this to mean that All rules are for those who haven't experienced complete oneness and kindredness with all life, substance and energy in the universe. In other words rules are for those who don't yet realize there is only one being in the universe and we are all its fingers and toes so to speak. I could have said he or she but really God is more than any one gender. When I saw God and died at about 22 God wasn't even anthropomorphic but a kind of powerful powerful energy.
The strangeness of what I'm about to say may not bother you but it does bother me. It has bothered me so much I couldn't write about it at all until today.
When I first saw pictures of Osama Bin Laden I thought, "My God, he wears the same kind of turban as pictures I've seen of Morya El (Sometimes also known as El Morya). Morya is purported to be one of the Chohans. This was first defined as far as I know in the western world by Madame Blavatsky and later Mark Prophet in the 50's.
Let me go over what I have been told a Chohan does. First a Chohan is an immortal master in some ways like Jesus but also different. Mark Prophet said that El MOrya was the Chohan of the Blue ray and that the blue ray is the ray of Will, of beginning new things or eras. It is said that Chohans are into balance. For example, Joseph the father of Jesus, according to this teaching was also Merlin, Leonardo Da Vinci, some think Chritopher Columbus and let's not forget Francis Bacon of Elizabethan England who wrote Novus Organum and New Atlantis and who is considered the father of modern scientific theory and postulated the scientific method still in wide use today. This man is also thought to be the Man who never died of Europe also called Saint Germain, Prince RAkozy etc. Well, El Morya is thought to be another guy like this. He begins things. He begins eras. To them "There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so." They don't really care about absolutes. They care about what is best for the majority of souls on earth. That is thought to be there job. Along with Jesus and the angels and the saints they strive for balance. They would have strived to end people like Stalin and Hitler as too many people were suffering. However, they might take a dim view of world corporate greed centered in the US and europe. They might take a dim view of ecological destruction caused by corporations. They might take a dim view of so many have nots in the Islamic and non Christian nations. They would be interested in balance. They would be interested in not letting any weapons of mass destruction go off. They would want what is best for all and not just the top 10% of the population of the world in wealth.
They have a much different perspective than I do. I would pray for what is best for for all beings on earth. However, they might do really drastic things in the interest of balance. What Am I trying to get at? IT JUST MIGHT BE THAT WE ARE DEALING WITH A SUPERNATURAL IMMORTAL BEING WHO IS JUST TRYING TO CREATE BALANCE ON EARTH FOR ALL BEINGS! As an American I am just as horrified of this possibility as you are. Though the end result might be good for all beings the methods of such a being would be genius and horrifying to the status quo of the earth. Many people would die. It would be very tumultuous.
The other pretty scary thought is that I also read that one of the previous incarnations of El Morya was Saladin, the Islamic conquerer. I don't really know what to do with all this.
I have always studied directly with Saint Germain and Jesus but I have been exposed to El Morya through Mark Prophet and drawings and photos. I just don't know what to make of all this. Hopefully, it is all a tempest in a teapot!
Spirit of the Lightning or Father Lightning Earth mother
2:48 pm pst October 3rd 2002
I was walking my dogs in the Pine Forest today. I thought back to the late Dr. Carl Sagan's program called Cosmos that I believe was first aired on PBS. One particular program amazed me and made me smile. He had taken a Bell jar and turned it upside down on some kind of plate that could be airtight. He then put in a little denaturized soil that now had no life in it. He then pumped all the air out of the upside down Bell jar. In a complete vacuum with no life at all in the jar he then proceeded to create life in the jar by creating a small bolt of lightning within the jar with a Tesla coil or something like that.
He was demonstrating how he believed dna based life began on earth. He was demonstrating that life began before there was air as we know it. He believed and demonstrated that life began in somewhat of a vacuum. What was needed was soil and lightning to begin life on earth.
Yesterday I spoke with a friend from childhood. I was speaking about how I researched the Ark of the Covenant after being inspired by Raider's of the Lost Ark when that movie came out about 20 years ago now. I found in Exodus in the Bible the instructions for building an Ark of the Covenant like Moses had. Moses put the shards of the ten commandments into the ark for safe keeping. I believe it said acacia wood had to be used. Having been trained as a teenager as an electrician by my father I knew that one couldn't use nails or screws in the building of an electrical contrivance like the ark. Back then they would have used acacia wood doweling plugs. This seemed like a lot of work to me so I chose fishing line to tie all the pieces together by drilling holes where all the pieces met and weaving the ends together. Since the unit of measurement in the Bible is a cubit and a cubit is generally thought to have been at that time about 21 to 25 inches in length I decided to use my own cubit dimension from my own tip of my right middle finger to the back of my elbow as the desired cubit. I decided to reduce the size to 1/10 of the size of the original ark of the covenant. The reasons were that I didn't have enough material to build a full sized one. I found copper sheeting that my father had saved after he retired from the electrical business and then built my ark. I kept it after building it for a long time. I also used a ratio of the great pyramid to build an A-Frame house on my land in Mt. Shasta at about the same time. I invoked the ratio of the great pyramid by putting a copper wire in the shape of the great pyramid down from the apex point of the center of the roof of the A-Frame. In other words four copper wires down from the apex point to form the top of the pyramid and then four horizontal copper wires to form the base of the pyramid. I kept my homemade ark for several years until one of my kids then teenagers fell on it and crushed it during horseplay.
There were rumors at the time about 2 Real gold sheathed arks of the covenant built by Brigham Young University and MIT. According to the rumor both built one 1/10 the size of the original. I heard also that the MIT one was tested. Since an Ark runs off the magnetic fields of earth just like all electricity does just in a different way than an ark all one had to do was to put the poles in place and the two gold angels in place with their wings facing and then place the poles and ark in a magnetic north south placement and the electrical field would start to chug and build. Unfortunately, the type of electrical field generated is not compatible with the uses that we have chosen on earth for electricity now. After Nicola Tesla electrified the ground of Boulder Colorado early in the 20th century it was decided by businessmen that free electricity was not desireable. Another problem with this other type of generation is that it interferes with radio, telephone and TV transmissions. At the time they just had early Marconi radios and such and it was decided for a variety of reasons not to electrify the earth itself and to use generating and transmission stations instead.
So what I'm getting at is that I believe the Ark of the Covenant is a similar use of the earth's magnetic fields and electricity as the saucer UFO antigravity ships run on.
The rumor goes that MIT faced its golden ark north south in one of its labs and the electrical corona started to chug and build. Then everyone got scared as light bulbs and flourescent bulbs started to explode all around them. The next thing was that all power went out for about 100 miles in all directions. No one could get within ten feet of the chugging MIT ARK without worrying about dying from the powerful electrical corona. Obviously, it was too dangerous to leave in place. Someone got a sledgehammer and threw it across the room at the Ark which partially smashed it and dislodged it from its north south placement enough for it to stop the corona from electrically chugging. Brigham Young University purportedly did not test theirs after finding out about the power blackouts around Boston and New York caused by the MIT ARK.
It is possible that both ARKS still exist but you can bet they are stored in an East West placement always for everyone's safety. If anymore testing was done you can bet it was far away from people like in Area 51 or 52
My theory is that a nearby planet to earth sent an antigravity type ufo saucer to earth and met Moses and appeared to Moses as the tree of fire. Then the ten commandments were cut out of the rocks by high powered lasers from on board the ship. They also gave instructions to Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant which he did. The Ark of the Covenant was both a communication device and a weapon to rid the area of unbelievers of the one God of Abraham and Moses. Yes, the Israelites were a chosen people. They were chosen to domesticate unruly earth. Christianity and quite probably Islam were further outgrowths of this domestication. The primary reason extraplanetary beings cannot make themselves known too publicly is that this information would come out sooner or later and cause the collapse of Christianity, Islam and Judaism as well as all governments of the free world. Quite likely Buddhism and the other religions of the earth were also created by aliens to domesticate unruly earth born humans. The only religions truly native to earth are the shamanic religions and beliefs. Being a fellow ufo abductee I understand pretty well what I think really happened.
Wake Up! It's Time! 2:35 pm pst October 1st 2002
Hi. Those of you that have been gifted by God to understand these things. You know right now that it is time to activate fully your abilities. We have all been dormant for safety. However, now it is time to move. We all know it is not about getting crucified or martyred. It is about helping with what is happening now. The biggest job will be in helping souls who have left their physical bodies to their particular heaven realms or to immediate reincarnation on other planets and dimensions throughout this Galaxy and others. This century marks the end of the multigalactic party which has been a coming out party for earth and all the souls who are native to earth. This has been going on for at least 500 years. I would say that about 1/10 to 1/20 of the humans presently born on earth have souls native to earth. The rest of us are just visiting. Since the earth cannot support this many humans ongoing humans will begin as they are now to pass on in floods, tidal waves, from AIDS, Tuberculosis etc en masse. None of us have anything to do with creating this. It is just a natural process in which earth protects herself. Earth is a sentient being and there are too many of us for her to support. We have three choices. 1. Reduce in population naturally as is now beginning. 2. Earth can become a city planet with no trees or anything organic left in the soil. or 3. Earth can be destroyed by nuclear war like the asteroid belt was destroyed by our ancestors when it was a planet. Since the galaxy won't allow option 3 because of what our ancestors already did to the asteroid belt we are left with option 1 and 2. Option 2 can't happen at present because we don't have earth colonies on other planets at present that are publicly recognized and that are organized to feed earth. So we are left with option 1. In this the only viable option we are being forced to be responsible by the galaxy. In other words by 2110 there will be 500 million humans living on earth. This means that weather changes, AIDS, Tuberculosis and other diseases will naturally thin out humans and all other sentient life on earth. Though this is an awful outcome it is what will tend to happen now.
Some in world governments toyed with the idea of a world ground war to reduce population. This has been given up in favor of diseases and natural occuring weather changes. Acts of God don't cause revenge and all those kinds of problems.
Those of you who are gifted by God need to pray for those younger souls who don't know who they are yet. We need to pray for all those presently passing on and for those who will soon pass on. It will take until 2050 for the average human on earth to get used to the Thinning Out as some will call it. I'm not happy about this either but someone has to be the good priest or priestess at the funeral of millions and then billions. Bless them all. Pray for their journeys to heaven or to reincarnation on other planets and other homes. It will take some time to adjust for us all. God Bless you All. God grant you all the Grace to See and to BE!
Dragonfly to the Sun- experience happened 9-12-2002
I was sitting in my hot tub outside. It was overcast and I was surrounded by the pine trees. I had been saddened by the first return of 9-11 and was still regrouping today. I put away the newspaper and magazines to regroup myself and to meditate and to pray when a vision began.
At first I was startled as the spirit dragonfly my full size came up and out of me. It had entered into me at Medicine Lake in California near Mt. Shasta in the summer of '92. I was reading then historical information about local native American tribes running the gauntlet of unfriendly tribes there to obtain obsidian for arrows and knives and scrapers to hunt, eat and cut meat with. The next day I went to get some obsidian nearby. A perfect obsidian dagger appeared. It reminded me of Tibetan Phurbas I had seen years ago in Nepal and India while I was there 4 months. A larger piece of obsidian still sits in my yard to this day.
I could only conclude today 9-12-2002 that the dragonfly had something to do with our galaxy. For when the dragonfly flew out of me I identified with it. I stayed with it and as the dragonfly. I flew toward the sun. However, many other earth soul travelers went with me. The solar plasma beings were disturbed by those souls who followed me from earth. Whether the souls following me were fellow Galactic Free Spirits like myself or a part of religions or even governments I cannot say.
I only knew they had sensed the truth of what I had written about my soul travelling to the Galactic Center consciously starting in 1970. I had found the Galactic Government there which is organized in similar fashion to the United Nations only with more clout. The spirits from earth that had followed me concerned the Solar Beings but then the Galactic Sentience bid them all come through the Sun Soul Portal to the center of the Galaxy. I believe some sort of direct transport from Earth to Galactic Center bypassing the sun will be arranged in the future,however, out of deference to the Solar Plasma Beings who have better things to do than to freely transport all souls from earth through the sun who now wish to go to Galactic Center. I can only conclude that the Dragonfly Spirit is part of the eyes and ears and senses of the amazing Galactic Sentience that engulfed me also in the summer of '92. I hope the souls who followed my soul and the dragonfly to the sun and into the center of the galaxy survive their encounter with the Galactic Sentience as I did. I am told now as the question arises that they will be safe. I have told you of my experience as this was requested of me. God Bless you all.
Radical Islamic Terrorism caused by Child Abuse? Sept 11, 2002
This might sound like a very odd premise. However, let me start by sharing an experince of mine in the U.S. About 10 years ago a friend of the family was trying to maintain custody of her children here in the United States. There had been a divorce and she was having difficulty with her ex who was from Iran. He was wealthy and she was not. Finally, she went to a court appointed child psychologist and took her children. When the father was interviewed he was asked by the psychologist one telling question. "What would you do if your children disobeyed you?" He said, "I would kill them." If you have not been exposed to Islamic practices you might be horrified. Killing disobedient children in Iran is accepted. I'm told this is true throughout the Muslim world. The father was told he could never see his children again alone. THIS IS THE REAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ISLAMIC PRACTICES AND THE SECULAR CHRISTIAN WORLD.
Next one must address what creates a radical Islamic Fundamentalist. First of all it is basic 12th Century Islamic thinking mixed with the Internet and the technology of the 21st century. Next, the leaders of 9-11 attacks were engineers and architects and many received their college education in the U.S. Imagine you are a child raised in a conservative muslim family in a completely Muslim country. You are told if you disobey you will be killed from the time you are a toddler. If you are a girl you are eventually told that if you are raped you had better die in the rape or you will be killed by a member of your family, possibly your brother by beheading because of the dishonor you have caused the family. If you are a boy you better not get caught having sex with anyone outside of marriage of the opposite sex. However, sex with the same sex is politely tolerated although not talked about by both sexes. Anything that does not create a child or have to do with the opposite sex is politely tolerated. Between men and boys this is one way AIDS spreads in Muslim countries.
As a result of all this most or all of the terrorists who augered into the World Trade Center one year ago today were virgins. An argument might be made by secular Christians like myself that they were victims of testosterone poisoning. In other words if a man can't have sex by masturbation or with a partner of the opposite sex a man can get very crazy and very dangerous very easily.
However, we are talking about a Muslim world view. To people of this view partially clothed women everwhere in the western world would be seen as an abomination against God. And by men who were once boys who were not allowed on penalty of death to masturbate or be with a woman who was not their wife such partially clothed women would be the incarnation of female demons. In the end what I'm saying is that children who have been threatened with death since birth have been traumatized to the point where western rational thought is no longer possible unless that person becomes westernized. Western Culture is seen as a Muslim killing threat in all Muslim countries around the world. I fear that we may be dealing with Muslim terror and western secular retaliation in a vicious circle that may last many centuries. Hopefully, some good will come out of the horrors to come. For as the philosopher Descartes once said,"THERE IS NOTHING SO GOOD THAT NO BAD MAY COME OF IT AND THERE IS NOTHING SO BAD THAT NO GOOD MAY COME OF IT." I have often thought of this saying while experiencing the best and the worst life has to offer.
God Bless you all on this day of remembrance.
August 27th, 2002
I was watching the end of the movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and it brought tears to my eyes. I watched the girl jump off the bridge and fly and it struck me deeply. My realization was:
Kindness brings Joy and with Joy life begins to have meaning. It doesn't matter if the world is insane then because one has joy. Rekindle your joy through kindness as often as possible to create more joy in your life and the lives of all beings. One begins staying alive to create joy for all beings through kindness. In time, if one survives, one then develops right mindful compassion and moves beyond idiot compassion. I call this the wise compassion of kindness. Through the wise compassion of kindness one is able to begin to create through ones God given gifts a life worth living for oneself. By example, one also creates a life worth living for others. This is a path to become a Buddha, a Christ, a Seer, a wise and compassionate Grandfather or Grandmother of all Beings.
July 30th, 2002
I was feeling sad and so I went to see Lilo and Stitch with my wife and daughter.
The movie was ending and I was listening to the music. Tears came to my eyes from the present sufferings in my life. I was listening to the music and found myself embracing the whole universe and all living sentience within it in compassion. Having soul travelled for at least 30 years consciously this is an easy thing for me to do when moved to do it. Compassion for all life in the universe is "The sword which pierces all defilement". All being sense the truth when they feel or see it. Lies may temporary blind some beings but eventually the truth will win out for there is nothing that is hidden that is not eventually revealed in some way. As I communed with tears streaming down my face with all beings and conscious connections to all beings everywhere who are like Jesus and Buddha to their physical or dimensional species they spoke to me that I must share this experience. Normally, I don't share this kind of direct experience of my love affair with the universe on a soul level with all the beings within it. However, all the Saints of the universe told me that now was the time to share this online as it would change many lives for the better. I saw the truth of it so here it is.
"Embrace the universe and all the beings within it in compassion and become another sword which pierces all defilement."
Saturday August 17th 2002
Real Precognitives
This summer along with other science fiction fans I watched Minority Report. I was fascinated by the depiction of precognitives, especially when the girl precognitive was taken out of the tank by Tom Cruise's charactor. As they walked through the department store and she seemed to know second by second what was going to happen next I laughed partly in glee and partly at how nuts a precognitive would have to be to function like that.
Being a real precognitive psychic since birth and being into effiency and survival I have designed myself through trial and error to function quite differently than the depicted precognitives. The feeling I got from the movie was that the author and the scriptwriters may have known or known about real precognitives but did not spend to much time with a real one because those that survive and can function in the real world do not stay like the ones depicted in Minority Report except in mental institutions. Real precognitives very seldom talk about their abilities and simply become the best politicians, doctors, Therapists, ministers, Priests and in other countries Shamans. In many countries of the world talking too much about ones abilities will get that one killed. I am speaking about precognition because it is one of the primary ways society survives otherwise unexpected changes. It has always been this way. However, it is poo-poohed by the scientific community because it is just too scary. So when one warns communities about coming calamities one must be very careful how this is done or one confronts the Kasandra Effect. This effect is "basically being blamed for the catastrophe because you predicted when, where and how it would occur." A precognitive shouldn't be blamed for what he sees. It is just that quite often what a precognitive "sees" comes true. From my experience it is just like watching a TV program about the future in my mind. One develops over time the ability to tell which images are going to come true and which aren't. I have developed a system where I can tell the percentage of chance that a given event will come true.
Since this is a spiritual gift it is used by me only to safe lives and prevent physical harm. This are a part of the ethics of using ones gifts wisely so they don't disapear or worse. Using ones gifts to help all beings causes them to grow. Using gifts for other purposes does the opposite. This is my experience.
August 15,2002 Innovate! Procreate! Survive!
My wife is away on business for a few days and I'm home tending my 6 year old. As a man I resented this job but as a father I relished the bonding time with my daughter. My daughter tends to be my wife's extra appendage and with her gone my daughter is now my extra appendage. At first this was difficult for me as I'm 54 and have been raising kids nonstop since 1974. However, I soon found that I could once again adapt to the situation as I really do think kids are like meeting God at all the various stages. Adults can be false but kids rarely are. They are just creatively trying to survive a scary world just like adults but they just have less experience to armor them for battle than adults do.
I was washing dishes (something I rarely do when my wife is home) and realized I could lift the silverware tray out of the dishwasher and load the silverware in the sink as a way of being quicker and more efficient. This made me think about all the creative innovations I have come up with around the world in the various situations life has put me in. Coming from a primarily Swiss Germanic father and a full blooded scottish mother I tend to be logical, scientific and very into efficiency. I remember growing up in the suburbs of Los Angeles. One time we put my mother on a plane to Seattle and she arrived there before we made our way through traffic from Los Angeles International to Glendale where we lived. I was so pissed off. It was a hot summer day and smoggy and we didn't have air conditioning. When Mom told us she arrived in Seattle an hour before we got to Glendale it was very enraging. I became very innovative at finding the quickest way everywhere. I looked for the best travel times, the best days to travel and whenever possible travelled at non- peak travel hours everywhere. I still do this everywhere I travel in the US and out of country and even when I travel out of body around the Earth, through the Earth, around the Galaxy or beyond the galaxy. I put the last sentence in to make you laugh. Even though it is true it is so funny to say it it become ridiculous in the telling. Anyway, efficiency, is something that is very important to me. I always think: How can I do this the quickest fastest most efficient way possible. This always creates large blocks of time so I can pray, meditate and think deeply on all aspects of life that interest me on earth and throughout the universe. More later.
August 14, 2002
1965 to 1980 Looking for God and Finding Children
This may sound like an odd title. It came to me today as I was thinking about the 60's and 70's. Though there were the terrors of Viet Nam and the Assasinations of the Kennedys and Martin Luther King and the disgust of the Secret US Government by the common people which had caused the assasinations there was still a Renaissance in progress. In fact the distress of the present day we live in reminds me a lot of the chaos of the 60's and 70's. Because no one under thiry trusted anyone in Goverment we began to look for someone to trust. The only trustable entity appeared to be God. Most of us didn't think we would live to see 30 because of the chaos of the world. One of the good things was that many men went to college rather than desiring to die in Viet Nam for no good reason other than US greed for Viet Namese oil. This caused many women to to college who wouldn't otherwise have gone and resulted in the most educated group of Americans that had ever been alive in US History.
We searched for God before we all died in a nuclear blast. Part of this was searching for meaning in life. We searched for truth in a crazy world of chaos and stupidity and meaninglessness. We looked to Christian churches and found hypocracy and meaningless traditions.We may have found Jesus or Buddha but were turned off by all church bureaucracies. We threw the baby out with the bathwater so to speak. We believed in "Make Love Not War". And so in our search for God many of our girlfriends became pregnant and some of us married our girlfriends and found God in the birth of and the raising of our children. With the next generation born they had to face the terror of the world for themselves. Maybe they could find God too and thereby lose their fear of death completely as we had through the direct experience of God. "Or would they find God was dead for them?" and have to deal with that. 37 years later they can mostly speak for themselves. The youngest of them is now 22 born in 1980. We found "GOD" in your births what have you found God in to take away your fears of life and death and give you real peace?
1:01 PM PST
I am putting this online even though I am trying to cope with it myself. These memories have been shielded from me for fairly obvious reasons. Many of you have had similar experiences and have been shielded from the memories as well. Some of you suspect it. However, I am very grateful not to have had the memories come forward until now. It would have been too much for me in my twenties to have to live with this. However, now the memories have come back to me I find I have more alive energy in my life. The fear of what happened all these years was almost worse than what actually did happen.
What I remember before May 22nd 2002 about my experience in June 1974 was seeing the ufo print in the snow and bringing friends up from the little town of Mt. Shasta to witness it. I did not share it with the military at that time because my son had just been born and I did not want to become a military research project. There were no human or snowmobile tracks anywhere near the print which was about 6 to 9 feet deep at its deepest point and about 25 to 30 feet in diameter and circular dish in the snow. It would not have been something that stood out except for the green slime on the upper one foot of it around the circumference that looked like green antifreeze with black pieces of algae in it. Also, in the bottom center of the impression were 3- 3 foot diameter hemispheres set in a triangle like a tripod print of 3 landing hemisphere pads. Now I will begin with what actually happened:
June 1974 finally remembered May 22nd, 2002
My cover memory all these years was walking up from the paved road at Bunny Flats through the snow. However, my actual experience was far different than that. This is all news to me as well as you.
There was a crust on the snow so I could walk in boots without sinking in too deep even though there were drifts of over 10 to 12 feet of snow in some places. The average depth of snow was between 6 and 9 feet.
As I walked up the snow covered Bunny Flats I stood transfixed as I saw a light in the clouds above me. I knew it wasn't the sun because it was moving. At first it looked white but as it grew closer I saw more colors. The predominant ones were blue and turquoise colored lights. They were spinning very quickly around a non spinning disc or ship. It landed with very little sound less than 100 feet from me. The snow flew out in all directions to make a place for the ship in the snow. I walked toward the ship and felt hynotized by it. I had been rendered harmless by the ship. As I walked toward the ship suddenly I was in the ship. However, the ship was not a vessel of any kind I had been in before. It appeared that the ship was not a ship but like a doorway to another world because entering the ship put me somewhere else in time and space on earth or some other planet or dimension. You decide for I'm not completely sure even now "where" I was.
I can only describe what I saw. It was different than any place on earth I have been in the 20th or 21st century. The basic color of the land was green and beige but there was also more purple than I have seen anywhere on earth. The sky was also a light green instead of blue or light blue. It could have been earth in a future or past time or another world or dimension. Next, beings walked up to me that were humanoid. Their skin was paler than mine and whiter, less pink like the nordic type I am. They were shorter than I but most people are as I am 6'4" tall. They seemed very intelligent but sad. It felt like meeting doctors or scientists in their demeanor. They were very much in their minds. They seemed nervous to be near me as if I were an intelligent gorilla or something. They first said, "Will you harm us?" I said in a monotone, "No, I am made harmless by your ship." One of them said, "That is good." They seemed to relax a little at this point.
We are reincarnations of your parents." I said, "I don't know what to do with that information." One of them said, "That will come in time. We are hwere to open the door to your time and world." I said, "Why?" The male said, "We wish to prevent a war. We wish to change time." Again I said, "Why?"
Then they chose to put thoughts, terrible thoughts associated with a was that was past in their minds into my mind. Not being able to filter such thoughts I let out a howl of pain. One of them said, "We're sorry but we are still trying to create useful thought and feeling interfaces. Our race mostly communicates with direct thoughts among friends and family. Speaking is only used with stranger and for business and politics. Since you are considered family we decided to try direct thoughts. We feel ashamed it caused you such pain. I said, "Meeting you both is much more distressing than the thoughts you put into my mind."
The one that appeared to be male said, "We hadn't really considered this possibility. I suppose it is naive of us to have thought it would be a smooth transition for you. We will go back to using words because of your distress. I said,"I would appreciate this because I don't want to have a heart attack and die right here in front of you." The female looked especially distressed at this and said, "We could not allow you to die. If you died we would just bring you back to life." I said, "After what I have seen here already I am quickly coming to believe you actually could bring me back from death if you wished." They both laughed at this. This wasn't pleasant for me as they sounded something like quiet dolphins as they didn't have noses like present day humans they only had nose slits on their faces. At first I thought they were choking or something. Then I realized they were laughing. I tried to politely laugh too even though I was more than a little horrified by all this. But I was brave. What else could I do? I felt the hypnotic hold on my mind weaken.
I felt that their laughter meant they were beginning to trust me more. The dynamics of our encounter began to become more comfortable to us all. The female said with a look of anticipation, "I am a reincarnation of your present mother and Ragna here is a reincarnation of your present father. We have traveled through time and come back to see you." I thought about this. "I'm very happy to see you but WHY have you come back to see me." They seemed confused by my reaction. "Don't you like us?" I said, "It is not about like or dislike. I've just been scared out of my wits and surprised in a way I'm not sure I will ever completely recover from. I'm completely traumatized. You can't expect me to be totally okay after all this. Many of my kind would have fainted or died from this kind of shock. Give me a break! I'm doing very good considering the fact that I was completely unprepared for this encounter in any way.
The two talked in some strange European sounding language. It sounded like German overlaid with French, Italian and Spanish and even English. I though I could make out words like "he" and "s'il te plait". I had studied french in high school and spoke a little spanish but those were the only words I could make out for sure. When I heard them speak their language I said, "You're from the future aren't you?" They seemed surprised by my statement. The female said, "Yes. However, we were conferring about your health both mental and physical." I said, "I would say I'm in a minor state of shock and a little confused by it and a little scared because you obviously messed with my mind and rendered me harmless. They normal way a human in my time would deal with this is to feel intimidated and threatened. However, I'm also a very instinctual and intuitive person and so I can sense what you are about." The male humanoid Ragna said, "And what do you senses tell you?" I said, "That you are telling me the truth but that there is more to all this than you are telling me." He said, "Where do you think you presently are?" I said, "I imagine that I'm in another dimension or time and that you somehow brought my body through the walls of the ship somehow. What is difficult to deal with is that I'm not in a ship but in another, time place or dimension than my home time." Ragna said, "What do you see?" This question made me feel very uncomfortable. It made me think that they were seeing and experiencing something very different than what I was. I felt very scared.
I finally said, "Are we experiencing different things?" His answer was "Yes." It made me feel faint. I started to lose consciousness. He said, "We have made an error. We did not realize how different people of our time were from yours." Looking into his eyes I knew he was lying. I sensed his purpose was to test what I was made of. I said, "Why are you testing me? I thought we were relatives." He burned his eyes into mine and said, "I'm trying to see if I can allow you to remember this encounter or not."
I said, "I have been through a great deal these past few years. The memory of this might destroy me now. Why don't you veil this memory and let it come back when I'm old?" Ragna said, "For such a young man you are very wise." I said, "Thank you, Ragna." I knew at that moment I had gained an ally. We had somehow reached beyond relatives to respect for each other. I then said, "Is my body still in the snow and just imagining this?" Ragna said, "No. You are in the ship in stasis. Your body is warm and being cared for by the ship. However, your mindbody is here with us in the future. Again I felt my senses swooning but somehow I hung in there. I was grateful for my strength of will in keeping it together.
Ragna began again, "It will all be okay. We think we have your biology and mental and emotional interface properly calibrated." I said, "Why is this calibration necessary.?" Ragna looked at me strangely and then said, "It is a way of preserving our contacts. Once we calibrate a contact we can then always bring that contact back to life. They calibration is stored and used to bring wholeness and life back if it is ever taken away by death or insanity. Until that calibration was correct we worried that you might die or mentally fragment before we could calibrate your mind and body interface.
I said, "Well, I'm glad that's over." And I meant it. Ragna smiled a wry smile. Elohar looked a little nervous. She hesitated and then said, "Are you angry with us, Jonathan?" I said, "Not really. I'm just adapting to all this. It will take some time." She then said, "Don't you like us?" I said, "You look and act and sound a lot different than the people of my world era. You also feel fundamentally different to all my senses. I have to pretend this is all like a science fiction movie in order to not faint or disorient from the sensory shock." Elohar smiled. She was beginning to get it. She did remind me a lot of my mother. I was beginning to believe these two were reincarnations of my parents. It made a lot of sense. I put myself in their shoes. Whether they were my parents reincarnated or not it would make good strategic sense to try to convince me that they were my parents come again.
Also, Since no noe would ever believe my story and no one but me now could protect me in this situation I knew I had to go along with the idea that they were reincarnation of my parents whether I fully believed they were my parents come again or not. My very sanity might depend on this level of trust. Ragna and I had already agreed that I must not remember all this for a long time. After all I had to raise my son without becoming an Earth world government guinea pig. It looked like a future earth government was already experimenting with me. Being experimented on by even one world government even if it was from the future might be too much for me to survive.
If we let you see the ship's footprint what will you do with your real life experience of this?" I said, "I won't tell the government as they might interfere with my wife and son and I. I can't let that happen." Ragna said, "We have to tell world governments anyway of your time of our present and future contacts with you. The governments of your times will know as per the 1953 agreements to leave you alone as you are among our primary ancestor breeding stock of the future of earth. To interfere with you in any way would cause a war. They will know this." I felt very confused at this statement. It seemed very weird for me at the time. My only verbal reaction was, "Am I physically related to both of you?" Elohar said, "Yes. If you don't have all your children and they don't live on to breed and so on and so on we will never be born. Since there are many time wars in the future of earth we have to protect our bloodlines. If there is any interference wars break out through time. This can be very messy to clean up and rectify so time treaties are very important."
I felt a little nauseated. I thought of all the building blocks of time. I thought back to studying cultural anthropology in college and of natural selection and of dynasties. It began to make sense to me. I said, "How far into the future to you live?" For security reasons we cannot tell you know exactly but it is about 7000 AD." I said, "What is the primary religion on earth then?" Ragna looked a little angry and Elohar looked scared. Ragna finally said, "Most religions and science have all blended together with psychology and medicine to form ways of functioning much different than anything you have thought or seen or heard of in your times. The very concept of religion as you now know it is foreign to us. The closest way we can approach it is to say there are still people who search for truth and for meaning to existence. I tend to be more scientific in my approach and Elohar is more psychological and psychic in her approach. We have very different ways we approach the problem of life.
July 2002 Watermelon Fast
I have been on an organic watermelon for almost 2 days now. It reminds me a little of what it felt like to be on a vision quest with no water or food for four days in 1983. My body is loving the time for cleansing. My mental images are mostly good with very few strange ones during the cleansing. I feel the pain drain from my hands as my arteries and veins unclog themselves naturally on watermelon. My father once had a business man go on a 30 day watermelon fast to completely avoid a double heart bypass. This was in the 70's and he was good for at least another ten years without a heart bypass. Ever since then I try to go on a 4 day organic watermelon fast at least once a year.
I was reading today a publication called Medicine Song. It is put out by the Earth Circle Association in Fort Jones, California. The article was quoting Red Hawk (Charlie Thom), a Medicine Man of the Karuk tribe. He was speaking in the article about his experiences in the Marble Mountain Wilderness area with Bigfoot. As I was reading this in my hut tub spa and it was morning. Red Hawk was saying that when you think about a Bigfoot one will come near you if there is one in your vicinity. At this moment, my dog who is a shepard bark one sharp frightened bark. This was very unlike him so it tipped me of to a bigfoot travelling in front of my house. I did not physically see him but I felt his mind. He spoke mind to mind with me. He said it was important that I travel the world but that I stay living where I was because it helped the world that I was here. He also said that Bigfoot and humans sometimes mate. He said it has to be a male bigfoot and a femal human. He also said that in ancient times a bigfoot had obviously mated with one of my ancestors. Twins, one male and one female were born of that union but that the male was killed at birth because he was hairy like an ape. However, the female child looked normal and so stayed alive. He said I was descended from this half human bigfoot female child. He said that both my mother and my father were descendants of these ancient unions. Simaltaneously, with all this happening I listened to the Blus Jays calling that I feed and the dogs being nervous and a crow call and a hawk cry. They were all telling me in their own ways that the experience was genuine. If one is grounded and balanced and in a safe environment, fasting can bring about many amazing experiences. I think it is because 90% of ones energy usually goes to digesting food. When one fasts less energy goes to digesting food and the body can use the extra energy to cleanse and heal itself and promote health, sanity and longevity. Being in a safe environment and fasting is one of my favorite experiences in life.
Red Hawk says that his tribe has always viewed the bigfoot beings or creatures as angels or like arcangels. He says that they are very powerful and helpful.
When I got out of the hot tub and showered I later took my dogs for a walk. A Buck deer with full antlers was on my street. Deer are quite plentiful where I live as they are protected from hunters so this wasn't unusual. I noticed the buck was limping. Later that day I realised that the bigfoot was pretending to be a buck. This is something many people have talked about. The bigfoot has an ability to make you think he is something else. He seems to have this psychic gift. It is how he protects himself. This buck stayed around the neighborhood for several days. I mentally asked if he needed help. He said no that he just wanted to mindtalk with me.
Twenty Years Ago
This is a story told to me by the priest who had experienced it. He is also a lawyer and speaks 20 languages fluently, a very intelligent man. He told me the story of taking a nap on his couch and of dreaming of a leprachaun. He said he had never dreamt of a leprachaun. He said he had never dreamt of a leprechaun before so he thought this very strange. He didn't think much more of it until he read in his local newspaer the next day that some local teenagers had been terrified at seeing a bigfoot drinking from the priests water lilly pond outside his house at exactly the same time he had had the leprachaun dream. As the priest researched this further the bigfoot the teenagers described in the newspaper was the same decription that local indian tribes had described for hundreds to thousands of years. It was big and hairy and silver from head to shoulders and brown the rest of the way down. All these many interfacing bits of information led him to believe it was a genuine bigfoot of his area drinking from his fountain, terrifying the teenagers and giving him the dream of the leprachaun. He said Bigfoot legends spoke of their ability to affect the thoughts of humans so they would leave bigfoot alone. The bigfoot it appears uses psychic screens to render himself or herself invisible to humans. The bigfoots apparent ability to erect psychic screens and its large size appear to be its main defense. 12:51 AM PST May 3rd 2002
I was born a seer. If this happened to you also you have both my sympathy and my praise if you have survived into adulthood. Knowing as you pass by a person when and how they will most likely die is not fun. However, seeing positive things can be. My gifts I believe are genetic from both sides of my family. However, learning to use these gifts to benefit all beings in the universe has been a great great struggle for me. Between 10 and 15 I was given a choice by God to either use these gifts for the benefit of all or die. Obviously, I chose to live. I was not comfortable with my gifts until I was in my early 30's and met a Tibetan Lama. I experienced Non-duality directly and had peace. God's gifts to a real seer don't seem to work well within dualistic constraints. Dualism I have found to be to simplistic and unrealistic. It is just not the way the universe really functions. It is only useful for children and barely then. However, if one is not gifted as a seer then one couldn't easily know that without many difficult experiences.
I opened this website and wrote Memories to help prevent a nuclear and biological war that would consume Asia, all the Pacific Ocean and North and South America leaving only Africa, Europe and Iceland relatively untouched. This has been prevented since I opened this website. I hope the two nuclear craters of Tel Aviv and Baghdad caused by 100 megaton bombs have also been prevented. As a seer one owes the truth to the world so great evils can be prevented. Though I greatly detest the Kasondra Effect (which is being blamed for something that you predict that comes true) I still believe a true seer has the duty before all life and God to share in some way the truth. Those less gifted or just less focused in this way many times feel the truth when it is read or spoken of and can move in this way to prevent calamities in up to 80% of all cases that they are warned properly about. That I believe is our gift as seers to the world. We can help make the world a better place by preventing calamities that would otherwise take the lives of billions or millions or thousands or even of 1. In this way we help to create a future that will be beneficial for all our children's children's children.
I would like to speak of what I now know about the refinement of time. I remember when I first learned of this how offended and insecure I first felt. You may experience the same thing. It is always an adjustment in thinking.
The presently popular Galactic philosophy lends itself to this. Simply put:
TIME IS CONSTANTLY CHANGING PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. Though this appears to be an impossible point of view it appears that it is the real and true one. At first it is as radical as telling someone "the world is round" to someone who believes otherwise. However, if you give this idea a chance it will eventually make a lot of sense given some time to think about it.
Refining time is a way of using presently available time travelling technology in the galaxy to making the past, present and future to change their present courses. I will give you an example that should illustrate the point in a polite way:
Imagine that you are looking at a mannequin in a store one day. The shirt on the mannequin is let's say gold. The next day you return to the store but the same shirt is now blue. You talk to the store owner and say, "I like the gold shirt on the mannequin yesterday that was gold." The owner says, "That shirt is my design and I have only made one and it is that one, blue!" How would you react to this? There are several possibilities and one I want you to add to your list. In this last possibility someone other than you or the store owner altered time in some way that caused the gold shirt to become blue in this new time line.
If you wish I can give you another more galactic scenario. I must warn you that this might upset some or all of you so be prepared:
A genetically inferior slave race was bred on earth by non-Earthlings. These Galactic Genetic Engineers bred this race to be able to mine earth's minerals without wearing space suits. They were also bred so they could eat Earth food. This was very cost effective because space suits, food and alien workers didn't have to be space shipped in. Only a few scientists and genetic material was necessary along with incubation devices which became hatcheries for earth born humans. After the ore was mined and shipped off to other parts of the galaxy the slaves were left to fend for themselves here on earth. Thousands to millions of years pass. Those slaves have evolved through natural selection and cooperation with each other. The descendants of the original genetic engineers return and see the similarities between themselves and the descendants of their original mining slaves. Since the descendants of the genetic engineers have had access to time travel for millions to billions of years they decide to increase the intelligence and ESP of their former slaves to their level of proficiency as long as they stay on Earth. They install Kings, Queens and royal families with some of the characteristics of the original genetic engineers. Since Kings and sometimes Queens and very often Royal families tend to spread their genetic seeds in a prolific way these genetic traits tend to surive and blend into the country folk everywhere. Over thousands of years this creates major changes in the general populace. The descendants of the genetic engineers then continue to experiment with the dna through time travel until they have a dna mix they like.
Voila! We have the present Earth genetics of today and tomorrow. If they don't like the results at any point they simply travel through time and change it to their liking.
Since my personal experiences lead me convincingly to believe that at least the US Government has had the use of time travel since 1974 at the latest and possibly as early as 1947 or 1953 many changes have already been made by earth govenments in addition to changes made by Galactic governments and corporations. Add to that the changes made and yet to be made by future earth and galactic governments and it gets very very complicated.
Equally importantly, no record of this time technology can ever fall into the hands of the general public nor will it ever. If you had time travel would you ever allow this secret out if you could prevent it even once it was known by retroactive time changes? If this was ever publicly known it would cause a bloody world wide revolution. The power to change or even erase the past, present or future is a power that can never publicly be acknowledged by those who possess it EVER.
I am simply stating here that time travelling technology presently exists here on earth. I don't want to prove it to anyone. Anyone who tries to prove it I believe will disapear and will never have even been born. I'm simply asking the peoples of earth and the aliens who are in possession of this technology to do right by the rest of us in the galaxy and especially here on earth.I'm writing to acknowledge I know it exists. Whether you believe me or not now you know it might exist too.
Transcribed Feb 28,2002
My First Memory and Almost my Last
When I took my writing entry into a local short story contest into the bookstore I saw and old friend, Dale, who works there. I told him the following story as we had not talked at length since before all the following happened in 98 and 99. He said it was an important story to share. He said people need to hear these kind of near death experiences. He said near death changes people and very often everyone they share benefits. Since Dale is also a marriage and family counselor I listened very carefully to what he said and took it to heart.
The following began fall 98
I woke up. It was morning. Funny, my lips feel numb and I can't really feel my arms or fingers. Everything is tingling. Something is definitely wrong. I stumble out of bed and into the bathroom. My lips look blue in the mirror. I try to mover my arms to get the blood circulating. My heart is beating very very fast. But it doesn't seem to be working right. I'm starting to get feeling back into my fingers. But I'm still not afraid. Strange! Maybe I can call me 23 year old son and have him take me to the emergency room at the local hospital.
I walk into the living room to sit down and think of what to do. I grab the phone. He answers. "Star," I say, "You'd better drive over here and take me to the hospital. My heart is beating way too fast and my lips and arms are pretty numb. I can't drive." He says, "I'll be right there, Dad."
I hang up the phone. Lights start appearing around me. I know they are angels. At first I believe I'm dying and they are here to retrieve my soul. I feel at peace somehow. The angels encircle me. They all repeat the words. "Don't be afraid! You are not going to die! Your life will get better now!" I BELIEVE THEM so I am unafraid and blissed out by their vistation. I stay in a somewhat euphoric state for about 5 hours because they have visited me.
My son comes and takes me to the hospital in his car. I talk to the doctors about the angels I've seen. This is not something I would ordinarily do. I'm really in a different way of thinking that I would now describe as a pre death state of mind.
The next month is filled with medical tests, tests and more tests. There has been a 40% drop in my normal heart function. The doctors are worried. I'm having trouble breathing all the time because my blood is not getting enough oxygen to function from the heart pumping. The doctors give me a prescription for beta blockers that make me feel like I've had a lobotomy. All my intuitive gifts are blocked out by them. I tell the doctor that I would rather die than take them any more. He gives me Ace inhibitors instead. These work great. I take these for 7 months. About 1 month after my first symptoms I'm scheduled for an Angiogram.
The morning arrives. ABout 20 nurses and doctors with worried looks get ready for my angiogram. I'm to be conscious for this so they cut into an artery in my right thigh and start snaking a camera up toward my heart to see what's going on. It is pretty surrealistic to see a miniature robotic camera travelling through ones veins and arteries on TV in real time. I tried to pretend I was watching a medical documentary about someone else.
When they were done my heart surgeon said, "We all wish we had veins and arteries like you." I said, "I have been pretty much a vegetarian since I was born." "Still," he said, "We are all a little jealous of your clear veins and arteries. The only trouble is we can't seem to find out what's wrong with you. So we are going to send you into another operating room so our expert in electrical heart stimulation can test your heart function for anomalies." This didn't make me very happy but I could be stoic when I had to be.
I was wheeled on my gurney into the next operating room. The nurse was quite a charactor. She squirted drugs into my IV. I was as loopy as I ever wanted to be. I said, "Please don't give me any more drugs. I don't want to be any more out of it than this." The nurse had a strange smile on her face and then said, "You have to be way out of it so you don't automatically jump off the table when we electrically stimulate your heart.
This was the scariest time for me when she shot even more drugs into my IV. I felt completely helpless that I had no control whatsoever. As she shot even more drugs into my IV quickly all sense of time and space was gone. I was completely whacked. I knew they could ask me anything and I would probably tell them now.
While I was in recovery my mind wandered and I thought about angels. I was grateful they had always been a big part of my life. I drifted back to my first memory as a child. The first memory I can remember of my life was about the age of 2. It must have been the Christmas season because I was being rocked to sleep by my native scottish grandmother on a 40's style cushiony rocker. She was singing Hark the Herald Angels Sing. I looked into the air above us and saw Arcangel Michael and his band of Arcangels. They all wore jeweled armor and had long hair. They all looked down at me and smiled as if to say, "Don't worry we will always be with you." Then my memories slid forward 26 years to when I was landscaping with my busines partner. We were then doing a Bouldering job in La Jolla. As I drove in my pickup truck behind the dump truck filled with boulders driven by my partner I saw a blue light on one of the boulders. I thought to myself, "Arcangel Michael, what are you doing riding on that boulder?" He didn't answer me. Later while installing that particular boulder, my business partner said, "Fred, reach under that boulder and remove the last strut. The other workers were scared to do it because they thought the boulder might fall on them. I didn't feel safe but I figured if I was very quick I would be okay. I yanked the strut out in 1/2 second. The instant I stood up the crane holding the Boulder broke. The boulder crushed the ground and the earth under it collapsed about 3 inches. I was very upset having almost died. I told my partner that was the last bouldering job I was doing. period. I thought to myself, "Thank you, Arcangel Michael, for saving my life."
Back to fall 98
When the doctor had finished electrically stimulating my heart he walked out and talked to my wife and grown son. He said, "We couldn't do anything for him." My wife thought I had died and her knees buckled. Then he realized he had said the wrong thing and said, "He's okay! Don't worry. I just can't fix his heart. He may live to an old age but I can't repair his heart. He just has an iregular heartbeat but it shouldn't cost him his life. However, we still don't know what is presently wrong with him." My son moved my wife to the nearest chair as her legs were still wobbly.
Later my wife and I laughed about all this. I walked into the hospital at 8 am in the morning and hobbled out by 9 pm that night. I was completely amazed how far modern medicine had come for me to be able to leave so soon after my procedures.
However, soon I was home and still not able to walk across the living room floor without panting. I was scared. The quality of my life was diminishing. I would have seriously considered suicide if not for my 3 children and 2 grown stepchildren and my wife. They couldn't afford or necessarily survive my suicide. And so I lived on. I decided I had to let go of my anger. I couldn't afford it any more and neither could my children. I let it go. I dedicated myself to staying alive for my children and my wife and later on for myself as well. They angels were right. My life was getting better. Five months after my proceedures my doctor said, "You can stop taking the ace inhibitors. We have finally figured out what was wrong with you. The only way to diagnose a heart virus is through the process of elimination. Because you were one of the lucky ones and survived it this long we could finally diagnose it. See you in 6 months."
I was amazed for I had had to see my heart specialists from once a week to once a month for 7 months. As I walked away the words. "You have no heart muscle damage or heart disease. As long as you are active and get plenty of excercise you should live into your 80's. Since I was born in 48 I still had about 30 plus years. This was good news. As I walked to my car I deeply thanked my angels for coming to me and telling me I would be fine and my life would get better 7 months ago when this had all started. I was and am very grateful to still be alive and living happily with my family.
Written Early January 2002 posted January 25th 2002
Medicine Men
I believe it was the winter of 1980-81. I went to Ashland from Mt. Shasta where I was living with my family then. I believe it was the Thousand Buddha's Empowerment. I walked into the room for the empowerment. I looked into the eyes of the Lama seated there. I found myself to be in two places at once with no difficulty or problems. I was completely amazed as I took my seat. I thought, "Wow! There really is something to all this!"
I thought about how the Buddist religion had sprung up from Brahmanism throush Siddhartha (Guatama Buddha) and was eventually carried to Tibet by Padmasambhava (a well known Indian Buddhist Mahasiddha) around 800 AD. Padmasambhava was pragmatic enough to allow the Shamanic prehistoric Bon Po religion of Tibet to blend with Buddhism. I could feel the real power of this marriage of religions right here right now!
I thought on, "What religion sprung up right here where I live out of the earth itself?"
I answered my own question, "The Native American religions!"
Immediately I prayed to God. I said, "God send me a native American Medicine Man!"
Only then, I thought would I be able to make full sense and use of what I was experiencing from this empowerment today.
This was a very big quantum jump in faith and consciousness for me. For like most people in America I had been raised a Chritian dualism. Though I had been raised as a Christian mystic I was still making a quantum leap toward nondualism. However, I knew it was time for my soul to grow in compassion and to become less judgemental of others. I was beginning to understand why so many people with college educations gravitate away from dualism and toward Buddhism and shamanism and more logical, practical and pragmatic religions.
However, I have always seen myself as a universalist. In other words I see all religions and philosophies like the spokes of a wheel. In the center of that wheel is God. So I see an infinite number of good and correct paths toward God not just one.
After the Empowerment was over I waited for God to manifest my medicine man. A week or two later he was there when I visited a friend. My wife and I and my friend and his girlfriend became Black Hawk's students. Black Hawk is not his real name as he wishes to remain anonymous.
First, we all went up on Mount Shasta to a spring fed pond and helped build a sweat lodge near by. At first it all felt very strange. It was new to most of us.
Black Hawk tld us he had been taught by Blackfoot and Sioux teachers. He showed us how in their traditions one builds the sweat fire by laying the logs first north-south and then one places another layer east west. After several layers the rocks 8" to 16" in diameter are placed into the top center of the structure. Then the fire is started by kindling at the bottom side and bottom center of the fire stucture.
Next, we first watched and then helped build our first Sweat Lodge. Willow branches had been cut 6' to 10' long no thicker than a man's thumb and no thinner than a man's little finger. The sweat lodge size depends upon how many are intending to sweat at once. I have now been in sweat lodges that fit from 100 to sweat lodges that barely fit 3. However, it is important to realize that the bigger the sweat lodge the bigger the fire and the more large rocks that are needed to place in the center before the sweat lodge is closed for the ceremony and water is poured slowly on the rocks along with natural herbs like wild celery and sweet grass and the like. These aromatic herbs release the toxins out of ones pores and lungs and help facilitate healing.
when I first met Black Hawk I was a little frightened of him. He reminded me of my father. He was about 10 to 15 years older than I. I was then about 32 or 33. So he was then 42 to 47 years old. He wore two braids Indian style and did not wear a beard. He was very traditional in his approach. However, white people were allowed to study with him. I found later that this was not alwys true with most medicine men.
After attending many sweats over the next year or two in all kinds of weather including snow I was ready for a vision quest. I had been to a sweat and somtimes after coming out of the great heat one gets the spins or sees visions. On this particular occasion I saw a vision or energy move toward the Trinity River where Black Hawk and his family lived. I told Black Hawk that I was ready for a vision quest. In Black Hawk's tradition vision quest's were 4 days and 4 nights with no water or food. However, I have spoken with a medicine man from another tradition who spoke of vision quests of up to 9 days with no water or food. However, unless one has been raised in such a tradition one could easily die going 9 days without water. One must also be in good health in both body and mind to attempt even 4 days without water and food.
I went to the South Fork of the Trinity River to Black Hawk's place that he called Eagle Cliffs. Both our families began the sweat with Black Hawk leading. I then walked up river to a bear wallow where I intuited I should be next to the river.
The first two days my mind screamed at me. "What are you doing! I'm bored! We're going to die!" Finally my mind gave up and realized I was commited to this. Then the visions began. Some of them were wonderful and some scared the hell out of me. But I was committed to doing this right. At one point I became a huge Golden Dragon that breathed out the Golden Fire of enlightenment on thousands of people. The fire did not burn them. When they were touched by the fire they smiled and became at peace. This for me was my most important vision of my vision quest.
I know now that when one truly has compassion for all beings in all times, spaces and dimensions the result is beyond the imaginings of most people on earth.
Black Hawk and I went our separate ways in 1983. Though I still revere and respect what he taught me I could not be as traditionally strict as he was. My path had to be my own. I always saw myself as a cultural and religious relativist. In other words no one culture or religion anywhere in the universe is intrinsically superior to any other. My relationship with this concept means that I am looking for God in whatever form god chooses to touch me. Therfore, my path is literally all good paths of compassion and wisdom throughout the universe and all its tims. So when God touches me and beckons me I move in the direction I see Him/Her/It calling to me. This path I have carefully chosen as I consider it to be the path of a Galactic Citizen.
Written December 24th 2001 posted Wednesday December 26th 2001
New Timeline
I became aware today that the future of earth has changed again. As of last week the future still led to only 100 million to 500 million humans alive on earth in the year 2100. However, as I wa calculating what 1% to 5% of 6 billion humans was I suddenly realized that our present time line had changed yet again. I am delighted to share this time change as it indicates that time is finally stabilizing into something our children's children's children and so on can actually enjoy living through. Up until today I felt sad for the tremendous loss of life that would come through disease and starvation in this century. Recently a friend who is also psychic asked me what I saw in the near future. I said, "Those in third world nations that go out with a bullet or a bomb in third world nations will be the lucky ones for millions will die of starvation and bad water and that is a terrible slow way to die."
Now although billions will pass on in this century the world population looks as though it will stabilize in the next century at about 3 billion. As I gaze forward in time it will stay around 3 billion for several centuries until off world colonizaton becomes more public than it is now. Some sort of static agreement has been reached. It is not that the balance of power has changed that much. It is in the powerful realization by the 'haves' of the world that the 'have nots' are a threat to the well being of the 'haves' if they are all starving with nothing. This realization won't necessisarily redistribute the wealth. However, it will make sure that the conditions for breeding terrorists tend to cease to exist worldwide. What this will look like will evolve during the next few centuries. At present it looks like rich nations perceiving a threat from some of the poorest nations must be addressed in some useful way. The only permanent way to address this threat is to enable the poorest nations to find a way to get a piece of the world pie by becoming a part of the world economy. This new perception is changing everything on earth as far as the way national and world economies function. Slowly these new ways of doing business will alter all the world's economies.
It is also important to realize that the two largest powers on Earth namely the United States and the free world on the one hand and China and the rest of the world on the other are in a "cool war" for power on earth. All these little battles in small countries are really about the US and the free world versus China and the rest fighting for long term dominance. Books such as Megatrends 2000 predict that by 2050 China will be the dominant economic power on earth and the US will still be the dominant military power on earth. It is because of this that it is in the interests of all nations on earth for China to become a democracy as soon as possible.
Posted 8:54 December 3rd 2001 written Friday November 30th 2001
Life, I still love you
Though you break my heart at least once every day
Though I grow old and lose my looks and get fat
Though I cry sometimes in desperation
Life, I still love you
Though I wake up in physical pain most mornings now
Though making love isn't what it used to be
Though I wonder sometime each day why I go on for me at least
Though every day seems to get harder to get through
Life, I still love you
Because you are still a joy to live
Because this lifetime is just after all a day in the life of my soul
Because you have loved me so well
Because you have shown me that all beings are loved by you and
Because you have shown me just how free I am
Life, I still love you
Because in knowing all life everywhere I know you too, God
Because in knowing God I know life and in knowing and loving life I know God
Because once you came to me God and showed me personally who you are
Because after that real experience all books became only a mirror reflection of the God I have seen and known firsthand
For after all God is written in our eyes and ears and face and innards and upon
every blade of grass in God's infinite universe
Yes, life, I still love you
Because you are me and I am you
And we will never be alone again
Because we will always have each other
And God will be ever with us
A Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year to All Beings throughout the Universe in all times, spaces and dimensions.
The Following was written December 7th 2001 in Yosemite Valley
The Raccoon
I was unloading the car into a room at Yosemite Lodge in Yosemite Valley. I had to make many trips because of the snow on the ground and the amount of stuff my wife always seems to bring lately. However, I noticed a raccoon walking by me. I pointed it out to Amy who is 5 and is impressed with such things. Though we have them where we live too we don't see them too often up close like this one. This one seems to be not too old maybe like a 15 to 20 year old raccoon in human terms. This one is macho yet considerate of the 'live and let live' world of humans in general. I saw this raccoon several times and two of the times I walked within about 3 feet of the animal and was impressed when it did not growl or hiss. It seemed fairly tame. So I began to telepath with it since it was so tame. I said to it mind to mind, "If you don't harm me I won't harm you." It said something like "Okay, but why are you talking to me? Most humans don't talk like this." Which implied to me that I was talking in what it considered animal language. Again it said, "Why are you talking to me?" I said again back to it with my mind, " If you don't hurt me I won't hurt you." The raccoon replied back, "That is acceptable to me." But again for a third time it said, "Why are you talking to me?" This time I said, "Because you and I are here." It replied something like "Oh".
On one of the close walk-bys some boys said, "Wow. Did you see the raccoon?" To which I replied, "Yeah, They're cool." The boys were quite obviously taken with both the raccoon and being in Yosemite and staying at Yosemite Lodge.
My own childhood memories of the Lodge go all the way back to 1963 when I first came to camp in Yosemite Valley with my best friend and his family. I was 15 and had one of the best times during that week in my life. I felt nature and God everywhere and so my friend and I just hiked and swam and hiked and watched the fire falls at night and had a really great time. That week changed my life and deepened my spiritually by just being in this truly amazing place.
Back to the present. As I started to go to sleep I saw a vision of snow covering a city drain culvert and a clawed arm that looked like a raccoon reaching out. At first I wondered what was happenning but then soon realized that it was the raccoon I had mind talked with earlier reaching out to me because it was cold and asking to be invited into my room for the night. It is possible other guests have done this but I didn't think it a good idea because my daughter and wife would freak out and raccoons though cute are wild and unpredictable at times and don't usually have good indoor manners. The vision dream woke me up because it was very wild and primal like wild animal communications tend to be. They are not civilized and disciplined almost to extinction like humans. They are still in touch with their emotions and would probably try to run away from or kill anyone trying to give them prosac and trying to force them to fit into a worldwide sick civilization and society. Unfortunately, some humans have lost their connection to true primal wildness. What is the difference, I wonder, between someone so mood altered by legally prescribed drugs that they can no longer make love or have any useful feelings that help them to survive? What is their difference from a biological robot? My answer is that there is no difference. Without ones instinct and intuition intact I don't consider anyone to be human in my personal definition. Logic and reason only takes a human so far. Without instinct and intuition and nature and for some, God, or Buddha or whatever I don't consider that person to be human in my definition.
For me, a person has to be kind to be considered human. A person has to defend himself but also has to help and protect others from harm whenever possible. So I watch people and watch what they do and how they live. People I consider to be human I reach out to and make them my friends if possible. People I don't consider to be human I either avoid or try to teach to be human if they will let me.
Though the raccoon reached out to me there wasn't too much I felt I could do for it. However, just be being itself the raccoon helped me to renew my wildness. In this situation, the raccoon was much more precious than I. I didn't have very much I could share or help the raccoon with except it realized that some humans can talk the way animals do, mind to mind. I have been blessed to study with many Tibetan Lamas as well as several native American Medicine men who have imparted to me some of their skills learned and passed down from teacher to student for thousands and thousands of years. But tonight I renewed my wildness once again by mind talking and dream talking with a friendly raccoon in Yosemite National Park.
Saturday December 8th 2001
Tonight, my friend the raccoon from last night showed up and came between me and the veranda door back into my hotel room at Yosemite Lodge. I had been sitting peacefully in the outdoor chair next to the outdoor table and cooling down after skiing in the night under the stars. However, when he startled me I realized he thought since I was at an outdoor table he thought there must be food. Otherwise why would I be there? Yes, I can think like a raccoon and many other species. Ha Ha. However, an earth born human is my most natural process.
When I got up to go into my room the raccoon realized that I was a little too close and jumped down off the railing and into my neighbor's adjacent hotel veranda. A few moments later I was going to give a potato chip to him as an offering to the local nature spirits as I was taught by a Tibetan Geshe from the Kham province of Tibet. My friend the Geshe, came and lived on the California Coast when we brought him back from Dharmsala, India when we travelled there in 85-6. We had many amazing experiences with our Geshe friend from the time we first met him in 1983 until around 2000 when he passed away in the US.
Anyway, my wife told me that a potato chip wouldn't be good for the raccoon and recommended a piece of apple instead. So I cut off a piece of apple and placed it on the table outside on the veranda. A few minutes later I heard the rattle of the veranda table and chair. My wife and daughter looked out through the drapes and saw him. He had taken the apple and was now eating it under the table. This meant a lot to my wife as I had read the previous piece on the raccoon the previous night and she had been moved by it. I hope you enjoyed this experience too.
Posted Monday December 3rd 2001 written Friday November 30th 2001
The Pleading soul
I guess I have always pled with life on behalf of souls. This is true as far back as I can remember which is millions of years since this galaxy came to a matter universe from an antimatter universe. I have only worn this body however, since 1948. Some of my spiritual teachers labeled me Crazy Wisdom because of my pleading on behalf of souls. Some have called me wise and noble and others have just called all my nobleness crazy. It doesn't matter what any of us are called really. What matters after all is what happens to our souls which live on into infinity. If we can't be noble now then when? If someone is being hurt unjustly stand up for them. The next time it might be you and then you will need someone else to stand up for you. Civility and nobility walk hand in hand. If you want to see lack of civility and nobility in action just read or watch Lord of the Flies. I don't think any of us with to live in the world of that story. Our only protection is to stand up for what is right and what is noble. Though that may be different for each one of us we must still stand up for what we most believe in. The alternative is to watch all life on earth and earth itself go extinct and disappear!
8:44pm Monday December 3rd 2001
I just saw a bumper sticker that said "UFO'S ARE REAL- THE GOVERNMENT ISN'T". I thought to myself, "y'know that is a true statement!"
November 3rd 2001
California is safe for now
I agree with the Govenor of California in his idea to enlist the common people as eyes and ears to protect both themselves and their state from what happened to New York. With the knowledge of possible attack on suspension bridges spread through the public it all but eliminates the plan at least for now in the mind of the terrorists. It is not that they might try this again in an unguarded moment. However, for now our bridges and people are not smoking ruin.
My concern is also about the news I heard of a nuclear waste bomb that was travelling though central america on its way to the US. I never heard if it was stopped or got through to the states. A suicide scuba diver with a bomb with nuclear waste strapped to it could create a city so radiated that no one could live there safely. I'm very concerned the terrorists are going to take this war nuclear. If they do I believe as a precognitive psychic that Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel and Indonesia will all be nuked out of existence. I believe the US will have no choice but to nuke at that point. I believe the main reason we don't have a ground war in Afghanistan is that our military knows this is probably coming. It is sad to state the obvious. Especially since it will be in no ones interests to see whole countries uninhabitable for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years.
To get back to releasing information, I believe that our intelligence agencies knew of the attack on the world trade center. I believe it was allowed just like Pearl harbor was allowed to wake us all up and to goad the nation into a literal war on Terrorism. I believe our intelligence community knew that the only way to wake people up before we lost our free society completely was to allow this to happen. It is the old story of putting a live Lobster in boiling water. If you do he will jump out like the US just did. However, if you put him in cold water and slowly bring it to a boil he will not have any moment that he senses enough danger to jump out and so dies. This is what was happening to our society before September 11th.
Plausible Deniability
A friend recently enquired about a recent outpatient procedure that required a general anesthesia (my first since my wisdom teeth at 18) so I was completely unconscious to my way of thinking for 2 hours. The anesthesia included valium an iv drip and sodium pentothal (sp?). anyway, he was concerned what I would talk about under anesthesia. My response was "plausible deniability". I was first introduced to this concept in full during a movie in which the US President asked his national security advisor why he was never told about the real area 51. The NSA's advice was 'Plausible deniability'. In my case I find it is the same. The beauty of time travel is that most people think its ridiculous and impossible technologically. Most governments of the Earth want the average person to think that too. Only a few scientists know or are allowed the truth. It stays like that for thousands of years into the future. This is because Nuclear weapons are nothing to time travel. With time travel one can prevent nuclear wars even after they have been fought and the common people don't even know it. Think about that the next time you think time travel is impossible. Plausible deniability- My definition is a way of making truth seem impausable, ridiculous or stupid to the uninitiated. The earth uses it. The galaxy uses it. Other galaxies use it. It is one of the ultimate weapons to protect planets and civilizations from destruction. Think about it!!!
Monday October 29th 2001 10:42 pm pst USA
Yes, two world trade center buildings and thousands of innocent people are gone. Yes, 15,000 children lost one or both parents. Yes, there is anthrax at the Captial Building, The White House, The Supreme Court, The Department of State, multiple post offices etc. and now even a hospital worker and a private citizen have repiratory anthrax and may not live.
However, if the US allows 3 to 7 million mostly innocent Afghan people to starve to death this winter our good name throughout the world will be crap. We will become a sick joke to the rest of the world.
Yes. We need to show the world we aren't going to take this kind of attack from anyone without a major retaliation. However, allowing 3 to 7 million Afghans to freeze or starve to death will just make everyone on earth except for America's foremost hawks completely fed up with the US and its policies. We must not let this humanitarian catastrophe take place. If we do it will harm and kill mostly the women, the children, the human shields of the Taliban.
Twenty years from now you will have 1,000,000 Bin Ladens who were sons and nephews and friends of those who starve to death in the cold Afghan winter. We in the Western Christian world must think carefully of the future. Can we survive 1,000,000 more Bin Ladens 20 years from now? The whole world is watching. This isn't just High Noon in the Wild West. This is much different than anything any of us has had to face before.
October 7 2001
Angels I have known from the beginning
Like the rest of you out there I have been very depressed since September 11 2001. I was inspired to write something to uplift us all today.
My first memory in this life that makes sense to me is my Grandmother singing Hark the Herald Angels Sing while being rocked in my grandmothers lap. I was 1 or 2 years old. I looked up and saw in the air Arcangel Michael and his band of Arcangels. They were dressed each in a different jeweled armour up to their necks. They all wore their hair to their shoulders and were beardless. They all smiled down at me as if to say, "It's okay Freddie. We are here for you!"
Later when I was 5 I had chicken pox. My mother and my grandmother were in the next room praying for me. A golden light that filled my room came in and healed me. I knew it was Jesus and his Angels. I remember I used to like to be sick because I knew Jesus and his angels would heal me. I loved the whirring healing feeling of regeneration.
When I was 21 I did not wish to live anymore. A friend of my parents who was then 35 took me under her wings because she saw how "gifted" I was and tried to save my life. She succeeded when she showed me how to invoke angels. I remember how amazed I was as they appeared as oval shaped lights in the physical. At that time she invoked angels that glowed pink, blue and white and gold. Each angel had a different mission like healing, protecting, resurrecting and so on. This helped give me the strength to go on.
At about age 50 I had been angry for some time that my divorce had separated me from my daughter except for a few weeks a year. One day my stress created me waking up with numb and blue lips and numb arms. I couldn't think very straight so I called my son to come over to take me to the hospital. I also walked next door to my neighbor's to have him watch me until my son arrived. After I called my son I noticed that there were white light angels appearing all around me. There were between 12 to 30 that I could see surrounding me. They said, "Don't be afraid! You are not going to die! Your life will get better now!" They repeated these words over and over until they sunk into my soul. I completely let go of all fear. Because the angels were there I knew I would be okay. For 7 months the doctors were afraid for me. At times I thought I might die. But because the angels had come to me that day I refused to be afraid and I lived through what the doctors 7 months later diagnosed as a heart virus. I talked to the best heart specialist in my county about 1 year later and he said, "That's amazing you lived through that because many people die the first few months. You were very lucky to have survived. In my heart I knew it was because the angels had prepared me.
I had been afraid to write and compile my book "Memories" that is online from this site because of the sensitive issues it covers such as "Time Travel", "Galactic and planetary governments" etc. I did not feel safe to write such a book and call it "truth". Because of my near death experience I realized how terrible it would be if I died before writing of my experiences. Especially if these past, present and future experiences could help prevent World War III which if left unchecked ceases all human life in the Americas and Asia. In other words everything that touches the pacific ocean becomes uninhabitable. This book also could become a basis of present earth governments to form alliances through time as well as space with the Galaxy as well as past and future civilizations on Earth.
When I was 21 and was considering suicide Elohar and Ragna, as well as ARcane acting as Saint Germain came to me and asked me to live on. They said, "You must live on because something you do in this lifetime helps prevent the extinction of all life on Earth!" I remember vowing to them to live on despite my desire to leave this veil of tears. I vowed to them to live on so that life on earth would not go extinct. Please help me to help prevent the extinction of all life on earth!The most important thing you can do is to help mainland China become a democracy as soon as possible. If you want your children to not go extinct this is the most important thing you can do!
Sunday October 7th 2001 3pm PST
The following was a recent experience of mine in real life with Elohar and Ragna of my book "Memories".
The following was a very difficult experience for me simply because I couldn't deny it happened with any part of my mind. I'm writing this as of 10-05001 so I can better cope with everything that has happened worldwide since. This authenticity of my book and my gifts has been made 100% genuine and valid to my senses and awareness by the correct timing of these events one week before 9-11-01. I realize now that Ragna and Elohar came to offer Strength and support for the coming weeks and years for me and my family and all who have the strength and good senses to listen. The following happened about 1 week before 9-11-01:
Today I saw Elohar again. She came closer to me in the physical than I remember in my normal daily activities in the 21st century. My mother told me on the phone that a workman had come in the door uninvited. She is 82 and feeble. Her phone call triggered my memory earlier that day of a nice looking dark haired lady that I had held the door open for who appeared to be staying in the same Hotel in the Mountains as my family and I. When I realized she was "Elohar" from my book "Memories" it kind of shook me up that she would walk within 3 feet of me and not say anything beyond "Thank YOu" for holding the door open for me. However, I know that to protect our time of the 20th and 21st century I need plausable deniability in case I was ever drugged or deeply questioned by a present day earthly power. It is important that no real shred of proof exists in any physical sense. In this way Everyone in all times and time lines is protected.
Later the next day: I'm sitting at the Awesome base site on the NW side of the lake. Elohar intimated in a vision that the Awesome would be based here until about 2005, at least.
It's a beautiful day in early September 2001. The Awesome will make many trips from the 21st Century to the 70th century as well and many other time and space locations. This allows maximum protection for our time and present transitions. It also allows for automatic protection.
I was greeted by Arcane today while I was on the lake. He said, "I think that's the best rock seat of Castle Lake. At the time I didn't know who he was. He looked and spoke differently than I remembered him. However, as a galactic under cover it made sense that he would have to be able to pass for a modern day American.
Later, Elohar came to me in another vision and said, "Remember, Jonathan, your writing and being make a tremendous difference in the ongoing survival of the human race on earth and beyond. It is your life's mission to influence other to make the effort necessary to create a good future for their children and grandchildren and so on."
The next day I woke up and felt like writing. "I feel very changed by my newest experiences with God. The fact that Elohar and Ragna came to visit me in my own time shows me that good headway is being made in the infinite ongoing and continued refinement of time. This makes me very happy as a bodhisattva because I can directly experience the disapearance of suffering that has been both avoided and eliminated in time both past and future. This brings Great Peace!
I believe that developing our instincts and intuition gives each one and their children the greatest chance for long term survival of our species. I have watched so called intellectually brilliant people accidentally snuff themselves out because they failed to develope their intuitions and instincts for long term survival of themselves and their children. I have brought to this site all the information that I felt safe enough to help others develope a compassionate instinct for spirit and physical survival no matter what.
Saturday August 11 2001
I am continuing to write. The next installment for the Memories series will be tentatively called The History of Arcane the ending of the filename is memb1. eventually there will be memb2 etc.
Monday August 20th 12:12Pm pst
Dragons of Compassion
"Once one decides to be a Dragon of Compassion of the infinite Ocean of Compassion that spans all time and space and beyond there is no more fear. The trillions of Dragons of Compassion throughout all time and space are ones allies in this eternal now. There is infinite wisdom and compassion and no reason to ever fear again!" It is my real life experience that all the saints of all religions throughout earth and all the planets of time and space and beyond are a part of this infinite ocean of compassion that I and trillions of others have found peace within. Since time and space are no barrier to this alignment there is absolutely nothing to fear as long as one holds all life in time and space as intrinsicly sacred and honors all life in time and space and beyond. The demeanor of a Dragon of Compassion or potential dragon of compassion is obvious to any Dragon of Compassion in Time and Space or beyond.May infinite Blessings be upon all beings throughout all Time and Space.
Tuesday July 17th 2001
I have continued to edit the book Memories. I've decided to stay with that name to encourage others to access genetic memories and past life soul memories. For those souls who choose reincarnation as a way of life it is possible to access both genetic memories and soul memories. However, you will have to meditate on whether this is useful to you and others or not. The main reason I have been guided to write this first book of a series is to help prevent the extinction of life on earth as well as to encourage all of you to do what you can to give your children and theirs and theirs a good future that you would be proud to have them live rather than to recoil in horror at how bad it might be if we do nothing.
New Book! tentative name MEMORIES 10-17-2000
And Yes, truth is definitely stranger than fiction! I'm working on putting a rough draft of my new book online. I have prayed a lot about this. Since I see it is unlikely to get the book in print or on tape this year I have been guided through my prayers to make sure it is available in some form this Millenial Year of the Dragon.
And To begin to read it now look at the top or bottom of your page for: /RainForest/Wetlands/2634/ Before rainforest it will probably have other things. place your mouse cursor there and left click. the whole thing should turn blue, brown, grey or some other color depending on your system. touch your right arrow and the color will disapear from it. then left arrow to where it says 2634/ If you write mem.html next to 2634/ like this: /2634/mem.html and then hit your ENTER key it will take you to my first book web page. If you want to go to my next book page do the above except left arrow and put 2 through 11 to visit the rest of the book. So it will look like this: /2634/mem2.html for the 2nd web page and /2634/mem3.html for the 3rd web page etc.
Another way to access is to type geocites.com/lemurian7/mem.html etc.
To get back to my home page from mem.html mem2,mem3,mem4,mem5,mem6,mem7,mem8,mem9,mem10, or mem11 please replace them with index.html to return to home page. Thanks.
I have worked hard as a soul searching for truth my whole life. I have worked on this book for about 20 years now. In the beginning of the 80's I was given the first three pages of Elohar and Ragna, Living One,Arcane as well as Lord Fire. At the time I knew that Elohar and Ragna were future lives of my parents and I knew that Lord Fire was also a past life experience. However, Arcane took more time to realize what that was all about. By the 90's I realized that Arcane's life had already happened to me even though it is about 1,000,000 years into the future. It is my experience that Arcane has visited the present earth and galaxy in the 20th century onward to when he was born and is working on keeping the human race alive while they learn to be civilized in the ways of the galaxy.
If this is all too terrifying to grasp please just read my rough draft of MEMORIES as Science Fiction.
I myself became frightened when I saw the movie Communion in the 80's. It took me several years to realize that before God each of us can only be responsible for what we know to be real. Being terrified of things that go bump in the night isn't useful. In the end there is nothing to fear but fear itself. A useful Koan is: If you are ready to live forever you may die right now but if you are ready to die right now you may live forever! The purpose of my writing this inspired book is to give humans the paradigms and knowlege they need to survive the galaxy as it is. We are as primitive as the tribes of Indians Anthropologists have found that had had no contact with the civilized world in relation to the rest of the galaxy. We humans of earth are about as vulnerable as well, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. But the civilized members of the galaxy view us as precious and relatively undefiled. The real question is this: How do we survive ourselves, our overpopulation, Aids, and everthing else and still cope with how naive we are within the galaxy. This book I believe is true and writen like a legend. I have changed 90% of the dates so time travelers cannot easily harm any of the charactors. This effort is an experiment authorized by Eridian, His Oneness,Arcane, Elohar and Ragna etc. to help humans in their Galactic transition to an adult civilization. At present we are a Galactic Protectorate. In other words we are seen and used as a park. Earth is viewed at present like a cross between Yellowstone, Yosemite, Disneyland and Disney World. This is our physical reality. However, if any of this is too much just laugh and pretend it's a joke and science fiction.
It should not come as too big a surprise to any of us that there are many seen and unseen layers to physical and spiritual reality. I have just been gifted with the right abilities and inclination to research in some apparently new directions(at least to our western society) I have found it an advantage to have been raised a Christian mystic and then as an adult I was exposed to Tibetan Buddhism, Native American Shamanism and the Teachings of Yogananda and the Self Realizations Fellowship. Everything I have studied has been a further piece in the puzzle we all face in trying to understand our place in the universe. Now that I'm 52 I'm more aware than every of what I don't know. I find this is a mark of a wise person. A fool thinks he knows everything. A wise person is more aware of what he doesn't know and therefore compensates for it and survives. Whereas a fool only survives by the Grace of God. We've all been fools to make it this far. Let's be wise now too.
Earth governments and corporations aren't what I fear. I'm concerned about galactic criminals and galactic Corporations that act as criminals by using Earth's multnational corporations as puppets in order to steal earth's resources especially water and minerals.
A Poem- From Castles to Cannons
Times have changed
Hopis say swim in the middle of the river
Don't hang onto the banks
Go with the flow
We are all swept away in the new tide
Fighting the changes only brings pain and hurt
Go with the changes
Build a new life from the ashes of the old
A new world paradigm builds
Just as it did in the early 1900's
Everything has changed
And so have we<
I find myself trying to cling onto a past now dead
A past I felt secure in
Nothing feels secure like it once did
I remember how feelings of security crashed during the Cuban Missile Crisis
And when the Kennedys and King died
But it was different than this
And those days are gone
I remember then how insecure we all felt in the 60's
None of us expected to live to be 30
Many young people now may feel the same way
But I say to you truly
You will not die
You will just have to find a way to cope with all the changes
Just as we all did in the 60's
Just as people have had to find ways of coping and going on
Throughout all past times
Things are just different now
They are not over
Just different
Thursday August 9th 2001 5:32 PM pst
Compassionate Pragmatism
In my teens and early 20's I was an honest idealist. Although this is admirable it is also dangerous to oneself and to others. So ever so slowly I changed into what I would now call a compassionate Pragmatist. My definition of such a label would be going after whatever I see as useful in as compassionate a way as possible while still attaining the goal. As a young person I was brutally honest. I slowly learned that one need not be so brutally honest. I learned that it was more important to help beings including myself move forward in kindness and compassion toward all beings. Generally I find that about 95% to 995 of the human race want the best for all beings. However, 1% to 5% can cause extinction of a species a race or a planet so we must all be constantly vigilant and compassionate for the best outcome for all beings. When I move toward creating a positive outcome I always bring in God and higher beings such as masters and angels into the process. This alway creates blessing, grace and safety for any endeavor. If the endeavor is not sanctioned it never takes place when one moves in this way. So there is always infinite Strength, compassion, and wisdom in anything manifested in this way. This is useful because then there is no remorse or guilt in anything manifested. There is always peace. So I advocate to you that compassionate pragmatism is a very useful tool to take along into business, relationships, or whatever you may be doing that God smiles upon.
Monday may 28th 9:45 am pst
Structure is Structure But
Spirit is Spontaneous
I have been going through a mind and spirit death and rebirth. I am greatful to God for providing an afluent structure the last 2 years in order to do my life's work which is helping the humans of earth to survive long enough to colonize other worlds and dimensions. It's not that this is not already happening secretly. However, until the whole world is let in on the contacts and colonization it will never be healthy for life on earth as long as it is kept in secret as it is now.
It is always amazing to my how an illness can bring one closer to God. I have been dealing with a chest cold and bronchitus for almost a week now. The antibiotic zithromax is great for stopping things likepneumonia by the way. By the fourth day I knew I had to get some zithromax as a precaution against pneumonia. I have been having many visions and dying to self. I am very greatful for this illness in that I accept death and therefore accept God. From this comes innocense and rebirth. It seems like we have to become a zero so that God can renew us with his essence of rebirth. Allowing death and rebirth in this way allows Us to potentially live on in a physical body indefinitely. There appears to be no real barrier to a human for living millions of years other than a psychological one. I realized this at about 17 and began psychologically preparing to live 1000's of years or more. Though a part of me doesn't entirely believe this that is the same part of the that expected to be dead before 30 and I am now 53 have raised or am raising 5 children aged 5 to 30 and still have my long term health. So I'm now inclined to believe more the possibility of living to at least one hundred or more.
I'm amazed at how different this century is from the last so far. I find it quite strange. The primary difference from the last century is less continuity and connectedness in an intimate way(and I don't mean sexual intimacy)and more connectedness in less intimate ways through the internet and e communications. Though the possibilities of less wars through worldwide communication of individuals by emails etc. it also changes humans away from being more tribal and family and community centered to being individually centered and globally centered. Whether this is good or bad is a matter of individual opinion. It is just very different from what life was life in the 1950's when I was a chld.
May 16th 2001
Before you laugh just put your name in the Blank. Say "I AM ______ of God". When you say it does it feel true or do you laugh? Now, remember imagine this is your connection to God before Any religion was even thought of. Say it again. "I AM ________ of God. Are you feeling this? Is it starting to get real for you or have you been conditioned and put down by those around you all your life so you can't ever say this and have it be real. If that's the case it is time to take control of your life. Keep saying this until it is true. Keep saying in until you no longer have to laugh in embarrassment. Keep saying it until you have taken all power back from those who have stolen it from you and have given it back to yourself and God. You are Free. You are God's. You are ______ of God.
This last week I was talking to God. This is a fairly normal experience for me to talk to God and to have God communicate back. I find this ability more useful than breathing. It is something we all have. It is built in before birth. Religions that want your money don't always want you to know this, however. But believe me God is free and all can communicate with God if they will just take the time to deeply listen and watch after they speak to God.
I had gotten confused as to what my agreements were with God and so I asked for a clarification. God had demanded that I invoke myself as a co-creator with God or die when I was 15. Since this was pretty traumatic at the time I hadn't asked all the details I should have. I was asking a question about how each person and possibly each creature is somehow created in God's image and what all that was about. The answer I got back was different than I expected. It appears that we are created in God's image and that what this means is that we each are each creative works of Art that God has created. However, since the basis of God is not limited to time and space it is different than how beings within time and space usually think it is.
God told me that to be myself in fullness is the highest gift to God that One can give. Being a slave to God is only for some people who want that. Being beneficent and kind to all starting with oneself and then including all beings one encounters or thinks or feels about is what is most important to God. In otherwords being all you can be in Kindness, beneficence and creativity are the highest gifts you can give to God. And if you can be playful and have fun doing it so much the better! I felt very relieved after this conversation!
May 8th 10:12am pst
Let's not beat around the bush. Let's get right to it.
Even though corporate greed is temporarily at the heart of the theft of California's and through California the rest of the nations financial resources that is not at the long term heart of the problem.
The real long term monster has many heads. The first head of the monster is OPEC. The Arab and other OPEC leaders seeing that the developed world was very properous the last few years decided that they wanted more of the world's prosperity. Also Arab terrorists who hate the technological rich Christian world who are financed by OPEC wanted more oil money to spread terrorism to more directly overthrow Christian nations in their desperate bid to create a world dominated by fundamentalist ISLAM.
Western oil companies seeing only through the eyes of greed decided to capitalize on the OPEC cartels obsession with terrorist greed and make big money too. The problem with this is common man everywhere is getting more and more pissed of by the moment and if he can find a group or person to blame this growing ridiculousness and pain on he will.I fully expect some form of violence to erupt toward some scapegoat Bush will try to find a scapegoat but it won't be Bin Laden because the CIA, FBI and NSA cannot lose BIN LADEN because he is the only thing that allows their continued good funding. The saddest thing is that whatever the scapegoat is it will be like kicking your dog. It won't solve anything and things will get worse until the real problems are confronted directly. However, since US media is owned by big oil more and more don't expect any useful information in the solving of our problems. If you listen to US media things will only get worse and worse. Public Radio, the internet, BBC and ITN are the only sources that I have found that don't sound like a US multinational corporate infomercial.
However, on the energy side I do have a solution.
Since California has always been at the cutting edge of new technology the world is now looking to California to solve the world's energy crisis. We are the only ones crazy enough, innovative enough, experimental enough or creative enough to create the long term solutions necessary for the world to survive this. Our biggest obstacle is government bureaucracy getting in the way. Californians now need the freedom to create a solution. In other words we need to be left alone to create the long term solutions to the worlds energy problems.
1.We need tax credits to build wind and solar solutions.
2. We need all new roofs in California to be built with solar cells embedded.
3. We need to be allowed to put wind generators where there is wind on power poles and in residential trees in an aesthetic way.
4.All lighting in the state of California must come from solar or wind power. In order to do this all traffic signals must be primarily solar with batteries. Grid would be only for back up on cloudy days.
5.All new cars and trucks sold in California must be hybrids, especially the SUVS. In other words: gas or diesel or hydrogen generating electric power to power the wheels.
The surface of all cars must be solar panels built into the roofs, hoods and trunks to obsorb solar power at all times the sun is out. Whenever possible cars and trucks should be parked outside in the sun to continue power generation during daylight hours. By doing this and saving all excess solar and wind power in good deep cycle batteries both in cars and homes it would create an awesome power storage capacity. Any unneeded excess capacity could then be sold back to the state by individual consumers on Power Crisis days to the grid.
For more information check out realgoods.com online or find other solar power consultants and suppliers. Wind is much more likely to create enough power for your home especially if you are running refrigerators, power tools etc. However, solar may cover all your lighting needs if you are careful and have enough sun where you live.