My Lyrics, Music and Ideas starting 1969

I dug out my 40 year old lyrics and music folder one night while listening to my 21 year old Goddaughter sing and play on my Grand piano in my living room. I showed her the stuff I wrote trying to survive the angst of my 20's. I remember not expecting to live past 25 when I was 21. However, here I am at 58 still going strong with a wife, 3 biological children, 2 step children and two Goddaughters with one of my Goddaughters and one of my biological daughters still living with us. My 20's were a time of extremes which I would now call "The Agony and the Ecstasy". However, viewed from my present vantage point my 20's were the most unhappy time of my life. But out of the ashes of the terrible angst of my 20's rose a very happy thirties and a very happy 50's. (my 40's were happy and sad at the same time.) Though at present my Mom has senile dementia and one of my two best friends died in June still there is peace and happiness and joy in my family. The three ladies I'm living with keep me on my toes. However, sometimes its hard to hold your own with a 51 year old, a 21 year old and a 10 year old when you are the only guy. Most of the time they are kind to me.

I indexed this stuff at one point but I can see the holes tore out and I lost the first page to the index but it shows basic songs about 60 plus in all.

I'd like to share the one that one of my best friends recorded in the middle 70's with his band. My friend is still playing music and touring the country and overseas 30 years later.

This first song: Together Again is about becoming aware of my spirit connections of thousands of years through reincarnation with wonderful friends in the 1970's. I think it was written about 1970. The guitar or piano chords were C,F, and G

Together Again

I feel your love
flow into us
Oh Dear Christ
at last the time has come
when we're together again
Together Again
Together again
Oh Lord, Together
Together Again
Together Again
The Christs are together Again
end first verse:
Now, Now, the time is now
To give your love
Now, Now, the time is now
To give your love to all
Because: above Verse again
Life has waited patiently
to let the Gods awake
Now the Time the Christ has said
The Gods must now awake
We're: Verse above again
Hearts of my heart
Souls of my soul
awaken to what you are
each of us must be the Christ
And live his Mighty Song
We're: one last verse from above

Together again was one that I played with friends at parties in Mt. Shasta and sometimes in Palos Verdes with my friend Anton. Lot's of friendly California Cosmic girls got to know me first through my singing while playing either guitar or piano in those days from 1970 to 1974 when I married and had my son who is now 32.

The next song is called "In '63 God came to me"

It is played in the chords of D,C,and G. I found that playing in three chords had a very healing effect on me and others. My favorite two for trancing were first C,F,and G and also D,C and G. Also, I found that if I really got going when I was playing alone I could trance easier on three chords so when I was done I was having a bhajan type of spiritual effect. In other words I would see God and Angels. However, before anyone tries this it is important to be and feel spiritually safe and to set a good energy field before you do this. It is like making a safe haven so that Angels, God, babies or whatever can feel safe and peaceful.

In '63 God came to me

For so many years I'd watched and waited
Confused by the changes that life kept bringin'
scared to grow up even more scared to die
Looked to religion saw hypocricy everywhere
But in '63 God came to me
When I was about 10 he tried to talk to me
But I was too scared to listen to his voice
His lightning tornadoes that gave me no choice
But in '63 God came to me
His message to me was "Change or Die!"
"The Love that I bring you'd better try!"
"It's the only way for you into the sky!"
In '63 God came to me!
So at 15 I saw it's be one with God or Die!
We're all a part of him, no place to run and hide!
It was time to KNOW(Be with God or die)
So when his lightning tornado come I said, "I am that I am"
And with this came a Power and a Peace I'd never known before
I was bright as the SUN and burning in his heart of Love!
In '63 God came to me!
And as I've grown up I've seen the Terrible Power of God
And How he's changed my life
And How he changes all Life
He's opened many doors for me
Slammed many in my face
Like a stern Grandfather He's damanded much of me
As I've grown older and wiser I've seen he's not so stern at all
I see why he did what he did to me and all the life I've seen
The more I live the more I'm grateful to Grandfather Grandmother God

You can see after living through all this firsthand why I identify with Moses and the old testament prophets because like them God had to threaten me with death before I became his. I guess I'm a warrior and I don't give loyalty easy. I came very close to death before I saw the wisdom fully.

I sang Morning has Broken while accompanying myself on 6 string guitar an hour before I delivered my now 32 year old son at home alone with my first wife. It was her idea. Even though we attended a Lamaze natural childbirth class then in 1974 we were the only ones to have natural childbirth because everyone else but us chickened out. When they found out that we delivered our son alone just the two of us at home they all about fainted.

Since this song is copywrited I decided I better not put Morning has Broken down by Cat Stevens.

Another Song I sang and played on Guitar especially for myself and for friends was Bob Dylan's "If Not For You"

If not for you, babe, I couldn't even find the door;
I couldn't even see the floor
I'd be lost if not for you

If not for you; babe the night would see me wide awake
the day would surely have to break, It would not be new
If not for you
*If not for you my sky would fall
Rain would gather too.
Without your love I'd be nowhere at all
I'd be lost if not for you

If not for for you, the winter would hold not spring
couldn't hear a robin sing---I just wouldn't have a clue
If not for you
to* and end

If I really wanted a girl to know she meant something special to me I would sing "If not for You" for her.

This next song is about rain, snow, water and blood all coming from the natural water cycle. It's called "Empathy"

It's mostly in Aminor and G chords

Ahh green green grass
Ahh green gren fields
that once were me
I gaze upon those green green fields that once were me
that once were me
For now I am a silver cloud caressing all I see
Loving and blessing all I see
My love the earth holds me now and I am her
And I am her
We're giving each godling a place to grow
Into a God
I feel the Sun caress me now and I am him
Father sun sustains his children with Love light energy
Pure sunbeam energy
I am the rain I float to earth upon the wind
Upon the wind (repeat and fade)

1 year later I was playing the first verses I was
inspired to write a little more also in Aminor chords and G chords

Now that I am awake
Now that I see so clear
I see why I daydream create
To manifest light here I must be here
To manifest the Christ I must Be
To do all these things I must be here
I daydream create all day
I night dream transmit all night
So let yourself flow into silence
then manifest all day long
just let yourself flow into silence
and manifest the light forever long

I was just learning to consciously lucid dream at night then and discovered
how lucid dreaming was something one could do during the day too and I began to find how the two interelated. It is now my experience that waking and sleeping are equally real. Your night and day dreams create your life. So if you want a good life generate good day and night dreams. Become the beautiful artist God intended you to be and compassionately design the life you want to live! I have. I am!

The next song I never named but I think it could be called "Higher and Higher I go"

It is in F,G, and C chords

each day I go a bit higher
higher and higher I go
and how it makes me quiver
how it makes me smile
with all this love I have to give now
higher and higher I go
for the key to love's in the givin'
the key to all there is
the key to love's in the givin'
So give your love to life

Another song in a similar vein that I handwrote on the same page

It is in C,F, and G chords

Thank you Lord for giving me this day
For giving me this chance to be Free
Each day a new way, a new way to be
Each day a new way to Be
Time means nothing in this world you've given me
Time means nothing to me
Love is everything in this world you've given me
Love is everything, everything to me

More later. Blessings