Genetically Engineered Civilizations
Originally written in '99 published online monday October 22nd 2001 11:48 am PST USA
The future humans of Earth and others who are entirely genetically engineered wish me to share the following with you. The say, "You, of the 20th and 21st centuries don't undersand how lucky you are. You can still say,
the rocks, my bones
the water, my blood
my breath, the sky
You can also say:
The animals, my brothers and sisters
The trees and plants, my friends.
We, who have been genitically engineered for hundreds and thousands of years can no longer say these things with any real meaning. It is only by travelling hundreds of thousands of years back through time to be with your ancestors that we can even vaguely experience our true connection with all the flora and fauna on earth and our connection with the Earth herself. We come back in time searching for meaning in our lives. We do this in the same we that you go out into nature in your home times to see deer, bear, squirrels, flowers, and trees in the wilderness. We have to come back in time to experience any of these things for there are no longer any of these things in the wild in our times. Though living in our time would be the death of most of you,we have adapted to survival without any wild things. But to find real meaning and what you call God and nature we must travel back in time. From our new perspectives that we obtain from the 20th and 21st centuries we then look back to our own times and see them as meaningless diversions. It is always very difficult for us to return to our home times. But eventually we must go back as we don't belong here in your times.
We have the technological ability to appear to be other things than we are: like a dog, a rock, a car, a blowing piece of paper or even a pelican flying by. In this way we can vicariously watch and experience your reveries with nature. In this way through feeling your thoughts and feelings we can see what we have lost.
We now can live millions of years but we have lost the most important thing about being human: kindredship with the nature of Earth and through that reverie with God. Though your lives are short your oceanic moments with nature and God more than make up for your short short lives.
Sept 1, 2000
The following is Science fiction. To take it seriously is not useful to you. Or is it?
Notice of Time Change
As of September 1st 2000, this notifies all life on earth including the lifeform earth of a major time change. A subconscious poll was taken of all life on earth including the lifeform earth by the powers that be in this galaxy. It was agreed upon by 99% of all life on earth including the lifeform Earth that the third world war would be eliminated from time. The war took place in the 21st century. The result of the war was that North and South America, All of Asia including Japan became uninhabitable by any lifeforms for thousands of years. After the war the British Isles became uninhabitable, at least for anyone who wanted to have children. In the early 7000 AD the seat of world government had arrived at the border of Italy and Switzerland in the vicinity of the Matterhorn. Most people then live above 5000 ft in elevation as wind and storms are too severe below that altitude. In that war over 75% of the world's population perished. Those that remained wished they had died too. As a result of this war and all the strife that followed the Galaxy has decided to stop this war before it starts. Lemurian 1, owner of Earth's time line for 1 1/2 million years and the Galaxy agreed that if the subconscious sample of all life on earth agreed with them above 75% the war would be eliminated from time. Since 99% of all life on earth and the Earth itself agreed there was no obstacle.
This won't entirely eliminate the problems of the 21s century. AIDS and it's spinoffs will eliminate all but 300 to 500 million humans and the majority of flora and fauna on earth will go extinct. However, since there is no one to blame but nature for this it does not create a problem of worldwide revenge as the third world war did.
Sentient computers in the Galactic core see no real problems for humans as they go out and colonize and terraform new worlds to live on. As they meet with earth planetary colonies established before the Great Pyramids they will make peace not war. In this way they will all become strong and able to defend themselves against competing species thousands of years in the future.
New! May 6th, 2000
Soul Travel to the Sun then to the center of this Galaxy
or another Galaxy
You may think this is very strange but in 1970 I found
that for some people travelling to the center of the
Galaxy through the sun portal is as easy as breathing. By
1980 I had overcome the terror that I had experienced when
travelling beyond this Galaxy out into the void. Once I had
learned to cope with what the void was by studying with
Earth masters who knew what the void was I could travel
to other Galaxies as well. So it was a slow evolution like
a tree slowly growing or a flower opening.
Now it is 2000
and I fully understand that time and space are only
relatively real in an experiential way. This means that it
has become effortless to travel anywhere anywhen. The
capacity for this is accomplished slowly through time. Trust
is very important from all life toward one to be allowed to
do this. Ahimsa vows which means taking a vow not to kill any
living thing ever again is necessary for a lifetime of soul
travelling. Part of the reason for this is that species
which are birds, insects or animals on Earth have evolved
into the dominant species on other planets. Since many
planets and dimensions have the capacity to witness every
thought or action you have ever thought or acted out one
must be very careful in ones thoughts and actions to be
allowed loose in a soul free travelling the galaxy. This
becomes even more important when travelling to another Galaxy
because one become a de facto emissary of this galaxy when
one travels to another Galaxy in ones soul. Most Galaxies
protect spiritual pilgrims from harm so if one causes no
harm one is usually protected even in another galaxy.
I would like to digress a moment. Something that I found
very strange when I first started soul travelling was that
at first I visited dimensions where there were alternate
earth type planets. On each of these planets was a Fred like
me. They all looked somewhat like me and were about my age.
However, they could look more oriental or more hairy or
whatever. We were all around the same size: 6'4" but we
all lived in different kinds of civilizations. Some were
farmers like one would see 500 years ago in Asia and lived
in stone huts. When I would visit them they would know me
All would be intuitive as I am and were not very surprised
to see me. All wanted to know what life was like where I
lived. I seemed to be the most technically advance of all
of them. I have never had a satisfactory explanation for
this experience. If any of you have experienced something
like this please email me. Thanks
New 3:41 am January 19 2000
I had a disquieting experience tonight. I went to bed
midnight. Then it seemed like days, weeks or 6 to 8 hours
had passed but it was only 1:30 am. I woke up feeling a
little disoriented and a little scared because it really
didn't feel right. The time space continuum had been severely
altered and I knew it.
Even though everyone is potentially
psychic and intuitively gifted not everyone is forced by life
to develope their gifts. At age 10 I was given a choice.
I was shown by life that I accept my gifts, develope ethics
so that I could bless mankind or that I would be killed by
age 15. So I developed ethics and compassion and lived to
tell the tale. God had no patience or mercy on me. He said,"I
have given you these gifts to help life on Earth. Misuse them
and you die! I don't care if you are still a child. I need
you to grow up now! Ye are Gods, my son. Accept this or die!
I was forced to accept myself as a microcosmic God, an
emissary of God. I was terrified in a way in which I'd only
read about in the Bible. When you are called by God you come
or you die. I hated God, at first for putting me through
this torture between age 10 and 15. Finally at 15 in the
midst of pure terror I invoked myself as a microcosmic God
in God's image as he wished. I feared God at first, knowing
one mistep and I was dead. I felt I had a tiger by the tail
and if I ever let go the other end would eat me and I would
die. I had the tiger by the tail until about age 30-32. At
this point I met a Tibetan Lama.
As I walked into the room
I looked at him. For the first time in my life I was put in
two places at once by someone else as natural as breathing.
I was no longer afraid of the tiger. I had found balance
and non-duality. I would never really be afraid of anything
again. It became possible to travel to other Galaxies besides
this one then. I understood. I didn't need to be afraid of
my gifts anymore. I was home.
This was 20 years ago. This brings me back to tonight. I
knew I had been soul travelling when I woke at 1:30 am pst.
I also knew the Earth time space continuum had been seriously
altered. Whether it is just my personal time space or the
time space of the whole planet I'm not sure. I only know
serious changes have occured.
Please forgive me if I repeat
myself sometimes throughout my writings. It is because many
times I have no memory of what I've written. When one
accesses or lives from ones intuition in a right mindful way
long and short term memory is bypassed. It is like living
directly from ones subconscious. Logic and rationality are
useful within only one field of reference whereas intuition
and subconscious when approached with balance compassion and
right mindful wisdom are useful in all time and space and
within all reference fields. So I begin by referencing all
time space and consciousness in an intuitive way and only
engage logic and reason when I find a context in which it has
relevance. In this way I am capable of not freaking out when
I meet beings and civilizations of other places and times and
dimensions and galaxies. If I only relied on logic and reason
I would have died thousands of times already in this life.
Many times when a Christ like or Buddha like being is
described they are decribed as totally intuitive and
compassionate. In other words they are a living God or
Primordial Buddha manifest in flesh. This does not prevent
Perfect pragmatism or wisdom. It just presents the wisdom
and compassion in a completely overwheming and amazing way!
Depending on the disposition of the human witness it creates
extreme love or extreme hate in the witness depending on
their diposition. Change or rebirth happens to all in the
presence of such a being. For some
it is pleasant for some it is not.
Although I can remember several million years back on earth
I also remember living on other planets. Especially 6 million
to 10 million years ago. Before that I remember forms as both
Hominid and non-Hominid as well as corporeal and non
corporeal forms. However, there are no useful reference
points to describe most of this to you or even properly to
myself. I just know it's there. It is most useful to me in
knowing that this lifetime is but a day in the life of my
soul. I often remind myself of this if my life seems
difficult at times.
What would be more relevant to you
would be my memories starting with the time of Christ. I was
a roman soldier at the time of the crucifiction of Jesus.
This experience turned me toward Christianity. Then I was
reborn and became a Christian soldier fighting moslems. Then
I was killed and became a Moslem soldier fighting Christians.
I went back and forth between christian and Moslem for
several lifetimes
before God got me to give up being a soldier and
fighting for any reason.
By the year 1000 to 1100 I had
had enough of being a soldier. When I met St Francis and
became a Catholic Franciscan monk I renounced fighting.When
I passed on I was reborn in Tibet and met Mila Repa. St
Francis and Mila Repa both moved me permanently toward non
violence and ahimsa(Harmlessness toward all living beings in
the universe)St Francis and Mila Repa became my heroes and
living teachers in each of those two lifetimes and changed
the course of the last 1000 years just as seeing Jesus Cruci-
fied changed the last 2000 years of my lives. So that my
lives have been dedicated to helping end the suffering of
all beings for about 1000 years now. Non-violence and ahimsa
are the living result.
Flying in the 1870's
I was born in that lifetime around 1850 in the Himalayas of
what is now Nepal. In that lifetime I was the son of an
accomplished Tibetan Lama. My uncle was a Bon Po priest
which sparked many lively family debates. My mother was a
Tara devotee and prayed at least 3 hours daily all her adult
life. I was recognized as a reincarnated yogi and so was
trained from a young age. In my late teens I was doing cave
meditations and retreats of three months or more at above
9000 ft in elevation in the Himalayas as Mila Repa was still
my hero in this life.
In my twenties I decided to learn to
fly like Mila Repa. After I was initiated by someone from his
lineage I diligently did his flying meditation and pujas for
over 3 years so that I could fly at will.
I remember
clearly the moonlit spring night I first flew over the
himalayas. It was over Taki Gyan and Shermontang in the
Helambu District of what is now Nepal. I remember feeling
the exhileration of my rotting robes flapping in the breeze
along with my ratted long hair after months of solitary
meditation in a sacred cave. I learned quickly to fly at
night unseen as some peasants were difficult to resusitate
after they fainted if I flew during the day when they could
see me.I travelled at night all over India and Nepal and
Tibet as well as into China this way until about 1930. I
met thousands of Students and devotees in this way. I knew
toward the end of this life that I would next live a short
life in Japan and then I would be born in the Northwestern
United States. So I prepared my soul for the traumatic events
to come. I diligently prepared for my coming lives on earth
for I did not know when I would be able to have such amazing
teachers or students again.
NEW DECEMBER 22nd 1999
L1-The Legend of Maldek
The following is a slightly
fictionalized past life memory. It is only fictionalized to
protect certain elements of the time space continuum that
we now live in in the 20th and 21st centuries.
This took place about 4,000,000 years ago.
L1,(Living one) time traveler and protector of the
Constellation of
Hercules was summoned by President Rayin of the Federated
Planets of Hercules to go to Earth in the Solar system of the
outer rim of the Galaxy. Emergency! the planet Maldek-5th
planet from the sun had turned into an asteroid belt. There
are several thousand survivors-- mainly wives and children
of the World leaders of Maldek who saw the end coming and
that nuclear war was inevitable. Their emergency transponders
are calling for help from their escape pods. go quickly for
only we have the right time altering device to get there on
time. L1 answered, "Mr. President I will go immediately. It
will take one week to get there but I will go immediately.
It will take a week to get there but I can throw a time
stasis on the survivors so the won't needlessly suffer."
The President said, "Do it quickly L1" "Done, Mr. President."
"Please offer my condolences and my grief at the loss of the
civilization and culture of the people of Maldek and to the
widow of the President of Maldek.", said the President. "I
will bear your condolences with honor, Mr. President." "As
L1 floated to his time-space ship-lifeform he thought to
himself,"It's too bad we have a treaty with Maldek that
prevents me to stop the nuclear war through time travel
before it started. The universe is a very strange place
indeed! What's done is done then.
When L1 reached the
vicinity of Maldek he found the survivors 5 or 10 to each
escape life-pod. They were all in a state of profound shock
Their planet had been destroyed and now they were being
rescued by a non humanoid alien that looked like a nine foot
tall purple octopus that talked mind to mind but didn't speak
Just the mind talk unhinged some of the adults further.
Although children were comforted by the mind talk. L1's
experience was the most horrifying of any lifetime he could
remember in his past or future. The death of a world civili-
zation held horrors he had never witnessed firsthand. this
experience scarred his soul for millions of years to come.
Though he could compartmentalize the problem it never left
The mothers and the children requested that since
Earth had an atmosphere they could breathe would the Galactic
Federation please modify Earth slightly so that what was
left of Maldeks mankind could survive there? The survivors
of Maldek chose Earth because Mar's atmosphere had been
mostly blown off by the nuclear shock wave from Maldek and
had killed most of the inhabitants there. Any left would
certainly kill any of Maldeks survivors if they went there.
All the large dinosaurs had been killed by the shockwave
that hit Earth from the nuclear explosion on Maldek. Maldek
fragmented into thousands of pieces that traveled in all
directions. Some pieces of Maldek eventually left the solar
system and are still travelling in our galaxy. Many large
pieces of Maldek impacted Earth over the next 25 years.
Because the large dinosaurs were to big to hide in caves
and crevices they did not survive the major impacts. The
Galactic Federation decided that the survivors of Maldek
would be safe enough to live on Earth. Mar's and Maldeks
space amardas had been rendered useless by the nuclear
shockwave.No one would bother the survivors of Maldek
on Earth. As punishment for the damage to the Galaxy done
by Maldeks nuclear war the Maldek survivors were to be
isolated there for a long time until there was no memory
of Maldek left.
Earth's axis shifted to create the
four seasons we now experience but at least our atmosphere
wasn't completely blown of our planet like what happened to
most of Mar's atmosphere.L1 was given permission to alter
earth so that mankind would wurvive and prosper for millions
of years to come. L1 programmed the rocks of several mountain
ranges of earth with a consciousness formula for preventing
an Earth destroying nuclear war from ever happenning. Though
L1 has now gone to other times, places and bodies Zhe his
sentient ship still flits though the time space continuum of
the solar system as a permanent block to a planet destroying
nuclear war. She is still authorized and funded by the
Galactic Federation 4,000,000 years later!
Whether one studies the
technology of the spirit or the technology of material
things the discipline and focus and level headedness
necessary to survive either or both technologies is the same.
And unless one is kind and compassionate towards life it is
all meaningless anyway!For whatever you do towards any part
of life in any time you do to yourself!
Prolog: The following is something very
dear to me. I have worked on it off and on since 1980. The
main charactors are Elohar- a court mystic and seer for the
royal government of that time and General Ragna who oversees
the protection of his civilization and time through the manipulation of time.
The story begins between: 3 and 10,000 years in our future. The place: Earth.
End of Prolog
From the halls of Pegasus she came, bringing with her
visions of the past and future. She found it hardest
to live in the now. Elohar we called her which meant
One in tune with the hearts of the Gods. The ancient
Greeks had one like her that they called the Oracle
of Delphi. And now life has brought her to us as we
have need of one like her again.
I am Ragna, Royal Time traveller and General to our Emperor
Happily for me, Rai Ernon, my lord and Emporer directed me
to work with Elohar to keep our land's material and spiritual
interests intact from the distant past through the distant
Our segment of time that we control and observe
is approximately 10,000 years long. There is a block
in time that we cannot pass approximately 5000 years
before Christ and another at 5000 AD.
On our first day working together, Elohar after the
usual social amenities said, "What's that you're thinking
Ragna?" I said,"I'm just musing to myself about the
different cultural views people have in different
countries and time periods." Elohar thought a moment
and then replied, "I wonder if all people's views of
of reality would be so different if they all saw
reality as I do. In my world the past, the present
and the future is one experience ever changing yet
ever the same." This thought startled me as one is
startled by a precocious child saying something profound
and unexpected. I said, "I wish I had your vision
as an oracle and you had my experience in time travel.
Better yet, if both of our life experiences were combined
into one being we might have something really profound
to say if anyone cared to listen."
Elohar laughed and said, " You may think it funny but
in a past time we shared a body with a host soul for
about 40 years during it's life. From 1965 to 2005
we shared his body with him." "How can this be?" I said.
She looked deep into my eyes for awhile and then said,"Ragna, you are a technician and no one is better that you in protecting the King's time but you are not yet a seer like me. I see the past, present and the future both before and after you have changed it by time travel. The king created our association so that less lives would be harmed by military changes made necessary to protect our time and government.
Meeting and associating with our son from a past life will enable you to become a seer like me as well as an even better military strategist and time technician. For he was both a seer like me and a technician like you.
Ragna turned ashen and said,"Your process is difficult for me to cope with. If I wasn't untder orders I wouldn't put up with this."
I understand Ragna." Elohar murmured in compassion. Ragna continued, "I am a trained strategist and capable of up to 1000 entries into the same 5 minute period of time without any confusion. However, being a good strategist does not prepare me for us being married in a past time with a son. Though all this may be true it is also disorienting and will take some time to get used to."
"I completely understand." said Elohar, "If it wasn't necessary for us all I wouldn't press the issue."
"Necessary?" I said. Then Elohar continued in answer. "I have the ability to intuit the best interests of all sentience on the planet at once. It is in all life on Earth's best interests that you and I and Earth reach an understanding now!
Ragna was visibly shaken by all the implications of this.
"If I were to explain my religion it would be pragmatic
agnosticism." said Ragna defensively.
"It is
specifically because of your philosophy that I am
here." Elohar interjected."You are here to change me
fundamentally. I am not sure I will allow that to happen."
"I am not a fool but rather a scientist like you first,
Ragna." "Yes, that is what our King has said." quiped
Ragna. "Since your orders are to listen to me and be
trained by me then listen to me as a scientist!"
implored Elohar.
"Agreed, Ragna said in an uneasy
voice but scientific exploration of the King's wishes
did make sense.
"Ragna, I would like us to go now
to your timeship and travel in 1986 to Rewalsar, India
It is also called Tsopema in Tibetan. In February our
son Jonathan and his family are staying at a Tibetan
Buddhist monastery in Rewalsar, in Himchal Pradesh,
India in the Himalyas around 5 thousand feet in elevation."
Ragna interrupted, "Fine, but to maintain security we
must be duplicated by time manipulation. We won't
activate the bodies but we'll keep the extra bodies
in time stasis to be used in case we don't return.
This will maintain our dna and memories for the king
to reactivate if there is a mishap with the bodies
we presently wear."
"Security must come first, I guess."
She secretly was a little nauseous at the idea. She
did not like technology much. She always saw it as
a necessary but unfortunate thing. Part of my difficulty
with her was that I was basicly a technophile and she
a technophobe. And conversely I was a pragmatic agnostic
and she embraced all religions and philosophies that
helped life evolve into something better and greater
than it was before. Wisdom and kindness were her two
closest friends. Looking back now I see that she taught me
more important things than anyone else in that lifetime.
Looking back on those first moments now I have to
laugh at myself. But then I was very angry. I was
angry at being put in this position by the King
and I was angry to be the forced pupil of a very
frightening psychic and seer. My only weapon against
her was my technology and my steel trap mind. However,
life would prove us both utterly defensless to each
other's skills. For "one cannot effectively defend against
that which one doesn't understand!"
When she ordered me to take her to the year 2005 and then to 1986 just like our King orders me I was so insensed I felt like I was going to blow up in anger because of this outrageous experience. After all I was genereal Ragna, the head of my world and my nation's security. I answered to no one but the King himself. However, since Elohar had been ordered by the king to train me I had no choice but to obey. She might give me the destination but I was still General Ragna and Captain of King-5, the Awesome, the king's fastest and invulnerable time ship in the King's secret flotilla of time ships.
Fear was etched in Ragna's face bordering on revealing his anger. However, he knew he loved this woman. He also knew that whatever he thought or felt she would know also. His experience of her was overwhelming and confusing. He hoped her abilities wouldn't compromise national time security.
What if he really did become a seer like Elohar? Would that also compromise national time security? Experience would teach them. If he didn't trust the king and his instincts all could be lost. But what if the king was wrong to put his faith in Elohar?
Hopefully what they experienced and the order in which they experienced it would help them and teach them what they desperately needed to know. The fate of their whole civilization as well as the fate of any civilization they connected with through time could hang in the balance. Ragna prayed quietly in his mind even though an agnostic, "If there is a God please help our gracious king and Elohar and I do right by all the beings we contact." Ragna pleaded. He then promised himself to have a conversation about all this with one of his replacement bodies before he reintegrated them with himself. But for now the King's wishes must come first.
As they began their walk through the Palace of Time Elohar realized how important Ragna and she were to the past, present and future. She did not really approve of time travel for military purposes. But if she could in some way lessen the suffering of others she would feel justified. Ragna offered his and she took it.
As they walked through the royal corridors the guards and officials regarded them with respect and awe as befitted their stations at court. General Ragna was the most respected military man in the world and Elohar was an awesome presence in her own right.
As they reached the time pad, which looked and will look similar to a helicopter landing pad on top of a skyscraper, Elohar noticed and electrical field surrounding it. The electrical Corona was uncomfortable to her keen senses. She said, "Ragna, these electrical fields make me feel faint."
Ragna gave her patient but understanding looks and said "It's okay, my DNA print will unlock this within ten seconds. It enabled them to walk through without dying.
"I'm sorry for the invonvenience but the security of everything we hold sacred is at stake here."
Ragna thought about all the checks and balances that had been developed to protect all life on earth since their ancient human ancestors first developed electical technology in the 19th 20th and 21st centuries.
Ragna said out loud," We have a lot to thank our ancestors for. As a result of their mistakes and experiments we live very good lives."
"I think I understand." said Elohar." But she did not feel well. At that moment she also appreciated Ragna's sturdy constitution and physical makeup. She finally had to accept the fact that she could not have done this alone. She also understood General Ragna's insensitivities better and why they were absolutely necessary in hiw job as time protector.
Finally they were inside the time field on September 18th 7028.
More to come of Elohar and Ragna oct 2001 MORE TO COME OF ELOHAR AND RAGNA <
In October 1999 I travelled to Europe with some of my family
We rented a motorhome and travelled through
Germany,Austria, Switzerland, Italy and before that Scotland
and England. Since I'm half Scot and my name is Swiss-German
I and my relatives were looking into our ancestors and
lineage. While travelling in Northern Italy I found at about
5000 feet in elevation the location of Elohar and Ragna's
Time Palace. I found it intuitively one night just 2 days
before we flew back to London. You may have thought Elohar
and Ragna were entirely fictional. Though I have no physical
proof I believe just the opposite is true. Most of Elohar
and Ragna is true. Most of what is fictionalized is to
protect the era that you and I live in and Elohar and
Ragna's era from harm. I saw Elohar get out of a motorhome
in Aoste, Italy last October. She was dressed in todays
clothes. I am not asking you to believe me I just feel I owe
you this truth!
Today I received a transmission from September 18th 7028.
My best guess is that it is from Elohar. The easiest way to
reach her is if you are proficient in time soul travel. The
easiest way for some of you who live in Europe would be to
visit the Italian side of the Matterhorn. From this location
the Time Palace will be visible in that time. If time travel
technologies are used in this venture please know that no
weapons from the 20th or 21st centuries will pass through to
that time. Only human bodies and communication devices will
pass through.
For those using soul travel:
Know that you will reach that date and location with Elohar.
Depending on what time of day you visit you could be present
for Elohar and Ragna's initial conversation or actually see
the Awesome disapear from real timespace on it's journey to
the 21st and 20th centuries. If you are really good you may
accompany them back through time to Lemuria. If you are an
emissary of a present day earth government that could be a
very wise idea in order to forge alliances and agreements
with the Lemurian Government. However, remember they
consider us all their children. They will not take sides.
They are interested in the long term survival of the human
race. Whatever helps all species on earth survive and evolve
they are interested in. Whatever doesn't they won't support.
New! May 8th 2000
Encriptions: Planet to planet, dimension to planet and
Galaxy to Galaxy
You may be the recipient of one or more encripted messages.
Since I became a regular soul Traveller within this Galaxy
as well as a messenger to other Galaxies for this galaxy
over 30 years ago I
have been given unlimited protection. I work to benefit all
life everywhere. I have no personal way of knowing what is conveyed or said. I only know the encryptions exist.
Any messages would be beneficent and not harmful to anyone.
The purpose of these messages is to preserve life in the
bodies and minds of beings important to Earth and beyond.
The messages would be how to prevent harm to yourself and
your families and friends. Many of your lives are vital to
the survival of life on Earth and beyond.
The types of encriptions are word, thought, and picture. They
may be one, two or all three at once depending on your
personal communications structure in your thoughts and
feelings. Since the messages can be from the past, present,
or the future it is very likely that the message is from
a being who has already seen what happens in your life and
knows the potential moments of illness or death in your
The normal way that you would receive your code or codes
would be as you are waking up in the morning. It would
come in your dreams or early thoughts. You would know what
to do at this point. Be at peace about all this as finding
your code will always be effortless like breathing. There
might be other ways your codes will come but the above is
the primary way.